4th KELI Become A Confident English Speaker SV 7963
4th KELI Become A Confident English Speaker SV 7963
4th KELI Become A Confident English Speaker SV 7963
3. Watch the video again (with sound) and check if you were right.
4. Look at the sentences from the video and think what words are missing.
Then, watch the video again and complete the gaps with one word in each.
• What other language did the people in the video speak? Did you understand
6. Read the information about different ways to speak English outside the
classroom and say whether you have ever tried anything similar.
profile and find your perfect speaking pal! You can have your first
Speaking Pal online meeting today!
Do it in English!
2. Sit at one of the tables to speak about what interests you. Choose from:
Travelling Table, Film Table, News Table or Career Table.
3. People who are sitting at a Speaking Table can only speak English!
7. Look at the words in bold in ex. 6 and match them with the explanations
9. Complete the gaps with the words in the box to see how some students
practise English outside the classroom.
10. Look at the things in ex. 9 again and discuss the questions.
• Do you do any of these things? If so, give some details.
• Would you like to try some of them? Why/Why not?
• Which of the ideas are a good way to:
o improve your writing?
o improve your pronunciation? o improve your grammar? o learn new
vocabulary? o revise vocabulary?