Kurt Lewin was a brilliant psychologist who left Nazi Germany and migrated to the
United States. Cornell University and Stanford vied to have him on their faculty, but he
settled in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he became a professor and
director of the Research Center for Group Dynamics until his death in 1947.
Lewin was a person with broad humanitarian sympathies and attempted to redress some of
humanities problems by undertaking a type of investigation known as “action research”
which aims at changing social conditions. Lewin’s work also earned him the distinction of
being called the founder of “group dynamics”.
The theory also defines FIELD as the TOTALITY of coexisting facts that are conceived as
mutually interdependent. At any moment of life, a person stands within such a field. Their
behavior at a specific moment will be a function of the interaction between their person
and the environment. As Lewin puts it, B = f(P, E).
Environment consists of the objective reality that surrounds a person. It impinges on the
person and may or may not evoke responses from them. Understood this way, Lewin now
calls “environment” as the “objective environment”.
When the objective environment, however, does evoke a response from the person, the
objective reality becomes part of the person’s subjective reality or psychological
At the moment the person enters into dynamic interaction with the environment, the
environment becomes part of her subjective reality, or her LIFE SPACE, which Lewin
calls her FIELD. To understand a person fully, one must observe how she manifests her
beliefs, values and attitudes in dynamic interaction with the environment.
The continuing interaction WITHIN a person as she operates in her life space, and her
dynamic interaction with her environment, may be further illustrated by the TENSION
SYSTEM, a concept that played a central role in Lewin’s Theory.
In Lewin’s construct, any element within the psychological environment that relieves the
tension is called the OBJECT. An object can be a goal, an activity, or a concrete object (e.g.
winning in sports, sleeping, or a candy bar).
A hungry child for example, will be attracted to a piece of chocolate within her
environment, for it can satisfy her need.
VALENCE is the quality in an object that makes the object of special interest to the
individual. This can either be positive or negative.
If the quality renders the object attractive to the individual, it is said to have a POSITIVE
VALENCE. A positive valence effects APPROACH BAHAVIOR; a negative valence
If there is constant frustration from trying to acquire the object with positive valence
occurs, the object now acquires a negative valence. The negative valence now acts as a
restraining force pushing one away from the object or goal. Too much frustration may lead
one to avoid and ignore the “object”, thus they have been said to have “left the field”.
Lewin conceived of the adults LIFE SPACE as composed of three major regions, with each
further divided into sub-regions:
• Home Life
• Professional Life
• Social Life
All these regions and sub regions are in constant and dynamic interaction with one another.
This results in a number of tensions created by unattained goals and unfulfilled intentions.
There will be times in a person's life when tensions are many and strong. At other times
tensions will be few and of little intensity.
The individual does not live only within themselves, within their own life space, they are
in constant interaction with the external environment. A major component of this external
environment are other individuals and groups of individuals, all with their own life space.
Elements in the interaction can either be perceived as threatening or accepting and, either
way, tension can grow in the subject.
The more RIGID her position toward what she perceives as threatening, the more tense she
becomes. Tensions can reach an explosive level, and at this point the release of tension is
often accompanied by aggressive behavior.
On the other hand, one who LESS RIGIDLY responds to pressures from her environment
is less tense and, therefore, more apt to manifest accepting behavior.
Valence and Tension play significant roles in the study of Group Dynamics. For example,
group acceptance may be a positive valence and group disapproval may be a negative
valence. If the group shows characteristics attractive to an individual, it elicits an approach
behavior, while if the group behaves threateningly, avoidance behavior may be elicited.
Adult learners come from all levels and sectors of society. They bring along a wealth of
experience, knowledge and skills when they enter a session. They are armed with their
own beliefs, values and convictions. They have their own perceptions, biases, and feelings.
As such, the adult learner is the richest resource in the learning process.
1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the
learner. No one directly teaches anyone anything of significance.
2. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and relevance of ideas.
3. Learning (behavioral change) is the consequence of experience.
4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.
5. Learning is an evolutionary process.
6. Learning is sometimes a painful process.
7. One of the richest resources for learning is the learner himself.
8. The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual. People must come
before purpose.
9. The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and individual.
Kolb proposed that experience was critical in the development of knowledge construction,
as learning occurs through discovery and active participation.
Kolb defined learning as “the process whereby knowledge is created through the
transformation of experience” (Kolb, 1984)
The illustration above shows the relationship between the types of learners and the specific
stage in the cycle. As such, concrete experiencers enjoy the experiencing stage, the
reflective observers may be pleased with the processing stage, and so forth.
The learning cycle cannot be abridged just because an individual prefers one particular
approach to learning. For learning to be effective and lasting, the learning cycle must be
3. Clarification – gives opportunity for the students to ask questions after the lectures.
Public lectures are usually followed by an open forum.
4. Application – aims to improve skills and/or change attitudes through actual practice
of what has been taught, in the performance of some task. Improved skills and
change of behavior are expected to be attained.
Applying Lewin’s Field Theory, University Associates founders, Pfeiffer and Jones,
developed the use of structured experiences. The creative use of structured experiences
contributed significantly to making the inductive method an exciting form of learning.
Pfeiffer states that “Learning can be defined as a relatively stable change in behavior and
that is the usual purpose of training. A structured experience provides a framework in which
the inductive process can be facilitated. The steps follow those of a theoretical cycle”.
The experiential learning cycle described and illustrated below was adapted from Jones
and Pfeiffer (1980) with clarification based on current practices and terminologies used in
the Philippines.
• The facilitator sets the mood with encouraging words and eases the participants
into the activity. This builds trust among the participants.
• The activity is contextualized within the learning objectives and linked to the total
• An “icebreaker” maybe used at this point but should be carefully selected to suit
the participants.
• The facilitator prepares the instructions and sees to it that they are clearly heard,
understood, and carried out by the participants.
• This step is often associated with games or fun. If the process stops here, then all
learning is left to chance and the cycle is not completed.
• Any activity that involves self-assessment or interpersonal interaction can be used
here. The activities can be carried out individually, in dyads or triads, small groups
or group-on-group arrangements or large groups.
• The learning objectives will dictate both the activity and the appropriate groupings.
• The final stage of the SLE and the purpose for which the whole SLE is designed.
• Facilitator helps participants apply generalizations to actual life situations in which
they are involved in outside of the sessions. Ignoring this will jeopardize the
usefulness of the learning.
• Attention must be given to designing ways for participants to use their learning
generated during the SLE to plan more effective behavior in their daily life.
• Individuals are more likely to implement their planned application if they share it
with others. Volunteers may be asked to report what they intend to do with their
The STRUCTRED LEARNING EXPERIENCE (SLE) outline and specific guidelines for
running SLE’s are presented below.
D. Data Gathering
i. Asking process questions – refer to SKA objectives.
ii. Grouping
iii. Publishing Data
1. Writing on board
2. Gallery viewing
3. Sharing
E. Synthesis
i. Summarizing data
ii. Conceptualizing, generalizing, linking to a theory when/if applicable
– by facilitator of the group.
B. Orientation
1. Come before the scheduled time and settle yourselves.
2. Introduce yourselves to the participants and settle them down.
Handle overt negative or resistant behavior none defensively. Give
reassurances and encouraging words to allay anxieties.
3. Use an ice breaker or energizer as needed at this point, carefully
select one appropriate to the profile of participants.
4. Introduce the SLE by putting it in the context of participants learning
objectives. Link the first SLE through the conceptual framework of
the total program and to the previous session.
C. Instructions
1. See to it that the instructions are clearly heard and understood by
participants. Rehearse prior to session in order to ensure clarity of
2. At the start call the attention of participants by saying, “May I have
your attention please”. Wait for silence. It is useless to shout over the
heads of a noisy group.
3. Instructions should be well thought of, clearly worded, simple, and
4. Have a common frame of reference to avoid misinterpretations of
5. Only one person should give instructions at any one time.
6. Aside from giving instructions verbally, write them on the board.
7. Give general instructions before groupings. Give follow-up
instructions given in small groups if necessary.
8. If an SLE is complicated, stagger giving of instructions according to
progress of activities.
9. While giving out instructions, be sensitive to nonverbal reactions of
10. Check clarity of instructions with participants.
11. Avoid giving, repeating, or clarifying instructions while an SLE is
going on.
D. Activity Proper or EXPERIENCING
1. Mill around to be available to participants. Be strategically
positioned to observe group process and/or facilitate small group
interaction, and to see if instructions are being followed.
2. Take note of observations in behavior of groups.
3. Monitor time closely.
4. Observe guidelines set but allow for flexibility of time, especially if
the group is large.
5. Remind participants of the time 5 minutes before the activity is set to
end, asking them how much more time they will need if it appears
they cannot finish the activity in time.
E. Data Gathering
1. Ask the prepared process questions verbally or write this on the
2. Give the participants enough time and freedom to express
themselves. Don't interrupt participants while they are expressing
3. Check out for similar feelings among participants.
4. Record accurately participants responses.
5. Check out with process observers’ important points not brought out
by participants.
6. Avoid collecting data for the sake of data gathering.
7. Share or publish data in dyads, triads, small groups, or large groups,
write on the board as appropriate to the activity.
G. Integration
1. Ask the participants to list outstanding insights and learnings gained
from the whole experience.
2. Ask them to formulate individual action plans on how to apply
learnings in institutions, at home, at work, and society.
3. Share learnings in the small groups or with the big group.
H. Closing Remarks
1. make some brief closing remarks, maximum of three minutes. For
example, share one of your own personal insights as a facilitator, or
one outstanding positive observation about the group, and give a
preview of the next activity. If this is the last session of the day for
the whole program have the group participate in a brief closing
activity using all or a combination of the above.
A. Stages of Implementation
1. Orientation
2. Instructions
3. Activity proper
4. Data gathering
5. Synthesis
6. Integration
7. Appropriateness of the choice of SLE to the SKA.
8. Pertinence or relevance of process questions to the SKA.
B. Teamwork
1. Clarity of the SLE’s objectives to all facilitators.
2. Clear definition of the roles and functions of each facilitator.
3. Consultation, when possible, with co-facilitators on any change in
the activity.
4. Trust and confidence in co-facilitators.
5. Support for one another.
6. Presentation of different perceptions and opinions about the sessions.
7. Sensitivity to co-facilitators needs.
8. Acceptance of one another's strengths and weaknesses.
9. Intervention at the proper time, as when the issue is still on focus.
10. Close monitoring of activities and sharpening of POA skills.
C. Floor Management
1. Place teaching materials and supplies where they are accessible to
the lead facilitator.
2. Prepare chalkboard for data gathering. Leave a chalkboard free for
additional instructions. Plan the board work. Data on the board must
be written legibly and visibly and be systematically arranged.
3. Maintain eye contact, walk around, refer to participants by their first
4. Make direct references to what participants have shared orally or in
writing. Paraphrase or summarize contributions to ensure clarity of
5. Speak clearly with a modulated voice. Use a microphone or a public
address system if you have a soft voice or if the room is large.
6. As co-facilitators, position yourselves so that you are able to assist in
data gathering and to contribute to the lead facilitators’ tasks. You
may for instance begin your comments with “Another way of
looking at it…” or “My own experiences have been…”
7. Recognize the different stages of the learning cycle and see to it that
the cycle is completed.
8. Be conscious of the time but do not rush. One SLE that is well
processed is worth more than two SLE's that are completed
9. Be flexible in implementing the training design. Consider the
capacity, readiness, taste, and level of physical energy of
• Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity
• Is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and
recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior.
• Members have the right to receive basic information before joining a group and
they have a right to expect certain other information during the course of the
• Participants are likely more cooperative and active once properly informed.
1. A clear statement regarding the purpose of the group.
2. A description of the group format procedures and ground rules.
3. An initial interview to determine whether this particular group with this particular
leader is at this time appropriate to their needs.
4. An opportunity to seek information about the group to pose questions and to
explore concerns.
5. A discussion of the ways the group process may or may not be congruent with
cultural belief and values of members.
6. A statement describing the education, training, and qualifications of the group
7. Information concerning fees and expenses, information about length of group,
frequency and duration of meetings, group goals and techniques being employed.
8. Information about the psychological risks involved in group participation.
9. Knowledge of the circumstances in which confidentiality must be broken because
of legal, ethical or professional reasons.
10. Clarification of what services can and cannot be provided within the group.
11. Help from the group leader in developing personal goals.
12. A clear understanding of the division of responsibility between the leader and the
13. A discussion of the rights and responsibilities of group members.
• As a leader you are required to keep confidences of group members, but you have
the added responsibility of impressing on the members the necessity of them
maintaining the confidential nature of whatever is revealed to and in the group.
✓ Counselors are legally required to report client’s threats to harm themselves or
others (Duty to Warn). This requirement also covers cases of child abuse or
neglect, incest or child molestation, clients who exhibit bizarre behavior.
✓ Confidentiality with Minors – in groups for children in a school setting, CARE
needs to be exerted to ensure that what goes on within the group is not a subject
for discussion in class or in the playground.
1. Group leaders should acquire the knowledge and skills they need to effectively
work with the diverse range of members in their group.
2. Group leaders are aware of how their cultural background, attitudes, values,
beliefs and biases influence their work and they make efforts to correct any
prejudices they may have.
3. Group leaders acknowledge that ethnicity and culture influence behavior.
4. Group leaders respect the roles of family and community hierarchies within a
client’s culture.
5. Group leaders consider the impact of adverse social, environmental and political
factors in assessing problems and designing interventions.
6. Group leaders respect the members religious and spiritual beliefs and values.
7. Group leaders make efforts to eliminate biases, prejudices, and discriminatory
✓ Being able to open and close a group session.
✓ Engaging in appropriate self-disclosure in the group.
✓ Giving and receiving feedback.
✓ Helping members attribute meaning to their experiences in the group.
✓ Helping them integrate and apply their learning.
✓ Demonstrating the ability to apply ethical standards in group practice.
The forces at work in a therapeutic group are powerful. They can be constructive,
bringing about positive change, but their unleashing always entails some risk. It is
unrealistic to expect that a group will not involve risk. Explaining both the potential
benefits and the risks of group therapy is an essential part of the informed consent
process (Fallon, 2006). It is the ethical responsibility of the group leader to ensure that
prospective group members are aware of the potential risks and to take every precaution
against them and to consider ways of reducing potential risks.
Group leaders must have a broad and deep understanding of the forces that operate in
groups and how to mobilize those forces in an ethical fashion. Unless leaders exert
caution, members not only may miss the benefits of a group but also could be
psychologically harmed by it. Ways of reducing these risks include knowing members’
limits, respecting their requests, developing an invitational style as opposed to a pushy or
dictatorial style, avoiding assaultive verbal confrontations, describing behavior rather
than making judgments, and presenting hunches in a tentative way rather than forcing
interpretations on members. These risks should be discussed with the participants during
the initial session.
After an intense group experience, participants may be inclined to make rash decisions
that affect not only their own lives but also the lives of members of their families. It is not
the leader’s responsibility to stand in the way of members’ decisions, but the leader is
responsible for cautioning members against acting prematurely without carefully
considering potential consequences. It is also a good practice to caution members who
have done significant cathartic work to refrain from leaving a session and saying in
person everything they may have symbolically said to a significant other in a therapeutic
A somewhat different risk involved in group work is the reality that members can misuse
the purpose of a group. Below are some other issues and possible risks involving groups:
1. Misuse of power is a significant risk factor. Group leaders can do a great deal
toward preventing damaging group experiences. Smokowski, Rose, and Bacallao
(2001) remind us that group leaders have a great deal of power, prestige, and status
within their groups; however, “many leaders are not able to responsibly manage,
or even recognize, their power and influence” (p. 228). It can be intoxicating to be
such a powerful part of the healing and personal development of members. On the
other hand, group therapists also have legitimate power by virtue of their
leadership expertise and specialized knowledge and skills. Ideally, group leaders
will use their power to empower the members of their groups by helping them to
discover their inner resources and capacities. This power is used to the members’
good, and it can be shared. This is what collaborative relationships are about.
2. Asserts that if a person is to be understood, they must be seen in the light of their
subjective reality, not merely in terms of the objective reality.
a. Valence
b. Field Theory
c. Transition
d. Tension
7. If the object is perceived to be something that can relieve tension, the object is said
to have ___________ valence.
a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Neutral
d. Frustrating
8. Which of the following is true about adult learning according to Pine and Horn?
a. Learning is an experience which occurs outside the learner and is activated
by the learner.
b. Learning is the discovery of the impersonal meaning and relevance of
c. Behavioral change is the consequence of experience.
d. Learning is on an individual level.
11. What is the correct sequence of Kolb’s Four Stage Learning Cycle?
a. Experiencing, Applying, Generalizing, Processing
b. Experiencing, Processing, Generalizing, Applying
c. Processing, Generalizing, Applying, Experiencing
d. Applying, Experiencing, Processing, Generalizing
12. The stage in the Adult Learning Cycle where old behaviors is modified or new
behaviors are tested and practiced in everyday situations.
a. Experiencing
b. Processing
c. Applying
d. Generalizing
13. On a Stress Management session, the group is now sharing with each other their
responses to the Stress Level Questionnaire as well as their reactions, thoughts and
feelings about their results. Which stage are they at in the Adult Learning Cycle?
a. Applying
b. Generalizing
c. Processing
d. Experiencing
15. Which of the learners would most likely enjoy the Processing stage of the Adult
Learning Cycle?
a. Concrete Experiencers
b. Reflective Observers
c. Abstract Conceptualizers
d. Active Experimenters
16. The facilitator asked the group to perform an activity that is related to their overall
theme. Jim finds much satisfaction in doing the activity. Given that, we can say
that Jim is a __________________.
a. Concrete Experiencer
b. Reflective Observer
c. Abstract Conceptualizer
d. Active Experimenter
17. An Abstract Conceptualizer would find these activities gratifying:
a. Going through an experience that furthers learning.
b. Discussing the experiences of participants, sharing reactions and
observations of the activity provided.
c. Finding general trends and truths in the experience, forming reactions to
new experiences into conclusions, concepts, theories.
d. Modifying old behaviors or testing new behaviors and practicing them in
everyday situations.
24. On a forum on drug addiction, the speaker has now opened the floor for questions.
In the deductive method, this is known as:
a. Clarification
b. Preparation
c. Presentation
d. Recapitulation
25. In the deductive method, quizzes and exams are used to:
a. improve skills and/or change attitudes through actual practice of what has
been taught.
b. give the students the opportunity to ask questions after the lectures.
c. assures retention through a repetition of the teacher's presentation.
d. involve the teacher in offering a body of knowledge.
28. The teacher is making sure that the physical facilities are appropriate to the
learning objective and provides an orientation, setting the appropriate mood for the
participant's profiles. In the inductive method, this is known as:
a. Doing
b. Determining Learning Objectives
c. Setting the Climate
d. Generalizing, Looking for insights
29. Marvin, the group facilitator on forming good study habits, is using an activity
which requires the students to answer a questionnaire about their study habits.
Under the inductive method, this step is also called as:
a. Doing
b. Determining Learning Objectives
c. Setting the Climate
d. Generalizing, Looking for insights
30. These are experiential, and supervised educational activities designed to provide
students, adults and group members with exposure:
a. Didactic Teaching
b. Laboratory Method
c. Traditional Lecture
d. Structured Learning Experiences
33. Amy is giving a short lecture on how to effectively manage time. If we go by the
steps in an SLE, what step is Amy at now?
a. Orientation
b. Closing Remarks
c. Synthesis and Generalization
d. Integration
34. You are tasked with creating an SLE for a group of adolescents. What should be
your first step?
a. Select an appropriate SLE.
b. Secure the profile of the participants.
c. Determine the needs of the participants.
d. Determine the learning objectives.
35. The facilitator is now milling about the room, notes the behaviors of the members
in the group, and monitors time closely. Later, he reminds them of the time left for
the activity. Which stage of an SLE is the facilitator on?
a. Generalization
b. Closing Remarks
c. Synthesis
d. Experiencing
37. When should basic information about the group, the rights of the members, and
what is expected of them be given to the group?
a. Closing Remarks
b. Generalization
c. Orientation
d. Experiencing
38. The group has stalled in its development, and it seems that the members are now
one in blaming Alice for their stagnation. This phenomenon is known as:
a. Manipulating
b. Scapegoating
c. Universality
d. Catharsis
1. C 21. D
2. B 22. A
3. A 23. B
4. C 24. A
5. D 25. C
6. C 26. D
7. B 27. B
8. C 28. C
9. D 29. A
10. A 30. D
11. B 31. B
12. C 32. C
13. C 33. C
14. D 34. B
15. B 35. D
16. A 36. D
17. C 37. C
18. D 38. B
19. C 39. A
20. B 40. D
Bajo, J.P., Guidance and Counseling Review Manual for National Counselor Exam, (2014), Davao City
Corey, C., Corey, G, Corey, M.S., Group Process and Practice, Ninth Edition (2014), Cengage Learning
Ortigas, C.D., Group Process and the Inductive Method (1990), Ateneo de Manila University Press
Rosenthal, H., Encyclopedia of Counseling, Third Edition (2008), New York