Fusion TRD1 Tests Answer Key
Fusion TRD1 Tests Answer Key
Fusion TRD1 Tests Answer Key
Grammar Unit 1
7 1 don’t use
2 Read
3 don’t talk
4 Open
5 listen Listening
8 1 my 1 England
2 It 2 1 three
3 Their 2 brother
4 We 3 big
5 our 4 ocean
6 They
7 It’s
8 She
9 He
10 His
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Practical English
6 1 first name
2 last name
3 How
4 date of birth
5 nationality
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Writing 4 1 fireworks
12 Paragraph 1 2 boat
Students should write complete sentences, using 3 blossoms
4 costumes
the prompts, including their name, country, and age.
They should show correct use of capitals. 5 1 D
Paragraph 2 2 E
3 B
Students should give information about their daily
4 F
routine. They should demonstrate correct use and 5 A
spelling of daily routines vocabulary such as take a 6 C
shower, have breakfast, get dressed, make the bed,
go to school, etc. Practical English
Students should write what time they finish school
6 1 Are
and what activities they do after school, e.g., do
2 want
homework, watch TV, chat online, etc. They should
3 That’s
write what they usually do on the weekend, e.g., do 4 What’s
homework, hang out with friends, go shopping, etc. 5 repeat
Students should demonstrate correct use of the
present tense. Grammar
Paragraph 3
7 1 says
Students should write what their hobbies and
2 work
interests are. They should show correct use of
3 come
free-time activities vocabulary such as go shopping, 4 cleans
do freerunning, go hiking, play video games, hang 5 take
out with friends, listen to music, etc. They should
8 1 Does Maria play a musical instrument?
demonstrate correct use of form with I love and I
No, she doesn’t.
like, e.g., I love books, I like sports, I love movies. 2 Do you want to visit India?
Yes, I do.
Unit 2 3 Do they watch a lot of TV?
No, they don’t.
4 Do you go shopping every day?
No, I don’t.
5 Does he have any hobbies?
Yes, he does.
6 Do the children like candy?
1 A dance college Yes, they do.
2 1 9:00 a.m. 9 1 doesn’t get
2 goes; dogs 2 don’t live
3 3:30 p.m. 3 don’t play
4 hangs out with her friends 4 doesn’t finish
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Reading Unit 2
11 1 B
2 C
3 F
4 D
12 1 He lives in Colorado, the U.S. Listening
2 He works on his computer.
1 She thinks it’s hard but fun, and she always learns
3 The wolves are his favorite animals.
4 He goes hiking. something new.
2 1 She arrives at 8:50 a.m.
Writing 2 She feeds them. She takes a shower and has
13 Paragraph 1 3 She thinks they are exciting.
Students should write sentences with their name, 4 She hangs out with her friends.
country, and age. They should demonstrate
correct use of simple present and capitals for Vocabulary
countries and names.
3 1 fireworks
Paragraph 2
2 boring
Students should write complete sentences about 3 volunteer
their daily routine. They should demonstrate 4 costumes
correct use and spelling of daily routines 5 hangs
vocabulary such as take a shower, have 4 1 dangerous
breakfast, get dressed, make the bed, go to 2 scary
school, etc. 3 first
Students should write what time they finish 4 fun / exciting
school and what activities they do after school, 5 1 get / wake
e.g., do homework, watch TV, chat online, etc. 2 take
They should write what they usually do on the 3 make
weekend, e.g., do homework, hang out with 4 go
friends, go shopping, etc. Students should 5 chat
demonstrate correct use of present tense. 6 choir
Paragraph 3
Students should write what their hobbies and Practical English
interests are. They should show correct use of 6 1 do
free-time activities vocabulary such as go 2 go
shopping, do freerunning, go hiking, play video 3 Are
games, hang out with friends, listen to music, 4 want
etc. They should demonstrate correct use of 5 That’s
form with I love and I like, e.g., I love books, I like
sports, I love movies. Grammar
7 1 Maria doesn’t sing in a choir.
2 We don’t like hip-hop music.
3 David does karate.
4 Peter plays a musical instrument.
5 They don’t watch TV before school.
6 I go to the movies with my friends.
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Reading Vocabulary
11 He is American. 3 1 F
12 1 He thinks it’s great. 2 A
2 His favorite animals are wolves. 3 B
3 He provides a safe place for the animals. 4 E
4 It’s a great place to learn about animals and 5 D
have fun. 6 C
4 1 computer room
Writing 2 teachers’ lounge
3 library
13 Paragraph 1
4 playing fields
Students should write sentences with their name,
country, and age. Students should demonstrate 5 1 locker room
2 scuba diving
correct use of simple present and capitals for
3 principal
countries and names.
4 wetsuit
Paragraph 2 5 playground
Students should write complete sentences about
their daily routine. They should demonstrate correct Practical English
use and spelling of daily routines vocabulary such
as take a shower, have breakfast, get dressed, 6 1 How
2 sounds
make the bed, go to school, etc.
3 Should
Students should write what time they finish school
4 What
and what activities they do after school, e.g., do 5 for
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Reading Vocabulary
11 B Unusual schools 3 1 stick
12 1 The Green School 2 goggles
2 It’s in a soccer stadium. 3 belt
3 They study math, English, science, foreign 4 hoop
languages, geography, history, art, music, and 5 racket
P.E. 6 wetsuit
4 It has a teacher, a classroom with a whiteboard, 4 1 F. You eat lunch in the cafeteria. / You play sports
and a TV. on the playing fields / in the gym.
2 T
Writing 3 T
4 F. A coach trains a sports team. / A teacher
13 Paragraph 1
teaches English.
Students should say who the celebrity is, why he /
5 1 Kite surfing
she is famous, and where he / she is from. Students
2 dream
should show correct use of simple present and
3 hockey
subject / possessive pronouns. Students should 4 meet
demonstrate use of capitals for names, nationalities, 5 wear
and countries. 6 break
Paragraph 2
Students should describe a typical day in the Practical English
celebrity’s life. Students should demonstrate correct
6 1 How about
use of vocabulary for daily routines, e.g., get up,
2 sounds
take a shower, get changed, have breakfast, go for 3 Should
a walk, etc. When describing daily routines, they 4 That’s
should show correct use of third person simple 5 start
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Practical English
6 1 How about Writing
2 sounds / is 14 Paragraph 1
3 Should Students should say who the celebrity is, why he /
4 That’s
she is famous, and where he / she is from. Students
5 start
should show correct use of simple present and
subject / possessive pronouns. Students should
Grammar demonstrate use of capitals for names, nationalities,
7 1 Do you like ice skating? and countries.
2 Does Paul like swimming? Paragraph 2
3 Does Helen like watching TV? Students should describe a typical day in the
4 Do they like studying English?
celebrity’s life. Students should demonstrate correct
5 Do James and Billy play video games?
use of vocabulary for daily routines, e.g., get up,
8 1 No, I don’t. take a shower, get changed, have breakfast, go for
2 Yes, he does.
a walk, etc. When describing daily routines, they
3 No, she doesn’t.
should show correct use of third person simple
4 Yes, they do.
5 Yes, they do. present and word order of adverbs of frequency
such as always, usually, often, sometimes, and
9 1 Does she like playing basketball?
never. Students should say what the celebrity likes
2 Do they like running? Yes, they love it.
3 Does he like tennis? / Do you like tennis? to do in the evening, with correct use of the form
4 Does Emma like getting up early? No, she can’t like + -ing.
stand it. Paragraph 3
5 We don’t like hanging out in the auditorium. Students should explain, with adjectives, why they
We hate it. like the celebrity. Adjectives used could include
10 Students’ own answers. beautiful, amazing, smart, awesome, etc., as well as
the students’ own ideas.
Cumulative Review
11 1 crazy about Cumulative test 1
2 is amazing
3 always gets up
4 aren’t any
5 from the same
1 Two brothers
12 A
2 1 F
13 1 You can see a forest and a river. 2 F
2 It’s important that students learn and understand 3 T
about nature. 4 T
3 They are crazy about it.
4 They have a school bus with a classroom in it.
The bus goes to different parts of the city and
teaches children. 3 1 C
2 D
3 B
4 E
5 A
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
4 1 cousin
2 garage Consolidation
3 patio
4 belt 11 1 b
5 gym 2 a
3 c
5 1 goggles 4 b
2 tennis 5 c
3 skates 6 d
4 scuba diving 7 b
5 stick 8 a
9 d
Practical English 10 d
6 1 free
2 busy Reading
3 about 12 1 tigers
4 Why
5 sounds 13 1 The rescue center is in India.
6 What’s 2 Isabel loves it / her job.
7 What’s 3 She feeds them / the animals three times a day.
8 date 4 She chats to them / her friends on the Internet /
9 address online.
10 ZIP code
Grammar 14 Paragraph 1
7 1 some Students should write their name, how old they are,
2 an and the country they are from, using capital letters
3 any for names and countries.
4 a Paragraph 2
5 a Students should describe the people in their
8 1 We usually eat dinner at 6:00 p.m. family – how many brothers and sisters they have
2 I never get up early on the weekend. and how old they are. Students should describe
3 Carla always does her homework after school. how many rooms they have in their house, using the
4 Simon sometimes goes to the movies.
form There is / are / isn’t / aren’t and the correct
5 The girls often play soccer at school.
vocabulary, e.g., bedroom, dining room, living room,
9 1 sings kitchen, bathroom, balcony, stairs. They should
2 don’t play
demonstrate the correct use of a / an and some.
3 watching
Students should mention if there is / isn’t a yard
4 doesn’t chat
5 Do; go and, if there is, describe it with adjectives, e.g., big,
beautiful, amazing, awesome, ugly, strange, etc.
10 1 them
Paragraph 3
2 it
3 us Students should write what the name of their school
4 him is. They should write what time they get up and
5 her have their breakfast. They should write what time
school starts, how many classes they have in the
day, what time they have lunch, and what time
school finishes.
Students should write about their hobbies using the
form I like + -ing or I like + noun. They should write
which is their favorite and explain why, using
adjectives such as fun, interesting, amazing.
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Cumulative test 1
8 1 some
2 an
3 any
Listening 4 a
5 an
1 Spain
9 1 I usually get up at 7:00 a.m.
2 1 brothers; sisters 2 I sometimes go hiking on the weekend.
2 small 3 I never sleep at school.
3 20 4 I often play video games after school.
4 four 5 I always take a shower in the morning.
10 1 Does Molly sing in a choir?
Vocabulary 2 Pedro and William don’t play basketball on
3 1 aunt Tuesday.
2 judo 3 We watch TV in the morning.
3 dining room 4 Luis meets his friends on the weekend.
4 cafeteria 5 Do they go shopping on Saturday?
5 racket 11 1 them
4 1 online 2 it
2 an animal 3 us
3 your hair / teeth 4 him
4 your hands / hair / face 5 her
5 with friends
5 1 an ugly Consolidation
2 boring 12 1 is
3 hates / doesn’t like / can’t stand 2 at
4 new 3 sneakers
5 different 4 running
6 1 amazing 5 have
2 pet 6 make / have
3 dangerous 7 working
4 spring 8 there is / there’s
5 singing 9 go for
10 clean
Practical English
7 1 free
2 busy 13 a tiger
3 about 14 1 Spanish
4 Why 2 loves
5 sounds 3 eat
6 What’s 4 chatting online; reading; running / going running
7 What’s
8 date
9 address
10 ZIP code
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
15 Paragraph 1 Cumulative test 1
Students should write their name, how old they are,
and the country they are from, using capital letters
for names and countries. Students should
demonstrate correct use of simple present.
Paragraph 2 Listening
Students should describe the people in their
1 He likes the idea of a big family.
family – how many brothers and sisters they have
and how old they are. Students should describe 2 1 There are four people in Will’s family.
how many rooms they have in their house, using the 2 Elena has 20 cousins.
form There is / are / isn’t / aren’t and the correct 3 They live in Spain, Argentina / South America,
the U.K. / England, and the U.S. / North
vocabulary, e.g., bedroom, dining room, living room,
kitchen, bathroom, balcony, stairs. They should 4 She sees them once a year / on Christmas.
demonstrate the correct use of a / an and some.
Students should mention if there is / isn’t a yard
and, if there is, describe it with adjectives, e.g., big,
beautiful, amazing, great, ugly, small, etc. 3 1 get up / wake up
Paragraph 3 2 shower / bath
3 make
Students should write what the name of their school
4 breakfast
is. They should write about their daily routine, using 5 gets up / wakes up
the correct verbs and vocabulary. They should 6 go / walk
include what time they get up and go to school. 7 watch
They should write what time school starts, how 8 chat
many classes they have during the day, what time 9 play
they have lunch, and what time school finishes. 10 hang
Possible answer: I get up at 7:00 a.m. I go to school 4 1 library
at 8:00 a.m. School starts at 8:30 a.m. I have six 2 teachers’ lounge
classes at school. I have lunch at 1:00 p.m. School 3 ugly
finishes at 2:30 p.m. 4 cousin
5 goggles
Students should write about their hobbies, using the
form I like + -ing or I like + noun. They should write 5 1 closet
which is their favorite and explain why, using 2 pet
3 dangerous
adjectives such as fun, interesting, great, etc.
4 spring
Possible answer: My favorite hobby is (playing)
5 singing
basketball because it’s fun.
Practical English
6 1 free
2 busy
3 about
4 Why
5 sounds
6 What’s
7 What’s
8 date
9 address
10 ZIP code
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
12 She loves her job / it.
13 1 She lives in India. Listening
2 The center rescues tigers from the wild.
3 Tigers are scared of people because people 1 the U.S.
hunt and kill them (for their fur). 2 1 T
4 There are beautiful places to see. The people 2 F
are friendly. The food is delicious. 3 F
4 T
14 Paragraph 1 Vocabulary
Students should write their name, how old they are, 3 1
and the country they are from, using capital letters 2
for names and countries. Students should 3
demonstrate correct use of the simple present. 4
Paragraph 2
Students should describe the people in their
family – how many brothers and sisters they have 4 1 snow
2 show
and how old they are. Students should describe
3 expensive
how many rooms they have in their house, using the
4 fast
form There is / are / isn’t / aren’t and the correct
vocabulary, e.g., bedroom, dining room, living room,
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
5 1 windy Writing
2 crowded
13 Paragraph 1
3 slow
4 easy Students should write what the three things being
5 fast compared are, and some information about them,
e.g., where they are (for cities).
Practical English Paragraph 2
Students should describe the three things, using the
6 1 Excuse me. What’s the best way to get to Times adjectives given or their own ideas. They should
Square? compare the three things, with the correct use of
2 That’s a good idea.
comparative and superlative forms.
3 How long does the trip take?
4 How much is a one-way ticket? Paragraph 3
5 Do you want to buy a ticket? Students write which is their favorite and why,
explaining their choice using comparative and
Grammar superlative adjectives.
7 1 highest
2 noisier Unit 4
3 smaller
4 youngest
5 most dangerous
8 1 bigger
2 safer Listening
3 tallest
1 deserts, lakes, mountains, plants, wolves
4 hotter
5 fastest 2 1 Desert
2 47 degrees
9 1 Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
3 fry eggs
2 I think English is easier than math.
4 best
3 London is bigger than Manchester.
5 fish
4 Moscow is colder than Sydney in November.
5 The blue whale is the largest animal in the world.
Cumulative Review 3 1 difficult
2 quiet
10 1 a
3 long
2 c
4 interesting
3 d
5 dangerous
4 d
5 c 4 1 crowded
2 cloudy
11 1 D
3 show
2 B
4 ice
3 E
5 theme park
5 1 flies
2 heat
12 1 Swim with dolphins. 3 dangerous
2 The Red Centre / central Australia. 4 rainy
3 Across the desert. 5 fast
4 It’s 2,600 kilometres long.
6 1 what’s
2 That’s
3 How often
4 How long
5 How much
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Grammar Paragraph 3
7 1 the most beautiful Students write which is their favorite and why,
2 warmer explaining their choice using comparative and
3 the most popular superlative adjectives.
4 better
5 the lowest Unit 4
8 1 the longest
2 the cheapest
3 better
4 the slowest
5 sunnier
9 1 smaller than Mexico City Listening
2 youngest 1 Possible answers: desert, plants, animals (sheep,
3 hottest coyote, fish), lakes, mountains, tourists, directors
4 lower than Mount Elbrus
2 1 It’s one of the hottest places on Earth. It’s also the
lowest and driest place in North America.
Cumulative Review
2 Right now, the temperature is 47ºC.
10 1 more amazing than 3 People fry eggs to show how hot it is.
2 funnier than 4 A good time to visit is November to February. /
3 expensive November to February is a good time to visit.
4 rainy 5 It’s a popular place to make movies because it’s
5 the shortest an unusual place.
Reading Vocabulary
11 Two of the following: It’s the sixth-largest country. 3 1 crowded
It’s 7,686,850 square kilometers. There are camels. 2 trip
The Great Barrier Reef is one of the Seven 3 noisy
Wonders of the Natural World. People can see the 4 ride
5 trip
Great Barrier Reef from outer space. It’s over
2,600 kilometers long. 4 1 camera
2 line
12 1 Paddington 3 bring
2 Harbour Bridge 4 headphones
3 enjoy 5 clouds
4 snorkeling / diving / helicopter
5 1 expensive
2 frightening
Writing 3 boring
13 Paragraph 1 4 quiet
Students should write what the three things being 5 near
compared are, and some information about them,
e.g., where they are (for cities). Practical English
Paragraph 2 6 1 What’s
Students should describe the three things, using the 2 How often
adjectives given or their own ideas. They should 3 sounds
compare the three things, with the correct use of 4 How long
comparative and superlative forms. 5 How much
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Grammar Unit 5
7 1 Lions are more dangerous than kittens.
2 Beyoncé is more popular than Demi Lovato.
3 Tokyo is hotter than Milan.
4 The Hunger Games is more exciting than Listening
The Croods.
5 Skydiving is more extreme than swimming. 1 the U.S.
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
9 1 walks
2 isn’t studying Unit 5
3 is celebrating
4 isn’t writing; is talking
Cumulative Review
10 1 b Listening
2 a
3 d 1 backpack, camera, compass, map, sunscreen
4 c 2 1 wants; meet
5 a 2 taking pictures
3 4,000
Reading 4 blog
11 A
12 1 American
2 a basketball 3 1 carry / open / close / hold
3 jazz 2 fly
4 flying and surfing 3 sail
4 climb
5 build
4 1 charity
13 Paragraph 1 2 model
Students should write where they are and who they 3 balloons
are with. Students should demonstrate correct use 4 binoculars
of capitals for names and places. 5 musicians
Paragraph 2 5 1 stove
Students should describe the weather, with correct 2 first-aid kit
use and spelling of adjectives, e.g., cold, hot, warm, 3 hip-hop
sunny, rainy, cloudy. Students should describe what 4 insect repellent
they are doing, using the correct form of the present 5 practices / plays
continuous. They should describe their clothes, with
correct spelling of clothes vocabulary. They should Practical English
say if they are carrying anything, using the correct 6 1 Can
form of first person present continuous. 2 Who’s
Paragraph 3 3 speaking
Students should explain why it is a perfect moment, 4 Do
using suitable adjectives and / or nouns. 5 your
7 1 isn’t watching
2 go
3 practice
4 aren’t working
5 visits
8 1 ’m playing
2 have
3 are climbing
4 doesn’t do
5 are sailing
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
3 1 backpack
11 American, British, Peruvian
2 compass / map
12 1 basketball 3 sunscreen
2 unusual 4 stove
3 lively; fun 5 tools
4 teacher 4 1 building
5 flying; surfing 2 model
3 balloons
Writing 4 binoculars
5 musicians
13 Paragraph 1
Students should write where they are and who they 5 1 waterproof jacket
are with. Students should demonstrate correct use 2 smiling
3 tiny
of capitals for names and places.
4 insect repellent
Paragraph 2
5 practices / plays
Students should describe the weather, with correct
use and spelling of adjectives, e.g., cold, hot, warm,
Practical English
sunny, rainy, cloudy. Students should describe what
they are doing, using the correct form of the present 6 1 Can
continuous. They should describe their clothes, with 2 Who’s
3 speaking
correct spelling of clothes vocabulary. They should
4 Do
say if they are carrying anything, using the correct
5 your
form of the first person present continuous.
Paragraph 3
Students should explain why it is a perfect moment,
starting with It is a perfect moment in time 7 1 I‘m not playing video games right now.
because … , and using the correct adjectives and / 2 We usually have dinner at 7:00 p.m.
3 Today, they are flying in a tiny plane.
or nouns.
4 Harry isn’t swimming at the community center
right now.
5 Pablo and Mary sometimes sail around the
Caribbean in their boat.
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Reading Vocabulary
11 B 3 Fruit / Vegetables: mushrooms, onions, grapes
12 1 His TV programs about cooking simple and easy Meat / Dairy: beef, chicken, yogurt, cheese
meals. Legumes / Carbohydrates: beans, chickpeas, bread
2 From all over the world.
4 1 hair gel
3 Spanish paella.
2 baseball caps
4 Eating meals with them.
3 jewelry
4 chewing gum
Writing 5 purse
13 Paragraph 1 5 1 graphic designer
Students should give the name of the recipe and 2 spray paint
say where it is from, i.e., This is a recipe for 3 cartoons
spaghetti bolognese. It comes from Italy. Students 4 sculptures
should demonstrate correct spelling and use of 5 canvas
Paragraph 2 Practical English
Students should list what is needed for the recipe as 6 1 order
given in the recipe, i.e., beef, oil, onion, salt and 2 I’d / I would
pepper, spaghetti, spices, and tomatoes. 3 come
Paragraph 3 4 sounds
Students should describe the instructions for the 5 would
recipe, using the correct verbs, correct form of
countable and uncountable nouns with a, an, and Grammar
some, and sequencing words. 7 1 must not / can’t
Possible answer: First, chop three tomatoes and 2 must not / can’t
chop / cut an onion (into small pieces). Next, heat 3 Can
the oil in a pan. Then add the onion. After that, add 4 can
the beef to the pan. Finally, mix the tomatoes, some 5 can
6 must
salt and pepper, and spices, together with the beef.
7 must not / can’t
Cook for one hour. 8 must
9 Can
10 can’t
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
8 1 Are there any magazines? / some some salt and pepper, and spices. Then cook for
2 Is there any rice? / any one hour. Serve with spaghetti, bread, and cheese.
3 How much chocolate is there? / some
4 How much candy is there? / a lot
5 Are there any pens? / any
Unit 6
9 1 any
2 isn’t
3 much
4 many
5 are Listening
1 beef, three onions, oil, salt and pepper, tomatoes,
Cumulative Review
10 1 oldest
2 1 Because she’s cooking a three-course meal for six
2 crowded
3 jewelry
2 Appetizer: mixed salad, Dessert: strawberry /
4 pens
chocolate ice cream
5 can
3 He chops an onion.
4 The sugar (makes the sauce sweeter).
11 They are lively, interesting, and popular. Vocabulary
12 1 writes books 3 1 jam
2 travels; countries 2 dairy
3 young people 3 carbohydrates
4 simple; creative; easy 4 oil
5 ham
Writing 4 1 water
13 Paragraph 1 2 chewing gum
Students should give the name of the recipe and 3 key ring
4 cell phone case
say where it is from, using the correct form of the
5 chocolate
simple present. Possible answer: This is a recipe for
spaghetti bolognese. It comes from Italy. Students 5 1 graphic designer
2 spray paint
should demonstrate correct spelling and use of
3 cartoons
4 sculptures
Paragraph 2 5 canvas
Students should list what is needed for the recipe as
given in the box. Possible answer: For this recipe Practical English
you need: beef, oil, an onion, salt and pepper,
spaghetti, spices, tomatoes. 6 1 order
2 I’d / I would
Paragraph 3
3 come
Students should describe the instructions for the
4 sounds
recipe, using the correct verbs, correct form of 5 would
countable and uncountable nouns with a, an, and
some, and commas with sequencing words /
Possible answer: First, chop three tomatoes and cut
an onion (into small pieces). Next, heat the oil (in a
pan). Then add the onion. After that, add the beef
(to the pan). Finally, mix together the tomatoes,
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
10 1 c
2 a Listening
3 a
4 b 1 climbing, cycling, hiking, orienteering, running,
5 d swimming
6 b 2 1 Scotland
7 a 2 first
8 c 3 rainy / raining
9 d 4 every hour
10 b
3 1 ring
11 1 D 2 gum
2 B 3 gel / brush
3 C 4 polish
12 1 It’s very cheap / slow and enjoyable to travel by 5 design / designer
train. You can see many beautiful places. 4 1 cartoons
2 The cheapest way to get there is by bus. 2 rainy
3 You can see the falls / them by air (helicopter), 3 model
boat, or by standing on a bridge. 4 fog
4 The best time to see the falls is in March or April. 5 bring
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
5 1 line Writing
2 trip
13 Paragraph 1
3 sculpture
4 crunchy Students should describe their school, write the
5 water name, the place / town where it is, and a brief
description of the school, with correct vocabulary,
Practical English e.g., cafeteria, auditorium, computer room, gym,
library, playing fields, science lab, playground,
6 1 Can teacher, coach, principal. Students should use
2 leave
There are / is and There aren’t / isn’t with some /
3 way
4 long any / a / an where appropriate.
5 I’ll have Paragraph 2
Students should describe the school rules, using
Grammar modal verbs can / can’t and must / must not.
Possible answer: I can eat in the cafeteria. I can’t
7 1 New York City is more expensive than Dallas.
run in the auditorium. I must not use my phone in
2 Jack is the slowest runner in the race.
the classroom.
3 Brazil is wetter than the U.S.
4 The theme park is more crowded on the Paragraph 3
weekend. Students should give their general opinion about the
5 Cyprus is the sunniest country in Europe. rules, using adjectives correctly. Possible answer:
8 1 are doing I think the rules are important because they keep us
2 is flying safe and make students behave well.
3 Are; reading
4 watch Cumulative test 2
5 isn’t playing
9 1 Can
2 must not / can’t
3 must
4 can
5 must not / can’t Listening
1 1 climbing, cycling, hiking, orienteering, running,
Consolidation swimming
10 1 free time 2 1 He is swimming around the coast of the U.K.
2 climbs 2 He is the first person to do it.
3 hot 3 He stops every hour and eats a little chocolate
4 backpack and drinks some water.
5 candy 4 He thinks he can do it and wants to be the first
6 frightening person to do it.
7 jump
8 best
9 flying
10 sailing 3 1 water
2 rainy
Reading 3 model
4 fog
11 By train from the city of Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. 5 bring / take
12 1 E 4 1 line
2 A 2 trip
3 B 3 sculpture
4 D 4 crunchy
5 cartoons
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
10 1 more exciting / fun than riding a bike
2 ’m not playing (the) piano 1 A game called Twenty Questions.
3 must not eat (food) 2 1 F
4 Can I go 2 F
5 is the hottest 3 T
4 T
11 1 How to get there
2 How to see the falls 3 1 bald
3 When to go 2 hat
3 T-shirt
4 freckles
5 skirt
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
4 1 blue Writing
2 tall
13 Paragraph 1
3 glasses
4 sweatshirt Students should write how old they were, where
5 hoodie they were, and who they were with. They should
demonstrate correct use of capitals and spelling of
5 1 baseball cap
2 mustache vocabulary. Possible answer: I was 10 years old. I
3 gray was in Spain. I was with my family.
4 red Paragraph 2
5 dress Students should describe the weather, using
appropriate adjectives, e.g., hot, cold, wet, rainy,
Practical English cloudy. They should describe the place, using
appropriate adjectives, e.g., amazing, beautiful,
6 1 help
2 I’d cold, exciting, hot, interesting, noisy, quiet, warm.
3 What Students should describe what they did, using the
4 that’s correct past tense form and spelling of regular
5 much verbs, e.g., listened, played, painted, traveled,
walked, watched, and their own ideas. They should
Grammar demonstrate correct use and spelling of nouns.
Paragraph 3
7 1 Was
2 wasn’t Students should describe what was good and bad
3 was about the vacation. They should demonstrate
4 Were correct use and spelling of nouns to say what was
5 were good / bad, e.g., The food was good, but the
8 1 There weren’t any students in the classroom. weather was bad.
2 There was a computer room at my school.
3 There was a thunderstorm in the mountains. Unit 7
4 There wasn’t a cardigan in my backpack.
5 There were hoodies for sale in the clothes store.
9 1 practiced
2 didn’t watch
3 carried
4 tried Listening
5 didn’t play 1 They are on TV.
2 1 more / the most
Cumulative Review 2 soccer
10 1 d 3 Peter
2 c 4 leggings
3 d
4 d Vocabulary
5 a
3 1 slim
2 short
Reading 3 straight
11 1 D 4 tight
2 E 5 blond
3 B 4 1 sleeves
12 1 He loved watching her make clothes. 2 gloves
2 He opened a / his own store. 3 helmet
3 100,000 times 4 sweatshirt
4 Her job and fashion. 5 landed
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
5 1 arrested Writing
2 space station
13 Paragraph 1
3 sandals
4 red Students should write how old they were, where
5 dress they were, and who they were with. They should
demonstrate correct use of the past tense form of
Practical English the verb be, capitals, and spelling of vocabulary.
Possible answer: I was 10 years old. I was in Spain.
6 1 help I was with my family.
2 I’d
Paragraph 2
3 What
4 that’s Students should describe the weather, using the
5 much past tense of the verb be and appropriate
adjectives, e.g., hot, cold, wet, rainy, cloudy. They
Grammar should describe the place, using the past tense of
the verb be and appropriate adjectives, e.g.,
7 1 Was; was
amazing, beautiful, cold, exciting, hot, interesting,
2 Were; wasn’t
noisy, quiet, warm. Possible answer: It was hot. The
3 Was; wasn’t
4 Were; were place was beautiful. Students should describe what
5 Were; was they did, using the correct past tense form and
spelling of regular verbs, e.g., listened, played,
8 1 There weren’t any students in the classroom.
2 There wasn’t a computer room at my school. painted, traveled, walked, watched. They should
3 There was a thunderstorm in the mountains. demonstrate correct use and spelling of nouns.
4 There was a cardigan in my backpack. Possible answer: I played basketball.
5 There were hoodies for sale in the clothes store. Paragraph 3
9 1 practiced Students should describe what was good and bad
2 didn’t watch about the vacation. They should demonstrate
3 robbed correct use and spelling of nouns to say what was
4 tried good / bad.
5 didn’t play Possible answer: The food was good, but the
weather was bad.
Cumulative Review
10 1 were Unit 7
2 filmed
3 well-built
4 scary
5 slim
Reading Listening
11 David makes and designs clothes (a fashion 1 He thinks he can win.
designer), Molly writes a blog (a fashion blogger), 2 1 He / She gets a new cell phone.
and Karen works in a clothes shop (a salesperson). 2 He plays soccer.
3 He’s Brazilian.
12 1 making clothes, his mother
4 Violet asks four questions before she asks about
2 artist
3 ideas
4 fashion magazines
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Practical English
14 Paragraph 1
6 1 help
Students should write how old they were, where
2 I’d
3 What they were, and who they were with. They should
4 sounds demonstrate correct use of the past tense form of
5 much the verb be, capitals, and spelling of vocabulary.
Possible answer: I was 10 years old. I was in Spain.
Grammar I was with my family.
Paragraph 2
7 1 There was
Students should describe the weather, using the
2 There weren’t
3 There was past tense of the verb be and appropriate
4 There wasn’t adjectives, e.g., hot, cold, wet, rainy, cloudy. They
5 There were should describe the place, using the past tense of
8 1 Was James at school yesterday? Yes, he was. the verb be and appropriate adjectives, e.g.,
2 Were you at the movie theater last night? No, I amazing, beautiful, cold, exciting, hot, interesting,
wasn’t. noisy, quiet, warm.
3 Was (it) Sharon’s birthday last week? No, it Possible answer: It was hot. The place was
wasn’t. beautiful.
4 Were Carol and Lisa at the party? No, they Students should describe what they did, using the
correct past tense form and spelling of regular
5 Were you in Miami last week? Yes, I was.
verbs, e.g., listened, played, painted, traveled,
9 1 robbed walked, watched. They should demonstrate correct
2 didn’t watch
use and spelling of nouns. Possible answer: I
3 carried
played basketball.
4 tried
5 didn’t play Paragraph 3
Students should describe what was good and bad
10 1 escaped
about the vacation. They should demonstrate
2 didn’t visit
3 didn’t call correct use and spelling of nouns to say what was
4 replied good / bad. Possible answer: The food was good,
5 arrived but the weather was bad.
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
what they enjoyed and didn’t enjoy about their 8 1 We didn’t go to Japan last summer.
vacation. Students should give reason(s) why. 2 Helen didn’t sell her bike.
Possible answer: I enjoyed the food because it was 3 Sam and Joe didn’t see Iron Man 3 at the movie
tasty. I didn’t enjoy the activities because they were theater.
4 I didn’t leave my purse in the store.
boring. Students should show correct use of subject
5 We didn’t swim with dolphins in the ocean.
pronouns it and they, for referencing.
9 1 When did you live
2 Did you like
Unit 8 3 didn’t
4 made
5 started
6 Did you visit
7 did
8 traveled
9 Did you climb
1 New Mexico 10 did
2 1 Chinese; Polish
2 The Spanish Cumulative Review
3 between
10 1 went
4 right
2 traveled / flew / went
3 most
Vocabulary 4 were
3 1 store 5 insect repellent
2 station
3 mall Reading
4 store
11 four of the following: mountains, rivers, lakes,
5 building
caves, beaches, valleys, rainforests
4 1 mosquito
12 1 Malaysia; Indonesia; Brunei
2 jungle
3 island 2 Indonesia
4 waterfall 3 visitors
5 ants 4 culture of the people
5 1 restaurant
2 alone
3 ruins 13 Paragraph 1
4 underground Students should write where they went and who
5 crabs they were with. They should demonstrate correct
use of past tense of the verb be. Students should
Practical English demonstrate correct spelling and capitals for places
6 1 how and names. Possible answer: I went to Cancún. I
2 Go to was with my family.
3 Take Paragraph 2
4 ahead Students should describe the weather, with
5 about appropriate adjectives, e.g., hot, cold, sunny,
warm, etc. Students should write what activities they
Grammar did. Students should demonstrate correct spelling of
7 1 found past tense irregular and regular verbs, e.g., had,
2 came traveled, went, explored, played, saw, visited,
3 bought swam, came, did, met. They should demonstrate
4 met correct use and spelling of vocabulary for landscape
5 began
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
13 Paragraph 1 Vocabulary
Students should write where they went and who 3 1 B
they were with. They should demonstrate correct 2 E
use of past tense of the verb be. Students should 3 A
demonstrate correct spelling and capitals for places 4 C
and names. Possible answer: I went to Cancún. I 5 D
was with my family. 4 1 e-book
Paragraph 2 2 printer
Students should describe the weather with 3 Wi-Fi
4 keyboard
appropriate adjectives, e.g., hot, cold, sunny,
5 webcam
warm, etc. Students should write what activities they
5 1 horror movie
did. Students should demonstrate correct spelling of
2 musical
past tense irregular and regular verbs, e.g., had,
3 action / adventure movie
traveled, went, explored, played, saw, visited, 4 fantasy movie
swam, came, did, met. They should demonstrate 5 romantic movie
correct use and spelling of vocabulary for landscape
places, e.g., beach, forest, island, mountain, and Practical English
places in a town, e.g., community center, shopping
6 1 doing
mall, department store. Possible answer: It was
2 studying
warm. I swam in the ocean. I visited an island.
3 up
Paragraph 3 4 that’s
Students should describe what they liked and didn’t 5 want
like about the vacation. Students should
demonstrate correct use of simple past affirmative Grammar
and negative and spelling of vocabulary to describe
7 1 will
what they liked and didn’t like about their vacation.
2 won’t
Students should give reason(s) why. Possible
3 will
answer: I liked the food because it was good. I 4 will
didn’t like the activities because they were boring. 5 won’t
Students should show correct use of subject
8 1 Will robots clean our houses in the future?
pronouns it and they, for referencing. 2 Will there be cars in 100 years?
3 Will the New York Yankees win the game?
Unit 9 4 Will it be easier to travel in the future?
5 Will schools be different in the future?
9 1 ’m going to
2 Are; going to
3 Is; going to
4 are going to
5 are going to
1 A film festival in France.
2 1 K Cumulative Review
2 K 10 1 d
3 J
2 c
4 J
3 a
4 b
5 c
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
4 Will it be easier to travel to different countries in of the simple future affirmative and negative.
the future? Possible answer: In my opinion, I think robots will
5 Will we wear special clothes in the future? make our lives easier because we won’t have to
9 1 Are you going to spend time cleaning our homes. We will have more
2 ’m going to time to do things we enjoy.
3 are you going to Paragraph 3
4 are going to
Students should summarize their ideas about
5 will
technology in the future. They should show the
6 are you going to
7 ’m going to correct use of the simple future affirmative or
8 are you going to negative form. Possible answer: All in all, I think life
9 will in the future will be better because technology will
10 won’t make our lives easier and more enjoyable.
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
7 1 were Writing
2 got 13 Paragraph 1
3 went Students should give the name of a person they
4 didn’t go
admire and say where they are from. Students
5 see
should demonstrate correct use of capitals for
8 1 Are you going to travel? names and countries. Possible answer: His name is
2 She is going to study.
Lionel Messi. He is from Argentina.
3 I’m not going to buy a cell phone.
Paragraph 2
4 It’s going to arrive on Monday.
5 Is she going to have a party? Students should describe what the person did,
using the correct form of the simple past, giving
9 1 Will
dates and ages. Possible answer: In 2010, he won
2 won’t
3 will the FIFA Ballon d’Or Award for best soccer player
4 won’t for the first time at the age of 22. He won it three
5 will more times.
Paragraph 3
Consolidation Students should explain why they admire this
person, using correct adjectives / nouns. Possible
10 1 c
answer: I admire this person because he is an
2 c
3 d amazing soccer player.
4 a
5 a Cumulative test 3
6 b
7 b
8 d
9 c
10 a
Reading 1 In Liz’s bedroom.
11 B 2 1 makes; clothes
12 1 The most unusual thing about Hawaii is its beauty. 2 amazing
2 Kauai is the oldest island. 3 likes
3 Most Hawaiians live on Oahu. 4 are shopping / shop / go
4 The best way to travel / see Hawaii is by car.
Appearance Computers Movies
beard e-book fantasy
freckles speakers horror
wavy Wi-Fi thriller
4 1 tight
2 float
3 newsstand
4 speakers
5 comedy
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
5 1 animation
2 fast-food restaurant Writing
3 thrilling
4 robber 13 Paragraph 1
5 average Students should give the name of a person they
admire and say where they are from. Students
Practical English should demonstrate correct use of capitals for
names and countries. Possible answer: Lionel
6 1 What
Messi. He is from Argentina.
2 looking
Paragraph 2
3 anything
4 want Students should describe what the person did,
5 corner using the correct form of the simple past, giving
dates and ages. Possible answer: In 2010, 2011,
Grammar 2012, and 2015, he won the FIFA Ballon d’Or
Award for best soccer player. At the age of 22, he
7 1 were
won the FIFA World Player of the Year Award.
2 got
Paragraph 3
3 went
4 traveled Students should explain why they admire this
5 saw person, using correct adjectives / nouns. Possible
8 1 Were they in school yesterday? No, they weren’t. answer: I admire this person because he is an
2 Did you buy any bread? No, I didn’t. amazing soccer player.
3 Did you watch TV last night? Yes, I did.
4 Did David play in the soccer game? Yes, he did. Cumulative test 3
5 Was Jessica at the party? No, she wasn’t.
9 1 Will
2 won’t
3 will
4 won’t
5 will Listening
1 She took a fashion design class.
Consolidation 2 1 It was difficult to make because it was tight and / or
10 1 was needed to be a perfect fit.
2 started / began 2 She thinks it’s amazing.
3 was 3 Because she doesn’t want to wear a short skirt.
4 told / taught 4 They use Liz’s laptop to shop online.
5 weren’t
6 decided / realized / knew
7 will
8 traveled / went / flew
9 took
10 camera
11 people planning to visit Hawaii / tourists
12 1 Modern surfing
2 volcanoes, mountains, waterfalls, cliffs, rainforest
3 Oahu
4 by car
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
3 Possible answers: Practical English
Appearance Computers Movies 6 1 doing
and 2 going
3 How much
4 else
beard e-book fantasy
5 ’m / am
freckles speakers horror
6 anything
wavy Wi-Fi thriller 7 not
tablet 8 want
fat digital camera action / 9 That’s
adventure 10 on
slim of average animation
height Grammar
short games comedy
console 7 1 Were they at school yesterday? No, they weren’t.
2 Did you buy (any) bread? No, I didn’t.
tall keyboard documentary
3 Did you watch TV last night? Yes, I did.
well-built memory stick drama
4 Did David play in the soccer game? Yes, he did.
curly cell phone musical 5 Was Jessica at the party? No, she wasn’t.
long mouse historical
8 1 were
2 buy / get
straight printer romantic
3 went
blond remote science fiction 4 saw
control 5 met
brown webcam western
9 1 Will
2 ’m going to
red 3 Is; going to
gray 4 won’t
white 5 will
medium- Consolidation
glasses 10 1 arrested the robber
2 robbed
3 going to go to / going to travel to
4 1 baggy / big 4 performed
2 float 5 lives alone
3 squid
4 ruins Reading
5 scene
11 Six of the following: volcanoes, mountains, islands,
5 1 animation
2 fast-food restaurant beaches, cliffs, waterfalls, rainforest
3 thrilling / exciting / scary / frightening / amazing /
4 robber
5 average
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
12 1 Hawaii has one of the world’s most active volcanoes 5 hair gel
and the world’s tallest seamount (a mountain below the 4 1 magazines
sea). 2 blond
Modern surfing started in Hawaii. 3 islands
4 post office
Hawaii is one of the youngest places in the world 5 Wi-Fi
and the youngest state in the U.S.
5 1 drawing
2 You can learn about American history at the 2 skirt
museums of Pearl Harbor in Oahu. 3 rice
3 Hawaii’s Big Island is the largest island. 4 community center
4 You can go on a bus tour or take a boat trip. 5 church
Listening 10 1 c
1 Germany 2 c
3 a
2 1 T
4 b
2 F. She also plays rock and pop.
5 a
3 F. She goes swimming at 6:30 a.m.
6 b
4 F. She gets up late on Saturday morning.
7 a
8 d
Vocabulary 9 c
3 1 yard 10 b
2 beard
3 warm
4 open
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
11 1 B End-of-year
2 C
3 A
12 1 His trip took three years.
2 It is in Oman.
3 He is from South Africa. Listening
4 She’s from the U.S.
1 the violin
Writing 2 1 New York City
2 pop; rock
13 Paragraph 1 3 loves
Students should give the person’s name, when they 4 goes; Saturday
were born, and what part of their country they are
from. Students should demonstrate the correct use Vocabulary
of capitals for names and places. Possible answer:
3 1 diving
His name is Alférez de Navío José María Sobral. He
2 lab
was born in 1880. He was from Gualeguaychú,
3 polish
Argentina. 4 paint
Paragraph 2 5 ring
Students should give dates and write what the 4 1 first
person did, using the correct form and spelling of 2 yogurt
simple past regular / irregular verbs. Possible 3 cousin
answer: In 1901, he took part in the Swedish 4 made
Antarctic expedition. It ended in 1904. After the 5 insect repellent
expedition, he left Argentina and he studied geology 5 1 binoculars
in Sweden. 2 healthy
Paragraph 3 3 purse
Students should give their opinion about why they 4 inventor
think the person is / isn’t great, using the correct 5 noise
form and spelling of past tense regular / irregular
verbs and their own ideas. Possible answer: I think Practical English
he was great because he was the first Argentine 6 1 best
geologist. Also, he wrote a lot of books on the army, 2 can
geology, and his expedition. He is a national hero. 3 idea
4 long
5 often
7 1 I don’t go to the gym every day.
2 Today is the coldest day of the year.
3 I think it will be hot this summer.
4 Jake likes playing basketball.
5 We are going to go to the movies this evening.
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
10 1 loves / likes
2 won Listening
3 started
4 was 1 She’s a musician.
5 coach 2 1 It’s hard work, but she loves it.
6 won 2 They combine three different kinds of music:
7 goes classical, pop, and rock.
8 studying 3 She practices for seven hours.
9 crazy 4 She sleeps late, hangs out with her friends,
10 makes reads a novel, or goes shopping.
Reading Vocabulary
11 on foot, by bike, by boat, on skis 3 1 second
12 1 He climbed Mount Everest. 2 cousin
2 They were aged 13–20. 3 fireworks
3 To raise awareness of conservation and the 4 sunscreen
environment. 5 musicians
4 She was at sea for six months. 4 1 lonely / alone
2 healthy
Writing 3 gravity
4 remote control
13 Paragraph 1 5 digital camera / cell phone
Students should give the person’s name, when they
5 1 binoculars
were born, and what part of their country they are 2 purse
from. Students should demonstrate the correct use 3 stencil
of capitals for names and places. Possible answer: 4 inventor
His name is Alférez de Navío José María Sobral. He 5 noise
was born in 1880. He was from Gualeguaychú,
Argentina. Practical English
Paragraph 2
6 1 best
Students should give dates and write what the 2 can
person did, using the correct form and spelling of 3 idea
simple past regular / irregular verbs. Possible 4 long
answer: In 1901, he took part in the Swedish 5 often
Antarctic expedition. It ended in 1904. After the
expedition, he left Argentina and he studied geology
in Sweden.
Fusion 1 Answer key: tests
10 1 are in danger
2 isn’t crazy about
3 cheapest (ticket)
4 left home
5 is (very / really) spicy
11 They all traveled around the world. / They are all
12 1 He only traveled by land.
2 He discovered the lost city of Ubar (which was
underground for over 2,000 years).
3 To promote awareness of conserving and
protecting the environment.
4 She didn’t complete her trip because her boat
was damaged in a storm.
13 Paragraph 1
Students should give the person’s name, when they
were born, and what part of their country they are
from. Students should demonstrate the correct use
of capitals for names and places. Possible answer:
His name is Alférez de Navío José María Sobral. He
was born in 1880. He was from Gualeguaychú,
Paragraph 2
Students should give dates and write what the
person did, using the correct form and spelling of