Kkdi Pipeline

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Tender No: MDU-W-07-2024-09 Closing Date/Time: 22/05/2024 14:00

Sr.Den/Co-ord/MDU acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No MDU-W-07-2024-09
Closing Date/Time 22/05/2024 14:00 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only.
Manual offers are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.


ADEN/KKDI Sub Division : TPJ (excl) and MNM (excl) - RMM:- Maintenance of Water pipe
Name of Work line system in Railway colony, stations service buildings under the control of SSE/W/KKDI for
the period of 24months.
Bidding type Normal Tender
Tender Type Open Bidding System Single Packet System
Tender Closing Date Time 22/05/2024 14:00 Date Time Of Uploading Tender 30/04/2024 15:22
Pre-Bid Conference
No Pre-Bid Conference Date Time Not Applicable
Advertised Value 2460180.00 Tendering Section TENDER SEC
Bidding Style [ Decision at Schedule level ] Bidding Unit
Earnest Money (Rs.) 49200.00 Validity of Offer ( Days) 60
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.) 0.00 Period of Completion 24 Months
Contract Type Works Contract Category Expenditure
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms
Bidding Start Date 08/05/2024 No
allowed to bid
Ranking Order For Bids Lowest to Highest Expenditure Type Revenue


S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding
Schedule B-(List of works which are not covered in the printed unified standard Schedule
of Rates 2021 of Madurai Division & DSR-2021)
NDSR 01 626.00 Day 3930.00 2460180.00 AT Par 2460180.00 Rs.
Description:- TPJ(Excl)andMNM(Excl)-RMM:-Maintenance of water pipe line system in Railway colony, stations,
service buildings, level crossing gate (ifrequired) under the control of SSE/W/KKDI, free from any leakages and
blockages for free flow of water in GI/CI/PVC pipe of sizes 1/2"to8"dia. The maintenance work includes
dismantlingexisting pipeline, valves & fittings to rquired length above/below ground level including earth work and
replacing damaged/ cracked/ corroded pipeline &fitting and clearing the remaining pipe line relaying the pipe,
restore the water supply. Maintenance work includes pipe line and bath room fittings & fastening and clearing of
overhead tank of capacity upto 1000lit over the staffqrs.Cleaning of pipe line shall beattherate of 600m length of
1 pipe. In addition to maintenance work connect with non availibilityof water/damage/leakage in pipeline, failures of
bathroom fittings as and when complaints received and asper the directions of Engineer-incharge. NOTE:The
rate inclusive of all men and materials, tools and plants, transportation required to carry out maintenance work
such as thread,paste,shellac,etc,except pipes, pipe fittings, valves which will be supplied by Railway. "(All there
leased materials shall be handed over to stores of SSE/W/KKDI. The maintenance of pipe line include any
addition, deletion (or)alteration made in the existing pipe line systems during the period of
maintenance.)Minimum 2plumber, 2Plumber Helper perday to be deputed. Among them, either all four
(2plumber+2Plumberhelper) to report at SSE/W/O/KKDI o r any two (1Plumber+1PlumberHelper)report at
JE/W/O/MMM or all four at JE/W/O/MMM depending upon the situation on the days work)


No item break up added


Special Financial Criteria

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading

Pa g e 1 o f 4 Ru n Da te/Time: 30 /0 4/2 0 2 4 15 :2 3:2 0

Tender No: MDU-W-07-2024-09 Closing Date/Time: 22/05/2024 14:00

1 No eligibility criteria is required for works costing less than 50 lakhs No No

Special Technical Criteria

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 No eligibility criteria is required for works costing less than 50 lakhs No No

Bidders shall confirm and certify on the behalf of the tenderer including its constituents as under:

S.No. Description
1 I/we the tenderer (s) am/are signing this document after carefully reading the contents.
2 I/We the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have signed all the pages in confirmation thereof.
I/we hereby declare that I/we have downloaded the tender documents from Indian Railway website www.ireps.gov.in . I/we have
verified the content of the document from the website and there is no addition, no deletion or no alteration to the content of the
tender document. In case of any discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e. evaluation of tenders, execution of work or final payment
of the contract, the master copy available with the railway Administration shall be final and binding upon me/us.
I/we declare and certify that I/we have not made any misleading or false representation in the forms, statements and
attachments in proof of the qualification requirements.
I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the documents/credentials submitted along with the offer and
same shall be binding upon me/us.
I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with the tender by me/us are correct and I/we are fully
responsible for the correctness of the information and documents, submitted by us.
I/we certify that I/we the tenderer(s) is/are not blacklisted or debarred by Railways or any other Ministry / Department of Govt.
7 of India from participation in tender on the date of submission of bids, either in individual capacity or as a HUF/ member of the
partnership firm/LLP/JV/Society/Trust.
I/we understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be forged/false at any time during process for
evaluation of tenders, it shall lead to forfeiture of the Bid Security and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract
including banning of business for a period of upto two year. Further, I/we and all my/our constituents understand that my/our
offer shall be summarily rejected.
I/we also understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be false/forged at any time after the
award of the contract, it will lead to termination of the contract, along with forfeiture of Bid Security/Security Deposit and
Performance guarantee and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract including banning of business for a
period of upto two year.
I/We have read the clause regarding restriction on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India
and certify that I am/We are not from such a country or, if from such a country, have been registered with the competent
Authority. I/We hereby certify that I/we fulfil all the requirements in this regard and am/are eligible to be considered (evidence of
valid registration by the competent authority is enclosed)

Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc.

S.No. Description
Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc. Please
submit a certificate in the prescribed format (please download the format from the link given below). Non submission of the
1 certificate, or submission of certificate either not properly filled in, or in a format other than the prescribed format shall lead to
summary rejection of your offer.
( Click here to download the Format of Self Certification)


Check Lst

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
1 Whether required test certificates/ samples, if any have been uploaded? No No Not Allowed


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading

Pa g e 2 o f 4 Ru n Da te/Time: 30 /0 4/2 0 2 4 15 :2 3:2 0

Tender No: MDU-W-07-2024-09 Closing Date/Time: 22/05/2024 14:00

The tenderer shall clearly specify whether the tender is submitted on his own
(Proprietary Firm) or on behalf of a Partnership Firm / Company / Joint
Venture (JV) / Registered Society/ Registered Trust / Hindu Undivided Family(
HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc. The tenderer(s) shall enclose Allowed
1 Yes Yes
the attested copies of the requisite documents (including Power of Atorney, if (Mandatory)
opted) for constitution of their concern as per Cl.14 of GCC-Part-l and as per
a) Clause 17 of GCC - Part-1, for JV b) Clause 18 of GCC - Part 1, for
Partnership Firm
Copies of the following documents are to be uploaded: (i) Details such as
2 Name of the tenderer/ Contractor, Validity of DSC, Complete address with pin Yes Yes
code, Contact Number (ii) Copy of PAN Card (iii) Copy of GSTIN card
A copy of NEFT form duly filled in the details as necessary to be uploaded.
3 (The Tenderer/ Contractor not having NEFT form may down load the empty Yes Yes
NEFT form available in document site)
Submission of Annexure-V under Document Verification Certificate- As per
Advance Correction Slip No.2 dt.13/12/2022 to GCC - 2022, the tenderers
shall submit copy of certificate stating that they are not liable to be disqualified
4 and all their statements/documents submitted along with bid are true and Yes Yes Not Allowed
factual. Standard format of the certificate to be submitted by the bidder in form
of Annexure V. Non-submission of the above Certificate(s) by the bidder shall
result in summarily rejection of his/their bid.
Submission of Annexure-V(A) under Document Verification Certificate : In case
of other than Company/Proprietary firm, Annexure-V(A) shall also be
submitted by the each member of a Partnership Firm/Joint Venture (JV) /Hindu
5 Yes Yes Not Allowed
Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) etc., as the case
may be. Non-submission of the above Certificate (s) by the bidder shall result
in summarily rejection of his/their bid.
Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered.
Please enter 0 for fully imported items, and 100 for fully indigenous items. The Allowed
6 No Yes
definition and calculation of local content shall be in accordance with the Make (Optional)
in India policy as incorporated in the tender conditions.

General Instructions

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
All the instructions furnished in the Technical compliance/ Commercial
1 Compliance/ Check-list/ Undertakings are only indicative and not exhaustive; No No Not Allowed
The Tenderer shall read the GCC/Tender documents for complete details.
The tenderer shall thoroughly go through the entire tender documents and
2 No No Not Allowed
strictly adhere to the instructions and directions given therein.
If the Tenderer(s) deliberately give(s) wrong information/ or create incorrect
3 documents in his/their offer or create circumstances for the acceptance of No No Not Allowed
his/their offer, the Railway reserves the right to reject such offer at any stage.
4 All terms and conditions in the tender documents are binding on the Tenderers No No Not Allowed
Railway reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders and to
5 No No Not Allowed
award the work in whole or in part without assigning any reason.
Unreleased Bid Security, if any, held with the Railway Administration, shall not
6 No No Not Allowed
be adjusted towards the Bid Security to be remitted.
Bid Security shall be deposited either in cash through e-payment gateway or
e-BG or submitted as Bank Guarantee bond from a scheduled bank of India or
7 No No Not Allowed
as mentioned in tender documents subject to exemptions provided under
para5(1) (a) of Part-1 (ITT) of GCC.
In case of submission of Bid Security in the form of Bank Guarantee, the
Original Bank Guarantee (other than e-BG) should be delivered in person to
8 No No Not Allowed
the Official nominated as indicated in the Tender document before closing
date for submission of bids(i.e. excluding the last date of submission of bids)
The original Bank Guarantee should be delivered in person to Chief Office
Superintendent/Works Branch, Railway Divisional Office, Madurai before
8.1 No No Not Allowed
closing date for submission of bids(i.e. excluding the last date of submission of


Pa g e 3 o f 4 Ru n Da te/Time: 30 /0 4/2 0 2 4 15 :2 3:2 0

Tender No: MDU-W-07-2024-09 Closing Date/Time: 22/05/2024 14:00

S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
Submission of Certificates and testimonials regarding contracting/ Technical
1 Yes Yes Not Allowed
experience for the type of job for which tender is invited
Submission of Audited Balance Sheet duly certified by the Chartered
2 Yes Yes Not Allowed
Accountant regarding contractual payments received.
Submission of Audited Balance Sheet, duly certified by the Chartered
3 Yes Yes Not Allowed
Accountant as per Annexure - VI(B)


S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents

Required Allowed Uploading
CONTRACT with all correction slips up to date and other conditions of tender
1 No No Not Allowed
including special conditions if any attached hereto in the Tender document and
I/We hereby agree to abide by the conditions stipulated therein
I/We also undertake to carry out the work in accordance with the said plans,
specifications and conditions of contract and to find and provide such of the
2 materials (other than those to be supplied by the Railway), and to do all such No No Not Allowed
things which in the opinion of the Engineer may be necessary for, or incidental
to the construction.
I/We also undertake that I/we have organizational set up to execute the work
3 and also we have sufficient Plant & Machinery or/and capable of hiring Plant & No No Not Allowed
Machinery as required for satisfactory completion of work.
I/ We have visited the works site and I / We am / are aware of the site
4 No No Not Allowed

6. Documents attached with tender

S.No. Document Name Document Description

1 GCCApril2022.pdf GCCApril2022
2 CorrectionSlip1to5.pdf Correction slip 1 to 5
3 RulesandRegulations-Aug2023.pdf General condition

This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Induswww Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.

As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of
GFR regarding procurement through GeM.

Signed By: KARTHIK M

Designation : Sr.DENCo-ordn

Pa g e 4 o f 4 Ru n Da te/Time: 30 /0 4/2 0 2 4 15 :2 3:2 0

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