Hyper Alarm Server - Quick Start
Hyper Alarm Server - Quick Start
Hyper Alarm Server - Quick Start
Description: An introduction to the Hyper Alarm Server with Currently there is no method to convert an AlarmWorX64
examples and troubleshooting information. Server configuration to a Hyper Alarm Server configuration.
Users are encouraged to use the Hyper Alarm Server for new
General Requirement: Basic knowledge of AlarmWorX64
projects and continue using the AlarmWorX64 Server for
Viewer, alarms, and AssetWorX.
existing projects unless there is a feature of the Hyper Alarm
Server that warrants an upgrade.
Introduction ICONICS hopes that the Hyper Alarm Server will fit the needs of
new projects better than the AlarmWorX64 Server. If this is not
New in 10.97, the Hyper Alarm Server offers ISA 18.2-compliant
the case, please contact ICONICS technical support with the
and redundant alarming. The Hyper Alarm Server is built on
features of the AlarmWorX64 Server that cannot be replicated
new technology to provide better performance and more
in the Hyper Alarm Server to help us close gaps in functionality.
customization for the alarms generated.
Customizable alarm
✓ General
The General tab is used to create the expression for the
Real-time inputs ✓ ✓
processing of alarms. This is used with the Conditions tab to
Historical data inputs ✓ determine the logic behind the alarm states.
Runtime configuration The expression on the General tab is one of the most important
changes via DA points parts of an alarm type, which is why it has a prominent place
on the front page, but it should be configured last. It uses fields
Max related values per
20 Unlimited from the Inputs tab and conditions defined on the Condition
Integrated with When an alarm tag of this type is evaluated, this expression is
AssetWorX run. The expression should result in an integer. The integer is
ISA 18.2 compliance ✓ ✓ then matched to one of the conditions on the Conditions tab
to determine the condition of this alarm tag.
The Inputs tab defines the set of values needed to create a
The Settings tab is used to configure a number of optional specific alarm using this type. When an alarm tag is created
settings for each alarm type. If a setting is not configured it will using the alarm type, the user will be presented with a form
use a default value. The available setting and their default made up of the inputs defined on this tab.
values are described in the table below.
Each input has a number of properties that are used to create
Setting Description Default Value the form, including the category, display name, input type, and
default value.
Enable User Out of Allows users to False
Service manually set Out of
Fields The General tab of each alarm tag has basic options for the
display name and description. On the Inputs tab the user
The Fields tab is used to determine what fields from the alarm
chooses a type out of the defined alarm types, then the rest of
are sent to clients (such as the AlarmWorX64 Viewer). In
the Inputs tab is populated based on the defined inputs of that
addition to standard fields, such as Message and Severity, the
alarm type.
user can create their own custom fields. These act as related
values and can have customized names.
The default value for fields can use information defined on the
Inputs tab.
The Conditions tab is used to create the different conditions for
alarms. The result of the expression on the General tab is
matched to the code of one of these conditions to determine
the condition or state of the alarm.
For example, if the user wants to create an alarm type that has
a severity of 500 when it is in the normal state but higher
severity when it is in the Hi or HiHi state they can set the
default severity to 500 on the Fields tab and set higher
severities for Hi or HiHi on the Values tab.
Values that come from the defaults defined on the Fields tab
are shown in blue. Edited values are showed in black.
Alarm Tags
Alarm tags are created under Hyper Alarm Server > Areas.
© 2021 ICONICS, Inc. Page 3 of 7 Hyper Alarm Server - Quick Start
Hyper Alarm Server – Quick Start
Condition Name Severity Message RequiresAck 1. Go to AssetWorX and find the AssetWorX Property
the alarm will be created on. For this example, the
LoLo 700 {{LoLoText}} 1
property used is Equipment → Company → Foxboro
Normal 700 {{NormalText}} 0 Bakery → North → Baking line → Ingredients mixing
tank → Ingredient charger → Heating control →
HiHi 700 {{HiHiText}} 1 CurrentTemperature
9. Give the Alarm Type a name and then click on Apply 2. After opening the AssetWorX property, go to the
to save changes. Alarm tab and check the box labeled “Hyper Alarm
10. After making this Alarm Type, go to the Areas section Server alarm”.
and add an alarm tag using this new alarm type. 3. Select the Type from the dropdown list. For this
11. Add in the properties for this new alarm type. The example, select Hi Limits.
string parameters (such as message) need to be 4. Fill in the information for the alarm and click Apply.
surrounded by double quotes. An example of a Section Property Value
configured alarm is below.
Return to Normal Message Text "Alarm is Normal"
Section Property Value
Hi Condition Value 50
General Data @sim64:Float.Static("Static1").Value
Settings Source Hi Condition Message Text "Alarm is Hi"
12. Click Apply after entering in the data for the alarm.
When the tag is either higher than the HiHi limit or Subscribing to Hyper Alarm Server
lower than the LoLo limit, the alarm should show in
the AlarmWorX64 Viewer. The Hyper Alarm Server can be subscribed to via the
AlarmWorX64 Viewer and through other GENESIS64 clients as
either data points or Alarm and Event Subscriptions.
Create alarms in AssetWorX
The address space for the Hyper Alarm Server is separated out
The Hyper Alarm Server can also be integrated into AssetWorX into different sections. The first section is AssetWorX
to allow alarms to use the AssetWorX properties. The alarms integration, then the Redundancy information shown, and lastly
will use the AssetWorX path for the name and the point in the the area tree where the alarms are created.
AssetWorX Real-Time Data property as the input. This example
uses the sample configuration for the Hyper Alarm Server and
AssetWorX. Both of these configurations need to be in the
same database to use this feature.
Counters are used to expose information about the number of
alarms active or max severity to clients or Windows
Performance Monitors to see the overall performance of the
Hyper Alarm Server.
In the default configuration some counters are already created
in the system and can be exposed as process points to clients.
Some examples are the count of active and acknowledged
alarms, the maximum severity of active and acknowledged
alarms, etc.
More counters can be created by going to Product
Configuration → Counters in the Hyper Alarm Server tree.
These would be created by adding a new counter and creating
a new expression that uses properties of the alarms.
Figure 6 - Sections of Data Browser
Hyper Alarm Server has redundancy built into the product To enable Point Tracing go to the Product Configuration →
using FrameWorX redundancy as a base. The behavior for System Settings section of the Hyper Alarm Server tree and
Hyper Alarm Server redundancy is that the active server find the section called Point Tracing. In this section, check the
processes alarms and acknowledgements for the clients. For Enabled box and this will enable point tracing.
the standby server, it synchronizes the alarm states with the There are different fields that can be enabled for TraceWorX
active server. Both servers should have the same configuration and they are used for troubleshooting different sections of the
database with the same settings in them. alarms. A&E Point Names is used to choose which alarms to
The configuration settings for redundancy are in the Product trace. The A&E Field Names and A&E Type Setting Names are
Configuration → System Settings section of the Hyper Alarm the properties of those alarms to be traced.
Server tree. For the A&E Field Names, the default Field Types need to start
The settings for redundancy are the Primary Computer Name with the @ symbol (@Message, @Severity, @RequiresAck).
and the Secondary Computer Name. These are to set the two Custom field names are just the name of the field. For the A&E
servers being set for redundancy. The Primary Host and Type Setting Names, these match the list shown on the
Secondary Host are backup hostnames or IP addresses to Settings tab of the Alarm Type. To put these into TraceWorX,
connect to the server machines. This is used in case the original use the name without spaces (EnableUserOutOfService,
host name is inaccessible. OutOfService, EnableUserSuppressedByDesign,
SuppressedByDesign, EnableUserShelved, Shelved,
AlarmOnDelay, AlarmOffDelay).
Troubleshooting The input and output point names are used to track the values
The Hyper Alarm Server has built in features to assist in of the inputs to the Hyper Alarm Server (OPC points) and the
troubleshooting issues. outputs from the Hyper Alarm Server to other GENESIS64
clients. For multiple tags, separate with semicolons.