Rise of Modern Science
Rise of Modern Science
Rise of Modern Science
- Freudenthal, Gideon & McLaughlin, Peter – The Scientific and Economic Roots of the
Scientific Revolution: Texts by Borris Hessen and Henryk Grossman. Springer. 2009
- Hooykaas, R. – The Rise of Modern Science: When and Why? The British Journal for the
History of Science. 1987.
- Boas, Marie – The Scientific Renaissance 1450-1630. Harper & Brother, New York. 1962
- Patel, Pravin J. – Robert Merton’s Formulations in Sociology of Science. Sociological
Bulletin, Vol. 24, No. 1 (March 1975), pp. 55-75
- Richardson, Alan - Robert K. Merton and Philosophy of Science. Social Studies of
Science, Vol. 34, No. 6 (Dec., 2004), pp. 855-858
- Mason, Stephen F. - Some Historical Roots of the Scientific Revolution. Science &
Society, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Summer, 1950), pp. 237-264
- Mulligan, Lotte – Puritans and English Science: A Critique of Webster. The University of
Chigago Press Journals. Vol 71, No. 3, Sep 1980
- Sinha, Arvind – Europe in Transition: From Feudalism to Industrialisation. Manohar
Publishers and Distributors. 30 Jan, 2010