Upstream Metering Regulations 2016

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SUPPLEMENT No. 18 24th June, 2016

to The Uganda Gazette No. 45, Volume CIX, dated 24th June, 2016
Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government.

2016 No. 45.


1. Title.
2. Application.
3. Purpose of Regulations.
4. Interpretation.


5. Requirement for management control system.

6. Organisation and competence.
7. Requirement for use of standards approved by the Authority and
best petroleum industry practices.
8. Metering and measurement of petroleum.
9. Standard test apparatus.

General Requirements Relating to Metering and

Metering Systems
10. Allowable metering uncertainty.
11. Units of metering.
12. Reference conditions.
13. Determination of energy content.
14. Prohibition against bypassing metering system.

Requirements for Design of Metering System
15. General requirements.
16. Multiphase metering
17. Design of the mechanical part of metering system.
18. The instrument part of metering system.
19. The computer part of metering system.


20. Requirement for approval.

21. General.
22. Calibration of mechanical part.
23. Calibration of instrument part.
24. Verification of computer part.


25. Operation and maintenance.

26. Calibration of prover volume.
27. Operating requirements for flow meters.
28. Operating requirements for instrument part.
29. Operating requirements for computer part.


30. Documentation prior to start-up of metering system.

31. Documentation relating to metering system during operation.
32. Information.
33. Calibration documents.

34. Offence and penalty.


2016 No. 45.

The Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production)

(Metering) Regulations, 2016.
(Under sections 110, 183 (3) (o) and (s) of the Petroleum (Exploration,
Development and Production) Act, 2013, Act 3 of 2013).

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Minister responsible for

petroleum activities by section 183 of the Petroleum (Exploration,
Development and Production) Act, 2013, these Regulations are made
this 6th day of May, 2016.
1. Title.
These Regulations may be cited as the Petroleum (Exploration,
Development and Production) (Metering) Regulations, 2016.

2. Application.
These Regulations apply to metering of petroleum in petroleum

3. Purpose of Regulations.
The purpose of these Regulations is—
(a) to ensure that accurate metering forms the basis of custody
transfer of petroleum, the calculation of taxes, royalties and
fees due to the Government and income of the licensees;
(b) to provide for metering for purposes of reservoir management;
(c) to define functional and specific requirements relating to the
design and operation of the metering equipment;

(d) to provide for the responsibility of a licensee to ensure that the

metering equipment and method at all times comply with these
(e) to stipulate requirements for reporting and documentation of
crude oil, gas, flare gas and other fluids; and
(f) to provide for suitable supervision and monitoring of metering

4. Interpretation.
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—

“Act” means the Petroleum (Exploration, Development and

Production) Act, 2013;

“Authority” means the Petroleum Authority of Uganda established

by section 9 of the Act;

“authorised officer” means an officer or other person acting under

the authority of the Minister or the Authority under the Act
and these Regulations;

“allocation” means breaking down quantities of produced

petroleum across various contributing sources;

“best petroleum industry practices” means the use of what is

accepted to be the best available practices that are generally
accepted as good, safe, transparent and efficient in carrying
out petroleum activities and that can be applied globally under
similar circumstances;

“calibration” means the establishment of the relationship between

measured value and reference value with known uncertainty;
“calibration factor” or “K-factor” means the relationship between
the measured value coming from a meter and the measured
value from a reference measurement system;
“computer part” means the part of the metering system which
consists of computers and receives metering signals from
digital instrument loops;
“currency point” has the value assigned to a currency point in
Schedule 1;

“custody transfer” means the transfer of ownership or possession of

petroleum from one party to another;
“fiscal metering” means metering or measurement of petroleum
carried out in connection with purchase and sale and the
calculation of taxes and royalties;

“instrument part” means that part of the metering system which

includes the instrument that responds to the digital input of the
computer part;

“licence” means a licence issued under the Act;

“licensee” means a person to whom a licence is granted under the


“measurement uncertainty” means an expression of the result of a

measured value which characterises the range within which
the true value is expected to lie;

“mechanical part” means all mechanical equipment included in a

petroleum metering system;
“metering system” means the combination of the mechanical part,
an instrument part and a computer part, and associated
connecting loops comprised in the equipment for metering and
measurement of petroleum;

“metering station” means an assembly of metering equipment

dedicated to the determination of measured quantities of
petroleum at a given location;
“place of manufacture” means a place where fabrication, assembly
and testing of one or more of the metering system’s main
components takes place;
“place of operation” means a facility or terminal where the
metering system is in service;
“prover” means a device for calibration of dynamic flow meter,
based on displacement of a body through a calibrated tube;
“standards” means standards, specifications, and codes of practice
which apply to the construction, operation, use,
decommissioning and disposal of facilities required for the
purpose of carrying out petroleum activities including
standards for emission, company standards, compulsory
standards specifications, internal standards, approved by the
Authority or standards issued under the National Bureau of
Standards Act and best petroleum industry practices;
“standard test apparatus” means equipment or apparatus whose
measurement result meets the required objective for which the
measurement is made and it’s accuracy or uncertainty is
traceable to standards approved by the Authority and best
petroleum industry practices;
“verification” means reviewing, inspecting or testing equipment,
product, service or system to establish compliance with these
Regulations, standards approved by the Authority and best
petroleum industry practices.


5. Requirement for management control system.

(1) Every licensee shall establish a management control system for
metering and measurement of petroleum which shall include
organisation, processes, procedures and resources necessary to ensure
compliance with the Act and these Regulations.

(2) The management control system referred to in subregulation (1)

shall be maintained by the licensee in a systematic and controlled
manner and its update and revision shall be communicated to the
Authority and any other relevant agency.
(3) The management control system shall ensure that relevant
experience and information is conveyed from the construction phase to
the operational phase and from one shift of personnel to the next.
(4) Every licensee shall prepare a quality assurance manual for the
operation of the metering systems.

6. Organisation and competence.

(1) Every licensee shall appoint a person-in-charge of the metering
system to ensure that procedures relating to operation, maintenance,
calibration, verification and control are followed.

(2) A licensee shall document the functional scope and areas of

responsibility of the personnel who carry out tasks in connection with
the metering system and shall describe the duties, responsibilities and
authority of the personnel.

(3) All personnel carrying out tasks related to the metering systems
shall possess documented qualifications within the relevant technical
field and the licensee shall establish a system to ensure skills or
competence advancement.

7. Requirement for use of standards approved by the Authority

and best petroleum industry practices.
Metering activities shall be carried out in accordance with the
requirements prescribed under these Regulations, standards approved by
the Authority and best petroleum industry practices.

8. Metering and measurement of petroleum.

(1) A licensee shall meter and analyse petroleum produced,
including petroleum that has been sold, in accordance with these
Regulations, standards approved by the Authority, best petroleum
industry practices and guidelines issued by the Authority.

(2) The equipment and procedures for metering shall meet

standards approved by the Authority and best petroleum industry
(3) Where the Authority establishes that the volume of petroleum
produced or sold has been incorrectly calculated, the licensee shall
investigate the matter and produce documentation that shall form the
basis for determining the correct volume immediately, but in any case
not later than fourteen days from the date of the establishment.

(4) The Authority may issue further directions relating to the

correct volume referred to in subregulation (3).
(5) The licensee shall, with volume and gravity correction to 60 °F
and by a method or methods approved by the Authority in writing,

(a) all petroleum won and saved and casing-head petroleum spirit
recovered from the licence area; and

(b) all natural gas sold.

(6) The Authority or an authorised officer shall have unlimited

access to the metering stations and the control room at all times.

(7) The Authority or an authorised officer shall at all times be

present when an equipment or appliance for metering petroleum is being
calibrated, re-calibrated, tested, verified, compared or measured to
ensure that the equipment or appliance is in accordance with standards
approved by the Authority, best petroleum industry practices accepted
methods and procedures agreed to by the Authority.

(8) Where any fiscal meter or fiscal metering appliance is at any

time found to be false or inaccurate—

(a) the appliance shall be deemed to have existed in that condition

during the period of three months prior to the discovery unless
the licensee can prove to the satisfaction of the Authority that
the error could not have possibly occurred over that period or
the period that has elapsed since the last occasion upon which
the appliance was examined or tested, whichever is less; and
(b) the royalties and other entitlements including profit oil,
bonuses payable in respect of the period during which the
appliance is deemed existed shall be adjusted accordingly.

(9) The licensee shall not repair, maintain, or make any alterations
to an approved metering or measuring equipment or appliances or in the
method or methods of metering without the written approval of the

(10) An authorised officer shall be present during repairs,

maintenance or alterations.

(11) The frequency at which metering equipment or appliances are

calibrated or tested shall be in accordance with the recommendation of
the manufacturer and shall meet standards approved by the Authority,
best petroleum industry practices and guidelines issued by the Authority.

(12) The Authority shall have the right to test and establish the
accuracy of fiscal metering appliances or equipment at any time without
previous notice to the licensee.

9. Standard test apparatus.

(1) The licensee shall use standard apparatus for determining the
physical properties of petroleum.
(2) The apparatus referred to in subregulation (1) shall be engraved
with the words “Standard Test Apparatus” and shall be verified and
corrected by the licensee from time to time and replaced when necessary,
in accordance with these Regulations, and with the approval by the

General Requirements Relating to Metering and Metering Systems

10. Allowable metering uncertainty.

(1) The allowable metering uncertainty shall be in accordance with
Schedule 2, standards approved by the Authority and best petroleum
industry practices.
(2) The metering system shall be designed so that metering errors
are avoided or compensated for.
(3) A licensee shall document the total uncertainty of the metering
system and prepare an uncertainty analysis for the metering that gives a
confidence level of 95 percent or higher.
(4) Liquefied natural gas shall be measured and analysed at the
place of loading in the presence of an authorised officer and the licensee
is responsible for, and shall document that the metering system is done
in accordance with standards approved by the Authority and best
petroleum industry practices.
(5) A licensee may determine liquefied natural gas volumes in
connection with loading by use of traceable measured vessel tanks and
calibrated level gauges or any other method approved by the Authority.
(6) The allowable uncertainty in respect of individual components
of the metering system shall meet standards approved by the Authority
and best petroleum industry practices.

(7) The licensee may use linearity band as a test criterion when
accepting meters.

(8) The repeatability requirement shall meet standards approved by

the Authority and best petroleum industry practices.

11. Units of metering.

(1) The metering system shall give readings in oil field units
determined by the Authority.

(2) Reporting of fiscal figures to the Authority shall be in oilfield

units determined by the Authority in subregulation (1).

12. Reference conditions.

The standard reference conditions for pressure and temperature during
the metering of petroleum shall be standard atmospheric pressure and
13. Determination of energy content.
(1) The licensee shall use gas composition from continuous flow
proportional gas chromatography or from automatic flow proportional
sampling for determining energy content.

(2) The licensee shall ensure that sales gas metering stations have

(3) The licensee shall ensure that petroleum is analysed by a

competent laboratory to determine the physical or chemical properties
and the analysis results, provided the analysis is required for sale or
allocation purposes.

(4) The analysis shall be carried out by a competent laboratory

approved by the Authority.

(5) In determining barrels of oil equivalent for gas, a conversion

factor of 5.8 million BTU per barrel shall be used except as otherwise
determined by the Authority.

14. Prohibition against bypassing metering system.

A person shall not bypass the metering system.

Requirements for Design of Metering System

15. General requirements.

(1) The metering system shall be designed in accordance with
standards approved by the Authority and best petroleum industry
practices so that it is capable of metering the full range of planned
petroleum flows without any component operating outside its working

(2) The metering system shall, to the extent possible, be equipped

with duplicated instrument functions for signals from primary meters
and instrumentation for facilitating condition based monitoring and
reducing the need for preventive maintenance.

(3) Signals from parallel metering runs shall be used in connection
with condition monitoring.

(4) Wireless communication between different parts of the fiscal

metering system may be used if it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of
the Authority that the solutions are equal to or better than the traditional
solution using a communication cable, with regard to metering system

(5) On sales metering stations, the number of parallel meter runs

shall ensure that the maximum flow of petroleum can be measured with
one meter run out of service, while the rest of the meter runs operate
within their specified operating range.
(6) The metering system shall be suitable for the relevant type of
metering, the petroleum properties and the petroleum volumes to be

(7) The metering system shall be installed in accordance with

standards approved by the Authority and best petroleum industry
practices and flow straighteners or conditioners shall be installed, where

(8) In areas where inspection and calibration takes place, there shall
be adequate protection against outside climate, vibration or any other
disruptive condition.

(9) A licensee shall ensure that the metering tube and associated
equipment are insulated upstream and downstream for a distance
sufficient to prevent temperature changes affecting the instruments that
provide input signals for the fiscal calculations.

(10) Shutoff valves shall be of the block and bleed type and all
valves of the metering station shall be accessible for inspection to secure
against leakage.

(11) All parts of the metering system shall be easily accessible for
maintenance, inspection, verification and calibration.
16. Multiphase metering.
(1) Multiphase meters shall not be used for fiscal metering.

(2) Notwithstanding subregulation (1), the Authority may, in

exceptional circumstances where traditional single phase metering of
petroleum is not possible approve the use of multiphase meters for fiscal

(3) The following elements shall be satisfactorily documented by

the licensee to allow use of multiphase metering—

(a) the description of the main principles of the operations and

maintenance philosophy;

(b) the possibility to calibrate meters against test separator or

other reference;

(c) redundancy in sensors and robustness in the design of the

metering concept;

(d) relevant pressure volume and temperature model and

representative sampling opportunity to be able to perform a
sound pressure volume and temperature model (PVT)
(e) design of inlet pipes to ensure similar conditions if multiple
meters are used in parallel;
(f) flexibility in the system for handling varying gas volume
fraction (gvf);
(g) a description of the planned method for condition monitoring
and planned calibration interval;

(h) a description of the planned method and interval for sampling

and updating (pvt) data; and

(i) any other information that the Authority may require.

(4) Where multiphase meters are part of the fiscal metering system,
they shall be treated as other fiscal metering equipment and shall be in
accordance with these Regulations, standards approved by the Authority,
guidelines issues by the Authority and best petroleum industry practices.

17. Design of mechanical part of metering system.

(1) A licensee shall ensure that—

(a) the mechanical part of the metering system is designed to meet

standards approved by the Authority and best petroleum
industry practices;

(b) during design, provision is made for necessary redundancy

and the possibility of verification of the gas and liquid
metering devices;

(c) when turbine meters are used for liquid metering, permanent
prover is available for calibration of the metering devices and
it is possible to calibrate the prover at the place of operation;

(d) where other types of flow meters are used for liquid metering,
permanent equipment for calibration of the metering device
are available.

(2) A licensee shall ensure that surrounding equipment do not affect

the measured signals.

18. The instrument part of the metering system.

A licensee shall ensure that the metering system instrumentation is
able to measure pressure, temperature, density and composition of
petroleum to ensure representative input signals for the fiscal

19. The computer part of fiscal metering system.

A licensee shall ensure that—
(a) the computer part of fiscal metering system is designed to
ensure that fiscal calculations can be carried out within the
stipulated uncertainty range;

(b) the computer part of fiscal metering system is equipped with

various security functions to ensure that the fiscal values
cannot be changed as a result of incidents of a technical nature
or as a result of a manual fault;

(c) the pressure and temperature gauges are calibrated regularly in

accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer,
standards approved by the Authority, best petroleum industry
practices and guidelines issued by the Authority, and the
calibration results are entered into the flow computer in the
presence of an authorised officer;

(d) with regard to reports, the computer part is capable of

documenting the various fiscal parameters and the fiscal
volumes calculated;

(e) the computer part of a fiscal metering system has

uninterruptible power supply;

(f) faults are detected as an alarm and that a back-up system can
be activated immediately; and

(g) power failure does not cause deletion of measured fiscal data
from the storing unit of the computer part of the metering


20. Requirement for approval.

(1) A licensee shall obtain approval from the Authority prior to
start-up of the metering system.

(2) A licensee shall not carryout modification or change in the
purpose for use of the metering system without the approval of the
(3) Where the basis for the approvals under this regulation is
significantly changed, the Authority may require the licensee to obtain a
new approval before the activities are continued.
(4) Prior to start-up of the metering system, a licensee shall prepare
procedures for operation, maintenance, calibration and verification and
the procedures shall ensure that the metering system is maintained to the
standard to which it is designed, standards approved by the Authority
and best petroleum industry practices.
(5) The licensee shall forward to the Authority for approval
procedures for calibrations and verifications of metering stations for

21. General requirement for start-up of metering system.

(1) Calibrations and verifications as described in these Regulations
shall be carried out by the licensee prior to start-up of the metering
system at the place of operation.
(2) An authorised officer shall be present at the start-up of the
metering system.

22. Calibration of mechanical part.

(1) A licensee shall ensure that—

(a) prover volume is calibrated—

(i) before the metering system is delivered from the place of
manufacture; and
(ii) prior to start-up at the place of operation;

(b) the mechanical parts critical to metering uncertainty is

measured or subjected to flow calibration in order to document
calibration curve; and
(c) the fully assembled fluid metering system is flow tested at the
place of manufacture and a functional test is performed on
flowmeters before start-up of operations.

(2) Except with the approval of the Authority, the licensee shall use
statistical methods to provide documentation for repeatability requirements.

23. Calibration of instrument part.

A licensee shall ensure that—
(a) prior to start-up, the instrument loops are calibrated and the
calibration results are made available to the Authority;
(b) the instrument loops are calibrated at a number of values
necessary to detect any non-linearity errors within its working
range; and
(c) calibration of the instrument loops is carried out using the
display reading of the visual signal from the computer part.

24. Verification of computer part.

(1) A licensee shall ensure that—
(a) verification of the computer part is carried out for each
metering tube to confirm that all functions are operational
prior to start-up; and

(b) each independent program routine is verified to show that

calculations are carried out with requirements equal to or
better than those prescribed in regulation10 and integration is
verified with at least three values in the flow range.

(2) The calculations for calibrations as prescribed in regulation 10

shall be verified and shall include K-factor in respect of the individual
calibration and the average value within the predetermined range of
variation to ensure that they meet the requirements of these Regulations,
standards approved by the Authority and best petroleum industry

25. Operation and maintenance of metering systems.

A licensee shall ensure that—

(a) a metering system is operated and maintained to the standard

to which it is designed, standards approved by the Authority
and best petroleum industry practices;

(b) the equipment that forms an integral part of the metering

system, and which is of significant importance to the metering
uncertainty, is calibrated using traceable equipment before
start of operation, and subsequently maintained to that

(c) where the equipment is found to be outside the given limit

values during calibration, correction is carried out by qualified
personnel and associated correction is made in accordance
with these Regulations, the recommendations of the
manufacturer, guidelines issued by the Authority, standards
approved by the Authority and best petroleum industry
practices; and

(d) traceable calibration of test instruments are carried out

regularly by a competent laboratory in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturer, guidelines issued by
the Authority, standards approved by the Authority and best
petroleum industry practices.

26. Calibration of prover volume.

A licensee shall ensure that meter prover volume is calibrated at least
annually and where the volume may have changed as a result of
equipment failure.

27. Operating requirements for flow meters.

A licensee shall ensure that—

(a) where turbine meters are used for metering of petroleum, they
are calibrated against the permanent meter prover with a
repeatability that conforms with the manufacturer’s
recommendation; standards approved by the Authority and
best petroleum industry practices;

(b) the calibration factor for the flow meters are within the control
limits according to the recommendation of the manufacturer
standards approved by the Authority, guidelines issued by the
Authority and best petroleum industry practices; and

(c) flow meters installed after work over, modification or

replacement are immediately calibrated to verify that they
meet the requirements for linearity and repeatability.

28. Operating requirements for instrument part.

A licensee shall ensure that—
(a) sensors are monitored continually and regularly calibrated in
accordance with these Regulations, standards approved by the
Authority and best petroleum industry practices;

(b) calibration comprises of several values in the sensor’s

operating range;

(c) where the outlet signals from the sensors deviate from the pre-
set limits, necessary maintenance and subsequent new
calibration is undertaken;

(d) calibration methods used ensure that systematic metering

errors are avoided or compensated for;

(e) gas densitometers are verified against calculated density or

other relevant methods;

(f) online gas chromatographs are validated against a traceable

reference gas with a stipulated frequency;
(g) pursuant to the uncertainty statement referred to in regulation
10, validation criteria are stipulated and if a gas
chromatograph is outside the stated criteria during validation,
calibration is performed and new factors are established;

(h) new validation is performed following a correction to confirm

that the gas chromatograph is within the given test criteria; and

(i) variations in gas composition is monitored and, where

variations exceed ± 5%, a reference gas with a different
calorific value and a new linearity test is considered.

29. Operating requirements for computer part.

(1) A licensee shall ensure that all data is filed regularly.

(2) A licensee shall establish procedures for handling of fault

messages from the computer part or faults otherwise discovered.

(3) A licensee shall ensure that where software changes and

replacement of computer parts are done, an independent verification is
carried out for the calculation requirements of the computer part.


30. Documentation prior to start-up of metering system.

The licensee shall, after the development of the field and prior to start-
up of the metering system, submit to the Authority the following

(a) the technical description of the metering system;

(b) an overview showing the location of the metering systems in

the process and transportation system;

(c) drawings and description of the equipment included in the

metering system;

(d) a list of documentation for the metering system;

(e) a progress plan for the project up to the time of application for
consent to use the metering system;

(f) a description of the licensee’s and the supplier’s management

control system for follow up of the metering system;

(g) uncertainty analysis; and

(h) any other information that the Authority may require.

31. Documentation relating to metering system during operation.

(1) A licensee shall establish and maintain an archive which shall
contain documentation in respect of the metering system.

(2) A licensee shall ensure that the quality of metering meets the
requirements of these Regulations, standards approved by the Authority
and best petroleum industry practices.

(3) Correction shall be made for documented metering errors.

32. Information.
(1) A licensee shall notify the Authority of any changes to the
metering system that affect the quality of fiscal metering or figures
reported from the metering.

(2) A licensee shall inform the Authority of the following—

(a) annual plan for activities within the technical field in question;
(b) procedure for ownership allocation of petroleum between
licensees in production licences;

(c) metering errors;

(d) fiscal metering data that have been corrected based on
(e) changes in calibration intervals;

(f) changes in calculation software; and

(g) changes in aspects that formed the basis of the consent for

33. Calibration documents.

(1) A licensee shall document the description of procedure during
calibration and inspection and an overview of results where metering
deviation before and after calibration is shown.

(2) The documentation referred to in subregulation (1) shall be

available for verification by the Authority or any other Government
ministry, department or agency at the place of operation of the licensee.


34. Offence and penalty.

(1) A person who contravenes any provision of these Regulations
commits an offence and is liable on conviction—

(a) to a fine not exceeding five thousand currency points or

imprisonment not exceeding ten years or both;

(b) in case of a continuing offence, to an additional fine not

exceeding five hundred currency points in respect of each day
on which the offence continues;

(c) in case of a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not

exceeding five thousand and five hundred currency points or
imprisonment not exceeding twelve years or both.

(2) The Minister may, in accordance with section 90 of the Act,

suspend or cancel a licence where the licensee has contravened any
provision of these Regulations.


Regulation 4


One currency point is equivalent to twenty thousand shillings.

Regulation 10(1)


Metering system Uncertainty limit at 95 percent (%)

confidence level
Oil metering fiscal and custody 0.3 % of standard volume
Gas metering for fiscal and custody 1.0 % of mass
Allocation meters for petroleum 5% of standard volume

Fuel gas metering 1.5% of standard volume

Flare gas metering 5.0 % of standard volume

Sales metering of liquified natural 0.50 % of measured energy contents

gas (LNG) per ship load


Minister for Energy and Mineral Development.


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