Implementation of Fishbone Diagram
Implementation of Fishbone Diagram
Implementation of Fishbone Diagram
Abstract: This study aims to practice the implementation of the Fishbone Diagram for Cause & Effect Analysis and prove the validity of the
technique’s usability in any construction project to increase productivity for both construction managers and engineers. In every sub-branch
of the given Fishbone Diagram, possible failures might be expected to occur unless necessary precautions are taken. The failures, emerge as
significant problems and range from possible delays to product quality deficiencies which would affect the acceptance of the project from
During the creation of the Fishbone Diagram, the obtained results show us that possible delays are co-existing among each of the 5 M's.
Fishbone Diagram in the study also points out there are common issues and similarities between Men and Machine since both 2 M’s lead to
progress in a construction project and are interdependent.
As a result of this study, usage of Fishbone Diagram Technique demonstrated the possible connections between M’s and determination of the
Cause & Effect relations in a construction project. Findings of this study proved that usage of Cause & Effect Analysis in construction pro-
jects is also practical to determine the key points of a construction and interdependent factors.
Key words: Fishbone Diagram, Construction, Construction Project Management, Quality Management, Ishikawa Diagram, The 5M’s
through non availability of production facilities and entable space period, higher material costs through inflation, and due to labour
or a dependence on present facilities. In some cases, delay causes cost increases.” [6]
higher overhead costs to the contractor because of longer work
Fig. 1. Fishbone Diagram to determine possible failures to be used in an example Construction Project
2. Experimental
study, examination of the given diagram and measurement of the By the examination of Figure 1, even though possible
diagram’s usefulness will lead us to verify the usability of the equipment issues are mostly a “Machine” related concern, condi-
diagram and determine the by-inferences of the diagram’s usage. In tions of equipment in construction sites have significant connection
this study, cause and effect analysis will focus on project ac- with other factors such as Men and Measurement. We can expect
ceptance over different contexts as 5 M’s. possible problems led by lack and failures in equipment due to its
Fishbone diagram has multiple functions that can be applied connection with other factors.
in manufacturing, sales process, and marketing aspects. Each cate-
gory has different characteristics. The fishbone diagram used in 4. Summary and conclusions
this research is manufacturing type while the most popular content
in manufacturing is “5Ms”; methods, machines, materials, meas- In our study, an example Fishbone Diagram was examined
urements and man. [4] for the purpose of validation of the cause and effect analysis for
The necessity of accurate problem determination in construc- project managers in the construction industry. In our Fishbone
tion projects comes from the importance of project management in Diagram, we identified the failure predecessors and their possible
construction projects. effects on construction project’s acceptability.
Project success depends on project management success and During the creation process of the diagram, due to the re-
the success of the end-product. This represents the micro and mac- search’s nature, we identified around 80 causes and effects affects
ro perspective of project success, the boundary of which inspires the acceptability of the project. As a side learning in this study, we
polarized reactions. Project success is influenced by many different discovered reasons of failure generalized for an overall construc-
factors, outside the control of project management.[3] tion project.
As given in (Al-Hajj, Zraunig 2018), project management With the examination of the diagram, our study showed us
practices in construction projects are unable to identify each of that by the usage of the cause and effect analysis, it is possible to
every factor affecting the projects’ success or acceptability. The determine the problems as the main purpose and obtain indirect
Fishbone Diagram designed for this study is an example for an inferences.
ideal gap filler for the exigency in projects. Every given sub branch Examinations made showed us that cause and effect analysis
is relatable for non-theoretical real-life problem occurrences which by Fishbone Diagram is possibly beneficial for companies’ man-
is vital for problem identification and taking the necessary steps for agement related problem-solving processes.
solving the problems. By the results of this study, it can be deduced that solving
some of the points which are connected by different factors identi-
3. Results and discussion fied with the Fishbone Diagram can make a significant contribution
to the progress of the project. Vital aspects like delays in projects
During the research process of this study, in every main fac- can be avoided with the cause and effect analysis and creating
tor (M’s) of the diagram, the “Delays” sub branch was observed solutions for these causes.
due to deadline expectations of customers due to the nature of the
construction industry. In the diagram made, even though the possi- Literature
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Importance of the identification of the such possible failures
comes up as this point. Impact of failures in construction industry
is defined by (Kumara, 2015) as “As Construction project failures
are increasingly reported around the globe and achieving success of
construction projects is becoming extremely difficult in today’s
turbulent environment.” [8]