Exp 2 - KMnO4 Vs Oxalic Acid Titration
Exp 2 - KMnO4 Vs Oxalic Acid Titration
Exp 2 - KMnO4 Vs Oxalic Acid Titration
AIM: (a) To prepare 250mL of M/50 Oxalic Acid solution.
(b) To determine the molarity and strength of the supplied KMnO4 solution by titrating it against the above solution.
Amount of Oxalic acid (W) needed to prepare 250mL of M/20 Mohr’s salt solution is calculated as :
= 0.63g
Oxalic acid thus weighed is transferred to a 250 mL Volumetric Flask and dissolved in a minimum volume of distilled
water. The volume of the solution is then made up by adding distilled water until the lower level of the meniscus touches
the etched mark on the volumetric flask.
This is a redox titration in which KMnO4 acts as a strong oxidizing agent in acidic medium and Oxalic acid solution acts
as a reducing agent represented by the following reaction:
The titration flask containing the mixture of M/50 Oxalic Acid and dilute sulphuric acid is heated in a water bath
to about 60 – 70 o C. The mixture was then titrated hot with KMnO4 solution taken in the burette.
Volume of M/50 Oxalic Acid solution pipetted out into a titration flask for each titration = 10mL.
Concordant Reading = X mL
From the overall ionic equation it is clear that 2 moles of MnO4− ion reacts with 5 moles of C2 O42- ion.
𝐌𝟏𝐕𝟏 𝐧𝟏
𝐌𝟐𝐕𝟐 𝐧𝟐
2 1
M1 = 5 x 𝑋 x 0.2
= 𝟓𝑿 M
= ……………….mol/ L x 158g/mol
= ………………..g/L
(i) As KMnO4 is deeply coloured upper meniscus should be read while taking the burette reading.
(ii) Air gap if any should be removed from the solution.