QP Esl 202306 PR
QP Esl 202306 PR
QP Esl 202306 PR
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Reading Paper
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• Answer all questions in English.
• Use black ink or black ball-point pen. 07–14
• Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. 15–24
• You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside 25–35
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• The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
• The maximum mark for this paper is 60.
• You must not use a dictionary.
IB/M/Jun23/E1 9280/R
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Text 1 Email box
Read the first part of this email from Isabella to her friend Bruno.
1 Dear Bruno
I hope you are doing well. Thanks so much for coming to my 18th birthday party last
month. It was lovely to see you again. I really enjoyed seeing everyone and catching
up with people from the old neighbourhood. I was pleased that we were able to have
the party at my parents’ house.
2 Thanks very much for the birthday card and the books you gave me. I have just finished
reading the novel set in New York and thought it was excellent. What an exciting story!
I would love to visit New York one day. I am looking forward to reading the other book
soon as a break from revision.
A 17
B 18
C 19
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0 2 Where did the party take place? box
[1 mark]
A At Isabella’s flat
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Read the second part of the email. box
4 Now I have to start revising for exams. I have begun revising Biology, Chemistry and
Maths and have planned a revision schedule. I am finding the chemistry revision the
hardest and the maths the most straightforward. Let me know if you find any good
chemistry revision websites which might help me out. I would really appreciate your
Good luck.
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0 5 What subject is Isabella finding easiest to revise? box
[1 mark]
A Biology
B Chemistry
C Maths
To thank Bruno for his advice about how to apply to university and for helping
with her birthday party.
To thank Bruno for his help with chemistry revision and ask him about how to
apply for universities.
To thank Bruno for the birthday present and tell him about her university
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Text 2 My local cinema box
1 I enjoy watching films of all kinds, particularly thrillers, romances and adventure films.
I like watching films on television but I prefer seeing them in a cinema if I can.
Fortunately, there is a cinema in the town where I live which is very easy to get to.
It has recently re-opened following some big renovations. It used to have only one
screen and now it has three. While the three screens are quite small, the sound in each
screening room is excellent and the seats are comfortable. We probably go there to see
a film about once a month depending on which films are showing.
2 I like to book the tickets for the film online ahead of time as some films are very popular
and the seats sell out quite fast. I prefer to sit in the sixth or seventh row from the front
as it is not too close to the screen but also not too far away. We can walk to the cinema
so we don’t have to worry about where to park and the cost of the tickets is relatively
low. The staff working there are very friendly and helpful.
3 Before the show we like to get some snacks! There are many different types of snacks
and drinks on sale, for example: popcorn, chocolate, sweets, soft drinks, tea and coffee.
There is also a variety of ice creams available, including flavours such as vanilla,
strawberry and caramel. Sometimes there is a queue to buy refreshments but it is worth
the wait. I like to buy a drink and a small tub of popcorn, which keeps me going
throughout the film unless it is particularly long!
0 7 Give one example of a genre of film which the writer likes to watch.
[1 mark]
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0 9 When won’t the snacks last throughout the film? box
[1 mark]
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Read the second part of the article. box
4 We have seen some fantastic films at this cinema, from science fiction and thrillers to
adventure films. The most effective film I have seen recently is about the First World
War and it is set in France. This is a really powerful film. The situations in the film
seemed very authentic. The music was fantastic as it emphasised how challenging the
surroundings were for the soldiers and how their lives were constantly in danger. The
audience watching the film was clearly captivated and there was no sign of anyone
checking their phones! When it was finished I felt exhausted as the events shown were
very affecting. I am glad I saw the film on the big screen rather than on a device.
5 Another film I saw at this cinema, which was also excellent, was an adventure film about
a sea voyage that goes wrong. The main character is the only survivor of a storm at sea
and has to find his way back to civilisation. The visual effects were great and really
helped to build up the suspense in the first part of the film. The feel-good ending was a
total surprise. Going to the cinema can take you to different worlds and that is another
reason why I like going.
1 1 In paragraph 4 the writer says, ‘The situations in the film seemed very authentic.’
1 2 Read paragraph 4.
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1 3 Read paragraph 5. box
A The film features a storm and the main character is lost at sea.
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Text 3 The importance of solar power box
1 Solar energy – energy from the sun – has become an incredibly important part of the
world that we live in. Solar energy is a renewable source of energy which means we
cannot run out of it. Unlike fossil fuels, which will expire in another few decades, solar
energy will never expire. We will continue to get solar energy as long as the sun is
there. It is also sustainable: in other words, we can use it to meet the needs of the
present without affecting the needs of the future generations. The sun is going to last
for another 6.5 billion years, according to NASA, and there is no way that we could
overuse it! Solar energy is produced when sunlight strikes solar panels, which then turn
solar power into usable energy.
2 Countries all around the world are using solar energy to reduce their dependence on
fossil fuels. For example, China, Germany and Japan are three of the countries which
produce the most solar energy. On several occasions, Germany has met over 50% of
the nation’s daily energy needs from solar power. In 2011, in Qinghai province in China,
a solar farm was built which has 4 million solar panels and occupies an area of
27 square kilometres. These panels produce energy which supplies power for up to
200 000 households. In Japan, after the earthquake and tsunami which led to the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant meltdowns in 2011, there has been a huge
increase in the use of solar power.
3 Solar panels can be mounted on the roofs of buildings, including people’s homes, and
angled to face the sun. Solar panels can be installed on any number of roofs and are
economical for homeowners. Even though the installation cost of solar panels can be
quite steep, they can provide a free supply of power, which means that they will
eventually pay for themselves. Moreover, homeowners who have solar panels fitted can
sell the surplus electricity generated to energy companies. Solar panels give off no
contamination: once they are actually installed on buildings, they are doing absolutely
nothing negative to the atmosphere, unlike other forms of standard energy.
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1 5 Read paragraph 1. box
A NASA has said the sun will exist for at least another 8 billion years.
1 7 From paragraph 2, list three things the reader learns about the solar farm in Qinghai
province in China.
[3 marks]
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1 8 Read paragraph 3. box
Homeowners with solar panels may be able to sell their surplus electricity to
energy companies.
C Solar panels must be installed so that they are slanted away from the sun.
1 9 In paragraph 3, the writer uses the phrase, ‘Solar panels give off no contamination’.
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Read the second part of the article. box
4 Solar farms have been planned and built around the world to generate power. Another
example of this is the floating solar farm on the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir on the
outskirts of London, which opened in 2016. More than 23 000 solar panels have been
constructed to float on the vast manmade lake. The £6 million project generates enough
electricity to power the utility’s local water treatment plants for decades. The energy
produced provides clear drinking water to a population of close to 10 million people in
Greater London and the south-east of England.
5 Understandably, given the need to find more sustainable ways of producing energy,
solar power is being harnessed by more and more nations around the world. The
drawbacks are few. One is that this sort of power can only be harnessed during daytime
and another is that wildlife and forests may suffer as a result of setting up massive solar
farms. However, it is estimated that the world’s oil reserves will only last for about
50–60 years, whereas sunlight is available forever. While it can be expensive to
construct and install solar panels, there is not much maintenance required; they can last
for 25 years and produce power quietly, unlike wind turbines.
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2 0 In paragraph 4, the article describes the solar farm on the Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir box
near London.
The energy from the farm helps to supply drinking water for over
10 million people.
2 2 In paragraph 5, list two things the writer says are possible disadvantages of solar power.
[2 marks]
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2 3 In paragraph 5, the writer says, ‘there is not much maintenance required’. box
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Text 4 How can my son already be one year old? box
In this article, Stuart Heritage explores how he feels now that his son is one year old.
1 My son is growing up so fast and it’s incredible but exhausting. He had his first birthday
last week. The day marked the end of what has been both the longest and shortest year
of my life. Fatherhood has seemed precious. However, I haven’t slept properly for a
year and I don’t really know how time works any more. Whole years seem to have
passed in some of the afternoons I’ve spent with him lately. It has sometimes felt like
entire planets have been born and developed and died in the time it’s taken him to eat a
mouthful of cereal. Being a novice father has been gratifying but disorientating.
2 How can it be that he is already one year old? First he was born and a beautiful baby
appeared. Then I blinked, and now in his place is a little boy who can walk, recognise
his name, mostly understand the word ‘stop’ and has teeth he can chew with. He also
knows how to switch off the television at precisely the most important moment of
anything I ever try to watch. It’s not exactly the most remarkable development in all of
human history – child gradually gets older – but it’s the first time I’ve seen it close up.
It’s honestly quite hard to grasp.
2 5 In paragraph 1, the writer says ‘Being a novice father has been gratifying but
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2 6 In paragraph 2, what does the writer say about what his son has learned to do in the past box
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Read the second part of the article. box
3 A year ago, he was a sleepy ball of wrinkled flesh, but he is now very much his own
person. I can see likenesses in him – me, my wife, my parents – yet he’s already
separate and distinct from all of us. He’s wobbly and giggles incessantly. He’s a
show-off, but one who’s terrified of my dad for reasons we cannot understand. He loves
charging up to people and then running away again. He enjoys playing games like hide
and seek but doesn’t quite understand the rules. He seems to take endless pleasure in
constructing towers of building blocks, then knocking them down.
4 With every tiny development we’re confronted with a slightly different child. It’s all
happening so fast. Photos of him taken last summer seem like news reports from a
million years ago. Even photos of him taken last week seem like a different boy. He’s
blasting ahead as far as he can. He’s leaving milestone after milestone behind him and
tiny parts of me along with them.
2 8 In paragraph 3, the writer gives the reader some information about the things his son likes
doing at one year old.
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2 9 What is the main point of paragraph 4? box
B As his son changes, the writer feels like he has lost small pieces of himself.
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Read the third part of the article. box
5 My son will never again be the tiny baby who nested in the crook of my arm, sucking on
my little finger in the middle of the night while his mum slept. Nor will he be the baby
amazed by the taste and texture of solid food. Soon enough he’ll stop being the baby
who staggers over and rests his head on my shoulder whenever he gets tired, or laughs
uncontrollably whenever I say the word ‘teeth’ for reasons I don’t think I’ll ever work out.
Soon enough, he’ll be speaking words we can recognise, perhaps even in sentences.
6 But I’ve had a year of time slipping just beyond my grasp and it’s all right. My son will
continue to change very quickly and I accept it. He won’t realise this, of course. He’s
got years of unbroken progress ahead of him, where everything will always seem new
and he’ll pay no attention to all of the old fools who tell him how much he’s grown. But
one day the passage of time will creep up on him. Years of his life will pass in a
moment and he won’t be able to understand where they’ve gone. The cycle of life
continues for us all.
3 2 In paragraph 5, the writer says, ‘Soon enough, he’ll be speaking words we can recognise’.
C Within a short time, he will be talking but it will be hard to understand him.
3 3 From paragraph 5, list four things that his son will not be doing in future.
[4 marks]
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3 4 From paragraph 6, list two things that will happen to his son in future. box
[2 marks]
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