Humu State of The Manager Report 2022
Humu State of The Manager Report 2022
Humu State of The Manager Report 2022
Ma na g er
Re po rt 2 02 2
highly effective
managers drive
managers account
for more than
A future-ready workforce starts with great But managers are struggling. In 2021, the role of So we wanted to learn: Where are
transformations are
managers. Our research shows that teams are the manager became more important—and more managers struggling most? What support will
80% more likely to make improvements when
they see their manager taking action. And
during the pandemic, teams with a highly
stressful—than ever.
supported and 15% better at creating new expect to feel supported, motivated, and valued by behaviors2
communication norms and routines. their manager—and are ready to quit if they don’t.1
This State of the Manager Report explores the
top challenges managers face, which actions
In light of so much pressure and scrutiny, managers will have the most impact, and what leaders
are becoming more likely to burn out and more likely should keep in mind for the year ahead.
Managers’ jobs are 10x harder Leader and manager priorities Managers are ready to quit Bad managers are getting worse
don’t match
Managers say retention, hiring, Managers are 2x more likely than Managers with low effectiveness
and team performance are their Leaders are focused on high-level individual contributors to be ratings became significantly worse
top challenges transformation, but managers first looking for new jobs in 3 specific areas
need help with the fundamentals
about what abilities they’d like to
develop. Together, agree on
Why this skill is important
nudges in 2021
customer experiences. Try to share a story
they have down-time that could be
about a problem that was only solved
dedicated to self-improvement.
because someone spoke up.
Why? Teams perform better when employees
In 2021, Humu sent millions of nudges— time
advocate on behalf of their customers.
short, science-backed suggestions—to In your next meeting, help your team
break long-term priorities down into
managers to help them improve
smaller goals. Ask members to pick
performance, motivation, and
one thing to work on over the next
week—and to hold each other
wellbeing within their teams.
Employee development Team alignment Work-life balance Encouraging innovation Employee development
Seeking feedback Manager development Employee development Employee recognition Seeking feedback
Primary drivers:
Primary drivers:
Primary drivers:
Primary drivers:
Primary drivers:
Retention concerns, the shift Lack of strong remote work Better set up for remote Pressure to accelerate Enormous pressure as phone
to a new way of working, and cultures, rifts between and hybrid work, boom in approaches to more rapidly and internet connections
employee expectations around remote and in-office teams, technology sector leading develop vaccines and other continue to be essential,
manager action-taking. and employee eagerness to to overwork and feeling solutions. employees wanting to feel
accelerate development. undervalued. included and valued amidst
stressful working conditions.
Managers’ jobs Their teams are struggling to cope
are 10x harder In 2020, 71% of employees experienced burnout
at least once.2 Over the past year, that number
climbed to almost 90%.3
Valuable Call-outs:
“Coaching to behaviors.”
“Coaching to behaviors.”
Continued uncertainty. An
“Training while remote.”
ongoing global pandemic. The on the basics to rolling out every and any %% “Disruptions in the team culture.”
“Disruptions in the team culture.”
shift to hybrid. The Great program or policy that seemed like it could be irin
HH irin
helpful. While these efforts were made with the
Resignation. In 2021, managers
certainly had their work cut out
best of intentions, they left employees
exhausted—and forced managers to contend 19.4
for them. Here are the four ways with the emotional damage.
managers’ jobs became more But managers don’t feel equipped to deal with 8.1% Communication 8.1% Communication
difficult over the past year. sky-high levels of burnout: in our survey of 200+ 6.5% Burnout 6.5% Burnout
US managers, almost half (44%) ranked 4.8% Culture
combating team burnout and balancing 4.8% Culture
workloads as among their top three priorities. 18.2% Other 18.2% Other
2 Asana, 2021.
3 Visier, 2021. · State of the Manager Report 6
Employees who don’t perceive
growth opportunities are
Hybrid comes with a unique set Retention, hiring, and onboarding are connected to their new team and culture despite
more eager to leave their
company, even if they otherwise
of hurdles harder than ever
the fact that they‘ve rarely (if ever) stepped foot
like their jobs
on-site. This obstacle is reflected in our
70% of hybrid employees feel disconnected In September 2021, 65% of America’s working research: 41% of managers told us that
from their co-workers, and 2 in 3 feel left out population said they were actively job searching, “recruiting, hiring, and onboarding new team
when they’re not working in the office.4
a sharp increase from 36% in May.5 And 36% of members” was one of their top three challenges.
employees who quit between March and
Hybrid managers have to take more intentional But not all managers know how to support
September 2021 did so without having a new job Employees want to make up for “lost”
steps to keep their teams connected and employee growth, especially outside of
lined up.6 In other words, employees’ growth opportunities
aligned. They also have to work harder to promotions. Almost half (47%) of new
expectations are changing. And if managers
combat bias: hybrid managers are prone to “on- Many organizations put performance reviews managers told us they were struggling to
want to hold onto and attract top talent, they
site favoritism”, meaning they tend to give more and promotions on hold in 2020, leaving give their employees enough feedback,
need to figure out how to adapt.
opportunities to the people they see in the employees worried that their careers were coaching, and career development
office. If they don’t take measures to proactively But even if managers are able to bring in new stagnating. Our research shows that opportunities. In 2021, we also saw higher
combat this bias, the consequences are high: hires, they immediately face another challenge: employees who don’t perceive that they have demand from managers for growth- and
they’ll contribute to greater feelings of isolation onboarding. Remote and hybrid onboarding is growth opportunities are a whopping 7.9x learning-focused nudges: across industries,
among their team—especially for those tricky, as managers need to more intentionally more eager to leave their company, even if “employee development” was consistently a
employees working from afar. craft the process so that employees feel they otherwise like their jobs. top nudge theme throughout the year.
4 HR Dive, 2021.
6 McKinsey, 2021.
Facilitating transformatio
Improving team agilit
Leading a high-performing team Managers:
individual contributors, and we expect that
trend to continue through 2022.
Across our customers, managers also reported
increase in managers’
higher stress levels over the past year. While after hours meetings
leading a remote team was one of their top
concerns immediately after the pandemic hit, Higher attrition risk among
they began to struggle more with establishing managers than individual
work-life boundaries and maintaining their own
wellbeing as the pandemic continued. External
data backs these findings: Gallup surveys show
increase in manager
that burnout among managers increased by weekend collaboration
25% in 2021, but stayed relatively stable among
individual contributors.7
7 Gallup, 2021. · State of the Manager Report 9
Bad managers are getting worse,
especially in these 3 areas
When it comes to management, there’s a large, To better understand where bad managers got
costly gap between those who have the skills to worse over the past year, we studied more than
lead and those that don’t — and our proprietary 50,000 managers and their teams. We looked at
research shows the gap grew in 2021. how teams rated their manager’s overall
7 Gallup, 2021.
9 Forbes, 2012.
Gallup, 2015.
Manager nudge
In 2021, teams that were dissatisfied with their Why organizations should be concerned: Bad managers also received lower-than-usual
Listen, then share back
managers rated them particularly poorly on the Without meaningful milestones, employees scores on the statement, “My manager listens
statements, “My manager clearly communicates are left spinning their wheels with no finish carefully to different points of view before coming The next time you’re considering
different possibilities, ask trusted team
our team’s future direction” and, “My manager line in sight—leaving them bored, burnt out, to conclusions.” And their ratings on the
members for their thoughts.
creates structure and processes that help our and ready to jump ship. Our research shows statement, “My manager regularly seeks feedback
When you’ve reached a final decision,
team work more effectively.” that employees who feel they lack clear to learn how to better serve the team” were 40%
make it a point to share how their
goals to work towards are 6.3x more likely to lower than top managers. comments informed it—and why you
start looking for a new role. And people who were not able to act on every suggestion.
Try something like, “I understand that X
don’t believe their work contributes Why organizations should be concerned: is a priority for many of you, but we have
Manager nudge significantly to their company’s mission are When managers actively invite and consider to do Y first because…”
In your next 1:1s, ask questions to that, but managers who are responsive to
make sure each member understands
the needs of the people have teams who are
and feels personally connected to the
team’s direction. As you discuss 3 times as innovative as those with
specific tasks, clarify how they fit into managers that never ask for input.
the bigger picture.
And finally, employees flagged that bad Why organizations should be concerned:
managers had gotten significantly worse at In our trending manager nudges of 2021
offering actionable advice and at creating analysis, employee development was a top
learning opportunities. Bad manager ratings theme across industries. Many
on the statement, “My manager provides me organizations put performance reviews and
with feedback that helps me to improve over promotions on hold in 2020, making Manager nudge
time” dropped from mid-2020 to mid-2021, and employees anxious to get their professional Frame feedback as bridging the gap
continued to decline as the year went on. growth back on track. In our data, we see The next time you offer feedback to one
that people who feel their managers offer of your reports, first outline an exciting
them growth opportunities are 7.9x more vision you’d like them to work towards. For
example, you might say, “I believe you can
likely to stay at their organization. be a great manager one day, and I want to
help you get there.”
11 Gallup,
2020. · State of the Manager Report 14
1: Clarity
2: Inclusion
Set clear milestones and let employees
figure out how to get there. Proactively combat bias
When it feels like circumstances are beyond To strike the right balance between offering We tend to gravitate towards the people we
our control—say, a never-ending pandemic or too much and too little direction, managers see more often. Especially for managers Manager nudge
economic uncertainty—a sense of progress is should clearly outline the goals they’d like working in a hybrid environment, this bias can Make a list, and check it twice
paramount. People who don’t feel like they employees to hit and let them figure out lead them to measure and reward access
Consciously make sure you consider all
have clear, achievable goals are 6.2x more how to get there. Managers should make it a rather than performance. Pre-pandemic team members for advancement
likely to leave their company than those who point to be available—in 1:1s, team research by MIT12 shows that remote workers opportunities. When delegating tasks or
offering growth opportunities, write
regularly hit meaningful milestones. meetings, or during office hours—to answer tend to get lower performance evaluations
down each employee’s name and then
questions, but then step back again. and fewer promotions than their colleagues review your list to ensure that you
who are in the office. consider everyone, every time.
3: Purpose 4. Trust
4 : rus
T t
H o
w will it im p act o thers
? to leave their current jobs for one that better one that better supports
and project mission driven. For example, To keep employees from feeling
CommonSpirit, the largest nonprofit health overloaded, managers should encourage
system in America, starts important regular breaks and offer flexibility
meetings with “reflections”, stories or whenever possible. In 1:1s, they can check-
videos recognizing how hard it is to be a in with their people by asking questions
health care worker in a pandemic while also like, “What can I do to support you this
connecting to all the good they do for their week?” or “How does your workload feel,
patients and communities.
and is there anything I can help take off
your plate?”
14 isier, 2021.
5: Learning
growth opportunities
Employees who feel their managers offer Managers should set aside time in 1:1
them growth opportunities are 7.9x more conversations to discuss what abilities each
People who feel their
likely to stay at their organization, and those team member would like to develop and managers offer them
And become:
90% 75%
of employees agree bite-sized of new information is forgotten
struggling Simplicity will be key in 2022. As our The key to unlocking effective managers is to
research shows, managers and their teams help their teams, too. Instead of piling
are overwhelmed. Asking them to remember responsibility only on managers, top- The nudges from Humu truly
20 new cultural values or filling their performing organizations also invest in created mindfulness related to
calendars with one-size-fits-all training helping each teammate build the skills they our hybrid work environment
Improvement can’t just fall on sessions won’t work.
need to deliver exceptional work. When that has always existed and is
the shoulders of already In 2022, we recommend leaders pair down people get better, managers’ jobs get easier, now more widespread. These
programs where possible to help managers giving them more time to focus on what nuggets of information reframed
overburdened managers. Here focus only on what matters most. In matters most. In other words, managers can’t our ‘old ways’ of leading and I
are three strategies leaders can conversations with executives, we’re hearing be maximally effective if their teams aren’t found them to be relevant and
adopt to set their managers up that many are abandoning complex values taking action, too.
timely as we begin the journey of
frameworks to instead focus on 3-4 values returning to the office.
for success in 2022. they want managers and teams to live by, and
then outlining a few key behaviors that map
to each value.
New managers
Manager development efforts are 8x as Our nudges are built on the science of are asking for managers
effective if leaders first identify where a personalized support and are proven to support with: Recruiting, hiring, and are asking for Recruiting, hiring, and
onboarding (47%) support with: onboarding (45%)
specific manager needs to improve.15
drive better outcomes than generic
training or coaching. A study we ran at a
While our survey revealed consistent high- telecom customer showed that our nudges
level focus areas for managers (e.g. wellbeing were 15% more effective than corporate Giving feedback and Receiving and Keeping team Balancing workloads
and retention), it also surfaced distinct trainings in supporting teams through supporting career addressing members aligned and combating
differences across manager demographics development (47%) feedback (32%) to goals (40%) burnout (38%)
transformation. And at a technology
including years of experience and team size. customer, we saw that manager ratings
For example, managers with less than 2 years went up while managers were in coaching
of experience told us they’d like help giving sessions, but immediately dropped back to
and getting feedback, while managers with Managers of Managers of
smaller teams
larger teams
Recruiting, hiring, and Keeping team Recruiting, hiring, and Building a strong
onboarding (43%) members aligned onboarding (37%) team culture (35%)
to goals (37%)
About Humu