How To Using Xampp

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XAMPP (Explorer Apache MySQL PHP MyAdmin)

XAMPP is free software that supports many operating systems, is

a mixture of several programs that function as a stand-
alone server (localhost), consisting of MySQL database programs,
Apache HTTP Server, and translators written in PHP and Perl
programming languages.
The name XAMPP stands for X (four operating systems), Apache,
MySQL, PHP and Perl. This program is available under the GNU
(General Public License) and is free and easy to use a web server that can
serve a dynamic display of web pages. If you want to get xampp, you can
download it directly from the official website.
1. HTDOC is a folder where you put the files to be run, such as PHP
files, HTML, and other scripts.
2. PhpMyAdmin is a part for managing an existing MySQL database
on a computer.
3. To open it, open a browser and type in the address, the php page MyAdmin will
4. Control Panel that functions to manage XAMPP services. Such
as Stop Service (stop), or Start Service (start).
2.3.10. Web

World Wide Web or WWW or also often referred to as the web is

one of the services obtained by computer users connected
to the internet. This web provides information for computer users
connected to the internet from small information or information that is not
useful at all to serious information, from free information to paid
The way the web works is as follows:

a. Web information is stored in documents in the form of pages

– web pages .
b. These web pages are stored on the computer's web server.

c. While on the user's side there is a computer that acts as a client

computer where a program is placed to read web pages on
the web server (browser).
d. The browser reads web pages that are on the web server.
2.3.11. Functionality Testing On this type of testing, the software is tested
for functional requirements. The test is performed in written form to check
if the application is running as expected. Although functional testing is
often performed at the end of the development cycle, individual
components and processes can be tested at the beginning of development,
even before the system is working, it can already be performed on the
entire system. Functional testing includes how well the system performs
its functions, including commands – user commands, data manipulation,
business searches and processes, user screens, and integrations. Functional
testing also includes a clear surface of the types of functions, as well
as back-end operations (such as security and how to improve the
system). [10]
2.3.12. Black Box Testing

The concept of a black box is used to represent a system that works

in it is not available for inspection. Inside the black box ̧item – the item
being tested is considered "dark" because the logic is unknown, only what
goes in and what comes out of the black box. [7]
In black box testing, test cases are based on system
specifications. A test plan can be started as early as possible in the
software development process. Conventional testing techniques that
include "black box" testing are as follows:
1. Graph-based testing

2. Equivalence partitioning

3. Comparison testing

4. Orthogonal array testing

In the black box test, we tried various inputs and checked the
resulting output. We can learn what boxes do, but don't know at all how
conversions are done. Black box testing techniques can also be used for
scenario-based testing, where the contents in the system may not be
available for inspection but inputs and outputs are defined with the use
case and other analysis information.
2.3.13. Classification of Black Box Testing

The classification of black box testing includes several tests, namely:[7]

1. Functional testing
On this type of testing the software is tested for functional
requirements. The test is performed in written form to check if the
application is running as expected. Although functional testing is
often performed at the end of the development cycle, individual
components and processes can be tested at the beginning of
development, even before the system is functioning, this can already
be done on the entire system. Functional testing includes how well
the system performs its functions, including commands – user
commands, data manipulation, search and business processes, user
screens and integrations. Functional testing also includes a clear
surface of the types of functions, as well as back-end operations
(such as security and how to improve the system).
2. User acceptance)

In this type of testing the software will be left to the user to know if
the software meets the user's expectations and works as expected. In
software development, user acceptance testing (UAT), also
called beta testing, application testing and end user testing is the
stage of software development when software is tested on the real
world intended by the user. UAT can be done by in-house testing
by paying volunteers or testing subjects using software or usually
distributing the software widely by testing versions that are freely
available for download via the web. The initial user experience will
be passed back to the developers who made the changes before
finally releasing the commercial software. [8]
3. Alpha testing)

On this type of testing the user will be invited to the development

center. The user will use the application and the developer records
every input or action performed by the user. All kinds of abnormal
behavior of the system are recorded and corrected by the
4. Beta testing)

In this type of testing the software is distributed as a beta version

with users testing the application on their site. Any exceptions or
defects that occur will be reported to the developer. Beta testing is
done after alpha testing. A version of the software known as the
beta version is released to users who are limited outside the
company. The software is released to the community in order to
ensure that it has some errors or bugs. [8]
2.3.14. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Newly built applications must be tested for suitability and

reliability through UAT (user acceptance tests) tests as a condition that
the application has been accepted by the user / user. It can be said that
UAT is a test of finding new defects that are not found by
developers. Testing through UAT cannot be done on generally ready-
made applications such as windows applications (word, excel, etc.)
The process of testing a new application involves potential users,
including auditors, not followed by developers. It is hoped that new defect
findings will be found and many, so that developers will not find it
difficult to find the shortcomings of the new application. User findings
both qualitative and quantitative are collected as valuable input for
developers. Even the user who can provide the most input, gets a reward
or reward from this UAT test.
The success of an application built depends on the success of the
UAT test. After passing the UAT test, protect can proceed to the next
stage, such as SOM (system operation manual) testing or training for users
before it is ready to be implemented.
The test of this user acceptance test is to confirm that the system under
testing can meet the needs of the business to provide confidence that the
tested system works correctly and can be used before it is officially given to
the end user. End-user testing is performed by one or more user
representatives with help from a team of testers. End-user crawls should use
Black Box approach. [10]

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