& Design
Scientist-IV and Head of Department
Numerical Modelling Division, NIRM
In view of inadequate pre-construction investigation
there is a great scope of non-optimal design
The designer resorts to adhocism which may result in
over design or under design – Both the situations are
A very safe tunnel may be a costly venture, however
An unsafe tunnel may be disastrous
To strike a balance between both the extremes,
Systematic Instrumentation is the key.
To record the natural values of and variations in
geotechnical parameters
To ensure safety during excavation giving
warning of unexpected or excessive deformations
To confirm the validity of the assumptions and the
modeling used in design calculations
To confirm support and lay out performance in
particular environment
Instrumentation & Monitoring
The use of geotechnical instrumentation is not merely the
selection of instruments but a comprehensive step-by-step
engineering process beginning with definition of the objective
and ending with the implementation of the data
Engineering objective typically encountered in soil and rock
engineering projects have led to the design and commercial
marketing of numerous instrument types, measuring for
¾ Temperature
¾ Deformation
¾ Ground water/Pore Pressure
¾ Total Stress in Soil and stress change in rock
Field Instrumentation
Geotechnical engineering projects often present the ultimate
measurement challenge, in part because of their initial lack of
definition and the shear scale of the problem. The
measurement problem usually requires information ranging
from a coarse scale down to a fine scale and involving
number of instrumentation techniques.
The ultimate goal is to select the most
sensitive measurement parameters with
respect to the project objectives, eg. The ones
that will change significantly at the onset of
failure. However, because of physical
limitations and economic constraints all
parameters can not be measured with equal
ease and success
Planning and Design
Adequate planning is required before proceeding, and these plans
should be logical and comprehensive –from defining the objectives
to planning how the measurement data will be implemented
¾ deformation,
¾ temperature
Planning and Design
6. Predict magnitudes of change
Predictions are necessary so that the required instrument ranges
and required instruments sensitivities or accuracies can be
7. Device Remedial Action
Inherent in the use of instrumentation for construction purposes is
the absolute necessity for deciding in advance, a positive means
for solving any problem that may be disclosed by the results of
8. Assign tasks for design, construction and operation Phases
Instrumentation specialists may be employees of the owner or the
design consultant or may be consultants with special expertise in
geotechnical instrumentation, When assigning the tasks for
monitoring, the party with the greatest vested interest in the
data should be given direct line responsibility for producing it
Planning and Design
9. Select Instruments
When selecting instruments, the overriding desirable feature
is reliability. Inherent in reliability is maximum simplicity
Reliable, rugged and capable of functioning for long periods of
time without repair or replacement
Instrument should be:
Capable of responding rapidly and precisely to changes so that
a true pictures of events can be maintained at all times
Planning and Design
10. Select instrument locations
¾ Locations should reflect the
predicted behaviour and
¾ should be compatible with the
method of analysis that will later
be used when interpreting the
11. Account for the factors that
may influence measured data
Details of each instrument
installation should be recorded,
because local or unusual
conditions often influence
measured variables.
Planning and Design
12. Establish the procedures for ensuring reading correctness
When reading an instrument, one should be able to answer the
question: Is the instrument functioning correctly?
The answers can sometimes be provided by visual observations,
duplication of instruments, data consistency or through the use of
instruments that internally check their own correct functioning
13. List the specific purpose of each instrument
It is useful to question whether all planned instruments are
justified. If no viable purpose can be found for a planned
instrument , it should be deleted.
14. Prepare a budget
A budget should be preapred for all instrumentation related tasks
to ensure sufficient funds are indeed available. A frequent error in
budget preparation is to under estimate the duration of the project
and the real data collection and processing costs.
Planning and Design
15. Prepare a instrument procurement specification
There are several competing instrument manufacturers, each
offering products designed for similar geotechnical purpose. Be
aware instrument’s capabilities (and limitations), as well as
those of competing products. Instrument should be purchased
from established manufacturers.
16. Plan installation
Installation procedures should be planned well in advance of
scheduled installation dates. The step-by-step procedures should
include a detailed list of required materials and tools, and
installation record sheets for documenting factors that may
influence measured data.
17. Plan data collection, processing, presentation, interpretation,
reporting and implementation
The effort required for these tasks should not be underestimated.
Insufficient fund/time may result in partially processed data
Instrumentation Types
¾ Temperature
¾ Deformation
¾ Ground water/Pore Pressure
¾ Total Stress in Soil and stress change in rock
Basic capabilities required for instrumentation personnel
are reliability and Patience
Back ground in the fundamentals of Rock mechanics
Attention to detail and a high degree of motivation
•Snap ring
Magneto-strictive Sensor (Non-contact type)
Subsurface Measurements – TDR
Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) - uses
characteristics of returned electrical pulses to
determine the amount of strain, or the
existence of a rupture, in a coaxial cable.
Deformation Measurements of Tomorrow?
Fibre-Optics - light that is launched into and confined to
the fibre core propagates along the length of the fibre
unperturbed unless acted upon by an external influence.
Any disturbance of the fibre alters the guided light which
can then be related to the magnitude of the disturbing
Pore Pressure Measurements - Piezometers