Electrical - E-Parisha
Electrical - E-Parisha
Electrical - E-Parisha
1. Problem
Capacitors in series and parallel
2. Problem in inductors .find the value.
3. Unit of inductance- henry
4. F=np probs.
5. P=vi problem in battery.
6. Dielectric constant value of the following
A. Air b. Water. C. Plastic . d. Fibre e. Vaccum
7. SCR function.
a. Temp. Sensor b. In dc supply of propulsion motor
8. A poly phase induction motor is not staring what will u check
a. Overload relay is activated or not. B. Rotor touching stator c. Try to start
in opposite direction. D. Off breaker and tag it
9. Diff. Between vacuum tubes and diodes
a. Vacuum tubes cathiode is heated to conduct. B. Diode is
heated to conduct.
10. Barrier potential of diodes depends on
a. Type of semiconductor b. Amount of doping c. Temp.
11. Minority carrier in n type diode is-----------------
12. An open loo[p transfer function with one zero with +ve real values are --------------
13. True or false a conductor kept in a constant mag. Field a voltage is induced.
14. Air cleaning of 3 ph induction motor precaution taken
15. USCG que.
- Circuit breaker
- Electromagnet
- Shading coil
16. Motor does’nt start after a trip because of which trip
Ans. Under volt. trip
17. Data logger ques. refrigeration
18. Temperature compensator in circuit breaker for fluctuating ambient temp.
a. By metallic strip b. Conical spring. C. Staright spring
D. electromagnet
A. current paths in the control circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in the power circuit as lighter
B. current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in control circuit as lighter
C. circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as heavy lines and below 500 volts as
lighter lines
D. circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as light lines and below 500 volts as heavy
consists of a ______________.
A. cylindrical spring on the contact arm
D. second electromagnet
period of time?
A. Disconnect the brush pigtails from their contacts and circulate air through the units.
B. Disconnect the brush pigtails from their contacts and discharge carbon dioxide into the
C. Lift the brushes from commutator collector rings and use the built-in heater to prevent
moisture accumulation.
D. Lift the brushes from commutator collector rings and circulate cool dry air through the units.
8. The direction of magnetic flux changes when the direction of current is reversed.
True / False
9. In a Transistor
11. If a Motor is not rotating in the E/R, you will carry out the following Checks (multiple choice,
3 Questions of same type but Options were different )
14. Calculate the Velocity of the conductor (up to 0 decimal places), if terminal voltage is 2.2
V/m and the magnetic field strength is 0.2 T.
15. Calculate the frequency of the motor ( up to 0 decimal places),, if the speed if 4800 Rpm
and number of Poles is 2.
16. If the resistance of any coil is 120 Ohm. Calculate the Resistance (up to 0 decimal places),
when its Length is increased by 20% and its Diameter is increased by 50%.
17. What is the power in a Resistor in Milli Watts (up to 0 decimal places), having Resistance of
12 Ohm having a Potential Difference of 3 V.
18. Resistance of a wire is increased if the Length is __________ and Area is ____________.
A. Open the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust to escape.
B. Be certain that the circuit breaker is opened and tagged on the feeder panel.
2) N = ((120*F) / P)
3) E = B*L*V
10) A molded-case breaker provides protection against short circuits by using a/an
22) When reading electrical motor controller diagrams, it helps to know that
____________.(ANS - current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in control
circuit as lighter lines
25) Tightly knit metal braid wire can be used with a printed circuit board when ___________.
2. Silicon diodes designed for a specific reverse breakdown voltage, become useful as
an electronic power supply voltage regulator, called _____________.
(A) tunnel diodes
(B) hot-carrier diodes
(C) compensating diodes
(D) Zener diodes
Briefly justify your answer
3. Which of the following statements best describes the material known as varnished
(A) Felted asbestos sealed with varnish.
(B) Cotton cloth coated with insulating varnish.
(C) Rubber insulation coated with a layer of tin.
(D) Paper impregnated with mineral oil, specially wrapped with nonmetallic tape, and
coated with varnish.
Briefly justify your answer
6. The part of a fuse that melts and opens the circuit is made of _____________.
(A) Copper and antimony
(B) Steel and Babbitt
(C) Aluminum or beryllium alloy
(D) Zinc or an alloy of tin and lead
Briefly justify your answer
A. current paths in the control circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in the power circuit as
lighter lines
B. current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in control circuit as
lighter lines
C. circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as heavy lines and below 500 volts
as lighter lines
D. circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as light lines and below 500 volts as
True / False
9. In a Transistor
A. PNP and NPN are two basic types
B. Emitter,Collector and Base are the basic Elements.
C. Collector separates Base and Emitter
D. Emitter separates Base and Collector
10. In a Control Loop System, having Zero(0) Positive Real Values are
11. If a Motor is not rotating in the E/R, you will carry out the following Checks (multiple
choice, 3 Questions of same type but Options were different )
A. Check for the isolation
B. Rotate the Coupling with your hand
C. Check for the Circuit breaker
D. Remove the fuses
E Look for the Overload Trip
F. Visually Inspect the motor terminals
G. Visually Inspect the Starter Terminals
H. Carry out Infinite Resistance Test
14. Calculate the Velocity of the conductor (up to 0 decimal places), if terminal voltage is
2.2 V/m and the magnetic field strength is 0.2 T.
15. Calculate the frequency of the motor ( up to 0 decimal places),, if the speed if 4800
Rpm and number of Poles is 2.
16. If the resistance of any coil is 120 Ohm. Calculate the Resistance (up to 0 decimal
places), when its Length is increased by 20% and its Diameter is increased by 50%.
17. What is the power in a Resistor in Milli Watts (up to 0 decimal places), having
Resistance of 12 Ohm having a Potential Difference of 3 V.
Question 15
A. External motor body cleanliness of totally enclosed is important since the body helps to
dissipate heat generated
B. Dirt, oil, grease and moisture are primary culprits in deterioration of insulation of stator
windings of a motor.
C. High-pressure dry compressed air cleaning is preferred over suction cleaning for stator
D. Dry compressed air at a high pressure can drive in dirt inside windings instead of removing
Question 22
Which of the following is an important requirement for proper functioning of sacrificial anode
system :-
C. Providing protection of anodes from being painted over during hull painting
2. Silicon diodes designed for a specific reverse breakdown voltage, become useful as an
electronic power supply voltage regulator, called _____________.
3. Which of the following statements best describes the material known as varnished cambric?
(D) Paper impregnated with mineral oil, specially wrapped with nonmetallic tape, and coated
with varnish.
4. A synchronous motor maintains synchronism with the rotating field because _____________.
(B) DC current applied to the rotor coils causes the rotor magnets to lock in with the rotating flux
of the stator
(C) the stator poles are dragged around due to the flux created by the excitation current
6. The part of a fuse that melts and opens the circuit is made of _____________.
5. Current carried by each of the two long parallel conductors is doubled. If their separation
is also doubled , force between them is-
Increase two fold
In delta VL = V
3. Why is a capacitor used in single phase motors, fluorescent tube lights and electronic
A. To provide a 900 phase shift to the incoming supply necessary for starting the motor.
B. To provide boost voltage for starting, power factor correction and to minimize radio
4. What is a solenoid?*
Single layered coil.
19. What are the differences between synchronous and induction motor?*
Synchronous motor : Constant speed on all loads, can be operated on a wide range of
power factors, not self starting, requires dc excitation.
Induction Motor : Speed varies with load, operates on lagging power factor, self starting,
no dc excitation required.
20. What is the specific gravity of electrolyte used in lead acid battery?
1280 at full charge and 1180 at discharge.
NiCd : KOH, Ni & Cd, high efficiency, 1.2V per cell, robust, less maintenance, more
efficient wrt temp difference, retains charge for longer periods, expensive, no sulfation.
23. What are the safety precautions when working on electrical equipments?
Switch off power, wear proper protective clothing, safety shoes, Notice board : Do not
switch on – Men at work, stand on rubber mat, remove metal rings, watch bracelets, use
proper insulated tools, check power supply with voltmeter and double check the
voltmeter with known power supply, keep one person stand-by with proper safety gears,
inform authority and get proper work permit. In case of electrical shock, give proper first
aid, check heart beat and pulse.
*Calculate the Velocity of the conductor (up to 0 decimal places), if terminal voltage is 2.2 V/m
and the magnetic field strength is 0.2 T.
*Calculate the frequency of the motor ( up to 0 decimal places),, if the speed if 4800 Rpm and
number of Poles is 2.
*If the resistance of any coil is 120 Ohm. Calculate the Resistance (up to 0 decimal places),
when its Length is increased by 20% and its Diameter is increased by 50%.
*What is the power in a Resistor in Milli Watts (up to 0 decimal places), having Resistance of 12
Ohm having a Potential Difference of 3 V.
1.a sine wave with rms value of 100v is riding on a dc level of 50v.calculate the maximum value
of the resulting wave form ...
2. a resistance of certain wire is 8 and 2nd wire of smae material and same temp has a
diameter half of the first wire and length is 3times the 1st wire find the resistance of the 2nd
3. if the flux thro a 200turns changes from 1wb to 4wb in one second...ehat s voltage induced...
5. what happens to the amount of energy stored in the electromagnetic feild when the current
thro an inductor is cut in half..
6.a tightly knit metal braid wire can be used in pcb when...?
7. open loop transisitor function of a system having one zero with positive real values is called
_________phase function.
8.alpha particles entered in electromagnetic field where the electric intensity is 600 v/m and the
magnetic induction is 0.150t.find the velocity of alpha particles___________ in m/s
13.With reference to a Data Logger for a refrigeration system, which of the following parameters
should be monitored?
A. Room temperature.
C. Recharge temperature.
15.What is the magnetomotive force in a 75-turn coil of wire when there are 4 A of current
through it?
16.If it takes 35 J of energy to move a charge of 6 C from one point to another, what is the
voltage between the two points? Your answer should be correct to two decimals.
V __________volts 2 decimal
G ____________NA 0 decimal
3 the inductive loop of rotor simple two pole single phase generator rotates 400rps calculate
frequency of induceed out put voltage
4 poly phase motor fails what cause for failure what should be check
a isolate motor b remove fuse c post cautions signs d ensure starter motor terminals live
5 instrinsic semi conductor is dooped with small amount of boron in the extrinsic semi conductor
formed the no of electron hole will precauton to take cleaning the motor with compressed
air......... uscg refer
6 when reading electrical motor controller dealing its helps data logger for refregeration systems
... dnt know potions
10 open loop function system having one zero positiva real valueof __________ phase function
12 sum 700w 36dayslike tht question 700xdays 36 x one day 24/ 1000
13 three resistor 40,50,60 connected in series input 30v calculate voltage drop across 60
sine wave for 12 V
b. Peak-to-peak 12 + 12 = 24 V
Prashanth Siva
guys can u discuss answers for these online elctrical questons which was posted earlier in this
2) N = ((120*F) / P)
3) E = B*L*V
10) A molded-case breaker provides protection against short circuits by using a/an
22) When reading electrical motor controller diagrams, it helps to know that
____________.(ANS - current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in control
circuit as lighter lines
25) Tightly knit metal braid wire can be used with a printed circuit board when ___________.
3. Which of the following statements best describes the material known as varnished cambric?
(D) Paper impregnated with mineral oil, specially wrapped with nonmetallic tape, and coated
with varnish.
4. A synchronous motor maintains synchronism with the rotating field because _____________.
(B) DC current applied to the rotor coils causes the rotor magnets to lock in with the rotating flux
of the stator
(C) the stator poles are dragged around due to the flux created by the excitation current
5. What is the maximum allowable primary current of a 2 KVA step-down transformer with a four
to one turns ratio if connected across a 440 volt line?
2. When reading electrical motor controller diagrams, it helps to know that ____________.
A. current paths in the control circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in the power circuit as
lighter lines
B. current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and incontrol circuit as
C. circuits subject to 500volts or greater aredrawn as heavy lines and below 500 volts as
D. circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as light lines and below 500 volts as
C. Lift the brushes from commutator collector rings and use the built-in heater to
moisture accumulation.
D. Lift the brushes from commutator collector rings and circulate cool dry air through the
8. The direction of magnetic flux changes when the direction of current is reversed.
True / False
9. In a Transistor
A. PNP and NPN are two basic types
B. Emitter,Collector and Base are the basic Elements.
C. Collector separates Base and Emitter
D. Emitter separates Base and Collector
10. In a Control Loop System, having Zero(0) Positive Real Values are called____________.
11. If a Motor is not rotating in the E/R, you will carry out the following Checks (multiple
choice, 3 Questions of same type but Options were different )
14. Calculate the Velocity of the conductor (up to 0 decimal places), if terminal voltage is 2.2
V/m and the magnetic field strength is 0.2 T.
15. Calculate the frequency of the motor ( up to 0 decimal places),, if the speed if 4800 Rpm
and number of Poles is 2.
16. If the resistance of any coil is 120 Ohm. Calculate the Resistance (up to 0 decimal places),
when its Length is increased by 20% and its Diameter is increased by 50%.
17. What is the power in a Resistor in Milli Watts (up to 0 decimal places), having Resistance of
12 Ohm having a Potential Difference of 3 V.
18. Resistance of a wire is increased if the Length is __________ and Area is ____________.
20. Which of the listed precautions should be taken when cleaning the internals of a motor with
compressed air?
A. Open the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust to escape.
B. Be certain that the circuit breaker is opened and tagged on the feeder panel.
C. Be certain that the air is clean and as dry as possible.
D. All of the above
1. Which of the following statements is true concerning a poly-phase synchronous propulsion
B. current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in control circuit as
lighter lines
. henrys
B. water
consists of a ______________.
period of time?
C. Lift the brushes from commutator collector rings and use the built-in heater to prevent
moisture accumulation.
8. The direction of magnetic flux changes when the direction of current is reversed.
9. In a Transistor
C. Base separates collector and Emitter
10. In a Control Loop System, having Zero(0) Positive Real Values are called___error signal.
11. If a Motor is not rotating in the E/R, you will carry out the following Checks (multiple choice,
3 Questions of same type but Options were different )
14. Calculate the Velocity of the conductor (up to 0 decimal places), if terminal voltage is 2.2
V/m and the magnetic field strength is 0.2 T.
E=B l v sin0
Angle & length is not given ,if we assume l=1m & angle 90’
v =11 m/s
15. Calculate the frequency of the motor ( up to 0 decimal places),, if the speed if 4800 Rpm
and number of Poles is 2.
16. If the resistance of any coil is 120 Ohm. Calculate the Resistance (up to 0 decimal places),
when its Length is increased by 20% and its Diameter is increased by 50%.
17. What is the power in a Resistor in Milli Watts (up to 0 decimal places), having Resistance of
12 Ohm having a Potential Difference of 3 V.
A. Open the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust to escape.
B. Be certain that the circuit breaker is opened and tagged on the feeder panel.
2. When reading electrical motor controller diagrams, it helps to know that ____________.
A. current paths in the control circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in the power circuit as lighter
B. current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in control circuit as lighter
C. circuits subject to 500volts or greater are drawn as heavy lines and below 500 volts as lighter
D. circuits subject to 500 volts or greater aredrawn as light lines and below 500 volts as heavy
8. The direction of magnetic flux changes when the direction of current is reversed.
True / False
9. In a Transistor
A. PNP and NPN are two basic types
B. Emitter,Collector and Base are the basic Elements.
C. Collector separates Base and Emitter
D. Emitter separates Base and Collector
10. In a Control Loop System, having Zero(0) Positive Real Values are called______ PHASE CURRENT
11. If a Motor is not rotating in the E/R, you will carry out the following Checks (multiple choice, 3
Questions of same type but Options were different )
14. Calculate the Velocity of the conductor (up to 0 decimal places), if terminal voltage is 2.2 V/m and the
magnetic field strength is 0.2 T. .
15. Calculate the frequency of the motor ( up to 0 decimal places),, if the speed if 4800 Rpm and number
of Poles is 2. N=120f/P => 4800*2/120 =. f = 80
16. If the resistance of any coil is 120 Ohm. Calculate the Resistance (up to 0 decimal places), when its
Length is increased by 20% and its Diameter is increased by 50%. R= specific resistance * length /
Answer 96 R1/R2=L1/L2 * A2/A1 = 120/X= 100/120 * 150/100 =96
17. What is the power in a Resistor in Milli Watts (up to 0 decimal places), having Resistance of 12 Ohm
having a Potential Difference of 3 V. P=V^2 / R multiply to get milli watts value
18. Resistance of a wire is increased if the Length is__Increased__ and Area is __decreased___. refer
R= specific resistance * length / Area
19. Arrange the following in Increasing Order of their Doping Strength. Answer is-Base, collector,
A. Collector, Emitter, Base
B. Base, Emitter, Collector
C. Emitter, Base, Collector
D. Emitter, Collector, Collector Base, Collector, Base
20. Which of the listed precautions should be taken when cleaning the internals of a motor with
compressed air?
A. Open the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust to escape.
B. Be certain that the circuitbreaker is opened and tagged on the feeder panel.
C. Be certain that the air is clean and as dry as possible.
D. All of the above
Sriram Sridhar 9:38am Nov 4
guys can u discuss answers for these online elctrical questons which was posted earlier in this group
KWHR ? power=energy/time
2) N = ((120*F) / P)
3) E = B*L*V
area u will take as 3.14/4 * D*D ??????
capacitance is added.. so c=c1+c2+c3+c4 where as in series the reciprocal of capacitance
8) SEMICONDUCTOR BORON ADDED WHAT WILL HAPPEN ? by adding boron, it creats a void
in lattice,which we call a hole. since the electron is deficient , the hole accepts an electron and maes it
positive type of semiconductor.
10) A molded-case breaker provides protection against short circuits by using a/an __________.
12) PN DIODE ADVANTAGE OVER VACUUM DIODE ? (a)LONGER LIFE,b)no warm up time c)less
delicate d)all of the above the ans is ALL OF THE ABOVE
13) WHAT IS TRANSDUCER ? .transducer: it is a device, which does not require external electrical
power. It is a self generating transducer. For example Solar cell, ...
15) DATA LOGGER REFRIGERATION ? the name already says it all. With a data logger you can
record data over a period of time. It is a small electronic measurement device with either a built-in sensor
or external sockets to connect a probe.
Data loggers are mostly used because of their ability to measure independently, mostly over a long period
of time, therefore unattended measurements are possible with all testo data loggers.
data logger is the wired and wireless instrument used in measuremnt of temperature , voltage ,current
used in refriegerators, freezers etc.
21) GENERATOR PARALLEL CONDITION ans.voltage, phase and frequency of incoming generator
must be same as bus-bar.
22) When reading electrical motor controller diagrams, it helps to know that ____________.(ANS -
current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in control circuit as lighter lines
25) Tightly knit metal braid wire can be used with a printed circuit board when
Calculate the Velocity of the conductor (up to 0 decimal places), if terminal voltage is 2.2 V/m and the
magnetic field strength is 0.2 T. 1)2.2/0.2=11m/s
2) If the resistance of any coil is 120 Ohm. Calculate the Resistance (up to 0 decimal places), when its Length
is increased by 20% and its Diameter is increased by 50%. R= specific resistance * length / Area
Answer 96 R1/R2=L1/L2 * A2/A1 = 120/X= 100/120 * 150/100 =96
3) What is the power in a Resistor in Milli Watts (up to 0 decimal places), having Resistance of 12 Ohm
having a Potential Difference of 3 V..... I think 750 mW...... Cause p=v*v/r......that's 0.75 W....
armature winding is KEPT AT low resistance because speed regulation of motor is directly
porpotional to armature winding is low resistance.to kep regulation of motor low the armature
winding has low resistance
When the field produced by field winding is changed a back emf produced. This back emf acts as a
resistance and limits the current. But during the steady state condition of field the field winding have no
back emf. Therefore we need a high resistance in the field winding to limit the current.
On the other hand, armature winding produces no back emf at rest. As the speed increases the back emf
is also increased. During the running condition the back emf produced by armature winding limits the
current. So we don't need a high resistance of the armature winding.
1. Which of the following statements is true concerning a poly-phase synchronous propulsion motor?
A. The motor is started as an induction motor.
B. Resistance is gradually added to the rotor circuit.
C. The starting current is held below the rated current.
D. The field winding is energized for starting purposes only.
2. When reading electrical motor controller diagrams, it helps to know that ____________.
A. current paths in the control circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in the power circuit as lighter
B. current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in
control circuit as lighter lines
C. circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as heavy lines and below 500 volts as lighter
D. circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as light lines and
below 500 volts as heavy
7. Which of the following precautions should you take when securing propulsion generators and
motors for an extended period of time?
A. Disconnect the brush pigtails from their contacts and circulate air through the units.
B. Disconnect the brush pigtails from their contacts and discharge carbon dioxide into the
units to keep them dry.
C. Lift the brushes from commutator collector rings and use the built-in heater to prevent
moisture accumulation.
8. The direction of magnetic flux changes when the direction of current is reversed.
True / False
9. In a Transistor
10. In a Control Loop System, having Zero(0) Positive Real Values are called____________. PHASE
11. If a Motor is not rotating in the E/R, you will carry out the following Checks (multiple choice, 3
Questions of same type but Options were different )
14. Calculate the Velocity of the conductor (up to 0 decimal places), if terminal voltage is 2.2 V/m and
the magnetic field strength is 0.2 T. 2.2/0.2 = 110M/S
15. Calculate the frequency of the motor ( up to 0 decimal places),, if the speed if 4800 Rpm and
number of Poles is 2. .....ans. 80hz formula is N= 120f/p
16. If the resistance of any coil is 120 Ohm. Calculate the Resistance (up to 0 decimal places), when
its Length is increased by 20% and its Diameter is increased by 50%. 120 ohm...resistence will
remain the same
17. What is the power in a Resistor in Milli Watts (up to 0 decimal places), having Resistance of 12
Ohm having a Potential Difference of 3 V. Ans. 750 mw. Or 75w answer is not sure.. formula is p=VIcos
2. What is the maximum allowable primary current of a 2 KVA step-down transformer with a four to
one turns ratio if the primary is connected across a 440 volt line? P=vi.- we get I1 , then N1/N2=I2/I1
A 1.1 amps
B 4.5 amps
C 18.1 amps
D 27.7 amps
3. 1. two inductances are in series( 3 hen and 5 hen)..mutual inductance of 2 hen..
total effective inductance??
2. Silicon diodes designed for a specific reverse breakdown voltage, become useful as an electronic power
supply voltage regulator, called _____________.
(A) tunnel diodes
(B) hot-carrier diodes
(C) compensating diodes
(D) Zener diodes
Briefly justify your answer
3. Which of the following statements best describes the material known as varnished cambric?
(A) Felted asbestos sealed with varnish.
(B) Cotton cloth coated with insulating varnish.
(C) Rubber insulation coated with a layer of tin.
(D) Paper impregnated with mineral oil, specially wrapped with nonmetallic tape, and coated with varnish.
Briefly justify your answer
4. A synchronous motor maintains synchronism with the rotating field because _____________.
(A) field strength varies directly with rotors lIp
(B) DC current applied to the rotor coils causes the rotor magnets to lock in with the rotating flux of the
(C) the stator poles are dragged around due to the flux created by the excitation current
(D) the stator flux rotates in the opposite direction
Briefly justify your answer
6. The part of a fuse that melts and opens the circuit is made of _____________.
(A) Copper and antimony
(B) Steel and Babbitt
(C) Aluminum or beryllium alloy
(D) Zinc or an alloy of tin and lead
Briefly justify your answer
1 the appereant powerin inductive circuit
a truepower b lead cinductive d reactive
2 delayed action of fuse is meet ffrequency
a lightining b motor c radar d none of above
3 the inductive loop of rotor simple two pole single phase generator rotates 400rps calculate frequency of
induceed out put voltage N=120f/P
4 poly phase motor fails what cause for failure what should be check
a isolate motor b remove fuse c post cautions signs d ensure starter motor terminals live
5 instrinsic semi conductor is dooped with small amount of boron in the extrinsic semi conductor formed the no of
electron hole will precauton to take cleaning the motor with compressed air......... uscg refer
6 when reading electrical motor controller dealing its helps data logger for refregeration systems ... dnt know
A. Room temperature.
C. Recharge temperature.
A barge of length 6.5m, Beam 10.2 m and Draft 4 m in Even Keel Condition. The ship is in water of Relative
Density 1.006 t/ Cubic Meter. Find the Bodily Sinkage of the Mean Draft, if the Displacement is Constant…..
0.086, 0.076 etc!
1.a sine wave with rms value of 100v is riding on a dc level of 50v.calculate the maximum value of the
resulting wave form ...
2. a resistance of certain wire is 8 and 2nd wire of smae material and same temp has a diameter half of the
first wire and length is 3times the 1st wire find the resistance of the 2nd wire..
3. if the flux thro a 200turns changes from 1wb to 4wb in one second...ehat s voltage induced...
4. 45 ohm resistor is connected to 3v battery calculate the power
5. what happens to the amount of energy stored in the electromagnetic feild when the current thro an
inductor is cut in half..
6.a tightly knit metal braid wire can be used in pcb when...?
7. open loop transisitor function of a system having one zero with positive real values is called
_________phase function.
8.alpha particles entered in electromagnetic field where the electric intensity is 600 v/m and the magnetic
induction is 0.150t.find the velocity of alpha particles___________ in m/s
9.in a p type semiconductor the majority current carriers are _________
10.resistance of wire is increased if the lenght is _____and area is_______
11. in a control loop having zero positive real values are called______
12.600 rps 2 pole find frequency...
13.With reference to a Data Logger for a refrigeration system, which of the following parameters should be
A. Room temperature.
C. Recharge temperature.
1.a sine wave with rms value of 100v is riding on a dc level of 50v.calculate the maximum value of the
resulting wave form ...
2. a resistance of certain wire is 8 and 2nd wire of smae material and same temp has a diameter half
of the first wire and length is 3times the 1st wire find the resistance of the 2nd wire..
3. if the flux thro a 200turns changes from 1wb to 4wb in one second...ehat s voltage induced...
5. what happens to the amount of energy stored in the electromagnetic feild when the current thro an
inductor is cut in half..
6.a tightly knit metal braid wire can be used in pcb when...?
7. open loop transisitor function of a system having one zero with positive real values is called
_________phase function.
8.alpha particles entered in electromagnetic field where the electric intensity is 600 v/m and the
magnetic induction is 0.150t.find the velocity of alpha particles___________ in m/s
11. in a control loop having zero positive real values are called______
13.With reference to a Data Logger for a refrigeration system, which of the following parameters
should be monitored?
A. Room temperature.
C. Recharge temperature.
D. Solenoid valve operation.
15.What is the magnetomotive force in a 75-turn coil of wire when there are 4 A of current through it?
16.If it takes 35 J of energy to move a charge of 6 C from one point to another, what is the voltage
between the two points? Your answer should be correct to two decimals.
V __________volts 2 decimal
G ____________NA 0 decimal