Ej 1249438
Ej 1249438
Ej 1249438
The aim of design education is that students learn to think and act like designers. However,
the focus in the design studio is mainly on the design product, whereas the ‘why and how’ of
the design process are barely addressed. A risk of learning by performing real-life tasks
without addressing the skills involved, that is, without receiving appropriate support and
guidance, is that learners are overwhelmed by the complexity of the tasks.
To make the design process explicit, a conceptual framework is developed in earlier research.
This paper reports a first evaluation how articulation of basic designerly1 skills with the help
of a conceptual tool is perceived by students and teachers and whether it changes students’
conceptions of the design process and their self-efficacy. In two exploratory case studies,
questionnaires give insight. The first is a short intervention in which student’s perception is
measured. In the second case study the design process was addressed in the design studio. It
measured changes in student’s conceptions and self-efficacy. Also, insight is provided in
teacher’s perception of working with the framework.
The results of these exploratory studies indicate a positive effect. The teachers involved
perceived the framework as a structuring factor during the tutoring sessions, for both teacher
and students. Students did perceive explanation of the design process as being helpful. A
change in students’ design conceptions and an increase in self-efficacy is seen.
Key words
Design process, generic elements, framework, design education, architectural design.
The aim of design education is that students learn to think and act like designers; they have to
acquire the reasoning processes of professionals (Collins, Brown, & Holum, 1991; Van
Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018). For experienced professionals reasoning processes are not
split up in separate steps. They constitute an undivided unity of automatic, unconscious
actions based on common practice and routine, interspersed with conscious moments of
reflection and exploration. For learners the complex, interwoven set of skills is (largely)
unknown and unobservable. It has to be acquired by practicing while frequently doing ‘whole’
Cross, N.G. (2007). Designerly ways of knowing. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhauser.
tasks (Van Merrienboer & Kester, 2008). To guide students in this ‘journey in the unknown’, it
is helpful to address the design process explicitly.
However, in the architectural design studio 2 students seem to learn mostly by practicing
design tasks without explicit articulation of the actions and skills involved. Research in
architectural design education (Van Dooren et al., 2019) has shown that tutoring appears to
be primarily a matter of discussion on the level of the design product at hand. Teachers talk
with students about all kinds of aspects involved in the design product in relatively detailed
terms: such as the position of rooms, the form of the building, the view and the composition
of the facade, and all other kind of aspects. If they refer to the design process, they do so
almost solely as a kind of side remarks or footnotes. The ‘how and why’ of the basic design
process are barely addressed.
A risk of learning by performing real-life tasks without addressing the skills involved, that is,
without giving appropriate support and guidance, is that learners are overwhelmed by the
complexity of the tasks (Van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2018, Sweller, Van Merrienboer &
Paas, 2019). Students are asked to perform skills, that are still unknown to them. In the
context of a working memory with limited capacity and a lack of adequate cognitive schemas
and conceptions in their long-term memory, students tend to focus mainly on the specific
design project at hand without a learning process taking place. Articulation and instruction of
the professional reasoning processes, more in specifically the design process, will help
students to develop effective conceptions.
Reasons for barely addressing the design process in the design studio, may be the lack of a
commonly shared vocabulary and lay person conceptions on design education (Van Dooren et
al., 2019). Teachers, being experts performing their skills for a large part implicit, talk with
students in the same way they talk with colleagues in the design office and in the way they
remember from their own education as a student. They are not used to talk about the design
process and if they refer to it, they use their personal notions. Not being trained as teachers,
they also seem to think that students (only) learn by discovering the designerly skills
themselves (Van Dooren et al., 2019). Guidance in the form of leading questions and well-
designed learning tasks regarding the skills that students are supposed to develop does not
seem desirable in this view.
To be able to make the design process explicit and to have a common base for
communication, a generic framework has been developed (Van Dooren et al., 2014). Five
elements have been distinguished to explain the design process in relation to all kinds of
design situations at hand, and to guide and train students in the development of design skills.
These two main goals may include other goals, such as the comparison of personal design
approaches and the articulation of the design processes in the context of teamwork.
This paper presents the results of two exploratory case studies, in which the framework is
used to make the design process explicit and to guide and train students in specific essential
The research in this paper focuses on architectural design, but for reasons of readability, regularly the shorter
notions ‘designing’ and ‘design process’ are used. At the same time, the results of focusing more on the design
process in design education and the generic elements may be recognizable for other design disciplines as well
(Van Dooren et al., 2014).
design skills. The aim of the first case study is to investigate how first and third year Bachelor
students perceived the articulation of the design process. The second case study gives insight
in the results of working with the framework in two Master design studios. How did the
teachers perceive the use of the framework in the tutorials and did students’ conceptions of
the design process and their self-efficacy change as a result of using the framework?
In the remainder of this introductory section, information about (the relation between)
students’ self-efficacy, their design conceptions and the way teachers articulate the design
process will be given. Then, the framework is briefly introduced. The section ends with the
main research question, the sub-questions and an introduction on the research method. The
following two sections each present and discuss an exploratory case study. Finally, overall
conclusions are drawn and discussed.
The design process conceptions are the mental models and cognitive strategies, which
describe how to perform tasks and how to reason. There may be large differences between
effective sophisticated conceptions of professional designers and intuitive or lay person
conceptions used by novices (Van Merriënboer and Kirschner, 2018). Students and lay
persons tend to consider designing as a process of solving ‘the problem’, posed by conditions
and criteria, presented by the client, site and program analysis. Observing the typical
behaviour of novice design students and comparing it with their conceptual drawings of the
design process, made by these students, Newstetter and McCracken (2001) concluded that
the drawings were prophetic for the design behaviour of students. The design process was
mainly represented in two ways: in linear flow charts and as a creative process, with an
emphasis on brainstorming, intuition and imagination. These conceptions could be recognised
in the behaviour characteristics they observed: (1) coming up with good ideas without
evaluation, (2) coming up with solely one idea without considering alternatives, (3) working in
a linear, serial process without iteration, (4) working on the idea and the component level
without moving between these levels, and (5) ignoring constraints and context (environment
and user). The sophisticated conceptions of professional designers include designing as an ill-
defined, open-ended, complex, personal and culturally influenced process. The process
unfolds in a process of experimentation. Conditions and criteria are discovered during the
process of exploring and reflection. Designing is a matter of coming up with inferences and
profound testing of possible solutions (Cross, 2007; Lawson, 2006; Lawson & Dorst, 2009;
Schön, 1983, 1985, 1987). If teachers show and articulate their sophisticated design-process
conceptions, students’ ability to perform the design process may increase and their self-
efficacy may rise.
Self-efficacy, the perceived belief in the personal ability to perform, is caused by and affects
different cognitive, motivational and affective processes. Sources of self-efficacy are mastery
experiences, experiences provided by social models, social persuasion and the reduction of
stress reactions (Bandura, 1994). In principle, if students are able to master challenging tasks,
not too easy, but still realistic in relation to their prior knowledge and experience, their self-
efficacy will increase. Their ability to perform challenging tasks will increase and their stress
level may decrease. Main teaching issues to increase the ability to master challenging tasks
are the behaviour and articulated way of thinking of the teachers and the way in which they
help students acquire skills that enable them to deal with new tasks.
To help teachers and students discuss the design process, an overview is needed which is
relatively simple to remember and easily to use. Therefore, the body of knowledge is brought
back to as few elements as possible, five basic design skills present in any design process. The
elements are interwoven with each other. There is no fixed step-by-step sequence; the
emphasis on the elements depends upon the kind of project, the designer and the design
discipline. The five elements are certainly not meant as a prescription or recipe for design,
they are only meant to articulate the ‘designerly’ reasoning processes and to help in designing
adequate design courses, to guide and train students in the main design skills.
2. Guiding theme or quality stands for the ‘emergence’ or imposition of a focus, an inspiring
direction, something to hold on to in an almost endless field of possibilities and to help in
creating coherence and significance in the design result. The guiding theme is the personal
‘answer’ of the designer, influenced by culture and profession. The qualities develop during
the design process, from vague and abstract to a concrete elaborated solution fitting the
situation at hand.
3. Domains consist of all aspects and scale levels designers have to address in the design
result, such as space, material, function, the direct context of the site, and a broader socio-
cultural context. Designers have to make statements and choices and they have to deal with a
lot of knowledge and information - such as criteria, rules, preferences and cultural habits - in
and across the domains. Aspects influence each other, choices in one domain can be made
with knowledge about other domains.
4. The frame of references is the common professional and personal library of knowledge and
experience in the minds of designers, consisting of ideas and qualities and abstract and
proven rules of thumb, principles and patterns. In these ‘knowledge chunks’ different
domains come together (for example in a spatial type structural or circulation aspects are
already embedded). Consciously or unconsciously, designers explore and test these
‘knowledge chunks’; they use, reject and transform them in the situation at hand.
5. Laboratory is the (visual) language designers use to experiment. The most important
physical “designerly language” is sketching and modelling. The visual functions as an extended
working memory, complementary to the language of words and notions. With the help of
different visual means, the process of “designerly” thinking, of exploring and reflecting on
options and discovering new insights, unfolds.
Figure 1. The five generic elements in the design process: (1) experimenting, (2) guiding
theme, (3) domains, (4) frame of reference and (5) laboratory (van Dooren et al., 2014)
To answer the main question, four sub questions will be answered in two case studies
(Harland, 2014; Burke Johnson, Onwuegbuzie & Turner, 2007). The first case study explored
the perception of students: (1) how did first and third year Bachelor students perceive the
value of the framework as a conceptual instrument to gain understanding of the design
process? The second case study focused on students and teachers in two master design
studios. This study explored the change in students’ conceptions and self-efficacy: (2) Did first
Cross, N.G. (2007). Designerly ways of knowing. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhauser.
year Master students acquire more sophisticated conceptions? and (3) Did addressing the
design process increase their self-efficacy? Finally, the teachers involved were questioned
about their perceptions: (4) Do teachers perceive the framework as a supportive tool to make
the design process explicit, for themselves and for their students?
Both case studies include each an intervention, a questionnaire and statistical analysis. An
overview is given in Fig. 2.
In the first case study the perception of Bachelor students was measured. It is expected that
students’ conceptions and self-efficacy may change if teachers address the design process
intensively, more specific during a longer period in direct relation to the design process at
hand. Therefore, the second case study included a more profound test of the framework in
the design studio. Two relatively small groups of students were involved in the intervention:
almost without and with a few years design experience. Also the teachers involved were
asked whether the framework was perceived as useful. In addition to the research, informal
anecdotal information is given from students involved in the master studios.
The first-year students (N=380) fulfilled a ‘one-day’ assignment, a short reflection written on
the day of the lecture without further guidance. The third-year students (N=240) worked on a
‘two-weeks’ assignment; they were guided by 20 teachers, selected to teach research and
writing and having different teaching experience in general and in these courses specifically.
The information for students and teachers consisted of an English text about the five generic
elements (Van Dooren et al., 2014) and one lecture, which provided a short overview of the
generic elements (by the first author). On the basis of the framework, students were asked to
write a reflection on their personal design process in a parallel running design project.
The first year students’ response rate was 29%, the third year students' response rate was
Figure 3. students’ perception of making the design process explicit and Mann-Whitney U
test for differences in assessment by the first / third year students
Figure 2 shows the results. Five out of the six statements have been assessed significantly
different by the first year and third year students (p < .001). Addressing the design process (in
text, lecture and reflection) is perceived neutral by first year students and significantly more
positive by third year students. Both groups are equally positive on ‘knowledge makes the
design process easier’.
Making the design process explicit with the framework of the five generic elements as a
conceptual tool (first sub-question) has been perceived neutral to positive.
There may be several causes for the distinction in outcomes between the first year and third
year students. The most obvious reasons may be the difference in duration of the assignment
(one day versus two weeks) and the difference in design experience. Third year students may
be more in need of getting to grips with the design process and they had more time to study
than first year students.
The first case study investigated the perceptions of making the design process explicit by a
relatively short ‘study and reflection’ task in a separate course, parallel to the design studio.
However, designing is learned in the design studio, during the whole design project.
Therefore, the data collection for the second case study takes place in the design studio: the
design process is made explicit in direct relation to the successive preliminary design products
of the students.
All students involved studied architecture and participated in one of two Master design
studios in the Fall semester of 2017. The studios were given in two different Dutch design
schools, an academy and a university. The Academy Project is a mandatory MSc 1 studio.
Eight students had started their Master with no or relative little design experience. They had
different backgrounds: primarily building sciences and in a few cases civil engineering or art.
This MSc 1 is the first studio in a four year part time study, in which students always work in
design offices parallel to the design studios. The University Project is an elective MSc 2 studio,
part of a two year full time MSc Architecture. Six out of seven students already completed a
full time three year architectural design BSc at the same university, one student completed a
building engineering BSc background. This elective MSc 2 included a ten week long
apprenticeship as assistant-teacher in a first year design studio for Bachelor students. The
language spoken in both the academy and university project was Dutch.
The teaching staff consisted of four teachers, including the first author. The other three were
selected because they had a more than average interest in being more explicit about the
design process. The teachers worked partly individually, partly in couples in the design
studios. They differed in experience in teaching in general and specifically in supervising these
In the Academy Project the students had to do one design assignment and in the University
Project students had to do three relatively short design tasks. Goal of both design studios was
to learn to (1) experiment by sketching and modelling as the basic ‘designerly’ skill, (2) work
with a guiding theme or qualities, (3) see the relations between the different architectural
aspects or domains, and (4) recognize (spatial) patterns in reference projects and explore
them in a project at hand (frame of references).
The framework was addressed in several ways. First, information on the generic elements was
given in a text (Van Dooren et al., 2014) and in lectures, given by the first author in the first
weeks of the projects. After an overview lecture, the elements were discussed more in depth
in three other lectures. Secondly, during the design tutorials the teachers referred to and
explained the basic ‘designerly’ skills as best as possible in relation to the design situation at
hand. Table 1 shows examples of how the design process was addressed in the tutorial
dialogues. Both, leading questions and learning tasks, were used during the individual
dialogues and during group tutorials. Thirdly, all students had to present their design process
on a poster and write a reflection about it, in the order of the elements.
Table 1. Examples of leading questions and learning tasks referring to generic elements,
referred to in direct relation to the design at hand.
Table 2. questionnaires in reference to addressing the design process in the design studio:
teachers’ perception and students’ change in conceptions and self-efficacy (pre, post and
delayed post).
Subject Questions
students’ Q 1 What are the first five notions you think of regarding
conceptions (third the design project?
sub question)
Q 2 Make a visual representation of the design process with
the help of the words from the previous question.
Q 3 Imagine, you get the assignment to design a free
standing house. Explain in short how you would
approach this task (max. 100 words).
students’ self- To what extent do you agree or disagree with the
efficacy (fourth following statements at this moment:
sub question) s1 I have enough understanding of the design process to
be able to design.
s2 I trust myself that to effectively approach unexpected
events while designing.
s3 I have enough insight and skills to integrate different
aspects in a design.
s4 While designing, I always see multiple solutions.
s5 When I get stuck in the design process, I know in most
cases what to do.
s6 I know I’m able to apply generic design principles and
s7 basic skills.
s8 I know that I’m able to become an excellent designer.
Although it can be difficult, I have fun in designing.
teachers’ q 1 Does the framework help in tutoring students? If so,
perceptions how / why?
(second sub
q 2 Do you have the impression that it helps students? If so,
how? (if possible with examples of students)
q 3 Other remarks?
The process of coding, counting and analysis of students’ conceptions is done by two
researchers. The codes were defined, based on the five elements and study of the data. The
final decisions were taken by the main researcher (first author).
Regarding the first five notions you think of regarding the design project (student’s perception
Q 1) eight codes were distinguished. Two codes for separate aspects and actions (D1, space,
form, function, and E1, exploring, deciding) and five codes for the elements as comprehensive
notion: (D2, domains; E2, experimentation; G, guiding theme; R, frame of reference; L,
laboratory) and one code for all other notions, regularly more personal perceptions (P; stress,
complex). The differences between the codes were tested with the Cochran Q test for k-
related samples with a binary variable. Before the test the scores were transformed into
binary variables (0 - 1 / item named or not named).
In reference to the visual representations of the design process (students’ perception Q 2),
five codes were distinguished, gradually increasing in complexity: (1) linear steps, (2) linear
steps with one feedback loop or parallel lines in one step, (3) steps with several loops or
parallel lines, (4) zigzag, parallel lines, network like, and (5) complex combinations of zigzag,
parallel lines, including guiding theme lines.
With respect to the descriptions given imagining a real situation (students’ perception Q 3),
the stories were analysed in idea units. Three codes were distinguished: (a) the number of
elements mentioned in combination in one idea-unit, (b) the process as elaboration or
experimentation, and (c) the emphasis on preconditions, including client, site analysis and
The internal consistency of the eight self-efficacy statements (s1-s8) is tested with Cronbach’s
Alpha coefficient. A reliable scale is shown for the second and third measurement (Cronbach’s
Alpha > 0.8); it was relatively low but still acceptable for the first measurement (Cronbach’s
Alpha = 0.67).
Change in students’ conceptions (second sub question)
The data collected from the questionnaires provide insight into the change in students’
conceptions of the design process, seen from three different perspectives: the first five
notions you think of regarding the design project (Q1), visualisation of the design process
(Q2), and the imagination of a real situation (Q3).
In Table 3 the notions named (Q1) are presented in relation to the elements of the
framework. Specifically, four groups of notions show a significantly different distribution of
the measurements pre and post the project (p< .05): a decrease in separate aspects, such as
space, function, site (D1) and separate actions such as exploring and investigation (E2), and an
increase in the more comprehensive notions domains (D2) and frame of references (R).
CODE NOTIONS Pre Post Q df p-value
d post
partial notions,
separate aspects, such
D1 as space, user, 24 8 14 8 2 .02
material, context, site,
DOMAINS form,…
D2 description, such as 0 7 7 9,8 2 .01
domains or aspects
partial notions, specific
actions, such as
develop, investigate,
discover, (connecting)
EXPERIMENT E1 ideas, study, analyzing, 15 7 6 3,5 2 .27
reflection, iterate,
E2 notions, such as 1 13 9 18,67 2 .00
notions, such as
G concept, vision, 6 9 12 4,91 2 .10
direction, (guiding)
notions, such as
REFERENCES R 2 9 10 11,4 2 .00
(frame of) references,
case studies,
notions, such as
LABORATORY L 9 9 6 0,75 2 ,90
sketching, modelling,
drawing, laboratory
observing, input,
collaboration, creative,
logic, design, learning,
presentation, flexible,
GENERAL, P 18 12 11 1,56 2 .59
divers, creative,
designing, fail, critical
and honest, keep
positive, stress
Table 4 shows the change in the visualisation of the design process (Q2). A shift can be seen
in the number of students from naming more simple, step-by-step visualisations before the
project towards criss-cross and complex visualisations after the project. The Chi-square test
shows a significantly different distribution of the measurements of how students visualise the
design process (chi-square=15,85, df=8, p < .05).
Table 4. Visualisations of the design process: a shift in the number of students from naming
more simple towards more complex visualisations.
n of
1. Linear 2. Steps / 3. Steps / 4. zigzag/ 5. zigzag/
steps feedback more loops parallel parallel
loop / +/parallel lines/ lines/
parallel lines lines network like network
like/ incl.
guiding lines
| complex
pre 2 5 4 2 2
post 0 2 2 5 6
delayed 0 0 3 3 9
Figure 4 shows some examples of student visualisations. All four selected students start with
a more linear sequence. The academy students A2 and A3 show in their visualisations ‘having
ideas’ as parallel actions in one step, which then are worked out in the next steps. The
visualisation of university student U6 is the most linear one, U5 is the most complex one. Post
and delayed post the project almost all visualisations show higher complexity. The
visualisation of student A2 shows delayed post a more criss-cross symbol. In the visualisations
of student A3 the linear sequence is still there but now in an iterative loop. The visualisations
of U5 and U6 are more complex and criss-cross and show more resemblance to the
framework: student U6 refers almost literally and student U5 comes up with a personal
interpretation of the framework.
Figure 4. Examples of visualisations of the design process of four students, measured pre,
post, and delayed post (Q2).
In reference to the imagination of a real situation pre, post and delayed post design studio
(Q3), the stories seem to change in conception from simple towards more complex, ‘from
problem solving towards designing’. Table 5 shows examples of the same students as in
Figure 3 (Q2). Before the project the design seems to be directed by client / program and site
analysis. After the project client / program and site analysis are still important, but other
actions are also mentioned such as essence, experimenting and alternatives (student A2). A
second parallel tendency concerns the notion elaboration. Before the project the design
process seems to be mostly a matter of elaboration (of one or more ideas), after the project
refining is still mentioned but more in combination with developing a theme and testing on
domains (student A3). And finally, directly after the project the idea units include more
actions and skills in direct relation to each other. Student U5, for example, says: “At the hand
of references and personal ideas slowly a ‘guiding theme’ will emerge, or at least the start of
it”. And U6: “Also I should look into houses of buildings in reference to my guiding theme.
These might be inspiration to experiment further in the different domains.”
This last effect, the combinations of design elements, is also presented in Table 6. The overall
Chi-square test over the three measurement moments shows a significant difference in
combined elements just after the studio (chi-square= 16.77, df=3, p < .01). Also the decrease
in combined elements from the second to the third measurement moment is significant (chi-
square=9,25, df=3, p < .05). So the increase in the combined elements is only present just
after the studio and does not last.
Table 6. Number of idea units with a combination of elements mentioned imagining a real
situation per measurement (Q3).
Figure 5. Increase in self-efficacy students pre, post and delayed post project
Teacher 1 mentions that it is almost a list you have in mind, with the kind of things which may
be discussed with the student. When a student gets stuck, he literally goes over the list
together with the student to show how you may act in situations like these. Teacher 3 asserts
that it helps in formulating concrete tasks for students, such as experimentation. When a
student gets stuck, he is more able to see possible reasons, such as not enough references, no
clear theme, or no experimentation.
The teachers had the impression that the framework directly helped the students to decrease
anxiety and uncertainty and to get to grips with the design process. Students’ pleasure and
understanding seemed to increase and they felt that they were allowed to make mistakes.
As extra remark teacher 1 mentioned that it helped when working with a student on a design
you do not like as a teacher. He continues: “I’m used to teachers with a judging attitude, from
their opinion about right or wrong, attractive or unattractive. This method gets around this.
That is clever, because as a human being you tend to the ‘right or wrong’ attitude very easily.”
Teacher 3 mentioned that his personal fun in designing and design tutoring has increased.
The second case study indicates positive results. Regarding the conceptions of students
(second sub-question) we see to a certain extent a move from layperson conceptions towards
sophisticated conceptions of the design process. The layperson conceptions consist of (1) a
linear design process, frequently with a feedback loop, (2) having ideas (without testing) or
having one idea and elaboration, (3) the client as a source of feedback, and preconditions in
general such as brief and site analysis as source for solutions, and (4) a relatively high number
of separate aspects, such as space, site, form, and partial notions such as investigation.
Students may see the design process as coming up with ideas as a kind of solutions, as
‘logical’ implications of the design task and its conditions, more specific of ‘what the client
wants’. In this conception the designer seems to solve the problem, put forward by the client.
The more sophisticated conceptions consist of (1) a zigzagging, criss-cross, and parallel
process, (2) more comprehensive and inclusive terms, such as experimentation, guiding
theme (concept, vision), and frame of reference, and (3) naming the design actions and skills
more often in relation to each other. The discussion with the client is still there, but students
may see designing more as exploring and testing alternatives, working parallel and across in
the diverse domains, and working with overall qualities or guiding themes.
Finally, the teachers involved in the design studios perceived working with the framework
(fourth sub-question) as a structuring factor, which helps teacher and students to gain an
overview and helps in cases of getting stuck. It may help in making the tutoring less
dependent on personal preferences of the teacher. The teachers' perception that the
framework may be helpful for students seems to run parallel with the changes in students’
conceptions and self-efficacy.
General Discussion
The results of the two case studies indicate positive effects of making the design process
explicit. At least a part of the students did perceive articulation of the design process as being
helpful. For the teachers involved the framework works as a structuring tool. Their perception
that it helps students, seems to be confirmed by the change in students’ design conceptions
and their increase in self-efficacy.
However, the positive results presented here should be taken with caution.
Obviously, there is no guarantee that using the framework terms more often after than
before the project will lead to better understanding and improvement of design skills.
Secondly, solely based on the second case study, it cannot be concluded that the moves in
conceptions are more different than they might have been in a ‘normal’ product-oriented
educational approach. Even though the fact that more or less the same kind of lay person
conceptions were seen at the start of both the Academy and the University Project, indicates
that there was no difference in conceptions between less and more experienced design
students. Thirdly, the increase in self-efficacy may also have other causes, such as a positive
encouraging studio environment. And finally, conclusions can be solely tentative because of
the limited scale of the case studies.
Only a full experiment with a larger number of students, with control groups and during a
longer period of time may provide more robust evidence for the effects of making the design
process explicit. In a large-scale experiment, especially during a longer period, it is not only
expected that students’ self-efficacy increases and student’s conceptions of the design
process become more sophisticated, but also students’ skills may increase and become more
adequate and effective.
Yet, the positive results run parallel with the positive informal reactions of participating
students and they are in line with other research. Kirschner, Sweller and Clark (2006)
conclude that controlled studies support strong instructional guidance for the learning of
complex skills. The results of the second case-study show the same kind of lay person
conceptions of novice design students, as Newstetter and McCracken (2001) exposed. With
only one exception: students do not seem to ignore the constraints and context, they seem to
expect that (profound) knowledge of preconditions (site, brief, client) will lead ‘automatically’
to a design solution.
Making the design process explicit with the framework did work well in practice. In principle,
the choice for the five elements may to a certain extent always remain a matter of discussion.
However, the elements seem to be ‘resilient’. They fulfil the requirements of being (1)
generic, basic skills of the design process, (2) the main skills to be learned by novices, and (3)
relatively clear and easy to remember (Van Dooren et al., 2014). They are key items in the
design process, distinguishable and providing an overview for teacher and student.
The elements also include a ‘world’ of notions and mutual relations, related to the nuanced
and rich reality of designing, which still has to be discovered, developed and worked out. In
the second case study, we experienced on a small scale that structuring learning tasks
accordingly to the elements, may lead to learning to design in a ‘natural’ way. Especially in the
first year(s) of the design study, providing experience in the form of adequate, specified
learning tasks may help students to overcome the paradox formulated by Schön (1987):
although students do not and cannot understand what designing means, neither can
recognise what they see, they have to learn by doing it. Developing the framework more in
detail may help in the set-up of the curriculum and the design studios. It should provide
learning tasks that are interwoven with the design process. It may also help to ‘translate’
more general notions such as investigation and creativity in more concrete and specified
actions and put all kind of notions such as analysis in a broader perspective.
To conclude: design education, in which the design process is made explicit with the
framework may have positive results. A richer understanding of the design process and a
better specified training of the students may help students to learn ‘the unknown’. Students
may experiment more often, taking informed decisions and working with professional
patterns. They may articulate, develop and explore qualities more consciously and they their
ability to distinguish and compare different design methods and approaches may increase.
Students may become more independent when working on a design, also when they get
stuck. Their stress level may decrease and their pleasure to design may increase.
A lot of thanks to the teachers and students involved, being so kind to fill in the
questionnaires, to Veerle de Vries, for helping in elaboration of the data, and to Gust Marien,
for the statistical analysis.
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