The Heckscher-Ohlin Model: Appleyard & Field (& Cobb) : Chapters 8 & 9
The Heckscher-Ohlin Model: Appleyard & Field (& Cobb) : Chapters 8 & 9
The Heckscher-Ohlin Model: Appleyard & Field (& Cobb) : Chapters 8 & 9
Two countries, two (homogeneous) goods and two (homogeneous) factors of production Identical technology, different factor endowments Constant returns to scale Different factor intensities in production Factors perfectly mobile inside each country and immobile between the countries Identical preferences among everyone Perfect competition in all markets No transportations costs
(price of labour) w = MPPL*P, (price of capital) r = MPPK*P
Factor Endowments
Countries differ in their relative factor endowments
country 1 is capital-abundant (labour-scarce), country 2 is labourabundant (capital-scarce) Price definition: (r/w)1 < (r/w)2 country 1 is capital-abundant, country 2 is labour-abundant Given assumptions of perfect competition + identical technology and preferences, the physical and price definitions are identical
relative factor prices (r/w) the firm always maximizes profits / minimizes cost by using relatively more capital in producing X than in producing Y
Isoquant for Y
Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem
Country will export the commodity that uses relatively intensively its relatively abundant factor of production
i.e. what we saw in the previous graph example: China is labour-abundant and Finland is capital-abundant i.e. (K/L)C < (K/L)F and (r/w)C > (r/w)F
China exports labour-intensive products (e.g. clothes) to Finland and imports capital-intensive products (e.g. paper) from Finland
Finland produces more paper, China more clothes Since producing paper is more capital intensive, demand for capital increases and demand for labour decreases in Finland w r Similarly in China, demand for labour increases and demand for capital decreases r w In equilibrium all prices (including factor prices) are identical
capital markets
labour markets
of factors of production: What then is the impact of trade on distribution of real income?
wages decrease in Finland, but also the price of clothes decreases (i.e. you need less money to buy the same amount of clothes). Which effect dominates?
owners of abundant factor increases and the real income of owners of scarce factor decreases
Think about the labour abundant country (e.g. China): Free trade r w capital/labour ratio labour productivity real wages
W. Stolper & P. Samuelson (1941): International Factor-Price Equalisation Once Again. Economic Journal 59, no. 234.
e.g. imperfect competition, transportation costs, tariffs, subsidies, unemployed resources, technological differences, externalities
but capital and labour are internationally perfectly mobile Capital will then flow to the labour-abundant country and labour to the capital-abundant country until the factor prices are equal in both countries When all markets are perfectly competitive, this must imply equal commodity prices Trade and factor mobility are perfect substitutes in the HO-model
R.A. Mundell (1957): International Trade and Factor Mobility. American Economic Review 47(3).
Changing Assumptions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Two countries, two (homogeneous) goods and two (homogeneous) factors of production Identical technology, different factor endowments Constant returns to scale Different factor intensities in production Factors perfectly mobile inside each country and immobile between the countries Identical preferences among everyone Perfect competition in all markets No transportations costs
Specific-Factors Model
Three factors of production: 1) L = mobile labour 2) KX = immobile capital for producing good X 3) KY = immobile capital for producing good Y
Good Y
A standard PPF
Specificfactors PPF
A natural way to think about this is to consider the specific-factors PPF to represent short-run and the standard PPF to represent long-run implications
Good X
introduction of free trade, i.e. (PX/PY) : Production of X Production of Y Labour flows to production of good X rX rY [increased demand for KX]
[KX and KY are fixed]
o Owners of KX benefit, owners of KY lose o Ambiguous effect on mobile factor (labour) o If workers consume only X their real wage has fallen, if only Y real wage has risen impact on real wages depends on consumption bundles
Expansion of the industry using intensively the abundant factor of production (Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem) Changes in distribution of income (international
factor price equalization, Stolper-Samuelson theorem)
do the gains outweigh the losses? To answer this question would require comparison of (subjective) welfares (do the losers suffer more than the winners enjoy), which is outside of the province of economic analysis. However, we can ask: Could those who gain compensate those who lose, and still be better off? The answer is, yes. Trade expands the economys choices (enables consumption outside PPF). Hence, in principle, it is possible to redistribute income in such a way that everyone will gain. Of course, this is not to say that redistribution would actually happen. The presence of loser and winners in the real world is probably the most important reason why trade is not free.
* owners of the abundant / export specific factor; ** owners of the scarce / import specific factor