Iprimary Guide

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Edexcel iPrimary -
a guide for schools

Welcome to Pearson, the world’s leading learning company and the UK’s largest
awarding body. We have a simple mission: to help make a measurable impact on
improving people’s lives through learning.

Introducing Pearson Edexcel iPrimary

This guide will provide an introduction to iPrimary - our one-stop international
curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science, Computing , Citizenship and Early Years
for 3 to 11 year olds.

iPrimary at a glance:
l Based on the latest English National Curriculum (2014),
with an international approach
l Written with learners of English as an additional language (EAL) in mind
l Teacher training and online Professional Development support included
l Full Schemes of Work provided for all years and every unit of content exemplified
l Mapped to internationally-renowned Pearson resources,
such as Bug Club, Abacus and Science Bug International
l Internal and external progress tests for international benchmarking

* Please note that the Early Years curricula is not a

qualification and does not have progress tests or
Schemes of Work as part of the programme.

Seamless progression
from ages 3 to 19
Pearson Edexcel iPrimary is part of iProgress, our complete
series for international schools.
The iProgress family includes iPrimary, iLowerSecondary, International GCSE (IG) and
International Advanced Level (IAL), and delivers a seamless and consistent learning
journey for students and teachers, everywhere in the world.

iPrimary iLowerSecondary International International

GCSE (9–1) Advanced Level (IAL)

Ages 3-11 Ages 11-14 Ages 14-16 Ages 16-19

Early years, english, English, maths, Available in Available in

maths, science, science, computing 37 subjects 21 subjects
computing and and global citizenship
global citizenship

Foundation for future success

Based on the UK curriculum but designed with a global outlook, iProgress opens the
doors of the best universities in all parts of the world and equips learners to thrive
in an ever-changing global economy.

More than just a curriculum or qualification suite

With professional development training that keeps teachers up to date with the
latest educational practices, supporting materials that make planning and teaching
lessons easier, and student textbooks and online resources, you’ll have more time
to focus on the individual development of your students’ progress.


Principles for progress

Our pedagogical experts have identified ten principles that will give students
the best opportunity to develop along their learning journey. These aren’t just
theoretical concepts, but practical ideas that every teacher can incorporate in their
lessons. More information is included in the teacher’s guides that accompany the

In addition to the ten principles, formative assessment underpins and runs through
every aspect of the programme. Knowing the students’ starting point, understanding
their learning and reflecting on their development helps to ensure progress for all.

The Ten Principles

Engaging everyone includes techniques Collaborative activities are vital for

1 6
for ensuring that all students are involved growing student skills, and we provide
in the lesson and participate in discussion, practical ideas for grouping students and
including whole-class question-and- ensuring that group work is really focused
answer sessions. and productive. We also outline ways of
developing student ownership of their
Differentiation provides ideas for

2 learning and the ways in which group
adapting your teaching to ensure that
work can build confidence too.
all students can access the learning
according to their level and achieve Teacher demonstration is focused

good outcomes. These techniques also on how to conduct effective teacher
convey the importance of having high demonstrations and how you can model
expectations of all students. important learning behaviours too.

Enabling independent learning outlines

  eveloping thinking skills highlights
3 8
ways of supporting your students to ‘have ways in which you can encourage your
a go’ and not to be put off by challenging students’ abilities to think critically, to
ideas or tasks. It also provides techniques problem-solve and to carry out their own
for helping all students take more mini inquiries.
responsibility for their own progress.
Reflecting on learning is about getting

Effective questioning offers practical
 students to think constructively about
tips for asking questions that make their own learning and to take control
students think. It outlines question over how to make better progress.
types (for example, closed, open, factual,
 eedback (in both directions) offers
conceptual, probing, discussion) and 10
practical ideas for conducting good two-
provides examples of each.
way feedback between you and your
Teacher talk is important and we provide
 students in order to improve learning and
ideas to make it as effective as possible achievement.
with ways of engaging your students as
you introduce new content and explain


Early Years FOR

programme AGES
3 TO 5
The Early Years curricula is a 2 year programme
for K and pre-K reception and nursery children.
It contains clear and exemplified objectives
to help teachers understand the level that
children should be working at and how learning
progresses over time.

The new Early Years programme includes:

Maths English The World Around Us

Inspires mathematical Encourages early language Develops early research
curiosity and resilience, development and and questioning skills,
while introducing key exploration in English and encourages social
mathematical concepts development

It covers the prerequisites for students moving into full-time academic education
and beginning our iPrimary programme.


Learn more at pearsoninternational-schools.com/iprimary


Subject overview -
Global Citizenship
Prepare your students to be global citizens

iPrimary Global Citizenship is part of the only fully integrated Global Citizenship
programme for students aged 5–16. It provides curriculum support, assessment,
teaching and learning resources and qualifications for 5–11 year olds.

l Gives a firm foundation in Global Citizenship to ensure that your youngest

learners start their journey with the skills and knowledge they need to
l Provides a consistent learning journey and supports students’ progress with
ongoing assessment and external examinations at the end of Year 6/ages
l Curriculum-matched teaching and learning resources, available as print
and online. Designed for international students, with exam preparation and
practice included
l Supported by world-class services including teacher training and
professional development support, exam preparation and analysis services


Subject overview - English

The iPrimary English curriculum contains three main strands, with each split into
sub-strands. The curriculum promotes engagement and enjoyment while ensuring
students are well placed to achieve highly in later examinations.

The strands and sub-strands are:

Spoken Language Writing

Receptive Language l 
Transcription and Phonics
l Expressive Language l Vocabulary
l Composition
l Handwriting and Word Processing
l Grammar for Writing
l Punctuation
Word Reading and Phonics
(up to Year 3)
l Word Reading and Accuracy The iPrimary English curriculum
l Literal Comprehension ensures students engage with a range
l Inferential Comprehension
of text types and learn to communicate
effectively in written and spoken
l Text Structure and Purpose
English. It provides students with the
l Grammar for Reading
skills and knowledge they need to
access the wider curriculum and gives
an excellent platform for later learning.


Subject overview - Mathematics

The iPrimary Mathematics curriculum contains three main strands, with each split
into sub-strands. The curriculum promotes engagement and enjoyment while
ensuring students are well placed to achieve highly in later examinations.

The strands and sub-strands are:

Numbers and the Number Geometry and Measure

System l 
Number and Place Value l Shape
Addition and Subtraction l Position
Multiplication and Division (from Year 2) l Position and Direction (Year 6)
All Four Operations (from Year 3)
Fractions The curriculum is designed to ensure
Fractions and Decimals (from Year 4) that key Mathematics skills are properly
Percentages (Year 6) embedded and that students are
Ratio and Proportion (Year 6)
secure in their understanding of
the concepts needed to be strong
Algebra (Year 6)
mathematicians. The iPrimary
Mathematics curriculum gives an
excellent platform for later learning
Statistics and ensures students are prepared for
the challenges ahead of them.


Subject overview - Science

The iPrimary Science curriculum contains four main strands, with each split into
topic areas. The curriculum promotes engagement and enjoyment while ensuring
students are well placed to achieve highly in later examinations.

Scientific Enquiry




Scientific enquiry is embedded

within the other three strands
and students are encouraged
to take an engaged and
investigative approach to their
learning. The iPrimary Science
curriculum gives an excellent
platform for later learning and

"What we want from

ensures students are prepared
for the challenges ahead of

adopting an external
curriculum is a consistent
line that keeps everyone
teaching the same things
throughout the year and
from year to year.”
Graham Thompson -
Southlands International School,


Subject overview - Computing

Our Computing programme joined iPrimary in 2019. It has been developed in
conjunction with leading education and industry experts to ensure that the skills
learnt at primary and lower secondary level prepare students for International GCSE
and beyond.

This programme is structured around the 4 cornerstones

of computational thinking:

pattern algorithm
decomposition abstraction
recognition design

It equips students to:

Understand and apply Analyse problems Be responsible,

the fundamental in computational competent, confident
principles and terms, write computer and creative users
concepts of computer programmes, evaluate of information and
science, including and apply information communication
abstraction, logic, technology and solve technology.
algorithms and data problems.


Professional development
Our three day face-to-face professional development programme has been
designed to fully equip teachers with an understanding of the components of
iPrimary, as well as key teaching and learning strategies to help them implement the
curriculum effectively and confidently in their classrooms.


Our professional development programme is divided into modular sessions that provide three
different areas of support:

1. iPrimary Orientation Teachers will learn and practise a variety of

These sessions provide information and hands- strategies that they will be able to apply directly
on practice using different elements of the to their classrooms. Additional teaching and
programme. They include an exploration of learning strategies will be offered in future to
iPLS assessments and orientation to two online further build classroom skills.
learning platforms, ActiveLearn Primary (ALP)
Three-day Professional Development
and ActiveLearn Digital Service (ALDS).
2. Model Lessons The table below presents a possible sequence
On each of the three days, teachers will of professional learning, which can be adapted
participate in sample lessons taken directly to suit the needs of the schools attending.
from the new curriculum. Each day will
highlight a different subject area and teachers Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
will have opportunities to discuss and analyse
the lessons together with their facilitator.
Orientation Model Maths Critical Thinking
3. Teaching and Learning Strategies Lesson
Teachers will also engage with key teaching and Model Formative Model Science
learning strategies for the following: English Assessment Lesson
l Active Learning: strategies that focus Lesson
on student-centred activities that allow Active Overview of ALP/ALDS
students to construct knowledge and Learning Assessment Demonstration
meaning and Action
l Formative Assessment: strategies for Up
assessing where students are in their
learning and using the results to adjust There will also be Handbooks for school
instruction coordinators to provide guidance on ways to
l CriticalThinking: strategies for promoting support implementation, including:
students’ critical thinking skills, such as l sample application tasks for activities
evaluating, comparing and questioning
l templates for coaching observation, and
collaboration sessions.


Internal and external assessment

Measure your students’ learning with built-in internal Progress Tests and external,
internationally benchmarked Achievement Tests. New Progress Tests will be added each
year, so in 2019 that means an additional 304 tests to add to your revision library!

Our content and assessment has been developed in collaboration across all four
subjects to ensure a seamless progression from iPrimary to iLowerSecondary and a
consistent approach across the whole Pearson Edexcel iProgress programme.

SCIENCE Progress Tests

Name: Progress Tests are internally administered and
Class: Date: marked assessments that are included as part of
Year 4 the programme. These tests are updated every year
Skeletons and Muscles
to provide new tests for all students as well as an
ever-increasing bank of questions for teachers.
1 What is the main use of bones?

a) moving
Progress Tests are included for every topic (in
b) sleeping Science) or half term (in Mathematics, English,
c) spreading disease Computing and Early Years), as well as a full,
d) tasting food summative end-of year test for each year group in

the programme.
2 Which statement best describes a joint?

a) a group of bones

b) a place where bones meet


Answer ALL questions.

c) a very hard bone



In Section A put a cross in each correct box to indicate your answer. If you change your
mind, put a line through the box and then put a cross in another box .

d) two bones fixed together 1 What is 5 m equal to?

50 mm 500 mm 50 cm 500 cm


(Total for Question 1 is 1 mark)

2 Work out

84 ÷ 12

Achievement Tests
Achievement Tests are assessments that are externally
7 9 42 72


administered and marked by Pearson Edexcel, and are

(Total for Question 2 is 1 mark)


available at the end of iPrimary (in Year 6 / age 11) and Write your name here
Surname Other names

iLowerSecondary (in Year 9 / age 14). Pearson Edexcel Centre Number Candidate Number
Primary Award

These tests provide the ideal opportunity both to check the
Year 6
Achievement Test
learning of students at the end of each key stage, and to provide
Pearson Edexcel International Award in Primary assessment
Mathematics material
– Sample for first
assessment teaching
materials September 2018
Paper Reference
Time: 1 hour
– Version 1.0 – pre-publication – February 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
You must have: Total Marks

a qualification that is internationally benchmarked against

Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres, pen, HB pencil, eraser,
angle measurer.

• Use
students around the world.
black ink or black ball-point pen.
• centre
Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name,
number and candidate number.
• Answer all questions.
• Answer the questions in the spaces provided
– there may be more space than you need.
• Calculators are NOT allowed.
Additionally, there is a wealth of assessment analysis and Information
• The total mark for this paper is 60.
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets

support through our ResultsPlus service. ResultsPlus provides – use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question.

• Read
the most detailed analysis available of your students’ exam
each question carefully before you start to answer it.
• Try to answer every question.
• Check your answers if you have time at the end.

performance, and can help you to identify the topics and skills Turn over

where further learning would benefit your students. S59816A

©2018 Pearson Education Ltd.

Pearson Edexcel International Award in Primary Mathematics – Sample assessment materials (SAMS) 5
– Version 1.0 – pre-publication – February 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018


Start teaching iPrimary

Resources to support you
Our experts have fully mapped our world-renowned published resources* to the
iPrimary learning objectives from reception to yr 6, so that you can start teaching
straight away, with the peace of mind that you have all you need. The online
components are available through ActiveLearn Primary. Find out more at:

Resources for the iPrimary curriculum

Bug Club for iPrimary English Abacus for iPrimary Mathematics

• Pearson’s core whole school reading program • Unique and flexible maths toolkit
• Books in print and eBook format • Over 10,000 digital and printed resources to help inspire
a genuine love of maths
• Engaging online reading world designed to help children
catch the reading bug • Helps every child master the maths curriculum

Science Bug International Building Blocks: Grammar

for iPrimary Science and Punctuation
• A flexible approach to topic work comprising • Provides the building blocks for grammar
72 new printed components and punctuation success
• Delivers the requirements of the UK Primary Curriculum, • Modular and comprehensive content, covering
adapted for international schools curriculum objectives whilst allowing flexibility
for student growth
• Online and print resources help spark students’
imagination and fuel curiosity • Developed with expert authors and tested in
schools to ensure it meets the needs of different
types of learners


Also available on ActiveLearn:

Find out more in our Resources Guide


If you like what you see here,

there’s a lot more online at

Next steps
Learn more about iPrimary at:

Contact your local representative to sign up or find out more -


Attend one of our launch events in your region -


Follow us on Facebook

* Pearson highly recommends, but does not mandate, the use of our resources for teaching the iPrimary and iLowerSecondary curriculum.

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