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Una especie en peligro de extinción es aquella que es susceptible de extinguirse en

un futuro próximo.

El Ornitorrinco (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), es un animal único que se encuentra en

peligro de extinción porque se ve amenazado por la pérdida de su hábitat debido a la
contaminación y a las malas prácticas humanas sobre el ecosistema. Actualmente, es
difícil saber cuántos ornitorrincos quedan, pero en las recientes décadas se ha proyectado
un descenso en su población. Por ello es necesario protegerlo y tomar medidas para
conservar su hábitat.

Características físicas: Es un mamífero semiacuático de hábitos nocturnos, que

posee un hocico en forma de pico de pato, plano y ancho. Tiene una cola de castor que
utiliza para maniobrar en el agua y patas de nutria. Además, tiene fuertes uñas y un
esqueleto que combina características de mamíferos y reptiles. Mide entre 40-60 cm de
largo y pesa entre 700 y 2400 g. Están recubiertos de pelaje de color marrón intenso.

Alimentación: El ornitorrinco es un animal carnívoro. Su alimentación se basa

principalmente en insectos acuáticos, crustáceos y moluscos, pequeños peces e incluso
algunos recursos vegetales. Para detectar presas en el agua con precisión, utiliza
electrorreceptores en su hocico para cazarlas.

Reproducción: A pesar de ser un mamífero, este animal tiene una característica de

reproducción muy inusual: es ponedor de huevos, lo que quiere decir que es ovíparo. Esto
es algo que comparte con muy pocas especies de mamíferos, los monotremas.

Hábitat: Este mamífero es endémico del este de Australia y Tasmania. Se adapta

bien a su entorno semiacuático, utilizando su cola de castor para maniobrar en el agua y
sus patas de nutria para moverse con facilidad en la tierra.

Aspectos Curiosos: Son venenosos, pero no letales, aspecto único entre los
mamíferos. Su pelaje brilla bajo la luz ultravioleta. Caminan como reptiles. Este animal es
el emblema nacional y su imagen aparece en la moneda australiana
The Platypus: A Unique animal

An endangered species is one that is likely to become extinct in the near future.

The Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a unique animal that is endangered

because it is threatened by the loss of its habitat due to pollution and poor human
practices on the ecosystem. Currently, it is difficult to know how many platypuses remain,
but a decrease in their population has been projected in recent decades. Therefore, it is
necessary to protect it and take measures to conserve its habitat.

Physical characteristics: It is a semi-aquatic mammal with nocturnal habits, which has a

snout shaped like a duck's bill, flat and wide. It has a beaver-like tail that it uses to
maneuver in the water and otter-like feet. In addition, it has strong nails and a skeleton
that combines characteristics of mammals and reptiles. It measures between 40-60 cm
long and weighs between 700 and 2400 g. They are covered in dark brown fur.

Feeding: The platypus is a carnivorous animal. Its diet is mainly based on aquatic
insects, crustaceans and mollusks, small fish and even some plant resources. To accurately
detect prey in the water, it uses electroreceptors in its snout to hunt them.

Reproduction: Despite being a mammal, this animal has a very unusual reproduction
characteristic: it lays eggs, which means it is oviparous. This is something it shares with
very few species of mammals, the monotremes.

Habitat: This mammal is endemic to eastern Australia and Tasmania. It adapts well to
its semi-aquatic environment, using its beaver-like tail to maneuver in the water and its
otter-like feet to move easily on land.

Curious Aspects: They are poisonous, but not lethal, a unique aspect among mammals.
Their fur shines under ultraviolet light. They walk like reptiles. This animal is the national
emblem and its image appears on the Australian coin.

The Platypus: A Unique animal

An endangered species is one that is likely to become extinct in the near future.

The Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a unique animal that is endangered

because it is threatened by the loss of its habitat due to pollution and poor human
practices on the ecosystem. Currently, it is difficult to know how many platypuses remain,
but a decrease in their population has been projected in recent decades. Therefore, it is
necessary to protect it and take measures to conserve its habitat.


Physical characteristics: It is a semi-aquatic mammal with nocturnal habits, which has a

snout shaped like a duck's bill, flat and wide. It has a beaver-like tail that it uses to
maneuver in the water and otter-like feet. In addition, it has strong nails and a skeleton
that combines characteristics of mammals and reptiles. It measures between 40-60 cm
long and weighs between 700 and 2400 g. They are covered in dark brown fur.


Feeding: The platypus is a carnivorous animal. Its diet is mainly based on aquatic
insects, crustaceans and mollusks, small fish and even some plant resources. To accurately
detect prey in the water, it uses electroreceptors in its snout to hunt them.


Reproduction: Despite being a mammal, this animal has a very unusual reproduction
characteristic: it lays eggs, which means it is oviparous. This is something it shares with
very few species of mammals, the monotremes.


Habitat: This mammal is endemic to eastern Australia and Tasmania. It adapts well to
its semi-aquatic environment, using its beaver-like tail to maneuver in the water and its
otter-like feet to move easily on land.


Curious Aspects: They are poisonous, but not lethal, a unique aspect among mammals.
Their fur shines under ultraviolet light. They walk like reptiles. This animal is the national
emblem and its image appears on the Australian coin.

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