My Activities

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“Makalah ini Disusun untuk Memenuhi Tugas pada Matakuliah Bahasa Inggris”

Dosen pengampu :

Pipit Ertika Daristin, S.Hum., M.Pd.

Disusun Oleh :

Lailatul Istiqomah (2297214007)





Puji syukur saya panjatkan kehadiran Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat serta
hidayah-Nya sehingga penyusunan makalah ini dapat diselesaikan.
Makalah ini kami susun sebagai tugas dari matakuliah Bahasa Inggris dengan judul
“My Activities”.
Terimakasih kami panjatkan kepada Ibu Pipit Ertika Daristin, S.Hum., M.Pd. selaku
dosen mata kuliah yang telah membimbing demi lancarnya pembuatan makalah ini.

Demikian tugas ini kami susun, semoga bermanfaat dan dapat memenuhi tugas mata
kuliah Bahasa Inggris, saya harap makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi diri saya dan khususnya
para pembaca.
Kami mengharap kritik dan saran kepada pembaca untuk memperbaiki makalah ini,
dikarenakan masih banyak kesalahan dalam makalah ini.

Jombang, 4 Februari 2024


KATA PENGANTAR...........................................................................................................................ii
DAFTAR ISI........................................................................................................................................iii
DAFTAR GAMBAR............................................................................................................................iv
BAB I PENDAHULUAN.....................................................................................................................1
A. Latar Belakang...........................................................................................................................1
B. Masalah atau Topik Bahasan.....................................................................................................1
C. Tujuan Penulisan Makalah.........................................................................................................1
BAB II PEMBAHASAN.......................................................................................................................2
A. Reading Activities.....................................................................................................................2
B. Grammar Corner........................................................................................................................6
C. Extension...................................................................................................................................7
BAB III PENUTUP.............................................................................................................................13
A. Kesimpulan..............................................................................................................................13
DAFTAR PUSTAKA..........................................................................................................................14

Gambar 2. 1...........................................................................................................................................9
Gambar 2. 2.........................................................................................................................................10


A. Latar Belakang
Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang digunakan di berbagai
bidang, termasuk bisnis, akademik, teknologi, dan diplomasi. Kemampuan berbicara
bahasa Inggris memungkinkan seseorang untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang
dari berbagai latar belakang budaya dan bahasa. Untuk memungkinkan seseorang
dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang dari latar belakang yang berbeda secara
lebih efektif dibutuhkan adanya pemahaman terkait aktivitas.
Kegiatan atau aktivitas sehari-hari dalam bahasa Inggris disebut sebagai daily
activities/daily routine. Daily activities ini mencakup segala sesuatu yang dilakukan
oleh seseorang sepanjang hari untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pribadi, sosial, dan lain-
lain. Selain itu, daily activities merupakan kegiatan berulang yang sudah dilakukan
oleh seseorang atau setiap orang dalam jangka waktu panjang dan masih dilakukan
sampai sekarang. Sehingga tujuan dari belajar daily activities yaitu bisa menjadi alat
dalam memperoleh kemampuan berbahasa Inggris.

B. Masalah atau Topik Bahasan

1. Kosa kata apa saja yang sering digunakan dalam daily activities?
2. Bagaimana penggunaan simple present dalam daily activities?
3. Bagaimana cara mengubah kalimat affirmative menjadi kalimat tanya atau

C. Tujuan Penulisan Makalah

1. Untuk memahami kosa kata yang digunakan dalam dialy activities.
2. Untuk menjelaskan penggunaan simple present dalam dialy activities.
3. Untuk mengetahui cara mengubah kalimat affirmative menjadi kalimat tanya
atau interrogative.


A. Reading Activities
a. Conversation between Mark and Nicole
Nicole : Hi Mark, I’m so glad you come over.
Mark : Hi, Nicole How are you?
Nicole : I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Mark : I’m great.
Nicole : Let’s sit on the swing and talk. I want to know you better.
Mark : Ok.
Nicole : I’m so glad you moved here. So tell me about yourself. What’s your typical
day like ?
Mark : Uhh, well, usually all my days are very busy, with lots of activities. I get up
at 7.45, because my school only starts at 9. I go to the bath room, I wash my face and
brush my teeth. I have breakfast with my family at around 8.15. we usually have
boiled egg, milk my with toast butter and jam. We all leave home at 08.40. my parents
drive me and my little sister to school and then they go work. I have lunch at the
cafeteria, at about 12.30. I leave school at 2 pm. I take the bus and go to sports center
where I play basketball. I am very passionate about basketball. One day I would like
to play for my local team. At about 4 pm I finally get home. I eat snack and watch
TV. At around six o’clock, I do my homework. I have dinner with my family at
around 7 pm.
Nicole : How do you relax in the evening?
Mark : Well, I usually play the guitar. My little sister love to dance on my music. I
chat with my friend for a while, or I play computer games. Then I take a bath. At 10
o’clock I turn off the lamp and go to bed.
Nicole : what about the weekend?
Mark : On weekends, I like going to the movie with my friends. Or I go cycling with
my family. We have so much fun together. What about you? What’s your typical day
Nicole : my day starts at 7 am. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I have
breakfast just with my dad. My mom leaves home earlier. Then I go to school by bus.
I have lunch at 1 pm at the school cafeteria. After I finish school, I go straight home. I
do my homework at 3 pm. At 5 pm I go to a dance club where I take dance class, I am
crazy about dance. I have dinner with my family at around 7.30 pm. Then I help my
mom with the dishes. After that, I go to my room and chat online with my friends.
Before going to sleep, I like reading.
Mark : what kinds of book do you like to read?
Nicole : I prefer my series, fantasy, and science fiction. I turn off the light at 10.30.
Mark : what do you usually do on weekends?
Nicole : well, sometimes we visit my grandparents. Other times, we go camping,
when the weather is warm. I love sleeping in a tent, don’t you?
Mark : yes, I do too.
Nicole : other weekends, we just go shopping.
Mark : it seems we have much time in common. It was so nice talking to you. I have
to go now. I am going fishing with my grandpa.
Nicole : thanks for coming over.
Mark : you should pay us a visit too and meet my little sister. She is very funny.
Nicole : I would love to of course. Thanks for inviting me.
Answer these questions based on the activities above!
1. Who visits Nicole?
Answer : Mark
2. Where do they make conversation?
Answer : on the swing
3. What are they talking about?
Answer : Daily activities or typical day
4. Does Mark have daily activities?
Answer : Yes, he does
5. What does Mark do on weekends?
Answer : he likes going to the movie with his friends. Or he goes cycling with his family
6. What do you think about Nicole everyday activities?
Answer : I think the daily activities that Nicole does are very useful
7. What does usually Nicole do before going to bed?
Answer : reading
8. Does Mark invite Nicole to visit his house?
Answer : because Mark wanted to know about Nicole’s activities
9. How is Mark’s sister?
Answer : She is very funny
10. What is Nicole’s Hobby? And what about Mark’s?
Answer : Nicoles’s hobby is reading and Mark’s hobby is playing basketball
b. Daily Activities Vocabulary
1. Daily Activities at Home
 I wake up at 7am every morning.
 I press the snooze button five times every morning before I turn off the
alarm and get up.
 I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast. I usually read the newspaper
while I have breakfast.
 My children like to have a shower after they have breakfast but I like to
have a shower before I get dressed.
 My wife brushes her long hair, and I have short hair so I comb my hair.
How do you do your hair in the morning?
 It is important to brush your teeth, and some women like to put make-up
 After I have finished work, I go home to cook dinner. In my house I usually
make dinner. The family eat dinner together at 7:30pm.
 After dinner I make sure that my children do their homework, and then I
chill out on the sofa and watch television.
 On television I usually watch the News. My wife usually comes to tell me to
take the rubbish out, or wash the dishes.
 Our children feed the dog and the cat before they go to bed and I tell them
to go to the bathroom too.
 If I am sick I have to take my medication, but then I get into my pyjamas
and set the alarm so I wake up in the morning.
 The last things I do is lock the door, turn off the lights, and go to bed.
 It doesn't take me long to fall asleep.
2. Daily Activities at Work
 I go to work at 8.45am every morning.
 I usually drive to work.
 I always check my emails when I get to work, but I don't always reply to
them immediately.
 I take a taxi or a train if I have a lunch meeting. I never take the bus
because it is too slow.
 When I am at my desk I usually work on the computer, even during
morning tea.
 At 1pm most days I have lunch.
 At 3pm we have afternoon tea, and that is when we usually talk and eat
 When you are in the office you probably have a lot of papers. It is important
for you to file your papers, and so that you can find them again you need to
organise your files.
 When I work I have to make telephone calls. If an important issue happens I
ask my secretary to organise a meeting.
 Once a month I report to my boss, but maybe you have to report to your
boss more often. I usually write a document that my boss can read
3. Other Daily Activities
 I exercise at least three times a week.
 I usually go to the gym before work, but sometimes I go after work.
 I meditate every morning so that I feel less stressed during the day.
4. Weekly Activities
 I go grocery shopping once a week at the local supermarket.
 My family does the housework together every Saturday morning.
 I usually do the washing on Sunday morning and when the machine is
finished I hang the clothes out to dry.
 On Sunday morning we go to church, and if there is lots of noise coming
from next door, sometimes we fight with the neighbour.
 On Saturday night my parents stay at home and I go out with friends.
 Even my friends that live at home call their parents each week.
 Every evening, I water the garden.
 I usually pay someone to wash the car, but my partner says I should do it, so
sometimes I argue with my partner about that.
 If we are angry at the neighbour, we seek vengeance by annoying his dogs.
 I work in an important office, so I have to shine my shoes each day.
 Sometimes we hire a movie, because we don't like to illegally download
music and films. I make sure that I synchronise my iPod so I always have
new music on it.
 To get our shopping, we go to the mall in the car.
 Last week I forgot to recharge my travel card, and I had to argue with a
bus driver. I couldn't call the office because I forgot to recharge my

B. Grammar Corner
Telling activities is telling about our routine activities, it can be daily, weekly,
monthly, or annually. It uses simple present sentence. Simple present sentence
has some characteristic, those are :


Verb + es Mark visits Nicole’s House Mark does not visit Nicole’s
every Sunday House

Nicole goes to school by Nicole does not go to school

Do + es (does)
bus every day by bus

The bus runs fast The bus does not run fast

You always visit My house You do not always visit my

Bare Infinitive (no at noon house
We go to market on We do not go to market on
weekends weekends

They look at me angrily The do not look at me angrily

a. Write down routine activities using simple present tense!
Then tell your friends about it! Your friends may ask some questions
about it.
b. Rewrite these sentences. Add es or s on the verb if needed.
1. She rarely (answer) my letter.
Answer : Answers
2. We never (work) after 7 o’clock.
Answer : work
3. She and her father (have) a breakfast before 7 am.
4. She (have) a breakfast with her father before 7 am.
Answer : has
5. Do you often (buy) gramophone records?
6. Anton sometimes (spend) his weekends by cycling.
Answer : spends
7. Does Mira go to bed at 9 pm?
8. Mr. Ahmad frequently (close) his shop on time.
Answer : closes
9. Naina does not report her recording every class.
10. I (love) to collect beautiful stamps.

C. Extension
a. Move these sentences into interrogative sentence!
Example :
Mia sends me a card. (Does Mia send me a card?)
You greet me on the way (do you greet me on the way?)
1. The doctor checks the patients patiently.
Answer : Does the doctor check the patients patiently?
2. The patients wait for the doctor.
Answer : Do the patients wait for the doctor?
3. My neighbors close the door after 8 pm.
Answer : Do my neighbors close the door after 8 pm?
4. The man sweeps the floor every morning.
Answer : Does the man sweep the floor every morning?
5. We repair the broken car on the side of the road.
Answer : Do we repair the broken car on the side of the road?
b. Make some questions based on these answers!
Example :
Mr. Anton arrives by train at 9 am.
Who arrives by train?
When does Mr. Anton arrive by train?
How does Mr. Anton arrive?

1. Shane removes the data carefully.

Answer :
- who removes the data?
- what does Shane removes?
2. Juan locks the gate every night
Answer :
- who locks the gate every night?
-when does Juan lock the gate?
3. They develop the sophisticated project every year.
Answer :
- what do they develop?
- when do they the sophisticated project?
Gambar 2. 1
Gambar 2. 2

Caretakers : a person employed to take care of a large building, such as a school , and
who deals with the cleaning, repairs, etc.

Spread of : to cover or reach a wider or increasing area, or to make something do.

Prevent : to stop something from happening or someone from doing something.

Remove : to take something or someone away from somewhere, or off something.

Design : plan, to make or draw plans for something, for example clothes or buildings.

Respirtory : relating to breathing (respiratory deseases)


1. Identify 5 simple present tenses on the text

Answer :
1) Parents and caretakers play an important role in teaching children to wash
their hands.
2) At first, your child will need regular reminders.
3) You can find ways to make it fun, like making up your own handwashing song
or turning it into a game.
4) But once handwashing becomea a habit and a regular part of your child’s day.
5) They will practice it throughout their lives.
2. What is the text about?
3. Retell the content of the text!
Handwashing is an easy, cheap, and effective way to prevent the spread of germs and
keep kids and adults healthy. Parents and caretakers play an important role in teaching
children to wash their hands. At first the child can be taught by five easy steps for
handwashing like wet, lather, scrub, rinse, and dry or we can find ways to make it fun,
like making up your own handwashing song or turning it into a game. Handwashing
can prevent 1 in 3 cases of diarrhea and 1 in 5 respiratory infections such as a cold or
the flu.


A. Kesimpulan
Daily activities adalah serangkaian aktivitas yang dilakukan setiap hari seperti
bangun, makan, mandi, belajar, bermain, dan lain-lain. Dalam percakapan atau
penulisan bahasa inggris, daily activities menggunakan bentuk simple present tense.

Laili, Elisa Nurul dkk. 2022. General English. Jombang : English Language Education Dept.
Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari Tebuireng Jombang.

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