SD Bahasa Inggris 4 Summative Assessment 11

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No. Absen


Summative Assessment Setiap Soal

Bernilai 2 poin.
A. Cross (X) a, b, c, or d for the correct answer!
Silanglah (X) huruf a, b, c, atau d untuk jawaban yang benar!

1. This is a ....

a. plane

b. ship

c. train

d. sailboat

2. A pedicab has … wheels.

a. three

b. four

c. two

d. one
3. The example of a land transportation is ....




4. Someone who drives a train is ….

a. a driver

b. a train driver

c. a pilot

d. a captain

5. mother – by – my – bus – goes – office – to – her

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The correct arrangement for the words above is ….

a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8

b. 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

c. 3–1–5–7–8–6–2–4

d. 3 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2
6. “I leave for the school by bus.”
‘By’ means ….

a. land transport

b. method

c. bicycle

d. vehicle

7. “Iwan visits his grandmother’s by train.”

The sentence tells ….

a. how often Iwan goes to his grandmother’s house

b. when Iwan goes to his grandmother’s house

c. why Iwan goes to his grandmother’s house

d. how Iwan goes to his grandmother’s house

8. A : What is submarine in Indonesian?

B : It is ‘….’

a. kapal

b. kapal selam

c. perahu

d. kapal layar

9. The … is long.

a. raft

b. cruise ship

c. train

d. yacht
10. Yacht, row boat, and submarine are … transport.

a. land

b. air

c. water

d. underground

11. A … takes passengers across an area of water.

a. bus

b. train

c. taxi

d. ferry

12. Sari : What is that?

Ayu : That is a ….

a. row boat

b. bike

c. yacht

d. car

13. This transportation is pulled by horse. What is it?

a. Taxi

b. Cart

c. Bicycle

d. Car
14. I can see many buses at the ....

a. train station

b. harbor

c. bus station

d. market

15. My uncle is a pilot. He flies a ….

a. plane

b. carriage

c. fire engine

d. yacht

16. A raft travels across ….

a. land

b. the air

c. water

d. top

17. These types of transport use an engine, except ….

a. a plane

b. a train

c. a car

d. a carriage

18. A : How does Riko go to school?

B : He goes to school by ….

a. motorcycle

b. bicycle

c. bus

d. car
19. Miss Lusi goes to her office by ....

a. car

b. bus

c. motorcycle

d. pedicab

20. The transportation below is traveled by air, except ….

a. Rocket

b. Helicopter

c. Taxi

d. Air Balloon

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer! Setiap Soal

Bernilai 2 poin.
Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang benar!


This is a

2. This transportation moves by the help of wind. This is a

3. This transportation can accommodate many passengers.

It has four wheels. This is a

4. Cart is not air transportation. It is transportation.

5. At the airport we can find

6. If you want to go to Bandung by train, you go to the

7. This ship is operated under water. It is a

8. Bicycle has wheels.

9. This plane moves vertically and horizontally. This is

10. This transportation is pulled by horse. This is a

C. Read the following text, then answer each question! Setiap Soal
Bernilai 8 poin.
Bacalah dialog berikut, kemudian jawablah setiap pertanyaan!

We need transport for getting from one place to another. If we don’t have our
own transport, we can take public transport. Buses, trains, and planes are just a few
examples of public transport. Bus is a large vehicle in which people are driven from
one place to another. We can get on or off a bus at a bus station. Buses stop at a bus
stop too. Taking a bus is cheap because buses are a cheap form of transport. Do you
like travelling by bus?
1. How do we go if we don’t have our own transport?

2. Is a bus public transport?

3. Where can we get on or off the bus?

4. Where do buses stop?

5. What are the means of transportation above included?


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