The Wreck of the Anubis is a short, lair style placement on a hex map or random encounter
adventure designed for use with Labyrinth Lord or table for the Livid Fens, the trackless swamp South
a similar system and set in Patrick Wetmore “Land of Denethix. It would likely work best with a party
of 1,000 Towers” home of the Anomalous of 1-3rd level adventurers, but with slight
Subsurface environment. It can conceivably be adjustments I believe The Wreck of the Anubis
used in other settings with some modification but should scale well.
was intended as a 1 session locations for
Somewhere in the Livid fens, Hidden amongst a through the fens to the fortress city of Bone and
forest of scarlet weeds, under a purple moss the towns of the Emerald Jungles beyond. Poor
shroud deep in the mangroves or resting navigation or the mutable whims of the Livid Fens
menacingly at the side of a channel sits the wreck treacherous channels tore the bottom out of the
of the ‘Anubis’ A side-wheeled river steamer Anubis five or ten years ago and her wreck has
originally out of Denethix. joined the innumerable others that help give the
fens their sinister reputation. Only the stern of
The Ship was a casino and pleasure vessel, the Anubis is intact today, the bow either having
carrying the stylish and wealthy of Denethix South
been carried off in the wreck or wa
shed away by slow currents. Despite its sorry The wreck isn’t intended as a location that the
state some of its passengers’ wealth still waits party must search for or which legends and
aboard the vessel, amongst the rotting wood and rumors attach to. It’s simply one of the many
rusting iron. Unfortunately in recent months the wrecks or ruins that are slowly being reclaimed by
poor accommodations of the Anubis’ upper deck the purplish alien flora of the fens.
have become the home and laboratory of “The
Botanist”, a meglomanical warlock who’s work
with animate flora brings him to the fens.
Wedged into a grey mud bank, against a backdrop missing, either sunken into the mud, or carried off
of fleshy purple black trees, scarlet sword weed by some disaster, the second is more likely as
and vibrant crimson lily pads, slumps the wreck of shattered decking and tangled wreckage limit
a large wooden decked, iron hulled ship. Once entry into the wreck to the Stern and sides.
painted a lustrous black, with gold and red
accents, the ships’ colors are not chipped and The Stern faces East, in waist deep water,
fading revealing rotting grey wood beneath. Huge surrounded by pungent vegetation, but it is not
paddlewheel housings conceal much of the difficult to hoist oneself aboard the Anubis either
vessel, sides, but it is clear that the wreck climbs from a skiff or the water. The vessel can easily be
for three decks, like a wedding cake. At first entered this way at almost any point in Area A.
glance it is evident both that the wreck has been A random encounter check on the simplified Fen
subjected to the elements for some time, it is Encounter Table is appropriate as the party
festooned with bruise colored growths and approaches the Anubis, as it is a landmark for
hanging purple moss, and from the abundance of sentient denizens of the swamp and provides a
decorative carvings and flaking gilding that it was degree of shelter for animal life. Once aboard an
once a wealthy ship. Anubis Encounter Table is included for random
Closer examination of the Anbuis will reveal that encounters (a 1 in 6 chance every turn.
the bow and forward section of the ship is
A. Promenade
Appearance: Once ornate columns with flaking gilt and fragments of white red raise a rickety roof
above this 10’ wide deck that wraps around the Anubis’ stern. A short flight of steps
leads up on each side to a lookout above the paddle guards. Pairs of French doors
and many windows provide possible entrances to Area B and Area C but tattered
curtains block much of the view into these areas.
Smell: Rotten wood, and the rich stink of the swamp
Lighting: The greyish purple light of the fens during the day, or its oily darkness at night
Traps: None.
Treasure: None.
Inhabitants: Random encounter 1 in 6 per turn.
The decking of the Anubis, polished tropical wood deck sinks into the mire in a tangle of wreckage
with a fine grain and reddish hue is ruined, but and prevents progress.
still solid. The railing, its soft wood pilasters
carved and fluted to resemble grape vines are a On both the port (Northern) and starboard
soggy mass of rot and the colonnade shading the (Southern) sides of the deck two sets of double
deck looks ready to collapse with a hard shove. doors lead inward. The sets of doors closest to
The promenade provides a ‘U’ shaped walk the stern lead into Area B, the Casino, while the
around the Stern and gives access to a pair of forward sets of doors allow access to Area C, the
lookouts atop the housings for Anubis’ twin Saloon. The doors are all easy to open, lattices of
paddlewheels. Forward of the paddlewheels the decorative wood that once contained glass, but
now hold only a few jagged fragments. In
addition to the doors, numerous tall narrow doors, concealing the gloomy interior. Close
shattered or cracked windows lead into both examination, and efforts to push aside or tear
Areas B and C. down the rotten drapes will allow a view of Areas
A or B, but it will also alert any inhabitants
Examination of the Anubis’ interior from the
(especially the Ticks in Area B) of the party’s
Promenade is somewhat limited, as rotten black presence.
silk curtains cover many of the windows and
B. Casino
Appearance: An opulent gaming salon, it’s richly upholstered ceiling of upholstered gold and red
banded brocade now hanging in strips and huge sodden billows. Smashed furniture
has mostly slid into the room’s Northeast corner where it makes pile draped in
violet moss. Exits are to North and South (Area A), and two sets of carved black
doors that open onto Area C, though the North set is blocked by the wreckage pile.
Smell: The Fen’s fecundity, a reek of spore and wet earth and the stink of rotting silks.
Lighting: During the day the already dim light of the fens is transformed into a wretched
dusklight by the room’s moldering curtains.
Traps: None
Treasure: Rotten velvet purses of Casino Chips (600 GP)
Inhabitants: 9 Giant Ticks, concealed in ceiling upholstery
Signs of wealth and decadence still linger in this and rotted stuffing spilling from burst brocade
room, but all is sadly decayed. A once rich cushions. The entire pile of smashed furniture is
burgundy carpet festers on the floor gleaming encrusted with eruptions of bluish mold and
with damp, while torn red and gold wallpaper flame colored lichen. It is obvious from a glance
blisters and peels from the Eastern wall of the that none of the once pricey furnishings retains
room. Windows and glass paneled doors make any value; two items of décor are of interest to
up most of the Western, Northern and Southern adventurers however.
walls, but these are mostly broken, with only
The ceiling is upholstered with red and gold
frames and torn silk curtains keeping out the
elements. The room’s furniture has mostly slid striped silk brocade, now hanging down in
into the Northeast corner of the cabin, and has billows and mold speckled shreds. While the
been reduced to a pile of broken ebony sticks ceiling treatment is as equally worthless as the
rest of the rooms destroyed furnishings, it
provides an excellent ambush spot for a colony
of nine (9) Giant Ticks. The ticks are shield sized
lozenges of filthy red and ochre chitin, and
unless the ceiling is carefully examined, the ticks
will drop on the first three characters to enter
the room (three per character), gaining surprise
and a +2 to hit. If the ceiling is examined both
party and ticks will have a normal chance of
surprise. The Botanist knows about the ticks and
considers them useful guard creatures, but isn’t
attached to the ticks the way he is to his
Giant Tick x9
HD 2+4 (13 HP each), AC 3, ATK 1* (bite),
The only piece of furniture still in its original DAM 1D4, MV 30’, SV F1, ML 10
place is an ebony roulette cabinet, bolted to the *After a successful attack a tick will latch on,
deck. The wheel is warped and the machinery automatically drain 1D6 HP every round
fused with rust. A pair of swollen doors in the thereafter.
cabinet’s base conceals several rotting black
velvet bags containing casino chips. Most of the Shield sized scuttling masses of scarred filth
chips are valueless discs of dyed horn but two of crusted chitin on far more than six legs. These
the purses contain discs made of gold inlaid with horrors are ochre stained with red splotches,
silver and marked as 100 GP chips. There are where they aren’t daubed with dried mud.
300 of the chips and each is worth 2 GP, for a The ticks’ undersides have large lamprey like
total of 600 GP. mouths filled with hundreds of hollow teeth
that drain blood at an alarming rate.
C. Saloon
Appearance: Formerly a saloon and lounge, this area has been cleared of everything except an
ornate carved bar of fungus pocked black wood along its Eastern wall, and several
odd tubers growing in large wooden Tubs along its north wall. A partially broken
stair leads up to Area E, and a hatch concealed in the bar area leads down to Area
D. Two sets of Double doors open into Area B, but the North set is blocked.
Smell: Rotten wood, wet earth and a sharp vegetable odor that seems to imply furious
Lighting: Dim daylight, and darkness at night
Traps: None.
Treasure: None.
Inhabitants: Random encounter 1 in 6 per turn.
The original purpose of this cabin is immediately pachycaul with a stem is as thick as a child’s
obvious from the heavy black wooden bar, torso topped with sparse darker red leaves.
carved with images of pyramids and cactus, These plants are Mandrake cuttings, injected
along the back (Eastern) wall. The bar is a with serums and bathed in strange magic by the
massive thing, and it’s carvings were once a fine Botanist to breed bigger strains of Mandrake
example of Denethix’s artistry, but now the warriors or Screaming Mandrakes. If the plants
entire bar is pitted and bleached with pink are pulled up, their roots will each reveal a
lichens. To the South of the bar is a narrow cluster of stunted humanoid forms that wiggle
stairway covered in soggy red carpet and leading and twitch, with tiny cries. The destruction of
up to the Upper Decks (Area E). these experiments will enrage the Botanist (and
his Mandrakes) should he discover the
Other than the bar, the saloon has been cleared vandalism. If the Mandrake planters are
of furniture and trash, though a few bits of returned to civilization each planter (there are 4)
broken glass crunch on the floor. Whatever once might bring 25 GP as an exotic shrub but without
filled most of the room has been replaced by the Botanists unnatural powers, even a skilled
huge planters, cobbled together from pieces of sorcerer cannot grow loyal Mandrakes in
decking and furniture, and similar in size to wine
casks. Each planter holds a bulbous orange
Behind the bar are several aging bags of requiring an open doors roll to pry up. A charnel
fertilizer, a split sack of gypsum and a pile of reek greets anyone who opens the hatch and
volcanic rock. Also immediately obvious behind narrow stair leads down into the dark hull of the
the bar is a large hatch, swollen shut, and Anubis towards Area D.
D. Engine Room
Appearance: Behind a rusted iron door leading to Area C is a low dark chamber crammed with
rusted machinery and piles of coal.
Smell: A horrible sweet smell of rot, long trapped and almost strong enough to leave an
oily film.
Lighting: Complete Darkness
Traps: None.
Treasure: Trinkets and possessions (500 GP)
Inhabitants: 19 Zombies (2HD)
At the bottom of the reeking iron stairs from from the stern bunker. The machinery provides
Area C is a rusting iron door with a still shiny plenty of concealment, even for the nineteen
brass padlock holding it shut. The lock can be unintelligent zombies within. Without light it is
smashed of with a strength check (the rusted impossible to move in the engine room and even
hasp will shatter), but when the door is pushed with light the machinery and low ceiling will offer
something will be pushing against the other side, a -2 to a hit for all missile attacks. In taking over
as the zombies trapped within the Engine Room the Anubis, the Botanist’s mandrakes were able
lack any modicum of intelligence. An open doors to manhandle the undead passengers and crew
roll against the unlocked door will throw several of the Anubis (raised by the intrinsic qualities of
zombies back and grant the party automatic the Fens’ dark waters) into this room because
surprise round against the undead within. the zombies did not recognize the vegetable
mandrakes as potential prey. The zombies have
Beyond the door is the Anubis’ Engine Room, a been sealed in the Engine room for some time,
low (6’ ceiling) space crammed with rusted
machinery. A three chamber boiler, the beams Zombies x19
of an oscillating steam engine, and coal spilled HD 2 (10 HP each), AC 8, ATK 1* (maul),
DAM 1D8, MV 20’, SV F1, ML 12
*Zombie are ponderous and attack last in
every melee round.
Appearance: A hatch in the roof of this cabin is open to the sky (Area H). The room itself shows
signs of recent occupancy, with several wooden growing troughs set under the
hatch and filled with small red and orange plants. The ceiling of the room is covered
with dangling tendril of pale yellow vine. A door opens onto the stair well leading
down to Area C, while another door opens onto the hallway leading to Areas F and
Smell: Rotting wood, mulch and an acrid scent from the plants and vines.
Lighting: The open hatch allows daylight to stream into the cabin.
Traps: Yellow Vines – Triggered by touch, will release a cloud of burning acrid spores.
Treasure: None.
Inhabitants: Random encounter 1 in 6 per turn.
Stairs leading up from the bar open onto this the botanist to protect his seedlings and
former passenger’s lounge, where an open roof laboratory.
hatch (the brass spiral stairs that once lead
through it are gone), allows access to the upper
deck and pilothouse of the Anubis (Area H).
Another door on the Western wall leads to a
hallway and the cabin suites beyond (Areas F
and G). While a third door used to lead North to
another stairway down to Area C, but it has been
hastily nailed shut with several broken boards. If
pried open this door will open onto a 8’ fall into
a mass of broken boards and rusted steel.
Appearance: A weatherworn but rich hallway leads from Area E to this chamber, a former suite
now oddly transformed. Six hammock like cradles hang from the ceiling, woven
from dried vine and swamp weed. In each hammock rest a strange infant, swaddled
in sack cloth, its lumpy features topped with leaves.
Smell: A smell of sweat sap with an undertone of rotting fish.
Lighting: Windows along the Northern wall allow daylight.
Traps: Screaming Mandrake Infants: Save of suffer ‘doom’.
Treasure: Gilt Mirror (600 GP)
Inhabitants: Random encounter 1 in 6 per turn.
A still handsome, but decaying ‘L’ shaped rope hang from the ceiling near the windows of
hallways leads West from Area E and holds three the suite, and each contains the 3’ long figure of
light panel doors. The two on the North wall a natal Screaming Mandrake swaddled in old
both open (and neither is swollen shut) into Area damp sacking. Obviously infants, these creatures
F proper, while the door at the end of the hall is are clearly more vegetable then animal, and will
locked and provides entry to the Botanist’s only appear to be animate if observed for several
Laboratory (Area G). On the wall immediately minutes as they occasionally shift in their
opposite door to the Grow House (Area E) hangs peaceful sleep. A heavy wooden crate rests in
a large mirror, with a bright golden frame shaped one corner and is filled with a foul smelling paste
into scrollwork and a decorative palm tree motif. made of fermenting fish and fen loam that
The Gilt Mirror is unwieldy and fragile, but serves the Mandrake infants as food/fertilizer.
valuable, worth 600 GP, and held to the wall only
by four easy to pry brackets. If the mirror is The Botanist can be found in this room several
shattered (intentionally or not) it will bring bad times a day, as can small groups of Mandrakes
luck cursing the person who breaks it with a from Area H. If attacked in this room either
Mandrakes of the Botanist will wake one or
permanent 1 point penalty on all saving throws.
more Screaming Mandrake Infants as they are
The Botanist uses the rooms of Area F to raise immune to the effects of the Mandrakes’ curse.
the experimental Mandrake sprouts grown in
Area E until they can move on their own in Screaming Mandrake: If physically touched by
several months. Currently his crop consists of anyone but another Mandrake or the Botanist a
powerful Screaming Mandrake Infants, which Screaming Mandrake Infant will feel threatened
and let out a piteous magical howl, jarring the
can be very dangerous if disturbed.
psyche of any within 30’. Those effected by the
The room was once a pair of suites, but the scream must save vs. magic or be cursed with a
Botanist hacked down the intervening wall to powerful Doom, that can only be removed by the
make a single large chamber with two doors appropriate cleric spell. While Doomed a
leading South into the hall. Twelve hammocks of character will suffer maximum damage from any
dried vines, swamp weeds and fragments of old attack that hits them.
G. Laboratory
Appearance: This large suite looks out onto the swamp from a myriad of windows, all covered in
scraps of heavy cloth. Numerous stacks of paper and poorly constructed
bookshelves sagging with ancient volumes fill the room, while several jury rigged
tables are covered with alchemical equipment and a filthy nest of blankets fills one
Smell: A reek of alchemicals barely covers rank body odor.
Lighting: Several oil lamps burn in this cabin and light filters through the heavy mismatched
curtains of the windows during the day.
Traps: Nest of Blades – save v. paralysis or die is attempting to enter doorway to ‘2’.
Treasure: Spellbook, Alchemical Equipment – 400 GP
Inhabitants: The Botanist (see addendum), 2 Mandrakes (3+3 HD)
The stench of chemicals and unwashed flesh fill The Botanist is a relatively weak wizard and
this room like a fog. A single light wooden wishes to remain unknown, as well as to gain
door, locked with an internal padlock but easy power. He is on the edge of experimental
to break down leads into the hallway to Area E. success raising Screaming Mandrakes so is
This cabin is the lair and laboratory of the currently reluctant to battle organized groups of
Botanist, a mad wizard who has specialized on adventurers, preferring to buy them off (he’ll
plants, specifically the perfection of his offer the mirror in Area E), give them leads on
Mandrake allies into an unstoppable army. nearby ruins or enlist them to fetch valuable
botanical specimens on his behalf. If forced to
The cabin itself is a dingy hodge-podge of living the Botanist will flee to rally Mandrake allies
quarters and alchemical laboratory. The from their groves and dells.
Botanist constructed the various fixtures of his
laboratory from collected parts of the Anubis. If The Botanist’s Spellbook (see addendum) sits
undisturbed the Botanist will be working among his filthy bedding, it is a stack of boards
furiously on alchemical experiments in this with spells interspersed with the Botanist’s
room, while his Mandrake body guards loiter lunatic maunderings, likely to drive any reader
near the windows drinking in sunlight. The mad. The alchemical equipment scattered
Botanist is a 5 level magic user detailed in the about the room is also valuable, worth 400 GP.
New Wizard addendum.
The Botanist
MU 5 (16HP), AC 4*, ATK 1(whip), DAM 1D6+2** MV 40’, SV MU5, ML 8
* The Botanist is immune to poison ** Whip will entangle, preventing its victim from acting during
the next round. Spells: sleep, light, levitate, stinking cloud, phantasmal force
Mandrake x2
HD 3+3 (25, 20 HP)* AC 5, ATK 2** (lash x2), DAM 1D8/1D8 MV 40’, SV F4, ML 10
* Mandrakes take ½ damage from blunt weapons and reduce all damage by 1 point. ** Mandrakes
are psychic and so immune to surprise and gain +1 to initiative.
H. Pilot House
Appearance: The upper deck of the Anubis is largely above the shadowy foliage of the fens and
provides a sunbaked expanse that has allowed the growth of a dense forest of
massive stemmed orange and red leaved plants. An open hatch in the deck leads
down to Area E, while a rickety door enters the gilded pilothouse proper.
Smell: Sun bleached wood and an acrid smell of sap.
Lighting: Dazzlingly lit by the sun during the day and by the moon and stars at night.
Traps: None
Treasure: Holdfast Ring (Magical Ring)
Inhabitants: 10 Mandrakes (3+3 HD), Screaming Mandrake (4+4HD)
The Deck: Climbing though the hatch in Area E The Pilothouse: The Pilothouse of the Anubis
an adventurer will emerge onto a sun blasted is dark and close, under a roof of loose red tile,
upper deck of the Anubis. A pilothouse covered with decorative posts covered in flaking gilt and
in peeling gold and black paint stands on the carved into the shape of palm trees at its
deck, its interior shadowed with a flimsy door corners. Within the pilothouse the walls are
hanging on its Southern wall. The Anubis’ covered in brass instruments and rotting charts
smokestack still towers above the deck, a pillar of the fens, stained into unreadability.
of black iron topped with a sooty crown. Immediately notable upon entering the
pilothouse is a desiccated body in a braided
The deck before the stack is covered with a uniform, standing upright and clutching the
small forest of thick trunked plants, each Anubis’ wheel. This is the corpse of the vessels
topped with a shock of fleshy orange and red
captain and his strange posture is the result of a
leaves. This forest is a small tribe of magical ring he wears. The ring can easily be
Mandrakes, basking in the sun. If disturbed removed from the captain’s copse as he was
they will likely attack, and after a few minutes never submerged in the Fen’s waters and died
several will begin to move towards the party to of a heart attack strike while trying to save the
investigate or attack based on the party’s ship.
Mandrake x10 Holdfast Ring: The wearer of this ring cannot
HD 3+3* (16 HP each) AC 5, ATK 2** (lash x2), release an inanimate object against her will.
DAM 1D8/1D8 MV 40’, SV F4, ML 10 This ability gives the wearer a climbing skill (as a
Screaming Mandrake thief) with a 3 in 6 chance of success and grants
HD 4+4* (28 HP) AC 4, ATK 2**/*** (lash x2), and automatic saving throw against falling (Save
DAM 1D8/1D8 MV 40’, SV F4, ML 10 vs. Paralysis) when any object that could the
wearer could grab onto to avoid the fall is
* Mandrakes take ½ damage from blunt available. The ring does not aid in grappling or
weapons and reduce all damage by 1 point. ** combat, as it has no effect on living creatures.
Mandrakes are psychic and so immune to
surprise and gain +1 to initiative. *** May wail
for one round and curse all within 30’ to Save
vs. Spells or suffer maximum damage from the
next attack.
HD: 3+3 Often mistaken for odd plants, Mandrakes are dangerous
AC: 4 creatures, 6 to 7 feet tall and with a vegetable endurance
ATK: 2 (lash/lash) that makes them deadly combatants. Adult mandrakes
DAM: (D8/D8) appear as a fleshy leafed plant with a Pachycaul or dense
SPECIAL ATTACK: Initiative/Surprise woody trunk. A Mandrake’s central trunk is surrounded by
SPECIAL DEFENSE: Damage Reduction several smaller woody growths that it can use like tentacles
MOVE: 40’ for locomotion or attack. A Mandrake has no facial
features or distinguishable head, but is topped with a small raft of thick fleshy leaves, though the color
of Mandrake foliage varies greatly, from black or red to vibrant greens.
Mandrakes live tribe groupings and are obviously sentient. The thoughts and motivations of the
Mandrake are unknown and undoubtedly alien, as these creatures have no means of verbal
communication. Their motivations are obscure, and a tribe of Mandrakes can swing from peaceful
indifference to violent attack in a matter of moments seemingly without provocation.
Mandrake unpredictability can be explained however, as Mandrakes are psychics, able to read and know
the minds of others. They find the minds of humans and most animal life very aggressive, wildly
disorganized and rather annoying. As such the GM should base any modifiers to Mandrake reaction of
the players’ attitudes towards the Mandrakes, rather than the characters actions or expressed speech.
Even if the in game negotiation remains respectful and calm, if some player is making jokes about
walking roots or talking about attacking, the Mandrakes are likely to become aggressive.
In combat Mandrakes lash with their numerous ropey limbs, strangling, rending or slashing with
incredible Strength (Str 18) and tough bark. Mandrakes vaguely tribal organization doesn’t seem to lend
them a great deal of strategic acumen, but they will act in an organized manner, protecting their
wounded, targeting spell casters, using ambushes or hit and run flank attacks to their advantage.
Mandrakes’ vegetable nature and strange body plan allows them to conceal themselves in unlikely
places. They can remain submerged for hours and are rapid climbers, moving without penalty through
the canopy.
Special Attacks: Mandrakes are hard to spot in jungle, swamp or forest environments, remaining
perfectly still and blending into their surroundings. Mandrake psychic powers also give them the ability
to detect nearby creates making them impossible to surprise and granting them a +1 to their own
initiative and surprise rolls.
Special Defense: The fiborous body of Mandrakes and their lack of distinct internal organs makes them
harder to injure then most opponents. Blunt weapons do ½ damage to Mandrakes and all other attacks
do -1 damage.
Screaming Mandrake
Special Defense: The fiborous body of Mandrakes and their lack of distinct internal organs makes them
harder to injure then most opponents. Blunt weapons do ½ damage to Mandrakes and all other attacks
do -1 damage.
Spellbook: The Botanists Spellbook is a mass of insane ramblings carved onto heavy bark plates. It
contains the following spells (1st level): Sleep, Light, Magic Missile, Unseen Servant, Floating Disc, Read
Magic (2nd level) Stinking Cloud, Levitation, Wizard Lock, Scare (3rd level) Phantasmal Force
Reading the Spellbook is dangerous however as it also includes the Botanist’s seductive ramblings and
requires a Save vs. Spells to avoid contracting one of the following random wizardly obsessions (1D6) 1-
A carnivorous diet (including refusal to drink potions etc.) 2- Unreasonable hatred of rodents. 3- Sense
of wizardly entitlement, -1 to all reaction rolls 4- Fear Paralysis, must save vs. spells to flee 5- Assorted
personality disorders, no future carousing roll can succeed and will end in a fight or imprisonment 6 –
Mana Scabies, take up a random spell slot.
Notes on Wizard Insanity: the weapons equipment carried by the Botanist are powered partially by his
own insanity, and both his vine armor and whip will wither and die 1D4 weeks after taken from him.
Personality and History: The Botanist hails from the Emerald Jungles to the far South. Originally an
adept of the Temple of Science he abandoned his god after far too much experimentation with mind
effecting fungus. The Botanist’s visions led him to accept his calling as friend of plants and conqueror of
the world. Soon the Botanist gave up society and began to focus on understanding and cultivating a
friendship with the fierce Mandrake tribes of the jungle, while researching the esoteric arts. His
monomania and growing power eventually forced him into exile and the Botanist moved North with
several Mandrake companions. He has holed up in the wreck of the Anubis, helping his Mandrake allies
grow in numbers and experimenting with grafts and cuttings to make their offspring more powerful.