2 Aoh
2 Aoh
2 Aoh
Hearing loss is one of the most common disabilities among of Labor at 90 dB for 8 hours/day.6 The U.S. Navy abides by the
sailors. Service members are posted to a variety of stations. standards given in Office of the Chief of Naval Operations In-
grams recorded on Department of Defense form 2216, reported, is ⬍10 dB, we need to look at the right ear. All three frequencies
and maintained in the DOEHRS. Only audiograms correspond- changed by 20 dB in the right ear, and the average for the right
ing to active duty Navy enlisted personnel were studied. ear is 20 dB. Therefore, this person had a STS.
The study sample included 267,658 enlisted sailors who had
occupational exposure above an 8-hour time-weighted average Ship Type
of 84 dBA and enlisted sailors who had reached the termination We computed the number of months each individual spent
of their service. We excluded from the analysis obvious data assigned to different types of ships and in different job ratings
errors such as age outside a reasonable range, cases in which before the last hearing test. We also computed the number of
the only hearing test available was the one the sailors took when months each individual spent assigned to shore duty stations
they joined the Navy, cases in which there was a gap in service,
Summary Statistics binomial function. The logistic function has the following math-
We obtained our data on time spent at different duty stations ematical form: P(STS ⫽ 1) ⫽ e␥⬘ Z⫹⬘ X/1 ⫹ e␥⬘ Z⫹⬘ X.
from the EMR. This data set contains historical data on where For the logarithmic binomial model, the functional form is:
individuals spent their careers in the Navy and their job ratings, P(STS ⫽ 1) ⫽ log(␥⬘ Z ⫹ ⬘ X).
for the period of 1982 to 2004. We used these data to determine the In these equations, ␥ and  are vectors of unknown parameters,
total time individuals had been assigned to various types of ships, X is a vector of individual characteristics such as the natural
assigned to the Air Wing, or assigned to shore duty stations. As logarithm of age (to account for the nonlinear impact of age on
noted above, we defined three broad categories of ships, namely, hearing loss), gender, race, and an intercept term, and Z is a
surface warships, submarines, and support ships. The EMR data vector of variables that define a sailor’s career, such as the
length of time spent at various duty stations, including the time
TABLE V spent in shore duty stations was 0.0348, the coefficient for time
LOGARITHMIC BINOMIAL MODEL RR ESTIMATES spent in the machine room on surface warships was 0.0488,
and the coefficient for time spent on surface warships in the
95% Confidence “other” category was 0.0603. This means that time spent on
Variable RR Estimates Estimates of RR surface warships was far more damaging to hearing than time
Female 0.681 0.652–0.711 spent at shore duty stations. Although variables such as age,
African American 0.749 0.726–0.773 race, and gender were not the primary focus of this study, the
Hispanic 0.899 0.865–0.933
Asian 0.844 0.808–0.882
study did control for these effects in the analysis. Like other
Other race 0.951 0.808–1.018 studies, we found that hearing loss increased with age and
Fig. 1. Comparison of three different Navy careers and their impact on STS by using logistic analysis.