Nazimul Mowla - T181070 - THESIS BOOK-final - Compressed
Nazimul Mowla - T181070 - THESIS BOOK-final - Compressed
Nazimul Mowla - T181070 - THESIS BOOK-final - Compressed
Submitted by:
Supervised by:
The project entitled as “Design and Analysis the Performance of mm Wave Microstrip
Patch Antenna (MPA) with Array for 5G Applications” submitted by Nazimul Mowla
Chowdhury having an ID No: T-181070 to the Department of Electronic and
Telecommunications Engineering (ETE) of International Islamic University Chittagong
(IIUC) has been accepted as satisfactory to partially fulfill the bachelor's degree criteria in
Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering and approved as to its style and contents for
the examination members.
Approved by:
It is thus declared that the work included in this thesis has not been submitted elsewhere for
the award of any degree or certificate and that it contains no illegal declarations.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Generous, the Most Kindhearted, we give
Allah (SWT) all the praise and glory because He has provided us with a variety of opportunities
as well as mercy and guidance throughout our lives. And may the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
receive Allah's blessings and peace, guiding and inspiring us in our lives. Our deepest
appreciation goes out to our thesis supervisor Mohammad Ariful Islam & Co Supervisor Abu
Zafar Mohammad Imran for their research initiative in this field, useful guidance, and
encouragement during the research process. We express our appreciation Syed Zahidur
Rashid, Chairman of the Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering Department at
IIUC, for giving us the best departmental facilities and for his prompt guidance. We are also
grateful to Abdul Gafur, our thesis' convener, for his efforts and dedication. We also want to
thank all of our teachers for their dedication and hard work over the course of our academic
careers. And we are grateful to our parents for their assistance throughout our life so far.
Additionally, we would like to thank our friends for helping us finish this thesis, whether
directly or indirectly.
The evaluation of Microstrip antenna performance has changed from a simple free space
evaluation, where things like efficiency, gain, bandwidth, and matching were looked at, to a much
more complicated process that takes into account the end-user and real-world environments. This
process of evaluating is still going on, and both academics and industry people are coming up with
better ways to evaluate antennas. This thesis gives new ideas about how to improve antennas
parameters. Microstrip antennas have become a part and parcel of today’s mobile communication
world due to their low cost, low profile and ease of fabrication in the circuit boards. However, poor
performance, such as low power handling efficiency, limited bandwidth, low gain, etc. The next
5th generation (5G) application’s communication will experience significant route loss since high
frequency bands will be employed. So, a high gain antenna is necessary for this issue.
Since microstrip antennas are small, they are a great choice for 5G technology
applications.Therefore, the primary goal of this research project is to create a high-gain & high
efficient antenna using a ambient microstrip patch antenna. The antenna operates on the 28 GHz
band and was built and tested using CST Microwave Studio. Laminate material is used as a surface
close to 2.2 with relative permittivity. Analysis the performance by implementing the MIMO and
array. The gain, bandwidth, return loss, VSWR and efficiency of the 1x4 array antenna designed is
9.32 dBi, 9.5 GHz, 34.55 dB, 1.03 and nearly 94% respectively.
DEDICATION .............................................................................................................................................. i
CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL.............................................................................................................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. v
LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................................................... x
Chapter 1 .........................................................................................................................................1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1
1.8 Important spectrum activities are being led by the FCC to enable 5G. ..................................6
1.8.1 Low-band ..........................................................................................................................7
1.8.2 Mid-band...........................................................................................................................7
1.8.3 High-band ........................................................................................................................7
1.8.4 Spectrum of Global 5G .....................................................................................................8
1.8.5 High-band: regulating spectrum boundaries for 5G millimeter Wave bands ...................8
1.9 Spectrum of 5G in Asia Pacific (APAC) ..............................................................................9
1.10 Spectrum of 5G in Europe ...................................................................................................9
1.11 Antenna Basics .................................................................................................................10
1.11.1 Milimeter Wave ............................................................................................................10
1.11.2 Microstrip Patch Antenna .............................................................................................11
1.11.3 Frequency......................................................................................................................11
1.11.4 Bandwidth ....................................................................................................................11
1.11.5 Input impedance ...........................................................................................................13
1.11.6 Impedance Matching.....................................................................................................13
1.11.7 Directivity and Gain.....................................................................................................13
1.11.8 Radiation Pattern...........................................................................................................14
1.11.9 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) ......................................................................15
1.11.10 Return Loss (RL) .......................................................................................................16
1.11.11 Polarization ................................................................................................................17
Chapter 2 .......................................................................................................................................18
5.1.6 Antenna Gain .................................................................................................................40
5.2 Simulation Results ................................................................................................................41
5.2.1 Return Loss Graph .........................................................................................................41
5.2.2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) ........................................................................42
5.2.3 2D Radiation Pattern .....................................................................................................42
5.2.4 3D Radiation Pattern .....................................................................................................43
5.2.5 Antenna Efficiency ........................................................................................................43
5.2.6 Radiation Efficiency ......................................................................................................44
5.3 Results of a Single Element Antenna ...................................................................................44
5.4 Comparison with the existing single element 28 GHz Antennas .........................................45
5.5 Results of MIMO Antenna………………………………………………………………...46
5.5.1 Return Loss Plot ……………………………………………………………………....46
5.5.2 Envelope Correlation Coefficient ………........…………………………………….....46
5.5.3 Diversity Gain …………………………………………………………………….......46
5.7 Results of 1×4 Antenna Array ..............................................................................................46
5.7.1 Return Loss Plot ............................................................................................................47
5.7.2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) ........................................................................48
5.7.3 2D Radiation Pattern .....................................................................................................49
5.7.4 3D Radiation Pattern .....................................................................................................49
5.7.5 Antenna Efficiency ........................................................................................................49
5.7.6 Radiation Efficiency ......................................................................................................50
5.8 Comparison with the existing Array Antennas at 28 GHz ...................................................51
Chapter 6 .......................................................................................................................................52
Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................52
6.1 Achievements........................................................................................................................52
6.2 Limitations ............................................................................................................................52
6.3 Future Work Field .................................................................................................................52
References .....................................................................................................................................53
Figure No Title Page No
Figure 4.2: Equation based single element antenna with Ground structure ……………………….36
Figure 5.1: Plot of Return Loss for a Single Element Antenna ………………………………...….41
Figure 5.2: Plot of VSWR Equations Based Single Element Antenna ………………………...….41
Table No Title Page No
Hertz Hz
Millimeter mm
Centimeter cm
Meter m
Relative permittivity ɛ
Dielectric Constant ɛr
Length L
Width W
Decibel dB
Speed of light C
Lambda λ
Ohm Ω
BW Bandwidth
RL Return Loss
QF Quality Factor
RF Radio Frequency
MICs Microwave integrated circuits
PTT Push to Talk
IMTS Improved Mobile Telephone System
AMTS Advance Mobile Telephone System
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
Chapter 1
1.1 Network Communication Evolution
“Wireless transmission is the practice of communicating without the usage of cables. It utilizes a
range of frequencies and bandwidths to communicate with one another. The sender uses a free and
open bandwidth to convey the message signal. The receiver tunes to that particular bandwidth in
order to pick up the message signal. In mobile wireless communication, the mobile service provider
selects a particular frequency from a range of frequencies to allocate to each mobile station. This
frequency is now being used by mobile station users to transmit and receive message signals.
Motorola unveiled the first transportable cell phone in 1973. The primary commercially available
mechanised cellular link in Japan was introduced by NTT in 1979. In 1981 by Denmark, Finland,
Norway, and Sweden The Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) structure was introduced.’’ [1]. With
the introduction of 0G, which makes use of the Push to Talk Technique, Mobile Wireless
Communication entered the communication industry following the development of wireless
communication. There will be 1G networks in the future that are solely for voice conversations. In
addition to digital technology and message-sending capabilities, 2G was a redesign of 1G. Wide-
ranging access to high-speed internet services was made possible by 3G. As a more developed variant
of 3G with enhanced bandwidth and capacity as well as service quality, 4G was released (QoS). The
bandwidth of 5G is two times that of 4G, allowing for real-time wireless Internet access (WWW).
1.2 (0G) Network Technology
"0G" is known as Pre-cellphone mobile communications. Since they preceded the first generation of
mobile phones, so These systems are referred to as 0G (zero generation) systems. Mobile phone
systems were traditionally fitted on cars in the trunk or boot. The dial, display, and handset of the
transceiver (transmitter receiver) were often positioned near the driver's seat and mounted in the car
“In 0G systems, PTT (Push to Talk), MTS (Mobile Telephone System), IMTS (Improved Mobile
Telephone Service), and AMTS (Advanced Mobile Telephone System) were used. As the ancestors
of the earliest generation of cellular telephones, these structures are often retrospectively referred to
as pre-cellular (or sometimes zero generation) methods. The term "Zero Generation" (or "0G")
describes the period of time prior to the development of mobile telephony, which consist of radio
telephones that some people used in their cars afore the enlargement of current cell phones’’.[3]
1.4 (2G) Network Technology
"2G" mentions to the second generation of mobile telecommunications, which debuted towards the
end of the 1980s.The Global System for Mobile Communication (GSMC), also known as 2G, Global
System for Mobile Communication (GSMC), is a new digital technology developed by the that was
launched in 2009. GSM created with digital signals in mind. It provides SMS and MMS delivery at
a slow rate. At 30 to 200 kHz it will activates. Following 2G, 2.5G systems, packet-switched and
circuit-switched domains to provide data speeds of up to 144 kbps GPRS, CDMA, and EDGE.
1.5.1 Applications of 3G
The bandwidth and location data made accessible by 3G devices allow the creation of previously
unavailable to mobile phone users apps. It became feasible to access the internet while on the move
on a 3G network, as well as conduct many other things that were before sluggish and difficult on 2G.
Medical gadgets, fire alarms, and ankle monitors, as well as mobile phone users, utilize this network
to accomplish their assigned jobs. This network was the primary to use a cellular communications
network for such a diverse set of functions, ushering in the age of ubiquitous cellular network
❖ IoT connectivity is made possible by the development of mobile broadband data rates on
paired and unpaired spectrum.
❖ It is required for crucial public safety.
❖ It permits LTE broadcasting.
❖ Industry best practice is LTE innovative Pro 3GPP.
❖ Peak Downlink Data Rates: NB-IoT: 170 Kbps, LTE-M: 1 Mbps.
❖ Peak data rates (uplink): 250 kbps for LTE-A and 1 Mbps for LTE-M. (NB-IoT).
❖ NB-IoT employs 180 KHz (200 KHz carrier BW), whereas LTE-M uses 1.08 Mbps (1.4 MHz
carrier BW). [11]
In late 2010, the Fifth Generation (sometimes referred to as 5G) started. One benefit of 5G technology
is expanded coverage and concatenation. The primary focus of 5G is the wireless World Wide Web
(WWWW). Due to the better technologies of 5G, customers may anticipate extremely fast internet
and multimedia endorses. LTE Advanced networks give rise to supercharged 5G networks. 5G
technology uses millimeter waves and an unlicensed channel for data transmission to get a greater
data rate. [12]
❖ It increased the variety of multimedia services available.
❖ inexpensive per bit.
❖ The battery loses more power as a result.
❖ Implementing it is difficult.
❖ It demands the usage of sophisticated gear. [13]
1.8 Important spectrum activities are being led by the FCC to enable 5G.
All frequencies, including mm Wave, in the low-band, mid-band, and high bands are covered.
Figure 1.3: Spectrum for 5G [15]
1.8.1 Low-band
With regard to 5G, the low-band spectrum enables carriers to offer extensive coverage, even in
remote areas. Additionally, the network's speed and reaction time will be far better than 4G, with
peak rates encircling 300Mbps anticipated.
The low-band spectrum has the drawback that the nature of its performance will vary depending on
how close you are to the cell site. You could struggle to achieve speeds faster than those offered by
4G networks if you are far from a tower.
However, because buildings may be penetrated by the 6000 MHz frequency, the the low-band
spectrum, which has a 6000MHz frequency that may penetrate buildings, is an excellent place for
5G networks to start.[15]
1.8.2 Mid-band
As we proceed up to mid-band spectrum, we anticipate that the majority of carriers will choose to
skip low-band 5G in favor of mid band. The spectrum in the middle is defined as 1GHz to 6GHz.
Due to its ability to transmit large amounts of data over long distances, the mid-band spectrum is
thought to be perfect for 5G. Data rates are anticipated to peak between 600 and 900 Mbps, which is
much greater than the low-band spectrum.
While manipulators in the United States and Canada intend to use the 2.3GHz and 2.5GHz-2.6GHz
frequencies for 5G, hustler in China and Japan aim to use the 4.5GHz-5GHz spectrum. Similar in
terms of speed and range, only some of these radio relative frequencies will be accessible in specific
1.8.3 High-band
High band millimeter wave, located at the culmination of the spectrum diagram, refers to frequencies
over 6GHz. With peak speeds now approximated at 1-3Gbps, it provides extremely quick speeds.
Unfortunately, the millimeter wave spectrum can only go up to one mile. It is probably only going
to be used in crowded areas that routinely serve a lot of people. This could include convention centers,
performance halls, and sports stadiums.Compared to the sunk and mid bands, millimeter waves in
the high band are more tender to interference from structures and trees. You will, however, travel at
speeds you have never seen before if you are close to one of the towers.[15]
The bands in spectral region 1, FR1, are expected to carry most of the typical cellular mobile
communication traffic.The higher frequency bands in range FR2 are designed to give the 5G radio
the ability to send and receive data at a very high rate over a short distance. Since 5G wireless
technology is expected to send and receive data at much higher speeds, these higher frequency bands
will be needed to provide more bandwidth.
26 GHz frequency ranges. Nearly every European regulatory authority has purchased spectrum in at
least some of these 5G frequency bands over the past four years.
We investigate the policy objectives desired by policymakers and regulators in this research to assess
the results of the 5G range sales that have already occurred in Europe.
❖ The 3.4-3.8 GHz spectrum has currently been allocated in the majority of European nations,
while the 26 GHz range is only in a few.
❖ Regulators should select the auction rules that are most likely to help them reach their desired
policy goals when designing spectrum auctions.
❖ European regulators have usually put limits on different types of spectrum to make sure that
at least three MNOs have coverage in the important 3.4-3.8 GHz band and that there is enough
competition in the mobile market.
❖ European politicians and controllers have employed a variety of strategies, such as range set-
asides, rental requirements, or regional licensing, to guarantee to the 3.4-3.8 GHz band at
industry access. Designing an auction with simplicity, fairness, and transparentness.
❖ The decreasing popularity of complex auction structures suggests that policymakers and
regulators are growing more concerned about’’.[19]
Figure 1.8: Diagram of high and low frequencies [22]
1.11.4 Bandwidth
The quantity of data that may be swiftly transferred from one point within a network to another
referred to as bandwidth. Usually, the term "bandwidth" refers to the bitrate, which is measured by
bits per second (bps).
The ability of a link to transmit data is referred to as "bandwidth.", and it is a main factor in defining
an internet connection's dependability and speed. The measurement of bandwidth can be done in a
number of methods. In addition to measuring maximum flow, usual flow, and what is deemed to be
good flow, several measurements are utilized to determine the current data flow. Another important
idea in many other technology disciplines is bandwidth. For instance, it is utilized in signal
processing to clarify the distinction between the higher and lower frequencies of a transmission, such
a radio wave, and are usually measured in hertz (Hz).
A good analogy for bandwidth is water running through a pipe. The pace at which water (or data)
flows through the pipe (or link) varies depending on the situation would be the bandwidth. We could
measure gallons per minute rather than bits per second. While the amount of water currently running
through the pipe reflects the current bandwidth, the maximum amount of water that could
conceivably pass through it indicates the maximum bandwidth.
1.11.5 Input impedance
“Input impedance of an antenna is demarcated by the percentage of voltage to current at its terminals.
The resonance of the antenna is expressed by this fundamental characteristic of the antenna. The two
types of input impedance are real and hypothetical. impedance. The power radiated is represented by
the input impedance's real component or absorbed by the antenna itself. the input impedance's
fictitious component. Reflected power is the term for the power that remains in the antenna's
immediate vicinity. An antenna that is in resonance has zero input resistance in both real and
hypothetical directions. The antenna's input impedance is determined by its length and size. Z
represents impedance, it consists of two parts: a genuine component that contains the antenna's
radiation, and an actual component resistance Ohmic and Read losses Rhombic, A resonant antenna
has a zero-input impedance in both the real and imaginary directions. The antenna's input impedance
is determined by its length and size. Z represents impedance, it consists of two parts: a genuine
component that contains the antenna's radiation, and an actual component resistance Ohmic and Read
losses Rhombic and a component that is reactive and includes the radiation resistance of an antenna
Ohmic and Read losses Partially rhombic X’’ [21
1.11.6 Impedance Matching
“In electronics, the act of constructing or altering an electrical device's input or output impedance to
a certain value is known as "impedance matching." To improve power transmission or reduce signal
reflection, the desired rate is commonly specified. For instance, impedance matching is often
employed to improve power transfer from a radio transmitter via the connected transmission line to
the antenna. Signals will be transmitted on the line without reflections if the termination of the
transmission line has a matching impedance. Impedance matching techniques include the use of
transformers, adjustable networks of lumped capacitance, inductance, and resistance, as well as
transmission lines of the appropriate size. Practical impedance-matching equipment usually produces
the best results across a specific frequency range. The concept of impedance matching is often used
in electrical engineering, even though it is significant in many applications where energy—not
usually electrical energy—is conveyed between a source and a load, such as in optics or acoustics.
Impedance matching is necessary, as seen below.’’ [24]
❖ When the feedline's impedance matches that of the source, power from the latter will be
transmitted to the former source.
❖ The power from the feedline will reach the antenna if the impedances of the feedline and
antenna are the same.
❖ It is important that the input impedance of a receiver amplifier circuit match the output
impedance of a receiving antenna.
❖ The input and output impedances of a transmitter antenna should be in perfect sync with
the impedance of the transmission wire.
an isotropic, lossless antenna when used in conjunction with a far-field source located along the
antenna's beam axis. Gain is incompatible with both directionalities. The link between a light bulb
and a spotlight may be understood by the phenomenon of greater directivity. As opposed to a 100-
watt light bulb, a spotlight produces more light in one direction while less light is produced in other
directions. More "directivity" is present in the spotlight than in the light bulb. A high-gain antenna
and the spotlight both functions similarly. The acquisition is an important aspect of the directivity.
In mathematics, directivity and efficiency are multiplied to form a reap.
Figure 1.11: Diagram of Radiation pattern [25]
1.11.11 Polarization
The polarization of the wave emitted by an antenna depends on the strength of its associated electric
field. Polarization of the antenna is influenced by the strength and orientation of the electric field.
An antenna has linear polarization if its electric field components have the same amplitudes and
opposite phases. A circularly polarized antenna has identical signal strengths but opposite phase
differences of 90 degrees. In order to have successful communication, it is necessary to properly
align the projected electric fields of both of the antennas, which have linear polarization.
An antenna that is circularly polarized, on the other hand, may communicate with any other linear
antenna, regardless of how it is oriented. As a result of the radiation's single-directional focus A
linear antenna transmits power all at once, unlike a circular antenna, which divides energy between
the dual parts. Depending on the situation, a reader antenna may be circular or linear. the tag antenna,
the application, and ideally both should be circularly polarized to ensure any angle allows it to be
Chapter 2
Microstrip Antenna
2.1.2 Line Feeding of Microstrip
Microstrip line feed is one of the more straightforward manufacturing methods since all that is
required to connect to the patch is a conducting strip, making it feasible to extend the patch by
modifying the, and because it is easy to model and match. Positioned at the rear The disadvantage of
this strategy is that. The bandwidth is decreased by a specific surface wave and an increase in
erroneous feed radiation in the substrate thickness.[27]
while for the profuse substrate with a low dielectric continual substrate at the bottom; it has a high
dielectric constant. The The feed is isolated by the ground plane, which is in the centre. radiation
source and reduces interference from fake radiation for polarization and pattern formation purity.
benefits is that it enables separate optimization of part of the feed mechanism’’.[27]
function quite effectively. Due to their tiny size and conformability, microstrip patch antennas are
widely utilized as telemetry and communication antennas on projectiles. The benefits of the Microstrip Patch Antenna
The following are some of the benefits of microstrip patch antennas:
❖ “They operate at microwave frequencies, when ordinary antennas are ineffective.
❖ Because of its modest size, this antenna type will result in smaller end products.
❖ The patch antennas' centerline feeding decreases the activation of other undesirable modes.
❖ It is simple to etch microstrip patches in a variety of shapes, including rectangular, square,
and triangular ones.
❖ They have cheaper fabrication cost and consequently they may be bulk made.
❖ They can accommodate numerous dual & triple frequency bands.
❖ It accommodate both circular and linear dual polarization.
❖ They have very little weigh.
❖ When mounted on the devices solid surfaces, they are strong.[28]
2.3 Motivation
Since its inception, wireless communication has been more and more popular due to its low cost,
adaptability, portability, and other benefits. As a result, demand for mobile connections and data
rates has rapidly increased. During the preceding three periods, the amount of mobile data traffic
has grown tremendously. The breadth of these needs has once again expanded because to the
Internet of Things (IoT). To meet this growing need, the telecoms sector has created new
generations of standards almost every decade. In order to achieve the objectives of linking more
than 100 billion wireless devices, millisecond latency, 10 Gbps data throughput, and the internet of
things, they have led to the fifth generation (5G), which will be implemented in the matutinal 2020s
[29]. Communication at high frequencies is one of the primary obstacles to the deployment of 5G,
therefore we developed an antenna that can handle it.
2.4 Essence
The telecommunications sector is changing quickly. A new generation starts every ten years. The
technology that came before, known as 5G, is the one that researchers are most intrigued by. The
fifth generation (5G) of wireless technology has emerged as a result of the enormous growth in
wireless applications (5G).
5G is the wireless communication protocol that will succeed 4G/IMT-Advanced.Compared to
current 4G, 5G will be more capable and enable the Internet of Things, large-machine networking,
ultra-reliable device-to-device communication, and higher wireless network densities (IoT).
Due to the fact that wireless communication is impossible without antennas, we must design 5G-
compatible antennas.The microstrip patch antenna, which has unmatched qualities, is the one most
frequently employed in modern wireless communication. As a result of its lower. This antenna can
support end devices of lower sizes. Any PCB can easily have microstrip antennas etched into it.
Microstrip patches come in a number of shapes, including rectangular, square, and triangular
patches, and are simple to etch. Because of their cheaper production costs, they can be produced in
large quantities. They can function in several frequency bands (dual, triple). They accept mutually
polarizations—linear and circular. They don't weigh a lot. Sub-6-GHz channels are used by the
existing 4G network for communication. The spectrum that is accessible in these bands,
nevertheless, is not enough to meet 5G's requirements . Higher frequency ranges between 6 and
300 GHz will therefore be necessary. As a result, the Federal Communications Commission [30]
has assigned the 3.4-3.6 GHz, 5-6.
Chapter 3
Literature Review
This paper correctly explains how a 2x4 dual-band mm-wave array for 5G implementation processes
is put together. This arrangement of antennas makes frequency bands at 28 & 38 GHz. The increase
of an antenna array with a SMA correlation, according to this antenna, is 15.5 dBi at 28 GHz & 13.9
dBi at 38 GHz. The simulation shows that an antenna assortment with SMA terminals and one with
a waveguide feed have almost the same gain. Preservation between feeding venues is so much of
around 28.692 dB at 28GHz and 38.779 dB at 38GHz, that is enough to meet the inhume component
shelter criteria.
The goal of this study was the development and evaluation of a compact MIMO antenna in 5G
systems. The unit element of the suggested invention is motivated by a conventional ringed patch
antenna, to wherein two rectangular apertures are added to provide a wide bandwidth. The footprint
of the unit element is 10 mm x 10 mm x 1.575 mm, which equates to an electrical wavelength of 0.83
mm x 0.83 mm x 0.13 mm, which is the free-space length at 28 GHz. The single antenna component
has a 3.52 GHz bandwidth across 26.16 and 29.72 GHz, 7.1 dB of gain, and a perpendicular emission
pattern. The unit element was then used to construct a miniature, four-element MIMO antenna
measuring 30 mm x 30 mm x 1.57 mm. The proposed MIMO antenna has outstanding efficiency
characteristics, comprising a reciprocal coupling of lower than 30 dB, an ECC of lower about 0.0005,
a CCL of 0.15 bits/s/Hz, a MEG of 6 dBi, and a DG of 9,999 dBi. In conclusion, a comparison is
made between the proposed method and cutting-edge research with comparable applications. The
comparison reveals that the proposed antenna beat prior work by delivering compact sizes and high-
performance characteristics for both individual and MIMO antennas.
3. “Design a Single Band Microstrip Patch Antenna at 60 GHz Millimeter Wave for 5G
Application’’ [33]
This research recommends a microstrip patch antenna with a single band slot for 5G wireless
application. The suggested antenna has a simple structure, is affordable, and is small. A unique
frequency band is used by the small antenna. Due to the elimination of the H and E slots, the
impedance bandwidth increased. The design specifies a bandwidth of 4.02 GHz, a central frequency
of 59.93 GHz, and a frequency range of 57.981 GHz to 62.009 GHz. 5.42 dB is the maximum
efficiency of the 229 recommended microstrip patches antennas of millimetre wave radio
applications. Return loss, VSWR, surfaces current, and three-dimensional radiative pattern
simulation outcomes for the proposed single-band antenna are shown. The computed antenna's return
loss at 60 GHz millimetre wave is -40.99 dB. A 5G wireless applications as an example.
4. ‘’Design of a Compact High Gain Microstrip Patch Antenna for Tri-Band 5G Wireless
Communication’’ [34]
5. ‘’mm Wave Novel Multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna Design for 5G Communication’’
In this article introduces a novel mm Wave multiband patches antenna configuration for usage in 5G
communication. At frequencies of 37 GHz and 54 GHz, the 5G mm Wave antenna achieves high
bandwidth capacity of 5.5 GHz & 8.67 GHz, respectively. The microstrip innovation 5G mm Wave
multi - band antenna provides the advantages of low cost, low visibility, high profit, and efficiency.
It is also compact and efficient. The 5G antenna is built using CST MWS modelling software. It
features a small form factor of 7.2x5.0x0.787 mm3. 5 dBi and 6 dBi of observed benefit are both
enough for the 5G multi - band antenna. It is easy to use for 5G connections and can be easily
incorporated into smart devices. The projected antenna resonates in the 37 GHz and 54 GHz bands,
respectively, with overall efficiencies of 65% and 75%. The antenna's impedance is properly matched
to both resonating bands. The results show that the wide, effective, and small form element mm
Wave multiband patches antenna is a recently created antenna. The antenna which was developed is
ideal for 5G communication.
6. ‘’Design of Efficient 37 GHz Millimeter Wave Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5G Mobile
Application’’ [36]
For cellular transmissions at 37 GHz, an optimised solitary microstrip patch antenna has been
developed and tested. The return loss, gains, impedance bandwidth, voltage standing wave ratio
(VSWR), and radiation pattern of the antenna have all been calculated and evaluated in both the E
and H planes. Efficiency and impedance bandwidth have been enhanced by using a hybrid of a H
slots and an inverse T slot in the antenna's design. The size of the two gaps was also studied. For a
resonance frequency of 37 GHz, the simulated values for impedance bandwidth, insertion loss, and
return loss are 16.22%, 8.245 dB, and 43.05 dB, respectively. The suggested microstrip patch antenna
is well-suited to the upcoming version of cellular technology, 5G.
This study presents a unique way for constructing multichannel microstrip antenna for 5G systems.
The recommended antenna, which works under the LMDS (Local Multipoint Distribution Service)
frequencies range, has a basic operating frequency of 28 GHz. The antenna was intended to function
in the 28 GHz frequency range, which is one of the predicted frequency bands for usage in 5G
networks. Additionally, the antenna design must account for a compact antenna structure and the
greatest achievable bandwidth. The design approach for antennas has been improved to make them
lighter and smaller, allowing their use in mobile stations and easing their incorporation into electrical
equipment. Using the FEKO software, the size, properties, & optimization of the antenna was
determined. Having a compact antenna footprint of 6.2 x 8.4 x 1.57 mm. To build the antenna, we
used a 2.2 dielectric constant, 1.57 mm thick slab of Rogers RT Duroid 5880. The antenna discussed
in this piece has a reflections coefficient of only (22.51 dB), an energy gain of (3.6 dBi), an
operational bandwidth of (5.57 GHz) ((19.89 pct), and excellent energy efficiency.
13 “Research paper on “Bandwidth Enhancement of Rectangular Patch Microstrip Antenna”
The bandwidth (BW) of most microstrip antennas is between 1% and 5%. To get a low Q, broadband
antennas must take into account the mentioned antenna geometry factors: a thicker substrate or a
lower dielectric permittivity; matching feed impedance; patch trigonometry optimization; and
suppressing ground waves in a thick substrate. In this study, the third & fourth parameters are used
to make bandwidth bigger. The antenna is a rectangular patch antenna on a FR-4 substrate. It is 40
mm by 40 mm by 1.57 mm3 and has a permittivity of 4.4. Instead of being square, the patch antenna
seems to be in the shape of a fan. This is done to increase the BW. The simulation shows that the
band width has grown in a clear way. In terms of bandwidth, the recommended antenna works better
than the classic square patch. microscopic-strip antenna the results of simulations show that the
proposed antenna has a much wider bandwidth than the typical rectangular patch microstrip antenna.
The pattern of radiation in all directions does not change. The new antenna might be eligible to work
in the C frequency band for microwaves.
15. Research Paper “Gain and Bandwidth Enhancement in Compact Microstrip Antenna” [45]
This study recommends a novel, compact microstrip patch antenna with a layered layout. The return
loss, efficiency, and bandwidth of the antennas are measured and compared to those of a standard
microstrip patch. Superstrate loading allows the suggested concept to dramatically boost gain and
bandwidth when simultaneously decreasing patch area by 66.34 percent. The stackable arrangement
of small microstrip antennas creates a novel antenna design for wireless local area network (WLAN)
applications. The gain and bandwidth of the antenna in the desired frequency range are both improved
by the stacked arrangement. Size is reduced by 53% according to the proposed design, which also
boasts a gain of 4 dBi and a bandwidth of 91 MHz Using the Natural Algorithm optimizer included
inside the IE3D Commercial simulator, the suggested antenna's performance is improved.
16. Research Paper on “A New Mm-Wave Antenna Array with Wideband Characteristics for
Next Generation Communication Systems.” [46]
This study introduces a planar multi-circular loop antenna with a broad impedance bandwidth for
mm-wave systems of the future. Three circular rings and a partially surface plane with a squared slit
make up the proposed antenna. A RO5880 substrate that is 0.254 mm thin and has a comparative
permittivity of 2.3 serves as the foundation for the resonating structure. With a peak increase of 4
dBi and a radiation efficiency of 96%, the single element of the suggested design displayed resonant
responses from 26.5 to 41 GHz. A four-element array system is created using the suggested
multicircular ring antenna element. A peak gain of 11 dBi is maintained with an array size of 18.25
12.5 0.254 mm3. The simulated and observed results show that the constructed t array performs in
fair accord the findings of the simulation and measurement of the array were shown to be in great
agreement. The suggested antenna can support future 5G technology based on performance
comparisons with the reported literature.
In this work, the creation of a single-layer wideband microstrip antenna is covered. A parasitic
patched gap-coupled microstrip makes up the antenna. Without a doubt, gap-coupled, wideband
microstrip antennas. In the current gap-coupled antenna configuration, the radiating patch has a
parasitic component. The size of the parasite patch, the width of the feed strip, the separation between
the feed strip & the radiating patch, and the separation between the radiating patch & the parasitic
patch are all precisely measured.At its 8.2 GHz center frequency, this antenna's design produced an
impedance bandwidth of 44 percent 1:2 VSWR. Between findings from simulation and
measurements, there are clear relationships. With the help of this antenna, one may communicate
with UWB radios. UWB-based systems Impulse radio transfers data with extraordinarily high data
rates by using energy pulses as opposed to a narrow-band frequency carrier. The 6.4 GHz to 10 GHz
frequency range saw the achievement of a 3.6 GHz bandwidth, or 44% of the center frequency.
18.. Research Paper on “Design of a Millimeter Wave Microstrip Patch Antenna and Its Array
for 5G Applications.” [48]
Future applications for 5G are suggested for a low-profile, small millimeter wave microstrip patch
antenna. The array of the antenna contains 4 frequency bands that occur at (23, 27.09, 31 and 42.5)
GHz, although the antenna only resonates at a single band frequency of 24.8 GHz. The 5G Microstrip
patch is created on a Rogers RT Duroid 5880 surface with a standard thickness of 0.787 mm, a
relative dielectric constant (r) of 2.2, and a tan value of 0.0013. The antenna has a return loss of -
19.5 dB, a bandwidth of 1.318 GHz, and resonates at a frequency of 24.85 GHz. The proposed
antenna has a tapered line feeding and a 1x4 element array. The antenna array has four distinct
resonance frequencies, namely 23.2 GHz, 27.09 GHz, 31 GHz, and 42.5 GHz. An observable
increase in gain is seen with the array of antennas. Because of how small it is, the antenna and its
array are appropriate for 5G mobile communication. Due to its compactness and small size, the 5G
antenna & its array can be utilized for upcoming 5G mobile communications.
19. Research Paper on “E-Shaped H-Slotted Dual Band Mm Wave Antenna for 5G
Technology” [49]
For 5G technology, a dual band mm wave MIMO antenna configuration is suggested in this research.
With resonances at 28 GHz and 38 GHz, this system comprises of four radiating components. With
average efficiency, the envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) of the method is determined to be 70%
and 0.0005 correspondingly, with the mean measured gain being 7.1 dBi at 28 GHz and 7.9 dBi at
38 GHz. The suggested system is planned, modelled, and manufactured using an LPKF D104 milling
machine, & evaluated using an R&SZNA67 vector network analyzer. All of these processes are
carried out using full-wave electromagnetic wave software (CST). It is expected that this technology
will find use in next 5G systems because to qualities like low cost, simplicity in fabrication, and dual-
20. Research Paper on “A Novel Design for Millimeter Wave Microstrip Antenna with
Bandwidth Enhancement” [50]
In order to expand bandwidth, a novel microstrip antenna with two rectangular slots was developed.
To increase the bandwidth of two rectangular slots, we introduce additional resonances very near to
the fundamental frequency. Imperial competition may also increase the patch characteristics that
determine bandwidth (ICA). The final bandwidth of the proposed antenna is 2.26GHz (27.48GHz to
29.74GHz), which is 1.46GHz wider than the original proposal based on simulation results. The
suggested antenna has a constant gain achieve of 7.1–7.65dBi over the usable frequency range.
Locations are selected over the 27.5-29.5GHz band at uniform intervals, where N is the number of
sites selected. The antenna bandwidth has been expanded to 2GHz when the S11 at these N sites is
less than -10dB.
21. Research Paper on “An Integrated Antenna System for 4G and Millimeter Wave 5G Future
Handheld Devices “[51]
In this research, we take a look at a combined antenna system for mobile devices and millimeter-
wave fourth-generation (4G) and fifth-generation (5G) wireless applications using a Defected
Ground Structure (DGS). The proposed layout is predicated on a Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 substrate
that is 110 mm x 75 mm x 0.508 mm in total. Efforts to create 5G wireless networks, which would
allow for mobile and wide-band wireless communication, are increasing. Millimeter-wave radios
have emerged as a key component for 5G multi-Gbps low-latency wireless networks in recent years.
The 4G antenna array has been tested to operate throughout a frequency range of 160 MHz to 450
MHz, which encompasses the two sub-6 GHz frequency bands with their respective centers at 3.8
GHz and 5.5 GHz. As an alternative, the 5G antenna array may receive and transmit signals in the
4.9 GHz mm-wave spectrum. Extensive bandwidth in the GHz range.
22. Research Paper on “A Flexible Directional Antenna for 5G Millimeter -wave Applications”
In this work, we suggest a revolutionary flexible antenna design. These are the technical details of
the microstrip antenna used for the antenna: Thin Rogers 5880 substrate, measuring in at 12.25mm
by 7.45mm by 0.07mm. The bandwidth simulation runs between 24.6 and 24.7 GHz. The antenna's
maximum gain is 6.16 dBi and it features a directed pattern. The purpose of this research is to develop
a flexible antenna that can operate at 24 GHz with a certain pattern of radiation efficiency. One such
antenna is a 50 microstrip line-powered rectangular patch antenna with a directional design. Two
methods are used to increase antenna bandwidth: a stepped feeding line and slots cut into the patch.
The antenna is supported by a Rogers 5880 substrate of 70 m thickness, which has a referring
dielectric constant of 2.2.
This study proposes a design for a 5G millimeter-wave ultra-wideband microstrip array antenna using
a combination of a graded line cut and a U-slot. The proposed design employs a method of proximity
coupling feeding to enhance bandwidth performance. The suggested antenna's bandwidth
performance is compared to that of a conventional antenna array design to calculate the bandwidth
enhancement. The numerical and 29 modeling results demonstrate a considerable increase in
bandwidth performance when compared to older designs. The recommended antenna works at 28
GHz with a bandwidth of 4.47 GHz and a gain of 8.71 dB. These findings reveal that the proposed
antenna design is suitable for 5G millimeter-wave applications. They improved the bandwidth & gain
performance of a microstrip antenna for 5G millimeter-wave applications using a mix of approaches.
Examples include U-slot procedures and graduated line cuts. Utilizing the stepped line cut method
facilitates the production of slot antennas. For two-way radiation patterns, the slot antenna provides
the benefit of a broader bandwidth. The Q factor of an antenna, which is inversely proportional to its
bandwidth, may be affected by slot-induced coupling effects.
In this study, an effective antenna array at 28 GHz & 38 GHz is suggested in accordance with 5G
standards. At frequency bands 28 GHz & 38 GHz, the antenna array's bandwidth coverage is 1.3
GHz & 2.54 GHz, respectively. At 28 GHz & 38 GHz, the antenna array's realized gain is 15.3 dB
& 13.6 dB, respectively. Additionally, both antenna arrays at the frequency bands of 28 GHz and 38
GHz have an antenna effectiveness of 97.3%. The suggested 2x2 antenna array demonstrated
excellent performance with The antenna has a 1.3 GHz bandwidth, 61.19 dB return loss, 15.4 dB
realized gain, a VSWR of 1.001, and an efficiency of 97.97% at 28 GHz; at 38 GHz, the numbers
are 2.49 GHz, 52.28 dB return loss, 13.8 dB realized gain, 1.005 VSWR, and 97.97%. once we
compare the proposed antenna to It was proved that the proposed antenna better fulfilled all criteria
than previous efforts. In conclusion, it can be claimed that the suggested antenna array will enable
the 5G wireless devices to operate at its peak performance.
3.2 Summary
Wavelength wave a report says that microstrip patch antennas for 5G connections have been made
for millimeter wave bands like 28 GHz and others. Recent research shows that for 5G wireless
connectivity, the millimeter wave bands at 28 GHz are the most important and useful. In this
frequency band, there is a lot of research going on. Again, the hardest part of deploying 5G is making
an antenna that has a high gain, is small enough to fit in a phone, works well, and is easy to make.
3.3 Objectives
❖ For 5g applications, a single microstrip patch antenna was built and simulated to boost
❖ creating the optimum antenna with increased bandwidth for 5g applications by adjusting
various antenna design parameters.
❖ Antennas for 5G applications are designed using a variety of parameters, including insertion
gap, patch width, patch length, etc.
❖ To create and simulate a microstrip patch antenna with enhanced antenna properties,
especially in terms of bandwidth, for use in 5G applications.
Chapter 04
4.1 Methodology
A methodology is a set of steps. This phrase may be used to describe procedures employed in a
specific research study, methods utilized to complete a certain job, or methods that are often used
in a field of study or industry. The study of such approaches, as opposed to the techniques
themselves, may sometimes be referred to as "methodology" by users.
Methodology can be considered to include multiple techniques, each applied to different facts
across the entire range of methodologies. Analysis can be divided into two sections, qualitative
analysis and quantitative research.
4.4 Software
For 3D electrical stimulation of high frequency components, CST Microwave Studio (CST MWS)
is a vital tool. The use of CST MWS enables a quick and accurate evaluation of HF systems,
including filters, couplers, antennas, single- and multi-layer constructions, as well as SI and EMC
Due to its exceptional performance, CST Microwave Studio is the top technology choice for R&D
departments. CST MWS, which is incredibly user-friendly, provides a brief overview of high-
frequency model EM conduct. [42].
Step 8: Connect the result with current antennas.
The above table substrates have relatively high dielectric constants, which points to a significant
loss in the creation of a high gain antenna.. As the purpose of this research is to design a high gain
antenna, foam material with a dielectric constant close to 1 is chosen for this model. Then the
microstrip line and surface material should be selected. We have three options in this case —
Copper, Silver or Gold. Silver's conductivity is greater than others. But the price of copper is far
more complex and cheaper than the other two. Therefore, copper is typically used. Equations (1)
(5) were used to measure the length and width of the antenna [45].
𝜀𝑒𝑓𝑓= Effective dielectric constant, =
Dielectric constant of substrate, h =
Height of dielectric substrate, w =
Width of the patch.
For a given resonance frequency 𝑓𝑟, the effective length is given by,
The basic parametric of the rectangular microstrip patch antenna are calculated using the formulas
above and are shown in Table 4.2.
Figure 4.2: Equation based single element antenna with ground structure
These parameters are shown in the table below for the single element antenna design.
4.5.2 MIMO Antenna Design
In this MIMO antenna 4 element antenna was places in horizontally and vertically to form the MIMO
antenna. The ground structure also placed as the patch.The dimension remain same as the single
The array antenna design depends heavily on the distance between two patches because it affects
the antenna's overall profitability. If the patches are separated by 2, the antenna array yields the
highest profit, but the array size is drastically reduced [6]. Most commonly, patch spacing values
range from 0.6 to 0.9 as the starting point [15].
As was mentioned earlier, a linear array is created using a simple and direct feed structure based
on the single element's reasonable performance. The feed line is made up of a 50 W transmission
line that splits into 100 W parallel connections before becoming 70 W lines. For this feeding
process, only three quarters of a wave transformer are needed.
Parameter Value
Frequency (fr) 28 GHz
Height of Substrate, h 0.254 mm
Dielectric Constant, €r 2.2
Patch Length (SL) 8.5
Patch Width (SW) 12
This table shows the parameters that is been used for the array antenna design.
As formerly earlier said, a linear array with a straight feed structure is developed based on the
decent performance of a single element. As seen in Figure 6, the feed line is made up of a 50 W
transmission line that is subdivided into a parallel connection of 100 W and then 70 W lines. The
electromagnetic wave computer software CST was used in its entirety in the design of this structure.
Chapter 5
Results Analysis
This section provides and analyzes the results acquired after simulating the constructed antenna.
5.1.4 Directivity
The conventional definition states that "the directivity is defined as the ratio of the maximum
radiation power of the subject antenna to the maximum radiation level of an isotropic or reference
antenna, emitting the same total power." An antenna emits power, but the direction of that power is
very important. The antenna being watched is referred to as the subject antenna. While sending or
receiving, its radiation strength is concentrated in that particular direction. The antenna is said to
have that specific direction of directivity as a result.
❖ The Directivity is defined as the difference between an antenna's radiation output in one
direction and its overall average radiation output.
❖ If that specific direction is not stated, the antenna's directivity can be assumed to be in the
direction where the maximum intensity is seen.
Technically, the result of directivity and efficiency is antenna gain. Where efficiency takes into
account the losses of the antenna caused by manufacturing flaws, defects in the surface coating,
dielectric, resistance, VSWR, or any other factor, and directivity measures how concentrated a
radiation pattern of an antenna is in a specific direction.
5.2 Simulation Results
5.2.1 Return Loss Graph
The constructed single-element antenna's return loss plot is shown below. At 28 GHz right now,
the resonance frequency is high. The optimized single-element antenna return loss value is also -
29.558 dB at 28 GHz, which shows very good impedance matching.
You can also calculate the bandwidth of the single component antenna from the chart above. In this
case the bandwidth of 29.558 dB is on 28 GHz, which covers the entire band of 28 GHz as stated
by FCC [1].
5.2.4 3D Radiation Pattern
An antenna's energy radiation in the surrounding space is visible in three dimensions as a 3D radiation
pattern. Typically, this pattern is measured on the far field at a sufficient distance from the known
antenna. Position it only; compared to an omnidirectional antenna, it is the power radiating in all
directions. A secure antenna should maintain its 3D radiation pattern throughout the service's frequency
range, just like the 2D radiation pattern does. It is very tasty. It is simple to see the energy coming from
a particular direction in the 3D radiation pattern. The single component antenna's 3D radiation pattern at
28 GHz is depicted above. It is possible to say that the antenna's gain4.53 dBi, which was successful.
5.2.5 Antenna Efficiency
The antenna's effectiveness is defined as the relationship between the effective aperture area and
its actual physical area. It defines the radio frequency (RF) proportion of electricity that actually
captures the region of physical aperture. The single-element antenna reached the 70 percent
standard of normal antenna performance.
Figure 4.8 above demonstrates that antenna efficiency at 28 GHz is nearly 98 percent.
The radiation efficiency of an antenna is defined as the proportion of the radiated energy of the
antenna to the free space to the electrical power received by the antenna from the feedline. The
standard minimum radiation efficiency is 70%. Figure 4.9 shows that radiation efficiency is
approximately 98% at 28 GHz.
Directivity 4.61 dBi 5-8dBi
In Table 5.1, Full simulation results were displayed in tabular form after optimization of the single
component antenna. This antenna shows good loss of return throughout the entire 28 GHz band. In
comparison, the antenna's VSWR is less than 1.5. Compared to recent models, the single element
antenna gain is quite satisfactory. Single component antenna achieves 4.52 dBi at 28 GHz. The
directivity of the single-element antenna is around 4.61 dBi, which implies good omni-directional
efficiency. This single component antenna has a 70% antenna efficiency and radiation efficiency
across the entire band. This single component antenna has a 97% antenna efficiency and radiation
efficiency across the entire band. This single component antenna has a 97% antenna efficiency and
radiation efficiency across the entire band.
In table 5.2 we compered the results of single element antennas with our proposed single element
antenna, it is clear that the proposed single antenna is better compared with the existing single
antennas. The purpose was to design single antenna with a high gain. The antenna efficiency is 98%
and this antenna shows good loss of return throughout the entire 28 GHz band, 29.6dB. The standard
value is less than 10.
The Envelope Correlation Coefficient shows how independent two antennas' radiation patterns are.
If one antenna is horizontally polarized and the other is vertically polarized, their correlation is zero.
If one antenna merely radiated energy to the sky and the other to the earth, both would have an ECC
of 0. Envelope Correlation Coefficient considers the antennas' radiation pattern form, polarization,
and relative field phase. A correlation below 0.3-0.4 is "well enough" for MIMO. Our MIMO
antenna's ECC value ranges from 0.0026 to 0.025, meeting the standards. This makes the MIMO
antenna efficient.
Figure 5.9: Diversity Gain of MIMO Antenna
The graph above can also be used to determine the bandwidth of a 1x4 array antenna. The 28.3 GHz
band, as declared by the FCC [1], is covered by the bandwidth of 34.53 dB in this instance.
Figure 5.13: 3D Radiation Pattern of 1×4 array antenna at 28.3 GHz
5.7.6 Radiation Efficiency
The radiation intensity standard was met by the 1x4 array antenna. Below figure 5.12 indicates that
the efficiency of radiation is 95% at 28 GHz.
According to the FCC, this antenna displays excellent return loss across the entire 28 GHz band.
The antenna's VSWR is under 1.5 in contrast. The 4-array antenna gain seems to be quite high
compared to recent array models. At 28.3 GHz, the 1x4 array antenna achieves a gain of 9.32 dBi.
The antenna's position, which is approximately 9.32 dBi, indicates a good directional output. This
single component antenna's antenna efficiency and radiation effectiveness are greater than 93%
over the entire operating band.
Antenna Efficiency 94% 90% 70%
In Table 5.3, Full simulation results were displayed in tabular form after simulation of the array
antenna. This antenna shows good loss of return throughout the entire 28 GHz band. 1x4 Array
antenna achieves a high gain of 9.32 dBi at 28 GHz. The 1x4 array antenna's directivity is
approximately 9.52 dBi, which suggests good directional efficiency. Throughout the entire band,
this array antenna's antenna efficiency and radiation efficiency both reach 94%.
Antenna ref. Year Resonance Return Gain Bandwidth Efficiency
Frequency Loss (dBi) (GHz)
GHz (dB)
In table 5.4 we compered the results of array antenna with our proposed antenna, it is clear that the
proposed array antenna is better compared with the existing antenna. The purpose was to design
array antenna with a high gain & efficiency. The antenna efficiency is 94% with a high gain
9.32(dBi), and this array antenna shows good loss of return throughout the entire 28 GHz band,
34.5. The standard value is less than 10.
Chapter 6
The findings of this study demonstrate that a wideband, high gain 1x4 Microstrip patch antenna
(MPA) array is designed to operate at 28 GHz utilizing CST Microwave Studio. The 1x4 array is
created and is intended to generate high gain using various spacing between array pieces. Results
from single-element antennas and array antennas are compared to the most recent models from
research that are similar to them.
6.1 Achievements
In this thesis work, a high gain 1x4 microstrip patch antenna array with 50 probe feeds is
successfully designed. The suggested antenna has a return loss of less than -10 dB and works in the
28 GHz range. The standard is maintained between 1 and 2 by the simulated antenna's VSWR,
which is less than 1.5 throughout the whole frequency band. According to the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC), the antenna bandwidth is around 9.5 GHz, which covers the
whole 28 GHz spectrum [1]. Antenna gain is more than 6 to 9 dBi, which is superior in terms of
size than the current antennas discovered in the literature review. High-gain antennas are available
in several current models. On the other hand, some of them are large enough to be integrated into
mobile phones while some of them do not span the complete FCC frequency band. Therefore, the
proposed antenna array is a strong candidate to be used as a communication device in 5G mobile
phones in the future.
6.2 Limitations
The ability to change the direction of the beam would make this antenna better for use with a mobile
phone, but microstrip patch antennas don't have that capacity. This is because microstrip patch
antennas are not directive antennas, which means they don't focus radio waves in one direction.
Instead, radio waves come out of microstrip patch antennas in all directions. So, you can't change
the direction of the beam of a microstrip patch antenna.
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