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Key Characteristics

Most businesses have a boiler of some sort. Usually they are used to heat premises but they
may also be used for heating water, oil, or steam, for use in industrial processes. There is no
such thing as a 100% efficient boiler - around 20% of all heat generated is lost up the chimney –
but this heat loss can increase to 30% or more if the boiler is poorly maintained or operated.
Major savings can be achieved from reducing the amount of energy lost at this primary stage.

Major Opportunities for Savings –

Boiler Maintenance
A badly maintained boiler plant will waste significant amounts of money. Check your boiler plant
regularly and check for signs of inefficiency - look for any warning lights, signs of leakage from
pipework, valves, flanges, and the boilers themselves, and gas smells, damage and burn marks
to boilers and flues, undue noise from pumps and burners. If you spot anything, call your
maintenance person to check it out.

Good efficiency depends on good combustion and low chimney losses. Measuring the
temperature and oxygen content of the flue gases indicates the quality of combustion and heat
losses through the chimney. Consider installing a flue gas thermometer at an approximate cost
of £20. The boiler is ready for cleaning again when the maximum temperature of the flue gases
rises by over 40° since the last service.

A build up of deposits caused by combustion will reduce boiler efficiency. Boilers and burners
should be properly cleaned and serviced at least once a year by a qualified contractor. The
service should include a combustion efficiency check and adjustments of the burner air/fuel ratio
for optimum efficiency in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Worn controls and
linkages will result in poor combustion – have these checked too.

Ensure your boiler house is adequately ventilated with all louvers and vents open and not
obstructed. Restricting the supply of air to a boiler will result in loss of efficiency due to
incomplete combustion. Inadequate ventilation can also allow the release of potentially
dangerous gases; therefore ensuring good boiler house ventilation is also an important health
and safety matter.

Boilers that are not insulated may lose heat into the surrounding area - this can represent a
significant waste of money. If they are not insulated, consider fitting 50mm (minimum) thick
mineral fibre mat with foil laminate to the inside of the boiler casing, but make sure that the
insulation does not interfere with the burner or air supply to the boiler.

Boiler Operation

Leaving boilers running when there is little or no demand for heat is an obvious waste of money.

Check that your boiler is not firing in periods when your premises are not in use. Sometimes
boilers can continue to fire even when the room thermostat or time switch shuts off the
circulation pump. This means that, although the premises are not being heated, the boiler
continues to generate heat, all of which is wasted. If this is happening you may be able to have
the wiring altered so that the thermostat or time switch shuts off both the pump and the boiler.

Many businesses have more than one boiler to provide adequate heating during the winter
months. If you have a multi-boiler installation you may be able to turn off one or more of them
during periods milder weather and still be able to provide a comfortable level of heating. If you
can use fewer boilers during the warmer months, try to use the smallest boilers possible as
larger boilers lose more heat.

Also, if you have a multi-boiler set-up, ensure that you have boiler sequencing controls installed.
These ensure that the minimum number of boilers to meet demand are firing and that boilers
are fired in the most efficient sequence, e.g. smallest first.

Steam Generation

Providing steam for (process and space heating) can be one of the main energy costs at
industrial sites and factories throughout the UK. Steam costs are also a major contributor to
energy bills in building complexes within other sectors. Improving the efficiency of steam
generation can make average energy savings of 7%.

• Where batch processing is used the steam supply should be turned off when not needed.
Also, supplying steam to space heating systems when not required increases energy costs.
If required, arrange for isolating valves to be fitted to pipe sections that are not used for
significant periods.

• Investigate using the lowest possible steam pressure for your process. Reducing steam
pressure means lowering steam temperatures, thus saving energy costs.
• Check the steam temperature required for each individual process (including space heating
and domestic hot water). Use the lowest possible temperature of steam at all times, and
make sure high pressure and superheated steam is not used unnecessarily.
• Steam supplied to a process could be controlled manually by opening and closing valves.
Manual controls are ineffective for controlling variable amounts of steam. Assess the
viability of installing automatic controls - automatic steam controls based on temperature
can reduce steam consumption and save costs.

Distribution System
It is estimated that up to 20% of energy could be lost through poorly designed and maintained
heat distribution systems. A further 20% could be wasted at the point of use at sites operating
without proper attention to efficient use of energy.

The loss of heat through exposed pipework can represent a significant proportion of the energy
wasted in a heat distribution system. Heat loss from pipes can be reduced by over 70% through
the proper lagging of all pipework and the payback period is usually only a few months.
Consider replacing any older lagging with modern materials and don’t forget to lag valves and
flanges as well; the heat lost from a valve is the equivalent of about 1m of pipe.

Further Action Energy support

Action Energy has launched its energy wizard for boilers. The wizard is designed to enable staff
at any level to access information on energy efficiency. The wizard and other information is
available on the website www.actionenergy.org.uk/energywizard.

• Further information and advice is available free from the Action Energy helpline –
0800 58 57 94 or visit the website at www.actionenergy.org.uk

Action Energy is a programme run by Carbon Trust and funded by the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Scottish Executive, Invest Northern Ireland and the
National Assembly for Wales. It is designed to help businesses and public sector organisations
cut their energy costs through the provision of free, professional advice and assistance. Action
Energy is an integral part of the Government’s climate change programme, aimed at meeting
the UK's carbon reduction obligations under the Kyoto Protocol.

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