Decision Making
Decision Making
Decision Making
More Techniques of Decision Making
The Follett’s Work -> Was not directed towards the resolution of
conflict of ideas, but towards the resolution of structural conflict b/w
workers & capitalist .In light of this statement critically evaluate
Follett’s Idea of dynamic administration.
Consensus Mapping
When there are large no of people in decision making and
nominal group technique, brainstorming .Decision makers are not
only at the can’t be employed to but rather all over the org.
In organization core group of decision makers is created and
entire orgn is divided into small clusters .Once clusters are formed
, core group clarifies the issue with each group and ask for their
suggestions [Solutions ] once this cluster submit their views the
core group develops the straw man map of the decision
[Changeable ,Tentative ].
Strawman Map is sent to each cluster for their opinion of the
same .After receiving opinion of all clusters the [Strawman map is
modified and again sent to all clusters .This process will go on till
core group satisfied that consensus has been reached