American Outrage by H. L. Hix Book Preview
American Outrage by H. L. Hix Book Preview
American Outrage by H. L. Hix Book Preview
Buffalo, New York
American Outrage
by H. L. Hix
Copyright © 2024
First Edition
ISBN: 978-1-60964-472-7
Library of Congress Control Number: 2024932233
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Parerga ...........................................................................................................................................115
American Outrage
5,586: between 1969 and 2009, the total number of people killed in terrorist attacks
against the U.S. or its interests, including the attacks of September 11, 2001. More than
30,000: between 1986 and 2010, the number of people killed by guns in the U.S. every
single year.
Stephon Clark had played on his school football team.
Guns aren’t the only way to inflict violence, but they have become the paradigmatic
way. □ What guns symbolize might not exhaust what a given gun symbolizes. □
Guns don’t have to provide safety to symbolize safety.
James Cho loved elephants, and wore elephant bibs and shirts.
Sita Singh had four children, and liked music and reading.
17: in the year of the Columbine shooting, the number of students killed at school.
2,500+: in the same year, the number of young people (ages 5-19) who were murdered
outside of school.
Emily Garcia was seven years old, and in second grade.
Christian Escobedo, 22, was a high school graduate.
71: of firearm deaths among children aged 0-4, percentage that are by intent, not
unintentional. 80: of firearm deaths among children aged 5-9, percentage that are by
intent, not unintentional. 90: of firearm deaths among youth aged 10-14, percentage that
are by intent, not unintentional. 97: of firearm deaths among youth aged 15-19,
percentage that are by intent, not unintentional.
Noah Holcombe, her parents’ only child, was 17 months old.
18: number of bullets an average shooter could fire in one minute with a six-shot revolver.
100: number of bullets an average shooter could fire in one minute with an assault rifle
equipped with a one-hundred-round drum.
War declared against an abstract concept (“crime”) produces very concrete collateral
damage. □ Militarizing police weaponry increases the distance from which officers
can target suspects. □ Expansion of the criminal justice system expands state
Carlos LaMadrid, 19, loved music and soccer.
3: number of times the phrase “God-given right” was used in the American Rifleman in the
ten-year period from 1975 through 1984. 22: number of times the phrase “God-given
right” was used in the American Rifleman in the nine-year period from 2010 through 2018.
2: references to evil as an unseen or disembodied force in the American Rifleman in the
ten-year period from 1975 through 1984. 37: references to evil as an unseen or
disembodied force in the American Rifleman in the four-year period from 2015 through
Alejandro Barrios Martínez had recently immigrated from Cuba.
Megan Hill was nine. Her family had nicknamed her “Megacute.”
55: of homes in the U.S. with children and firearms, the percentage with one or more
firearms in an unlocked place. 43: of homes in the U.S. with children and firearms, the
percentage with one or more firearms not in a locked place and not locked with a trigger
lock or other locking mechanism.
“[I]n addition to being protected by guns, we can also be, and too often are,
tyrannized by them.” □ Maybe guns would protect my freedom, if what threatened
it were something that could be shot. □ Maybe police would shoot fewer persons if
fighting crime were a less prevalent metaphor.
Daniel Enrique Laso-Guzmán was 9, and in third grade.
$76.4 billion: U.S. Department of Education Budget. $557 billion: annual economic cost
to the U.S. of gun violence. 2.6: percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product to which the
annual economic cost of gun violence is equal.
Karen Marshall was a master sergeant in the Air National Guard.
Prakash Singh had just brought his wife and two children
from India to join him in the U.S.
The harm guns cause is not surprising; our acceptance of the harm is. □ Events
that warn us to change the system are swallowed by the system. □ No
understanding the offense without recognizing the role of the system as offender.
Alexia Christian was a 26-year-old mother of two young sons.
34: of female victims of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter in 2021, the percentage
who were killed by an intimate partner. 6: of male victims of murder and nonnegligent
manslaughter in 2021, the percentage who were killed by an intimate partner.
Tarika Wilson was 26, and had six children.
78: percentage of homicide cases in the U.S. solved when the person killed was white.
67: percentage of homicide cases in the U.S. solved when the person killed was Black.
16: percentage of homicide cases in the U.S. solved when the person killed was trans.
Every person shot in a mass shooting is a person. □ Violence attacks a person, and
personhood. □ “Violence, like other traumas, fragments the self and removes the
ground from below us.”
Tracy Gaeta lived in California, and was a grandmother.
100: percentage of Board members of the Remington Society of America who are white
Open carry is equally open to all carriers, but more equally open to some carriers
than to others. □ What made cars less lethal would do the same for guns. □
Consistent rules, effective rules.
Jayland Walker worked as a DoorDash driver in Akron, Ohio.
Emily Hill loved horses, karate, cooking and being with her family.
17: of news stories about mass shootings between 1997 and 2012, the percentage that
mentioned dangerous people with SMI (serious mental illness) as causes of gun violence.
9: of news stories about mass shootings between 1997 and 2012, the percentage that
mentioned dangerous weapons as causes of gun violence.
Black men are targeted disproportionately; dark-skinned Black men even more so.
□ Inhibit the activation of stereotypes; suspend their application to behavior. □ To
end hate crimes against minorities, end discrimination against minorities.
Rayshard Brooks was 27, and had three daughters and a stepson.
9: in 2015, how many times more likely a Black man between 15 and 34 was than any
other American to be killed by a police officer. 2: of the U.S. population, the percentage
that are Black males between 15 and 34. 15: of persons killed by the use of deadly force
by police officers in 2015, the percentage that were Black males between 15 and 34. 17:
in 2015, the percentage of white persons killed by police who were unarmed. 25: in 2015,
the percentage of Black persons killed by police who were unarmed.
Police protect what, and who, policing was created to protect. □ Bad officers
sometimes make police violence actual; bad policy makes it inevitable. □ More
policing harms the most policed.
Henry Green lived with his aunt, and went by “Bub.”
25.6: in 1984, percentage of towns between 25,000 and 50,000 people with a SWAT
team. 52.1: in 1990, percentage of towns between 25,000 and 50,000 people with a
SWAT team. 80: in 2005, percentage of towns between 25,000 and 50,000 people with a
SWAT team.
From any one death, devastation; to the many deaths, disregard. □ We only count
as real deaths the ends of lives we can see. □ Recognition as active, full human
beings reduces a group’s vulnerability to violence.