m7 - Theory and Procedur
m7 - Theory and Procedur
m7 - Theory and Procedur
Earlier, you explored Newton's Second Law of Motion in its linear form (F = ma).
We are using the following, important concepts in rotational motion:
torque - the ability of a force to rotate a mass about an axis, = Fr ),
moment of inertia I - how mass is distributed about the axis of rotation,
1 1
for a rotating disk I = MR 2, for a rotating ring I = M(Rinner
+ Router
), and
2 2
for a rotating point mass I = MR 2;
the unit for the moment of inertia is kg*m2
angular velocity =t, related to linear (tangential) velocity through the equation
v = r
angular acceleration (related to linear acceleration through the equation a = r).
Newton's Second Law may be extended to include rotational motion: torque is equal to
the moment of inertia times the angular acceleration.
= I (2)
is obtained from the linear version of Newton's Second Law balancing the tension force T and
the weight. Eliminating tension force T and rearranging terms yields the equations:
=Fr = Tr = m(g-a)r = I = I(a/r) (4)
=a/r Þ = m(g-a)r = I(a/r) = I (5)
= I or m(g-a)r = I (6)
Now we can find the moment of inertia. After you have made measurements, you will be
able to calculate the driving torque: =m(g-a)r for each mass. Once we know the value of
the torque and the angular acceleration, we can calculate the moment of inertia simply dividing
the torque by angular acceleration = I so I = .
M7-2 Experiment M7 Purdue University - Physics 22000
A rotating platform has an angular velocity ( ) measured in radians per second. The
relation between the angular velocity and linear (tangential) velocity is similar to that between
angular and linear accelerations: v = r.
Kinetic energy (KE) of the rotating object is given by the following equation:
1 2 1 æv ö
KE = I = Iç ÷ , KE is measured in joules (J). (8)
2 2 èr ø
The Aluminum disk can be attached to the Rotary Motion Sensor (RMS) by screwing the
disk to a 3-step pulley. A black ring is placed on top of the Aluminum disk and is held in place
by two notches that allow the ring not to slip off the disk. A string, which is redirected by the
clamp-on Super Pulley, carries a mass m. The string is wound around the 3-step pulley directly
under the Aluminum disk.
Experiment M7 Purdue University - Physics 22000 M7-3
NOTE: The clamp-on Super Pulley must be adjusted at an angle so the thread runs in a line
tangent to the point where it leaves the 3-step pulley and straight down the middle of the groove
on the clamp-on Super Pulley.
Activity 1: Moment of Inertia
Download files for experiment M7 from Brightspace page for Physics 220.
In this activity, you will calculate the combined moment of inertia of the small Aluminum
disk and the black ring. You will use the theoretical formulas for the moment of inertia of a
1 Rotary Motion Sensor – Instruction Manual by PASCO Scientific, 1996, pp. 3, 16.
M7-4 Experiment M7 Purdue University - Physics 22000
disk and a ring. The rest of the apparatus, i.e., the 3-step pulley, is less than 1% of the overall
moment of inertia and should not play a major role in calculations (you may ignore it).
Remove the black ring and unscrew the Aluminum disk from the Rotary Motion Sensor
(RMS). Measure the mass the black ring and the Aluminum disk and record them on the data
sheets. Use the digital caliper to find the radius of the Aluminum disk and the inner and outer
radius of the black ring. When finding the radius, it will be easier to find the diameter and
divide by two. Ask your TA if you need help with the caliper. Using these values, calculate
the theoretical value of the total moment of inertia of the Aluminum disk and the black ring
In this activity, you will measure angular acceleration due to a descent of a known mass.
Then, you will calculate the moment of inertia of the Aluminum disk and the black ring
combined. The time of descent is proportional to the moment of inertial of the disk + ring and
inversely proportional to the mass of the hanging object.
Before putting the Aluminum disk and the black ring system back on top of the Rotary
Motion Sensor, measure and record the radius of the middle disk on the 3-step pulley. This
middle disk on the 3-step pulley is where you will wind the string around. You should use the
caliper to measure the disk's radius. Do not confuse the radius with disk's diameter.
For each trial, wind enough string around the middle disk of the 3-step pulley. Start
recording data. As soon as a couple of data points appear on the screen, release the weight.
Allow the weight to fall from the extension rod to the table. When the weight reaches the table,
slowly stop the Rotary Motion Sensor. Focus on the constant angular acceleration section of
the graph; this should be the flat part of the graph. Use the “Smart Tool” button to read
the average value of the angular acceleration. Ignore the sign of the angular acceleration, i.e.,
use the absolute value. The sign of the angular acceleration simply indicates the direction of
the rotation and is not going to change the moment of inertia. You may also use the “Data
Highlighter” tool to select data points that have approximately constant value (ignoring
points at the beginning and points after the weight hit the “landing” foam. This method allows
you to find more accurate average angular acceleration value in the selected range. Here is an
example image with “Data Highlighter” tool.
Experiment M7 Purdue University - Physics 22000 M7-5
Use masses of 45, 65 and 85 grams. The brass discs are stamped with the mass value and
the plastic hanger mass is equal to 5 grams.
Measure the average acceleration || and then calculate the torque that is applied by the
string with hanging mass to the disk and the ring spinning together with the same angular
velocity. The torque = m(g-a)r = I|AVE| should be proportional to the average angular
acceleration AVE with moment of inertia I as the proportionality constant. Calculate the
moment of inertia I for each value of the hanging mass. Next, calculate the average value of
the moment of inertia for the disk and the ring combined in Activity 2.
Find the percent difference between the value of the moment of inertia (for the disk and
the ring combined) measured in Activity 2 versus the combined moment of inertia from
Activity 1.
Warning: In Activities 3 and 4 you will need to be very careful. You will be spinning on a
platform. If at any time you feel disoriented or sick while spinning, immediately stop
and get off the platform.
M7-6 Experiment M7 Purdue University - Physics 22000
The platform tops are free to rotate. Hold the platform steady while one person from your
group sits down carefully on top of it. Do not allow anyone to stand on the platform. The
person should sit near the center of the platform because the moment of inertia is affected by
the distribution of the mass about the axis of rotation. Make sure that the person’s legs and
feet are completely on the platform (do not allow them to dangle over the side).
Once the person is situated on the platform, hand the person the two equal weights. Put
one weight in each hand. Have the person extend his/her arms so that the weights are away
from the person’s body. Because the space around the platform is limited, you need to make
sure that the weights will not hit any of the chairs or table legs.
Do not spin the platform too fast. Remember, what may look slow to you, may be too
fast for the person on the platform. Always listen to your partner. If at any time the person
wishes to get off the platform, immediately begin to gently slow and then stop the platform.
Once you have made sure that the person sitting on the platform and holding the weights
will not bump into anything, provide a torque and allow the platform to spin. After the platform
has spun around several times, tell the person to quickly move the weights in towards his/her
body. Observe the resulting changes in the person’s angular velocity.
Experiment M7 Purdue University - Physics 22000 M7-7
When the platform has spun around several more times, have the person slowly extend the
weights back to the original position. Again, note any resulting changes in the person’s angular
velocity. When finished, slow and then stop the platform. Take the weights from the person
and then hold the platform steady while the person gets off the platform.
Allow someone else to get onto the platform and repeat the activity. Repeat this procedure
for each person in your group. When you are all finished, answer the questions on your data
Warning: In this activity you will be using a spinning bicycle wheel. When walking
across the room, handing the wheel to the person on the platform or
manipulating the wheel while on the platform, always maintain a firm grasp
on the axis of rotation. When handing the wheel to the person sitting on the
platform make sure that he/she has control of the wheel before you let go.
Because the wheel is spinning, it has a large angular momentum and energy,
so please be careful.
Hold the top of the platform steady while one person from your group carefully sits down
near the center of the platform. Do not allow anyone to stand on the platform.
M7-8 Experiment M7 Purdue University - Physics 22000
Along the axis of rotation of the bicycle wheel, there are two rods (two handles). Even
when these rods are held firmly, the wheel is free to rotate. Take the bicycle wheel over to the
spinner. Firmly grip the bicycle wheel along the axis of rotation with both hands, one on the
rod below the wheel and one on the rod above. The spinner is operated by a foot pedal. While
pushing down on the pedal with your foot, hold the wheel against the spinning metal. The
wheel should begin to rotate. Hold the wheel away from your body because any contact with
your body or your clothing will cause the wheel to slow down. Hold the wheel against the
spinner until it begins to rotate quickly (maximum angular speed is about 300 rpm).
Carefully bring the wheel back to your platform being sure that it does not come into
contact with your body or clothing. Hand the bicycle wheel to the person sitting on the
platform with the axis of the wheel horizontal. Make sure that the person has control of the
wheel before you let go.
While firmly gripping the rods (handles), the person on the platform should turn the wheel
90˚, so that its axis of rotation is vertical, then flip it 180 (upside down). Hold each position
for a few seconds so that the group may observe what happens to the motion of the person on
the platform. Repeat the wheel positions several times until the wheel slows or stops spinning.
Experiment M7 Purdue University - Physics 22000 M7-9
When the person on the platform is finished, slow and then stop the platform. Take the
wheel from the person and hold the platform steady while the person gets off the platform.
Let another person from your group get onto the platform and repeat the activity. Repeat
this procedure for each person in your group. When you are all finished, answer the questions
from the data sheets.