College of Teacher Education: Technology For Teaching and Learning II
College of Teacher Education: Technology For Teaching and Learning II
College of Teacher Education: Technology For Teaching and Learning II
Professionalism | Spirituality
Instruction: Complete the table below by providing the difference in terms of teacher, students
and instruction then and now.
Then Now
1. Traditional role as the primary source of 1. Facilitator of learning, guiding students to
knowledge and authority. explore and discover knowledge.
2. Lecture-based approach with limited 2. Engages students through interactive and
student interaction. collaborative learning activities.
3. Emphasis on content delivery and rote 3. Focus on critical thinking, problem-solving,
memorization. and application of knowledge.
4. Limited use of technology in teaching. 4. Integration of technology for interactive
learning experiences.
5. Hierarchical classroom structure with 5. Collaborative environment encouraging
minimal student input. student participation and feedback.
Then Now
1. Passive recipients of information, expected 1. Active participants in the learning process,
to memorize facts. encouraged to inquire, analyze, and apply
2. Limited access to information beyond 2. Access to wealth of online resources,
textbooks and classroom resources. enabling self-directed learning and research.
3. Individual learning with minimal 3. Collaborative learning, group projects, and
collaboration. peer-to-peer interactions.
4. Evaluation based on standardized tests and 4. Assessment through diverse methods
exams. including projects, presentations, and real-
world applications.
5. Limited autonomy in learning, following a 5. Encouraged to pursue personalized
prescribed curriculum. learning paths and explore diverse interests.
Then Now
1. Teacher-centered instruction with a focus 1. Student- centered approach, emphasizing
on content deliver. active learning and engagement.
2. Emphasis on memorization and repetition 2. Focus on understanding, application, and
of facts. critical thinking skills.
3. Rigid curriculum with limited flexibility. 3. Flexible curriculum catering to diverse
learning styles and individual needs.
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity |
Professionalism | Spirituality
Short Discussion: