High Throughput Implementation of The Keccak Hash
High Throughput Implementation of The Keccak Hash
High Throughput Implementation of The Keccak Hash
High Throughput Implementation of the Keccak
Hash Function Using the Nios-II Processor †
Argyrios Sideris * , Theodora Sanida and Minas Dasygenis
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, Kozani 50131, Greece;
[email protected] (T.S.); [email protected] (M.D.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +30-24610-33101
† This paper is an extended version of our paper published in 8th International Conference on Modern Circuit
and System Technologies on Electronics and Communications (MOCAST 2019), Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-15
May 2019.
Abstract: Presently, cryptographic hash functions play a critical role in many applications, such as
digital signature systems, security communications, protocols, and network security infrastructures.
The new standard cryptographic hash function is Secure Hash Algorithm 3 (SHA-3), which is
not vulnerable to attacks. The Keccak algorithm is the winner of the NIST competition for the
adoption of the new standard SHA-3 hash algorithm. In this work, we present hardware throughput
optimization techniques for the SHA-3 algorithm using the Very High Speed Integrated Circuit
Hardware Description Language (VHDL) programming language for all output lengths in the Keccak
hash function (224, 256, 384 and 512). Our experiments were performed with the Nios II processor on
the FPGA Arria 10 GX (10AX115N2P45E1SG). We applied two architectures, one without custom
instruction and one with floating point hardware 2. Finally, we compare the results with other existing
similar designs and found that the proposed design with floating point 2 optimizes throughput (Gbps)
compared to existing FPGA implementations.
Keywords: cryptography; hash algorithm; hash function; Keccak hash function; SHA-3; sponge
function; FPGA; Nios II processor
1. Introduction
Science of cryptography is the information protection technique to encrypt, store and secure data
when transmitted, to prevent reading of private information by intruders or public. Cryptography
provides many security enchantments to obviate a security problem and is widely used today, due to
its assurance benefits. Critical aspects of cryptography are to offer control, integrity, confidentiality,
non-disclaimer, and authentication of the data. Cryptography is a prominent technique used
extensively in security.
In recent years, security has been a critical issue in many security applications, such as networking,
communication and data authentication in systems. Due to the rapid development of the Internet,
security such as authentication must be implemented and maintained to ensure the integrity of
information. Hash functions are used in authentication mechanisms, such as the Hashed Message
Authentication Code (HMAC) [1], Digital Signatures [2], Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) [3],
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) [4] and network security [5,6].
Presently, legacy architectures of hash functions are ideal candidates for attack using modern
cryptanalysis techniques. Serious attacks against SHA-1 were published in [7]. After the successful
attacks on SHA-1, it was decided by the NIST to move to SHA-2. The SHA-2 function include in the
same general hash function family of SHA-1 so that similar cryptanalysis methods could succeed in
the attack [8].
This has led the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to look for new and safer
hashing algorithms. Thus, a new cryptographic hash function standard, the Secure Hash Algorithm
3 (SHA-3), has been developed that offers a high level of security. SHA-3 is based on the Keccak
algorithm and adopted as a standard by NIST [9].
In our conference paper [10] we implemented the SHA-2 hash algorithm as a custom hardware
accelerator, in three different architectures: without custom instruction, with floating point 1 and
floating point 2 Intel IP cores. Our architectures are implemented on a Altera DE2-115 Development
and Education Board carrying a Cyclone IV E (EP4C115F29C7) architecture and use a Nios II soft core
processor. The results showed, at the speed of the SHA-2 hash algorithm increased by 7% and 11%
and the count of cycles reduced by 8% and 14%, respectively.
In this paper, we have enhanced our original research with the following key ideas, techniques and
methodologies. We designed the SHA-3 algorithm in the Keccak hash function for all proposed output
lengths (224, 256, 384 and 512) in the Intel FPGA Arria 10 GX (10AX115N2P45E1SG). We implemented
the SHA-3 algorithm with VHDL programming language. We researched two architectures: the first
was without custom instruction and the second was with floating point hardware 2. We designed
the two architectures with common evaluation criteria such as frequency, throughput, area, efficiency.
Finally, we compared our results with similar published Keccak architectures, found out that they
outperform in terms of throughput and efficiency.
The main contributions of the paper are summarized as follows:
• We designed the Keccak core solution for all the output lengths of the algorithm (224, 256, 384,
and 512).
• We researched on the optimization strategy for the throughput and efficiency of all output lengths
of the Keccak algorithm (SHA-3).
• We performed extensive analysis and compared the throughput and efficiency of our proposed
method with other similar methods.
• For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we provide extensive estimation of performance
and power analysis for all the output lengths for the SHA-3 algorithm.
The structure of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we refer to an overview of research
works similar to ours. In Section 3, we briefly present the Keccak Hash Function. In Section 4, we give
an outline of the procedure followed for implementing SHA-3 on FPGA. In Section 5, we present the
results of our work. Finally, in Section 6 we summarize the conclusions of our research.
2. Related Work
Many researchers proposed several models of the Keccak hash algorithm targetting FPGA devices,
to improve throughput, efficiency, area reduction, and power consumption. However, there is still a
need to improve throughput and efficiency. Research in security is a vivid domain and this is evident
from the plethora of interesting publications. Here, we highlight the ones best connected with our
In [11], the authors deal with the performance efficient SHA-3 candidates implemented in the
hardware. The main purpose of their work is to compare the hash functions using area and throughput.
In their research they use Xilinx FPGA. The throughput achieved for the Keccak hash function is 11.9
Gbps and the covered area (Slices) is 4745. We achieve better results both in the area and throughput.
On this work [12], the authors propose a pipelined Keccak architecture. The proposed Keccak
architecture is implemented on a Xilinx FPGA platform (Virtex-5) and simulated in ModelSim. The
results show that the proposed architecture achieves good results in frequency and throughput. Our
implementation achieves better results in both frequency and throughput.
In [13], the authors address the computational efficiency of SHA-3 candidates in the material.
The main purpose of their work is to compare the effectiveness of architectures for the fragmentation
functions per unit area. Their research is carried out with the Virtex-5 FPGA. The results showed that
Technologies 2020, 8, 15 3 of 14
the proposed architecture achieves good efficiency and throughput. We achieve better results in both
efficiency and throughput.
The authors in [14] propose pipelined, parallel and re-timed architectures in order to increase
efficient and throughput hardware implementations of the Keccak algorithm. The proposed
architectures are implemented on Spartan-3, Virtex-2 and Virtex-4 devices. The results show that the
proposed architectures achieve good results in efficient and throughput. Our implementation achieves
better results in both efficient and throughput.
Compact FPGA implementations of the five SHA-3 finalists are given by kerckhof et al. [15]. In
these implementations, the hash function implemented as a small area coprocessor without using
system external or internal memory. In the best case, low area designs limit the internal data path to
64-bit bus widths.
In [16], the authors commit a detailed hardware performance evaluation of the last round SHA-3
candidates (JH, BLAKE, GROESTL, KECCAK, and SKEIN). They synthesize the hardware designs of
the 5 algorithms using Virtex-5, 6 and 7 FPGA chips to get area, frequency and throughput results.
They illustrated that the KECCAK algorithm outperforms all other SHA-3 finalists algorithms in terms
of clock frequency, area, and throughput.
The two implementations which propose [17] the hardware Keccak hash function described in this
article, have been implemented in a FPGA Virtex-5 device. The author’s design approaches include
the use of DSP blocks that result in minimal use of traditional logical user, such as lookup tables
(LUTs), pipelining that lead to increased time efficiency and combination of the two techniques. Their
experimental results prove that Keccak implementations using the DSP blocks are an inefficient design
method for applications with low complexity requirements.
Evaluation of compact FPGA implementations for all SHA-3 finalists is presented in [18]. He
focuses on area-efficiency and he does not rank the candidates by absolute throughput, but rather by
the area and the throughput-area ratio. Furthermore, he removed the need for extra memory as it used
by the other authors and added 25 ∗ r/d additional clock cycles.
Finally, Pereira et al. [19] present a technique for paralel processing on FPGA and GPU of the
Keccak hash algorithm. They provide the core functionality and the evaluation is performed on an
Xillinx Virtex 5 FPGA. However, the results of the pipeline architecture show that the throughput is 7.7
GB and the efficiency is 2.47 Mbps/Slices at output length r = 576 achieving worse results than our
implementation at the same output length.
All these research projects are aimed at increasing the throughput of the cryptographic hash
function Keccak. In contrast with these authors, we present two architectures of the SHA-3 algorithm in
Keccak hash function, using the Nios-II processor. The first architecture is without custom instruction
and the second is with floating point hardware 2. The two techniques proposed in this document
provide a secure SHA-3 algorithm in Keccak hash function. Our proposed design, using floating point
hardware 2, optimizes throughput (Gbps) and efficiency (Mbps/Slices) compared to existing FPGA
is the state matrix and generates hash output based on sponge construction. Depending on the desired
output length, the algorithm uses two parameters for the sponge construction as shown in Figure 2.
The two input parameters are the bitrate with r-bits, and the capacity with c-bits which determines
the attainable security level. The input message is padded and divided into blocks of r-bits. Function
f is the main processing part and consists of 24 rounds with processes. The function f acts on a state,
with width b = r + c where r is the outer state and c is the inner state.
The processes of function f are theta, rho, pi, chi and iota denoted as θ, ρ, π, χ and ι respectively,
in a state matrix A. Theta, as shown in Equation (1), consists of a parity computation, a rotation of one
position, and a bitwise XOR.
C [ x ] = A[ x, 0] ⊕ A[ x, 1] ⊕ A[ x, 2] ⊕ A[ x, 3] ⊕ A[ x, 4] 0≤x≤4
Theta (θ): D [ x ] = C [ x − 1] ⊕ ROT(C [ x + 1], 1) 0≤x≤4 (1)
A[ x, y] = A[ x, y] ⊕ D [ x ] 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 4
Rho in Equation (2) is a rotation by an offset that depends on the word position, and pi is a
Technologies 2020, 8, 15 5 of 14
Chi in Equation (3) consists of bitwise XOR, NOT, and AND gates.
When these five processes are completed, a round is completed. The Padding function
complements the bits to be processed.
The Keccak function has three different stages, initialization, absorption, and squeezing. In the
absorption phase, the r-bit input message blocks are XORed with the first r-bit of the state and the
resulting outputs are interrelated with the function f . When all message blocks are processed, the
sponge’s construction changes to the compression phase. In the compression phase, the first r-bit of
the state is returned as an output block and is also inserted with the function f . The number of output
blocks can be arbitrary and selected by the user.
The Round Constant function RC [i ] are given in Table 1 and consists of 24 permutations values
that assign 64 bit data to Keccak function. The NIST standard defines the following four versions of the
Keccak sponge function [2] for message M and output length d as shown in Table 2. More information
about Keccak algorithm can be found in [21].
4. Implementation
The advantage of Nios II over MicroBlaze is that it is licensed through a third IP provider for basic
ASICs and their simulation in Synopsys Designware. Figure 3 show operation of the Nios II embedded
processor and how it connects to external custom logic units.
board. Table 4 and Figure 4 show the specifications of the DE5a-Net board [24] that were used for the
SHA-3 implementation.
Parameters Values
Family Intel Arria R 10 GX FPGA
Device 10AX115N2F45E1SG
Memory 2x4GB DDR4 SO-DIMM 2400 MHz SDRAM
System Clock Frequency 50MHz Oscillator
The SHA-3 algorithm was implemented in the Keccak hash function using the VHDL
programming language. Each individual VHDL file was examined separately to verify its functionality.
All tests were performed using the ModelSim 10.6d simulator. Then, in the top module, we designed
and created block diagrams of all individual VHDL files. We then simulated the top module using
ModelSim with valid input samples given in [25]. After verifying the simulation results, we proceeded
to design the Nios II.
The Keccak core supports all the output lengths of the Keccak algorithm (224, 256, 384, and
512). The Keccak core block performs the most important function throughout our system design.
The Keccak core has 24 permutation rounds and each round consists of five sequential phases called
Theta, Rho, Pi, Chi and Iota denoted as θ, ρ, π, χ and ι respectively as Figure 5 shows. Keccak takes
each stage the state array and after applying the corresponding stage function, returns a new updated
state array. The Keccak core has the Control Unit, which is a Finite-State Machine (FSM). The FSM
consists of 5 states:
The design of the Nios II was done using the platform designer. The design of the components
of the system that we implemented, includes Clock, System ID peripheral, On-chip RAM, Parallel
Input Output (PIOs), JTAG-UART, performance counter, DDR4 SDRAM controller, PLL, and Keccak
component. The Nios II processor uses On-chip RAM as operating memory. All data is transferred
from Nios II to Keccak component via Avalon Switch Fabric, as shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 shows the
entire design of our system that we implemented with the Nios II processor.
Figure 6. Data transfer between Avalon Switch Fabric and Keccak Core.
Technologies 2020, 8, 15 9 of 14
Figure 7. The block diagram of the entire system. Nios II system implemented on the DE5a-NET DDR4
Then, using the Pin Planner tool we outsourced the connections for SDRAM, PIOs and
system clocks. Finally, the implemented system design was applied in the FPGA Arria 10 GX
(10AX115N2F45E1SG). By the synthesis report, we get the detailed results for the entire system
design we implemented, such as logic use, total registers, total pins, total block memory bits, total DSP
blocks and total PLLs.
5. Experimental Results
Experiments have been performed in real hardware using FPGA Arria 10 GX
(10AX115N2P45E1SG). The SHA-3 algorithm has been implemented in the Keccak hash function using
the VHDL programming language and the Nios II processor was used for all Keccak algorithm output
lengths (224, 256, 384 and 512).
Table 5. SHA-3 Algorithm with the Keccak hash function synthesis report.
Efficiency = (6)
Table 6 shows the results of our two architectures. The maximum clock frequency is 692 MHz in
both architectures. In the implementation without Custom Instruction the clock number of the five
functions is 27 while in the implementation with floating point hardware 2 it is 24. Area use is specified
with respect to number of slices. Every slice of Arria 10 GX FPGA contains four logic (in ALMs) and
eight storage elements.
Proposed design
Proposed design
Design Without Custom
with FPH2
Area (Slices) 2776 3005
r = 1152 29.525 33.216
r= 1088 27.885 31.370
Throughput (Gbps)
r= 832 21.323 23.989
r= 576 14.762 16.608
r= 1152 10.63 11.05
r= 1088 10.04 10.43
Efficiency (Mbps/Slices)
r= 832 7.68 7.98
r= 576 5.31 5.52
Technologies 2020, 8, 15 11 of 14
Tables 7 and 8 show the comparison with other similar architectures, getting the best proposed
implementation, in terms of throughput and efficiency. The existing implementations we have found,
support the results of their research by simulating Modelsim so our implementation shows, in some
cases, an increase in Area (Slices).
Table 7. Throughput results and comparison. With bold is ours experimental results.
The proposed design with floating point hardware 2 achieves the highest throughput and
efficiency, compared to the optimum implementations of other similar architectures. The results
show that our architecture achieves a reduction in the number of clock cycles.
Table 8. Efficiency results and comparison. With bold is ours experimental results.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.S.; Formal analysis, T.S.; Investigation, A.S. and T.S.; Methodology,
A.S. and T.S.; Project administration, A.S. and M.D.; Supervision, M.D.; Writing–original draft, A.S. and T.S.;
Writing–review and editing, T.S. and M.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: Intel very kindly donated to our research team a Terasic DE5a-Net Arria 10 GX FPGA
Development Kit and 30 floating license, though the Intel FPGA University Program. In this article, we document
our experiments with this FPGA board.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
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