Condie 2012
Condie 2012
Condie 2012
Gondwana Research
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GR focus review
The building blocks of continental crust: Evidence for a major change in the tectonic
setting of continental growth at the end of the Archean
Kent C. Condie a,⁎, Alfred Kröner b
Department of Earth and Environmental Science, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, Socorro, New Mexico 87801, USA
Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Mainz, 55099 Mainz, Germany, and Beijing SHRIMP Center, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, 26 Baiwanzhuang Road, 100037 Beijing, China
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Oceanic arcs are commonly cited as primary building blocks of continents, yet modern oceanic arcs are most-
Received 8 August 2011 ly subducted. Also, lithosphere buoyancy considerations show that oceanic arcs (even those with a felsic
Received in revised form 26 September 2011 component) should readily subduct. With the exception of the Arabian–Nubian orogen, terranes in post-
Accepted 29 September 2011
Archean accretionary orogens comprise b 10% of accreted oceanic arcs, whereas continental arcs compose
Available online 22 October 2011
40–80% of these orogens. Nd and Hf isotopic data suggest that accretionary orogens include 40–65% juvenile
crustal components, with most of these (>50%) produced in continental arcs.
Oceanic arcs Felsic igneous rocks in oceanic arcs are depleted in incompatible elements compared to average continental
Continental growth crust and to felsic igneous rocks from continental arcs. They have lower Th/Yb, Nb/Yb, Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios,
Arc accretion reflecting shallow mantle sources in which garnet did not exist in the restite during melting. The bottom line
Continental crust production of these geochemical differences is that post-Archean continental crust does not begin life in oceanic arcs. On
the other hand, the remarkable similarity of incompatible element distributions in granitoids and felsic vol-
canics from continental arcs is consistent with continental crust being produced in continental arcs.
During the Archean, however, oceanic arcs may have been thicker due to higher degrees of melting in the
mantle, and oceanic lithosphere would be more buoyant. These arcs may have accreted to each other and to
oceanic plateaus, a process that eventually led to the production of Archean continental crust. After the Archean,
oceanic crust was thinner due to cooling of the mantle and less melt production at ocean ridges, hence, oceanic
lithosphere is more subductable. Widespread propagation of plate tectonics in the late Archean may have led
not only to rapid production of continental crust, but to a change in the primary site of production of con-
tinental crust, from accreted oceanic arcs and oceanic plateaus in the Archean to primarily continental
arcs thereafter.
© 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
2. Data input and uncertainties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
3. Post-Archean (b 2.5 Ga) arcs and continental growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
3.1. Subduction of oceanic arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
3.2. Distribution of arcs in accretionary orogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
3.3. Where is juvenile crust produced in accretionary orogens? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
3.4. Felsic components in oceanic arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
4. Discussion and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Appendix A. Supplementary data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K.C. Condie).
1342-937X/$ – see front matter © 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K.C. Condie, A. Kröner / Gondwana Research 23 (2013) 394–402 395
both of which are island arcs, this is not always the case. Island arcs
Central Asian
Nd and Hf isotopic results to estimate the juvenile fractions. From these collisions (Celebes and Taiwan), all of these arcs appear to be sub-
results we use a value of 90% for the juvenile component of oceanic tec- ducting (Yamamoto et al., 2009b). The best documented example of
tonic settings (crust, arc, island, rifted margin and plateau); in contrast, a modern subducting oceanic arc is the Izu-Bonin arc, which is
our estimates for continental arcs range from 40 to 50%. To assess uncer- being subducted beneath Honshu in Japan (Yamamoto et al., 2009b;
tainties in these percentages, we have varied estimates from 80 to 100% Isozaki et al., 2010; Stern, 2011). This arc, which is even thicker
juvenile input for oceanic settings and from 30 to 60% for continental arcs (20–35 km) than the Cloos upper limit of 15 km, has been subducting
and find relatively small changes (b 30%) in the estimated volumes of ju- beneath Japan for at least the last 17 Ma. Seismic tomographic images
venile input for specific accretionary orogens. Our final estimates for show that although a minor amount is being scraped off the top dur-
each terrane are summarized in Appendix 1. ing collision, most of the arc is subducting into the mantle. Another
case for on-going accretion of an oceanic arc to continental crust is
3. Post-Archean (b2.5 Ga) arcs and continental growth recorded by the collision of the Luzon arc with Taiwan (Defant et
al., 1990; Clift et al., 2010). Two factors seem to account for the arc ac-
3.1. Subduction of oceanic arcs cretion (Dimalanta and Yumul, 2004): 1) the Luzon arc has an unusu-
ally thick crust (26–30 km) and thus the oceanic lithosphere is
An obvious constraint on whether oceanic arcs are important in relatively buoyant, and 2) there is a significant transcurrent compo-
continental growth is to see whether modern oceanic arcs are sub- nent along the collisional boundary.
ducting or accreting to continental margins. Cloos (1993) was one Hence, both buoyancy considerations and observed collisions of
of the first to evaluate the buoyancy effect on terranes colliding oceanic arcs with continental crust show that oceanic arcs should
with continental crust and whether such terranes should subduct or mostly subduct. If we assume that 20 km is approximately the
accrete. He showed that a density contrast of ≥0.1 g/cm 3 between upper limit for an arc to completely subduct (Fig. 2), most oceanic
converging plates is required for subduction of the plate with greatest arcs should partly or completely subduct.
density. Furthermore, his analysis indicates that only oceanic
arcs ≥ 15 km thick resist subduction and at least partially accrete to 3.2. Distribution of arcs in accretionary orogens
continental margins. Stern (2011) has argued that oceanic arcs can
entirely disappear from the geologic record by subduction. Recent The final test of how important oceanic arcs are to continental
studies of Hatcher et al. (2011) show that if there is a felsic compo- growth is that of just how abundant they are in accretionary orogens.
nent present (as for instance in the Izu Bonin arc), some of the arc From the data in Appendix 1, the relative abundances of tectonic set-
may be underplated beneath the over-riding plate. Because many tings in post-Archean arcs are shown in Fig. 1. Although there is con-
modern oceanic arcs have thicknesses b15 km, they should readily siderable variability in tectonic setting abundances between orogens,
subduct (Fig. 2). Continental arcs, in contrast, which typically have it is very clear that with exception of the Arabian–Nubian orogen,
crustal thicknesses of >30 km should not subduct. Surprisingly, oceanic arcs are not an important component of accretionary orogens.
buoyancy considerations indicate that oceanic plateaus also must be Less than 10% of the American Cordillera and Appalachian orogens
≥30 km to resist subduction. comprise remnants of oceanic arcs (Condie and Chomiak, 1996; Monger
These predictions are testable by studies of modern oceanic arcs and Nokleber, 1996; Nance et al., 2002; Condie, 2007; Murphy et al.,
colliding with continental crust (Hall, 2008; Yamamoto et al., 2011) and in Japan the volume is b2% (Isozaki, 1996; Isozaki et al.,
2009a; Xiao et al., 2010a). Classic examples occur in Indonesia and 2010; Jahn, 2010; Xiao et al., 2010a, 2010b). With exception of the Talk-
the Philippines where several oceanic arcs are colliding with conti- eetna arc that accreted to Alaska 150 Ma (Clift et al., 2005; Rioux et al.,
nental margins. With exception of two arcs with transpressive 2007), most accreted oceanic arcs in the Cordillera and Appalachians
are small, highly deformed remnants scraped off and squeezed between
other terranes (Hatcher, 1987; Murphy et al., 2004; Johnston, 2008;
5 Murphy et al., 2011). Although Sengör et al. (1993) and Sengör and
Oceanic arcs Natal'in (1996) reported oceanic arcs in the Central Asian orogen,
Continental arcs later studies have not confirmed these observations. Recent studies
Subductable Nonsubductable or
show that on average, the Central Asian orogen contains only about
partly subductable 10% of oceanic arcs (Badarch et al., 2002; Windley et al., 2007; Sun et
al., 2008; Rojas-Agramonte et al., 2011). Only in the Neoproterozoic
Arabian–Nubian orogen do oceanic arcs exceed 20%, averaging about
40% (Stern, 2002; Hargrove et al., 2006; Ali et al., 2009) (Fig. 1). If we in-
clude the modern Sundaland orogen in Indonesia, studies show that
most colliding oceanic arcs in this orogen do not survive, with an aver-
age of only 10% of the orogen comprising accreted (or accreting) oceanic
arcs (Hall, 2008). The Mazatzal-Yavapai orogen in the southwestern
United States is perhaps the only Paleoproterozoic accretionary orogen
where terranes and tectonic settings have been quantitatively described
(Condie, 1986; Karlstrom et al., 2001). If the outcrops of this orogen are
representative, again oceanic arcs seem to comprise b10% by volume.
The most widespread tectonic setting in all but the Sundaland oro-
gen is that of continental arcs, which make up 40–80% of accretionary
terranes. Phanerozoic orogens typically contain around 50% of conti-
0 nental arcs (Fig. 1). These arcs, which include large amounts of felsic
12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 to intermediate volcanics, formed on older felsic crust or in a few in-
Crustal Thickness (km) stances, formed on accreted oceanic arcs (such as the Talkeetna arc in
Alaska [Clift et al., 2005]). When deeper levels of erosion expose the
Fig. 2. Crustal thickness distribution in arcs.
root zones of these arcs, calc-alkaline batholiths are widespread
Chief sources including the literature cited in these sources: Miller and Christensen
(1994); Fliedner and Klemperer (2000), Holbrook et al. (1999), Tatsumi et al. (2008), (Lee et al., 2007). In the Cordillera and Appalachians, most continen-
Condie (2011), and Hughes and Mahood (2011). tal arcs erupted onto older continental crust, and in the case of the
K.C. Condie, A. Kröner / Gondwana Research 23 (2013) 394–402 397
Cumulative Percent
South America, where subduction erosion recycles continental crust 43%
back into the mantle (Stern, 2011).
Other tectonic settings in accretionary orogens vary considerably
in relative abundance. Micro-cratons, which represent rifted pieces
of Precambrian cratons, comprise significant volumes of the Cordille- 30
ra, Appalachian, Central Asian and Sundaland orogens. Examples in-
clude Avalonia in the Appalachian orogen and Tarim on the margin
of the Central Asian orogen. In contrast, accreted micro-cratons are 20
trivial in the Japan, Arabian–Nubian and Proterozoic Laurentia oro-
gens (Morag et al., 2011) (Fig. 1). Oceanic LIPs and islands also com-
prise a small proportion of orogens, reaching an average maximum of 10
about 10% in Japan and the Central Asian orogens. Oceanic crust can
be accreted either as ophiolites (incl. dismembered ophiolites) or as
remnants of ocean-floor volcanics and pelagic sediments, but only Cordillera Appalachians Japan ANS Central Asian Proterozoic
in the Japan orogen does it comprise a significant volume of the ac- n = 68 n = 43 n = 19 n = 13 n = 25 SWNA
creted terranes (Isozaki, 1996). n = 17
garnet did not remain in the restite. These differences are also evident
on the Pearce diagram showing Th/Yb vs Nb/Yb (Fig. 6). These element
100 ratios clearly separate the MORB-OIB mantle array from a subduction
component as recorded by enrichment in Th relative to Yb. The modern
arc array is also shown on the figure. Although most arc felsic igneous
rocks fall in or above this arc array on Fig. 6, only felsic components
PM-Normalized Value
from continental arcs have high values of both ratios and are similar
in composition to average upper and bulk continental crust. The rela-
10 tively low Yb in these rocks again points to residual garnet in the
sources. In contrast, oceanic arc felsic components have strikingly low
values of these ratios recording thinner crust, no residual garnet in the
sources, and sources depleted in Th relative continental arcs. Felsic com-
ponents from LIPs show considerable variation, depending on whether
1 they have a subduction component in their sources (Fig. 6). Felsic igne-
ous rocks from ophiolites (mostly plagiogranites) fall just above the
MORB-OIB array, showing that they have a minor subduction
Continental arc component.
Oceanic arc
The bottom line of these geochemical differences is that continental
crust does not begin life in oceanic arcs. Accretion of oceanic arcs to con-
0. tinents does not yield the correct composition for significant felsic
Rb Ba Th Nb Ta La Ce Sr Nd Zr Hf Sm Eu Ti Gd Y Yb
input. On the other hand, the remarkable similarity of incompatible el-
Fig. 4. Primitive-mantle normalized incompatible element distributions in average ement distributions in granitoids and felsic volcanics from continental
upper continental crust (UC) compared to average felsic igneous rocks from continen- arcs is consistent with most continental crust being produced in conti-
tal and oceanic arcs. nental arcs.
Sources: UC, Rudnick and Gao (2003); continental and oceanic arcs, Append. 2; primitive
mantle (PM), Sun and McDonough (1989).
4. Discussion and conclusions
is illustrated in Fig. 5 where (La/Yb)n and Sr/Y ratios each lie in the Although most post-Archean oceanic arcs appear to have been
range of 5 to100. Felsic LIPs (large igneous provinces) also typically largely subducted as discussed above, Draut et al. (2002; 2009)
fall at the low end of this range. In contrast, felsic igneous components have made a case for accretion of two early Paleozoic oceanic arcs
formed in oceanic arcs have very low values of these ratios (typically b 3 to continental crust in Ireland. The accretion resulted in production
for [La/Yb]n and b 10 for Sr/Y; Fig. 5), similar to ratios in plagiogranites of felsic magmas that were both intruded and extruded and may
from ophiolites. These magmas formed at shallower depths where have contributed to production of new continental crust. However,
the average composition of felsic components in these oceanic arcs
Oceanic arcs falls with continental arcs on both the La/Yb–Sr/Y and Th/Yb–Nb/Yb
Continental arcs FELSIC IGNEOUS ROCKS graphs (Figs. 5 and 6), indicating that when the felsic magmas were
LIP felsics produced the accreted oceanic arcs had thickened and evolved into
Ophiolite felsics continental arcs. Thus, the felsic input that “drove” the composition
Oceanic arcs
WI 10 LIP felsics EPRB
10 Ophiolite felsics WI
1 Whundo
Upper Continental Crust
Archean Upper Continental Crust 0.1
Bulk Continental Crust
0.1 1 10 100 1000
Upper Continental Crust
Archean Upper Continental Crust
Fig. 5. Distribution of felsic igneous rocks from different tectonic settings on a (La/Yb)
Bulk Continental Crust
n–Sr/Y diagram. Data from Condie (2008) and Appendix 2. Felsic igneous rocks include
volcanic, hypabyssal, and plutonic components (pre-collisional granitoids only). LIP, large 0.01
igneous province; WI and EI, average felsic igneous rocks from western and eastern Ireland 0.1 1 10 100
(Draut et al., 2002; 2009); EPRB and WPRB, eastern and western Peninsular Range batho- Nb/Yb
lith, California (Lee et al., 2007); Izu, Kofu granitic complex, Izu-Bonin arc (Saito et al.,
2007); Whundo arc, western Pilbara, Western Australia (Smithies et al., 2005). Each data Fig. 6. Distribution of felsic igneous rocks from different tectonic settings on a Th/Yb–Nb/Yb
point is the average value from a given site and continental crust averages are from Rudnick diagram (after Pearce, 2008). Data from Condie (2008) and Appendix 2. Other information
and Gao (2003). in Fig. 5.
K.C. Condie, A. Kröner / Gondwana Research 23 (2013) 394–402 399
of the mafic arc to a composition like continental crust occurred after GREENSTONE BASALTS
the oceanic arc had accreted and evolved into a continental arc (or
perhaps in part during accretion). Whatever the processes of melting
and delamination that led to production of the felsic igneous rocks, 0.9
they clearly occurred in a continental and not an oceanic setting.
The possibility of rapid evolution of accreted oceanic arcs into con- 0.8
tinental margin arcs has been pointed out by previous investigators 80
(Pearcy et al., 1990; DeBari and Sleep, 1991; Lee et al., 2007). Lee et
Arc/(Arc + Non-arc)
al. (2007) proposed that two geochemically different phases of the 0.7 45
Pennisular Range batholith in southern California reflect an accreted
oceanic arc (western phase WPRB) and a continental arc (eastern 0.6
phase EPRB), respectively. On our geochemical diagrams (Figs. 5
and 6), the average composition of both phases plots with continental
arc felsic components (WPRB perhaps overlapping with oceanic arc
felsics [Fig. 5]). Again, this suggests that both phases of the batholith
formed in a continental arc environment. Another example of a con- 0.4 20
tinental batholith produced during and after collision of an oceanic
arc with continental crust is the Tanzawa plutonic complex in Japan,
where the Izu-Bonin arc is being subducted beneath Honshu (Tani
et al., 2011b). Hence, it appears that calc-alkaline batholiths are pro-
duced only after accretion and thickening during and after collision 0.2
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
of oceanic arcs with continental crust. Such a condition is necessary
Age (Ma)
for the arc root to begin to melt and produce felsic magmas with con-
tinental rather than oceanic geochemical signatures. Fig. 7. The ratio of arc to non-arc + arc greenstones with age. Arc and non-arc green-
Another line of evidence that has been used to support oceanic stone basalts are distinguished using a combination of geochemical and lithologic
arcs in making continents is that high-Mg andesite may be the prima- data as described in Condie (1994; 2003; 2005); data are also given in these sources,
although spreadsheets are continually updated with new published results. Number
ry magma type in most or some oceanic arcs. Because high-Mg andes-
refers to the number of greenstones, vertical bars to one standard deviation of the
ite is similar in composition to average bulk continental crust mean values.
(Kelemen, 1995; Tatsumi, 2006), continental crust may be the product
of in-situ fractionation of high-Mg andesite magma giving rise to felsic
components and depleted mafic/ultramafic components, the latter of andesites to total (largely mafic) volcanics can serve as an approxi-
which delaminate and are returned to the mantle. If this mechanism mate proxy for the ratio of continental to oceanic arcs in arc-type
is viable, oceanic arcs could indeed be important building blocks of con- greenstones. This ratio shows a dramatic change at the end of the Ar-
tinental crust. However, continental crust is complex and includes chean, before which the ratio is mostly b0.5 and after which it is com-
many components of different volumes, composition and age. Some monly >0.5 (Fig. 8). There are only two arcs in our Archean arc
components are exotic and have been tectonically mixed into the greenstone database (Norseman–Wiluna in Western Australia and
crust during plate collisions. In places, such as the Archean of southern Nyanzian in Kenya) that are typical continental arcs. If we use a
India, even the deep crust includes large volumes of sedimentary car- ratio of 0.5 as the approximate boundary between oceanic and
bonate and quartzite. Different erosion levels of the continental crust
exposed at Earth's surface and xenolith populations that sample the ARC-TYPE GREENSTONES
lower crust show that continental crust cannot have evolved from one
type of parental magma, such as high-Mg andesite. Any model that
calls upon fractionation of a single magma type to produce continental
crust is completely unrealistic. Thus, a possible similarity in composition 1
of high-Mg andesite and continental crust should not be used to support
a genetic connection between the two.
Although oceanic arcs do not appear to be major components in 0.8
continental growth after the Archean, this may not have been the
case during the Archean, and especially during the late Archean Norseman-Wiluna
when plate tectonics was fully operational (Condie and Kröner, Nyanzian
2008; Wyman and Kerrich, 2009). Archean cratons may be composed
Continental arcs
of accreted terranes (Boily et al., 2009), although not all investigators
Oceanic arcs
agree with this interpretation (Maurice et al., 2009). Many studies
confirm that the Superior craton in Canada comprises accreted ocean- 0.4
ic arcs and oceanic LIPs (Kusky and Polat, 1999), but it also includes
some micro-cratons such as the Minnesota River Valley terrane.
Some investigators have interpreted early and middle Archean green- 0.2
stones in SW Greenland as accreted oceanic arcs (Polat et al., 2008;
Nutman and Friend, 2009). Supporting the widespread distribution
of subduction in the late Archean is a rapid increase in the number 0
of arc-type greenstones, a trend which continues into the early Paleo- 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
proterozoic (Fig. 7) with the greenstones in West Africa and South Age (Ma)
America (Condie, 2003). At these locations, the Birimian and Transa-
Fig. 8. Plot showing the ratio of felsic volcanics (FV)+ andesites (AND) to total volcanics
mazonian greenstones and associated granitoids represent significant in arc greenstones as a function of age. Each point is the average value from a given green-
new additions of continental crust, perhaps still involving oceanic arc stone belt.
collisions (Abouchami et al., 1990). The ratio of felsic volcanics and Data from Condie (1994; 2003; 2005) with continued updates.
400 K.C. Condie, A. Kröner / Gondwana Research 23 (2013) 394–402
Arc-Type Greenstone Basalts arc In contrast, after the Archean, oceanic crust became thinner due to
UC arc continental cooling of the mantle and less melt production at ocean ridges, and
arc oceanic
hence, the oceanic lithosphere should be more subductable. Oceanic
arcs would be less likely to accrete to continental margins. Wide-
1 spread propagation of plate tectonics in the late Archean, thus may
CA have led not only to rapid production of continental crust, but also
OA to a change in the primary site of production of continental crust
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Stern, C.R., 2011. Subduction erosion: rates, mechanisms, and its role in arc magmatism
and the evolution of the continental crust and mantle. Gondwana Research 20,
284–308. Kent Condie is professor of geochemistry at New Mexico
Stern, R.J., 2002. Crustal evolution in the East African Orogen: a neodymium isotopic Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM where
perspective. Journal of African Earth Sciences 34, 109–117. he has taught since 1970. Prior to that time he was at
Stern, R.J., 2008. Neoproterozoic crustal growth: the solid Earth system during a critical Washington University in St. Louis, MO (1964–1970).
episode of Earth history. Gondwana Research 14, 33–50. Textbook, Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution, which is
Stern, R.J., Johnson, P., 2010. Continental lithosphere of the Arabian plate: a geologic, widely used in upper division and graduate courses in
petrologic and geophysical synthesis. Earth-Science Reviews 101, 29–67. the Earth Sciences, was first published in 1976 and has
Sun, S.S., McDonough, W.F., 1989. Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic ba- gone through four later editions. In addition Condie has
salts: implications for mantle composition and processes. In: Saunders, A.S., written a beginning historical geology textbook with
Norry, M.J. (Eds.), Magmatism in Ocean Basins: Geological Society of London, coauthor Robert Sloan, Origin and Evolution of Earth
42, pp. 313–345. Special Publication. (Prentice-Hall, 1998), an advanced textbook, Mantle Plumes
Sun, M., Yuan, C., Xiao, W., Long, X., Xia, X., Zhao, G., Lin, S., Wu, F., Kroener, A., 2008. and Their Record in Earth History (Cambridge University
Zircon U–Pb and Hf isotopic study of gneissic rocks from the Chinese Altai: pro- Press, 2001), and a research treatise, Archean Greenstone
gressive accretionary history in the early to middle Paleozoic. Chemical Geology Belts (Elsevier, 1981). His most recent book, written as an upper division/graduate text-
247, 352–383. book, is Earth as an Evolving Planetary System (Elsevier, 2005; second edition 2011).
Tani, K., Dunkley, D.J., Chang, Q., Hirahara, Y., Shukuno, H., Tatsumi, Y., 2011a. Granite He also has edited two books, Proterozoic Crustal Evolution (Elsevier, 1992) and Archean
knoll: the first direct evidence for the formation of continental like granodiorite Crustal Evolution (Elsevier, 1994). His CD ROM, Plate Tectonics and How the Earth Works
crust in an intra-oceanic arc. VII Hutton Symposium, Granites and Related Rocks, are widely used in upper division Earth Science courses in the United States and Europe.
Avila, Spain, 4–9 July 2011. Condie's research, primarily dealing with the origin and evolution of continents and the
Tani, K., Dunkley, D.J., Kimura, J.-I., Wysoczanski, R.J., Yamada, K., Tatsumi, Y., 2011b. early history of the Earth, has over the years been sponsored chiefly by the U. S. National
Syncollisional rapid granitic magma formation in an arc–arc collision zone: evi- Science Foundation. He is author or co-author of over 800 articles published scientific
dence from the Tanzawa plutonic complex, Japan. Geology 38, 215–218. journals.
Tatsumi, Y., 2006. High-Mg andesites in the Setouchi volcanic belt, Southwestern
Japan: an analogy to Archean magmatism and continental crust formation? Annual
Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 2006 (34), 467–499.
Tatsumi, Y., Shukuno, H., Tani, K., Takahashi, N., Kodaira, S., Kogiso, T., 2008. Structure Alfred Kröner is Professor emeritus at the University of
and growth of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc crust: 2. Role of crust–mantle transfor- Mainz (Germany) and an Honorary Visiting Professor in
mation and the transparent Moho in arc crust evolution. Journal of Geophysical Re- the Beijing SHRIMP Center, Chinese Academy of Geologi-
search 113 BO2203, doi: 10.1029/2007JB005121. cal Sciences. He obtained a PhD from the University of
Taylor, S.R., 1967. The origin and growth of continents. Tectonophysics 4, 17–34. Cape Town, South Africa, in 1968 and worked as an explo-
Van Kranendonk, M.J., 2010. Two types of Archean continental crust: plume and plate ration geologist in Windhok, Namibia, in 1969 before
tectonics on early Earth. American Journal of Science 310, 1187–1209. returning to the University of Cape Town as Senior Research
Wang, C.Y., Campbell, I.H., Allen, C.M., Williams, I.S., Eggins, S.M., 2009. Rate of growth of Fellow of the Precambrian Research Unit (1970–1976). In
the preserved North American continental crust: evidence from Hf and O isotopes 1977 he was appointed to the Chair of General and Regional
in Mississippi detrital zircons. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 712–728. Geology at the University of Mainz that he occupied until
Windley, B.F., Alexeiev, D., Xiao, W., Kröner, A., Badarch, G., 2007. Tectonic models for 2006. He was a Visiting Scientist at Stanford University,
accretion of the Central Asian orogenic belt. Journal of the Geological Society of USA, the Australian National University in Canberra, as well
London 164, 31–47. as Curtin University of Technology and the University of
Wyman, D., Kerrich, R., 2009. Plume and arc magmatism in the Abitibi subprovince: Western Australia (UWA), both in Perth. He is a Honorary Fellow of the Geological Soci-
implications for the origin of Archean continental lithosphere mantle. Precambrian eties of America and South Africa, a Honorary Professor of Northwestern University, Xi'an,
Research 168, 4–22. China, and was Vice-President of the European Geoscience Union (2000–2003). He was
Xiao, W., Han, C., Yuan, C., Sun, M., Zhao, G., Shan, Y., 2010a. Transitions among also co-editor of Precambrian Research (1984–2007) and is co-editor of Terra Nova and
Mariana-, Japan-, Cordillera- and Alaska-type arc systems and their final juxtapo- Associate Editor of Gondwana Research. His main interest is in Precambrian crustal evo-
sitions leading to accretionary and collisional orogenesis. Geological Society of lution and zircon geochronology.
London 338, 35–53 Special Publication.