P-Adic Analysis Compared To Real, Lecture 1 - F. Hensel, W. Lederle, S. Montemezzani
P-Adic Analysis Compared To Real, Lecture 1 - F. Hensel, W. Lederle, S. Montemezzani
P-Adic Analysis Compared To Real, Lecture 1 - F. Hensel, W. Lederle, S. Montemezzani
Lecture 1
Felix Hensel, Waltraud Lederle, Simone Montemezzani
October 12, 2011
d : X × X −→ R≥0
(1) d(x, y) = 0 ⇐⇒ x = y
Definition 1.2. A sequence (xn ) in a metric space (X, d) is called Cauchy sequence
if ∀ε > 0 ∃N ∈ N such that d(xn , xm ) < ε ∀m, n > N .
(X, d) is a complete metric space if any Cauchy sequence in X has a limit in X.
(1) kxk = 0 ⇐⇒ x = 0
Remark 1.1. A norm k · k on a field F induces a metric on F by:
(b) kxk = k − xk
Proposition 1.2. k · k is non-Archimedean ⇐⇒ knk ≤ 1 ∀n ∈ Z
kx + yk ≤ max{kxk, kyk}.
(i) k · k is Archimedean
(iii) sup{knk : n ∈ Z} = +∞
knk > =⇒ knxk > kyk.
Proposition 1.4. If k · k is non-Archimedean we have:
kxk = kx − a + ak ≤ max{kx − ak, kak} = kak
kak = ka − x + xk ≤ max{ka − xk, kxk}.
Suppose that ka−xk > kxk, then kx−ak ≥ kak which contradicts the assumption.
Therefore we get that kak ≤ kxk and hence kak = kxk.
Proposition 1.5. Any triangle in an ultra-metric space (X, d) is isosceles and the
length of its base does not exceed the length of the other two sides.
Proof. Let x, y, z ∈ F . W.l.o.g. assume that d(x, y) < d(x, z). Then:
Therefore we get that B(a, r) ⊂ B(b, r). Similarly, we get that B(b, r) ⊂ B(a, r)
and thus B(a, r) = B(b, r). This argument can easily be adapted to the case of
closed balls.
However, we will get a field from CF by identifying sequences which should have
the same limit.
First we embed F into CF via the map
F → CF : a 7→ â := (a, a, a, ...).
Note that 0̂ and 1̂ are the neutral elements of addition and multiplication in CF .
N := {(an ) ∈ F N | lim kan k = 0}
be the set of all null sequences in F . Note that N ⊂ CF since every converging
sequence is a Cauchy sequence.
By the above, (bn ) is a Cauchy sequence. Define a null sequence (xn ) as follows
1 if an = 0
xn :=
0 else.
This is a null sequence since for big enough n, all xn are zero. Now,
1 = an b n + x n
where a = (an ) + N .
Proof. If two Cauchy sequences (an ), (bn ) differ only by a null-sequence, then by
Proposition 1.1 we immediately get that
Definition 2.2. The normed field (F̂ , k · k) is called the completion of F with
respect to the norm k · k.
Proof. First we prove the second statement. Let (an ) be a Cauchy sequence in F .
Then, (ân ) is a sequence of (constant) Cauchy sequences and we have
lim kan − am k = 0.
Hence, (ân ) converges to the class represented by (an ). Hence, F is dense in F̂ .
Now let (An ) be a Cauchy sequence of Cauchy sequences in F , hence a repre-
sentative of a Cauchy sequence in F̂ . Since F is dense and An is a Cauchy sequence
for every n, we know that there exists a Cauchy sequence (ân ) for all n such that
An − (ân ) < .
It follows that
(an ) − (An ) = ((an ) − (ân )) − (An − (ân ))
is a null sequence in F̂ . Therefore,
lim k(an ) − An k = 0
The only thing left to check is that the field operations of F̂ come from F in a
continuous way.
Proposition 2.4. Let (an ) and (bn ) be Cauchy sequences in F ⊂ F̂ . Then,
lim (an + bn ) = ( lim an ) + ( lim bn )
n→∞ n→∞ n→∞
lim (an · bn ) = ( lim an ) · ( lim bn )
n→∞ n→∞ n→∞
where we denote the class represented by (an ) also by (an ). Analog for multipli-
and if x 6= −y
a c ad + cb
ordp ( + ) = ordp ( ) = ordp (ad + cb) − ordp (bd) (2)
b d bd
≥ min{ordp (ad), ordp (cb)} − ordp (b) − ordp (d)
= min{ordp (a) + ordp (d), ordp (c) + ordp (b)} − ordp (b) − ordp (d)
= min{ordp (a) − ordp (b), ordp (c) − ordp (d)}
a c
= min{ordp ( ), ordp ( )}
b d
Definition 3.2. On Q we define the p-adic norm
−ord (x)
p p
, if x 6= 0
|x|p =
0, if x = 0
from (2).
Remark 3.2. Unlike the euclidean norm on Q, given two numbers a, b ∈ Q with
|a|p < |b|p we can’t always find a third number c ∈ Q so that |a|p < |c|p < |b|p . In
particular, |.|p only takes values in {pk |k ∈ Z} ∪ {0}.
Proposition 3.2. Let d−m 6= 0 and 0 ≤ di < p integers. Then the partial sums of
the series
Proof. Let > 0. Then we can find N ∈ N so that p−N < , and for n, k > N ,
WLOG k > n, we have
X n
X k
di p − di p i
= di pi ≤ max{|dn+1 pn+1 |p , . . . , |dk pk |p } ≤ p−N <
i=−m i=−m p i=n+1 p
Proposition 3.3. Let x ∈ Q with |x|p ≤ 1. Then for any i there is a unique
integer α ∈ {0, 1, . . . , pi − 1} so that |x − α|p ≤ p−i .
Proof. Let x = a/b with a and b relatively prime. Since |x|p = p−ordp (a)+ordp (b) ≤ 1
we get ordp (b) = 0, that is, b and pi are relatively prime for any i. We can then
find integers m and n so that npi + mb = 1. For α = am we get
a a
|α − x|p = am − = |mb − 1|p ≤ |mb − 1|p = |npi |p = |n|p p−i ≤ p−i
b p b p
Theorem 3.4. Let a ∈ Qp with |a|p ≤ 1. Then there is exactly one Cauchy
sequence (an ) representing a so that for any i
i) 0 ≤ ai < pi
ii) ai ≡ ai+1 (mod pi )
Proof. Let (cn ) be a Cauchy sequence representing a. Since |cn |p → |a|p ≤ 1, there
is an N so that |cn |p ≤ 1 for any n > N . (If |a|p = 1 this still holds because of
remark 3.3)
By replacing the first N elements we can find an equivalent Cauchy sequence so
that |bn |p ≤ 1 for any n. Now, for every j = 1, 2, . . . let N (j) be so that N (j) ≥ j
|bi − bi0 |p ≤ p−j ∀i, i0 ≥ N (j)
From the previous proposition we know that for any j we can find integers 0 ≤
aj < pj (condition i)) so that
so |ai − bi | → 0.
Now, to show uniqueness, let (dn ) be another Cauchy sequence satisfying condi-
tions i) and ii) and let (an ) 6= (dn ), that is, for some i0 , ai0 6= di0 . Since ai0 and
di0 are between 0 and pi0 , ai0 6= di0 (mod pi0 ). From condition ii) we have that for
i > i0 , ai = ai0 6= di0 = di (mod pi0 ), that is, ai 6= di (mod pi0 ) and therefore
ai = d0 + d1 p + · · · + di−1 pi−1
which we can think of as a number written in base p which keeps extending to the
a = . . . dn . . . d1 d0
Remark 3.5. If a ∈ Qp with |a|p = pm > 1 then a0 = apm satisfies |a0 | = pm p−m = 1
and we can then write
X ∞
a = a0 p−m = p−m ci p i = di pi
i=0 i=−m
with d−m = c0 6= 0 and a becomes a fraction in base p with finitely many digits
after the point and which extends infinitely to the left