Board Game - Over B2

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Let’s talk

Find your question by rolling the dice twice. Talk about the topic or answer the question.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Can you talk Let’s repeat When do you What do you

about three grammar: feel best? In pay attention to Would you like What do you
1 things you like PRESENT the morning, when you meet to live abroad? do to relax?
about TENSES afternoon or new people?
yourself? evening?

Why do you Talk about Let’s repeat If you could

want to Would you like three cities grammar: choose a gift ASK ANY
2 learn/improve to be famous? you would like PASSIVE VOICE for your QUESTION
English? to visit. birthday, what
would you

Do you prefer Talk about three Let’s repeat How do you If you had 1
going to the things you want grammar: Talk about your deal with million $,
3 cinema or to do before the GERUNDS & city or town. stress? Give what would
watching films end of the year. INFINITIVES tips. you do with
at home? this money?

Which is worse
Talk about ASK ANY for your Let’s repeat What things Is it better to
three things QUESTION health: grammar: do you find live in the city
4 which scare smoking or CONDITIONALS difficult to or in the
you. drinking? learn? country?

What do you Talk about What annoys Are you

avoid or advantages and Let’s repeat What is the you about the superstitious?
5 postpone disadvantages grammar: most important place where Do you know
doing? of using modern PAST TENSES invention ever? you live? any
technology. superstitions?

What can you How may your Let’s repeat

6 get addicted What do you do life change in How can you grammar: What do you
to? What to keep fit and the next 5 get rich quickly? FUTURE do when you
addictions are healthy? years? What Give tips. TENSES catch a cold
the most definitely or flu?
harmful? won’t change?

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