The Process of Janusian Thinking in Creativity
The Process of Janusian Thinking in Creativity
The Process of Janusian Thinking in Creativity
Thinking in Creativity
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The Process
of Janusian Thinking in Creativity
Albert Rothenberg, MD, New Haven, Conn
my like-with-like prejudices, I saw all opposite directions [italics mine}. and that it did spark a relatively
The question then became whether new approach to art and modern
too well that they led nowhere. When
the A-T and G-C base pairs would
Jerry Donohue came in I looked up, easily fit the backbone configuration experience.
saw that it was not Francis [Crick],
and began shifting the bases in and
devised during the previous two
weeks. We both knew that we Recent Evidence
out of various other pairing possibili¬ . . .
ties. Suddenly I became aware that an would not be home until a complete
adenine-thymine pair held together by model was built in which all the ster¬ Clinical Evidence.—Later, I will
two hydrogen bonds was identical in eo-chemical contacts were satisfactory. discuss some of the reasons that
There was also the obvious fact that McLuhan's sentence and similar
shape to a guanine-cytosine pair held the implications of its existence were
together by at least two hydrogen formulations are experienced as cre¬
far too important to risk crying wolf.
bonds. All the hydrogen bonds seemed
Thus I felt slightly queasy when at ations. Now, I will briefly specify
to form naturally; no fudging was some further evidence for Janusian
lunch Francis winged into the Eagle
required to make the two types of thinking as a process in creation
base pairs identical in shape. [restaurant] to tell everyone within which has come out of clinical and
hearing distance that we had found
. . .
even be a prior condition for the and formulating its opposite or con¬ radical creation and human crea¬
tradiction simultaneously. An exam¬ tions have often followed such mod¬
ability to have Janusian thoughts. els in kind if not in degree. I will
Creative people are often highly am¬ ple of such a pure Janusian thought
which has so far not led to a crea¬ not pursue this argument further
bivalent in many aspects of their tion (as far as I know) is, "The sun here because I think it is self-evi¬
lives. Ambivalence may be related to will rise tomorrow" simultaneously dent that neither strict determinism
Janusian thinking but it is far accompanied by "The sun will not nor Janusian thinking by itself is
from a sufficient condition for its rise tomorrow." The product of up to explaining such events as
appearance. such a thought, an integration of Shakespeare's Hamlet, Beethoven's
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