College of Teacher Education: Technology For Teaching and Learning II

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Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Mercedes B. Ballos Date Started: 05/07/24

Course & Section: BTLED ICT 3D Date Submitted: 05/10/24
Activity No. : 4 Rating:

Then and Now

Instruction: Complete the table below by providing the difference in terms of teacher, students
and instruction then and now.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.


Then Now
1. Teachers are the primary source of 1. The teacher becomes a facilitator of
knowledge. knowledge.
2. Teacher utilize a curriculum with little 2. Teacher creates different learning
flexibility. strategies.
3. Teacher sets pace for the student to learn. 3. Teacher fosters a self-direction and
motivation for the students.
4. Teacher was more engage in teaching and 4. Teacher emphasizes in collaborative
learning process. learning environments.
5. Teacher uses a limited approach of 5. Teacher now adopt a student-centered
teaching for all of the students approach that meet the diverse needs.
Then Now
1. dependent on teachers 1. more on being independent
2. students are passive learners 2. they are more active learners
3. They sit and get the information. 3. Students are engaged in teaching and
learning process.
4. Students do heavily on memorization of 4. Students do collaboration with peers,
facts and information. create, design and a problem solver.
5. Students are competing with their peers 5. Students tends to develop critical thinking.
for grades and recognition.
Then Now
1. Focuses on inputs of knowledge 1. focuses on what the student can do after
they are taught
2. The delivery of instruction focuses on facts. 2. The instructions should able the students
to inquire.
3. Manual teaching 3. Flexible
4. Uses limited approach that fits for all of the 4. Instruction becomes dynamic in terms of
students. teaching and learning process.
5. Traditional instruction was inflexible and 5. Embrace technology to support learning.
not interactive.
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

Short Discussion:

We used to regard that the student is already educated if they have completed the course
or the set of subjects. However, in today’s education, it emphasizes on what the student can do
after they are being taught. So, there was a change about the role or function of the teacher,
student as well as the instructions.
Before, the education focuses on inputting of knowledge in a way that the teachers do
more of the action to the point where in the students became a passive learner. The reason of that
was also because of the designed instruction. It has a limited teaching Approaches and the teacher
sets pace resulting to less meaningful learning. On the other hand, the Outcome-Based Education
that is applied now enables the student to gain meaningful learning because of the help of the
teacher as a facilitator of knowledge as well as a well-constructed instruction.

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