Epe Bladder Accumulators Catalogue en 032005

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EPE ITALIANA Srl tel. 0039 02 67071076

Viale Delle Rimembranze fax 0039 02 67071055
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I-20125 Milano - Italy
[email protected] EPE ITALIANA Srl
Content Page
1. General 3
2. Main applications 4-5
3. Accumulator selection 6 -17
4. High pressure range 18 - 19
5. Low pressure / Pulsation damper 20 -21
6. ASME U.S. - Range 22
7. Additional gas bottles 23
8. Flanged fluid connections 24
9. Pulse damper connections 25
10. Relief valves - fluid side 26
11. Safety valves gas and fluid sides 27
12. Connection and protection blocks series B10-B20 28 - 29
13. Connection and protection blocks series BS25-BS32 30 - 31
14. Connection blocks series “BC” - gas side 32
15. Support equipments 33
16. Pre-loading and checking set 34 - 35
17. Spare bladders for accumulators 36 - 37
18. Accumulator stations 38
19. Installation 39
20. Checking and charging 40
21. Servicing and maintenance 41 - 42
1 General

1.1 Definition and operation

The hydropneumatic accumulator is a device designed specifically for the storage of liquids under pressure. As liquids are, for all practical
purposes, incompressible, the objective is achieved by utilising the compressibility of gases (fig. 1):

A) A flexible separator bladder is fitted into a pressure vessel

(accumulator shell).

B) Through a special valve an inert gas (nitrogen) is introduced

into the bladder with pressure PO. The bladder expands, filling
the entire volume VO of the accumulator shell.

C) When circuit pressure P1 is higher than the gas precharge pres- P2 - V2

sure PO, the liquid valve opens, and the bladder is compressed
reducing the gas volume to V1.
PO - VO P1 - V1
D) When the liquid pressure rise to P2, the volume of gas reduces
to V2 with an attendant rise in pressure, thus balacing the liquid

This means that the accumulator has been pressurised ∆V=V1-V2

and a potential energy has been created to be utilised as desired A B C D
(refer to section 2).
fig. 1

1.2 Construction features

The EPE Bladder Accumulator comprises a steel shell in which is
fitted a bladder complete with a gas valve and fluid port with the
poppet valve (fig. 2):
Gas valve
• grade
The shell is a pressure vessel forged or fabricated from high
steel designed and manufactured to meet the relevant
international standards.
For special applications various surface coatings are available as
well as a stainless steel construction.

• The bladder, which separates the gas from the liquid, is

made in nitrile rubber in the standard version.
Bladders in butyl, neoprene, ethylene-propylene etc. are available
for special uses. The main feature of the EPE bladder, which
makes it unique, is the special manufacturing process thanks to
which it is produced in one single piece without joints, even in the
larger sizes, so as to avoid all the problems which poor gluing
may involve. Shell
Another advantage of the EPE bladder is the gas valve which, not
being vulcanised to the bladder, can be fit to it and removed
simply and safely.
For this reason the same bladder can be supplied with gas valve
in different versions, or the valve can be reused, thus reducing
the cost of spare parts.
• The gas valve is connected to the bladder by a rubber
coated washer to ensure a gas tight joint and a non return valve
is incorporated for bladder inflation. The bladder, complete with
the gas valve, is fixed to the accumulator shell by a lock nut, and
the assembly is protected by a cover. Poppet valve

• ing
The fluid port valve prevents the bladder from extrud-
into the fluid port and, at the same time, allows the liquid
to flow. In the high pressure range is used a poppet valve, while
in the low pressure range is used a drilled disc. In the latter case
the precharge pressure should not exceed 15 bar. Fluid port valve


fig. 2

2 Main applications

2.1 Fluid power storage 2.3 Emergency energy reserve

In the case of hydraulic circuits where a large flow rate is required In the case of a sudden power loss, e.g. pipe or joint failure, pump
for a short period, alternating with a low or no flow condition, the use breakdown etc. the accumulator can provide sufficient energy to
of an accumulator allows smaller pumps and motors to be used, complete an operational cycle or to allow actuators, valves etc. to
thus reducing both installation and operating costs. re-set to a “safe” position, and so prevent damage to equipment or
The operation cycle shown in fig. 3 would require a pump having a product.
capacity Q2. If an oleo-pneumatic accumulator is used, it is possible Besides, the availability of such an emergency power source, is
to store oil during the time periods (t 2 - t 1) and (t 4 - t3 ) when essential in case where a hydraulic power supply is required for
requirement is very low or zero, and to reutilize it during t1 and t3 - t2, closing a safety door, eletrical switch, safety valve, emergency
when the required flow rate is higher than pump capacity Q1. brakes etc.
This pump must be selected in order to have the volumes V1 + V2 ≤ Another typical application is the emergency supply of fuel oil to
V3+V4. power plant burners.
There are many potential applications including thermoplastic Fig. 5 illustrates that a failure at “B” causing a loss of energy can
extruders, transfer lines in steel mills, rolling mills, machine tools, be offset operating manually the electro valve “A” thus utilising the
hydraulic presses etc. potential energy of the accumulator.

2.4 Volume compensator

In a closed hydraulic circuit a rise in temperature can cause an
increase in pressure due to thermal expansion.
An accumulator installed in the line will protect the valves,
gaskets, pressure gauges etc. Common applications are found in
refineries and pipelines.

2.2 Pulsation damper 2.5 Pressure compensator

By virtue of their design both piston and diaphragm pumps create When a constant static pressure is required for a long period,
pulsation or pressure peaks during operation, this being undesirable an accumulator is indispensable as it will compensate for
and detrimental for both the smooth operation and operational life of pressure loss due to seepage through joints, seals etc. as well
components. as balancing pressure peaks which may occur during the
The fitting of a bladder accumulator near the pressure line of the operating cycle. Typical applications are found in closing
pump, will damp the pulsations to an acceptable level (fig. 4). systems, fig. 6, loading platforms, curing presses, machine
Typical applications are: dosing pumps, pumps with a small number tools, lubricating systems, etc.
of pistons, etc.

2 Main applications

2.6 Counter balancing 2.9 Hydraulic spring

The balancing of a force or weight can be achieved by using The accumulator can be used with advantage as an alternative to
hydraulic pistons driven by an accumulator, thus avoiding the use of mechanical springs, e.g. deep drawing (fig. 10).
counterweights with attendant dimensional and weight saving. The thrust can be easily controlled with great accuracy over a wide
Typical applications are in machine tools (fig. 7), hoists etc. range of pressures by oil pressure control without the need of
springs or supports.

2.10 Fluid separator (transfer barrier)

Fundamentally the accumulator separates two fluids (in the case of
hydraulic applications nitrogen and oil). However, the accumulator
2.7 Hydraulic line shock damper can be used when pressure has to be transferred between two
incompatible fluids, hence the name TRANSFER.
Rapid valve closure can produce shock waves (water hammer) Fig. 11 is a simplified diagram for a fatigue test of a vessel “S” using
resulting in overpressurisation of pipes, joints, valves etc. water. The initial pressure pulse is generated by piston pump “P”
The use of a suitable accumulator can neutralize or significantly using oil. An equal volume and pressure is transferred to the water
reduce the shock. Typical applications are water (fig. 8), fuel and oil into the vessel by the accumulator. Many similar applications are
distribution circuits, washing equipment etc. found in the petro-chemical industries.

Fig. 11A shows a typical application of TRANSFER between a liquid

and a gas by using an accumulator with additional gas bottles.
This application is especially convenient in those cases where the
amount of liquid required is quite large compared to the small
difference between the operating pressures.
2.8 Shock absorber To reduce the total capacity, therefore the number of accumulators
required, the volume of available gas is increased by connecting the
Mechanical shocks in hydraulically driven equipment can be accumulators to additional gas bottles (refer to Section 3.11).
absorbed by accumulators. Possible applications are in drive and
suspension systems for fork-lifts, mobile cranes, agricultural and
civil engineering machinery etc. (fig. 9)

3 Accumulator selection

3.1 Method of selection 3.2 Gas precharge pressure

Many parameters are involved in the selection of an accumulator, The accurate choice of precharge pressure is fundamental in
the most important are: obtaining the optimum efficency and maximum life from the
accumulator and its components. The maximum storage (or
release) of liquid is obtained theoretically when the gas precharge
a) Minimum working pressure P1 and maximum pressure PO is as close as possible to the minimum working pressure.
For practical purposes to give a safety margin, and to avoid
pressure P2 valve shut-off during operation, the value (unless otherwise
stated) is:
The value of P2 must be lower or equal to the maximum autho-
rised working pressure of the accumulator to be chosen for
safety reasons.
PO = 0.9 P1
The value of P1 is found in the ratio P2 ≤ 4
which will give optimum efficency and operating life.
(For calculation of pre-loading pressure PO, refer to Section
3.2) The limit values of PO are: PO min ≥ 0.25 x P2
PO max ≤ 0.9P1

Special values are used for:

b) Volume ∆V of liquid to be stored or utilised
Pulsation damper and shock absorber
This information is required in addition to the maximum and
minimum pressure values for the correct sizing of the accu- PO = 0.6 ÷ 0.75 Pm or PO = 0.8 P1

c) Method and Application Pm = average operation pressure.

It is important to establish if the gas during operation is sub-

jected to isothermal or adiabatic conditions.
If compression (or expansion) is slow, (more than 3 minutes)
so that the gas maintains approximately constant tem- Hydraulic line shock damper
perature, the condition is ISOTHERMAL (examples: pressure PO = 0.6 ÷ 0.9 Pm
stabilsation, volume compensation, counter balancing
lubrication circuits). In all other cases (energy accumulator
pulsation damper, shock wave damper, etc.) owing to high where:
speed transfer heat inter-change is negligible, and therefore
the condition is ADIABATIC. Approximately the adiabatic Pm = average working pressure with free flow.
condition will exist when the compression or expansion
period is less than 3 minutes.

Accumulator + additional gas bottles

d) Operating temperature
PO = 0.95 ÷ 0.97 P1
Operating temperature will determine the choice of materials
for the bladder and sheel and will also have an influence on Value PO is valid for MAXIMUM OPERATING TEMPERATURE
the pre-loading pressure, and consequently on the accumula- REQUIRED BY THE USER.
tor volume.
Checking or pre-loading of accumulator takes place generally at a
different temperature from the operating one θ2, so that the value PO
at the checking temperature θc, becomes:
e) Type of Liquid
This will determine the choice of materials.

f) Maximum required flow rate

For the same ∆V required, the size or the accumulator connec-
tion can be influenced by the immediate flow rate necessary. for θc = 20°C we have:

g) Location
It is important to know the eventual destination of the
accumulator in order that the design can meet local design and
test parameters.

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to choose a suitable NOTE Precharge pressure of accumulators directly supplied from
accumulator for the specific application required. the factory is refered to a temperature of 20°C.

3 Accumulator selection

3.3 Calculation principles

Compression and expansion of gas inside the accumulator takes When is required a more accurate calculation, is possible to use
place according to the Boyle-Mariotte law regarding the status intermediate values of n as function of t, that is of expansion or
change in the perfect gases: compression time, according to diagram (fig. 13):

Po · Vo n = P1 · V1 n = P2 · V2 n

The PV diagram Fig. 12 shows the “pressure-volume” relationship

inside the accumulator.

Note: In all calculations, pressures are expressed as absolute bar

and Temperature as Kelvin degrees.

3.4 Volume calculation

(isothermal condition)
When n = 1, the Boyle-Mariotte law becomes


VO = Nitrogen pre-charge volume at pressure PO (litres).

It is the maximum volume of gas which can be stored in the
accumulator and it is equal to, or slightly lower than, nominal

V1 = Nitrogen volume at pressure P1 (litres).

V2 = Nitrogen volume at pressure P2 (litres).

The difference between volume V1 (at minimum operating
∆V = Volume of discharged or stored liquid (litres). pressure) and V2 (at maximum operating pressure) gives the
amount of stored liquid (See Section 1.1):
PO = Precharge pressure (bar).

P1 = Minimum operating pressure (bar).

P2 = Maximum operating pressure (bar).

n = Polytropic exponent.

The curve of volume variation as a function of pressure is depen-

dant on the exponent n, which for nitrogen is contained between
the limit values:

n=1 In case compression or expansion of nitrogen takes place

so slowly that a complete intercharge of heat is allowed
between gas and enviroment, that is at constant
temperature, the condition is isothermal.

n = 1,4 When operation is so quick that no interchange of heat

can take place, the condition is adiabatic.

In fact, these are theoretical and not practical conditions.

It is however possible to state, with reasonable accuracy, that when
an accumulator is used as a volume compensator, leakage
compensator, the condition is isothermal. In the remaining
applications, such as energy accumulator, pulsation damper,
emergency power source, dynamic pressure compensator, water
hammer absorber, shock absorber, hydraulic spring, etc., it is which shows that accumulator volume increases when ∆V is
possible to state, with reasonable accuracy, that the condition is increasing, when PO is decreasing and when the difference between
adiabatic. the two operation pressures P1 and P2 is decreasing.
The values of ∆V and VO could be deduced more quickly from the
diagrams on pages 12 and 13.

3 Accumulator selection

3.4.1 Volume compensator (isothermal) ,

A typical example of calculation in the isothermal condition is when b) If it is required to know when the pump must operate again to
the accumulator is used as a volume compensator. reload an accumulator of 15 litres to maintain the condition
stated on a), we will have:
Assume a tube with ØI.D.=77,7 mm, 120 m long and inside which
some oil is flowing at a pressure of 10 bar and a temperature of
θ1 = 10°C and θ2 = 45°C.
Permissible change of pressure ± 8%.

The volume variaton will be:

3.5 Volume calculation

Problem solution requires the use of an accumulator station (adiabatic condition)
with 3 accumulators type AS55P360...
Starting from the basic formula:

3.4.2 Leakage compensator (isothermal)

a) Assume a molding press working at 200 bar which has to be kept
closed during the curing time and at constant pressure. Min. per-
missible pressure 198 bar.
After the mold has been closed, the pump is stopped.
The oil leakages are in the order of 2 cm3/minute.
Curing time is 60 minutes.

∆V = Ql · t = 0.002 x 60 = 0.12 It.

PO = 0.9 · 198 = 178 bar

P1 = 198 bar

P2 = 200 bar
Formulas are valid when operation is taking place in adiabatic condi-
tions both in the expansion as well as the compression phases.

Bear in mind however that accumulator yield, and therefore the

accumulator calculation, is influenced by both operating temperature
and pressure (see section 3.6 and 3.7).

The capacity of the standard accumulator closest to the calculated This values of ∆V and VO can be obtained from the diagrams on
value is 15 litres. So the chosen accumulator is AS15P360... pages 14 and 15.

3 Accumulator selection

3.6 Temperature influence Example:

Assume the accumulator volume has to be calculated with the fol-
It should be anticipated that the operating temperature will change lowing data:
considerably during the cycle and this variation should be taken into
account when the volume is calculated. Stored volume ∆V = 1.7 Lt. in 2 s

If an accumulator is sized to a maximum temperature, then the Min. pressure P1 = 50 bar

precharge pressure will be referenced to that temperature. When
the temperature drops there will be a comparable reduction of the Max. pressure P2 = 115 bar
precharge pressure according to the Gay Lussac law on the
relationship between pressures and volumes, as a result, you will Operating temperature = +25°C ÷ +70°C
get a lower accumulator capacity.
The precharge pressure referred to maximal temperature is:
Therefore it will be necessary to have a higher VO to accumulate or
to yield the same amount of liquid ∆V (see section 3.4). PO = 0.9 P1 = 45 bar

The relationship between pressures and volumes is: Volume, calculated in adiabatic conditions, will be:



T2 = θ2 (°C)+273 = max. working temperature (°K).

T1 = θ1 (°C)+273 = min. working temperature (°K).

VO = volume calculated neglecting thermal variation (litres)

VoT = increased volume for thermal variation (litres)

3.7 Correction coefficent for high pressure

The formulas refer to ideal gases, but industrial nitrogen used in accumulators does not behave according to ideal gas laws when pressures
It is convenient to keep in mind this characteristic for pressure P2 > 200 bar, both for adiabatic as well as for isothermal conditions.


Vor = real volume of accumulator to be used for

operating pressures P1 and P2.

∆Vr = real yield obtained from accumulator for

the same pressures.

Ci, Ca = Coefficients to be deduced from diagrams

of Figures 14 and 15.

3 Accumulator selection

3.8 Emergency energy reserve 3.9 Pulsation compensator Q

Typical occasion when storage is slow (isothermal) and dis- A typical calculation in adiabatic conditions due to high speed
charge is quick (adiabatic). storage and discharge.
The liquid amount ∆V to be considered in the calculation is a
Volume will be given by: function of type and capacity of pump:

and stored volume by:


n = 1.4 adiabatic coefficient (quick discharge phase)

n = 1 ÷ 1.4 polytropic coefficient (slow storage phase)
Value is a function of time and it will be deduced from the diagram
in Fig. 13.
In the majority of cases it is possible to suppose nc = 1 so that
calculation is simplified and result is not affected:


An accumulator must discharge 4.6 litres of oil in 3 seconds with a Pump type K
change of pressure from P2 = 280 bar to P1 = 220 bar.
The loading time is 4 minutes. Define the capacity keeping in mind 1 piston, single acting 0.69
that ambient temperature will change from 20°C to 50°C. 1 piston, double acting 0.29
2 pistons, single acting 0.29
2 pistons, double acting 0.17
3 pistons, single acting 0.12
3 pistons, double acting 0.07
4 pistons, single acting 0.13
4 pistons, double acting 0.07
5 pistons, single acting 0.07
5 pistons, double acting 0.023
6 pistons, double acting 0.07
7 pistons, double acting 0.023

Assume a 3-piston pump, single acting, with a flow rate Q = 8 m3/h
and operating pressure of 20 bar. Calculate the volume necessary to
Considering the correction coefficient for high pressure and the limit the remaining pulsation to α = ± 2,5%. Pump R.P.M. 148.
temperature change, we have: Working temperature 40°C.

The most suitable accumulators is the low pressure type: AS1,5P80...

3 Accumulator selection

3.10 Hydraulic line shock damper 3.11 Accumulator +

A rapid increase in pressure caused by a high acceleration or additional gas bottles (transfer)
deceleration in flow is commonly known as water hammer. In all cases where a considerable amount of liquid must be
The overpressure, ∆P max, that takes place in piping when a valve obtained with a small difference between P1 and P2, the resul-
is closed is influenced by the lenght of the piping, the flow rate,
the density of the liquid and the valve shut down time. tant volume VO is large compared to ∆V.
In these cases it could be convenient to get the required nitrogen
This is given by: volume by additional bottles.
Volume calculation is performed, in function of the application, both in
isothermal as well as in adiabatic conditions using the formulas
given before always taking temperaure into account.
To get the maximum of efficiency it is convenient to fix for precharge
quite a high value. In cases of energy reserve, volume compen-
sator, hydraulic line shock damper, etc. it is possible to use:
The volume of the accumulator required to reduce shock pressure
within predetermined limits AP, is obtained with:
PO = 0.97 P1

Once the required gas volume is calculated, the volume must be

allocated between the minimum indispensable portion VA, which will
be contained in the accumulator, and the remaing portion VB, which
represents the volume of additional bottles.

That means that the sum of volume of required liquid plus volume
change due to temperature must be lower than 3/4 of accumulator
The bottle volume is given by the difference


Suppose a ∆V = 30 Its. must be obtained in 2 seconds going from a

pressure P2 = 180 bar to P1 = 160 bar.
Temperatures: θ1 = 20°C; θ2 = 45°C


Assume a water pipe ( = 1000 Kg/m3) with internal diameter

d = 80 mm, lenght L = 450 m, flow rate Q = 17 m3/h, operating
pressure P1 = 5 bar, allowable overpressure ∆P = 2 bar, valve
closure time t = 0.8 s.

Two accumulators AS55P360.... are used with total VO = 100 Its. plus 6
bottles of 50 Its. type BB52P360...

An accumulator of 55 litres low pressure range will be chosen, type



∆V = Stored fluid volume (litres)

Accumulator selection

Example l: Example Il:

Evaluation of accumulator volume Evaluation of stored liquid ∆V
Data: Data:
Max. working pressure P2 = 8.5 bar Max. working pressure P2 = 8.5 bar
Min. working pressure P1 = 3.8 bar Min. working pressure P1 = 3.8 bar
Precharge pressure PO = 3.5 bar Precharge pressure PO = 3.5 bar
Required liquid volume ∆V = 1.3 litres Accumulator capacity V = 15 litres
3.12.1 Selection of volumes (isothermal conditions) - low pressure graph

Starting from the 2 intersection points of curve of PO = 3.5 with the ordinates of P1 = 3.8 Starting from the 2 intersection points of curve of PO = 3.5 with the ordinates of P1 = 3.8
and P2 = 8.5 trace 2 straight lines parallel to the abscissa axis reaching the scales of and P2 = 8.5 trace 2 straight lines parallel to the abscissa axis reaching the scale of ∆V
∆V. corresponding to 15 litres.
Stored volume, for each capacity, is the one included between the two traced straight
lines. In our case the accumulator giving the storage closest to the required one, that Yielded volume, included between the two straight lines, is approximately 6.7 litres.
is 1.3 Its., has the capacity of 3 litres.

∆V = Stored fluid volume (litres)

Accumulator selection

Example l: Example Il:

Evaluation of accumulator volume Evaluation of stored liquid ∆V
Data: Data:
Max. working pressure P2 = 190 bar Max. working pressure P2 = 190 bar
Min. working pressure P1 = 100 bar Min. working pressure P1 = 100 bar
Precharge pressure PO = 90 bar Precharge pressure PO = 90 bar
Required liquid volume ∆V = 7 litres Accumulator capacity V = 1.5 litres
3.12.2 Selection of volumes (isothermal conditions) - high pressure graph

Starting from the 2 intersection points of curve of PO = 90 with the ordinates of P1 = 100 Starting from the 2 intersection points of curve of PO = 90 with the ordinates of P1 = 100
and P2 = 190 trace 2 straight lines parallel to the abscissa axis reaching the scales of ∆V. and P2 = 190 trace 2 straight lines parallel to the abscissa axis reaching the scale of ∆V
Stored volume, for each capacity, is the one included between the two traced straight corresponding to 1.5 litres.
lines. In our case the accumulator giving the storage closest to the required one, that
is ≥ 7 Its., has the capacity of 20 litres. Yielded volume, included between the two straight lines, is approximately 0.615 litres.

∆V = Stored fluid volume (litres)

Accumulator selection

Example l: Example Il:

Evaluation of accumulator volume Evaluation of stored liquid ∆V
Data: Data:
Max. working pressure P2 = 8.5 bar Max. working pressure P2 = 8.5 bar
Min. working pressure P1 = 3.8 bar Min. working pressure P1 = 3.8 bar
Precharge pressure PO = 3.5 bar Precharge pressure PO = 3.5 bar
Accumulator capacity ∆V = 1.3 litres Accumulator capacity V = 15 litres
3.13.1 Selection of volumes (adiabatic conditions) - low pressure graph

Starting from the 2 intersection points of curve of PO = 3.5 litres with the ordinates of Starting from the 2 intersection points of curve of PO = 3.5 with the ordinates of P1 = 3.8
P1 = 3.8 and P2 = 8.5 trace 2 straight lines parallel to the abscissa axis reaching the and P2 = 8.5 trace 2 straight lines parallel to the abscissa axis reaching the scale of ∆V
scales of ∆V. corresponding to 15 litres.
Stored volume, for each capacity, is the one included between the two traced straight
lines. In our case the accumulator giving the storage closest to the required one, that Yielded volume, included between the two straight lines, is approximately 5.3 litres.
is 1.3 Its., has the capacity of 5 litres.

s pre
∆V = Stored fluid volume (litres)

Accumulator selection

Example l: Example Il:

Evaluation of accumulator volume Evaluation of stored liquid ∆V
Data: Data:
Max. working pressure P2 = 190 bar Max. working pressure P2 = 190 bar
Min. working pressure P1 = 100 bar Min. working pressure P1 = 100 bar
Precharge pressure PO = 90 bar Precharge pressure PO = 90 bar
Accumulator capacity ∆V = 7 litres Accumulator capacity V = 1.5 litres
3.13.2 Selection of volumes (adiabatic conditions) - high pressure graph

Starting from the 2 intersection points of curve of PO = 90 with the ordinates of P1 = 100 and Starting from the 2 intersection points of curve of PO = 90 with the ordinates of P1 = 100
P2 = 190 trace 2 straight lines parallel to the abscissa axis reaching the scales of ∆V. and P2 = 190 trace 2 straight lines parallel to the abscissa axis reaching the scale of ∆V
Stored volume, for each capacity, is the one included between the two traced straight corresponding to 1.5 litres.
lines. In our case the accumulator giving the storage closest to the required one, that
is ≥ 7 Its., has the capacity of 25 litres. Yielded volume, included between the two straight lines, is approximately 0.49 litres.
3 Accumulator selection

3.14 Flow rate

After the size of accumulator has been defined, as pre-
viously stated, it is necessary to check whether the Type Mean flow rate Max permiss.
required flow rate (I/min) is compatible with the permis- (l/min) flow rate (l/min)
sible flow rate for that accumulator, according to the
following table. AS 0.2 70 160
Maximum flow rate can be achieved with the accumula- AS 0.7-1-1.5 150 300
tor installed in vertical position with the gas valve on top.
Furthermore it is indispensable that a residual volume of AS 3-5 300 600
liquid ≥ 0,1 x VO remains in the accumulator. AS 10-55 500 1000

3.15 Bladder material

The choice of elastomer used for the bladder depends on the liquid to be used and on the operating temperatures (and, at times, storage). In the
chart below, each polymer has a designated letter which, in the order code, denotes the material used for the bladder, the gaskets and
rubber-coated parts. For special liquids, we reccomend you to contact our technical information service.

Temperature Some of the liquids compatible

Code letter Polymer ISO range (°C) with the polymer
Mineral, vegetable, silicon and lubrificating oils, industrial waters,
P Standard nitrile NBR -20 +85 glycols, nonflammable liquids (HFA - HFB - HFC), aliphatic
(Perbunan) hydrocarbons, butane, diesel oil, kerosene, fuel oils, etc.

The same as with standard nitrile + a number of different types of

F Low temperature NBR -40 +70 (This contains less acrylonitrile than the standard and is therefore
nitrile more suitable for low temperatures, but its chemical resistance
is slightly lower).
Nitril for Regular and premium grade slightly aromatic gasoline (and all
H hydrocarbons NBR -10 +90 the liquids for standard nitrile).
Hydrogenated The same as with standard nitrile but with excellent
K nitrile HNBR -30 +130 performance at both high and low temperatures.
A For food stuff NBR -20 +85 Foods (specify which type when order).
Phosphoric esters (HFD-R), hot water, ammonia, caustic soda,
some kinds of freon (22-31-502), glycol-based brake fluids,
B Butyl IIR -30 +90 some acids, alcohols, ketones, esters, skydrol 7000, etc.

Brake fluids, hot water, leaching fluids, detergents, water-

E Ethylene-Propylene EPDM -20 +90 glycol (HFC), many acids and bases, saline solutions, skydrol
500, etc.
Chloroprene Freon (12-21-22-113-114-115), water and aqueous solutions,
(Neoprene) CR -20 +85 ammonia, carbon dioxide, mineral, paraffin and silicon oils.
Y Epichloridrin ECO -30 +110 Lead-free gasoline, mineral oils.

3.16 Durability of the bladder a

It is essential, in order to make the correct choice, to take into consi- • The frequency or the number of cycles per day.
deration the working conditions that the accumulator will be operating
in, because these can considerably affect the durability of the bladder. • Installation. The vertical position with gas valve on top is the
Assuming that the liquid used is clean and compatible with the blad- recommended arrangement. When position is horizontal the
der material, there are a number of factors which can affect the life of bladder tends to rest and rub against the accumulator body.
the bladder: This could result in quicker wear.

• The precharge pressure PO. In most cases the values rec- • The operating temperature. This is one of the factors which
comended in section 3.2 are valid although, as the pressure and, most affects the life of the bladder: at very low temperatures the
above all, the velocity of the yield required increase, there is the bladder tends to become brittle; as the temperature rises, reach-
danger that in each cycle the bladder will knock against the pop- ing, or going beyond the limits for the elastomer, the stress of
pet valve. In these case is possible to use PO = 0,8 ÷ 0,7 P1. the bladder is subjected to increases exponentially, which can
lead to fracturing within a short time.
• The P2/PO ratio. Any increase in this, will increase the stress the It should be remembered that the temperature in the accumula-
bladder is subjected to in each cycle. Only for special applications tor is in many cases higher than the one of the system, and that
it is possible to exceed the ratio P2/PO = 4 (in this case consult our it rises with each increase of P2, of P2/P1, and with the volume of
Technical Service Department). the accumulator (in other words, larger is the accumulator, less
is the capacity of dissipate heat).
• The maximum operating pressure P2. Any increase in this will
subject the bladder to greater stress. All the EPE bladder models, in the standard nitrile rubber P
version, have undergone the following fatigue test: PO = 65 bar;
• Flow rate. Flow rate does not affect bladder working life if values P1 = 90 bar; P2 = 200 bar; frequency 10 cycles/min; oil tempera-
given in table 3.14 are not exceeded. When approaching the max- ture 45 °C; duration > 106 cycles.
imum values, make sure that remains a residual volume of liquid
≥ 10% of volume Vo in the accumulator, in both loading and
unloading phases.

3 Accumulator selection

3.17 Material of accumulator shell and valves

In standard version, the shell is made of carbon steel and painted on Minimal thickness 25 micron. Identification code letter N (specify dif-
the outside with a coat of rust inhibitor; the valves are made of phos- ferent thickness separately).
phated carbon steel. In some cases the execution is completely in stainless steel
This configuration is suitable for fluids of group 2 and the whole assem- (indicated by letter X).
bly is indicated in the identification code by the letter C. If specifically requested, the fluid port and/or the gas valve can be
For special applications, shell and valves, usually in carbon steel, can be supplied in a different material to the one used for the accumulator
nickel coated. shell. Only in this case, it is necessary to add to the identification
code the letter indicating each valve. (see section 3.19).

EPE provide also other tests and certifications for

3.18 Testing those countries in which EC regulations are not accepted:
Accumulators are pressure vessels subjected to the specific current
regulations, or accepted, of the Countries that will be installed. – ASME-U.S. for USA, Canada, South Africa, etc..
For all the European Countries, design, construction and accumulator test – ML (ex SQL) for China.
must be done according to the Directive of pressure equipment 97/23/EC. – Australian Pressure Vessel Standard AS1210-1997 for Australia.
EPE Inc., also in virtue of quality system used EN ISO – GOST for Russia.
9001:2000,works according to modules H and H1 of total quality guarantee – RINA and in some cases BS-L Lloyd’s Register and Germa-
and design control issued by the Notify Body. The above mentioned directive nischer Lloyd for naval construction.
includes the pressure equipment that exceed 0,5 bar. So all the – For other Countries, in which is not required a specific test, accu-
accumulators are involved in this directive even though it provides different mulators are in any case manufactured according to the
procedures of test and certification. European Directive but are supplied without EC mark and with
Concerning this, keep in mind that accumulators up to 1 litre volume factory test only.
included, even if it is manufactured according to the Directive 97/23/EC,
are not marked EC and are not provided with the conformity declaration. The documentation related to each regulation is normally
For volumes higher than 1 litre each accumulator after the test is marked provided in a proper envelope along with the goods. If it’s
with the mark CE followed by the number that identify the Notify Body. not available, will be sent by post or in another way as soon
For these accumulators, both high pressure and low pressure, as possible.
the documentation necessary includes the conformity declaration and the
manual’s operator. In order to define correctly both the price and the availability,
It is also possible supply accumulators in accordance with Directive ATEX it is necessary that in the inquiry is mentioned the
94/9/EC (enclosure VIII) and with harmonized regulations EN 13463-1 rela- required certification.
ted to equipment not electrical for uses in environment with atmosphere
potentially explosive that are included into the classification ATEX EC

3.19 Model Code

Please note that when compiling the model code the capacity, operating pressure, the shell material, etc. should be selected from those
available in each range of accumulator only (see pages 18 ÷ 22). The precharge pressure should be specified separately, as the flange or fluid port
adapter or the adapter on the gas side.

AS 1,5 P 360 C G 8 –

Nominal Shell
Accumulator Max working Fluid port Tests and Fluid port Gas Valve
type capacites Bladder material pressure
and valves
connection certifications material 2) material 2)
1) material
AS = Bladder Litres 3) Bar
0 = Factory
accumulator 360 - 550 testing
0,2 - 0,7 C = Shell painted G= Female
(High pressure ISO 228 1 = GOST (RUSSIA)
P = Standard nitrile carbon steel) carbon steel
AST = Transfer 1 - 1,5 2 = AUSTRALIAN
(Perbunan) Valves: L = For flange
bladder 360 ÷ 100 PRESSURE
3-5 Phoshated SAE 3000
accumulator F = Nitrile for low (High pressure VESSEL
10 - 15 carbon steel – = The same to
ASL = Liquid temperatures stainless steel) STANDARD – = The same to material shell
H = For flange
separator 20 - 25 N = Nickel coated (AUSTRALIA) material shell
H = Nitrile for
80 - 30 SAE 6000
bladder (Low pressure carbon steel 3 = ML (ex SQL) C = Phoshated
accumulator 35 - 55 Hydrocarbons (thickness 25 µm) (CHINA) C = Phoshated carbon steel
carbon steel) M= Metric
4 = RINA carbon steel
K = Hydrogenated Nitrile thread
40 - 25 X = Stainless steel 5 = BS-LLOYD’S N = Nickel
(Low pressure N = Nickel coated
A = For food-stuffs P = NPT thread REGISTER
stainless steel) V = Carbon steel coated carbon steel
ASA = Bladder Gallons with special 6 = GERMANISCHER 25 µm
accumulator B = Butyl S = SAE thread5) LLOYD 25 µm
1/4 - 1 coating
ASME-U.S. (to be specified) R = With adapter 5) 7 = ASME-U.S. X = Stainless
E = Ethylene-propylene (USA) X = Stainless
ASAT = Transfer for 2,5 - 5 Steel Steel
ASME-U.S. N = Chloroprene (Neoprene) F = With flange 5) 8 = 97/23/EC
10 - 15 (EUROPE)
ASAL = Liquid Psi
9 = ATEX
separator for Y = Epichlorohydrin 4000
ASME-U.S. 10 = Other to be
1) Capacity in gallons only for the series ASA.
2) Specify both when at least one is made of different material from the accumulator shell
3) Use the proper value among those indicated on pages 18÷21 related to the chosen version
4) Pressure in Psi only for the series ASA.
5) To be specified separately Subject to change

4 High pressure range

4.1 Technical features

Max working pressure PS: 360 bar
Test pressure PT: PS x 1,43 bar
Temperature range min. and max TS: –40°C ÷ +120°C (subject to restrictions due to bladder material)
Nominal capacities: 0,2 ÷ 55 litres

4.2 Construction features


• Shell in hardened and tempered carbon steel, sandblasted and painted

outside with a coat of rust inhibitor.
• Valves in phosphated carbon steel.
• Female ISO 228 G threaded fluid port connection.
• Bladder and gaskets in standard nitrile rubber (P).
• Testing and certification according to directive 97/23/EC.
• Preloading with nitrogen at 30 bar (other values available if specified in order).
N.B. Technical features of AS standard version are also valid for AST and ASL
versions except for the structure of gas side valve (see pages 36 and 37).

ON REQUEST the accumulator can be supplied with the following features:

• SHELL AND VALVES PROTECTED with a chemical coating of nickel (25

microns thick. Specify other thickness if required).
0.2 Its. capacity: max working pressure 210 bar and 360 bar.
0.7-1-1.5-3 Its. capacities: max working pressure 150 bar.
5 Its. capacity: max working pressure 120 bar.
10÷55 Its. capacities: max working pressure 100 bar.
For other pressure values contact our Technical Department.
• WORKING PRESSURE PS = 550 BAR for capacities 0,2 and 0,7 litres in
carbon steel.
• SAE 3000 or SAE 6000 FLUID PORT CONNECTION (see page 24).
• ADAPTER R with ISO 228 thread for the diameters indicated in the table,
with other threads to be specified or blind.
• FLUID PORT FLANGED CONNECTION (specify PN and DN and flange stan-
dards. For order code see page 24)1).
• GAS SIDE FLANGED CONNECTION for special applications1).
• SAFETY VALVE gas side or liquid side or only with the adapter for
this valve (see pages 26-27)1).
• SPECIAL ANTI-PULSATION CONNECTION liquid side (see page 25)1).

1) Specify features separately.

4.3 Dimensions 2)
Max work. Gas Dry Fluid port connection
Type pressure volume weight G R A B C øD øE øF H I* SW 1 SW 2
(bar) (Litres) (kg) BSP ISO228 BSP ISO228
AS 0,2 360-550 0,2 1,7 1/2” – 250 ± 2 22 40 53 + 0 20 26 – 24 23
AS 0,7 360-550 0,65 4,2 0=blind 280 ± 3 90 ± 1
AS 1 360 1 5,2 3/4” 3/8” 295 ± 5 52 36 32
AS 1,5 360 1,5 6,3 355 ± 5 47 114 ± 1 25 32
AS 3 360 2,95 11 0=blind 553 ± 8
1”1/4 65 53 50
AS 5 360 5 15 3/8” -1/2” - 3/4” 458 ±10 168 ± 1,5
AS 10 360 9,1 33 568 ± 15 11 140
0=blind 224 ± 2
AS 15 360 14,5 43 3/8” 718 ± 15
AS 20 360 18,2 48 2” 1/2” 873 ± 15 60 101 55 77 70 70
AS 25 360 23,5 59 1” 1043 ± 15 220 ± 2
AS 35 360 33,5 78 1”1/4 1392 ± 20
AS 55 360 50 108 1”1/2 1910 ± 20
* I = Overall dimensions of pre-loading unit.
2) = Data related to standard version in carbon steel PS = 360 bar. Subject to change

4 High pressure range
4.4 Components and spare parts
Capacities 0.7÷55 litres
Table 4.4.1 provides a list of accumulator components and, for each
model, the part number to be used when ordering spare parts:
For all versions differing from standard it is necessary to give the
manufacturer’s serial number and the material.
The bladder must be ordered according to the instructions provided
on Page 37 or giving the accumulator identification code or manufac-
turer’s serial number.

Capacity 0.2 litres

4.4.1 Spare parts list and part number

Item Description Pcs. AS 10-15-20
AS 0,2 AS 0,7 AS 1 - 1,5 AS 3 AS 5 25-35-55
1 Accumulator shell 1 Not supplied as spare part
2 Bladder 1 See detailed designation on Pages 36-37
3 Gas valve body 1 2001 10107 10202 10333
4 Rubber-coated washer 1 10024 10104 10106 10205 10334
5 Gas valve locknut 1 10023 10109 10302
6 Protection cap 1 10337 10103 10301
7 Gas-fill valve 1 – 2072
8 Name plate 1 – 10300-A 10300-B 10300-C 10300-D
9 Retaining ring 1 10035 10123 10127 10146 10222 10317
10 “O” ring 1 OR4112 OR4150 OR159 OR6212 OR181
11 Supporting ring 1 10038 10133 10150 10227 10320
12 Space ring 1 10037 10120 10145 10223 10319
13 Fluid port ring nut 1 10039 10122 10217 10321
14 Bleed screw 1 – 10128 10316-A
15 Seal ring 1 – 10129 10336-A
16 Fluid port body 1 10031 10115 10144 10311
17 Poppet 1 10028 10111 10221 10310
18 Spring 1 10029 10112 10149 10322
19 Brake bushing 1 – 10113 10226 10314
20 Selflocking nut 1 10033 10116 10211 10315
21 Adapter “O” ring 1 – OR2093 OR3150 OR3218
22 Adapter 1 – 10131/Ø thread 10233/Ø thread 10323/Ø thread
Gas valve assembly
(parts 3-4-5-6-7) 1 2002 2021 2022 2042 2062
Fluid port assembly
(parts 9 ÷20) 1 2004 2023 2024 2025 2044 2064

OR2050 OR2050 OR2050 OR2050

Gasket sets 1 2010

{ 10341
{ { { 10341

Subject to change

5 Low pressure range

5.1 Technical features

Max working pressure PS: 30-80 bar
Test pressure PT: PS x 1,43 bar
Temperature range min. and max TS: –40°C ÷ 150°C (subject to restrictions due to bladder material)
Nominal capacities: 1.5-3-5-10-15-20-25-35-55 Litres
Precharge pressure: ≤ 15 bar

5.2 Construction features


• Shell in welded carbon steel, sandblasted and painted outside with a coat
of rust inhibitor.

• Gas valve in phosphated carbon steel.

• Female (G) ISO 228 threaded fluid port connection.
• Bladder in standard oil resistant nitrile rubber (P).
• Testing and certification according to directive 97/23/EC.
• Preloading with nitrogen at 5 bar (other values available if specified in order).
N.B. Technical features of AS standard version are also valid for AST and ASL
versions except for the structure of gas side valve (see pages 36 and 37).

ON REQUEST the accumulator can be supplied with the following features:

• SHELL AND VALVES PROTECTED with a chemical coating of nickel (25

microns thick. Specify other thickness if required).


1.5-3 and 5 Its. capacities: max working pressure 40 bar.
10 - 55 Its. capacities: max working pressure 25 bar.
For all sizes the certificate for the material and works test can be supplied.



• WORKING PRESSURE 50 bar for capacities 10 ÷ 55 litres in carbon steel.

• ADAPTER R with ISO 228 thread for the diameters indicated in the table,
with other threads to be specified or blind.

• FLUID PORT FLANGED CONNECTION (specify PN and DN and flange

standards. For order code see page 24) . 1)

• GAS SIDE FLANGED CONNECTION for special applications (specify flange

data) . 1)

• SAFETY VALVE gas side or liquid side or only with the adapter for this
valve (see page 26-27) . 1)

• SPECIAL ANTI-PULSATION CONNECTION liquid side (see page 25) . 1)

1) Specify features separately.

5.3 Dimensions 2)
Max work. Gas Dry Fluid port connection
Type pressure volume weight G R A B C øD øE øF H *I øL SW 1 SW 2
(bar) (litres) (kg) ISO 228 ISO 228
AS 1,5 1,5 6,1 0 = blind 330 ± 3
2” 114 ± 1 75 74 70
AS 3 80 2,95 9,1 3/4”-1”-1”1/4 510 ± 5 47 48 25 11 32
AS 5 5 15,7 2”1/2 1”-1”1/4-1”1/2 423 ± 5 168 ± 2 98 88 80
AS 10 9,6 18 475 ± 5
AS 15 14,5 23 0 = blind 615 ± 5 140
AS 20 30 18,8 28 1/2” 755 ± 8
4” 1”1/4 60 50 219 ± 2 55 130 14 130 70 120
AS 25 23,5 33 2” - 3” 900 ±8
AS 35 33,5 47 1285 ± 10
AS 55 50 65 1765 ± 10
* I = Overall dimensions of pre-loading unit.
2) = Data related to standard version in carbon steel. Subject to change

5 Low pressure range

5.4 Components and spare parts

The table 5.4.1 provides a list of accumulator components and, for
each model, the part number to be used when ordering; this number

For all versions differing from standard it is necessary to give the

manufacturer’s serial number and the material.

Orders for bladder must be carried out as per instructions on Page

37 or giving the accumulator identification code or manufacturer’s
serial number.

5.4.1 Spare parts list and part number

Item Description Pcs. AS 1,5 - 3 AS 10-15-20
AS 5 25-35-50
1 Accumulator shell 1 Not supplied as spare part
2 Bladder 1 See detailed designation on Page 37
3 Gas valve body 1 10107 10202 10333
4 Rubber-coated washer 1 10106 10205 10334
5 Gas valve locknut 1 10109 10302
6 Protection cap 1 10103 10301
7 Gas-fill valve 1 2072
8 Name plate 1 10300-B 10300-C 10300-D
9 Bleed screw 1 10316
10 Seal ring 1 10336
11 Anti-extrusion plate 1 10159-1 10241-1 10421-1
12 Adapter “O” ring 1 OR3218 OR3281 OR4425
13 Adapter 1 10323/Ø thread 10244/Ø thread 10444/Ø thread
Gas valve assembly 2022 2042 2062
(parts 3-4-5-6-7)

OR2050 OR2050 OR2050

Gasket sets 2032
{ 10341
{ 10341
{ 10341

Subject to change

6 ASME U.S. - Range

6.1 Technical features

Max working pressure PS: 4000 p.s.i.
Test pressure PT: PS x 1,30 p.s.i.
Temperature range min. and max TS: –40°F ÷ +200°F (–40°C ÷ 93°C) (subject to restrictions due to bladder material)
Nominal capacities: 1/4 gall. ÷ 15 gall. (1 litre ÷ 55 litres)

6.2 Construction features


• Forged steel shell (SA 372 grade E class 70), sandblasted and painted
outside with a coat of rust inhibitor.

• Valves in phosphated carbon steel.

• Female SAE threaded fluid port connection.
• Bladder and gaskets in standard nitrile rubber (P).
• Testing and certification according to ASME-U.S. regulations.
• Preloaded with nitrogen at 30 bar (other values available if specified in order).
N.B. Technical features of ASA standard version are also valid for ASAT
and ASAL versions except for the structure of gas side valve (see pages
36 and 37).
ON REQUEST the accumulator can be supplied with the following features:

• NICKEL-PLATED SHELL AND VALVES with thickness of 25 microns (Specify

other thickness if required).

• SHELL AND VALVES IN STAINLESS STEEL (for working pressures ask to

our Technical Department).



24 fig. A).

• Fluid port connection female threaded NPT, ISO 228 or metric.

• Adapters with threads to be specified in order.
• Fluid port flanged connections (specify PN and DN in order).
6.3 Spare parts standard version
Gas valve Fluid port Bladder Gasket Gas-fill Valve
assembly assembly complete sets valve mechanism
ASA 1/4 2376 2024-2 S1P5 2380
ASA 1 2377 2044-2 S4P5 2381
ASA 2.5 S 10 P 5
2077 2069
ASA 5 S 20 P 5
2378 2064-2 2382
ASA 10 S 35 P 5
ASA 15 S 55 P 5

6.4 Identification code

For an accumulator with capacity of 5 gallons, maximum working pressure 4000 psi, bladder in nitrile, shell in SA 372 steel, valves in phospha-
ted carbon steel, standard fluid port connection with SAE thread, ASME-U.S. type approval, the identification code will be: ASA5P4000CS7 (see
page 17).

6.5 Dimensions1)
Max Nom. nitrogen Dry Fluid port connection A B C øD øE øF *I SW 1 SW 2
Type working volume weight SAE NPT/BSP
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
pressure (Gall.) (Litres) (Kg) thread thread
SAE 12-1”1/16-
ASA 1/4 1/4 1 5,2 3/4” 295 ± 5 52 114 ± 1 36 32
12 UN
SAE 20-1”5/8-
ASA 1 1 3,5 13 12 UN 1”1/4 392 ± 10 65 168 ± 1,5 53 50
4000 psi 47 25 140 32
ASA 2.5 2.5 9 37 565 ± 15
ASA 5 5 19 58 SAE 24-1”7/8- 870 ± 15
12 UN 2”
ASA 10 10 34,5 96 1382 ± 15 101 229 ± 2 77 70
ASA 15 15 50 133 1905 ± 15
* I = Overall dimensions of pre-loading unit.
1) = Dimensions related to the standard version in carbon steel. Subject to change

7 Additional gas bottles

7.1 General
Bottles in forged steel, designed as additional nitrogen bottles for bladder or
piston accumulators.

7.2 Construction
The ASS version (fig. I) can be supplied with capacity from 0,7 up to 55 litres,
both low and high pressure and with all the certifications provided for bladder
accumulators except for ASME-U.S.
Dimensions of shells from 0,7 up to 55 litres, not included on the table 7.4, can
be deduced for the high pressure range from the table 4.3 and for the low
pressure range from the table 5.3.
The ASSA version (fig. I) is provided for shells with ASME-U.S certification,
capacity expressed in gallons and pressure expressed in psi.
The BB version (fig. II) is manufactured only with capacity 52 litres and with
EC certification.
All the versions are made of hardened and tempered carbon steel, sandbla-
sted, painted outside with a coat of rust inhibitor and are supplied with a plug
on the bottom side.
ON REQUEST versions ASS and ASSA can be supplied with shell nickel
coated or internal and external coated with Rilsan. Connections nickel coated
or in stainless steel.
On version BB the same treatments can be done only on the external surfa-
ce. Plugs and adapters nickel coated or in stainless steel.
On all the versions can be mounted a bleed or the valve 2072 instead of plug.

7.3 Technical features

Max working pressures: 360 bar
4000 psi (ASME)
Working temperatures: –40°C ÷ +120°C (ASS)
–40°F ÷ +200°F (ASSA)
–40°C ÷ +80°C (BB)
Nominal capacity (Fig. I): 10-15-20-25-35-55 litres
2.5-5-10-15 gallons (ASME)
Nominal capacity (Fig. II): 52 litres

7.4 Dimensions
Max working Capacity Weight
Type Figure ØD ØG ØR L
pressure (Litres) (Gallons) (Kg.)
ASS 10 360 bar 10 – 31 495
ASS 15 (CE and ML) 15 – 41 645
ASS 20 345 bar 20 – 45 I 3/4” BSP 805
(RINA) 1”1/4 BSP –
ASS 25 BS - L. R. 24.5 – 56 224 +– 41 UNI - ISO 228 970
ASS 35 (Germanischer 35 – 74 1320
ASS 55 54 – 102 1837
BB 52 360 bar 52 – 96 II 1”1/2 BSP 1/2” BSP or blind 1760
ASSA 2.5 – 2.5 35 503
SAE 12
ASSA 5 – 5 55 I 229 ± 1% 1-1/16” - 12 UN 808
4000 psi –
ASSA 10 – 10 91 SAE 20 1320
1-5/8” - 12 UN
ASSA 15 – 15 127 1941

7.5 Identification code

The example shows an additional bottle, type BB with nominal capacity of 35 litres, with a max working pressure of 360 bar; shell and
connections in carbon steel; female threaded connection 1”1/2 BSP; EC testing.

BB 52 P 360 C G2 – 8 –

Nominal capacity Gasket set material Max working Material of the shell Material of
Type (only for ASS and ASSA) pressure and connections Gas connection Test connections 1)
Litres Gallons
0 = Works
ASS = Additional
bottle Fig. I
10 2.5 P = Perbunan
F = Nitrile for low temp.
360 bar : 97/23/EC
ML (ex SQL)
C = alloyed steel with
rustproof base
G1 = 1-1/4” BSP
G3 = 3/4” BSP } ASS
1 = GOST-R
3 = ML (ex SQL)

15 5 ATEX
H = Nitrile for Hydroc. S1 = SAE 12 4 = RINA – = like bottle
ASSA = Additional (94/9/EC) N = alloyed steel with
20 10 1-1/6”-12 UN ASSA 5 = BS-LLOYDS
K = Hydrogenated nitrile AS1210-1997 nickel-plating on S2 = SAE 20 Version N = 25 µm
ASME version 25 15 Gost REGISTER
A = For food stuffs the ouside only 1-5/8”-12 UN nickel-plated
Fig. I 6 = Germanischer

35 B = Butyl 345 bar : RINA (25 µm) G2 = 1-1/2” BSP Lloyd
= Additional B.S. - L.R. X = stainless
BB 52 E = Ethylene-Propylene V = alloyed steel with R0 = Blind Adapt. BB 7 = ASME U.S. steel
bottle Germanischer R1 = Adapt. 1/2” Version
Fig. II 55 N = Cloroprene Lloyd special external 8 = 97/23/EC AISI 316
painting BSP 9 = ATEX
4000 psi : ASME-U.S. (to be specified) A = others to be 10 = others to be
Y = Epichloridrin specified specified
1) Specify only if are different from the shell material Subject to change

8 Flanged fluid connections

8.1 General
In addition to those manufactured with female threaded fluid ports, accumulators can also be supplied with flanged connections.
The high pressure range is available with fluid port connection (see fig. A and A1) for SAE 3000 and 6000 (capacity 3 ÷ 55 Its.), or with screwed
square flanges (fig. B) or round UNI-DIN-ANSI flanges (fig. C-D). The low pressure range is available with UNI-DIN-ANSI flanges (fig. C-D).
The order codes are for the standard version in phosphated carbon steel with nitrile (P) gaskets.
On request, can be done the execution nickel-plated or stainless steel with not standard gaskets.

8.2 Fluid port for SAE flanges

Fluid port Work
press. ø A
Accumulator øB øC H L Gasket Fig.
order Flange
model code (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) OR

2387 1” SAE 6000 360 47.6 38 30.5 9.5 100 4131 A1

AS 3
2246 1”1/4 SAE 3000 210 50.8 43 31 8 89 A
360 bar 4150
2247 1”1/4 SAE 6000 360 53.3 44 29 10.3 89 A
2388 1” SAE 6000 360 47.6 38 30.5 9.5 100 4131 A1
AS 5
2248 1”1/4 SAE 3000 210 50.8 43 31 8 89 A
360 bar 4150
2249 1”1/4 SAE 6000 360 53.3 44 29 10.3 89 A
2383 1”1/2 SAE 3000 210 60.3 50 35 8 115 A1
AS 10 ÷ 55 2268 1”1/2 SAE 6000 360 63.5 51 32 12.5 115 A1
360 bar 2271 2” SAE 3000 210 71.5 62 45 9.5 115 A
2272 2” SAE 6000 360 71.5 67 45 12.5 115 A

8.3 Square flanges

Thread øD øH Seal OR
Accumulator model Order code
G (mm) (mm) radial frontal

AS 3 - 5 10473 1”1/4 ISO 228 3150 –

360 bar 10492 M 40x1.5 – 3168
10349 2” ISO 228 3218 –
AS 10 ÷ 55
10347 M 50x1.5 32 25 – 159
360 bar
10448 2” NPT – –
ASA 2.5 ÷ 15
10349-7 1”7/8 - 12 UN size 24 –
4000 p.s.i.

8.4 UNI-DIN-ANSI Flanges

Order code PN H
Accumulator standard-flanges G Seal
mm bar Fig. UNI-DIN-ANSI
model BSP OR
UNI-DIN ANSI (inch) (lbs) mm mm

AS 0,7-1-1,5 2205 2207 20 40 (300) 23 40

C 3/4” 2093
360 bar 2206 2208 (3/4”) 250 (1500) 45 59
2211 2213 25 40 (300) 51 73
AS 3-5 2212 2214 (1”) 250 (1000) 76 90
1”1/4 3150
360 bar 2215 2217 32 40 (300) 22 44
2216 2218 (1”1/4) 250 (1500) 55 58
2221 2224 16 (150) 49 67
2222 2225 25 40 (300) D 51 73
AS 10 ÷ 55 (1”)
2223 2226 250 (1500) 76 90
360 bar
and 2227 2229 40 40 (300) 56 79
D 2” 3218
AS 1,5-3 2228 2230 (1”1/2) 250 (1500) 91 100
80 bar 2231 2234 16 (150) 23 40
2232 2235 50 64 (400) C 40 55
2233 2236 250 (1500) 61 83
AS 5 2241 2243 65 16 (150) 23 45
C 2”1/2 3281
80 bar 2242 2244 (2”1/2) 40 (300) 30 52
2251 2252 25 (1”) 16 (150) 52 70
2255 2257 50 16 (150) 65 84
(2”) D
AS10 ÷ 55 2256 2258 40 (300) 68 90
30 bar 4” 4425
2259 2260 80 (3”) 16 (150) 70 90
2261 2263 100 16 (150) 31 46
2262 2264 (4”) 40 (300) 44 60
Subject to change

9 Pulse damper connections

9.1 General 9.2 Construction features

Pulse damper connection is a very useful addition to the bladder STANDARD VERSION INCLUDES:
accumulator when used as a pulsations damper.
The flow, due to special construction, is directed inside the
accumulator thus greatly increasing efficiency.
• Phosphated carbon steel body.
Construction is such that it can be fitted directly on the liquid
connection of all accumulators ranges, both high and low
• Installation side connections: BSP female parallel thread (fig. I and
II); with ends for welding neck flange (fig. III and IV).
Versions fig. II, III and IV are for low pressure only.
Other pulse dampers, in different sizes, can be supplied on request. ON REQUEST:

• BODY NICKEL COATED thickness 25 micron (other thick-

ness to be specified) or in stainless steel.

• FLANGED ENDS (specify DN, PN and standards of flange).

9.3 Operating features
Working pressure: 16 ÷ 80 bar, low pressure
360 bar, high pressure
Temperature range: –20 ÷ +150°C

fig. I fig. II

fig. III fig. IV

9.4 Dimensions and part number

High pressure range Low pressure range
AS 0.2 AS 0.7-1-1.5 AS 3-5 AS 10-55 AS 1,5-3 AS 5 AS 10-15-20-25-35-55
Connection Fig. I - Part No. 2012 2014 2054 2114 – – – – – – – – –
Connection Fig. II - Part No. – – – – 2016 – – 2056 – – 2116 – –
Connection Fig. III - Part No. – – – – – 2017 – – 2057 – – 2117 –
Connection Fig. IV - Part No. – – – – – – 2018 – – 2058 – – 2118
A 46 65 90 120 150 127 127 180 152 152 240 210 210
B 16 19 27 38 70 70 64 82 82 76 112 112 105
C 12 14 18 22 22 22 – 22 22 – 21 21 –
ØD ISO 228 1/2” 3/4” 1”1/4 2” 2” 2” – 2”1/2 2”1/2 – 4” 4” –
ØE ISO 228 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1”1/2 1”1/2 – – 2” – – 3” – –
ØF – – – – 60,5 60,3 60,3 73,5 73,1 73,1 114,5 114,3 114,3
OR 10042 2093 3150 3218 3218 3218 – 3281 3281 – 4425 4425 –
Subject to change

10 Relief valves - fluid side

10.1 General
The hydraulic system in which the hydropneumatic accumulator There are three possibilities:
is mounted, must have a relief valve installed on the liquid side.
This valve should have a pressure setting equal or lower than the
maximum working pressure marked on the name plate of the accu-
• Cartridge type DBD...; this is more frequently used thanks to its prac-
tical style and economical advantages (see par. 10.3);
The valve must not be used for controlling the system pressure and • Safety valve VS214/...; this is used for high flow discharge (par. 11.3);
its setting should only be carried out by authorized personnel.
• Burst disk DR8/...; this is used for narrow spaces and with discharge
not conveyed to the tank (see par. 11.4).
10.2 Technical and constructional features • Nominal size: DBD 6 - 10 - 20
Valve DBD... is a direct acting relief valve with conical sealing and it can • Standard pressure calibration with CE setting: P=5÷630 bar
be adjusted through a screw. If EC testing is required, the valve is sup- • Standard pressure calibration without cert.: P=25-50-100-200-315-400 bar;
plied with fixed setting and lead seal. On the execution without certi- (630 bar only for DBD10)
ficate the calibration value, marked on the body, indicate the superior • Overpressure by full flow: 10% of P
limit of calibration range; the lower limit coincides with the value of the • Blow down: <10% of P
valve just before. It is provided with a protective cap and flat seal. The • Flow rate: max 50lt/1’(DBD6) 120lt/1’(DBD10) 250lt/1’(DBD20)
valve body is in burnished carbon steel; the seals are in Perbunan. • Testing certificate: 97/23/EC

10.3 DBD... relief valve - dimensions 10.4 BPV... blocks for relief valve - dimensions

Type Weight øA øB øC øD øE øF G H I L M N O R SW Type Valve Weight (BSP)

øA øB C D E F G H I L M P øQ S T U Z
(kg) (kg) OR
DBD..6... 0,4 24,9 15 25 M28x1,5 6 35 67 11,5±5,5 45 11 19 15 35 70 32 BPV 6.. DBD..6.. K 1,2 1/4” 6,6 4,5 25 55 10 45 80 40 60 25 3 M6 6 35 55 7x1,5
DBD..10... 0,5 31,9 18,5 32 M35x1,5 10 35 80 15,5±7,5 52 12 23 18 41 68 36 BPV 10.. DBD..10.. K 3,2 1/2” 9 60 31 70 10 59 100 60 80 40 4 M8 10 41 65 12.3x2,4
DBD..20... 1 31,9 24 40 M45x1,5 20 41 110 21,5±8,5 70 18 27 21 54 66 46 BPV 20.. DBD..20.. K 6 1” 9 70 50 100 15 81 135 70 100 50 5,5 M8 20 54 85 22x3

10.5 Identification code

DBD S 10 K 13/ 200 P 8 -

Adjustment method Nominal size Mounting method Operative pressure range Sealing Test Material
S = set screw 6 = size 6 K = cartridge version 25 = up to 25 bar 400 = up to 400 bar P = fluids on mineral 0 = factory - = phosphated
50 = up to 50 bar 630 = up to 630 bar oil base testing steel
H = handknob 10 = size 10 G = with block BPV TYPE G (for size 10 only)
for threaded connection 100 = up to 100 bar
200 = up to 200 bar * = on request V = fluids on 8 = 97/23/EC X = stainless
A = lockable hand knob 20 = size 20 P = with block BPV TYPE P other calibration phosphate-ester steel
(for size 6 and 10 only) 315 = up to 315 bar
for subplate mounting with EC base

10.6 BAPV 10 accumulator block for DBDS10K...

This block is used for the assembling of the valve DBD..10... It is made
of burnished carbon steel. The two connections P and P1 are used
indifferently for the connection to the accumulator through a nipple and
to the system. The discharge line T mustn’t have counterpressures and
must have a free passage.

All dimensions in mm. Subject to change

11 Safety valves and burst disk gas and liquid sides

11.1 General 11.2 Installation

These valves and burst disks are mounted in order to protect the The valve or the burst disk must be mounted close to the gas valve
accumulator in case of gas overpressures higher than the value of the and in direct contact with the nitrogen contained into the accumulator.
maximum allowable working pressure. In particular cases are installed on the fluid side (see page 26-28-
So the calibration of the valve or of the burst disk must be equal or 29-30-31).
lower than this value. Each type of valve or of burst disk can be supplied with adapter for a
Are available the following types: valves VS214/... with EC testing direct mounting on the different types of gas valves.
(ISPESL on request) and burst disks DR8/... with EC testing (others on A shut-off cock between accumulator and valve is allowed only if it
request). is sealed in “open” position.
For the designation merely add the setting pressure and the type of Before mounting, be sure that the accumulator is completely
testing to the valve code. discharged.

Gas side adapters

11.3 Safety valve type VS214/... (with related adapters)

Technical and constructional features

This valve is characterised by a port size of 9,5 mm.
and by a copra-aluminium disc with flat seat.
Seals are not provided; valve tightness is ensured
by an accurate lapping of disc surfaces.
The body is made of steel A105, the disc is made
of AISI 431.

• Port size : Ø 9.5 mm

• Calibrations P : up to 413 bar
on request
• Blow down
Overpressure by full flow : 10% of P
• Lift mm 2,1 : 7% of P
• Spring adjustment : fluid nitrogen
• Gas discharge coefficient :: ±K 5% calibration
• Liquids discharge coefficient: K = 0,6
= 0,95
• Temperatures range : min. –20°C
• max +150°C
• Test certificate : 97/23/EC
(ISPESL on request)

11.4 Burst disk type DR8/... (with related adapters)

Technical features
• Materials : AISI 316L
• Port size : 6 holes Ø 3
• Overpressure
Calibration : on request
• Temperature range : ± 10%
• : min. –40°C
max +150°C
• Test certificate : 97/23/EC

11.5 Some gas side adapters for the connection of valves and manometers 1)

1) Other versions on request Subject to change

12 Connection and protection blocks series B10 - B20

12.1 General B10MP315G1RP B20EP360GRP

Safety blocks series B10-20 combine in a compact
unit all the components required for an easy con-
nection of accumulator on an hydraulic circuit and
its protection from overpressure.
They also allow a quick disassembly of the accu-
mulator or a check of accumulator pre-charge pres-
sure also when the system is operating.
Series B10-B20 is suitable for accumulators from
0,7 litres up to 55 litres.

12.2 Construction
••Phosphated steel body.
3-way ball valve, in crome-plated steel, connect-
ing accumulator to inlet or discharge.
Seat for assembling of relief valve.
Installation side connection, BSP female parallel
threaded ISO 228.

Accumulator side connection, metric female
parallel threaded.

Flow control valve for adjusting the flow rate dur-
ing the accumulator discharge (Only on B20).
Discharge and manometric connections.
Gaskets for mineral oil (Perbunan).
12.3 Technical features
Diameter of inlet port: Ø 10 or 20 mm.
ON REQUEST it is supplied with:
Nominal flow rates at ~ 10 m/s: B10 = 50 I/min; B20 = 190 I/min
BODY nickel-coated; relief valve in stainless steel.
NIPPLE for connection to accumulator. Max. working pressure: 360 bar
PLUG no. 2375 for closing of valve seat.
RELIEF VALVE TYPE DBDS not adjusted (see Temperature range: – 20 ÷ +80°C standard (70°C with electrovalve)
page 26). – 20 ÷ +150°C (seals in Viton)

RELIEF VALVE TYPE DBDS sealed with lead
and EC certified. – Ø flow = 10 mm.

VALVE TYPE VS214/... with ISPESL certificate or
EC (see page 27).
Relief valve: – DBDS not adjusted (see chapter 10.2)
– DBDS adjustable from 5 to 360 bar with

discharge, “normally open”.
EC certification
– VS214/... with EC or ISPESL certification
Technical features (voltage, frequency, etc.) or – Power voltage = DC 24V - 110 V
version “normally close” have to be specified.
•GASKETS IN VITON. Solenoid valve: – Power consumption
AC 110/220V
= 26W
– Protection = IP65
12.4 Identification code
The example shows a safety block series B, with inlet port 20 mm, with only manual discharge, with relief valve type DBDS tested by EC at 360 bar,
accumulator side connection 2” BSP, installation side 3/4” BSP, gaskets in Perbunan, block in phosphated steel. (If the solenoid valve will be
installated, specify electrical data in detail).

B20 M P 360 G R P – –

Type and Relief valve Accumulator Installation Gasket Block
Discharge calibration
inlet port (see pages 26-27) side connection side connection material material
A= without valve with Valves type G = 2” BSP
plastic plug DBDS10 G1 = 1”1/4 BSP
or VS214

B= valve type DBDS... G3 = 3/4” BSP B10

M = Only manual
B 10 (Not adjusted) adjusted with M = M 50x1,5
E = Electric certificate R = 1/2” BSP
C= valve type VS214/... M1 = M 40x1,5 female P = Nitrile – = Phosphated
and (ISPESL certified) 5 ÷ 360 steel
B 20 manual G = 2” BSP
G1 = 1”1/4 BSP V = Viton
P= valve type DBDS... Valves DBDS10

F = Manual plus N = Nickel coated

(EC certified) not adjusted* M = M 50x1,5 B20
drilling for steel 25 µm
V= valve type VS214/... 25 - 50 - 100 M1 = M 40x1,5
electrovalve (EC certified) R = 3/4” BSP
200 - 315 - 400 H = without nipple female
T = without valve *(superior limits S = SAE thread
(with plug 2375) of regulation range) A = other

12.5 Spare parts No.

In addition to the spare part number specify the complete block designation or its serial number, especially for non-standard version.

Accumulator side connection Ball of Relief valve Relief valve Safety valve Testings Gaskets
Type ØA shut off valve DBDS not adj. DBDS adjusted sets
3/4” BSP 1”1/4 BSP 2” BSP M40x1,5 M50x1,5 with gaskets (without testing) (with cert. EC) EC ISPESL
B 10 10450 10451 10452 10453 10454 2132 2140
2105/ (bar)*
.... 2106/ ....
(bar)/ EC VS214/ (bar)
..../EC VS214/ ..../ISPESL
B 20 – 10470 10471 – 10472 2133 2141
*Choose, among limits of regulation range, the value just higher than working pressure Subject to change

12 Connection and protection blocks series B10 - B20
12.6 Dimensions



Weight: 3 Kg



Weight: 3,5 Kg



Flow control valve

Weight: 6,4 Kg



Flow control valve

Weight: 6,9 Kg

• DBDS RELIEF VALVE NIPPLE (with radial O-Ring)

Connection block-accumulator
No. Type

NIPPLE (with frontal O-Ring)

Connection block-accumulator

Subject to change

14 Connection blocks series “BC” - gas side

14.1 General
The block series BC is used in order to make safer
and more practical the connection of one or more
additional nitrogen bottles with a bladder accumula-
tor “transfert” version or with a piston accumulator.
It includes substantially the following equipment:
• Shut-off valve R that remains open during the
operation in order to assure the free nitrogen flow
between bottles and accumulator and vice versa;
it should be closed only for a check or for the
accumulator maintenance.
• Check valve VR that guarantee the nitrogen pas-
sage from accumulator to bottles even when the
cock R is wrongly closed.
• Safety valve VS214 or burst disk for the protection
of overpressures.
• Filling valve PC for the charging or the check
of nitrogen pre-charge through pre-loading set

14.2 Construction features

• Body in phosphated steel with shut-off valve (R)
and check valve (VR).
••Nipple for safety valve.
Female threaded nipple on accumulator side (A)
and gas side (B).
Female threaded nipple for manometer (M).
Valve with connection for pre-loading and check- 14.3 Technical features
ing set PC250S1.

Gasket sets in NBR (Perbunan P). Port: 25 mm.
ON REQUEST: Max working pressure: 400 bar
•• Body in nickel-plated carbon steel.
Safety valve with EC or ISPESL testing.
Working temperature: –20°C / +80°C (+150°C with Viton seals)
•• Burst disk with EC testing.
Gaskets in VITON.
Safety valve: VS214/... with EC or ISPESL certification
and calibrated at the value indicated
• Pressure gauge with possible isolator valve (to
be specified in detail). by the user
Burst disk: DR8/... with EC certification
14.3 Identification code
The example given below shows a BC block made of phosphated steel, with 25 mm port, safety valve tested by EC and calibrated at 210 bar, a 1”
BSP connection both on the accumulator and on the bottle side, Perbunan gaskets.

BC25 V 210 G P –

Safety valve or Calibration Connection sides

Type Gaskets material Surface treatment
burst disk (bar) A and B

A = without valve
C = with VS214/... valve
with ISPESL 5 ÷ 400 G =1” BSP (Standard) P = Perbunan – = phosphated
BC 25
certificate steel
(calibration value A =Other to be V = Viton
V = with VS214/... valve indicated by the user) specified N = Nickel-plated
with 97/23/EC steel 25 µm
R = with burst disk

14.5 Spare parts No.

In addition to the spare part number it is essential to indicate also the complete identification code of the block or its serial number.

Valve Check Gas filling Safety valve Safety valve Burst disk
Type Gaskets
with gaskets valve valve ISPESL tested EC tested EC tested

BC 25 2134 2305 2072 VS214/ (bar)

.... /lSPESL VS214/ (bar)
.... /EC DR8/ (bar)
.... 2304
Subject to change

15 Support equipments

15.1 General 15.2 Construction

The fixing must be done in such a way as to not lie with outward Clamps and brackets are manufactured of galvanized carbon steel
stresses on the shell or on the accumulator connection. Especially but, on request, they can be supplied entirely in stainless steel.
for the horizontal assembling and for the most heavy types is The support ring are of nitril rubber 80°Sh. On request can be used
necessary to use fixing equipments (clamps, brackets, etc...) that other elastomers.
support the accumulator and avoid dangerous vibrations.

15.3 Clamps

Dimensions and order code

Accumulator Order Weight
Fig. A B D H I L M
Type Max. press. (bar) code (kg)
AS 0,7 360 - 550 10155 I 0,65 125 – 89 ÷ 93 53 ÷ 55 90 13 9
AS 1-1,5-3 80 - 360 10157 II 0,85 135 194 114 ÷ 122 66 ÷ 70 100 13 9
AS 5 80 - 360 10250 II 1,1 185 251 167 ÷ 176 95 ÷ 100 146 13 9
AS 10 ÷ 55 30 - 360 10410 II 1,35 298 285 215 ÷ 227 120 ÷ 126 216 20 10

15.4 U-Bolt clamps and plastic pipe saddles

Dimensions and order codes
Accumulator Order Weight
Type code Fig. (kg) A D H H1 H2 I N

AS1 - 1,5 - 3 11468 I 0.12 123 115 84 149 35 115 M8

ASA 1/4 11475 II ... 75 70 8 17 10 40 15
AS 5 11469 I 1.74 178 168 118 211 45 168 M10
ASA 1 11476 II ... 140 75 8 26 10 90 25
AS 10÷55 ASS 10÷55 11470 I 2.75 236 220 157 282 60 220 M16
ASA 2.5÷15 BB52 11477 II ... 140 75 8 26 10 90 25

15.5 Bracket with ring Support ring

Dimensions and order code

Order code
Type Bracket Support Weight
(kg) A B C øD ø D1 ø D2 ø D3 ø D4 E F G H I
with ring ring
AS 5 10263 1,5 200 175 90 11 140 120 90 10 3 40 96 140
AS 10 ÷ 55 10363 36 260 232 120 17 200 170 150 15 3 70 125 200
AS 1÷5 10266 0,13 140 120 90 112 10
AS 10 ÷ 55 10345 0,22 200 170 150 175 15
All dimensions in mm. Subject to change

16 Pre-loading and checking set PC

16.1 General
It is used for the periodic check of accumulator pre-charge and for the inflation of
accumulators themselves after the replacement of the bladder or it is used for the
change of pre-change value. For the inflation is necessary a connection to a bottle
filled with industrial dry nitrogen with a pressure higher than the precharge value
required, provided with pressure reducer (mandatory, for safety reasons, during the
inflation of accumulators with PS < 210 bar).
Furthermore the use of a pressure reducer make easier the slow and graduated
inflow of nitrogen on the bladder avoiding in this way the possibility of damaging of
the bladder itself.

16.2 Construction
• Valve body complete with ring nut connection to accumulator gas valve, pressure
gauge, bleed and non return snap-in hose connection.
••3 m charging hose for high pressure series complete with bottle connections.
One connection nipple to pressure reducer.
Set of spare gaskets.

ADAPTER for special accumulator gas valves.
CHARGING HOSE with lenght of 6 m.

16.3 Technical features

Max working pressure: 600 bar

Accumul. connection: 5/8" UNF (standard)

7/8” UNF; ø 7,7x1/32” (Vg8); 1/4” ISO 228; (on request)

Bottle connection: See designation (ch 16.5), drawings and table ch. 16.7
page 35

Pressure gauges: - Ø 63 connection 1/4” ISO 228

- Full scale 250 bar for high pressure accumulators
- Full scale 25 bar for low pressure accumulators

Weight: 1,8 kg (case included)

16.4 Spare parts

Gasket set 2160 Complete bleed 2164
Non-return valve 2162 Charging hose 2166/ (metres)
Central pin 2165 Pressure gauge 2163/ (bar)

16.5 Identification code

The example below shows equipment for filling and checking with pressure gauge
of 250 bar, with accumlulator connection 5/8" UNF and standard bottle connection,
complete with 3 m hose and case.

PC 250 S 1 – –

Type Pressure Connection to Connection to bottle 1) Charging hose

gauge (bar) accumulator (according to Country standards) (metres)

S = 5/8" UNF (standard) 1 = Italy 3 = Belgium 4 = Argentina 5 = Brazil

A = ø 7,7x1/32” (Vg8) 2 = Austria Egypt Australia South America
(adapter 50019) Czech Republic France Great Briitain 6 = South Africa
Denmark Hungary Greece
PC B = 7/8” UNF 7 = Canada – =3m
25 Finland Mexico India
(adapter 10143) USA (standard)
Germany Morocco Indonesia
Pre-loading Romania New Zeland 8 = Russia
and checking C = 1/4" ISO 228 Netherlands L =6m
(adapter 50510) Saudi Arabia Philippines Venezuela
250 Norway (on request)
Poland Slovenia Portugal 9 = Japan
D = ø 7,7x1/32” (Vg8) Spain Singapore
(long thread) Sweden 10 = Taiwan
Switzerland Tunisia Turkey
(adapter 50508) 11 = China
12 = Korea
1) Other types on request
Subject to change

16 Pre-loading and checking set PC

16.6 Connection charging hose - pressure reducer

The use of pre-loading set for the inflation
of accumulators “low pressure” series
requires, for safety reasons, the use of
a pressure reducer mounted on the
nitrogen bottle calibrated at a pressure
equal or lower than the max working pressu-
re PS marked on the accumulator body.
The connection nipple between charging
hose and reducer it is showed by the side
of the page and it is normally supplied
with the pre-laoding set.

16.7 Connection charging hose - additional bottle

For “high pressure” accumulators and, in general, for all the types with PS ≥210
bar, it is possible to connect the nitrogen bottle through the proper nipple
without the use of pressure reducer.
The proper nipple has to be chosen according to the origin Country of nitrogen
bottle, as showed on the table below.
The number of the column indicated with x stands for the fig. of the nipple valid for
such Country and coincide with the number used for the indication of bottle
connection in the designation code (ch. 16.5).
Each nipple has an own code (indicated on) to be used for spare parts order
and not on the designation of the pre-loading set.

Subject to change

17 Spare bladders for accumulators

17.1 General
The EPE bladder is made by two different and separable parts. of gas valve assembly (see pag. 37).
One is the rubber bladder of which the main feature lies in an origi- The two parts, bladder and gas valve assembly, can be
nal and well developed process that allows the construction in a ordered separately (for the assembling see pag. 41) so when is
single piece. The second part is the gas valve assembly that is necessary the replacement of the bladder, it is possible to use again
seal connected on the bladder mechanically. This unique the gas valve assembly saving in this way money on the purchasing
method allows to seal connect on the same bladder different types price of the spare baldder.

17.2 Technical and constructional features

• THE BLADDER, used in the standard version of the accumula-
tors of all the series offered by EPE, is made in butadiene-acril-
• THE GAS VALVE used in the EPE accumulators is made of
phosphated carbon steel, in the following three versions:
nitrile rubber (NBR) with medium-high ACN content which we S = STANDARD, (fig. 1a). For capacities from 0,2 to 55 litres
have denoted “standard nitrile” and distinguished with the let- with inflating valve 5/8” UNF.
ter P. The “P” bladder is above all suitable for use with mineral This valve can be supplied with Ø B and special inflation
oils but gives also excellent results with many other liquids (see connections (see ch. 18.4).
ch. 3.15 page 16). The operating temperature range is ST = TRANSFER (fig. 1b). Suitable for use with the accumulator
between –20 and +85°C. For special requirements, tempera- connected to one or more additional nitrogen bottles. For
tures exceeding the above limits, special liquids, etc. the blad- capacities from 5 to 55 litres.
der can be supplied in the following materials: Nitrile for low
temperatures (F), Nitrile for hydrocarbons (H), Hydrogenated SL = LIQUID SEPARATOR (fig. 1c). It is used when a liquid is also
Nitrile (K), for foodstuffs (A), Butyl (B), Ethylene-propylene (E), inside the bladder. For capacities from 0,2 to 55 litres.
Neoprene (N), Epichlorohydrin (Y).
N.B. Not all the bladders sizes are available in all the materials.
• UPON REQUEST, all the valves can be supplied with chemical
nickel coating 25 µm. (other thickness to be specified) or in
Please consult our Technical Service Department before ordering. stainless steel.

17.3 Bladder dimensions and spare codes for standard valves

Nominal Bladder dimensions with valves fig. 1a - 1b - 1c Bladd. Gas valve assembly
fig. 1a fig. 1b fig. 1c
capacities øG weight
(Litres) øA øB ø C ISO 228 D E F H I L1 L2 L3 kg code weight code weight code weight
No. kg No. kg No. kg
0,2 38 5/8” UNF 20 1/8” BSP – 25 – 23 155 180 – 178 0,03 2002 0,1 – – 2003 –
0,7 75 – 126 182 – 154 0,07 2021 – – 2027-1 0,27
1 148 204 184 176 0,13
2026 0,55
1,5 M22x1,5 51 36 28 198 254 234 226 0,17 2022 0,3 2027 0,18
2,5 (Spec. ø B 25 1/4” BSP 47 325 381 361 353 0,30
s. section 2029 0,7
3 18.4) 374 430 410 402 0,36
4 215 272 252 247 0,33
146 52 37 32 2042 0,42 2043 1,1 2048 0,33
5 284 341 321 316 0,43
10 315 390 387 358 0,96
12 400 475 472 443 1,08 2065 2,6
15 M50x1,5 450 525 522 493 1,29
20 198 (Spec. ø B 55 1” BSP 60 63 72 43 583 658 655 626 1,79 2062 1,7 2073 1,1
s. section 2066 3,1
25 18.4) 735 810 807 778 2,22
35 1080 1155 1152 1123 3,28
2067 3,6
55 1535 1610 1607 1578 4,59
All dimensions in mm Subject to change

17 Spare bladders for accumulators

17.4 Special gas valve

EPE bladders, in addition to their use in EPE accumulators, are In order to do that, gas valves (see below) are available with non-
perfectly interchangeable with many others brands available in the standard stem diameters (ØB) and charge-connections.

17.4.1 Dimensions and spare codes for special valves

Nominal Biadder Dimensions
Spare order codes
capacities Fig. with valve Weight 2) Gas valve Item 1 Item 2
Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6
(litres) code øB E Kg assembly valve body washer locknut fill valve valve cap protect. cap
2a S...2 5/8” UNF 26 0,15 2015 10110 10105 10023 2070 10337 –
0,7 - 1 - 1,5
2,5 - 3 3 S...3 46 0,38 2019 10118 10201 10200
7/8” UNF 10106 10108 2069
4 S...4 0,3 2020 10119 10134 10135
2a S...2 5/8” UNF 30 0,27 2041 10255 10257 10023 2070 10337 –
4-5 3 S...3 0,48 2045 10258 10201 10200
7/8” UNF 49 10205 10108 2069
4 S...4 04 2046 10259 10134 10135
10 - 12 - 15 2b S...2 M22x1,5 57 0,75 2061 10332 10109 2072 10337 10103
20 - 25 - 35 3 S...3 0,83 2084 10329 10331 10201 10200
7/8” UNF 52 10108 2069
55 4 S...4 0,75 2085 10330 10134 10135
1) The code denotes components made in carbon steel and washer coated in standard nitrile rubber. For different executions, add the letter N for nickel plated steel and the letter X for
stainless steel to the code number.
2) If the washer is coated with an elastomer different from the standard nitrile, the code number should be followed by both the letter denoting the steel and the letter denoting
the elastomer.

17.5 Identification code

The letter sequence denoting the bladders is very simple and fol- be indicated also the exact type of valve. The valve can be selected
lows the first part code of EPE accumulator (the type without the from either the standard types (fig. 1a/1b/1c), and denoted by 1, or
letter A, size, bladder material), to which is added 0 when the valve from the special valves, respectively denoted by 2 (fig. 2a-2b), 3
is not required and 1 when the bladder has to be completed with (fig. 3), 4 (fig. 4), 5 (see page 22) and 6 for other types to be
valve (fig. 1a-1b-1c). specified. When uncertain, the best way is to indicate also the type
For bladders used as a replacement in another brand of accumu- and brand of the accumulator. The example given is of a standard
lator, in addition to the size and the material of the bladder, should version bladder, for a 25 litres accumulator, in Nitrile, complete with
ØB valve = M50x1,5 in phosphated C40 steel.

S 25 P 1 –

Nominal Gas valve

Bladder Type capacities (Litres)
1) Bladder material Gas valve material
0 =without valve
P = Nitrile standard 1 =with valve: standard øB
F = Nitrile for low temp. (fig. 1a, 1b, 1c)
H = Nitrile for hydrocarbons - = Phophated
0,2 - 0,7 - 1 2 =with valve: special øB carbon steel
S = Standard (fig. 1a) (fig. 2a, 2b)
1,5 - 2,5 - 3 K = Hydrogenated nitrite
ST = Transfer (fig. 1b) 3 =with valve: special øB N = Nickel coated carbon
4 - 5 - 10 A = Nitrile for food-stuffs
12 - 15 - 20 and filling connection steel, thick 25 µm
SL = Liquid separator (fig. 1c) B = Butyl
25 - 35 - 55 (fig. 3) X = Stainless steel
E = Ethylene-propylene 4 =with valve: special øB AISI 316
N = Chloroprene (Neoprene) and filling connection
Y = Epichloridrin (fig. 4)
5 =with valve for ASME
U.S. (see page 22)
6 =others (on request)
1) Features and compatibility see page 16 Subject to change

18 Accumulator stations BA

18.1 General
Accumulator stations are used when the flow rate or volumes required exceed the capacity of one single accumulator available from our range.
These stations are assembled in a single line of 2 up to 5 accumulators (fig. A) or a double line of up to 8-10 accumulators (fig. B). The stations can
also be used for the installation of piston accumulators connected to additional nitrogen bottles.

18.2 Version with welded manifold

A welded steel framework, made of welded steel and painted with a coat of rust inhibitor, supports the accumulators. According to their intended num-
ber and overall dimensions, they can be positioned in a single (fig. A) or double row (fig. B). Each accumulator leans on a flexible ring, is fastened
with two clamps and has a connection block mounted (series B10/20 or more often, series BS25/32). A delivery manifold consisting of a central
pipe to which several branch pipes have been welded for connection to the relevant blocks (dimensions to be defined according to the flow rate and
working pressure). Its two ends are female threaded ISO 228 or, on request, flanged. One of the two ends is closed off by a plug or blind flange. The
same thing is applied also to the manifold which connects the discharges of the single blocks. On request a pressure gauge or a pressure switch can
be installed for controlling the delivery pressure and a basin for collecting the oil. The double station can also be used for the installation of transfer
accumulators connected to the additional nitrogen bottles mounted in parallel to the same. Various other versions can be supplied so it is advi-
sable to contact our technical department in order to make the best choice.

18.3 Version with block

This version involves the assembly of accumulators on a block acting as support and delivery and discharge manifold. In the most complete version
(fig. D) each accumulator is isolated using the series BS25 or BS32 safety block on which all the accessories indicated on pages 30/31 can be
mounted. The discharge of each accumulator, through the block, is obtained in the same delivery manifold.

18.4 Designation

BA 8 S 55 – A....

No. of
Type accumulator Accumulator type Capacity Drawing

No. of S = bladder
Accumulator accumulators P = piston Accumulator Drawing no.
station size
installed F = other

All dimensions in mm Subject to change

19 Installation

19.1 General 19.2 Preliminary checking

All EPE accumulators are carefully inspected and tested at the Upon receipt check:
factory and are exactly as designated by the code printed on the • That there has been no damage in transit.
name plate fixed on gas valve side od each accumulator. • The identification code indicated on the name plate is as ordered.
On the name plate are printed also the following data: Before installation is also important to ensure that:
• The max working pressure PS expressed in bar; the gas pressure corresponds to the required value.
• Temperatures TS, minimum and maximum, allowable (°C); The initial gas pressure must be selected to meet the service
• The pre-charge value Po expressed in bar (glued label); requirement.
• Fabrication number of the accumulator; In general the design values are as follows:
• EC mark along with the number of the Notified Body (only when Po = 0,9 P1 (energy reserve, line shock absorber, etc.)
provided by the regulations); Po = 0,6 - 0,7 P1 (pulsation damper).
• Fabrication date: month/year;
• Group of Fluids and some essential regulations for the safety; Gas precharge pressure is of a crucial importance for the corrrect
• Name, logo, Country and phone number of the manufacturer. operation of the accumulator and for the durability of the bladder.
ATTENTION: The max working pressure marked on the accumula- The gas pressure, when the accumulator is supplied precharged,
tor must be ≥ than the calibrated pressure of the relief is related to a temperature of 20°C.
valve mounted in the hydraulic circuit.
Before undertaking any work (repairs, replacement, etc.) on a In the case of accumulators supplied without pre-loading pressure,
hydraulic circuit mounting an accumulator, it is mandatory to or after repair work, it is necessary to perform the inflation with
release completely the liquid pressure. nitrogen; must be also performed the check of the system using the
Test certificates, if required, are supplied with the accumulator or equipment type PC... following the procedure provided on ch. 20
forwarded by mail or in another way. page 40.

19.3 Installation
To achieve a high degree of efficiency, the accumulator should be fitted as close as
possible to the installation that it serves.

POSITION is possible from vertical one (gas valve on top) to the horizontal one.

It is recommended to leave:
• space necessary for testing and filling equipment.
• manufacturer name plate stating initial pressure visible.
• access to vent screw unobstructed.

Correct FASTENING is given using clamps and brackets arranged as per figure.

Is absolutely forbidden welding of supports or machining on the accumulator shell.

THE CONNECTION to the fluid valve, directly or through an adapter or a flange, have to
be done with the means of a spanner so that the fluid valve can be not turned indepen-
dently of the accumulator shell.

• A non-return valve has to be fitted between pump and accumulator.

• To be sure that the pressure limiter valve of the circuit is directly connected with the
accumulator and calibrated at a value lower than the working pressure marked on the
name plate of the accumulator.

• Is often recommended foreseen a shut-off and discharge valve in order to isolate the
accumulator (for periodic checks or repairs) also during the system operation.

All these functions are obtained with the application of connection block EPE series B
or BS limiting encumbering joints (see pages 28 ÷ 31).

19.4 Initial operating 19.5 Periodic checks

In order to avoid risk of damage to the bladder, make sure that the It has to be ensured the maintenance of gas pre-charge.
accumulator has been precharged. The first check have to be done within the first week after the
Then place the circuit under pressure, check the connections for start up of the system.
leaks and proceed to bleed the air. If has not been noticed any leakage, the following check should be
Then tighten the gas valve locknut carefully. carried out after 3 months and afterwards every 6 months.
Start up definitively the hydraulic system. For heavy uses the check have to be carried out monthly.
The accumulator completely works automatically.

20 Checking and charging

20.1 General
In order to guarantee the correct functioning of the accumulator, it
is necessary to keep constant the gas precharge pressure.
Therefore periodically the gas precharge pressure must be
checked with EPE pre-loading equipment PC250S...
The same equipment have to be used for re-inflating the bladder
(after a repair, for a changing of use, etc..) connecting with the pro-
per hose to a dry nitrogen bottle provided with a pressure reducer
so that the nitrogen goes into the bladder of the accumulator very
slowly in order to avoid bursts of the bladder itself. IN ANY CASE

20.2 Pressure check

This is a simple operation and the correct procedure is as follows:
• Isolate the accumulator from the system and reduce the liquid
pressure to zero.
• Remove the protective and sealing caps from the gas valve and
from the gas-fill valve.
• Before mounting the PC250 equipment, ensure that knob A is
unscrewed, that bleed valve B is closed and that non-return
valve C is screwed tight.
• Connect the unit to the gas-fill valve by means of the knurled nut D.
• Screw valve A to the point where pressure is registrered.
If the value correspond to the one established, remove the
equipment, unscrewing the nut D, taking care before of:
• Unscrew the knob A
• Open the bleed B
20.3 Pressure reduction
If the pre-charge value is higher than the one required, has to be
reduced opening slowly the bleed valve B till the reaching of the
correct value required.
It is advisable to discharge slowly and to check again after few
minutes from the discharge operation. After that it is possible to
remove the PC250 equipment as above described.

20.4 Increase or reset precharge pressure

If the pre-charge is lower than the established value (or if it is
necessary the re-inflating of the bladder after a repair) proceed as
follow (the pre-loading unit is already set as indicated at ch. 20.2):
• Fit the nipple to the nitrogen bottle or to the pressure reducer.
• Fit the hose extremity to the nipple.
• Connect the other hose extremity to the check-coupling C after
taking off its cap.
• Open slowly the shut-off valve or the pressure reducer of the
nitrogen bottle and keep it open till the reaching of a pressure sli-
ghtly higher than the required value, then close the shut-of valve.
• Unscrew the knob A and decompress the equipment through
the bleed valve B.
• Disconnect the micro-hose from the check-coupling C.
• Close the bleed valve, replace the cap on the check-coupling
C and wait few minutes for the pressure stabilisation.
• Screw the valve A till the pressure can be read. This should be
slightly higher than the required value.
• Adjust, through the bleed valve, the pre-charge value and
proceed with the removal of the equipment as previously descri-
• Use soap water test for checking leakages from the gas-fill
valve of the accumulator.
• Replace the gas-fill valve cover and the external protection cap.
The accumulator now is ready for use.

IT IS NECESSARY TO USE A PRESSURE REDUCER IN ORDER N.B.: The pre-loading unit PC250 is supplied with one manometer
TO INFLATE THE ACCUMULATORS (E.G. LOW PRESSURE 0 ÷ 250 bar. Of course in order to check pressures higher
SERIES) THAT HAVE A MAX WORKING PRESSURE LOWER than 250 bar it is necessary to be equipped with a manome-
THAN THE PRESSURE OF THE NITROGEN BOTTLE. ter with a suitable full-scale.
Also for low pressures the accuracy of measuring is higher
using a suitable manometer: e.g. with pressures ≤ 30 bar it
is advisable a full-scale of 60 bar.

21 Servicing and maintenance
21.1 General
If the accumulator has to be stripped for any reason, the following procedure must be
followed in the sequence shown.
Before removing accumulators for servicing, the gas pressure must be reduced to zero.
As the liquid connections for the high pressure and low pressure ranges differ (fig. A and B), the
procedures will be slightly different. While the bladder is exactly the same in the two types.

21.2 Dismantling of the accumulator

First, the accumulator must be cut off and dis-
charged from the liquid pressure and removed
from the hydraulic circuit, after that place the
accumulator horizontally in a vice then pro-
ceed, for both the types, as follows:
• Remove the protection cap of gas valve.
• Discharge completely the gas from the
bladder by means of the PC250 unit.
• Dismantle the gas-fill valve.
Only at this point the liquid connection can
be dismantled.
fig. A fig. B


1) Remove the bleed screw.

2) Remove the ring nut and the spacer ring.
3) Push the fluid port body into the vessel
and remove gaskets.
4) Remove by bending the rubber coated
retaining ring.
5) Remove the fluid port body.
6) Remove the nut that tightens the gas
1 4 valve and the name plate.
7) Remove the bladder from the liquid side
by slightly twisting.

2 5

3 6 7


The opening of the fluid side is released removing:

• The bleed screw At this point proceed as for the high pressure range removing the nut that tigh-
• The spring ring tens the gas valve and the name plate and, finally, removing the bladder with
• The anti-extrusion plate the gas valve from the liquid side.

21 Servicing and maintenance

21.3 Cleaning and inspection • THE POPPET VALVE slides freely, that the spring is not dama-
ged and that the selflocking nut fixing the brake bushing is
Clean carefully all the components including the bladder and the tighten carefully.
inside of the accumulator body.
Mainly check that: • GASKETS AND SEALS are not worn.
• THE BLADDER is not worn, damaged or with bulges due to • THE INTERIOR SURFACE of accumulator body doesn’t have
not suitable liquids.
cracks or signs of failure.


21.4 Bladder - gas valve assembly

If the bladder have to be replaced and the gas valve is in good
condition, it is possible to fit the new bladder to the old gas valve (or
viceversa) taking care to ensure that the edge of the mouth piece
makes a perfect fit with the valve seat. Then the valve is put into
place, by means of hands, pressing on the rubber coated washer
until it is no longer possible to remove it unless force is used. The
bladder can now be inserted into the accumulator.

21.5 Assembling of accumulator

Ensured that all components are in good conditions and perfectly clean, reassemble in the following order:


1) Insert the bladder (for large sizes use a
threaded tube M 12 x 1,5).
2) Mount the name plate and the nut of the
gas valve body.
3) Tighten the nut holding the gas valve
stem with a spanner.
4) Insert the liquid valve and then the
rubber coated retaining ring.
5) Locate the valve on to the support ring
fit gaskets and spacer ring.
6) Tighten the ring nut making sure the
assembly is centrally located.
7) Fit the bleed screw with gasket. Pour a
small quantity of liquid into the accumu-
lator in order to lubricate the inside.

Finally mount the gas-fill valve, precharge

the accumulator according to instructions
of section 20.4 and tighten again the gas
valve nut.


Proceed as for the high pressure range introducing the bladder and fitting it with the proper nut.
Then insert the anti-extrusion plate into the liquid connection, fastened by the spring ring (ensure perfect location on the seat).
Finally fill according to instructions section 16.4 and tighten again the gas valve nut.
The accumulator can now be installed in the system (ref. section 19.3 and 19.4).

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