Read Me
Read Me
Read Me
Step 1)
Copy the "twitch.aex" & "twitch_ae.key" file
Step 2)
Navigate to your After Effects's "Support Files > Plug-ins" folder
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects (yourverion)\Support Files\Plug-ins
Step 3)
Create a new folder named "Twitch"
Step 4)
Go into your newly created folder and paste the 2 copied files
Step 5)
Copy the "__Twitch__" folder
Step 6)
Navigate to your After Effects's "Support Files > Presets" folder
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects (yourversion)\Support Files\Presets
Step 7)
Paste the copied folder
Step 1)
Copy the "twitch.aex" & "twitch_ae.key" file
Step 2)
Navigate to your After Effects's "Support Files > Plug-ins" folder
/Applications/Adobe After Effects (your version)/Plug-ins/
Step 3)
Create a new folder named "Twitch"
Step 4)
Go into your newly created folder and paste the 2 copied files
Step 5)
Copy the "__Twitch__" folder
Step 6)
Navigate to your After Effects's "Support Files > Presets" folder
/Applications/Adobe After Effects (yourversion)/Presets/
Step 7)
Paste the copied folder
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| | / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ \___ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` |
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