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1. Dean
Prof. Drs. Adi Susilo, M.Si., Ph.D.
2. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
Dr. Serafinah Indriyani, M.Si.
3. Vice Dean for General and Finance Affairs
Prof. Sukir Maryanto, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
4. Vice Dean for Student Affairs
Darjito, S.Si., M.Si.

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................... i

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1

1.1. A Brief History .......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Vision and Mission ................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Education Facilities .................................................................................................. 3
1.3.1. Building ......................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2. Laboratories.................................................................................................. 3
1.3.3. Reading Room .............................................................................................. 4
1.3.4. Faculty Information System .......................................................................... 4
1.3.5. Human Resources ......................................................................................... 6
1.4 Academic Community Activities .............................................................................. 7
1.4.1. Education and Teaching ............................................................................... 7
1.4.2. Research ....................................................................................................... 7
1.4.3. Community Service ....................................................................................... 8
1.4.4. Community Development Program ............................................................ 10
1.5 Organizational Structure ........................................................................................ 11
1.5.1. Academic Executives .................................................................................. 12
1.5.2. Faculty Administrative Executives ............................................................. 15
1.5.3. Faculty Administrative Executives .............................................................. 15
1.5.4. Quality Assurance Group (GJM) and Quality Assurance Unit (UJM) .......... 15
1.5.5. Manager of Information and Public Relations Systems (PSIK) ................... 15
1.5.6. Journal Publishing Agency (BPJ) ................................................................. 16
1.5.7. Ethics Commission ...................................................................................... 16
1.5.8. Expertise Group .......................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER II NEW STUDENT EDUCATION AND ADMISSION SYSTEM ..................................... 17

2.1. The Definition of Semester Credit System (SCS) .................................................... 18
2.1.1. General Purposes ....................................................................................... 18
2.1.2. Special Purposes ......................................................................................... 18
2.1.3. Semester Credit System (SCS) .................................................................... 18
2.2. Learning Load and Learning Period ....................................................................... 19
2.3. Curriculum Contents .............................................................................................. 19
2.4. Main Competency.................................................................................................. 20
2.5. Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes .......................................................... 20
2.6. Learning Load in a Semester .................................................................................. 20
2.7. Academic Skill Assessment .................................................................................... 21
2.7.1. General Requirements ............................................................................... 21
2.7.2. Final Score .................................................................................................. 21
2.7.3. Remedial Exam and Special Exam .............................................................. 22
2.7.4. Supplementary Exam.................................................................................. 23
2.8. Academic Sanctions ............................................................................................... 23
2.9. Final Project Exam of Undergraduate Program ..................................................... 24
2.9.1. Final Project Exam of Undergraduate Program .......................................... 24

2.9.2. The Properties and Purposes of Final Project Exam for Undergraduate
Program ...................................................................................................... 26
2.9.3. Requirements for taking the Final Project Exam of the Undergraduate
Program ...................................................................................................... 26
2.9.4. Procedure in Submitting Final Project Exam of Undergraduate Program .. 26
2.9.5. The Examiner Assemblies for Final Project Exam of Undergraduate
Program ...................................................................................................... 26
2.9.6. Duration of Final Project Exam of Undergraduate Program ...................... 26
2.9.7. Assessment ................................................................................................. 27
2.9.8. Final Project Administration Completion ................................................... 27
2.9.9. Equality of Student Written Creative Scientific Work with a Final Project 27
2.9.10. Yudisium Graduates ................................................................................... 27
2.10. Evaluation of Study Success ................................................................................... 28
2.10.1. Evaluation of Study Success of Undergraduate Program ........................... 28
2.10.2. Evaluation of Student Transfer Program Success ....................................... 29
2.11. Short Semester Program........................................................................................ 30
2.11.1. Definition .................................................................................................... 30
2.11.2. Purposes ..................................................................................................... 31
2.11.3. Implementation .......................................................................................... 31
2.11.4. Definition .................................................................................................... 31
2.11.5. Grades, Number of Credits and Participants .............................................. 31
2.12. New Student Admission System ............................................................................ 31

CHAPTER III ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................... 32

3.1. Administration Requirements for Credit System ................................................... 32
3.2. Implementation of Credit System Administration ................................................. 32
3.2.1. Implementation of Credit System Administration ..................................... 32
3.2.2. Student Identity Card (KTM) ....................................................................... 33
3.2.3. Additional Provisions regarding Student Identity Cards and Re-
registration ............................................................................................................ 33
3.3. Implementation of Academic Registration ................................................. 34
3.3.1. Registration Preparation ............................................................................ 34
3.3.2. Filling in Study Plan Card (KRS) ................................................................... 34
3.3.3. Lectures, Practicums, and Exams ............................................................... 35
3.3.4. Announcement of the Final Grade ............................................................. 36
3.4. Grade Administration ............................................................................................ 37
3.4.1. Result Study Card (KHS) .............................................................................. 37
3.4.2. Storage of Student Evaluation Results ....................................................... 37
3.5. Change in Student Status ....................................................................................... 37
3.5.1. Academic Leave and Terminal .................................................................... 37
3.5.2. Transfer to Other University / Resigned ..................................................... 38
3.5.3. Dropped Out ............................................................................................... 38
3.5.4. Die .............................................................................................................. 38
3.5.5. Termination of Universitas Brawijaya Student ........................................... 38
3.6. Student Transfer .................................................................................................... 39
3.6.1. Student Transfer to Universitas Brawijaya ................................................. 39
3.6.2. Student Transfer between Faculties ........................................................... 39
3.6.3. Student Transfer between Departments in a Faculty of Universitas
Brawijaya .................................................................................................... 40
3.6.4. Student Transfer between Study Programs ............................................... 40
3.6.5. Student Transfer from Diploma III Program to Undergraduate Program .. 40
3.7. Grantee .................................................................................................................. 41
3.8. Provisions in Paying the Tuition Fees .................................................................... 41
3.8.1. New Students ............................................................................................. 41
3.8.2. Old Students ............................................................................................... 42
3.9. Graduation Requirements ..................................................................................... 42
3.10. Guidance and Counseling (BK) and Academic Advisor (PA)................................... 42
3.10.1. Guidance and Counseling (BK).................................................................... 42
3.10.2. Academic Advisor (PA) ............................................................................... 43


MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCES ............................................................................. 45
4.1. Rules ...................................................................................................................... 45
4.1.1. General Provisions ...................................................................................... 45
4.1.2. Rights and Obligations ................................................................................ 45
4.1.3. Social Etiquettes and Responsibilities ........................................................ 45
4.2. Student Code of Ethics........................................................................................... 47
4.2.1. General Provisions ...................................................................................... 47
4.2.2. Purposes ..................................................................................................... 47
4.2.3. Benefits ....................................................................................................... 48
4.2.4. Standard of Behavior .................................................................................. 48
4.2.5. Enforcement of Code of Ethics ................................................................... 53
4.2.6. Sanctions .................................................................................................... 53
4.2.7. Other Provisions ......................................................................................... 53

CHAPTER V DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS ............................................................................. 53

5.1. Background ............................................................................................................ 54
5.2. Vision and Mission ................................................................................................. 55
5.3. Purposes, Targets, and Strategic Plan of Department of Statistics ....................... 55
5.4. Organizational Structure and Staff of Department of Statistics ............................ 57
5.5. Laboratories and Its Facilities ................................................................................ 59
5.6. Undergraduate Statistics Study Program .............................................................. 59
5.6.1. Vision and Mission of Undergraduate Statistics Study Program ................ 59
5.6.2. Purposes, Targets, and Strategy of Undergraduate Statistics Study
Program ...................................................................................................... 59
5.6.3. KKNI Based Curriculum ............................................................................... 61
5.6.4. Program Learning Outcomes ...................................................................... 61
5.6.5. The Intended Learning Outcomes of Undergraduate of Statistics Study
Program Graduates .................................................................................... 61
5.6.6. Matrix of Courses and Intended Learning Outcomes of Undergraduate
of Statistics Study Program......................................................................... 63
5.6.7. Curriculum Diagram of Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program .......... 68
5.6.8. Science Team (KBI) ..................................................................................... 71
5.6.9. Long Term Research Theme ....................................................................... 73
5.6.10. List of Compulsory Courses in Statistics Undergraduate Study Program
based on Semester ..................................................................................... 73
5.6.11. List of Courses in Statistics Undergraduate Study Program based on Odd
and Even Semester ..................................................................................... 76
5.6.12. List of Transition Courses in Odd Semester in Statistics Undergraduate
Study Program based on Odd and Even Semester ..................................... 80
5.6.13. List of Transition Courses in Even Semester in Statistics Undergraduate
Study Program based on Odd and Even Semester ..................................... 81
5.6.14. Course Syllabuses of Statistics Undergraduate Study Program ................. 81

1.1. A Brief History
At first, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Universitas Brawijaya was
a Technical Implementation Unit (TIU) within Universitas Brawijaya since the 1980s.
Preparations for the establishment of the faculty had been carried out since 1981 by
gathering basic laboratories in UB into a Central Laboratory that functioned as a laboratory
that supported the implementation of teaching and practicum of basic sciences for exact
faculties. After the facilities and infrastructure were sufficient for the UNDERGRADUATE
education, then in 1987 a Mathematics and Natural Sciences PROGRAM was opened
consisting of 4 (four) Study Programs (SP) including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and
Mathematics Study Programs. To complete the facilities and infrastructure, various
cooperation was carried out with foreign parties, such as NUFFIC-Netherlands, IDP-Australia,
and GTZ-Germany which could improve lecturer competence, number of instrumentation
and laboratory equipment, curriculum, and implementation of higher education.
In its development, the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Program received special
attention from the Government through the Ministry of Education and Culture, both in
terms of improving facilities and infrastructure or increasing the quantity and quality of
lecturers. According to the progress achieved by the MNS Program and supported by the
needs of MNS graduates in industrial and development sector, since October 21, 1993, with
Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number
0371/0/1993 the status of MNS was upgraded to FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL
SCIENCES that consist of 4 (four) departments, DEPARTMENTS OF BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY,
The rapid development of technology and industry requires the availability of skilled
workers in the field of computers and analysis, so based on the internal capacity that is very
adequate in terms of facilities and Human Resources (HR) owned by the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, then in 1995 the DIPLOMA III PROGRAM (D III)
Management of Information and Computer Engineering (D III-MITEK) were opened and in
1997 the D III Chemical Analyst Program was opened. Furthermore, educational programs
continue to be improved, in 1998 the Statistics Study Program was opened and in 2002 a
Computer Science Study Program was opened under the Department of Mathematics. To
meet the needs of the government and the community in disaster mitigation and
management aspects, the Department of Physics opened the Geophysics and
Instrumentation Interest Program in 2011. With the increasing number of lecturers holding
doctoral degrees and to develop their institutional capacity, the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences opened a Postgraduate Program which began in 1997 with the opening of
the Reproductive Biology Master Program. After that in 2007, the Chemistry Master
Program was opened. The Physics Master Program was opened in 2009, the Mathematics
Master Program in 2010, and the Statistics Master Program in 2011. The Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences developed its institutions by opening the Biology
Doctoral Program in 2011 and in 2015 the operating licenses for the Chemical Doctoral
Program, Physics Doctoral Program, and Mathematics Doctoral Program were issued.
In line with changes in regulations regarding higher education institutions with the
establishment of vocational programs, between 2008—2010, the Faculty of Mathematics

and Natural Sciences conducted phasing out on Diploma programs including the D III MITEK
Program and D III Program Chemical Analyst. Likewise, with the institutional change through
the policy of UB's Rector in 2012, the Computer Science Study Program was merged into an
Information Technology and Computer Science Program which was separated from the
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Thus, until 2013 the Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences has 4 (four) Departments and 16 (sixteen) Study Programs including
Undergraduate Programs (7 SP) and Postgraduate Programs (5 SP on the Master Program
and 4 SP on the Doctoral Program). Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Research,
Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2016
concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of Universitas Brawijaya and the Rector
Regulation of Universitas Brawijaya Number 20 of 2016 concerning the Organizational
Structure and Work Procedure, as well as a Reply Letter from the Ministry of Research,
Technology, and Education High Number 4086/C.C4/KL/2017, the Department of Statistics
was formed, so that in 2018 the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB has 5 (five)
Departments and 16 (sixteen) Study Programs.
To guarantee the quality in the field of Tri Dharma of Higher Education and its
institutional management, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Universitas
Brawijaya implements a quality assurance system both internally and externally. This is
carried out by the establishment of quality assurance agencies at the faculty and
department levels in the form of Quality Assurance Groups (GJM) and Quality Assurance
Units (QAU). The success of Universitas Brawijaya in obtaining an ISO 9001: 2008 certificate
in 2012 is inseparable from the participation of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences. In 2017 and 2018, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences received the
Universitas Brawijaya Annual Quality Award (UBAQA) as the first winner of the university
level in the faculty category. In addition to ensuring the quality of its graduates, the Faculty
of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has accredited its study program through the National
Higher Education Accreditation Board (NHE-AB) with a very good and good rating (Table
Table 1. 1 Study Programs Accreditation of Undergraduate, Masters, and Doctoral
Programs Based on BAN-PT in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB (Data
as of July 2019)
Undergraduate Master Doctoral
No Study Program
Program Program Program
1 Biology A A A
2 Chemistry A A B
3 Physics A A B
B - -
Instrumentation B - -
4 Mathematics A A B
5 Statistics A B -

1.2. Vision and Mission

 Vision

Become an exemplary institution in organizing science and mathematics education
with international standards and supporting applied sciences to improve human
 Mission
1. Produce qualified Scientist graduates.
2. Act actively in filling and developing science and technology.
3. Increase people’s appreciation for Science.
4. Support the development of applied sciences in Universitas Brawijaya environment.
 Purposes
1. Organizing professional teaching and learning processes.
2. Carry out quality research.
3. Disseminate research results to the community.
4. Take a role in the process of developing basic sciences based on national and
international levels.

1.3. Education Facilities

1.3.1. Building
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences occupies seven buildings consisting
of 28 lecture halls, 26 laboratory rooms, 1 reading room, 1 greenhouse unit within the
Faculty building and 1 shared greenhouse in the Ngijo area, and several office spaces. In
2013, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences began construction of an 8-floor
2 2
building (1-floor building area of 1200 m , a room area of 800 m ). In 2018, the total room
area of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB became 6400 m2 (building area
of 9600 m ).

1.3.2. Laboratories
The laboratory is an important facility in the teaching and learning processes to
support practice and deepen lectures. Nowadays, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences has 25 laboratories with adequate equipment and are distributed in 5 (five)
departments, as listed in Table 1.2 below:
Table 1. 2 Laboratories in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department Laboratories
Biology  Basic Biology  Microbiology
 Animal Ecology and Diversity  Physiology, Structure, and
 Plant Taxonomy, Structure Development of Animals
and Development  Cellular and Molecular Biology
 Plant Physiology, Tissue  Bio-computation and Bio-
Culture, and Micro-technics informatics
Chemistry  Basic chemistry  Physical Chemistry
 Organic Chemistry  Biochemistry
 Inorganic Chemistry  Analytical Chemistry
Physics  Basic Physics  Instrumentation and
 Advanced Physics Measurement
 Biophysics  Geophysics
 Material Physics  Computational Physics
Mathematics  Mathematics  Computer
Department Laboratories
 Modeling and Simulation
Statistics  Basic Statistics  Simulation and Computational
 Socio-Economic Statistics Statistics
 Biostatistics

In addition, there are also research laboratories in the Department of Physics such as
Sensor Laboratory, Measurement and Circuit Measurement Laboratory, Air Quality and
Astro Imaging Laboratory, Advanced Materials and Plasma Laboratories, and Simulation and
Modeling Laboratories.

1.3.3. Reading Room

The reading room of the faculty is located on the second floor, managed by two
academic staff and is equipped with internet searching facilities. Academicians are able to
see the collection of books in the Central Library and in the Reading Room of the Faculty
through the internet channel. Table 1.3 shows the collection of books in the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences Reading Room.
Table 1. 3 Book Collection in The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Reading
Room (Data as of January 2019)
Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics Statistics Total
Text book 690 501 369 356 113 2029
Final project 1143 1762 1247 1311 1001 6464
Thesis 219 171 132 98 24 644
Dissertation 30 0 0 0 0 30
Sum 2082 2434 1748 1765 1138 9167

1.3.4. Faculty Information System

The current information system is seen as one of the main supporting elements in the
implementation of faculty activities (universities and departments). The support of
information systems in teaching and learning activities and the implementation of
management are stronger from time to time. The development of information systems in
the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has been pioneered since 2003 and is
carried out by lecturers from the Department of Physics and Mathematics who are assisted
by a number of LOF-MOST student members. The development of the system begins by
realizing the functioning of the internet and intranet networks at the Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences and the provision of hot spots around the faculty. In realizing this
network, the faculty prioritizes building the main network from the university's router
gateway to the departments using fiber-optic networks. The existence of the Technological
and Professional Skill Development Sector Project (TPSDP) program in the Undergraduate
Program in the Biology Study Program and the Physics Study Program, as well as the PHK A-2
in the Chemistry Department strongly supports the realization of a better network system.
Although the Department of Mathematics does not get the two types of programs above,
the expertise and infrastructure that it has had so far have been very helpful in building
existing information systems. Nowadays, all buildings in the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences are already connected to the internet through fiber-optic networks, cable
networks, and WIFI networks. Bandwidth to the entire university's internet network is
currently 3276.8 Mbps or 3.2 Gb in "sharing" to all academicians including the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, so the bandwidth ratio per student is 40Kbps/student.
Network infrastructure has reached every room. All lecturers and educational staff
have computer equipment both alone and together to support their assignments. Every
existing computer is connected through a wired or WIFI network. Computer terminal access
is also available in each department to be used freely by students in accordance with their
respective regulations. Increasing the quality and capacity of networks and the basic
infrastructure of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) continues to be
maintained to be able to provide optimal performance.
By paying attention to the existing faculty activities, the development of Information
Technology (IT) is aimed to improve the service quality of the institutions (universities) for
stakeholders. It includes IT services at the faculty and department level. ICT is a fundamental
need for efficient, effective, transparent, and accountable activities to be carried out. The
role of IT in supporting activities in faculties and universities is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1. 1 IT Role in Supporting the activities in Faculties and Universities

The information system in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences which is
integrated with the information system at the university is used for accessing information in
various fields, both in education, finance and staffing, logistics, and student affairs. The
supported and developed information systems are Academic Information Systems (SIAKAD),
Personnel Information Systems (SIMPEG) and Finance (SIMAK), Equipment and General
(SIRANA) and Student Scholarships (SIBEA), Online Graduation Systems (SIUDA), Regulatory
Information Systems (SIMUD) SIREGI) or information systems in each department or study
program. By using this information system, reporting can be accessed easily so that it helps
in supporting decision making (Figure 1.1). Specifically, the Faculty of Mathematics and

Natural Sciences has developed its own information system that supports the data and
information needs needed in the development of information systems managed by the
university. Digital archiving is also continuously being developed and equipped in the faculty
to lead to good e-management and as a supporter of the digital archive system at the
university (
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is one of the faculties that
successfully carry out online re-registration. Starting in 2003, the filling of Study Plan Cards
(KRS) and the registration of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences students can
be done in an integrated manner by utilizing the installed internet network. KRS filling
activities can be done in each department and currently filling KRS can be done online
throughout Indonesia. Data and information support for the SIAKAD system also continues
to be carried out for the purposes of evaluation and continuity of student learning processes
and as a supporter of the SIAM (Student Academic Information System) system, because
students can see the results of studies, monitor the progress of studies, and fill KRS through
the internet.
The availability of bandwidth to the internet is provided in an integrated manner by
the university so that resource efficiency can be achieved. By using internet network access,
teaching and learning activities in the context of information search and information
exchange can be done well. Students and lecturers can search for various information via
the internet and the university's internal data services. Online learning tools are provided
centrally through UB's School on Internet service (
Improving the quality of online library services through
also contributes to the use of ICT in Teaching and Learning Processes (TLP). The availability
of online library access and the development of Brawijaya Knowledge Garden collections
improve the quality of information services for TLP. Faculty and department reading rooms
are also connected to the university library network. Information services on a small scale at
the faculty and department level have also been implemented. The availability of ICT
facilities for TLP is at optimal conditions. In each class, a computer and LCD projector are
available to support the implementation of TLP. Students in the final examination also utilize
this equipment to present the results of their final projects. Internet access is available in
every room and open space in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

1.3.5. Human Resources

There are 159 lecturers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in July
2019, with various levels of education and divided into 5 (five) departments (Table 1.4).
Lecturers are responsible for organizing and developing academic activities in the form of
learning, research, and community service. Administration and Laboratory Staff numbered
72 people (Table 1.5). Administrative staffs support the smooth teaching and learning
process, operationalization, and maintenance of teaching and learning facilities as well as
the administration of education administration.
Table 1. 4 Number of Lecturers (Data as of January 2019)
Number of Lecturers in Department
Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics Statistics Total
S-3 30 22 22 16 14 104
S-2 5 15 14 13 8 55

S-1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 35 37 36 29 22 159
Professor 6 2 4 3 4 19

Table 1. 5 Administrative Staff, Laboratory Staff, and Technicians (Data as of January 2019)
The Number of Lecturers in Department
Staff Sum
Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics Statistics Faculty
Administration 3 7 2 5 5 29 51
Laboratory 6 8 7 - - - 21
Archivist - - 1 - - - 1
Sum 9 15 10 5 5 - 44

1.4 Academic Community Activities

Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 1989 concerning the
National Education System, the activities of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
UB are based on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education namely education and teaching,
research, and community service.

1.4.1. Education and Teaching

The learning and teaching process is carried out in the classroom, laboratory, and
field. Students attend lectures under the program that they have planned themselves at the
beginning of each semester. The learning process in the classroom is equipped with audio-
visual equipment (OHP, LCD, and video), while in the laboratory using appropriate
laboratory equipment. The curriculum has been refined every 4 (four) years, and the last
curriculum used is the 2014 curriculum. The improvement of this curriculum through a long
series of intensive discussions and continued development of the possibility of cross-
department/faculty lectures supported by structuring course codes, so that they can always
follow scientific development and able to answer the problems of a developing community.
Until the end of January 2019, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has
produced 10519 graduates with details of D III 2001 people, BACHELOR 7844 people,
MAGISTER 644 people, and DOCTOR 30 people absorbed in various institutions both
government and private including LIPI, Petrochina, BPPT, Indonesian National Army (TNI),
Pertamina, and Kemenristekdikti (lecturers at Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Airlangga,
Universitas Surabaya, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Universitas
Negeri Solo, Universitas Mataram, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Universitas Negeri
Jember, IPB Bogor, Universitas Mulawaman, Universitas Tanjungpura, dan Universitas
Negeri Malang).

1.4.2. Research
Integrated research activities are a form of academic activities that are directly
related to TLP. Thus various research activities carried out in line with the field of expertise
(competence) possessed by lecturers in their academic assignments. Research conducted by
the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences lecturers has a research agenda that is in
line with existing research at the university and national level. The faculty has developed a
research roadmap for 2011-2025 which covers studies in the fields of Nutrition and Health,
Energy and Food Security, and Environment that is very suitable for the needs of the
community nowadays and is relevant to the development of science and natural science

1.4.3. Community Service

Community service is held by academic staff on behalf of the institution, intended to
make a direct contribution to the community who need it. Thus, the Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences is also open for the community to take advantage of available facilities
either through collaboration as partners or through consultation as a realization of the
institution's service to the community. The activities that have been held by the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences include:

Domestic Cooperation:
1. Blitar Regency Government
2. Madiun Regency Government
3. Batu City Government
4. Mojokerto Regency Government
5. East Java Provincial People's Welfare Administration Bureau
6. PT HM Sampoerna
7. PT Molindo
9. Bromo Semeru Tengger National Park
10. Diknas (CIBI and OSN)
11. Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
12. Universitas Borneo
13. P3GI Pasuruan
14. Indonesian Beef Cattle Research Institute, Pasuruan
15. East Java Bakorwil
16. JLC (Primate Conservation Institution)
17. Rumah Sehat (Free Radical Decay Institution)
18. BioFarma
19. Dr. Karyadi Semarang Hospital
20. Ministry of Forestry in Dusun Rajegwesi, Desa Sarongan, Seksi Pengelolaan Taman
Nasional Wilayah I Sarongan
21. Junior High School (>10 schools)
22. Soepraon Army Hospital Malang
23. Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang
24. Panti Waluya Hospital Malang
25. Panti Nirmala Hospital Malang
26. dr. Ramelan Navy Hospital Surabaya
27. PT Mekar Armada Jaya
28. PT Wahyu, Gresik
29. PT Top Energi Indonesia
30. Indonesian Technology Innovation Foundation
31. Kopemik Indonesia
32. PT GDA Jakarta
33. PT Petrochina Oil Company
35. PT ETTI Jakarta
36. Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center in Bandung
37. Bappeda Blitar
38. Mabes Polri
39. Ministry of BUMN
40. BBP2PP
41. PT Pertamina
42. AIPG Chapter Indonesia
43. PT ISS Indonesia
45. PT Duta Surya
46. PT Naliqa Total Solusi
47. PT Belimbing Island Indonesia
48. PT Global Insight Utama
49. PT Sakti Mobile Technology
50. PT Royal Technology
51. PT Hanarto Langgeng Karsa
52. Kilawan Alam Hijau (KALHI)
53. Faculty of Economy Universitas Marwadewa, Denpasar
54. Universitas KH A Wahab Hasbullah, Jombang
55. Ibrindo Indonesia Corporate
56. Malang Regency Communication and Information Institution
57. Prakerin SMKN 2 Malang
58. BPK Palangkaraya City
59. Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia
60. Bali Health Laboratory and Medical Devices Testing in Central Java Province
61. Malang City Health Service
62. UB Hospital
63. PT BTN (Persero) Tbk
64. Miftahul Huda Foundation, Sumber Putih, Wajak District, Malang Regency
65. PT Perhutani Anugerah Kimia
66. UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology

Foreign Cooperation:
1. University of Nagoya (GraduateSchool of Science)
2. University of Tokyo (Research Centre for Advanced Science & Technology)
3. University of Hiroshima (Graduate School of IDEC)
4. University of Okayama (Dept. of Chemistry)
5. Shibaura Institute of Technology
6. University of Bonn, Jerman (Institute for Inorganic Chemistry)
7. University of Twente, Belanda (Dept. Applied Mathematics)
8. University of Monash, Australia (Water Studies Centre)
9. University of Sidney, Australia
10. University of Korea
11. Ewha Women University (Korea)
12. National Central University (NCU), Taiwan
13. University of Kassel, Germany
14. University of Applied Sciences Aachen, Germany
15. Tohoku University, Japan
16. Osaka University, Japan
17. Kumamoto University, Japan
18. Kanazawa University, Japan
19. Guangxi Normal University, China
20. Kyungpook National University, South Korea
21. Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea
22. University Sains Malaysia (USM)
23. King Mongkut University, Thailand
24. University of Melbourne
25. Queensland University of Technology
26. Massey University, New Zealand
27. Wolonggong University, Australia
28. QUT, Brisbane, Australia
29. FH Aachen University of Aplied Sciences
30. Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women
Coimbatore, India
31. Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
32. Genstat
33. Nabenta Indonesia/Wolfram Research
34. Northern Michigan, USA
35. School of Mathematical Science, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
36. Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
37. National Science Foundation
38. Kyushu Medical Co
39. Nagasaki University
40. Department of Chemistry National Central University Taiwan (ROC)
41. Ritsumeikan University
42. Gifu University
43. The Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
44. Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University
45. Wageningen University

1.4.4. Community Development Program

Community Development Program is an academic activity with a weight of 3 credits,
the implementation is equivalent to 360 hours, consisting of two main activities, namely:
 Provisioning activities, making proposals, preparing reports, and examinations; the
implementation is equivalent to 76 hours.
 Field activities, in the form of direct activities in the village communities according to
the approved proposals; the implementation is equivalent to 284 hours (about 1
 Thematic Community Development Program organized by the Thematic Community
Development Program Service Center of Research and Community Service Institute of
Universitas Brawijaya (LPPM UB), can be accessed via the website
The Biology Study Program at the Undergraduate Program in the Department of
Biology is the first and only study program at Universitas Brawijaya that has succeeded in
getting the batch I Technological Professional Skill Development Sector Project (TPSDP)
competition funding, sourced from the ASEAN Development Bank (ADB), over a period of
time 4 years (2001-2004). While the Physics Study Program at the Undergraduate Program
in the Department of Physics is the only study program at Universitas Brawijaya that
received TPSDP batch II competition funds for 2002-2005. The Department of Chemistry
received Semi Que batch IV funds for 2 years from 2002-2003, while the Department of
Mathematics received SP4 funding in 2005. In 2005, the Department of Chemistry received
an A2 competition grant. Acquisition of competition funds accelerates the progress and
development of teaching and learning, research, and community service in study programs
within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Starting 2007 the Department of
Biology received I-MHERE funding. From 2010 to 2012 the Department of Physics received a
PHKI grant. In 2013, the Biology Study Program and the Mathematics Study Program
obtained PHK funding from Universitas Brawijaya.

1.5 Organizational Structure

The current organizational structure of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences is based on Government Regulation Number 60 of 1999 and its refinement through
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2014 concerning Higher Education, while
detailed organization and work procedures are contained in Permenristekdikti Number 4 of
2016 concerning Organization and Work Procedure of Universitas Brawijaya and Universitas
Brawijaya Rector Regulation Number 20 of 2016 concerning Organizational Structure and
Work Procedure and Universitas Brawijaya Rector Regulation Number 57 of 2018 concerning
Amendment to Rector Regulation Number 20 of 2016 concerning Organizational Structure
and Work Arrangement.
The faculty organizational structure (Figure 1.2) consists of faculty leaders (Deans and
Vice Deans), faculty senates, departments, study programs, fields of interest/laboratories
plus structural levels including the head of administrative and head of subdivision. To
improve the quality of services that are competitive, especially research development,
community service, and collaboration, a Research and Community Service Agency (BPPM),
formerly known as the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M), was made with a
Decree of the Dean No. 53/J10.1.28/SK/2004 with the aim of encouraging the
implementation of research activities and their use in the community. Along with the
development of organizational governance and quality assurance, in 2007, a Quality
Assurance Group (GJM) was established at the faculty level and the Quality Assurance Unit
(UJM) at the department level based on Decree Number 21/AK/J.10.1.28/2007. However,
this structure can develop dynamically adjusted to the needs and effectiveness of the

Figure 1. 2 Organizational Structure of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

1.5.1. Academic Executives Faculty Executives
Dean : Prof. Drs. Adi Susilo, M.Si., Ph.D.
Vice Dean for Academic : Dr. Serafinah Indriyani, M.Si.
Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance : Sukir Maryanto, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Vice Dean for Student Affairs : Darjito, S.Si., M.Si. Department Executives

Department of Biology
Head : Prof. Muhaimin Rifa`i, S.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc.
Secretary : Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, S.Si., M.App.Sc., Ph.D.
Biology Study Program
Undergraduate Program
Head : Rodiyati Azrianingsih, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Master Program
Head : Nia Kurniawan, S.Si., M.P., D.Sc.
Doctoral Program
Head : Dra. Tri Ardyati, M.Agr., Ph.D.

Department of Chemistry
Head : Masruri, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Secretary : Dr. Ulfa Andayani, S.Si., M.Si.
Chemistry Study Program
Undergraduate Program
Head : Dra. Sri Wardhani, M.Si.
Master Program
Head : Dr. Arie Srihardyastutie, S.Si., M.Kes.
Doctoral Program
Head : Akhmad Sabarudin, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr.Sc.

Department of Physics
Head : Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Muhammad Nurhuda
Secretary : Ahmad Nadhir, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D.
Physics Study Program
Undergraduate Program
Head : Dr. Eng. Masruroh, S.Si., M.Si.
Geophysics Engineering Study Program
Undergraduate Program
Head : Drs. Alamsyah MohammadmJuwono, M.Sc.,
Instrumentation Study Program
Undergraduate Program
Head : Dr. Eng. Agus Naba, S.Si., M.T.
Master Program
Head : Mauludi Ariesto Pamungkas, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Doctoral Program
Head : Dr. Eng. Didik Rahadi Santoso, S.Si., M.Si.

Department of Mathematics
Head : Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo,S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Secretary : Syaiful Anam, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D.

Mathematics Study Program

Undergraduate Program
Head : Dr. Wuryansari Muharini Kusumawinahyu,
Master Program
Head : Dr. Noor Hidayat, M.Si.
Doctoral Program
Head : Prof. Dr. Agus Suryanto, S.Si., M.Sc.

Department of Statistics
Head : Rahma Fitriani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Secretary : Nurjannah, S.Si., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Statistics Study Program
Undergraduate Program
Head : Achmad Efendi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Master Program
Head : Dr. Suci Astutik, S.Si., M.Si.

Laboratory Head of Laboratory

Department of Biology
Basic Biology Laboratory : Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si.
Animal Ecology and Diversity : Dr. Catur Retnaningdyah, M.Si.
Plant Taxonomy, Structure and : Dr. Jati Batoro, M.Si.
Development Laboratory
Plant Physiology, Tissue Culture, and : Dra. Nunung Harijati, M.S., Ph.D.
Micro-technics Laboratory
Microbiology Laboratory : Dr. Suharjono, M.S.
Physiology, Structure, and : Drs. Aris Soewondo, M.Si.
Development of Animals Laboratory
Cellular and Molecular Biology : Prof. Drs. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro,
Laboratory S.U., D.Sc.
Bio-computation and Bio- : Irfan Mustafa, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
informatics Laboratory

Department of Chemistry
Basic Chemistry Laboratory : Yuniar Ponco Prananto, S.Si., M.Sc.
Physical Chemistry Laboratory : Dr. Diah Mardiana, M.S.
Analytical Chemistry Laboratory : Dra. Hermin Sulistyarti, Ph.D.
Biochemistry Laboratory : Anna Safitri, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
Organic Chemistry Laboratory : Dr. Elvina Dhiaul Iftitah, S.Si., M.Si.
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory : Drs. Danar Purwonugroho, M.Si.

Department of Physics
Basic Physics Laboratory : Dr.rer.nat. Abdurrouf, S.Si., M.Si.
Biophysics Laboratory : Chomsin Sulistya Widodo, S.Si.,M.Si., Ph.D.

Advanced Physics Laboratory : Drs. Unggul Pundjung Juswono, M.Sc.

Material Physics Laboratory : Dr. Istiroyah, S.Si.,M.T.
Geophysics Laboratory : Drs. Wasis, M.A.B.
Instrumentation and Measurement : Drs. Hari Arief Dharmawan, M. Eng., Ph.D.
Computational Physics and : Gancang Saroja, S.Si., M.T.
Modeling Laboratory

Department of Mathematics
Mathematics Laboratory : Nur Shofianah, S.Si.,M.Si., Ph.D.
Modeling and Simulation Laboratory : Dr. Isnani darti, S.Si., M.Si.
Computer Laboratory : Drs. Abdul Rouf Alghofari, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Department of Statistics
Basic Statistics : Darmanto, S.Si., M.Si.
Socio-Economic Statistics : Eni Sumarminingsih, S.Si., M.M.
Simulation and Computational : Dr. Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes,
Statistics S.Si., M.Sc.
Biostatistics : Dr. Dra. Ani Budi Astuti, M.Si.

1.5.2. Faculty Administrative Executives

Head of Administration : Jarot Sunarto, S.Sos
Head of Academic Subdivision : Arnawati, S.P., M.M.
Head of General and Finance Sub Division : Surakhman, S.AP., M.M
Head of Student and Alumni Sub Division : Tri Wahyu Basuki, S.E.

1.5.3. Faculty Administrative Executives

The monitoring system and the quality assurance unit for research and community
service are coordinated by the Research and Community Service Agency (BPPM). The main
tasks of BPPM include (1) selecting and monitoring the implementation of research sourced
from DIPA funds, (2) in charge of collaborating on research and services to the public with
other institution and the private agency, (3) reviewing and encouraging the development of
a research roadmap and community service conducted at the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences. In carrying out its duties, BPPM always coordinates and collaborates with
the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and the Interest/Study Group or Research Group (peer
group) owned by each department. In its task, BPPM must always collaborate and
coordinate with Interest Groups/Research Groups in each study program at the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

1.5.4. Quality Assurance Group (GJM) and Quality Assurance Unit (UJM)
The monitoring system and the quality control unit at the Faculty level are carried out
by the quality assurance group (GJM) while in each department carried out by the quality
assurance unit (UJM). GJM task is compiling quality documents that include academic
standards, academic policies, and procedure manuals. Until now GJM of the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences has completed more than 100 quality documents. UJM
compiles manual procedures and works instructions in units within the department. In
carrying out its activities, GJM and UJM coordinate with the quality assurance center (PJM)
and use quality standards set at the university level as a reference in developing quality
standards at the faculty and department levels.

1.5.5. Manager of Information and Public Relations Systems (PSIK)

PSIK has the duty to manage information and relations with the community. Through
the website, the agenda and activities carried out at the Faculty can be
informed to a wide audience. Not only agenda and activity information, but also scheduling
lecture activities is managed by PSIK.

1.5.6. Journal Publishing Agency (BPJ)
BPJ has the duty to publish scientific journals. Through the website;;; and; student and lecturer research results
can be accessed by a wide audience.

1.5.7. Ethics Commission

The faculty ethics commission is a commission that assists the dean in upholding the
code of ethics. The ethics commission has the task of following up on reports of alleged
violations of the code of ethics by the faculty academicians, organizing hearings for alleged
violations of the code of ethics, and providing recommendations to the dean for violations
of the code of ethics.

1.5.8. Expertise Group

Expertise groups and the Center for Scientific Studies are facilities that facilitate the
assessment and development of contemporary science consisting of a group of people who
have a scientific background who are allied or people who have expertise in various fields of
science to conduct a research activity in the field of science or certain research topic.
Expertise groups and scientific study centers are the spearheads of the Faculty in developing
science and applying it to produce products in the form of scientific work that will be
presented at national and international scientific meetings, also published in national and
international scientific journals. In addition, the output of research results in the form of
patents and commercially valuable goods. Several research groups in the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences where the members involve Faculties in Universitas
Brawijaya as well as from other universities both at domestic and abroad, including the
Advance System and Material Technology (ASMAT) research group, Smart Molecule and
Natural Genetic Resource (SMONAGENES), Physical Chemistry in Cell Biology (PCCB), Central
of Low Cost and Automated Method and Instrumentation Analysis (LCAMIA), Biodetvaksin,
Bravo GRC, Biomathematics, Mathematics Optimization, Institute of Atsiri, Spatial Statistics,
Statistics Modeling in Management (PSBM), KKU, PSKK, and BIOPEPTIDA.

The education system in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is based on
the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education
System. The definition of the National Education System, as emphasized in article 1(3), is
"the whole component of education which is interrelated in an integrated manner to
achieve the purposes of the national education". Thus the education system in the Faculty
can be expressed as a unity of all components involved in the administration of education to
achieve national education purposes in general and to realize specifically the vision and
mission of the Faculty in supporting the realization of the vision and mission of UB which
developed towards the World Class Entrepreneurial University.
The main components of the education system at the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences are (1) students, (2) the community as users of graduates, (3) curriculum,
(4) educational staffs, (5) education staffs, (6) infrastructure, systems, and (7) tuition fees.
Educational levels organized by the Faculty are Undergraduate, Master, and Doctoral
education programs. The implementation of the curriculum is stated in semester credits,
which describe the study load of academic activities (lectures, practicums, seminars, field
practice, and scientific works). The teaching and learning process is carried out based on the
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education,
Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012 concerning KKNI, and Permenristekdikti Number
49 of 2014 concerning National Standards of Higher Education (SNDikti). Some aspects that
are the focus of the education system component in the Faculty are:
1. Students who naturally have individual differences both in talents, interests and
academic abilities;
2. The demand of the community for experts is increasing;
3. The rapid development of science and technology;
4. Educational facilities such as sufficient lecture rooms, libraries, and laboratories;
5. Administrative staffs who influence the smooth of academic events;
6. Lecturers, as education implementers, are components that greatly affect the results of
the process; and
7. The development of the teaching and learning process accommodates the
competency-based curriculum (CBC) system, where the competencies of graduates at
each faculty or study program have different characters so that the implementation of
the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is entirely the responsibility of the Faculty and
the Study Program.
Thus, the right education system is an education system that pays attention to, and
optimally considers the seven factors. One system deemed appropriate is the Semester
Credit System (SCS). SCS is a learning system using semester credit units (credits) as a
measure of student study load, study load of a study program, and lecturer workload in
teaching. The semester is the smallest unit of time to express the length of an educational
program. One semester is a unit of time for learning activities at least 16 (sixteen)
workweeks. Semester credit units (credits) is a unit used to express the amount of student
learning load, the amount of recognition of cumulative efforts for a particular program, and
the amount of effort to organize education for universities and especially for lecturers. In
other words, credits are: (1) the measurement of student learning load per week per

semester through various forms of curricular activities in the learning process; (2) measuring
the amount of student learning load in a study program stated in the curriculum; and (3)
dose of lecturer workload in teaching which consists of planning, implementing, and
evaluating learning. One credit is equivalent to at least 3 (three) hours of learning activities
per week per semester. Student learning load is 8 (eight) hours per day, or 48 (forty-eight) -
60 (sixty) hours per week.

2.1. The Definition of Semester Credit System (SCS)

2.1.1. General Purposes
The general objective of the SCS is that Higher Education can fulfill the demands of
development, it is necessary to present a varied and flexible educational program. So that, it
will give a broader possibility for each student to determine and manage the study process
strategy to obtain the best results following the plans and conditions of each student.

2.1.2. Special Purposes

a. Provide opportunities for students who are capable and study hard to complete their
studies in the shortest possible time.
b. Provide opportunities for students to take courses according to their interests, talents,
and abilities.
c. Provide the possibility for an education system with multiple inputs and outputs to be
d. Simplify curriculum adjustments from time to time with the rapid development of
science and technology.
e. Provide the possibility that the evaluation system of student learning progress can be
implemented as well as possible.
f. Provide the possibility of credit transfer between Study Programs or between Faculties
in a Higher Education or between Higher Education.
g. Allows the transfer of students from one university to another university or from a
study program to another study program in a particular university.

2.1.3. Semester Credit System (SCS)

The Semester Credit System is an education implementation system that uses
semester credit units to state student learning loads, lecturer workloads, learning
experiences, and program implementation loads. A semester is a unit of effective learning
process period for at least 16 (sixteen) weeks, including midterm and final semester exams.
The semester credit unit (credits) is a measure of appreciation for the learning experience
gained during one semester through scheduled activities per week, based on
Permenristekdikti Number 44 of 2015 determined as follows:
For students:
1) 1 (one) credits in the learning process as lectures consist of:
a. face to face activities 50 (fifty) minutes per week per semester;
b. structured assignment activity 60 (sixty) minutes per week per semester; and
c. independent activities 60 (sixty) minutes per week per semester.
2) 1 (one) credits in the learning process as tutorial class/seminar or other similar forms,
consist of:
a. face to face activities of 100 (one hundred) minutes per week per semester; and
b. independent activities of 70 (seventy) minutes per week per semester.
3) 1 (one) credits in the learning process in the form of practicum, studio practice,
workshop practice, field practice, research, community service, and/or other similar
learning processes, 170 (one hundred seventy) minutes per week per semester.

For lecturers:
1 (one) credits consist of:
1. Fifty minutes of scheduled face to face activities with students;
2. Sixty minutes structured academic planning and evaluation activities; and
3. Sixty minutes of lecture material development.
The Semester Credit System will give a broader possibility for each student to
determine and manage the study process strategy to obtain the best results under the plans
and conditions of each student.

The Properties of Semester Credits System

1) In each semester, some courses are presented, and each course has a weight stated
in semester credits units (credits), as determined in the curriculum.
2) The number of credit scores for different subjects does not have to be the same.
3) The number of credit scores for each course is determined based on the amount of
effort to complete the tasks in lecturing, practicum, fieldwork, or other assignments.
Universitas Brawijaya has formally adopted the Semester Credit System based on
Rector Decree Number 22/SK/1976 dated May 3rd, 1976, and its implementation is adjusted
from year to year based on the applicable regulations.

2.2. Learning Load and Learning Period

The learning load of the Undergraduate Program is as follows:
1) The minimum number of credits for learning load is144 credits, including final project;
2) Credits composition and weight of courses:
a. Religion (3 credits);
b. Nationality (3 credits);
c. Pancasila (2 credits);
d. Indonesian (3 credits); and
e. English (2 credits).
3) Expertise courses of at least 134 credits;
4) Final project/other equivalent work is given a weight of 6 credits and is part of the
expertise course; and
5) The duration of the study can be completed in less than 4 years, while the maximum
length of study is 7 years, which is aligned with the UB internal quality assurance

2.3. Curriculum Contents

The curriculum arrangement of the Undergraduate Program as a guideline for the
teaching and learning process in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences refers to
the Minister of Education Decree Number 232/U/2000 December 20, 2000, and the Minister
of Education Decree No. 045/U/2003, Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National
Education System, and General Director of Higher Education Decree Number 43/DIKTI/2006
and Permenristekdikti Number 44 of 2015 concerning National Standards for Higher
Education. The curriculum of the Undergraduate Program at the Faculty is a Competency-
Based Curriculum (CBC) with learning outcomes referring to the Republic of Indonesia's
Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012 concerning the Indonesian Qualification
Framework (IQF). Based on Universitas Brawijaya's Regulation No. 1 of 2017 concerning
Quality Standards and Rector's Regulation of the University of Brawijaya's Number 56 of
2018, general courses or personality development courses are:
1) General Compulsory Courses (Personality Development Courses) consists of:
a. Religion 3 credits;
b. Pancasila 2 credits;
c. Nationality 3 credits; and
d. Indonesian 3 credits.
2) University Compulsory Courses consists of:
a. Final Project 6 credits;
b. Internship/On the Job Training 3 credits;
c. Entrepreneurship 3 credits; and
d. English 2 credits
3) Faculty/Study Program Skills Courses
Each study program in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has a minimum
skill course load of 134 credits which is detailed in Chapter V.
4) Compulsory content course and content outside the course
The curriculum of study programs at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
must contain personality and culture content to build national character and soft skills,
as well as other content that aims to provide opportunities for students to find, express,
and develop their identity and personality according to their potential, talents,
interests, needs, and conditions, in the form of a stand-alone course, integrated with a
particular course, or through extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

2.4. Main Competency

The main competencies of the Undergraduate Program are formulated as follows:
1) Mastering the basics of scientific disciplines in a particular field so that they can
identify, understand, explain, evaluate/analyze critically, and formulate problem-
solving within the scope of their scientific disciplines;
2) Being able to apply knowledge and skills in society according to their scientific
3) Act and behave/work in a particular career according to the norms; and
4) Being able to follow the developments of science, technology, and/or art.

2.5. Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

The evaluation of student learning outcomes is conducted regularly in the form of
exams, student assignments, and observations by lecturers. Exams are held in the form of
midterm, final semester exams, and final project examinations.

2.6. Learning Load in a Semester

The student learning load in one semester is determined based on the average
working time a day and individual abilities. In general, people work an average of 8-10 hours
for 5 (five) consecutive days. A student is demanded for 10-12 hours a day or 50-60 hours a
week. Therefore, one semester credit unit is roughly equivalent to three working hours, so
the student study load for each semester will be equal to 16-20 credits or around 18 credits.
In determining the learning load of a semester, it is important to consider individual abilities
based on the results of a student's study in the previous semester, which is measured by the
achievement index parameters.
The Grade Point can be calculated by Equation 2.1 as follows:

(Equation 2.1)

GP : Grade Point, it can be Semester Grade Point or Grade Point Average (GPA)
K : credit number of each course
NA : final score of each course
n : number of courses taken
The amount of learning load in the first semester is equal for each student, then the
GP achieved in that semester is taken into account the learning load in the following
semester by referring to the following Table 2.1:
Table 2. 1 Learning Load based on the Grade Point (GP)
Grade Point (GP) Learning Load (credits)
≥ 3.00 22—24
2.50—2.99 19—21
2.00—2.49 16—18
1.50—1.99 12—15
< 1.50 < 12

2.7. Academic Skill Assessment

2.7.1. General Requirements
a) The assessment of the academic ability of a course is carried out through structured
assignments, quizzes, Midterm Exam, Final Exams, and evaluation of practicum.
b) Structured activities in the assessment of a course in a semester are carried out at least
2 (two) times in one semester.
c) Midterm exam and final exam are carried out according to the schedule in the
academic calendar.
d) Assessment through structured assignments, quizzes, midterm exam, final exam, and
practicum exam is intended to determine the Final Score with a certain weighting.

2.7.2. Final Score

a) The assessment of student study success for each course is based on three alternative
assessments, namely:
 Using a benchmark assessment system (PAP) by determining graduation limits;
 Using a normal reference rating system (PAN) by comparing the score of a student
with the score of his group; and
 Using a joint system of PAP and PAN, which determines the graduation limit first,
then compares the graduated relative scores with the group.
b) The results of the final assessment are stated in Quality Letters and Quality Score, as
listed in the following Table 2.2:
Table 2. 2 Final assessment is stated in Quality Letter and Quality Score
Quality Letter Quality Score Ability Group
A 4.0 Very good
B- 3.5 Between very good and good
B 3.0 Good
C+ 2.5 Between good and good enough
C 2.0 Good enough
D+ 1.5 Between good enough and not good enough
D 1.0 Not good enough
E 0 Failed

c) Grading in each activity can be done with Quality Letters (E – A), which are then
converted into Quality Score (0–4).
d) The weight of an assessment is determined according to the balance of the activity
material with the whole course material in one semester.
e) Calculation of Final Score (FS) is done by giving a weight to each lecture activity in the
semester using Equation 2.2:

(Equation 2.2)

: weight value of the i-th structured assignment
: weight value of the i-th quiz
: weight value of midterm exam
: weight value of final exam
: weight value of practicum
: score of each academic activity
f) From the results of the calculation in point (e), if it is needed to convert it into quality
letters, reference can be used in Table 2.3 as follows:
Table 2. 3 Range of Quality Score, Quality Letter, and Range of Score
Range of Quality Score Range of Quality Letter Range of Score
≥ 3.75 A > 80—100
3.25—3.74 B- > 75—80
2.75—3.24 B > 69—75
2.25—2.74 C+ > 60—69
1.75—2.25 C > 55—60
1.25—1.74 D+ > 50—55
0.75—1.24 D > 44—50
< 0.75 E 0—44

Incomplete score (K) is obtained by students if the score component of a course is

incomplete, if it is not corrected within 2 (two) weeks, the final score will be calculated
based on the existing assessment components. However, if the missing assessment
component is the assessment of practicum, which integrated with lectures, the final
score is zero, the K value is converted to an E.

2.7.3. Remedial Exam and Special Exam

Remedial exam and special exam are intended to improve the final score of a course
that has been taken by:
1) Participating in all academic activities related to lectures in semesters where the course
matter will be improved offered. The remedial exam is for courses with the highest score

B. The final score took is the best between the previous and present scores and
maximum B+. Its implementation is adjusted to the policies of each faculty.
2) Special exams with special assignments are for final semester students, who have
collected 144-160 credits and have completed their final project but their GPA is less
than 2.00 or the D/D+ grade exceeds 10% of the total credits, it is limited up to 9 (nine)
credits in total and only once done during the study period. The maximum score for the
special exam is C.

2.7.4. Supplementary Exam

Supplementary Exams are held for special reasons that can be accounted for with
reason and strong evidence. The supplementary exam applies to each course or each
student. The requirements are as follows:
1. Report the absence of students in the exam and the desire to take the supplementary
exam no later than 3 (three) days after the relevant course test, except in force
majeure conditions
2. Submitting a request letter to the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs accompanied by
evidence that states the reason for absence in the exam
3. The proof must be sent no later than 7 (seven) days after the relevant course test,
except in force majeure conditions
4. Acceptable reasons to consider taking the supplementary exam are:
• Illness (as evidenced by the examining doctor's letter)
• Parents and siblings died as evidenced by a certificate from the Head of the

2.8. Academic Sanctions

Academic sanctions are imposed on students who violate academic regulations, namely:
1. Students who attend class less than 80% of the total class (14 times) are not allowed to
take the Final Exam because of the absence of the student. The final score is
determined from the activities that have been done (midterm exam, assignments,
quizzes, presentations, and other types of evaluations). Clarification regarding
attendance is carried out according to the time limit specified;
2. Students who cancel a course outside of the specified time are given an E grade for the
3. Students who commit administrative fraud (falsifying documents, data, and signatures)
as well as academic fraud (cheating, collaborating, and taking the work of other
students) in the exam, are subject to sanctions in the form of cancellation of the entire
semester study plan;
4. Students who take other student exam and/or students whose exam are done by
others will be subject to sanctions in the form of cancellation of the exams for all
courses in the semester;
5. Students who change their Study Plan Card (KRS) illegally will be subject to sanctions
for canceling KRS for all courses in the semester;
6. Students who commit acts of violence and fights are subject to sanctions in the form of
cancellation of all courses taken during the semester, and other sanctions according to
the applicable laws and regulations;
7. Students who change their grades illegally will be subject to a suspension of at least 2
(two) semesters and do not count as terminals;
8. Students who commit these violations and accompanied by threats of violence or
giving something, or promises or guile will be subject to sanctions expelled from the
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; and
9. Students who are known to commit plagiarism in making their Final Projects, their Final
Projects and final project exam scores will be canceled.

2.9. Final Project Exam of Undergraduate Program

According to the Universitas Brawijaya Rector Regulation Number 223/PER/2010, to
take the final project exam at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, students are
required to make a final project. The final project is a scientific work that can be written
based on the results of research or other work that is synchronized with the results of
research determined by each department.

2.9.1. Final Project Exam of Undergraduate Program

To take the final project exam for an Undergraduate Program, a student is assigned
to make a final project, namely scientific work in their field of science written based on the
results of research, library studies, fieldwork practices, internships, or other assignments
determined by the faculty.
a. Requirements for programming Final Project
A student is allowed to program the final project when fulfilling the requirements:
1. Active status as a student in the academic year concerned;
2. Collecting a minimum of 120 credits under the provisions of the Faculty and/or under
the policies of the Study Program;
3. GPA of at least 2.0;
4. There is no E grade; and
5. Total credits with D and/or D+ grades do not exceed 10% of the total credits load.
b. Procedure and Method of making Final Project
The procedures and methods for making the final project are regulated in the procedure
manual for making the final project.
c. Credits for Final Project
The final project credits of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for
undergraduate program is 6 (six) credits.
d. Duration of Final Project Completion
1. The final project undergraduate program must be completed within 1 (one) semester
since the final project is programmed in the Study Plan Card.
2. Extension of time, must obtain approval from the Head of Department with the
procedure specified by the department.
e. Final Project Counselor
To make the final project, a student is guided by 1 (one) or 2 (two) lecturers consisting of a
First Counselor and a Second Counselor.
1. Counselor Requirements
According to the Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers and Law
Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, the first/second counselor has an
academic functional position at least as an Expert Assistant, with at least a Masters title
or equivalent to a qualification Level 8 KKNI that are relevant to the topic of the final
project (Table 2.4 and Table 2.5).

Table 2. 4 Authorities and Responsibilities of Lecturers in Teaching Undergraduate
1 Expert Assistant Master F
Doctoral F
2 Lecturer Master F
Doctoral F
3 Head Lecturer Master F
Doctoral F
4 Professor Doctoral F
F = Fulfill

Table 2. 5 6 Authorities and Responsibilities of Lecturers in Counseling Final Project

1 Expert Assistant Master F
Doctoral F
2 Lecturer Master F
Doctoral F
3 Head Lecturer Master F
Doctoral F
4 Professor Doctoral F
F = Fulfill

2. Determination of Counselors
The Head of the Study Program determines the First Counselor and Second Counselor.
The Department proposes a letter of assignment to the Dean.
3. Authorities and Responsibilities of Counselor
Authorities and responsibilities of the First Counselor are:
a. Assisting students in finding problems as the basis for making the final project;
b. Guiding students in the doing of the final project; and
c. Guiding students in writing the final project.
Authority and responsibility of the Second Counselor is helping the First Counselor in
counseling the students final project.
4. The Head of the Study Program / Head of the Department can propose the
replacement of the counselor team if:
a. Permanent absent supervisor (death, retirement, permanent illness, and study
b. The supervisor resigned
c. There are communication barriers between students and supervisors

2.9.2. The Properties and Purposes of Final Project Exam for Undergraduate Program
a. The Undergraduate Final Project exam is an exam that must be taken by students as a
requirement for obtaining a Bachelor's degree.
b. The Undergraduate Final Project exam is comprehensive.
c. The exam is carried out verbally and aims to evaluate students in the mastery of
science and the application of technology according to their fields of expertise.
d. The final project exam for the Undergraduate Program also aims to equip students for
things that are considered weak.

2.9.3. Requirements for taking the Final Project Exam of the Undergraduate Program
A student is permitted to take the Final Assignment Exam when completing the following
a. Having an active status as a student in the academic year concerned;
b. Collecting a minimum of 138 credits;
c. GPA of at least 2.00;
d. There is no E grade of the credits taken;
e. Total credits with D and/or D+ grade do not exceed 10% of total credit load;
f. Having completed writing and submitting a final project script; and
g. Completing other requirements determined by the faculty.

2.9.4. Procedure in Submitting Final Project Exam of Undergraduate Program

The procedure for submitting for the final examination is determined by the faculty by
taking into account administrative and academic requirements.

2.9.5. The Examiner Assemblies for Final Project Exam of Undergraduate Program
a. The examiner assemblies are determined by the Head of the Department at the
suggestion of the First Counselor
b. The examiner assemblies consist of 3 (three) people, namely the counselor plus 1 (one)
or 2 (two) examiners.
c. The head of the examiner assemblies is a counselor or examiner appointed by the Head
of the Department.
d. The examiner assemblies are a lecturer who meets the following requirements:
At least having an academic functional position equivalent to a counselor as written in
Table 2.5. The determination of the panel of examiners outside the requirements
above is determined by the Dean at the suggestion of the Head of the Study Program /
Head of the Department.
e. The member of the examiner can consist of counselors or non-counselors.
f. Non-counselor examiners can be appointed from department/agency lecturers, whose
field of science is in line with the student's final project.
g. The tasks of examiner assemblies:
1. The chief examiner is in charge of regulating the smooth running of the exam.
2. Examiners are tasked with testing and providing assessments.

2.9.6. Duration of Final Project Exam of Undergraduate Program

The duration provided for the final exam is at most 2 (two) hours.

2.9.7. Assessment
a. Assessment in the Undergraduate Final Project exam includes:
1. The quality of scientific work (final project), which includes academic weight and
writing procedures;
2. Attitude during the exam; and
3. Mastery of the material, shown in answering questions from the examiner
b. Determination of Final Grade
The chief of the examiner assemblies leads the deliberations to determine the final test
grade expressed in letters A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, or E. The final grade of the final project
also includes the score of the implementation of the final project and the score of the
seminar with a weight determined by each department.
c. Students will pass the final project exam if they achieve at least a C grade.
d. Students who have not yet passed the final examination must accomplish the decision
of the examiner assemblies.

2.9.8. Final Project Administration Completion

a. After the Final Project exam and declared to graduate, then the student is given 2 (two)
weeks or 14 working days to revise and submit the final project script that has been
signed by the Counselor and Head of Department / Head of Study Program to the
Academic Subdivision of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
b. After 2 (two) weeks or 14 working days, the revision has not been completed, the
grades of the students are reduced by one level. If you get an A then it is reduced to
B+, and so on.
c. After 1 (one) month, the revision has not been completed, then the student must
retake the Final Project exam again, and the exam fee is the student's responsibility.
d. After 2 (two) months or more, the revision has not been completed, then the student
must do a re-study with a new title and can replace the First Counselor and Second

2.9.9. Equality of Student Written Creative Scientific Work with a Final Project
Rector Regulation of Universitas Brawijaya Number 223/PER/2010 and Decree of the
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB Number 157 of 2014 regulates
the provisions of equality of students' written creative scientific work with a final project.
The implementation is regulated further by each department.

2.9.10.Yudisium Graduates
Based on Rector Regulation Number 22 of 2015 Chapter I Article 1 Paragraph 3 stated
that the yudisium is the decision of the Dean / Head of Study Program / Head of
Postgraduate Program, which stipulates that a student has completed his/her studies and is
declared to have graduated according to the requirements of graduation at the faculty
/study program / postgraduate program.
a. A student can be declared as a Bachelor if:
1. Has fulfilled the requirements mentioned in section 2.7;
2. Does not exceed the maximum study period of 7 (seven) years; and
3. Uploading photos of yourself and a final project at SIAM.
b. Predicate
The graduation predicate consists of 3 (three) levels, which are satisfying, very
satisfying, and with praising, which are stated on academic transcripts. GPA as the basis
for determining the predicate of graduation based on Permenristekdikti Number 44 of
2015 concerning SNDikti and Universitas Brawijaya Regulation No. 1 of 2017
concerning Quality Standards are:
GPA 3.51 - 4.00: With Praising
GPA 3.01 - 3.50: Very Satisfying
GPA 2.76 - 3.00: Satisfactory
GPA 2.00 -2.75: -
The predicate of graduates with praising is also determined by the maximum study
period, for a maximum of 4 years for an undergraduate program. Never subjected to
disciplinary sanctions, or never subject to academic sanctions, there is no C+ (minimum
B) grade while for program switching (n+0.25).
c. Bachelor's Degree
The bachelor degree is regulated through Government Regulation (PP) Number 17 of
2010 concerning Management and Implementation of Education and
Kepmenristekdikti Number 257/M/KPT/2017 which is renewed in the Decree of the
Dirjen Belmawa Kemenristekdikti Number 46/B/HK/2019 concerning the list of the
study program at universities, thus the degree for a graduate of an undergraduate
program is: Bachelor, written behind the name by including the letter S. and followed
by the initials of study programs or fields of science (For the Bachelor of Biology,
Bachelor of Chemistry, Bachelor of Physics, and Bachelor of Instrumentation: S.Sc., for
a Bachelor of Mathematics: S.Mat., For a Bachelor of Statistics: S.Stat., For a Bachelor
of Geophysical Engineering: ST).

2.10. Evaluation of Study Success

2.10.1.Evaluation of Study Success of Undergraduate Program
The success of student studies is expressed by Grade Point, which is written with
numbers. Evaluation of the success of student studies is carried out at least at the end of
each semester, the first year, second year, third year, and fourth year.
a. Evaluation of the End of Semester Study
Evaluation at the end of the semester is held at the end of each semester, including
courses taken by students during the semester. The results of this evaluation are
mainly used to determine the study load that may be taken in the following semester
based on the provisions of Table 2.1.
b. Evaluation of the First Year Study
At the end of the first year since students enrolled in the undergraduate program at
Universitas Brawijaya, an evaluation will be held to determine whether the student can
continue their studies or not. Students are allowed to continue their studies if they
meet the following requirements:
1. Collecting at least 20 credits including General Courses / Personality Development
Courses; and
2. Achieve a Grade Point (GP) of at least 2.00 which is calculated from 20 credits of
courses with the best grades.
c. Evaluation of Second Year Study
Students are allowed to continue their studies after the second year if they meet the
following requirements:
1. Collecting at least 48 credits; and
2. Achieve a GP of at least 2.00 which is calculated from 48 credits of courses with the
best grades.
d. Evaluation of the Third Year Study
Students are allowed to continue their studies after the third year if they meet the
following requirements:
1. Collecting at least 72 credits; and
2. Achieve an IP of at least 2.00, which is calculated from 72 credits of courses with
the best grades.
e. Evaluation of the Fourth Year of Study
Students are allowed to continue their studies after the fourth year if they meet the
following requirements:
1. Collecting at least 96 credits; and
2. Achieve an IP of at least 2.00, which is calculated from 96 credits of courses with
the best grades.
f. Evaluation of Study at the End of Undergraduate Study Program
The number of credits that must be collected by a student to complete undergraduate
study is 144—160 credits, including final project / other assignments determined by
the faculty. The minimum number of credits is determined by the faculty within the
distribution limit. Students who have collected at least a minimum number of credits
above are declared to have completed the Undergraduate Program if they meet the
1. Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00;
2. The total credits of D and/or D+ do not exceed 10% of the total credit load;
3. There is no E grade; and
4. Pass the final project exam or another equivalent assignment.
If the GP is less than 2.00, then the student must improve the course grades during the
study period limit. The remedial must be made in the following semester when courses
to be improved are offered. The highest grade for each remedial course is used for
g. Dropping the Excess Courses
Students are not allowed to drop the excess courses that have been programmed and
have been written/appear in the Study Result Card (KHS).
h. Study Period Limits
Undergraduate programs must be completed in no more than 7 (seven) years, starting
from the time students are registered as students. If it turns out that up to the
specified study period, students have not been able to complete their undergraduate
study, the student concerned is declared unable to continue their studies. The study
period of 7 (seven) years does not include academic leave and/or terminals, but for
students who do not re-register without the Rector's permission, it is still considered as
a study period.

2.10.2.Evaluation of Student Transfer Program Success

The transfer program is a program specifically for graduates of the D-III program who
will continue to the undergraduate program. Under normal circumstances, the D III program
is carried out for 6 (six) semesters or 3 (three) years. For graduates of the D-III program who
have been accepted in an Undergraduate transfer program in one of the Study Programs in
the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB, will apply the following rules for
evaluating study:
a. Students are considered to have taken 6 (six) semesters when entering the transfer
b. The number of credits recognized for the first time you enter the program is a
minimum of 72 credits.
c. Evaluation of the First Year Study
The evaluation of the first year study from the transfer program students is the same
as the evaluation of the 4th year study of the undergraduate program, which includes:
1. Collecting at least 96 credits; and
2. Achieve a GP of at least 2.00 which is calculated from 96 credits of courses with the
best grades.
d. Evaluation of the End of Undergraduate Study Program
To complete an Undergraduate Study Program, a student must collect 144-160 credits,
including final project / other assignments determined by the faculty and courses
recognized from the previous program. The minimum number of credits is determined
by the faculty within the distribution limit. Students who have collected at least a
minimum number of credits above are declared to have completed an undergraduate
study program if they meet the requirements:
1. Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00;
2. Total credits with D and D+ do not exceed 10% of the total credit load;
3. There is no E grade; and
4. Pass the final project exam or other equal assignments.
If the GP is less than 2.00, then the student must improve the course grades during the
study period limit. The remedial must be made in the following semester when courses
to be improved are offered. The highest grade for each remedial course is used for
e. Dropping the Excess Courses
Students are not allowed to drop the excess courses that have been programmed and
have been written/appear in the Study Result Card (KHS).
f. Study Period Limits
Transfer program must be completed in no more than 4 (four) years, starting from the
time students are registered as a transfer program students. If it turns out that up to
the specified study period, students have not been able to complete their studies, the
student is declared unable to continue their studies. The study period of 4 (four) years
does not include academic leave and/or terminals, but for students who do not re-
register without the Rector's permission, it is still considered as a study period.
g. Other matters such as the equality of a course, additional lecture activities, etc. that
have not been regulated in this guidebook will be regulated separately by the

2.11. Short Semester Program

Short semester program is a lecture program held between Even and Odd Semesters.

Provide opportunities for students to improve grades courses that have been taken
to increase the GPA and shorten the study period and avoid dropping out of the study.

Short semester program is held in the form of face-to-face meetings at least 16
(sixteen) times, including the Midterm Exams and Final Exams. It consists of face-to-face
lectures, practicum (if the course has practicum), structured assignments, independent
assignments, and final exams. The date and implementation are carried out by the Study
Program organizers.

Academic curriculum and regulations in short semester program still refer to the
applicable academic curriculum and regulations.

2.11.5.Grades, Number of Credits and Participants

a. Maximum grade for short semester program is A.
b. Maximum credits that can be taken during short semester program is 9 credits.
c. Minimum participant of each class is 10 students.

2.12. New Student Admission System

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of UB follows the student admission
system implemented by Universitas Brawijaya by using several channels as follows:
a. National University Entrance Selection (SNMPTN)
This selection is done through a non-written test and is carried out nationally, with all
State Universities in Indonesia, which are intended to attract prospective students who
excel, both in the academic and non-academic.
b. Entrance Test for State Universities (SBMPTN)
This selection is done through a written test and is carried out nationally, with all State
Universities in Indonesia.
c. Universitas Brawijaya Independent Selection (SMUB)
This selection is done through a written test independently by Universitas Brawijaya for
students who are interested and have the economic ability.
d. International Program Selection (SPI)
This selection is done through a written test based on partnerships with foreign parties.
e. Program Transfer Selection (SAP)
This selection is done through a written test for graduates of diploma programs from
equivalent tertiary institutions and is carried out by each department and coordinated
by the faculty, the results of which are reported to the Rector of UB.

The implementation of school administration develops continuously to meet the
demands of a semester credit system, including the current Academic Information System

3.1. Administration Requirements for Credit System

To implement a good credit system, several administrative requirements must be
met, namely:
a. Availability of guidelines
Provided before lectures for the next academic year, which consists of:
1) General provisions on education administration;
2) Courses for study programs according to their level, which includes positions,
properties, credit load, and requirements (if any);
3) The number of credits for compulsory and elective courses to complete each study
program; and
4) Courses offered during the study.
b. Academic Advisor (PA)
(Explanation in Section 3)
c. Student Identification Number (NIM)
As regulated in the regulation of numbering ID number as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Registered year
Level of
Faculty / program
Study program
Semester of
Class (Indonesian
/ English
UB campus
Student number

3.2. Implementation of Credit System Administration

3.2.1. Implementation of Credit System Administration
All students are required to re-register in an orderly and in accordance with the
scheduled time. Re-registration of students is handled directly by the academic
administration of the University / Faculty and every academic year is carried out 2 (two)

times, namely at the beginning of Odd Semester and Even Semester of the relevant
academic year.
a. Purposes
 To control the implementation of academic activities each semester.
 To find out the size of the student body and the number of students who actively
participate in academic activities each semester.
 To get data about student activities and circumstances.
b. Registration period
Registration period is in accordance with the specified academic calendar.
c. Requirements for re-registration / registration
There are 2 (two) types of registration, namely administrative registration (paying
UKT/SPP online) and academic registration (filling KRS online). Payment of UKT/SPP is
done at the Bank appointed by Universitas Brawijaya. Old students must register for
online academic registration through SIAM. If there are difficulties in administrative
registration or academic registration, it can be asked to the faculty.
d. Not re-register
1. Students who DO NOT RE-REGISTER one semester without getting approval from
the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, are declared NOT ACTIVE for the semester.
2. Students who are LATE to re-register, are declared NOT ACTIVE as a student of
Universitas Brawijaya.
3. Students can propose an academic leave to the Rector no later than ONE MONTH
since the closing of re-registration with a maximum cumulative amount of TWO
YEAR, provided the application is approved by the Chancellor.
4. Inactive status is taken into account in determining the study period including the
final evaluation period of study.
5. NO extension period for re-registration.

3.2.2. Student Identity Card (KTM)

Students who are registered will have a KTM in the physical form of a plastic card
with a "barcode number" and RFID.
1. KTM is given to students who have completed complete administrative registration.
2. If there is an error in filling KTM, students must report to the Academic and Student
Affairs Bureau to be replaced with a new KTM.
3. KTM is proof of being registered as a student of Universitas Brawijaya.

3.2.3. Additional Provisions regarding Student Identity Cards and Re-registration

For students who:
1. Getting a new Student Identity Card, but not in accordance with student data (for
example the address does not match the actual address), can report to the Academic
Section of the University to be replaced. For the time being, the student can use the KTM
until they get the appropriate student card change;
2. Do not have KTM in the previous semester and no more than 2 (two) academic years,
then at the time of re-registration must show approval from the Rector, the approval is
obtained by submitting a request to the Rector by expressing the reasons reinforced by
the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
3. Not having a KTM but still obtaining approval from the Chancellor to re-register, a
temporary KTM will be obtained as proof of re-registration;
4. When re-registering is unable to show the previous semester KTM because it is missing,
then students must ask for the Rector's recommendation letter with reasons reinforced
by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Certificate of
Report from the Police;
5. Notification of registration does not exceed the date of re-registration.

3.3. Implementation of Academic Registration

3.3.1. Registration Preparation
Materials needed for registration preparation include:
a. List of names of Academic Advisors (PA) and the students they guide.
b. The filling instructions along with the cards, namely:
1. Study Plan Card (KRS);
2. Change of Study Plan Card (KPRS);
3. Course Cancellation Card (KPM); and
4. Study Result Card (KHS)

3.3.2. Filling in Study Plan Card (KRS)

The Study Plan Card can be taken at the Academic Sub-Section of the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences by showing a Student Identity Card (KTM) that is valid for
the semester (permanent or temporary or with the Rector's permission).
a. Determination of Semester Study Plans
Determination of semester study plans is carried out with the guidance of
predetermined Academic Advisors. Study plans in the first year of Odd Semester are
required to take the study load that has been set. The determination of the next
semester's study plan is determined by the students' grade points in the previous
semester. The grade points determine the amount of study load that may be taken in
the following semester. The role of the Academic Advisor is to provide consultation
regarding courses to be taken by students and validate the students through SIADO.
Students fill out Study Plan Cards online at SIAM and MUST conduct effective
communication with Academic Advisor regarding the courses taken. Un-validated
courses will result in the name of the student not being registered at the lecture
presence and considered not taking the course, the printing of the Study Plan Card is
carried out by the student, and the signing of the Study Plan Card to the Academic
Advisor is carried out in the first week of lecture.
b. Change in Study Plan
The change of the study plan is to replace one course that has been chosen with
another course in the same semester. Changes to the study plan are carried out no
later than the end of the first week of lectures and must obtain the approval of the
Academic Advisor.
c. Course Cancellation
Cancellation of a course is a cancellation of the plan to take the course. Students
who will cancel a course are given the opportunity no later than the second week. This
cancellation must be approved by the Academic Advisor, and immediately reported to
the Academic Sub-Division of the Faculty.
d. Study Results
Study results are grades obtained by students for all courses programmed in the
Study Plan Card and included in the Study Result Card.
3.3.3. Lectures, Practicums, and Exams
Students are required to attend lectures and practicums and other academic
activities according to their study plans in an orderly manner based on the applicable
provisions. Lecture and practicum schedules are arranged separately.
a. Student Attendance Evaluation
The total attendance of students in lectures (face-to-face) and practicum is a
consideration in determining whether a student is allowed to take the mid/final
semester exam or not. A student is permitted to take the exam if the total attendance
is at least 80%. If the presence of lecturers in giving lectures (face-to-face) before the
Midterm Exam does not reach 6 (six) times, then the evaluation of student attendance
is not carried out, and all students are permitted to take the Midterm Exam. Likewise,
for the Final Exam, an evaluation of student attendance is carried out if the total face-
to-face of a course reaches 12 (twelve) times or more. If the presence of lecturers in
giving lectures (face-to-face) before the Final Exam is less than 12 (twelve) times, then
the evaluation of student attendance is not carried out, and all students are permitted
to take the Final Exam.
The attendance evaluation results are announced before the test. The doctor's
letter / other information that is used to indicate the reason for absence must be
submitted to the lecturer or the Academic Subdivision of the Faculty no later than the
next week's lecture, and if it exceeds that time, then the person concerned is
considered absent from the lecture.
b. Planning Course Exams
1. Midterm / Final Exam
The Midterm Exam is one of the components in determining the final
grade. This exam is conducted after the lecture runs about 7 (seven) times
(depending on the university's academic calendar), and its implementation is
scheduled in the eighth and ninth week and is coordinated by the Faculty. If the
multiplication of exam questions is needed, the questions can be given to the
department/faculty for photocopying. Like the Midterm Exam, the Final Exam is
also a component in determining the final grade. This exam is carried out together
for all majors, and scheduling is carried out jointly and coordinated by the faculty.
Since it has the biggest weight, management is needed as well as possible in its
2. Plan the exam schedule
According to the Academic Calendar, the schedule for the Midterm and
End Semester Exams must be planned and announced to students and faculty.
c. Exam Implemantation
1. In principle, the exam schedule is according to the lecture schedule so that student
schedules do not clash.
2. Preparation of making exam questions
Exams can be in the form of written, oral, or presentation. Lecturers need to
prepare exam questions and submit them to the exam committee no later than 5
(five) days before the exam is held. These exam questions are in 2 (two) copies, one
submitted to the Exam Committee, and the copies are kept by the lecturer in
question. After submission, confidentiality is the responsibility of the Exam
3. Duplication of exam questions
All exam questions need are being duplicated as needed. It must finish no later than
3 (three) days before the exam begins. The committee duplicates the exam
questions, puts them in an envelope, and prepare it along with the student
attendance list, exam papers, and official report. The Exam Committee hands the
questions to the Exam Supervisor Coordinator when the exam will be held.
4. Exam implementation
Students who are affected by the attendance evaluation, their name will be
DIRECTLY CROSSED OUT by the Exam Committee. For students who cannot take the
exam due to illness or other reasons, MUST submit a doctor's certificate or a valid
statement to the Academic Sub Division of the Faculty no later than 3 (three) days
after his/her absence in the exam. If the student submits the letter after the
specified time, then it is NOT APPLICABLE and the student is considered not taking
the exam. The Exam Supervisor Coordinator along with the exam supervisors
oversee the exam. After that, the Exam Supervisor Coordinator submits the answer
sheets to the Exam Committee along with the official report and attendance list of
the students. The attendance list is made in 4 (four) copies, one to the lecturer
along with the answer sheets, and the others are kept by the Exam Committee. For
students who are sick, they can take the supplementary exam with the condition
that they can include a Doctor's Certificate. The giving and implementation of the
supplementary exam are regulated by the lecturer, after receiving approval from
the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.
5. Submitting the answer sheets
The Exam Committee must submit the answer sheets to the lecturer as soon as
possible, no later than the day after the test, along with the official report, student
attendance list, blank grade entry list, and one exam question sheet.
6. Checking the answer sheets
Within a maximum of 1 (one) week, after the test is done, the student answer
sheets must have been checked, and the score after being combined with the
scores of other activities is used to determine the Final Score (NA), made in 2 (two)
copies and uploaded to SIADO.

3.3.4. Announcement of the Final Grade

An assessment of a student's academic ability for each course is stated with one final
grade recorded on the student's Study Result Card, as stated in the University Guidebook. To
maintain the accuracy and speed of announcements, course coordinator lecturer uploads
the list of the final grades from the lecturer team, so that students who take the course can
access and find out their final grades through SIAM.
Although the final grades can be accessed online, the physical evidence of the list of
final grades that are known by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs / Head of Department /
Head of Study Program is still needed and submitted to the Academic Subdivision of the
Faculty. Changes in final grades that have been announced are NOT ALLOWED unless there
is a specific reason from the lecturer concerned and is known by the Vice Dean for Academic
Affairs / Head of Department / Head of Study Program.
Uploading Grade:
For lecturers, the provisions on uploading grades are as follows:
• Course lecturer coordinator is required to upload all components of the grade for each
course at the end of the semester through SIADO
• The deadline for uploading all final grades is according to the applicable academic
calendar at the faculty
• If there is a delay in uploading the final grade more than the time limit, then a "B"
grade applies to the whole class.

3.4. Grade Administration

3.4.1. Result Study Card (KHS)
The final grade of a student in a semester is written on the Study Results Card (KHS)
according to the courses in their Study Plan Card and their changes and cancellations if any.
Students can access the Study Results Card online through SIAM as well as
parents/guardians of students who are given the right of access to find out their children's
Study Results Card, and through SIAKAD and SIMPEL, both Department and Faculty
academic operators can also access and know academic records from all students. Thus, the
Department no longer announces the final grades of all courses on the department/faculty
notice board. Faculty print Student Study Results Cards for limited needs.
Students still have to print 4 (four) Study Result Cards, namely 1 (one) sheet for
Academic Advisor Lecturers for student guidance and counseling to determine course taking
and the number of credits in the following semester, 1 (one) sheet for Sub Academic Affairs
Department, 1 (one) sheet for parents/guardians of students, and 1 (one) sheet for
students. Besides, in each consultation with an Academic Advisor, students are recomended
to show a previous semester's Study Result Card. The Study Result Card can be accessed by
students through SIAM only at the end of the semester, after all course grades in that
semester are uploaded through SIADO by the teaching team coordinator.

3.4.2. Storage of Student Evaluation Results

The need for student data lasts a long time, both as long as the student is still on
campus and after graduating. Therefore, storing evaluation data of student study needs to
be done by the Faculty. Thus, a good organization needs to be created to store the data.
Data that needs to be stored are:
1. List of student academic evaluation results for each course given by the lecturer; and
2. The semester study results card, which contains the record of all academic evaluations
of the student according to his/her semester along with the Grade Points. At the same
time, it includes GPA for all courses from the beginning to the current semester.

3.5. Change in Student Status

Changes in student status are changes in academic and administrative status which
consist of several groups such as:
3.5.1. Academic Leave and Terminal
1. Academic leave and/or terminal are postponed administrative registration for a certain
period with the Rector's permission, and it can start in the first semester.
2. Students must submit the academic leave no later than 1 (one) month after the end of
the re-registration period, and there is no tuition fee (UKT/SPP) for the proposed

3. Terminal is submitted when the re-registration period expires, exceeds 1 (one) month,
and is subject to tuition fees (UKT/SPP) in the proposed semester.
4. Student submits the academic leave online through SIAM.
5. Terminal is submitted by letter/offline to the Rector known by the Dean and
parents/guardians/agencies of the student by attaching the required supporting data.
6. A student can apply for academic leave and/or terminal for a maximum of 4 (four)
semesters for the Undergraduate Program.
7. Submission of academic leave and/or terminal is done per semester so that if the
student submits consecutive academic leave, he/she must renew the proposal every
8. Academic leave and/or terminal can be taken by students, with Active, Registered,
Academic Leave, and Terminal (in previous semester), and the period of study does not
9. Students can submit an academic leave and/or terminal with the following reasons:
a. Health problems/illness for a long time;
b. Maternity leave;
c. Live/work somewhere that is not possible to do the learning process; and
d. Other acceptable reasons.
10. Academic leave and/or terminal of the previous semester (withdrawal) are not
11. Students who do not re-register without the Rector's permission are still counted as
study periods.

3.5.2. Transfer to Other University / Resigned

1. Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB who will transfer to
other universities / resign must submit a request to the Rector with a copy to the Dean,
along with the reasons for his transfer/resignation.
2. Students who have transfer to other universities / resigned cannot be re-accepted as
the students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB.
3. Application for resignation is made online through SIAM.

3.5.3. Dropped Out

Students dropping out are students who do not meet the evaluation requirements of
study success or students who are not registered because they have not registered more
than 2 (two) cumulative/consecutive semesters.
1. The number of students dropping out in each semester is reported by the Dean to the
2. The Rector issues a Decree about the drop out for the student.

3.5.4. Die
If a student dies, the Dean reports to the Rector.

3.5.5. Termination of Universitas Brawijaya Student

Students can be terminated forever or temporarily if they violate the provisions of
the Decree of Universitas Brawijaya Rector Number 044/SK/1985 regarding the Rules of
Conduct of the Big Family of Brawijaya University and other applicable provisions at
Universitas Brawijaya.
3.6. Student Transfer
3.6.1. Student Transfer to Universitas Brawijaya
The transfer of students to Universitas Brawijaya, between Universitas Brawijaya,
between faculties in Universitas Brawijaya, is a transfer in the same level of education.
1. Requirements
a. Admissions as undergraduate transfer students are:
Have attended education continuously for at least 2 (two) semesters and a maximum
of 4 (four) semesters and have collected:
 2 (two) semesters: have reached a minimum of 40 credits with a GPA ≥ 3.00 or
 4 (four) semesters: reached a minimum of 80 credits with a GPA ≥ 3.00
b. Not a dropped out student and never received and/or currently undergoing academic
sanctions from the origin university
c. Study program of the origin university is in line with what is in Universitas Brawijaya
d. Study programs from the origin university are at least accredited B by BAN-PT
e. Students had continuously studied at the origin university
f. Students obtain permission/approval to transfer from the Rector of the origin
university and submit the valid evidence of other academic activities
g. Students submit a letter of application to the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya with a
copy of the letter to the Dean of the Faculty in charge of the intended study program
h. Other requirements determined by the Faculty/Study Program/Department

2. Procedure for Submitting a Transfer Application

The procedure for submitting a transfer application is as follows:
a. The application for transfer is submitted in writing with good reason to the Rector of
Universitas Brawijaya with a copy to the Dean of the Faculty;
b. The application must be accompanied by:
1. List of original grades obtained from the origin university, with its GPA;
3. Letter of transfer from the origin university;
4. Approval of parents/guardians/agencies; and
5. The certificate stated the student never violate the rules of origin university.

3. Submission Period of Transfer Application

a. The transfer application must be accepted by Universitas Brawijaya no later than 1
(one) month before the start of the new academic year (odd semester).
b. The transfer application will not be considered if the time limit referred to in item (a)
is exceeded.

3.6.2. Student Transfer between Faculties

1. Requirements
a. Requirements for admission as undergraduate transfer student are:
Student has attended education continuously for at least 2 (two) semesters and a
maximum of 4 (four) semesters and have collected:
 For 2 (two) semesters: has reached a minimum of 24 credits with a GPA ≥ 2.75 or
 For 4 (four) semesters: reached a minimum of 48 credits with a GPA ≥ 2.75
b. Not a dropped out student because he/she does not fulfill academic requirements at
the origin faculty
c. Never violate the rules in the origin faculty
d. Student has achieve an approval to transfer to another faculty
e. The transferring must be in line with the field of science and in the equivalent level of
f. The dean of the faculty in question stated in writing about his willingness to accept
the transfer student
g. Student transfer between faculties can only be done once as long as he/she is a
student of Universitas Brawijaya
h. Student transfer is determined trough a Rector Decree of Universitas Brawijaya

2. Procedure for Submitting a Transfer Application

The procedure for submitting a transfer application is as follows:
a. The application for transfer is submitted in writing with good reason to the Rector of
Universitas Brawijaya with a copy to the Dean of the Faculty;
b. The application must be accompanied by:
1. List of original grades obtained from the origin faculty, with its GPA;
2. Approval of parents/guardians/agencies; and
3. The certificate stated the student never violate the rules of origin faculty.

3. Submission Period of Transfer Application

a. The transfer application must be accepted by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya no
later than 1 (one) month before the start of the new academic year.
b. The transfer application will not be considered if the time limit referred to in item (a)
is exceeded.

3.6.3. Student Transfer between Departments in a Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya

Student transfer between departments can be done with the following requirements:
1. Admission as transfer student is:
Student has attended education continuously for at least 2 (two) semesters and a
maximum of 4 (four) semesters and have collected:
 For 2 (two) semesters: has reached a minimum of 24 credits with a GPA ≥ 2.75 or
 For 4 (four) semesters: reached a minimum of 48 credits with a GPA ≥ 2.75
2. Not a dropped out student because he/she does not fulfill academic requirements at
the origin department
3. Never violate the rules in the origin department
4. Student has achieve an approval to transfer to another department
5. The head of the department in question stated in writing about his willingness to
accept the transfer student
6. Student transfer between departments can only be done once as long as he/she is a
student of Universitas Brawijaya

3.6.4. Student Transfer between Study Programs

Student transfer between study programs in one department/faculty is ruled by the
regulation of each faculty by considering the provisions in Universitas Brawijaya Guidebook.
Student Identity Number (NIM) changes according to the new study program.

3.6.5. Student Transfer from Diploma III Program to Undergraduate Program

According to Academic Admissions and Activities:
1. Admission
a. Admission as a student of a transfer program is determined by the Rector with the
consideration of the Dean.
b. In giving consideration, the Dean must pay attention to the existing capacity, the
suitability of the study program, and the assessment test results.
c. The applicant who is accepted is required to meet the administrative requirements
specified by the University/Faculty in question.
2. Trial Period and Evaluation of Study Success
a. The trial period is 2 (two) semesters with the requirement to collect a certain number
of credits according to the rules in the Faculty.
b. Achieve a GPA of at least 2.00.
c. Student transfer program that does not meet the requirements as referred to in
items (a) and (b) are declared unable and not allowed to continue their studies at
Universitas Brawijaya.
d. The student who is accepted through the transfer program must pay tuition fees.
e. Evaluation of study success after the trial period refers to the provisions of the
Undergraduate Program.
3. Credit Load and Credit Transfer
a. The credit load is according to the undergraduate credit load reduced by the number
of credits accepted a maximum of 80 credits.
b. The credit transfer is the number of credits obtained from the D III program and
accepted by Universitas Brawijaya.
c. Evaluation of credit transfer is carried out by the intended Faculty.
4. Limit of Study Period
The maximum length of study for a transfer student is 4 (four) years including a trial
5. Transcript of Student Transfer Program
Transcript of transfer student is a list theirmcourses and grades during the transfer
program in the Undergraduate Program. Courses in the Diploma program are not
allowed to be included in the Undergraduate Program transcript.

3.7. Grantee
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences accepts grantees for Gorverment
Institutions with the following requirements:
1. Derived from State Universities / State Academies;
2. Choose the appropriate Study Program / Department;
3. Meet the specified academic and administrative requirements; and
4. Capacity allows.

3.8. Provisions in Paying the Tuition Fees

3.8.1. New Students
Every new student must pay tuition fees (UKT/SPP) according to the provisions
stipulated by Rector Decree of Universitas Brawijaya. The payment is done at the time of
administrative registration, which can be paid at once in one year or two stages at the
beginning of each odd and even semester.

3.8.2. Old Students
a. Every student who does administrative registration is required to pay tuition fees,
which can be paid at once in one year or two stages at the beginning of each odd and
even semester.
b. For students who do not re-register without the Rector's permission, they are still
required to pay tuition fees, and the payment is made at the time of registration when
they will go back to college by applying again.
c. If the student obtains Rector's permission for academic leave, the student is freed from
the obligation to pay tuition fees while undergoing academic leave. If terminal
permission is granted after the deadline for applying for academic leave, the student is
still required to pay tuition fees. This provision also applies to new students.
d. The amount of tuition fees is determined by a Decree of the Rector of Universitas

3.9. Graduation Requirements

Requirements for student graduation are as follows:
1. Students have been declared to have passed the final project exam and their names
have been listed on the Yudisium Decree issued by the Dean by filling out data on
SIUDA as a condition of the graduation list queue;
2. Students who have graduated from the undergraduate program are required to attend
graduation as a condition to obtain a diploma submitted at the time of graduation
according to the Decree of Universitas Brawijaya Rector Number 155/SK/2013;
3. Graduation participants who cannot attend the graduation ceremony can take their
diploma at the Faculty or re-register to attend the graduation again;
4. If the students do not attend the graduation within 1 (one) year after the graduation
date, the UB Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is not responsible for the
loss and damage of the diploma;
5. Diplomas needed before the graduation can be borrowed by depositing security
deposit into the Rector's account under applicable regulations; and
6. A diploma that has been submitted to the alumni of the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences UB cannot be re-issued a new diploma if lost, damaged, or burned and

3.10. Guidance and Counseling (BK) and Academic Advisor (PA)

3.10.1.Guidance and Counseling (BK)
Counseling Guidance (BK) is the process of providing systematic and intensive
assistance carried out by experts who have a special duty for students in the context of
personal, social, and learning skills development for their future careers.
1. Purpose
Assist students in:
a. Realizing their potential optimally, both for the benefit of themself and the
b. Placing and adjusting to their environment constructively;
c. Solve the problems they face realistically;
d. Make decisions about rational choices;
e. Carry out the decision concretely and be responsible for the decisions made; and
f. Make plans for a better future.
2. Function
Guidance and Counseling functions as follows:
a. Distribution: help the students get a suitable environment for their situation;
b. Adaptation: help students adjust to their environment, both the social and learning
c. Prevention: help students avoid the possibility of obstacles in self-development to
achieve their learning success optimally;
d. Improvement: help students to improve their conditions that are considered
e. Adaptation: help Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB adjust policies to
the circumstances of students; and
f. Guidance and counseling officers while maintaining the confidentiality of students
associated with the guidance and counseling needs.
3. Service Program
Service Programs include:
a. Student data collection both academic and non-academic;
b. Provision of information to students about a variety of things that are useful for
personal, social, study, and career development of students;
c. Providing training to students as a group for personal, social, study and career
d. Problem-solving assistance services, both academic and non-academic through
e. Providing referral services to students whose problems are not resolved by the
guidance officer or counselor lecturer;
f. Providing training and consulting to academic advisors about the process of guidance
and counseling of their students; and
g. Providing information to Faculty and Department executives about various
characteristics related to the level of student learning success in general.
4. Others
a. Guidance and Counseling Officers must report their duties periodically to the
b. Counseling lecturers in the Department must report their duties periodically to the
Head of the Department.
c. Faculty and Department Leaders must pay attention to the rights of officers and
lecturers of Guidance and Counseling.

3.10.2.Academic Advisor (PA)

Academic Advisor (PA) is a lecturer who provides assistance in the form of academic
advice to students, in accordance with their study program, to improve students' academic
abilities, so that their studies are well-completed.
1. Task
Academic Advisors are tasked with:
a. Provide information about the use of supporting facilities and infrastructure for
academic and non-academic activities;
b. Assist students in overcoming academic problems;
c. Assist students in developing good learning attitudes and habits (learning skills) so
that learning independence grows for the success of their studies as an expert;
d. Providing recommendations about the level of student learning success for specific
e. Assist students in developing personality towards the realization of a fully Indonesian
who are insightful, think, and behave according to the religious values, nationality,
and customs, and various other positive norms;
g. Helping students develop scientific insights into lifelong learning; and
h. Give a warning about the academic evaluation of students whose GPs for 2 (two)
consecutive semesters are less than 2 (two) and credits achieved less than 20 credits.
2. At the time of academic registration at the beginning of each semester, Academic
Advisor lecturers are obliged to carry out their advisory duties with activities including:
a. Process the completion of the Study Plan Card (KRS) and be responsible for the
correctness of its contents;
b. Determine the correctness of the number of credits students may take in the
semester concerned with due regard to applicable regulations;
c. Research and approve semester studies planned by students in KRS; and
d. When determining the number of credits load, Academic Advisers must provide
sufficient explanation of the provisions taken by students so that students can realize
and accept these decisions with full attention and understanding.
3. In carrying out their duties, Academic Advisors pay attention to the learning outcomes of
their students individually or in groups.
a. Academic Advisors can ask for help from other work units (including Guidance and
Counseling) in the framework of counseling.
b. Advisory activities are coordinated by the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, while non-
academic matters are coordinated by the Vice Dean of Student Affairs.
c. Every Academic Advisor must always pay attention to the Code of Ethics for Campus
d. Advisory administration is regulated under the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB.
4. Others
a. Each academic advisor is obliged to report their duties periodically to the executives
of the Faculty, Department, and Head of the Study Program.
b. Faculty, Department, and Study Program Heads must pay attention to the rights of
Academic Advisors.

4.1. Rules
4.1.1. General Provisions
The big family of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in this rules is a ‘tri
sivitas akademka’ of the faculty that consists of:
1. Lecturer, either permanent or not permanent;
2. Administrative Staff, namely technicians and general administrative staff, both Civil
Servants and permanent non Civil Servants; and
3. Students, namely Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences students.

4.1.2. Rights and Obligations

The rights and obligations of academic and administrative staffs are regulated as
stated in university guidelines.
 The Rights of Student
1. Obtaining education and teaching according to the Study Program
2. Participating in student activities held and approved by the Faculty and the
3. Obtain and use every available facility according to the methods and conditions in
4. Conveying suggestions and opinions constructively according to applicable
regulations by keeping in mind the norms of decency, politeness, and in line with the
personality and philosophy of the Indonesian nation.

 The Obligations of Student

1. Along with other academicians, they develop a life order as a scientific society that is
cultured, have the moral of Pancasila, and has an Indonesian personality.
2. Strengthening and maintaining a sense of peer-hood among fellow of the Big Family
of Universitas Brawijaya.
3. Assist and actively participate in the implementation of curricular, co-curricular, and
extra-curricular programs.
4. Maintain integrity as a graduate candidate and be obedient and loyal to every
applicable regulation in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and
Universitas Brawijaya.
5. Being knightly, polite, and full of responsibility towards fellow of the Big Family of
Universitas Brawijaya and the wider community

4.1.3. Social Etiquettes and Responsibilities

1. Social etiquette in the Universitas Brawijaya environment is based on the principles of
kinship and upholds harmony and balance following the Pancasila.
2. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB has the responsibility to maintain
the good name of the alma mater and realize that university must truly be a scientific
society that will develop continuously according to the development of science so that
the teaching and learning process is a shared responsibility.
 Violation of the Rules can be in the form of:
1. Behave that can undermine and bring down the good name of the alma mater /
Big Family of Universitas Brawijaya.
2. Undermine the authority of University or Faculty officials in carrying out their
duties and positions.
3. Abusing and exceeding the authority he/she has.
4. Acting arbitrarily and unjustly towards fellow human beings.
5. Leaking secret positions and or state secrets.
6. Doing illegal payments in any form in carrying out their duties for personal or
group interests.
7. Fight and reject the duties of the authorities.
8. Obstructing, complicating the implementation of academic and non-academic
activities that have been determined by the university/faculty.
9. Interfering the education administrative affairs and others without legal authority
from the university/faculty.
10. Doing fouling/tampering, cheating, and falsifying legal documents.
11. Perform actions that are not in accordance with decency both in attitudes, words,
writing, and pictures.
12. Misusing the name, symbol, and mark of Universitas Brawijaya.
13. Unlawfully using Universitas Brawijaya's rooms, buildings, and other facilities
without permission.
14. Extort, gamble, carry, and abuse drugs on the campus.
15. Spread writings and ideologies that are prohibited by the government.
16. Pitting sheep and inciting academicians of Universitas Brawijaya.
17. And others that are prohibited by the applicable laws and regulations.

 Sanctions
1. The big family of Universitas Brawijaya who commits violations can be subject to
2. The form of sanctions can be in the form of:
a. Warning;
b. Compensation for losses due to damage caused and/or payment of fines;
c. Suspension;
d. Participating prohibition in academic activities in whole or in part in a certain
period or forever; and
e. Revocation of rights or dismissal as a member of the Big Family of Universitas

 Committee of Rules Violation (PANTIB)

1. The big family of Universitas Brawijaya who commits violations will be processed
by the Committee for Discipline Violation (PANTIB) formed by the Rector's
2. PANTIB membership consists of academic staff appointed by the Rector at the
suggestion of the Dean of the Faculty, for a term of 2 (two) years.
3. PANTIB submits the results of the examination of rules violations to the Rector,
and the final decision is in the hands of the Rector.
 Additional Provisions
The big family of Universitas Brawijaya who commits violations is given the right to
defend himself/herself before the Rector, both verbally and in writing before the
Rector gives the final decision.

4.2. Student Code of Ethics

4.2.1. General Provisions
In this Regulation, what is meant by:
1. Student Code of Ethics of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and hereinafter
abbreviated as Code of Ethics is a written guideline which is a standard of behavior for
students of the Faculty in interacting with the academic community in the scope of
learning, extracurricular activities, and other activities as well as interactions with the
large community;
2. The university is Universitas Brawijaya Malang, abbreviated as UB, an institution that
organizes educational, research, and community service activities;
3. Faculty is the UB Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as an academic
implementing element in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences branch;
4. Norms are binding rules or regulations that are used as guidelines, arrangements, and
controls that are appropriate and accepted;
5. Lecturers are teaching staff at universities specifically appointed with the main task of
6. Students are students, who are legally registered at the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences UB including grantees, graft students, listening students, and foreign
7. An exam is a form of assessment of learning outcomes that can be held through the
Midterm Exam, Final Exam, and final project exam;
8. The academic community is a unit consisting of lecturers, students, and educational
staff in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB;
9. A lecture is a process that occurs in the planning and presentation of teaching and
learning materials in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB as well as an
evaluation of these processes along with the products and elements involved;
10. Extra-curricular activities are a set of activities outside the curriculum in order to
improve students' abilities in academic and professionalism, which are based on noble
character; and
11. Student ethics are values, moral principles that must be practiced in daily life by
students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB based on the norms
that live in society.

4.2.2. Purposes
1. The code of ethics is compiled to provide guidelines for all students of the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB to behave properly in carrying out activities
within the Faculty and in the large community.
2. The purposes of the code of ethics are as a joint commitment of the students to realize
the vision, mission, and goals of the Faculty; the formation of students who are pious,
knowledgeable, and virtuous; creating an orderly educational process in a conducive

academic climate; and forming students who are disciplined, ethical, and obedient to
legal norms and other norms that live in the community.

4.2.3. Benefits
The benefits of the code of ethics are:
1. Created a conducive academic climate that facilitates the achievement of the vision,
mission, and goals of the Faculty;
2. Increasing the satisfaction of students, teaching staff, and other supporting staff and
stakeholders of the faculty including families of the students; and
3. The availability of quality human resources who have the competence and noble

4.2.4. Standard of Behavior

Good standards of behavior reflect the height of morals and adherence to ethical norms that
live in society, including:
1. Devoting to God Almighty according to the religion and beliefs held;
2. Appreciating science, technology, literature, and art;
3. Upholding national culture;
4. Maintaining the authority and good name of the faculty;
5. Actively participating in maintaining the facilities and infrastructure of the Faculty as
well as maintaining cleanliness, order, and security of the campus;
6. Maintaining personal integrity as a citizen of the faculty;
7. Obey the rules and regulations that apply in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences and Universitas Brawijaya;
8. Polite and neat (do not wear sandals, T-shirts, and tight and open clothing);
9. Be friendly, maintain good manners towards others, and maintain relationships with
the opposite sex under religious norms;
10. Do not smoke in any room except in the provided space;
11. Respect others regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, and social status;
12. Obey the legal norms and other norms that live in the community;
13. Respect the opinions of others;
14. Take responsibility in his/her actions; and
15. Avoiding acts that are not useful and/or contrary to legal norms or other norms that
live in the community.

Standard of behavior in a class and/or laboratory

1. Present on time, or before the lecturer enters the class or laboratory.
2. Dress neatly, cleanly, and politely in the sense of not deviating from the principles of
3. Respect other students by not doing actions that can interfere with lectures, for
example using mobile phones or other electronic devices during lectures, sitting
positions that can interfere with other students, and other activities that disturb the
peace of other students.
4. Do not smoke in the class, laboratory, or other space that is inappropriate or
5. Be polite in expressing opinions or refuting opinions.
6. Do not put out inappropriate words or hurt other people's feelings.
7. Be honest and do not sign the presence of other students who he knows are not
present in lectures.
8. Maintain inventory of classes or laboratories.
9. Not taking actions that can cause danger during the laboratory without the guidance of
lecturers or laboratory staff.
10. Do not pollute the room and inventory of the faculty such as littering, scribbling tables,
chairs, and walls of the room.

Student ethics in doing assignments and final project report:

1. Submit assignments/reports on time.
2. Honest in the sense of not doing plagiarism or using other students'
3. Comply with scientific ethics in final project writing, for example, obeying the rules and
procedures for writing, following guidance, and not plagiarizing other people's work
4. Do not promise or provide a sum of money or other facilities to lecturers or other
parties with the aim to influence the process of guidance of assignments/reports and
final project.

Ethics in taking an exam

1. Comply exam rules set by the faculty.
2. Honest and in good faith, do not see books or other sources that are not justified,
except for exams that expressly confirm such things.
3. Do not disturb other students, who are taking the exam.
4. Do not cross out faculty inventory such as desks, chairs, and walls to make it easier to
answer questions.
5. Do not promise to give a certain amount of money or other facilities to lecturers or
other parties to influence the exam process and results.
6. Believe in one's abilities, in the sense of not using the influence of others.

Ethics in the relationship between students and lecturers:

1. Respect all lecturers regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, and not based on feelings of
like or dislike.
2. Be polite to all lecturers in interactions both within and outside the faculty.
3. Maintain the good name of the lecturer and his/her family.
4. Do not disseminate information that is not good and not necessarily true about a
lecturer to lecturers or other parties, except for violations of law and ethics that are
required based on legal provisions and regulations within the faculty.
5. Polite in expressing opinions or expressing disagreement.
6. Be honest with lecturers in all aspects.
7. Do not promise or give a certain amount of money or other facilities to the lecturer or
other parties to influence the lecturer's assessment.
8. Believe in one's abilities, in the sense of not using the influence of others to influence
the assessment of lecturers.
9. Do not issue threats either directly or by using others against the lecturer.

10. Collaborate with lecturers in achieving learning goals, including preparing themselves
before interacting with lecturers in the lecture room.
11. Maintain good manners when submitting objections to the attitude of the lecturer
towards the leader accompanied by sufficient evidence.
12. Avoiding the attitude of hating lecturers or other dishonorable attitudes due to the
grade given by the lecturer.
13. Avoid asking permission from the lecturer via Whatsapp (WA) or short message service
(SMS), but must make an official permit.
14. Comply with the lecturer's orders and instructions as long as they are not contrary to
legal norms and other norms that live in the community.
15. Be responsible for all his/her actions related to interactions with lecturers.

Ethics in relationship among students

1. Respect all students regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, social status, and not based
on feelings of like and dislike.
2. Being friendly and polite towards all students both within and outside the faculty.
3. Team up with other students in learning.
4. Have strong solidarity and help one another for a good purpose and not conflict with
legal norms or other norms that live in society.
5. Be fair to fellow students.
6. Avoid words that can hurt the feelings of other students.
7. Do not make threats or acts of violence against fellow students, both inside and
outside the faculty.
8. Counseling one another for good purposes.
9. Likes to help other students who are less well off in lessons or economically
10. Safeguarding the good name of the faculty and not taking any dishonorable actions
that can damage the good image of the faculty.
11. Respect differences of opinion or views with other students.
12. Do not disturb the peace of other students who are following the learning process.
13. Not inviting or influencing other students to take dishonest actions that are contrary to
legal norms and other norms that live in society.

Ethics in the relationship between students and administrative staff:

1. Respect all administrative staff regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, social status, and
not based on feelings of like or dislike.
2. Be friendly and polite towards all administrative staff both within and outside the
3. Do not promise or give a sum of money or other facilities to administrative staff to get
special treatment or to take actions that are contrary to the laws and regulations in the
4. Do not issue threats either directly or by using others against administrative staff.
5. Not inviting or influencing administrative staff to commit dishonest actions that are
contrary to legal norms and other norms that live in society.

Ethics in the relationship between students and society:

1. Perform actions that elevate the good image of the faculty in the community.
2. Likes to help the community according to their knowledge.
3. Avoiding acts that violate the norms, both legal norms, religious norms, norms of
decency, and norms of propriety.
4. Inviting people to do good and not invite to dishonesty.
5. Give examples of good behavior in the community.

Ethics in sports:
1. Uphold honesty and sportsmanship in every sporting activity.
2. Maintain good manners in speech and deeds in every sports activity.
3. Avoiding acts that are anarchic, destructive, and disturbing order.
4. Cooperate in obtaining achievements in commendable ways.
5. Maintain the good name and image of the faculty and avoid the actions that can
damage the good name and good image of the faculty.
6. Not taking actions that are against the law such as consuming illegal drugs and other
illegal actions.
7. Do not promise or provide a sum of money or other facilities to the parties who make
regulations in any sports activities.
8. Avoiding acts that aim to intentionally harm others.
9. Comply with the rules required in sports.

Ethics in art:
1. Appreciate science, technology, literature, and art.
2. Upholding national culture.
3. Upholding the value of honesty in every art activity.
4. No plagiarism (plagiarizing against the law) the work of other people's art.
5. Refrain from actions that are anarchic, destructive, and disturbing order.
6. Cooperate in producing good achievements and works of art in ways that are
commendable and do not conflict with religious norms.
7. Maintain the good name and image of the faculty and avoid the actions that can
damage the good name and good image of the faculty.
8. Not taking actions that are contrary to the law and other norms.
9. Do not promise or give a sum of money or other facilities to the parties who make
regulations in any art activities.
10. Responsible for the artwork produced.
11. Respect the work of others.
12. Not taking actions that can demean the self-dignity and others.

Ethics in religious activities:

1. Respect other people's religions.
2. Avoiding actions that can insult the religion and beliefs of others.
3. Avoiding acts that are anarchic, destructive, and disturbing order.
4. Try as much as possible to obey the values of religion that are adhered to.
5. Maintain the good name and image of the faculty and avoid acts that can damage the
good name and good image of the faculty in religious activities.
6. Not taking actions that are contrary to the law and other norms, especially those
related to religious matters.
7. Not taking actions that impose their religion on others.
8. Do not interfere or obstruct the opportunity to worship for others according to their
9. Be fair to all people without discriminating against the religion they hold.
10. Comply with the rules of the faculty in religious activities.

Ethics in reasoning and talent interest activities:

1. Appreciate science, technology, literature, and art.
2. Upholding honesty values.
3. Upholding national culture.
4. Maintain good manners in speech and deeds in every activity.
5. Cooperate in obtaining achievements in commendable ways.
6. Maintain the good name and image of the faculty and avoid acts that can damage the
good name and good image of the faculty.
7. Refrain from acts that are anarchic, destructive, and disturbing order.
8. Respect the opinions and thoughts of others.
9. Spread knowledge and truth.
10. Not taking actions that are contrary to the law and other norms that live in the

Ethics in organizational activities:

1. Appreciate science, technology, literature, and art.
2. Upholding honesty values.
3. Upholding national culture.
4. Maintain good manners in speech and deeds in every activity.
5. Prioritizing wisdom in behaving.
6. Appreciate the differences of opinion and respond to them wisely.
7. Responsible for all regulations and actions.
8. Be sensitive to social problems and like to contribute in good ways.
9. Maintaining the good name and image of the faculty and avoiding acts that can
damage the good name and good image of the faculty.
10. Avoiding acts that are anarchic, destructive, and disturbing order.
11. Obey the law, regulations in the faculty, and other norms that live in society.

Ethics in expressing opinions outside the learning process:

1. Orderly, in the sense that it is not carried out with anarchist actions.
2. Maintain politeness by not saying words that demean someone's dignity.
3. Do not damage the learning objects or other public interests inside or outside the
4. Comply with applicable laws and regulations, especially for the submission of opinions
outside the faculty.
5. Prepare rational arguments that reflect the self-image of an educated individual.
6. Based on the purpose and for the sake of truth.
7. Maintain the good name and image of the faculty.
8. Avoiding other interests outside the interests of truth.
9. Not coercion or threat other parties while giving an opinion.
10. Do not cause significant disruption to the learning process.
11. Be responsible for the truth of the facts and opinions expressed.
4.2.5. Enforcement of Code of Ethics
1. The code of ethics must be disseminated to all new students in each school year.
2. Socialization can be done through the activities of the New Student Development
Program, Introduction to Campus Life Program, through the website of the faculty, and
through other media that are considered effective.
3. The obligation to socialize the Code of Ethics rests with all leaders of the Faculties and
4. Each member of the academic community must report any violations of the Code of
5. The Head of the Faculties and Departments is obliged to protect the identity of the
reporter in paragraph (4).
6. Each member of the academic community is obliged to prevent violations of the Code
of Ethics by anyone in the faculty.

4.2.6. Sanctions
1. Any violation of the Code of Ethics will be sanctioned by the leader of the Faculty.
2. The Rector may consider giving more severe sanctions after obtaining input from
parties who are aware of violations of the Code of Ethics.
3. Sanctions for violators can be in the form of warnings, stern warnings, suspensions
within a certain period, and dropped out from the faculty.
4. Every violator is given the right to self-defense, no later than 1 (one) week after
notification of violations is delivered.
5. Violators receive written notice from the leader of the Faculty or Department.

4.2.7. Other Provisions

1. The Code of Ethics is applied to better direct the potential of students towards better
things. The preparation of the Code of Ethics is part of a series of transformation
actions that are considered relevant to the vision, mission, and goals of the Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
2. The Code of Ethics is expected to support the formation of a conducive academic
climate based on ethics or good morals of students.
3. The Code of Ethics can be adjusted over time according to the development of student
behavior. Therefore, all students are expected to be able to provide input for the
formation of students who are ethical and have good character.


5.1. Background
Department of Statistics of Universitas Brawijaya is an organizer of Academic
Education, namely education that is directed primarily at the mastery of Science and
Technology (Law No. 2 of 1989, CHAPTER IV Article 11 Paragraph 7). Department of Statistics
consists of two Study Programs, namely Statistics Undergraduate Study Program and
Statistics Master Study Program.
Department of Statistics began as a study program in the field interest of Statistics,
under the Mathematics Study Program of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Program in
1992. In 1998, the field of interest was officially established as a Statistics Study Program
under the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Brawijaya, based on letter No.54/DIKTI/Kep./1998. In 2016, the Department of
Statistics was officially included in the structure of Universitas Brawijaya based on the Rector
Regulation No. 20 of 2016 concerning the Organizational Structure and Work Procedure
with God's Grace, the One and Only, Rector of Universitas Brawijaya. In 2018, the
Department of Statistics has become operational independently of the Department of
Department of Statistics Universitas Brawijaya has been developed with the
characteristics of courses for the development and application of statistics in the field of life
sciences and economics. Because of active participation and hard work of the entire
academic community, the results of Bachelor Degree Statistics Programme’s accreditation
earned an A for 2015-2019 period.
Department of Statistics Universitas Brawijaya has vision and mission that is in line
with faculties and university. Having goals and strategies related to student achievement,
lecturer achievement, competency-based curriculum and academic atmosphere.
Department of Statistics is encouraged to equalize its position with other majors both within
Universitas Brawijaya and outside it. This indication is shown in the increasing number of
prospective students who are interested in Department of Statistics and increasing teaching
enroll staff for further studies, conducting research activities, community service, and
actively participating in training at regional, national and international levels. In accordance
with the mission of the University of Brawijaya, one of the requirements to achieve
excellence in the field of Science and Technology is the growth of basic sciences including
Statistics which has strong moral potential and ability to foster active, creative and
independent learner attitudes so that they are able to play an optimum role in the world of
increasingly rapid global change.
The creation of an academic atmosphere in the Department of Statistics is a must as
a solid foundation to face the challenges of the rapid development of science and
technology. In its teaching and learning activities, the Department of Statistics UB applies a
curriculum that has undergone several reconstruction processes which are carried out every
four years. The reconstruction is carried out as an effort by UB's Statistics Department to
anticipate the development of science and the demands of the work world. Adjustment of
the competency-based curriculum in accordance with KKNI will be carried out this year in
line with the reconstruction of the 2014 curriculum. The structure and content of the
curriculum is designed to produce statistics graduates who are in accordance with the
expected competencies. The competency-based curriculum is designed with attention to the
interests of students and users of graduates, so there is a great opportunity for students to
develop themselves by: continuing studies, developing personal and career in the
5.2. Vision and Mission
Vision of Department of Statistics
The vision of Department of Statistics is to become an international standard educational
and development institution and contribute to science and technology, especially in the
fields of statistical computation, social science, economics and life science.

Mission of Departments of Statistics

1. Providing a quality and competitive learning process for undergraduate and master
study programs in statistics to produce graduates with an entrepreneurial spirit, noble
personality, and national culture.
2. Improving a conducive academic atmosphere to be able to foster professionalism,
creativity, and innovation of lecturers, education staff, and students.
3. Increase the quality of research and scientific publications in statistics relevant to the
development of science and technology.
4. Disseminating statistics through community service and collaboration with the
community, government, and private institutions.

5.3. Purposes, Targets, and Strategic Plan of Department of Statistics

Purposes of Department of Statistics
1. To create graduates or alumni who are able to apply statistics
2. To create graduates who are able to compete and easily adapt to the environment
3. To create graduates who are ready to continue in a higher level of education
4. To create graduates who are able to collaborate in education and research with other
5. To create graduates who are able to be a center of statistical development, consultation
and dissemination of statistics.

Targets of Department of Statistics

The Department of Statistics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as
part of the Universitas Brawijaya is responsible to organize activities covered by the Tri
Dharma Perguruan Tinggi namely education, research, and community service. However,
the department also must develop governance on an ongoing basis to be able to carry out
high-quality of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi activities and continue to increase the quality
and quantity from time to time. Thus, conceptually, the developments must lead to an
outcome and have a positive impact. Every Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi activity is expected
to be able to produce graduates who have moral integrity and competitiveness, quality of
publications with national and international standards, quality of science and technology
products, experts in the fields of science and technology, and obtain recognition from the
community as the impact on the benefits of the tri dharma products.
To be able to implement quality of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi activities, it is
necessary to support adequate human resources (lecturers, educational staff, students),
quality and adequate supporting facilities (facilities and infrastructure), adequate financial
resources, good governance with accountable and transparent characteristics, quality
information infrastructure support, and a good quality assurance system.

Quality output in the development process can only be obtained if these 4 things are
met, namely good input, good system, good resources, and good processes. Therefore, this
work plan is focused on improving efforts to achieve quality outputs.
The program targets for the activities in this work plan are grouped into 4
interrelated development fields, namely development in the aspect of:
a. Education quality,
b. Research and community service,
c. The quality of student affairs and alumni, as well as
d. The quality of Institutional and Cooperation.

Strategic Plan of Department of Statistics

The Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as part of
Universitas Brawijaya (UB), which has the status of a State University, has a whole service
that is covered in Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, namely education, research, and community
service. The three dharmas are then described in the form of vision, mission, and purposes
to be achieved. The vision and mission of the Department of Statistics are carried out in line
with UB's target, which is to aim to become an entrepreneurial university, to become a
world-class superior university, and be able to play an active role in national development
through the process of education, research, and community service. Along with the
University's vision and mission, the Department of Statistics has a vision of becoming a
center for quality education and research in statistics for the development of life sciences,
economics, and industry. While the missions of the Department of Statistics are: 1) Providing
a quality and competitive learning process of statistics, 2) Producing statistics graduates,
who are capable of developing innovation and potential as scientists, 3) Organizing
statistical research activities that are competitive and have a positive impact on educational
and science development, and 4) Promoting statistics through community, industry, and
To achieve the ideals in its vision and mission, the Department of Statistics is built on
the principle of providing the best service for people, who are based on the new paradigm of
autonomy, transparency, efficiency, productivity, accountability, and quality assurance. In
manifesting it, it is necessary to carry out reinforcement in all fields, both management,
academic systems, resources, infrastructure, and the formation of student character.
In order to support the commitment of Universitas Brawijaya as a World Class and
Entrepreneurial University, the Department of Statistics has the following plans:
1. Enhancing the Graduates Competitiveness
 For the Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program, the number of graduates on time
(four years) is at least 90%, the duration of the final project in less than six months is
at least 70%, the GPA of graduates with more than 3.00 is at least 80%, and the GPA
of graduates with more than 3.50 is at least 50%, the average waiting period to get
the first job is less than 3 months.
 For the Master of Statistics Study Program, the number of graduates on time (two
years) is at least 50%, the duration of the thesis is less than six months at least 50%,
the minimum GPA of graduates is 3.50 by 100% and the GPA of graduates is more
than 3.75 for a minimum of 50 %, the average waiting period to get your first job is
less than 3 months.
 Increased student involvement in research and community service conducted by
lecturers, at least 50% of students per year.
 Improvement of student achievements in the academic field (Scientific writing
competition) and non-academic (Student Creativity, Sports and Arts Competition) at
the national or international level at least 9 achievements per year.
2. Enhancing the Lecturer Achievement
 Improving lecturer performance (teaching, research, community service, and
support) so that 100% meets the minimum criteria for assessing Lecturer
Performance Load (BKD)
 Improving the quality of lecturers with a target of 100% lecturers must be
professionally certified (SERDOS)
 Improving the quality of lecturers with a target of 75% of lecturers holding doctorates
and 25% of lecturers being professors.
 Increased budget allocation for research and community service by lecturers
 Increasing the number of publications per lecturer with a target of 1 article per
lecturer per year
 Increasing the number of lecturers taking part in international seminars with a target
of one time per lecturer per year
 Increase in the number of lecturers taking part in national seminars with a target of
one time per lecturer per year
 Improving the quality and quantity of lecturers' international publications with a
target of 20 articles per year
3. Strengthening the Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum Based on KKNI
 Conduct periodic curriculum reconstruction by accommodating input from
stakeholders, developing science and KKNI, as well as completing RPS for all courses,
4. Improving the quality of the academic atmosphere
 Increasing the role of the Science Field Team in teaching and learning process,
research, and community service
 Opening of a research lab based on the Science Field Team to anticipate the
development of science and the needs of students, lecturers, and the public who use
5. Opening a Statistics Doctoral Study Program
 It is necessary to develop the knowledge through research and scientific work of
higher quality (international standard) by opening the Statistics Doctoral Study
Program. Thus the Department of Statistics not only serves users but also develops
6. Strengthening research services for companies, other tertiary universities, BUMN, and
government institutions with a target of 4 activities per year.

5.4. Organizational Structure and Staff of Department of Statistics

Head of Department : Rahma Fitriani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D
Secretary of Department : Nurjannah, S.Si., M.Phil., Ph.D
Head of Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program : Achmad Efendi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D
Head of Master of Statistics Study Program : Dr. Suci Astutik, S.Si., M.Si

Quality Assurance Unit (UJM)

Chief : Darmanto, S.Si., M.Si

Secretary : Lutfatul Amaliana, S.Si., M.Si
Members : 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Ni Wayan Surya Wardhani, M.S.
2. Dr. Suci Astutik, S.Si, M.Si

Laboratory Head of Laboratory

Basic Statistics : Darmanto, S.Si., M.Si
Socio-economic Statistics : Dr. Eni Sumarminingsih, S.Si., M.M.
Simulation and Computational : Dr. Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes, S.Si., M.Sc.
Biostatistics : Dr. Dra. Ani Budi Astuti, M.Si.

Table 1. List of Lecturers in Department of Statistics

No Name NIP/NIK Level
Prof. Dr. Ir. Loekito Adi
1 20171247032711001 Professor IV/d
Soehono, M.Agr
Prof. Dr. Ir Waego Hadi Professor
2 195212071979031003 IV/e
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ni Wayan Surya Professor
3 195511021981032001 IV/d
Wardhani, M.S.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Henny Pramoedyo, Professor
4 195707051981031009 IV/d
Dr. Ir. Maria Bernadetha Associate
5 20171252052121001 III/c
Theresia Mitakda Professor
6 Ir. Heni Kusdarwati, M.S. 196112081987012001 IV/a
7 Dr. Ir. Solimun, M.S. 196112151987031002 IV/a
8 Ir. Mudjiono, M.M. 196105281987031003 III/c
9 Dr. Ir. Atiek Iriany, M.S. 196308091988022001 III/c
10 Dr. Dra. Ani Budi Astuti, M.Si. 196802091992032001 IV/a
Samingun Handoyo, S.Si., Assistant
11 197304151998021002 III/d
M.Cs. Professor
Rahma Fitriani, S.Si., M.Sc., Assistant
12 197603281999032001 III/d
Ph.D. Professor
13 Dr. Suci Astutik, S.Si., M.Si. 197407221999032001 IV/a
14 Dr. Umu Sa`adah, M.Si. 196807252002122001 III/c
Dr. Eni Sumarminingsih, S.Si., Assistant
15 197705152002122009 III/c
M.M. Professor

16 Nurjannah, S.Si., M.Phil., Ph.D 198009212005012001 III/a
Achmad Efendi, S.Si., M.Sc., Assistant
17 198102192005011001 III/c
Ph.D. Professor
Dr. Adji Achmad Rinaldo Assistant
18 198109082005011002 III/c
Fernandes, S.Si., M.Sc. Professor
19 Darmanto, S.Si., M.Si. 198305302006041003 III/b
20 Luthfatul Amaliana, S.Si.,.M.Si. 199006272015042002 III/b
21 Dwi Ayu Lusia, S.Si., M.Si 198906032019032014 Lecturer III/b
Nur Silviyah Rahmi, S.Si.,
22 199111042019032018 Lecturer III/b

5.5. Laboratories and Its Facilities

Laboratories that support the implementation of teaching, research, and community
service activities in the Department of Statistics are Statistics laboratories with 67 units of
computers, licensed software namely SAS 9 (University Edition) and Genstat 17, and open
source software R 3.1.

5.6. Undergraduate Statistics Study Program

5.6.1. Vision and Mission of Undergraduate Statistics Study Program
Become a center for excellent Undergraduate Statistics education and research at
the international level, in the fields of statistical computation, social humanities,
economics, industry and life science in 2025.
1. Providing a quality learning processes according to National Standards of Higher
2. Equipping graduates to be able to compete and easily adapt to the world of work,
as well as being ready to continue their education to a higher level.
3. Increase the quantity and improving the quality of joint research to support the
development of statistics in computation, social humanities, economics, industry
and life science fields.
4. Disseminating the application of statistics correctly.

5.6.2. Purposes, Targets, and Strategy of Undergraduate Statistics Study Program

Purposes of Undergraduate Statistics Study Program
1. Providing high-quality undergraduate statistics education.
2. Producing graduates who are able to apply statistics.
3. Producing graduates who are able to compete and easily adapt to the world of work.
4. Produce graduates who are ready to continue their education to a higher level.
5. Establish educational and research collaborations with other institutions.
6. Being the center development of statistics.
5. Become a center for consultation and dissemination of statistics

Targets of Undergraduate Statistics Study Program

The targets of the undergraduate statistics study program are grouped in 4
interrelated development fields, namely development in aspects of:
a. enhancing the quality of education, research, and community service,
b. enhancing the quality of students and alumni, as well as
c. enhancing the quality of institutional and collaboration.

Strategy of Undergraduate Statistics Study Program

The development of Statistics Study Program is carried out using the RAISE strategy [l]:

1. Implementation of teaching and learning process and learning evaluation refers to the
existing Manual Procedures (MP).
2. Conduct curriculum reconstruction every 4 years to anticipate the development of
knowledge and the demands of the world of work.
3. Perform research and community service according to SNPT standards

Academic Atmosphere
1. Increase the role of UJM in monitoring and evaluating teaching and learning processes
2. Add more statistics training activities
3. Increase the involvement of students in research, community service, publications, and
training activities in Statistics
4. Increase student involvement in monitoring and evaluating teaching and learning

Internal Management
1. Improve the quality of teaching through standardization of teaching materials and
2. Develop staff to improve the quality of teaching and learning activities, research, and
community service. Staff development consists of sending lecturers for further study,
training for lecturers and administrative staff.
3. Increase the role of the Science Field Team (KBI), laboratories, and UJM
4. Periodically review MP
5. Involving lecturers and students in Kelompok Kajian (KK): KK Statistics Business and
Management and KK Statistics Spatial

1. Establish cooperation with various parties to support the teaching and learning process
2. Propose funding for the Competition Grant Project (PHK)
3. Increase the number of research funded by DIKTI and BOPTN
4. Increase the number of continuous community service
5. Establish educational and research collaborations with other institutions

Efficiency and Productivity

1. Increase the number of national and international scientific publications.
2. Improve students' non-academic achievements and soft skills
3. Increase the role of the Statistics Laboratory in research, community service, and raise
a self-funding.
5.6.3. KKNI Based Curriculum
The Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program curriculum is designed so that
students can take approximately eight semesters. The curriculum is structured to facilitate
students who will continue their studies or will enter the workforce. Besides, the
Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program must also be able to facilitate students to be
ready to be trained and develop themselves. The preparation of the curriculum used in the
teaching and learning process in the Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program refers to the
2013 KKNI-based curriculum (Indonesian National Qualification Framework) level 6 for the
Undergraduate of Higher Education as a form of equalizing the quality of Human Resources.
By evaluating the previous curriculum, Learning Outcomes have been formulated based on
the Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT) Recommendations that graduates must
have in such a way that they are expected to have a profile of Indonesian Statistics
graduates so that they will be able to compete with Statistics graduates from other

5.6.4. Program Learning Outcomes

Based on alumni tracking, graduates of Statistics Undergraduate Study Programs can
work and be needed in various public and private agencies. Graduates with a Bachelor of
Statistics degree have the following qualifications.
1. Graduates who are able to apply statistics, compete, and easily adapt to the
environment work, and be ready to continue in a higher education level.
2. Researchers with ability to solve problems in the fields of computing, social,
economics, industry, and life science.
3. Academicians who are able to disseminate and develop theories and applications of
4. Consultants and analysts who are communicative and professional.
5. Managers who have ability of planning, directing, managing, and overseeing or

5.6.5. The Intended Learning Outcomes of Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program

The curriculum of the study program is designed to produce graduates who have
advantages in the socio-economic and life sciences with the intended learning outcomes set
out in Table 3. To achieve the intended learning outcomes of the Undergraduate of Statistics
Department graduates, students are equipped with computer science and mathematics as a
basis for understanding theory and statistical applications. Students are also equipped with
other sciences to support statistics in biology, economics and social humanities.
The selection of applied statistics is in accordance with the interests of the students.
To complete the Bachelor Statistics education, students are required to take at least 144
credits which include compulsory courses of 113 credits and electives studies of at least 31
credits. The elective courses offered are 106 credits. Compulsory courses consist of courses
that must be taken by each student. Elective courses are divided into 4 areas of
specialization, namely statistics in the fields of life science, theory and computation,
economics and industry, and social economics. Students who will take a course needs to
meet certain requirements. Intended Learning Outcome (ILO) of the Statistics
Undergraduate Study Program are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Intended Learning Outcomes of Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program
Indicator Intended Learning Outcomes
The students are able to master basic scientific concepts and statistical
ILO1 analysis methods applied on computing, social science, humanities,
economics, industry and life science.
The students are able to arrange and/or choose an efficient data collection/
ILO2 data generated design that applies in surveys, experiments or simulations.

The students are able to manage, analyze, and complete the real case using
statistical method on computing, social humanities, economics, industry and
ILO3 life science that helped by software, then present and communicate the
The students are able to master at least two statistical software, including
ILO4 based on open source.

The students are able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative
thinking independently when applied to science and technology that contain
humanities values, based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics with
excellent and measurable results.
The students are able to take appropriate decisions to solve the problems
ILO6 expertly, based on the information and data analysis.

The students are able to improve and develop a job networks, then supervise
ILO7 and evaluate the team’s performance they lead.

The students are able to apply and internalize the spirit of independence,
ILO8 struggle, entrepreneurship, based on values, norms, and academic ethics of
Pancasila in all aspects of life.

The relationship between intended learning outcomes of Statistics Study Program

graduates with the course can be seen in the matrix of courses and intended learning
outcomes in Table 3.

5.6.6. Matrix of Courses and Intended Learning Outcomes of Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program
Table 3. Matrix of Courses and Intended Learning Outcomes
English UBU60005 3 M M l
Introduction to Life Sciences MAS61211 3 M L L M H M L
Introduction to Economics MAS61311 3 H M M H M
Mathematics MAS61111 3 H L M
Introduction to Sets and
MAS61112 2 H H L L L
Introduction to
MAS61312 2 L M M M
Statistical Method I MAS61121 3 H M L M M L

Islam MPK60001
Catholics MPK60002
Christianity MPK60003 2 M L H
Hinduism MPK60004
Buddhism MPK60005

Introduction to Probability
MAS62111 3 H M H M L
Statistical Method II MAS62121 3 H M L M M L
Introduction to Regression
MAS62122 3 H H L M M L L
Mathematics I MAS62112 3 H L M L
Matrices and Vector Spaces MAS62113 3 H M L

Financial Mathematics MAS62331 3 H M H H L L
Sciences MAS62212 2 H H M M
Exploratory Data Analysis MAS62125 2 H M L M L L
Microeconomics MAS62311 3 H M M H M
Basics of Programming MAS61131 3 H M L L
Linear Programming MAS61321 3 M H M H M M
Mathematics II MAS61113 3 H M L L
Mathematical Statistics I MAS61114 3 H M H M L
Introduction to Experimental
MAS61212 3 M M M L M L L
Nonparametric Statistics MAS61122 3 H H M M M L
Stochastic Process MAS61115 3 H M H M L
Econometrics MAS61323 3 M H M H M M
Decision Theory MAS61331 2 M M M M H M L
Macroeconomics MAS61324 3 H M M H M
Actuarial Science MAS61332 3 H M H L L L
Smoothing Method MAS61325 2 H H M M M L L
Database MAS62131 3 H H M L L
Introduction to Numerical
MAS62114 3 H M L H L
Statistical Quality Control MAS62332 3 H H M H M L
Mathematical Statistics II MAS62115 3 H M H M L
Citizenship MPK60006 3 L M H
Categorical Data Analysis MAS62221 3 H H M H M L
Data Structure MAS62133 3 H H M M L
Analysis of Variance MAS62211 3 H H M M M M L
Risk Theory MAS62333 3 H M H H L L
Simulation Method MAS62321 2 H H H H M M M
Advanced Regression
MAS62126 3 H H M M M L L
Operation Research MAS62322 3 M H M H M M
Introduction to Linear Model MAS61123 3 M H M H H M L
Sampling and Survey
MAS61124 3 H H M L L M
Time Series Analysis MAS61322 3 H H M M M L L
Computational Statistics MAS61132 3 M L M H H M L
Entrepreneurship UBU60004 3 M H H H
Pancasila MPK60008 2 L M H
Bayesian Analysis MAS61133 3 H H M M M L
Spatial Analysis MAS61125 3 H L H M M M L
Reliability Analysis MAS61333 3 H H M M L L
Response Surface MAS61221 2 H H M M L L
Biometrics MAS61222 3 H M H M H M M L
Optimization Technique MAS61134 2 H M H M L L
Advanced Statistical Quality
MAS61334 3 H H M H M L
Measurement Design MAS61326 2 H H M L L M
Social Statistics MAS61327 2 M H M H L
Management Information
MAS61136 3 H H M M L
Multivariate Analysis I MAS62123 3 H H M H M
Data Mining MAS62132 3 M H M H M M L
Indonesian Language MPK60007 3 M M L
Scientific Research and
MAS62124 2 M M
Writing Method
Forecasting Methods MAS62323 3 H H M M M L L
Advanced Computational
MAS62134 3 M L M H H M L
Survival Analysis MAS62222 3 H H M M L L
Fuzzy Logic Model MAS62135 3 M M H M M L
Industrial Statistics MAS62334 2 M H H M H M
Advanced Econometrics MAS62324 3 M H M H M M
Non Linear Time Series
MAS62325 2 H H M M M L L
Capita Selecta of Life
MAS62223 2 H M M M M L
Big Data Analysis MAS62136 3 M H M L L

Community Development
UBU60003 2 H M H H
Internship UBU60002 3 H H H H H H H H
Artificial Neural Network
MAS61137 3 M M H M M L
Advanced Categorical Data
MAS61223 2 H H M H M L
Multivariate Analysis II MAS61116 3 H H M H M
Statistical Consulting MAS61117 2 M H M H H H
Capita Selecta of Statistical
MAS61335 2 H M M M M L
Capita Selecta of
MAS61138 2 H L H H H H H L
Computational Statistics
Final Project UBU60001 6 H H H H H H H H
H : High
M : Medium
L : Low

5.6.7. Curriculum Diagram of Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program
Curriculum Structure
The curriculum structure is designed to produce statistics graduates with learning
outcomes that are in line with SNPT and FORSTAT. Statistics graduates produced by study
programs must have attitudes and personalities that are in line with scientific competencies
and norms in society. Therefore, forming a quality personality is the basis for curriculum
preparation. The curriculum structure of the study program places courses, related to the
formation of graduate attitudes, as a basis and becomes compulsory courses (Religion and
Pancasila). General knowledge is given in the Citizenship course. All courses must support
the achievement of discipline and obedient manner. Attitudes and general knowledge are
shared responsibilities that are applied by the academic community in life on campus.
Theory of Statistics, Mathematics, and Computation are courses that underlie
statistical modeling. Mastery in these courses indirectly also forms a logical, critical,
systematic, creative, and innovative graduate mindset. Statistical modeling in the
Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program is directed towards its application in Economics,
Industry, Social Humanities, and Natural Sciences which are reflected in compulsory and
elective courses. These courses support the application of existing models and follow the
most up-to-date statistics and computational models. Besides, graduates are also equipped
with the ability to use statistical software and interpret the output correctly. To produce
graduates who can choose the right statistical analysis method according to cases faced in
the community, given internship and final project courses as compulsory courses, and
Community Development Participation as elective courses. These courses can be taken after
reaching a certain number of credits. The curriculum structure is shown in Table 5.

Curriculum Diagram
Curriculum diagrams that contain compulsory and elective courses are arranged
according to prerequisite courses and courses location in semesters one to eight. The
curriculum diagram is shown in Figure 1.

Curriculum of Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program

The list of courses taken in the first semester is the same for all students (Table 8).
Students in the second to the eighth semester are advised to take compulsory courses such
as Tables 9 to Table 15 according to their Grade Points (GP) on the previous semester and
requirement of the courses. The list of compulsory and elective courses in odd and even
semesters is shown in Table 16 and Table 17. The final project course is offered in odd and
even semesters so that students with a high GP are possible to graduate 3.5 years.

Table 2. Curriculum Structure of Undergraduate of Statistics Study Program

Optimization Technique, Operation Research, Stochastic Process,
Fuzzy Logic Models, Artificial Advanced Data Analysis, Exploratory Data
Neural Network Model, Econometrics, Advanced Analysis, Capita Selecta
Management Information Econometrics, of Life Sciences,
System, Data Structure, Microeconomics, Response Surface,
Advanced Computational Macroeconomics, Forecasting Biometrics, Analysis of
Statistics, Simulation Methods, Advanced Variance, Survival
Method, Capita Selecta of Regression Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Biostatistics,
Computational Statistics, Analysis, Advanced Statistics Sciences
Bayesian Analysis, Big Data Quality Control, Decision
Analysis Theory, Capita Selecta of
Statistical Economics,
Consultant Statistics, Actuarial
Science, Nonlinear Time
Series Analysis, Smoothing
Method, Industrial Statistics,
Social Statistics, Multivariate
Analysis II, Measurement
Design, Risk Theory

Community Development Participation, Internship, Final Project

Indonesian, English, Scientific Research and Writing Method, Statistics Method I, Statistics
Method II, Mathematical Statistics I, Mathematical Statistics II, Introduction to Numerical
Analysis, Introduction to Probability Theory, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Matrices and
Vector Spaces, Statistical Quality Control, Linear Programming, Computational Statistics,
Introduction to Linear Models, Categorical Data Analysis, Introduction to Regression
Analysis, Introduction to Experimental Design, Sampling and Survey Techniques, Non-
Parametric Statistics, Time Series Analysis, Multivariate Analysis I, Introduction to Set and
Logic, Introduction to Experimental Design, Basic Programming, Database, Introduction to
Life Sciences, Introduction to Economics, Mathematics, Introduction to Management,
Data Mining, Financial Mathematics

Religion, Pancasila, and Citizenship

Figure 1. Curriculum Diagram

5.6.8. Science Team (KBI)
The teaching staff of the Statistics Study Program consists of 22 people. All teaching
staff are required to teach the Basic Statistics course as a service course if needed outside of
the study program. Whereas the courses taught by each teaching staff in the study program
are adjusted to the background of the research in S2/S3 or those currently being developed,
as summarized in Table 6.
Table 3. List of Lecturers and their Courses
No Name NIP/NIK Courses
Prof. Dr. Ir. Loekito Adi Introduction to
1 20171247032711001
Soehono, M.Agr Natural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ir Waego Hadi Sampling and Survey
2 195212071979031003
Nugroho Technique
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ni Wayan Surya Introduction to
3 195511021981032001
Wardhani, M.S. Regression Analysis
Prof. Dr. Ir. Henny
4 195707051981031009 Biometrics
Pramoedyo, M.S.
Dr. Ir. Maria Bernadetha Mathematical
5 20171252052121001
Theresia Mitakda Statistics
6 Ir. Heni Kusdarwati, M.S. 196112081987012001 Time Series Analysis
Introduction to Linear
7 Dr. Ir. Solimun, M.S. 196112151987031002
Statistical Quality
8 Ir. Mudjiono, M.M. 196105281987031003
9 Dr. Ir. Atiek Iriany, M.S. 196308091988022001 Experimental Design
Dr. Dra. Ani Budi Astuti, Categorical Data
10 196802091992032001
M.Si. Analysis
Samingun Handoyo, S.Si.,
11 197304151998021002 Database
Rahma Fitriani, S.Si., M.Sc.,
12 197603281999032001 Linear Programming
13 Dr. Suci Astutik, S.Si., M.Si. 197407221999032001 Multivariate Analysis
14 Dr. Umu Sa`adah, M.Si. 196807252002122001 Reliability Analysis
Eni Sumarminingsih, S.Si.,
15 197705152002122009 Research Operation
Nurjannah, S.Si., M.Phil., Computational
16 198009212005012001
Ph.D Statistics
Achmad Efendi, S.Si., M.Sc., Optimization
17 198102192005011001
Ph.D. Technique
Dr. Adji Achmad Rinaldo
18 198109082005011002 Econometrics
Fernandes, S.Si., M.Sc.
19 Darmanto, S.Si., M.Si. 198305302006041003 Actuarial
Luthfatul Amaliana, Introduction to
20 199006272015042002
S.Si.,.M.Si. Numerical Analysis
No Name NIP/NIK Courses
21 Dwi Ayu Lusia, S.Si., M.Si 198906032019032014 Statistics
Nur Silviyah Rahmi, S.Si.,
22 199111042019032018 Statistics

The Sciences Teams (KBI) in the Department of Statistics consists of 3, namely:

(1)Theory and Computation Team; (2) Natural Sciences Team; and (3) Socio-Economic Team.
Each lecturer is grouped in one of the three teams, and a list of lecturers and their teams can
be seen in Table 7.
Table 4. List of Research Interests and Science Teams (KBI) in Statistics Study Program
No Name Research Interest Team
Prof. Dr. Ir. Loekito Adi Soehono,
1 Response Surface 2
2 Prof. Dr. Ir Waego Hadi Nugroho Sampling Technique Model 2
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ni Wayan Surya
3 Growth Model, Regression Model 2
Wardhani, M.S.
Spatial in Mapping, Experimental
4 Prof. Dr. Ir. Henny Pramoedyo, M.S. 2
Dr. Ir. Maria Bernadetha Theresia
5 Experimental Design Model 2
6 Ir. Heni Kusdarwati, M.S. Time Series Analysis Model 1
Structural Flexibility Acceptance
Model (SFAM), Statistical
7 Dr. Ir. Solimun, M.S. 3
Management Modeling, Variable
Measurement Design
8 Ir. Mudjiono, M.M. Quality Control Management 3
9 Dr. Ir. Atiek Iriany, M.S. Spatio-Temporal Model 2
10 Dr. Dra. Ani Budi Astuti, M.Si. Bayesian Statistical Modeling 2
11 Samingun Handoyo, S.Si., M.Cs. Time Series Modeling 1
12 Rahma Fitriani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. Spatial Econometrics 3
Bayesian Analysis, Spatio-
13 Dr. Suci Astutik, S.Si., M.Si. 2
Temporal Modeling
14 Dr. Umu Sa`adah, M.Si. Data Mining, Machine Learning 1
15 Eni Sumarminingsih, S.Si., M.M. Space-Time Modeling 3
Financial Management
16 Nurjannah, S.Si., M.Phil., Ph.D 3
Mixed Model, Simulation,
17 Achmad Efendi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. 2
Statistical Modeling
Dr. Adji Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes, Flexible Modeling (Parametric
18 3
S.Si., M.Sc. and Semi-parametric Regression)
19 Darmanto, S.Si., M.Si. Quality Control Chart, Actuarial 3

No Name Research Interest Team
Mathematics, Statistical
Spatial Statistical Modeling,
20 Luthfatul Amaliana, S.Si.,.M.Si. 1
Generalized Linear Model
Forecasting, Artificial Neural
21 Dwi Ayu Lusia, S.Si., M.Si 1
Networking, Fuzzy
22 Nur Silviyah Rahmi, S.Si., M.Stat Health Statistical Modeling 2

5.6.9. Long Term Research Theme

Improving the quantity and quality of research is referring to the research roadmap
of Statistics Undergraduate Study Programs, which are compiled based on RIP UB. The
Roadmap of Statistics Undergraduate Study Programs can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 2. Research Roadmap of Statistics Undergraduate Study Programs

5.6.10. List of Compulsory Courses in Statistics Undergraduate Study Program based on

Below are tables (Table 8. up to Table 15.) that consist of compulsory courses that
must be taken in each semester.
Table 5. List of Compulsory Courses in 1 Semester
Code Courses Requirements
UBU60005 English 3 - 3 -
MAS61211 Introduction to Life Sciences 3 - 3 -
MAS61311 Introduction to Economics 3 - 3 -
MAS61111 Mathematics 3 - 3 -
MAS61112 Introduction to Sets and Logics 2 - 2 -
MAS61312 Introduction to Management 2 - 2 -
Code Courses Requirements
MAS61121 Statistical Method I 2 1 3 -
Sum of Credits 19

Table 6. List of Compulsory Courses in 2 Semester
Code Courses Requirements
MPK60001 Islamic Religion 3 - 3 -
MPK60002 Catholics Religion 3 - 3 -
MPK60003 Christian Religion 3 - 3 -
MPK60004 Hinduism Religion 3 - 3 -
MPK60005 Buddhism Religion 3 - 3 -
MAS62111 Introduction to Probability Theory 3 - 3 MAS61112
MAS62121 Statistical Method II 2 1 3 MAS61121
MAS62122 Introduction to Regression Analysis 3 - 3
MAS62112 Mathematics I 3 - 3 MAS61111
MAS62113 Matrices and Vector Spaces 3 - 3 MAS61111
MAS62331 Financial Mathematics 3 - 3 MAS61111
Sum of Credits 21

Table 7. List of Compulsory Courses in 3 Semester
Code Courses Requirements
MAS61131 Basics of Programming 2 1 3 -
MAS61321 Linear Programming 3 - 3
MAS61113 Mathematics II 3 - 3 MAS62112
MAS61114 Mathematical Statistics 3 - 3 MAS62111

MAS61212 Introduction to Experimental Design 3 - 3 MAS62121

MAS61122 Nonparametric Statistics 3 - 3 MAS62121

Sum of Credits 18

Table 8. List of Compulsory Courses in 4 Semester
Code Courses Requirements
MAS62131 Database 2 1 3 MAS61131
Code Courses Requirements
MAS62114 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 2 1 3
MAS62332 Statistical Quality Control 3 - 3 MAS62121

MAS62115 Mathematical Statistics II 3 - 3 MAS61114

MPK60006 Citizenship 3 - 3 ≥ 54 Credits
MAS62221 Categorical Data Analysis 3 - 3
Sum of Credits 18
Table 9. List of Compulsory Courses in 5 Semester
Code Courses Requirements
MAS61123 Introduction to Linear Model 3 - 3 MAS61212
MAS61124 Sampling and Survey Technique 3 - 3 MAS61114
MAS61322 Time Series Analysis 3 - 3
MAS61132 Computational Statistics 2 1 3
UBU60004 Entrepreneurship 3 - 3 ≥ 60 Credits
MPK60008 Pancasila 2 - 2 ≥ 60 Credits
Sum of Credits 17

Table 10. List of Compulsory Courses in 6 Semester
Code Courses Requirements
MAS62123 Multivariate Analysis I 2 1 3
MAS62132 Data Mining 3 - 3
MPK60007 Indonesian 3 - 3 ≥ 90 Credits
Scientific Research and Writing
MAS62124 2 - 2 ≥ 90 Credits
Sum of Credits 11

Table 11. List of Compulsory Courses in 7 Semester
Code Courses Requirements
UBU60002 Internship 3 - 3 ≥ 100 Credits
Sum of Credits 3
Table 12. List of Courses in 8 Semester
Code Courses Requirements
UBU60001 Final Project 6 - 6 ≥ 120 Credits
Sum of Credits 6

5.6.11. List of Courses in Statistics Undergraduate Study Program based on Odd and Even
Below are tables (Table 16. and Table 17.) that consist of compulsory and elective
courses based on odd and even semester.
Table 13. List of Compulsory and Elective Courses in Odd Semester
Credits Se
Code Courses mes Requirements
C L T tus
UBU60005 English 3 - 3 C 1 -
Introduction to Life
MAS61211 3 - 3 C 1 -
Introduction to
MAS61311 3 - 3 C 1 -
MAS61111 Mathematics 3 - 3 C 1 -
Introduction to Sets
MAS61112 2 - 2 C 1 -
and Logics
Introduction to
MAS61312 2 - 2 C 1 -
MAS61121 Statistical Method I 2 1 3 C 1 -

MAS61131 Basics of Programming 2 1 3 C 3 -

+ MAS62113,
MAS61321 Linear Programming 3 - 3 C 3
MAS61113 Mathematics II 3 - 3 C 3 MAS62112
MAS61114 Mathematical Statistics 3 - 3 C 3 MAS62111
Introduction to +
MAS61212 3 - 3 C 3 MAS62121
Experimental Design

Credits Se
Code Courses mes Requirements
C L T tus
Nonparametric +
MAS61122 3 - 3 C 3 MAS62121
Introduction to Linear +
MAS61123 3 - 3 C 5 MAS61212,
Sampling and Survey
MAS61124 3 - 3 C 5 MAS61114
MAS61322 Time Series Analysis 3 - 3 C 5
Computational MAS62121,
MAS61132 2 1 3 C 5
Statistics MAS61131
UBU60004 Entrepreneurship 3 - 3 C 5 ≥ 60 Credits

MPK60008 Pancasila 2 - 2 C 5 ≥ 60 Credits

UBU60002 Field Work Study 3 - 3 C 7 ≥ 100 Credits
MAS61115 Stochastic Process 3 - 3 E 3 MAS62111
MAS61323 Econometrics 3 - 3 E 3
MAS61331 Decision Theory 2 - 2 E 3 MAS62111

MAS61324 Macroeconomics 3 - 3 E 3 MAS62311

MAS61332 Actuarial Science 3 - 3 E 3 MAS62331

MAS61325 Smoothing Method 2 - 2 E 3 MAS62122

MAS61133 Bayesian Analysis 3 - 3 E 5 MAS62115

MAS61125 Spatial Analysis 3 - 3 E 5
MAS61333 Analysis of Reliability 3 - 3 E 5
MAS61221 Response Surface 2 - 2 E 5 MAS61212
MAS61222 Biometrics 3 - 3 E 5 MAS61212
Optimization MAS62114,
MAS61134 2 - 2 E 5
Technique MAS61321
Advanced Statistical
MAS61334 3 - 3 E 5 MAS62332
Quality Control

Credits Se
Code Courses mes Requirements
C L T tus
MAS61326 Measurement Design 2 - 2 E 5 ≥ 80 Credits
MAS61327 Social Statistics 2 - 2 E 5
Management MAS61312,
MAS61136 3 - 3 E 5
Information System MAS62131
Artificial Neural MAS61131,
MAS61137 3 - 3 E 7
Network Models MAS61132
Advanced Categorical
MAS61223 2 - 2 E 7 MAS62221
Data Analysis
MAS61116 Multivariate Analysis II 3 - 3 E 7 MAS62123

MAS61117 Statistical Consulting 2 - 2 E 7 ≥ 100 Credits

Capita Selecta of
MAS61335 2 - 2 E 7 ≥ 100 Credits
Statistical Economics
Capita Selecta of
MAS61138 Computational 2 - 2 E 7 MAS61132
Sum of Credits 113

Table 14. List of Compulsory and Elective Courses in Even Semester

Credits Se
Code Courses mes Requirements
C L T tus
MPK60001 Islamic Religion 2 - 2 C 2 -

MPK60002 Catholics Religion 2 - 2 C 2 -

MPK60003 Christian Religion 2 - 2 C 2 -

MPK60004 Hinduism Religion 2 - 2 C 2 -

MPK60005 Buddhism Religion 2 - 2 C 2 -

Introduction to +
MAS62111 3 - 3 C 2 MAS61112
Probability Theory
MAS62121 Statistical Method II 2 1 3 C 2 MAS61121
Introduction to + MAS61121
MAS62122 3 - 3 C 2
Regression Analysis MAS62113
MAS62112 Mathematics I 3 - 3 C 2 MAS61111

Credits Se
Code Courses mes Requirements
C L T tus
Matrices and Vector +
MAS62113 3 - 3 C 2 MAS61111
MAS62331 Financial Mathematics 3 - 3 C 2 MAS61111
MAS62131 Data Base 2 1 3 C 4 MAS61131
Introduction to MAS62112,
MAS62114 2 1 3 C 4
Numerical Analysis MAS61131
Statistical Quality +
MAS62332 3 - 3 C 4 MAS62121
Mathematical Statistics +
MAS62115 3 - 3 C 4 MAS61114
MPK60006 Citizenship 3 - 3 C 4 ≥ 54 Credits
Categorical Data + MAS62122,
MAS62221 3 - 3 C 4
Analysis MAS62111
MAS62123 Multivariate Analysis I 2 1 3 C 6
MAS62132 Mining Data 3 - 3 C 6
MPK60007 Indonesian Language 3 - 3 C 6 ≥ 90 Credits
Scientific Research and
MAS62124 2 - 2 C 6 ≥ 90 Credits
Writing Method
UBU60001 Final Project 6 - 6 C 8 ≥ 120 Credits
MAS62212 Sciences 2 - 2 E 2 -
Explanatory Data
MAS62125 2 - 2 E 2 MAS61121
MAS62311 Microeconomics 3 - 3 E 2 MAS61311

MAS62133 Data Structure 2 1 3 E 4 MAS61131

MAS62211 Analysis of Variance 3 - 3 E 4 MAS61212
MAS62333 Risk Theory 3 - 3 E 4
MAS62321 Simulation Method 2 - 2 E 4
Advanced Regression
MAS62126 2 1 3 E 4 MAS62122
MAS62322 Operation Research 2 1 3 E 4
Credits Se
Code Courses mes Requirements
C L T tus

MAS62323 Forecasting Methods 2 1 3 E 6 MAS61322

MAS62134 Computational 2 1 3 E 6 MAS61132
MAS62222 Analysis of Survival 3 - 3 E 6
MAS62135 Fuzzy Logic Model 3 - 3 E 6 MAS61322

MAS62334 Industrial Statistics 2 - 2 E 6 MAS62332

Advanced MAS61323,
MAS62324 3 - 3 E 6
Econometrics MAS61322
Non Linear Time Series +
MAS62325 2 - 2 E 6 MAS61322
Capita Selecta of
MAS62223 2 - 2 E 6 ≥ 100 Credits
Natural Sciences
MAS62136 Big Data Analysis 3 - 3 E 6
UBU60003 Development 2 - 2 E 6 ≥ 90 Credits
Sum of Credits 118

Notes :
Requirement courses are courses that have been previously taken and do not get an E grade
: The course has a tutorial class
L : Credits for Laboratory Session
T : Sum of Credits
E : Status for Elective Course
C : Status for Compulsory Course

5.6.12. List of Transition Courses in Odd Semester in Statistics Undergraduate Study

Program based on Odd and Even Semester
Table 15. List of Compulsory and Elective Courses in Odd Semester
Credits Sta
No Code Courses Requirements
C L T tus
1 MAS4138 Actuarial Science 3 - 3 E -
2 MAS4102 Internet Programming 3 - 3 E MAS4201
Credits Sta
No Code Courses Requirements
C L T tus
3 MAS4137 Multivariate Data Exploration 3 - 3 E MAS4238
4 MAS4115 Mining Data 3 - 3 E
5 MAU4101 Sciences 2 - 2 C -

5.6.13. List of Transition Courses in Even Semester in Statistics Undergraduate Study

Program based on Odd and Even Semester
Table 16. List of Compulsory and Elective Courses in Odd Semester
Credits Sta
No Code Courses Requirements
C L T tus
1 MAS4238 Multivariate Analysis 2 1 3 E
Introduction to Management
2 MAS4217 3 - 3 E -
Information System

5.6.14. Course Syllabuses of Statistics Undergraduate Study Program


ENGLISH (UBU60005) 3 credits

Requirements :-

Description :
The courses program the discussion of English-language information systems through
scientific reading, oral and written expressions

Learning Goal :
Students are able to explain several techniques of reading scientific texts that support the
improvement of skills in accessing information systems more quickly and accurately. In
addition, students can improve their verbal and written communication skills with the more
precise sentence and expression structures.

Subject of Course :
Some techniques of reading, finding a subject and re-expressing a thought verbally and in
English, improve sentence structure.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, practical work, quizzes, structured assignments, class presentations and
discussions as well as student centered learning (SCL)

References :-


Requirements :-

Description :
This course discusses the concept of natural science that is related to variable identification,
methods of measurement and experiments in public health, disease diagnosis, survival, soil,
climate, crop cultivation, animal husbandry, and aquaculture.

Learning Goal :
After attending the Introduction to Life Sciences course, students are expected to be able to
apply statistics in identifying variables, methods of measurement and experiments in
Biology, including theories of the origin of life, life concepts, the introduction of living things,
nervous systems, ecosystem concepts, and genetics. In Medicine and Nursing, including
public health, disease diagnosis, and survival. In Agriculture and Agricultural Technology,
including soil and climate science, crop cultivation, and other sciences. In Fisheries, including
aquaculture and other sciences. In Animal Husbandry, including animal husbandry
cultivation and other sciences.

Subject of Course :
Apply statistics in identifying variables, methods of measurement and experiments in
Biology, including theories of the origin of life, life concepts, the introduction of living things,
nervous systems, ecosystem concepts, and genetics. In Medicine and Nursing, including
public health, disease diagnosis, and survival. In Agriculture and Agricultural Technology,
including soil and climate science, crop cultivation, and other sciences. In Fisheries, including
aquaculture and other sciences. In Animal Husbandry, including animal husbandry
cultivation and other sciences.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussions.

References :
1. Gomez, K.A. and Gomez, A.A. 1976. Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
with Emphasis on Rice. IRRI, LosBanos, Laguna, Philippines.
2. Steel, R.G.D. and Torrie, J.H. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. Second Ed.
McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo.
3. Shantaram, S., J.F. Montgomery. 1999. Biotechnology, Biosafety and Biodiversity.
Science . Publ. USA.;
4. Barbosa, P. 1998. Conversation Biological Control. Academy Press Limited. UK.
5. Walpole, R. E. 1993. Pengantar Statistika. Edisi 3. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
6. Erickson B.H., Nosanchuck T.A. 2002. Understanding Data. Ed. Ke-2. Berkshire: Open
University Press.

Requirements :-

Description :
Learn the basic concepts of economics, the division of micro and macro economics by
deepening the theory of supply demand, company behavior, the labor market, and
macroeconomic consumer theory.

Learning Goal :
After attending the Introduction to Economics, students are expected to be able to
understand the concepts of microeconomics and macroeconomics, translate economic
problems into statistical logic, understand the concepts and application of supply and
demand theory and company behavior, the concepts of money and prices and the open
economic system, convey general cases in economics and their analysis in writing and
verbally in the form of individual or group assignments.

Subject of Course :
Lectures, assignments, and discussions

Learning Strategy :
Market Mechanisms: Supply and Demand, Public Sector Economy, Behavior of Companies
and Industrial Organizations, Labor Market Economy, Macroeconomic Consumer Theory,
Short and Long term Economies, Open Economic Systems.

References :
1. Mankiw, N. G., 2011, Principles of Economics, 6th Edition, South Western Educational

MATHEMATICS (MAS61111) 3 credits

Requirements :-

Description :
Learn how to solve limit, derivative, and integral problems and their application in
mathematics in general and statistics in particular.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students can understand the concept of functions and draw graphs
of functions, concepts of limits and continuity, calculate and apply the limits of various
functions in statistics, concepts of integral and apply them in finding areas in cartesian and
polar coordinates, integral concepts to solve the volume of objects, the center coordinates
of mass, as well as probabilities and random variables, and identify and solve derivative and
integral of transcendent function.

Subject of Course :
Lectures, assignments, laboratory session, and tutorial class.

Learning Strategy :
Function and Graph of a Function, Limit and Continuity of Function, Derivative and Its
Application in Drawing Graphs, Indefinite and Definite Integral, The Application of Integral in
Volume, Center of Mass, Probability, and Random Variables, Transcendent Function
(Logarithm, Natural Logarithm, and Exponential).

References :
1. Purcell, E.J. dan D. Verberg, 1986 (terjemah B. Kartasasmita dkk): Kalkulus Goemetri
Analitis, jilid 1 dan 2; edisi 4, Erlangga.
2. Wrede, R. & Spiegel, M.R., 2002. Advanced Calculus, (2nd Edition, 2007),
Erlangga.Harper and Row.Baisoeni, MH.1986. Kalkulus, UI Press.
3. Baisoeni, M.H. 1986. Kalkulus. UI Press.


Requirements :-

Description :
Learning about the rules of logic, how to build and prove a statement, concepts of set,
proving simple properties of set, the application of logic and set in statistics and computer.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students can understand logic, rules of logic, concepts of set,
proving simple properties of set, how to build and prove a statement in written or verbally in
the form of individual or group assignments, the application of logics and sets in statistics
and computers in written or verbally in the form of individual or group assignments.

Subject of Course :
Lectures, assignments, and discussions.

Learning Strategy :
Statements, propositions, proposition operators, propositional logic sentences, compound
sentences, truth tables, contraposition and negation of sentences, the definition of
constants and variable, tautology, contradictions and contingencies, equivalence logic,
quantifier, universal and existential, limited quantification, rules of inference, The Universe
of speech, the set and its operations, the set of powers, the proof of induction, relations, the
properties of binary relations, the representation of relations with matrices and directed
lines, inverse relations, the composition of relations, functions, domains and ranges,
injective, subjective, and bijective functions, Examples of the application of logic and sets in
statistics and computers.

References :
1. Marsudi. 2010. Logika dan Teori Himpunan. UB Press, Malang.
2. orski, A. 1959. Introduction to Logic. Oxford-Press.
3. Rosen K. H. 2012. Discrete mathematics and its applications 7th Ed. McGraw-Hill. Inc.

4. Lipschutz, Seymour and Lipson, Marc L. (2001). Schaum’s Outlines Aljabar Linear. 3 rd.
ed. (Alih bahasa: Refina Indriasari, S.T., M.Sc.). Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.


Requirements :-

Description :
This course learns managerial concepts and techniques, levels of management, functional
areas in organizations, management functions, strategic planning, both local, national, and
international, and the role of statistics in management.

Learning Goal :
After attending the Introduction to Management course, students are expected to be able
to understand the concepts of management and managers as well as the evolution of
management theory, the basics of planning, managerial decision making, the basics of
organizing, and designing work in management, the concepts of human resource
management, the basics of leadership, and how to conceptualize work motivation in
management, basic concepts of communication and interpersonal skills, as well as how to
build teams and teamwork, principles and information systems in control, concepts of
operations management and services.

Subject of Course :
Basic concepts of management, modern management, history of management,
management processes (1): planning, strategic planning, management processes (2):
organizing, human resource management, management processes (3): leadership,
management processes (4): controlling, management ethics and corporate social
responsibility (CSR), management and entrepreneurship, the role of statistics in

References :
1. Taylor III, Bernard W. 2015. Introduction to Management Science. Pearson Education.
2. Anderson, D. R., Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Willliams, Jeffrey D. Camm, James J.
Cochran. 2016. An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to
Decision Making. Cengage Learning: Boston.
3. Pierron, X., Dennis J. Sweeney, David R. Anderson, Thomas A. Williams, Mik
Wisniewski. 2017. An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches
to Decision Making. Cengage Learning: Boston.

METHOD OF STATISTICS I (MAS61121) 2-1 credits

Requirements :-

Description :
Statistics is a science of estimation, where it is expected that those learners will gain basic
knowledge of how to solve problems based on probabilities and can estimate events based
on samples.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students can understand the meaning of statistics, as well as
between population and sample, as well as data, solve and arrange data so that they can
draw conclusions from a group of data, know the functions and uses of descriptive statistics
and data distribution, understand the theory of probabilities and their use, the mean of data
distribution approached from the probability function, discrete and continuous distribution
and their use, one-population interval estimation.

Subject of Course :
Definition of statistics and their usefulness, Measurement of data locations, Measures of
data distribution, Basics of probabilities, Probabilities, Permutation and combination
analysis, data distribution, The Expected value of single variables, The Expected value of
multiple variables, Distribution of discrete probability, Bernoulli, Binomial, Hyper-geometric,
and Poisson, continuous probability distribution, samples and populations, One-population
interval estimation.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussions, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Suntoyo Yitnosumarto, 1990. Dasar-dasar Statistika. Rajawali pers. Jakarta
2. Walpole R.E. and R.H. Myers, 1978. Probability and Statistics for Scientist and
Engineers. McMillan. New York.
3. Feller, W., 1983. An introduction to probability theory and its applications, vol I dan II.
Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi
4. Hogg. R. V. Dan Craig, A. T., 1978. Introduction to mathematical statistics, edisi ke 4,
John Wiley & Sons. New York
5. Siegel, S. 1956. Non parametric statistics, McGraw-Hill Kogakushs. Ltd. Tokyo.
6. ,---------------------------, 1990. Percobaan: perancangan analisis dan interpretasinya.
Gramedia. Jakarta

ISLAMIC RELIGION (MPK60001) 3 credits

Requirements :-

Description :
Explain and discuss the Qur'an and Science about life events, human events, earth and
universe events. Explain and discuss humans and religion which include: Human status and
function. Explain and discuss God and human life programs. Explain and discuss the role of
religion in human life. Explain about Aqeedah Islamiyyah. Definition and urgency of Tauhid,
discussion about arkanul iman, the benefits of faith, Islamic sharia which includes
understanding and sources. Understanding Moral al Islam which includes understanding
aqhlaqul karimah and aqhlaqul madsumumah.

Learning Goal :
After taking Islamic religion courses, students can explain the relationship between religion,
people, and science, and understand the important role of religion in personal, community,
and state life.

Subject of Course :
Al-Qur'an and Science about life events, human events, earth and universe events. Humans
and religion: human status and function. The purpose and program of human life. The role
of religion in human life. Aqidah Islamiyyah. Understanding and urgency of Tauhid.
Discussion about arkanul iman, sharia islamiyyah, mu'amalah, aqhlaqul karimah, and
aqhlaqul madsumummah.

Learning Strategy :

References :-

CATHOLIC RELIGION (MPK60002) 3 credits

Requirements :-

Description :
Explaining and discussing the increase of understanding the concept of faith in the Church,
church life, and socialize in order to develop the personal mentality of a Catholic scholar
who can devote himself to the interests of Indonesian as an expression of his faith.

Learning Goal :
After taking the Catholic Religion course, students can explain the relationship between
Religion, humans, and science and understand the important role of Religion in personal,
community, and state life.
Subject of Course :
Increasing the understanding of the concept of faith in the Church, church life, and
community life in the context of developing the personal mentality of a Catholic scholar who
can devote himself to the interests of Indonesian as an expression of his faith.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, practicum, quizzes, structural assignments, presentation, and class discussion.

References :-


Requirements :-

Description :
Explain and discuss: Developing the application of the foundations of Christian Faith to equip
students to grow as whole people and new creations in Jesus Christ. Explain and discuss:

Increasing responsibility for Allah through sensitivity to others and their environment. Thus
as an academic person can jump into the community with service based on service and for
the honor and glory of Allah.

Learning Goal :
After taking a course on Protestant Christian Religion, students can explain the relationship
between Religion, humans, and science and understand the important role of Religion in
personal, community, and state life.

Subject of Course :
Developing the application of the foundations of Christian Faith to equip students to grow as
whole people and new creations in Jesus Christ. Increase responsibility towards Allah
through his sensitivity towards others and his environment. Thus as an academic person can
jump into the community with service based on service and for the honor and glory of Allah.

Learning Strategy :

References :-

HINDUISM RELIGION (MPK60004) 3 credits

Requirements :-

Description :
Explain and discuss the history of the development of Hinduism, the three basic frameworks
of Hinduism; tatwa (philosophy), susila (ethics), yadya (ritual). Description of Wada, basic
beliefs of Hinduism, panca srada, basic and purpose of human life, dharma sidharta, catur
marga yoga, panca maha yadya, catur asram, catur warna.

Learning Goal :
After taking a course of Hinduism Religion, students can explain the relationship between
Religion, humans, and science and understand the important role of Religion in personal,
community, and state life.

Subject of Course :
The history of the development of Hinduism, the three basic frameworks of Hinduism; tatwa
(philosophy), susila (ethics), yadya (ritual). Description of Wada, basic beliefs of Hinduism,
panca srada, basic and purpose of human life, dharma sidharta, catur marga yoga, panca
maha yadya, catur asram, catur warna.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, practicum, quizzes, structural assignments, presentation, and class discussion.

References :-

BUDDHISM RELIGION (MPK60005) 3 credits
Requirements :-

Description :
Explain and discuss the beginnings of Buddhism, epistemology, causality, characteristics of
life, karma, rebirth, morality and ethics, nirvana, design and characterization of each stream,
metaphysics, the divinity in Buddhism, the position of Buddhism in the atmosphere of
human knowledge, the relevance of Buddhism to the modern era and the era of Indonesian

Learning Goal :
After taking a course of Buddhism Religion, students can explain the relationship between
Religion, humans, and science and understand the important role of Religion in personal,
community, and state life.

Subject of Course :
The beginnings of Buddhism, epistemology, causality, characteristics of life, karma, rebirth,
morality and ethics, nirvana, design and characterization of each stream, metaphysics, the
divinity in Buddhism, the position of Buddhism in the atmosphere of human knowledge, the
relevance of Buddhism to the modern era and the era of Indonesian development.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, practicum, quizzes, structural assignments, presentation, and class discussion.

References :-


Requirements : MAS61112 (Introduction to Sets and Logics)

Description :
Sample space and event space, probability, random variables and distribution function, joint
distribution, marginal distribution, expected value, moments around the points and mean,
the application of probability.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students master the basic concepts of probability and are able to
apply in statistical modeling

Subject of Course :
Sample space and event space, combinatoric analysis, binomial and multinomial coefficients,
urn models, placement models, probability of an event, law of probability, conditional or
independent events, postulates of conditional probability and Bayes rules, random variables
and distribution functions, random multivariable, joint, marginal, and conditional
distribution, discrete probability functions: Uniform, Bernoulli, Binomial, Hyper-geometry,

Poisson, Negative Binom, Geometry, Multinomial, Expansion of Hypergeometry and
continuous probability density functions: Normal, Exponential, Gamma, Beta, Weibull,
Expected value, moments around points and mean values, expected values of discrete and
continuous probability functions, multivariate normal distribution, introduction to stochastic

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussions, and tutorial class
References :
1. Ross, S. 2007. Introduction to Probability Models. . Ninth Edition. Elsevier. Ansterdam.
2. Mendenhall, Scheaffer and Wackery. 1981. Mathematical Statistic with application.
Duxbury. Boston
3. Dudewicz. E.T dan S.N. Mishra. 1995. Statistika Matematika Modern; terjemahan RK
Sembiring. ITB. Bandung
4. Bean,M.A. 2001. Probability: The Science of Uncertainty with Application to Invesmen,
Insurance and Engineering.
5. Walpole, Myer and Ye.2012. Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists. Ninth
Edition. Prentice Hall.

METHOD OF STATISTICS II (MAS62121) 2-1 credits

Requirements : MAS61121 (Method of Statistics I)

Description :
Basics of analysis of variance.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students can explain the basic definition of inferential statistics and
their uses, conduct interval estimation analysis for population mean of 2 populations with
data that have binomial distribution and conclude the analysis results, conduct interval
analysis for population mean of 2 populations with data that have independent and not
independent or conditional normal distribution and conclude the results of the analysis,
understand the basics of hypothesis testing, compiling and testing of hypothesis of 1
population that follows the binomial and normal distribution using the t statistical test and
draw conclusions, compiling and testing hypothesis of 2 binomial distribution populations
using the t statistical test and independently normal distribution using the independent t
statistical test and draw the conclusions, compiling and testing hypotheses and draw the
conclusions derived from data that spread normally for 2 paired populations, paired t
statistical test, perform one-way and two-ways analysis of variance, perform regression and
correlation analysis and interpret based on the results of the analysis, conduct non-
parametric statistical analysis which includes tests for 1 population and 2 populations
(Wilcoxon Sign and Paired Sign test , Walsh test, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test).

Subject of Course :
Basic definitions of inferential statistics, Interval Estimation of 2 populations of discrete
distribution, Interval Estimation of 2 population of independent continuous distribution,
Interval Estimation of 2 population of conditional continuous distribution, Basics of
hypothesis testing, Hypothesis testing of 1 population of discrete distribution, Hypothesis
testing of 1 population of normal distribution, Hypothesis testing of 2 population of Binomial
Distribution, Hypothesis Testing of 2 Population of independent normal distribution,
Hypothesis Testing of 2 population of conditional normal distribution, One-way Analysis of
Variance, Two-Ways Analysis of Variance, Regression and Correlation Analysis, Non-
parametric Statistical Analysis.
Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussions, and laboratory session

References :
1. Suntoyo Yitnosumarto, 1990. Dasar-dasar Statistika. Rajawali pers. Jakarta.
2. Walpole, R. E. 1993. Pengantar Statistika. Edisi 3. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
3. Feller, W., 1983. An introduction to probability theory and its applications, vol I dan II.
Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi
4. Hogg. R. V. Dan Craig, A. T., 1978. Introduction to mathematical statistics, edisi ke 4,
John Wiley & Sons. New York
5. Steel. R. G. D dan Torrie. J. H., 1976. Introduction to statistics. McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York
6. Snedecor, G. W. Dan Cochran, W. G., 1967. Statistical methods, edisi ke 6. The Iowa
State University Press, Ames
7. Siegel, S. 1956. Non parametric statistics, McGraw-Hill Kogakushs. Ltd. Tokyo.
8. ,---------------------------, 1990. Percobaan: perancangan analisis dan interpretasinya.
Gramedia. Jakarta.


Requirements : MAS61121 (Method of Statistics 1)
MAS62113 (Matrix and Space Vector)

Description :
This course is given so that students understand the procedure of forming a regression
model and can apply it to provide solutions to problems and be able to interpret models
theoretically and practically based on statistical rules.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are expected to be able to understand various problems
that can be simplified by regression modeling, understand the process of regression
modeling, apply regression analysis in various fields and interpreting the results, detecting
violations of the assumptions underlying the regression analysis, conveying the results of the
modeling and analysis in written or verbally, in the form of group reports.

Subject of Course :
The basic principle of regression and correlation and its use in providing solutions to a
problem, Estimation of simple regression parameters and tests, Significance of regression
through ANOVA, forming regression model of more than two predictor variables with a
matrix approach, Assumptions that underlie regression analysis, Detection and handling of
outliers, Multiple regression: parameter estimators and testing and correlation, Selecting
the best regression model.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Myers, R.H. 1990. Classical and Modern Regression with Applications. PWS-KENT,
Boston, Massachusetts.
2. Draper, N.R. and Smith H., 1998. Applied Regression Analysis 3rd Edition, John Willey,
New York.
3. Chatterjee, S and Simonoff, J. S. 2013. Handbook of Regression Analysis, Willey, New

MATHEMATICS I (MAS62112) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS61111 (Mathematics)

Description :
Learn how to solve problems about integration, improper integrals, derivatives of functions
of two or more variables, double and triple integrals, differential equations, and their
application in Statistics.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course students can use the right integration techniques to solve integral
problems, understand the concept of indefinite form and solve the problem of indefinite
form with L'Hopital, understand the concept of indefinite integrals and solve them,
especially their application in Statistics, understand the concept of derivatives in the
function of two or more variables, calculating limits and continuity, applying rules of chain
on implicit derivatives, partial derivatives, and total derivatives, applying the concept of
derivatives to maxima, minima problems, and their use using Lagrange method,
understanding the concepts of double and triple integrals and applying them in the problem
of variable transformation in Statistics, understanding Differential Equations (DE) and solving
them, especially first-order DE and Homogeneous DE.

Subject of Course :
Integration Techniques on Definite and Indefinite Integral, Trigonometry Integral Functions
and Rational Fractional Integral, Indefinite Form and L'Hopital Theorem, Improper Integral
(Types I and II), Functions of Two or More Variables and Their Application, Double Integral
and Its Application, Differential Equation (DE) and Homogeneous DE.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Purcell, E.J. dan D. Verbeg, 1986. Kalkulus dan Geometri Analitis. Jilid 1 dan 2. Edisi 4.
Terjemahan Kartasasmita. Erlangga.
2. Wrede, R. & Spiegel, M.R., 2002. Advanced Calculus, (2nd Edition, 2007), Erlangga.
3. Baisoeni, M.H. 1986. Kalkulus. UI Press.


Requirements : MAS61111 (Mathematics)

Description :
Linear algebra that deals with applied statistics.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course students are able to explain and describe the functions, operations,
properties of matrices and vector spaces to support the theory of the next course.

Subject of Course :
Linear system equations, matrix, partitioned matrix, inverse matrix, the inverse of a
partitioned matrix, determinants, Rn vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues,
eigenvectors, diagonalized, orthogonal, orthonormal, Kronecker multiplication, quadratic
form, SVD, general inverse matrix, the use of matrix in statistics.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Anton, H. 1984. Elementary Linier Algebra. John Wiley & sons, New York.
2. Graybill. 1969. Introduction to Matrices with Application in Statistics. Wadsworth Inc.,
3. Rao. C. R. dan Mitra S.K. 1971. Generalized Inverse of Matrices and Its Application. John
Wiley & Sons. New York.


Requirements : MAS61111 (Mathematics)

Description :-

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand the basic concepts of Mathematics
in finance, and their application in mathematical modeling in finance, the concept of interest
and discounts: calculations and symbols used, understanding the definition of annuities, the
correlation between annuities and interest rates, cash value and the final value of an

annuity, understanding the concept of amortization, understanding the concept of
depreciation, students understand the concept of obligation.

Subject of Course :
Discusses mathematical theories of simple interest, compound interest, present value,
accumulated value, Effective Rate of interest and discount, Force of Interest and discount,
varying interest, Annuity Immediate, Annuity due, Perpetuities, More general annuity: paid
less frequently, often dp interest conv. Period, continuous Ann., Yield rate, Amortization,
Sinking fund, Introduction to Obligation.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. S.G. Kellison, The Theory of Interest,2nd ed., 1991, Irwin/McGraw-Hill Co., Boston.
2. R. Cissel, Mathematics of Finance, 3rd ed., 1969, Houghton Mifflin Co.,Boston.
3. F. Ayres, Mathematics of Finance, Schaum’ s, 1963, Mc Graw Hill.
4. M.M. Parmenter, Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies, with Pension Applications.
1999. Acted Publications: Winsted.
5. Sihotang J, 2003, Matematika Bisnis, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta.
6. Frensidy B, 2006, Matematika Keuangan, Penerbit Salemba Empat, Jakarta.
7. Wibisono Y, 1999, Manual Matematika Ekonomi, Gadjah Mada University Press,

BASIC OF PROOGRAMMING (MAS61131) 2-1 credits

Requirements :-

Description :
Explain and discuss introductory algorithms, basic data types, computerized completion
stages, flowcharts and pseudo-code, IO statements, selection, iteration, procedures and
functions, arrays, strings, sub-ranges, sets, enumerations, and file operations.

Learning Goal :
Students are able to explain the design of algorithms and their implementation in a
programming language. In addition, students can improve their skills in using computers,
underpinning the preparation of programs with Minitab and R software.

Subject of Course :
Introduction to algorithms, basic data types, computerized completion steps, flowcharts and
pseudocode, IO statements, selection, iteration, procedures and functions, arrays, records,
programs for descriptive statistics, simple data processing modular programs, data file types
and operations. Using Pascal language.

Learning Strategy :

Lectures, laboratory session, quizzes, structural assignments, presentation and class
discussion, and student centered learning (SCL).

References :
1. Horowitz, E 1988. Fundamental of computer algorithms
2. Munir, R. 2000. Algoritma dan Pemrograman, IF Bandung
3. Kadir, A. 1999. Pemrograman Turbo Pascal, Elex Media Komputindo.


Requirements : MAS62113 (Matrix and Vector Spaces)
MAS61311 (Introduction to Economics)

Description :
This course is taught so that students learn how to model the problem of limited resource
allocation to get optimal results. The model formed is the maximization or minimization
model of a linear function with several constraints that are also linear

Learning Goal :
After taking this course students are able to formulate a linear programming model based
on a simple problem description (resource allocation), determine and interpret the optimal
solution of linear programming, apply sensitivity analysis to linear programming and
interpret the results, determine and interpret the economic value of a source power based
on the concept of duality, conveying the results of modeling and analysis in writing or
verbally, in the form of individual or group assignments.

Subject of Course :
Linear programming formulation (LP) of resource allocation problems, Determination of LP
solutions with graphical methods for two decision variables, Determination of LP solutions
with simplex algorithm for more than two decision variables, Simplex Algorithm in matrix
notation, Sensitivity analysis, Dual problem formulation, Programming linear for
transportation problems.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and laboratory session.

References :
1. Winston, W.L. 2004. Operation Research: Applications and Algorithms. 4th Ed.
Thomson Brooks/Cole. Southbank, Vic.

MATHEMATICS (MAS61113) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS62112 (Mathematics I)

Description :
Study various types of series, their solution and application, special functions, and Laplace
transformation and the applications.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand the concept of sequences, positive
series and determine their convergence, understand the concepts of series of signs and
determine their convergence, understand the concepts of power series, Taylor series,
Maclaurin series, and the operations, solve differential equations using series, understand
the Fourier series concepts and integrals, understanding various types of special functions
(gamma functions, beta, Bessel) and Legendre polynomials and their application,
understanding concepts and applying Laplace transformation and inverses, understanding
complex functions and Cauchy-Riemann equations and their application in cases.

Subject of Course :
Sequence, Series and The Convergence Test, Series of Signs and Convergence Tests
(Absolute and Conditional), Power Series, Taylor Series, Maclaurin Series, and Operations,
DE Solutions with Series, Fourier Series and Fourier Integral, Special Functions (Gamma,
Beta, Bessel) and Legendre Polynomials, Laplace Transformation and Inverse Laplace
Transformation and the Applications, Complex Functions and Cauchy-Riemann Equations.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Purcell, E.J. dan D. Verberg, 1986 (terjemah B. Kartasasmita dkk): Kalkulus Goemetri
Analitis, jilid 1 dan 2; edisi 4, Erlangga
2. Wrede, R. & Spiegel, M.R., 2002. Advanced Calculus, (2nd Edition, 2007), Erlangga.
3. Boyce, W.E. & DiPrima, R. C, 2009. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary
Values Problems, (9th Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Requirements : MAS62111 (Introduction to Probability Theory)

Description :
Apply the concept and properties of the joint probability distribution of (two) discrete and
continuous variables, to support the development of applied statistics.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to apply the concept of joint distribution of (two)
discrete or continuous random variables, applying the concept of forming variable
distribution which is a function of other variables, applying the concept of distribution of
sample distribution which is a derivative of a normal distribution, conveying the concepts
that they understand in the form of a post-test and written exam.

Subject of Course :
The properties of the joint functions of the discrete or continuous bivariate random
variables, along with the concept of calculating joint probabilities, the formation of marginal

distribution, conditional probability, conditional probability distribution and freedom of two
random variables, formation of expectation values for multiple random variables, covariance
and correlation, formation of conditional expected values, the distribution function method
and the transformation method for the formation of a random variable as a function of
other random variables, the use of the distribution function method to form sequence
statistics, the properties of the moment generating function and the use of the moment
generating function to form a random variable as a function of other random variable, the
formation of the sampling distribution and the distribution which is derived from the normal
distribution, the properties of convergence and the rules of large numbers, the properties of
the bivariate normal distribution.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Wackerly, D.D, Mendenhall III, W, and Scheaffer, R. L. Mathematical Statistic with
application. 2008. 7th Ed. Thomson Brooks/Cole. Belmont, CA.
2. Rice, J.A. 2007. Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis. 3rd Ed. Thomson
Brooks/Cole. Belmont, CA.
3. Dudewicz, E.J. & S.N. Mishra. 1988. Modern Mathematical Statistics. Wiley, New York.
4. Kreyszig, E. (1970). Introductory Mathematical Statistics. Principles and Methods: New
York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.


Requirements : MAS62121 (Method of Statistics II)

Description :
Design an experiment that includes the design of the treatment, the environment, and
analysis of observations.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students can design an experiment based on the objectives and
characteristics of the available experimental material. In addition, students can also conduct
an analysis of variance according to the experimental design used, post hoc tests, and
interpretation of results.

Subject of Course :
The definition of experimental design, basic principles of experimental design, complete
random design (description, trial plan, analysis of variance), further analysis when H1 is
accepted, group randomized design (description, trial plan, analysis of variance, relative
efficiency, missing data), decomposition of sum squared, Latin square randomized design
(description, trial plan, analysis of variance, relative efficiency, missing data), factorial
experiments (decomposition of SS-treatment into main factor components and

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, field survey, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Gomez, K.A. and Gomez, A.A. 1976. Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
with Emphasis on Rice. IRRI, LosBanos, Laguna, Philippines.
2. Kempthorne, O. 1980. Design and Analysis of Experiment. John Wiley. New York.
3. Steel, R.G.D. and Torrie, J.H. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. Second Ed.
McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo.


Requirements : MAS62121 (Method of Statistics II)

Description :
Reasons for using nonparametric statistics, hypothesis testing for a single sample,
hypothesis testing for two independent and dependent samples, testing for independence,
hypothesis testing for more than three samples, testing the goodness of fit, the relationship
between two variables (regression and correlation).

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students can explain and apply various non-parametric statistical

Subject of Course :
Basics of non-parametric statistics, Hypothesis testing of non-parametric statistics for a
single sample, Hypothesis testing of non-parametric statistics for two samples, Testing the
homogeneity and independence, Hypothesis testing of non-parametric statistics for more
than three samples, Testing the goodness of fit, Simple regression analysis on non-
parametric statistics, the relationship between variables (correlation) in non-parametric

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, tutorial class, and presentation.

References :
1. Siegel, S. 1956. Non Parametric Statistics for Behavioral Sciences. International student
edition. McGraw-Hill. Kogakusita Ltd. Tokyo
2. Daniel, W.W. 1978. Applied Non parametric Statistics. Houghton Mifflin Co.
3. Sprent, P. 1989. Applied Non Parametric Statistical Methods. Chapman and Hall,
4. Effron, B. and Tibshirani, R. J. 1993. An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman and
Hall, London.

DATABASE (MAS62131) 2-1 credits

Requirements : MAS61131 (Basics of Programming)

Description :
Data archiving as an introduction to system designing.

Learning Goal :
Students are able to understand data archiving as an introduction to system designing.

Subject of Course :
Definition of SBD, SBD management, independency of data, SBD architecture, data models,
data security and integrity, distributed database.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and laboratory session.
References :
1. Date, C.J. 1981. An Introduction to Data Base System. Third Ed. Addison-Wesley.


Requirements : MAS62112 (Mathematics I)
MAS61131 (Basics of Programming)

Description :
Studying mathematical theories used in statistics and algorithms to solve linear equation
systems, non-linear equations, regression, eigen problems, derivatives, and integration
numerically both manually and computationally using R software.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand mathematical concepts that play a
role in statistics, find numerical solutions of mathematical equations that cannot be solved
exactly using R software or manually, numerically solve problems related to certain
mathematical subjects used in statistics with different methods, convey the understanding
of mathematical concepts that cannot be solved exactly and have a role in statistics in
writing or verbally, in the form of individual or group assignments, conveying numerical
results of mathematical equations that cannot be solved exactly using software R or manual
both written and verbal, in the form of individual and group assignments.

Subject of Course :
Introduction (Role of numerical analysis in statistics, the definition of error), Linear Equation
System (Gauss Elimination, Cholesky Factorization), Computation in Regression analysis
(Givens Transformation for solving Least Squared functions), Non-Linear Equation Solution
(Bisection Method, Newton-Raphson Method, Secant Method), Eigen problems (eigenvalue
and eigenvector, Singular Value Decomposition / SVD), Numerical Derivatives (Fundamental
Definition of Derivatives, Partial Derivatives using Richardson Extrapolation Method,
Maximum Likelihood Estimation), Numerical Integration (Basic Integration in R, Trapezoidal
Rules, Parabolic Rules / Simpson Rules).

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and laboratory session.

References :
1. Anton, H & Rorres, C. 2005. Elementary Linear Algebra, 9th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
New York.
2. Mathews. 1989. Numerical Methods for Mathematics. Science and Enginerring
3. Monahan, J.F. 2011. Numerical Methods of Statictics. Cambridge University Press.
4. Purcell E.J. and Varberg, D. 2003. Calculus, 9th Ed. Prentice Hall and Inc. New Jersey.
5. Bloomfield, V. A. 2014. Using R for Numerical Analysis in Science and Engineering, CRC
Press Taylor & Francis Group, New York
6. Henningsen, A dan Toomet, O. 2011. maxLik: A Package for Maximum Likelihood
Estimation in R Comput Stat, 26:443–458. DOI 10.1007/s00180-010-0217-1.


Requirements : MAS62121 (Method of Statistics II)

Description : Understand the concept of product quality and its

importance for a company according to experts and from the standpoint of statistics, learn
how to control and analyze product quality statistically using a multi-variate control chart,
both for individual and sub-group observations.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand general concepts and know the
terms in quality control, apply the basics of statistics as an approach in quality control,
understand how the control chart works, the selection of appropriate control charts in the
field case, using the software to analyze, and interpret the results of the control chart

Subject of Course :
Overview of quality control: definition, urgency, engineering, tools, and their relation to
statistics, Basic concepts of statistics in quality control, Control chart: general concepts,
structure, and interpretation, Control chart of variables: x-bar, R, and S, control chart of
attribute: p, c, and u, MA, EWMA, and Cu-Sum, Multivariate control chart: T2 Hotelling,
MEWMA, and MCu-Sum.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Montgomery, D.C., 2009. Introduction To Statistical Quality Control. Edisi 4. John Wiley
and Sons Inc, New York
2. Grant, E.L., 1988. Statistical Quality Control, Prentice Hall, New York.
3. Gupta, 1981. Statistics Quality Control, McGraw Hill Publication, New York.

Requirements : MAS61114 (Mathematical Statistics I)

Description :
This course is taught so that students are able to apply the basic concepts of estimation
theory and conclusion withdrawal as a basis for developing applied statistics.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to apply the principles of parameter estimation,
derive the goodness fit of the estimator, apply the concept of hypothesis testing, apply the
concept of duality between hypothesis testing and confidence intervals, convey the
concepts they understand in the form of individual written assignments.

Subject of Course :
The principle of parameter estimation using the method of moment, the principle of
parameter estimation using the ML method, the properties of the goodness fit of an
estimator, unbiased, efficiency, consistency, sufficiency, and UMVUE, Hypothesis test
components, Hypothesis testing using the standard normal distribution, t and F,
Determination of power test (Lemma Neyman Pearson) and the most uniform test power,
Determination of confidence intervals and the duality using hypothesis testing.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Wackerly, D.D, Mendenhall III, W, and Scheaffer, R. L. Mathematical Statistic with
application. 2008. 7th Ed. Thomson Brooks/Cole. Belmont, CA.
2. Rice, J.A. 2007. Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis. 3rd Ed Thomson
Brooks/Cole. Belmont, CA.
3. Dudewicz, E.J. & S.N. Mishra. 1988. Modern Mathematical Statistics. Wiley, New York.
4. Kreyszig, E. (1970). Introductory Mathematical Statistics. Principles and Methods: New
York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

CITIZENSHIP (MPK60006) 3 credits

Requirements : ≥ 54 credits

Description :
The concept of nationality, island nation, archipelago insight, national defense, ABRI and the

Learning Goal :
After taking the course, students can turn on and apply the insight of the archipelago,
national defense, and national policies and strategies, especially in the field of national
defense and security and the defense system of the people of the universe to strengthen the
spirit of maintaining the survival of the nation.

Subject of Course :
Definition of nationality, the concept of an archipelago (Nusantara), the conception of
archipelago insight, national defense, mindset and certification of polstrahan, the concept of
national defense, and dual functions of ABRI, the Hankamrata system.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Tim Dosen Kepribadidan MPK Universitas Brawijaya. 2016. “Kewarganegaraan
(Identitas, Kebangsaan, dan Nilai Keindonesiaan)”. Pusat Mata Kuliah Pengembangan
Kepribadian Universitas Brawijaya


Requirements : MAS62122 (Introduction to Regression Analysis)
MAS62111 (Introduction to Probability Analysis)

Description :
Contingency Table Analysis, Association Test, Categorical Data Probability Model (Binomial,
Multinomial, and Poisson), Categorical Data Analysis Model (Logistics, Probit, and Gompertz
with Binary Response Variable and Log-linear Model).

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand and explain the basic concepts of
non-parametric statistics and use them for the two and k population test, understand,
explain and analyze contingency tables and associate test of contingency tables, understand
and explain the basic principles of categorical data analysis models with binary response
variables to be developed into polytomous response variables, understand and explain
probability models for categorical data (binomial, multinomial, Poisson), joint probability,
marginal probability, and conditional probability and at the same time being able to
estimate parameters and test hypotheses, have the skills to model categorical data with
logistics, probit, and Gompertz using binary response variables for contingency tables and at
the same time able to do parameter estimation and hypothesis testing and model
validation, have the skills to model categorical data with log-linear for contingency tables
and at the same time be able to do parameter estimation and hypothesis testing and choose
the best model.

Subject of Course :
Introduction to Non-parametric Statistics and non-parametric tests for two and k
populations, Contingency table analysis, Association test in contingency tables, Basic
principles of using categorical data analysis models with binary response variables to be
developed into polytomous response variables, response variable data without normal
distribution assumptions, Probability models for categorical data (binomial, multinomial,
Poisson), joint, marginal, and conditional probability and parameter testing and hypothesis

testing, logistic regression models, probit and Gompertz with binary response variables for
contingency tables, parameter estimation with weighted OLS, hypothesis testing and model
validation, the log-linear model for contingency tables, parameter estimation and
hypothesis testing and selection of the best model (model validation).

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Agresti, A. 2002. Categorical Data Analysis 2nd Edition. John-Wley & Sons Inc., Canada
2. Hosmer, D.W. Jr and Lemeshow, S. 1989. Applied Logistic Regression. John Wiley &
Sons Inc, Canada
3. Fienberg, S.E. 2007. The Analysis of Cross-classfied Categorical Data 2nd Edition.
Springer, New York.
4. Sprent P. dan Smeeton N.C. 2001. Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods. Third
Edition. Chapman and Hall/CRC, London.
5. Christensen, R. 1997. Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression. 2nd Edition. Springer,
New York.
6. Montgomery, D.C., 1992. Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, Willey, New York.
7. Walpole R.E., Myers R.H., Myers S.L. dan Ye K. 2012. Probability & Statistics for
Engineers & Scientists. Ninth Edition. Prentice Hall, Boston


Requirements : MAS62122 (Introduction to Regression Analysis)
MAS61212 (Introduction to Experimental Design)
MAS62121 (Method of Statistics II)

Description :
Singular and non-singular linear models, quadratic modeling and quadratic distribution, full
rank models (regression models), non-full rank models (ANOVA models), mixed models
(covariance analysis models), and general linear models (family of exponential distribution).

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand and explain the basic concepts of
matrix algebra, understand and explain the distribution of quadratic forms and have the
skills to solve quadratic models, understand and explain the principles of the least squared
and general, have the skills to solve non-singular models (full rank / regression model) and
simultaneously estimating parameters and testing hypothesis, possess skills in solving
singular models (incomplete models / ANOVA models) and simultaneously estimating
parameters and testing hypothesis, explain the principles of conditional errors, decomposing
the sum squared and understand their use in incomplete group design, unbalanced data, are
able to estimate the parameters and do hypothesis testing of the mixed model, are able to
estimate the parameters and do hypothesis testing of the general linear model of the
exponential distribution family.

Subject of Course :
Basic concepts of matrix algebra, quadratic model and quadratic distribution, Principles of
least squared and general, non-singular model (full rank model / regression model),
parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, singular model (infinite model / ANOVA
model), parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, the principle of conditional errors,
decomposition of sum square, use of incomplete group designs, unbalanced data, mixed
models, parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, general linear models of exponential
distribution families and hypothesis testing.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Searle, S.R., 1971. Linier Models, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2. Myers, R.H. & Milton, J.S. 1991. A First Course in the Theory of Linear Statistical
Models. Boston: PWS-KENT.
3. Graybill, F.A. 1961. An Introduction to Linear Statistical Models. Vol 1. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
4. McCullagh, P. & Nelder, J.A. 1990. Generalized Linear Models, 2nd Ed. Cambridge:
Chapman & Hall.
5. Rencher, A.C. 2000. Linear Models in Statistics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
6. John, R., 1983. Matrix Computaions and Mathematical Software, Mc Graw Hill.
7. Cheney, W. and Kinncaid, D., 1985. Numerical Mathematics and Computing, Brooks
and Code Cole Publishing Co. 2 .


Requirements : MAS61114 (Mathematical Statistics I)

Description :
Definition of sample and population, statistics and parameters, and some good sampling
techniques with their parameter estimation and some non-probability sampling. Probability
sampling includes simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, ratio and regression
estimators, systematic random sampling, clustered sampling, two-stage clustered random
sampling, and random sampling for estimating wildlife populations as well as several
problems related to sampling techniques.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to explain about the sample, population,
probability, and some basic statistical concepts related to sampling techniques, explain the
advantages and disadvantages of census and sampling, explain the advantages and
disadvantages of the census, quick count and probability and non-probability sampling,
explain differences in sampling errors and non-sampling errors, perform simple random
sampling techniques, estimate the population mean parameter, Total Population and
population proportions, and determine sample sizes to estimate population parameters,
perform stratified random sampling of heterogeneous population, estimate population

parameters and allocating sample sizes, estimating ratios and estimating regressions for
mean and total population, choosing an efficient estimation method by utilizing information
from other variables that correlate with the variable to which the parameters are to be
estimated, drawing samples from the cluster population, estimating population parameters
and determining sample sizes to estimating population parameters, conducting multistage
sampling of cluster population, estimating population parameters and determining sample
size, applying sampling techniques to wildlife populations, estimating the mean and total
population using penetrating samples, estimating the mean and total population of the sub-

Subject of Course :
Basic terms and concepts of Statistics, basic concepts of Quick count and survey, Simple
random sampling technique, Stratified random sampling technique, Ratio Estimator and
Regression Estimator, Systematic sampling technique, Cluster Sampling Technique, Two-
Stage and Multi-Stage cluster sampling technique, Estimation of population size with direct
and inverse sampling, sample sizes for direct and inverse sampling, estimating mean and
total population using sub-population, estimating mean and total population of sub-

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Cochran, W.G. 1977. Sampling Techniques. 3rd edition. J. Wiley & Sons. New York.
2. Levy PS. Lemeshow S. 1999. Sampling of Population, Methods and Application. 3rd
edition. John Wiley & Sons New York .
3. Scheaffer, Mendenhall, Ott,1990. Elementary Survey Sampling. 4rd edition. PWS-KENT.


Requirements : MAS6212 (Introduction to Regression Analysis)
MAS62115 (Mathematical Statistics II)

Description :
Time series analysis using a time and frequency approach.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students master the concepts and are able to apply time series
analysis using a time and frequency approach.

Subject of Course :
Variation in time series, basic concepts: stationarity, ACF, PACF, differencing, deterministic
model, trend model (regression) and exponential smoothing, stochastic model: stationary
ARMA (p, q) and non-stationary ARIMA (p, d, q) model, model specification, parameter

estimation, model testing, forecasting, seasonal ARIMA model (p, d, q)(P, D, Q), harmonic
analysis, Overview forecasting method in economics and natural sciences.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and presentation.

References :
1. Box, G.E.P. dan Jenkin, G.M. 1976. Time Series Anlysis. Forecasting and Control. Holden-
Day.san Francisco.
2. Cryer, J.D. dan SikChan, K. 2008. Time Series Analysis with Application in R. Springer.
3. Makridakis, Wheelwright and Hydiman. 2008. Forecasting:Methods and Application. 3
rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
4. Wei, W.S., 2006. Time Series.Analysis. Univariate and Multivariate Method. Second
Edition Pearson Addison-Wesley. Pub. Company, New York


Requirements : MAS62121 (Method of Statistics II)

Description :
Structure and algorithm of statistical program packages, process and analyze data using
existing program packages, and develop program packages that do not yet exist with the
help of macros (syntax).

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students have the knowledge and skills about structure and
algorithms of the statistical program package, process and analyze data using existing
program packages, develop program packages that do not yet exist with the help of
computer macros (syntax).

Subject of Course :
Macro (syntax) in Minitab and R: Minitab and R macrostructure, Command input data and
data type, vector and matrix arithmetic operations, Create a macro (syntax) for discrete and
continuous distribution, Create macros (syntax) for hypothesis testing and ANOVA, Create
macros (syntax) for regression and time series analysis, Create macros (syntax) for test the
significance of parameters and test hypotheses, Create macros (syntax) for testing goodness
of fit.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, laboratory session, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Maindonald. 1984. Statistical Computation. Wiley, USA.
2. Minitab Inc. 1994. Minitab Reference Manual Release 10.2 For Windows. Minitab Inc.,

3. Dalgaard, P. 2002. Introductory Statistics with R. Springer – Verlag New York Inc.

ENTREPRENEUSHIP (UBU60004) 3 credits

Requirements : ≥ 60 credits

Description :
Explain and discuss the characteristics of entrepreneurs, attitudes required by
entrepreneurs, leadership, ways of taking risks, decision-making processes, business
planning, time management, financial control planning, information systems, use of
resources, and assessing market opportunities.

Learning Goal :
After taking entrepreneurship courses, students are able to explain the character, role, and
management of the entrepreneur. Besides, students are also able to apply it in daily life.

Subject of Course :
Characteristics of entrepreneurs, attitudes of an entrepreneur, leadership, ways of taking
risks. Decision-making process, business planning, time management, financial control
planning, information systems, resource use, and assessing market opportunities.

Learning Strategy :
Bring in entrepreneurs. Review the field of entrepreneurs so that students have insight into
entrepreneurial opportunities. Discussion and structured assignments.

References :
1. LP3M UNIBRAW, Buku Ajar Kewirausahaan.

PANCASILA (MPK60008) 2 credits

Requirements : ≥ 60 credits

Description :
Pancasila is one of the university courses that aim to develop the attitudes, behavior,
mindset, insight, knowledge, and skills of students as Indonesian citizens in line with
Pancasila and the 1945 State Constitution of Republic Indonesia.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand and explain Pancasila in the Study
of Nation History, Pancasila as the basis of the state, Pancasila as the state ideology,
Pancasila as the Philosophy System, Pancasila as the Ethics System, Pancasila as the Basis of
Science Development.

Subject of Course :
State philosophy, the concept of nation and state, Pancasila as the basis of the state,
Pancasila as the state ideology, Pancasila as the Philosophy System, Pancasila as the Ethics

System, Pancasila as the Basis of Science Development, and the 1945 State Constitution of
Republic Indonesia.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Abdullah, Rozali, 1984, Pancasila sebagai Dasar Negara dan Pandangan Hidup Bangsa,
CV. Rajawali, Jakarta.
2. Ali, As’ad Said, 2009, Negara Pancasila Jalan Kemaslahatan Berbangsa, Pustaka LP3ES,
3. Anshoriy, HM. Nasruddin, 2008, Bangsa Gagal: Mencari Identitas Kebangsaan, LKiS,
4. Bakry, Noor Ms., 2010, Pendidikan Pancasila, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta.Kaelan, 2000,
Pendidikan Pancasila, Paradigma, Yogyakarta.
5. Dodo, Surono dan Endah (ed.), 2010, Konsistensi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila dalam UUD 1945
dan Implementasinya, PSP-Press, Yogyakarta.
6. Kaelan, 2012, Problem Epistemologis Empat Pilar Berbangsa dan Bernegara,
Paradigma, Yogyakarta.
7. Kusuma, A.B., 2004, Lahirnya Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, Badan Penerbit Fakultas
Hukum Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
8. Latif, Yudi, 2011, Negara Paripurna: Historisitas, Rasionalitas dan Aktualitas Pancasila,
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.
9. Nurdin, Encep Syarief, 2002, Konsep-Konsep Dasar Ideologi: Perbandingan Ideologi
Besar Dunia, CV Maulana, Bandung.
10. Rindjin, Ketut, 2012, Pendidikan Pancasila untuk Perguruan Tinggi, PT. Gramedia
Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.
11. Zubair, Achmad Charris, 1990, Kuliah Etika, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta.


Requirements : MAS62115 (Mathematical Statistics II)
MAS62113 (Matrix and Vector Spaces)

Description :
MANOVA, MANCOVA, Profile Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis,
Canonical Correlation Analysis, Discriminant Analysis.

Learning Goal :
After taking the Multivariate Analysis I course, students are able to explain the basic
concepts in multivariate analysis and are able to determine the model (analysis) that fits the
data, use matrix algebra in presenting multivariate data, estimate parameters in normal
multivariate, group continuous data and are able to explain bivariate ANOVA, and
multivariate ANOVA, and determine the appropriate statistical analysis method.

Subject of Course :
Introduction to the basic principles of univariate and multivariate analysis, material and
basic principles of matrix algebra in multivariate analysis, sample geometry and random
sampling, multivariate normal distribution, mean vector inference, mean comparison in
multivariate, principal component analysis, and cluster analysis.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and laboratory session.

References :
1. Johnson, R.A and Wichern, D.W. (2007). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 7th
Edition, Prentice Hall.
2. Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis, 7 th
Edition. Prentice-Hall.
3. A.C. Rencher, Methods of Multivariate Analysis, 2nd ed., 2002, Wiley Series in
Probability & Statistics, Canada.
4. S. Sharma, Applied Multivariate Techniques, 1996, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
5. Anderson, T.W. (2003). An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Wiley
6. Mardia, K.V, Kent, J.T, Bibby, J.M. (2000). Multivariate Analysis. Academic Press.

DATA MINING (MAS62123) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS61132 (Computational Statistics)
MAS62131 (Database)

Description :
Conventional statistical techniques are difficult to use to analyze and search the patterns in
large databases. Data mining is a combination of several analytical techniques that provide
solutions to these problems.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to explain data mining methods and use data
mining techniques for pattern recognition, clustering, classification, and prediction.

Subject of Course :
The role of statistics in data mining, the introduction of R data mining, association rule
method, classification using Association rule, classification using regression tree (decision
tree), classification using naïve Bayes classifier, classification using KNN, the concept of
Support vector machine and its application, clustering using K-means.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Berry, MJA dan Linoff, G, 1977. Data Mining Techniques. John Wiey & Sons.

2. Daniel T, Lorose. 2005. Discovering knowledge in Data. An introduction to data mining.
John Wiley & Sons.
3. Ledolter, J. 2013. Data mining and Business Analytics with R. John Wiley & Sons.

INDONESIAN (MPK60007) 3 credits

Requirements : ≥ 90 credits

Description :
Explain and discuss the use of Indonesian that emphasizes the ability to understand
scientific reading and adding good and right Indonesian vocabulary and expressions. Explain
and discuss sentence structure (grammar) given according to scientific reading.

Learning Goal :
After taking Indonesian courses, students are able to apply Indonesian properly and
correctly and have additional vocabulary as outlined in the writing of scientific papers,
discussion forums, and presentations.

Subject of Course :
Usage is emphasized in the ability to understand scientific reading and the addition of good
and right Indonesian vocabulary and expressions. The sentence structure (grammar) is given
according to scientific reading.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, structural assignments, presentation, discussion, and student centered

References :
1. Teknik Penulisan Ilmiah


Requirements : ≥ 90 credits

Description :
Definition of research: defining research problems, formulating problems, making goals,
determining variables, formulating research titles, determining data analysis, and data
interpretation. Likewise, students are able to make research proposals and research results
in the form of scientific papers and are able to write papers in the form of papers published
in scientific journals.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to think scientifically, critically, analytically, are
able to differentiate research and not research, understand the systematics, describe
research steps, formulate research steps in the form of research background including
problem writing, problem formulation, and literature study, find the theoretical basis of the
research problem, find some solutions (models) of the research problem to be selected,

make a proposal consisting of an introduction, literature review, and analytical method,
make a simple research in the field of statistics, analyze and interpret the results of research,
write a scientific paper (final project) as a condition of obtaining a bachelor of statistics,
writing papers that are published in scientific journals.

Subject of Course :
The term of philosophy and research as well as trial and error, systematic research in the
field of statistics, formulation of research problems, research objectives, research methods,
and analysis, weaknesses about the previous research and find the alternative model, how
to prepare an introduction, problems which must be included in the introduction, literature
review, and determine some alternative methods of analysis and statistical models, selecting
data and several alternative ways of solution, alternative analysis, model selection and
interpretation and procedures for writing a final project, procedures for writing scientific
papers in the form of a final project, procedures for writing in papers that will be published
in scientific journals, issues of plagiarism, and selection of scientific magazines that will be
used to publish the papers.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, structural assignments, presentation, and discussion, and student
centered learning (SCL).

References :
1. Day R.A., 1998. How to write & publish a scientific paper. Oryx Press. Arizona.
2. Gupta, S. 2002. Research Method and statistical Techniques deep and deep pub.
3. Lindsay, D.2011. Scientific Writing=thinking in words. CSIRO Publishing,
Collingwood,Victoria, Australia.

Elective Courses for Theory and Computational Statistics

Exploratory Data Analysis (MAS6125) 2 credits

Requirements : MAS61121 (Method of Statistics I)

Description :
Data analysis using descriptive statistics which include tables, histograms, stem-and-leaf
diagrams, boxplots, outliers detection, QQ-plot, kernel smoothing methods, resistance lines,
robust estimators, and robust regression, solving of two-way and three-way tables,
exploration of multiple variables.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand and explain the basic concepts of
data exploration using descriptive statistics, descriptive statistical analysis using tables,
histograms, stem-and-leaf diagrams, boxplots and are able to detect outliers in real cases,
analysis with QQ-plot methods and smoothing kernel and apply to the real case, resistance
line analysis, robust estimator and robust regression and apply to the real case, can solve
two-way and three-way table cases and apply to the real case, multiple variable exploration

Subject of Course :
Basic concepts of data exploration using descriptive statistics, descriptive statistics which
include tables, histograms, stem-and-leaf diagrams, boxplots, outliers detection, QQ-plot,
kernel smoothing methods, resistance lines, robust estimators, and robust regression,
solving two-way and three-way tables, exploration of multiple variables.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Tukey, J.W. 1977. Exploratory Data Analysis, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.
2. Hoaglin D.C, Mosteller F., Tukey J.W. 1983. Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data
Analysis. New York: Wiley
3. Erickson B.H., Nosanchuck T.A. 2002. Understanding Data. Ed. Ke-2. Berkshire: Open
University Press.
4. Peck R., Devore J.L. 2012. Statistics: The Exploration and Analysis of Data. Ed. Ke-7.
Boston: Cangage Learning.
5. Exploratory Data Analysis.
6. Walpole, R. E. 1993. Pengantar Statistika. Edisi 3. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
7. Steel. R. G. D dan Torrie. J. H., 1976. Introduction to statistics. McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York.

Requirements : MAS62111 (Introduction to Probability Theory)

Description :
Definition of stochastic processes, discrete-time Markov chain, long-term behavior,
continuous-time Markov chain: processes of birth and death, Poisson processes and their
properties, Queue theory, renewal processes.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand and explain the basic concepts of
the probability theory review and its properties, the distribution of discrete and continuous
random variables, conditional probability, and expected value, Discrete-time Markov chain
and its properties: Transition Probability Matrix, first step analysis, understand and explain
Long-term Behavior of Markov Chain, Poisson Processes and its properties, apply Markov
Chain and Poisson Process to the renewal process: its definition, proposition, concept, and
application, apply Markov Chain theory and Poisson Process to queuing theory: its
definition, proposition, concept, and application.

Subject of Course :
Review of probability theory and its properties, distribution of discrete and continuous
random variables, conditional probability, and Expected Value, Discrete-time Markov Chain
and its properties: Transition Probability Matrix, first step analysis, Long Term Behavior of
Markov Chain, Poisson Process and its properties, Continuous-Time Markov chain: the
process of birth and death, the process of birth, the process of death, the process of
renewal: its definition, proposition, concept, and application, queuing theory: its definition,
proposition, concept, and application.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Karlin, S & H.M. Taylor, 1994. An Introduction to Stochastic Modelling. 3 ed. Academic
Press. New York.
2. Allen. 2003. Introduction to Stochastic Process with Biology Application.
3. T. Aven, U Jensen. 1999. Stochastic Models in Reliability.
4. Ross, Sheldon M, 1996. Stochastic ProcessesSecond Edition, John Willey & Son Inc.

DATA STRUCTURE (MAS62133) 2-1 credits

Requirements : MAS61131 (Basic of Programming)

Description :
Abstract data type, searching and sorting algorithm.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to implement abstract data type, searching and
sorting algorithm.

Subject of Course :
Pointers and dynamic variables, list, stack, queue, binary, tree and general, tree, graph,
searching: sequential seraching, binary searching, hashing, sorting: internal sorting, external

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, laboratory session, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Scneider, G.M., 1978. An Introduction to Programming And Problem Solving With
Pascal, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2. Tanembaum, A.M. dan Agustein, M. J., 1981. Data Structure Using Pascal, Printice Hall.
3. Horn, Wayne, L., 1995. Structured Programming With Turbo Pascal, Pensacole Junior


Requirements : MAS62122 (Introduction to Regression Analysis)

Description :
Overcoming the problem of violating assumptions that underlie multiple regression analysis,
can build growth models and other non-linear intrinsic models and begin to understand
mixed models and can apply it to provide solutions to problems and be able to interpret the

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to simplify the problem by modeling multiple
regression, detecting violated assumptions, dealing violations of assumptions that underlie
multiple regression analysis, conveying the results of the modeling and analysis in writing or
verbally, in the form of written reports.

Subject of Course :
Estimation of multiple regression coefficients, Testing the assumptions that underlie
multiple regression analysis, Handling violated assumptions, Principal Component
Regression Analysis, Gulud Regression, Several growth models and its assumptions, The
concept of mixed models.
Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, assignments, discussion, and laboratory session.

References :
1. Draper, N. R and H. Smith [1992], Applied Regression Analysis,(diterjemahkan oleh
Bambang Sumantri), PT Gramedia, Jakarta.

2. Montgomery, Douglas. C and Elizabeth A. Peck [1992], Introduction to Linear
Regression Analysis, Wiley, New York.
3. Myers, R. H [1990], Classical and Modern Regression with Applications, PWS-Kent
Publishers, Boston.
4. Chatterjee, S and Simonoff, J. S. 2013. Handbook of Regression Analysis, Willey, New

BAYESIAN ANALYSIS (MAS61133) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS62115 (Mathematical Statistics II)

Description :
Descriptive and inference statistics, analysis and modeling using Bayesian approaches. The
explanation starts from a simple analysis using Bayesian framework.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to explain and apply Bayesian analysis to data
theoretically or using software, such as WinBUGS or R.

Subject of Course :
Explanation of the definition of Bayesian Analysis, Single parameter Bayesian,
Multi=parameter Bayesian, Bayesian Regression, Bayesian Logistic Regression, Bayesian
Factors, Bayesian Normal Mixture.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Ntzoufras, I. 2009. Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS. New Jersey: John Wiley & Son.
2. Congdon, P. 2006. Bayesian Statistical Modelling, 2nd edition. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
3. Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H.S., dan Rubin, D. B. 2004. Bayesian Data Analysis, 2nd
edition. New York: Chapman & Hall.

SPATIAL ANALYSIS (MAS61125) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS62115 (Mathematical Statistics II)
MAS62122 (Introduction to Regression Analysis)

Description :
Learning about spatial data, spatial data modeling.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to analyze and design location-based data
collection and apply it using spatial software.

Subject of Course :
Data structures (points, areas: lattices, and point patterns), isotropy and anisotropy,
stationary and non-stationary, data exploration, sampling techniques and estimation of
regional bases, Prediction and interpolation (geostatistics: ordinary kriging, variogram),
spatial patterns and autocorrelation, regression modeling with area basis (SAR, SEM,
SARMA), regression modeling with point basis (GWR, GWLR).

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, presentation, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Cressie, N.A.C, 1993. Statistics for Spatial Data.Wiley & Sons.
2. Bivand, Roger S., Pebesma, Edzer, Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio, 2013, Applied Spatial Data
Analysis with R. Springer-Verlag
3. Arbia, G, 2006, Spatial Econometrics: Statistical Foundations and pplications to
Regional Convergence.Springer, Berlin
4. Anselin L, Rey S.J, 2010, Perspective on Spatial Data Analysis. Springer
5. Ficher MM and Getis A, 2010, Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis Software Tools,
Methods and Applications. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


Requirements : MAS62114 (Introduction to Numerical Analysis)
MAS61321 (Linear Programming)

Description :
Learn how to model the problem of non-linear allocation of limited resources to get optimal
results. The formed model is the model of minimization or minimization of non-linear
functions with several constraints.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to apply non-linear programming, determine and
interpret optimal solutions from non-linear programming, have the ability to operate
operation research software, become a consultant in the field of Operation Research,
deliver the results of modeling and analysis in writing or verbally, in the form individual or
group assignments.

Subject of Course :
Nonlinear Programming Concepts, Concave and Convex Functions, Solving NLP of one
Variable, Golden Section Search, NLP without Constraints with Multiple Variables, NLP
without Constraints with two Variables, Optimization with equation constraints (Lagrange
Multiplier), Optimization with inequality constraints (Kuhn Tucker Requirements) ),
Quadratic Programming, Separable Programming, Stochastic Programming.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion.

References :
1. Winston, W.L. 2004. Operation Research: Applications and Algorithms. 4th Ed.
Thomson Brooks/Cole. Southbank, Vic.
2. Bazara, M.S. HD.Skerali. C.M. Shetty. 1993. Non Linier Programming. Theoary and
Algorithms. John Wiley and Sons
3. Mital, K.V. 1978. Optimation Methode in Operations Research and Analysis. Wiley
Eastern Ltd.
4. Taha, H. 1997. Riset Operasi. Binampa Aksara, Jakarta.


Requirements : MAS61132 (Computational Statistics)

Description :
This course is taught so that students are able to design and build a system for user-friendly

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are expected to be able to design system components,
build system designs, create a system for user-friendly computational statistics.

Subject of Course :
Systems and components, Data flow diagrams, Graph User Interface: GUI Components, UI
Design, Creating a GUI with R and/or Matlab, Creating functions for computational statistics,
GUI system Implementation, Case Study Design and Implementation of computational
Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Maindonald. 1984. Statistical Computation. Wiley, USA
2. Minitab Inc. 1994. Minitab Reference Manual Release 10.2 For Windows. Minitab Inc.,
3. Dalgaard, P. 2002. Introductory Statistics with R. Springer – Verlag New York Inc.

FUZZY LOGIC MODEL (MAS62135) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS61322 (Time Series Analysis)

Description :
Fuzzy set, fuzzy rules, fuzzy inference and fuzzy systems.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are expected to be able to apply the fuzzy inference
system for time series forecasting.

Subject of Course :

Functions and membership in the crips and fuzzy sets, operations on fuzzy numbers and
fuzzy sets. The components in the fuzzy system, the concept of fuzzification and
defuzzification, the preparation of the fuzzy rule base, the inference process in the fuzzy
system. Application of fuzzy inference systems on time series forecasting.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and demo.

References :
1. Wang, L., 1997, A Course in Fuzzy Systems and Control, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.,
New Jersey.
2. Zimmerman, H.J., 1991, Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Applications, Kluwer Publishing Co,
3. Kaufmann, A. and M.M. Gupta, 1991, Introduction to Fuzzy Arithmetic Theory and
Applications, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
4. Klir, G.J. and T.A. Folger, 1988, Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, and Information, Prentice-Hall,
New Delhi.

BIG DATA ANALYSIS (MAS62136) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS62131 (Database)
MAS61132 (Computational Statistics)

Description :
Learn about the definition, phenomena, properties, complexity, frameworks of big data, and
how to operate at least one open-source tool for collecting, pre-processing, visualization,
processing, and analyzing big data and interpreting it.

Learning Goal :
Students are able to explain the definition, phenomena, properties, complexity, frameworks
of big data, and are able to operate at least one open-source tool for big data namely
MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark in R which are used for collecting, pre-processing, visualizing,
processing and analyzing big data both in the form of structured data and unstructured data
and interpret them.

Subject of Course :
Definition of big data, the emergence of big data, big data properties, big data complexity,
big data framework, R programming review, the introduction of MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark
tools, data collection, web scraping in R API, HTML, and Selenium, web scraping practices,
pre-processing data, data visualization, structured data analysis, unstructured data analysis,
Text Analysis, Machine Learning methods for big data.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, structural assignments, quizzes, discussion, and presentation.

References :
1. Govindaraju, V., Raghavan, V., and Rao, C.R. 2015. Big Data Analytics, 1 . Elsevier.
2. Dietrich, D., Heller, B., Yang, B. .2015. Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering,
Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data. EMC Education Services. John Wiley &
Sons, Indianapolis, Indiana.
3. Hurwitz, J., Nugent, A., Halper, F., Kaufman, M. 2013. Big Data For Dummies. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey.
4. Ledolter, J. 2013. Data mining and Business Analytics with R. John Wiley & Sons.
5. Walkowiak, S. 2016. Big Data Analytics with R: Utilize R to uncover hidden patterns in
your Big Data. PACKT Publishing.


Requirements : MAS61131 (Basic of Programming)
MAS61132 (Computational Statistics)

Description :
Architectural and learning models in ANN, ANN applications in Statistical modeling

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are expected to be able to explain the architecture,
learning process, and models of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and be able to apply for
statistical modeling.

Subject of Course :
Basic concepts of statistical and mathematical modeling, architecture/topology ANN,
activation functions and gradient descent methods, models and learning on perceptrons,
multi-layer perceptrons, and radial basis, ANN applications for classification, grouping, and
forecasting. Case study of the application of ANN in time series analysis.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Fauset. 1994. Fundamental of Neural Network, Prentice Hall, New York
2. James, A. F dan David, M.S. 1992. Neural Networks, Algorithms, Application, and
Programming Techniques, Adison Wiley, New York
3. Igor A. 1995.


Requirements : MAS62123 (Multivariate Analysis I)

Description :
The concept of factor analysis, the concept of canonical analysis, discriminant analysis,
biplot, and conjoint analysis.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to apply multivariate methods and are able to
implement them in various fields, explain statistical theories and concepts in related fields,
use ICT as a supporter of statistics, explain statistical theories and concepts and related
fields, apply statistical theories and concepts and other related fields.

Subject of Course :
Multivariate linear regression models, factor analysis, and structured covariance matrix
inference, canonical analysis, discriminant and classification analysis, biplot, multi-
dimensional scaling, conjoint analysis, and repeated measurement.
Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Johnson, R.A and Wichern, D.W. (2007). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 7th
Edition, Prentice Hall.
2. Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis, 7 th
Edition. Prentice-Hall.
3. A.C. Rencher, Methods of Multivariate Analysis, 2nd ed., (2002). Wiley Series in
Probability & Statistics, Canada.
4. S. Sharma, Applied Multivariate Techniques. (1996). John Wiley & Sons, New York.
5. Anderson, T.W. (2003). An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Wiley
6. Mardia, K.V, Kent, J.T, Bibby, J.M. (2000). Multivariate Analysis. Academic Press.


Requirements : ≥ 100 credits

Description :
Learn about how to be a good and successful statistical consultant. Reviewing some general
competencies, namely communication techniques, good service (quality of service), and
marketing of statistical consulting services. It also discussed about specific competencies,
namely about research methodology and application of data analysis methods. An
important part is training to become a statistical consultant by practicing as a statistical

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to know about the principles as a statistical
consultant, understand the communication techniques as a statistical consultant,
understand the marketing services of consulting services, understand the concept of quality
of consulting services, apply knowledge about consultants by practicing as a statistics

Subject of Course :
Explanation of the concept of consultant science (statistics), Overview of communication
techniques (general competencies), Overview of marketing statistical consulting services
(general competencies), Overview of the quality of statistical consulting services (general
competencies), Overview of the application of research methodologies (specific
competencies), Overview of the application of statistical data analysis methods (special
competencies), Practice as a statistical consultant.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, practice in a laboratory and in a field.

References :
1. Solimun, Armanu , dan A.A.R Fernandes. 2018. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif
Perspektif Sistem. Malang: UB Press
2. Astuti, S., Solimun dan Darmanto. 2018. Analisis Multivariat: Teori dan Aplikasinya
dengan SAS. Malang: UB Press
3. Solimun. 2002. Multivariate Analysis: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Malang:
Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang
4. Solimun. 2010. Analisis Multivariat Pemodelan Struktural: Metode Partial Least Square-
PLS. Malang: CV Citra Malang
5. Solimun, A.A.R. Fernandes, dan Nurjannah. 2017. Metode Statistika Multivariat-
Pemodelan Struktural (SEM) Pendekatan WarpPLS. Malang: UB Press


Requirements : MAS61132 (Computational Statistics)

Description :
The latest topics in the development of statistical computing and its application. The course
material can differ from time to time. The learning material is about the latest and actual
statistical computing that has not been discussed in lectures and sourced in journals in the
fields of statistics and computation. In this lecture, the latest topics in the field of statistical
computing are examined, especially regarding the development of statistical modeling and
the application of other computational statistics, both scientifically and in line with current
needs. The study can be in the form of structured material on a particular topic, a paper
review of a particular topic presented in the form of discussion and presentation. From this
study, it is expected that emerging final research topics on the development and use of
computation in developing statistics.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are expected to be able to understand statistical research
methodologies and various new statistical methods, as well as know their implementation in
various fields, apply basic knowledge of Statistics in computing, use ICT as a supporter,
communicate Statistics concepts mathematically, collect, manage, analyze, and interpret
data based on the concept of Statistics.

Subject of Course :-

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Journals of Statistics and Computation
2. Textbooks according to the chosen topic

Elective Courses for Statistics of Natural Sciences


Requirements : MAS61212 (Introduction to Experimental Design)

Description :
The basic concepts of usage and various analysis of variance are adjusted to the involved

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are expected to be able to understand the general effect
of the treatment of variance in the sample and between samples, determine the effect of
random models, fixed and mixed models with the approach of the expected value of the
mean squared, testing variance and mean for two populations both independent or
conditional, testing the assumptions of analysis of variance analysis, perform one-way, two-
ways, and three-ways analysis of variance with both the same or different samples, perform
two-way analysis of variance with both the same or different samples with interaction or
without interaction, preparation of two-way, three-way, and more than three-ways analysis
of variance both the same and different samples.

Subject of Course :
Basic definition and scope of analysis of variance, introduction to the analysis of variance,
the effect of treatment on variance in samples or between samples, fixed and mixed random
models, two-variance test on t-test, assumptions of analysis of variance, one-way sub-
sample classification, two-way classification, classification two-way sub-sample, two-way
classification with interaction, multiple tests, three-way classification, regression and
correlation analysis, non-parametric statistical analysis.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Steel, R.G.D. and Torrie, J.H. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. Second Ed.
McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo.
2. Suntoyo Yitnosumarto, 1990. Percobaan: perancangan analisis dan interpretasinya.
Gramedia. Jakarta
3. Feller, W., 1983. An introduction to probability theory and its applications, vol I dan II.
Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Hogg. R. V. Dan Craig, A. T., 1978. Introduction to mathematical statistics, edisi ke 4,
John Wiley & Sons. New York.
5. Snedecor, G. W. Dan Cochran, W. G., 1967. Statistical methods, edisi ke 6. The Iowa
State University Press, Ames.
6. Siegel, S. 1956. Non parametric statistics, McGraw-Hill Kogakushs. Ltd. Tokyo.
7. Suntoyo Yitnosumarto, 1990. Percobaan: perancangan analisis dan interpretasinya.
Gramedia. Jakarta.

RESPONSE SURFACE (MAS61221) 2 credits
Requirements : MAS61212 (Introduction to Experimental Design)

Description :
Designing a study involving complex treatments and being able to choose the appropriate
data analysis and be able to interpret the results of the analysis practically.

Learning Goal :
Students are able to understand the method of conducting research according to the rules
of experimental design, selecting and applying research designs with complex treatments,
analyzing research data according to the standards and rules, conveying the results of
modeling and analysis in writing or verbally, in the form of written reports.

Subject of Course :
Incomplete Block Design, Youden Squares, Lattice design, General factorial design and
assumptions, Fit response surface curves. Confounding, nested design.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Khuri, A.L. and Cornell, J.A. 1987. Respones Surfaces Design and Analysis. Marcell
Dekker Inc., New York.
2. Myers, Raymond H., and Montgomery, Douglas C. 1995. Response Surface
Methodology: process improvement with steepest ascent, the analysis of response
Surface, experimental designs for fitting response surface. New York: John Wiley and
Sons, Inc.
3. Sokal, R.R. and Rohlf, F.J. 1981. Biometry. 2 edition. W.H. Freeman and Company.
New York.
4. Montgomery, Douglas. C . 1984. Design and Analysis of Experiments. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. Canada.

BIOMETRICS (MAS61222) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS61212 (Introduction to Experimental Design)

Description :
Explain the basic concepts of Biometrics theory; Design a study based on the characteristics
of the experimental material.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to think logically, critically, and analytically,
develop biometrics models, analyze data, become a biometrics consultant, master and apply
biometrics in various fields.

Subject of Course :

Introduction; Testing Assumptions of Analysis of Variance, Analysis of Covariance, AxBxC
Factorial, Incomplete Factorial Experiment, Split Plot, Strip Plot, Additive Main Effects And
Multiplicative Interaction (Ammi), Split Plot In Time, Nested Design, Central Composite
Rotatable Design, Uniformity Trial, Strain Analysis, Response Curve and Response Surface
Analysis, Cross Analysis.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Gomez, K.A. and Gomez, A.A. 1976. Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research
with Emphasis on Rice. IRRI, LosBanos, Laguna, Philippines.
2. Kempthorne, O. 1980. Design and Analysis of Experiment. John Wiley. New York.
3. Steel, R.G.D. and Torrie, J.H. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. Second Ed.
McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo.
4. Suntoyo Yitnosumarto, 1990. Dasar-dasar Statistika. Rajawali pers. Jakarta.
5. Hogg. R. V. Dan Craig, A. T., 1978. Introduction to mathematical statistics, edisi ke 4,
John Wiley & Sons. New York
6. Snedecor, G. W. Dan Cochran, W. G., 1967. Statistical methods, edisi ke 6. The Iowa
State University Press, Ames.
7. Siegel, S. 1956. Non parametric statistics, McGraw-Hill Kogakushs. Ltd. Tokyo.

SURVIVAL ANALYSIS (MAS62222) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS62111 (Introduction to Probability Theory)
MAS62122 (Introduction to Regression Analysis)

Description :
Apply and master the basic concepts of survival analysis in performing inferences in the
natural sciences.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand the basic concepts of survival
analysis, apply the concept of survival analysis in the natural science field, develop problem-
solving survival analysis in the natural science field.

Subject of Course :
Introduction to Survival Analysis: Basic definitions, Censored data, Survivor Functions,
Hazard functions, and their properties, Life Tables, Descriptive Measures; Kaplan-Meier
Survival Curve, Testing Log-Ranks and their alternatives; Evaluation of PH assumptions:
Graphic Approach, Goodness of Fit Testing Approach, Variable Time-dependent Approach;
Cox Proportional Hazard (PH) Model.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion

References :
1. Kleinbaum, D.G., Klein M., 2005, Survival Analysis A Self-Learning Text, Springer, New
2. Collet, D. 1994. Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research. Chapman and Hall.
3. Miller, R.G., Survival Analysis, Wiley, New York, 1981.


Requirements : ≥ 100 credits

Description :
Anticipating the development of statistics in the field of natural sciences.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are expected to be able to solve statistical problems in
agriculture both theoretically and empirically and communicate the results of the analysis
verbally and in writing, solve statistical problems in animal husbandry both theoretically and
empirically and communicate the results of analysis verbally or in writing, solving statistical
problems in fisheries both theoretically and empirically and communicating the results of
the analysis verbally and in writing, solving statistical problems in public health both
theoretically and empirically as well as communicating the results of the analysis verbally
and in writing, resolving statistical problems in the medical field both in theory and
empirically as well as communicating the results of the analysis verbally and in writing.

Subject of Course :
Statistics in Agriculture, Statistics in Animal Husbandry, Statistics in Fisheries, Statistics in
Public Health, Statistics in Medicine.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Diggle, P. J., P. J. Heagerty, K. Y. Liang, dan S. L. Zeger, 2002. Analysis Of Longitudinal
Data. Second Edition. Oxford University Press Inc., New York.
2. Fahrmeir, L. dan T. Gerhard. 1994 . Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on
Generalized Linier Models. John Willey dan Sons , New York.
3. Hardin, J. W. dan J. Hilbe. 2007. Generalized Linear Models and Extensions. Stata Press.
4. Hedeker, D. dan R.D. Gibbons. 2006. Longitudinal Data Analysis. John Wiley & Sons.
New York.
5. Hermanussen, M. 2008. Principal Components in the Analysis of Longitudinal Growth
6. Jacqmin-Gadda, H., R. Thiebaut, G. Chene, dan D. Commenges. 2000. Analysis of Left-
Censored Longitudinal Data with Application to Viral Load in HIV Infection. Great
Britain. Oxford University Press.

7. Jiang, J. 2007. Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Their Application.
Springer Series in Statistics. New York.
8. Molenberghs.G., dan Verbekke, G., 2005. Model for Discrete Longitudinal Data.
Springer Series in statistics. New –York:Springer –Verlag.
9. Verbekke.G., dan Molenberghs.G. 2000. Linear Mixed Model for Longitudinal Data.
Springer Series in statistics. New –York:Springer –Verlag.
10. Weiss, R. E. 2005. Modeling Longitudinal Data. Springer Texts in Statistic New York.


Requirements : MAS62221 (Categorical Data Analysis)

Description :
Learn the basic concepts of categorical data analysis; Understand and can apply advanced
concepts of categorical data analysis.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to think logically, critically and analytically,
identify problems into statistical logic, identify problems and choose the right model,
organize and analyze data, formulate results and draw conclusions validly, re-communicate
the results of categorical data analysis and conclusions to the initial problem, perform a
computer program specifically for the analysis of category data.

Subject of Course :
Logistic regression, Probit regression, Model checking, Sample size and power, Logit models,
Models for macthed pairs, Modeling correlated, clustered response, GEE, Random effects,
Multilevel models, Overdispersion , Bayesian logistic analysis.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Agresti, A. 2002. Categorical Data Analysis. John-Wiley & Sons Inc., Canada.
2. Anders, T. J. 2008. Overdispersion in Logistic Regression Model. John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
New York.
3. Fienberg, S.E. 2007. The Analysis of Cross-classfied Categorical Data 2nd Edition.
Springer, New York.
4. Hosmer, D. W. and Lemeshow, S. 1989. Applied Logistic Regression. John Wiley & Sons
Inc., Canada.

Elective Course for Socio-Economic Statistics

MICROECONOMICS (MAS62311) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS61311 (Introduction to Economics)

Description :
Learn how the concept of microeconomics, methods of economic inquiry, consumer and
producer behavior, determination of input prices, and market theory in detail.

Learning Goal :
After attending lectures, students are expected to be able to understand the concept of
microeconomics and the role of statistics in the future, understand the concepts of supply
and demand in the micro context, understand the concepts and application of theories of
producer and consumer behavior, understand the concepts of market theory, convey
general cases in economics and its analysis in writing and verbally, in the form of individual
or group assignments.

Subject of Course :
The Concept of Microeconomics and some related statistical analysis, Supply and Demand
Functions, Market Characteristics, Consumer Behavior, Production Theory and Production
Cost Theory, Determination of input prices, Market Theory.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, structural assignments, presentation, and class discussion.

References :
1. Pindyck, R. S., & Rubinfeld, D. L. (2005). Microeconomics (6th edn).

ECONOMETRICS (MAS61323) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS62122 (Introduction to Regression Analysis)
MAS62311 (Microeconomics)

Description :
Basic concept of econometrics, and the usage of regression analysis in modeling (one
equation) and testing economics theory using empirical data, especially in cross-section.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to apply the basic concepts of econometrics,
utilizing regression analysis to form an empirical model (one equation) that links one
response variable with one or several predictor variables in the field of economics, utilizing
regression analysis to test economic theories based on cross-section data, provide an
economic interpretation of the results of the analysis, apply relevant techniques if faced
with incompatible assumptions needed in regression analysis, understand the theoretical
basis for more advanced econometrics techniques, convey the results of the analysis in
writing or verbally, in the form of individuals and group assignments.

Subject of Course :
Definition of Econometrics and Overview the Regression Analysis, Econometrics Data
Handling and Advanced Analysis in Linear Regression, Multiple Regression Analysis and its
use in econometrics, Regression models with dummy variables, Assumptions underlying the
regression analysis, testing, the effects of violations and how to overcome them in the
context of data economics, a regression model with panel data.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, tutorial cases. presentation

References :
1. Gujarati, D.N. Porter, C. 2009. Basic Econometrics. 5th Ed. McGraw Hill Irwin. Boston
2. Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. Introductory econometrics: A modern approach. Nelson
Education, 2015.

DECISION THEORY (MAS61331) 2 credits

Requirements : MAS621111 (Introduction to Probability Theory)

Description :
Learn how to apply statistics in decision making when faced with conditions of certainty,
uncertainty, risk, and conflict.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand the definition and elements of
decisions, understand the concept of decision making in conditions of risk, understand the
concept of decision making in conditions of uncertainty, conduct an analysis of decision
making, submit general cases in economics and analyze in writing as well as verbally, in the
form of individual or group assignments.

Subject of Course :
Various decision situations, formalization of decision analysis, utility theory, deterministic
and probabilistic stages, decision trees and transportation methods, preference for risk and
utility functions, compound criteria, case studies.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and tutorial class.

References :
1. Mangkusubroto, K. dan Trisnadi, C.L. 1987. Analisa Keputusan. Ganesa, Bandung.
2. Hasan, M.I. (2002). Pokok-Pokok Materi Teori Pengambilan Keputusan. Jakarta: Ghalia
3. Mulyono, S. (1996). Teori Pengambilan Keputusan. Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas
Ekonomi Indonesia.

MACROECONOMICS (MAS1324) 3 credits
Requirements : MAS62311 (Microeconomics)

Description :
Learn the concept of microeconomics, methods of economic inquiry, consumer and
producer behavior, determination of input prices, and market theory in detail.

Learning Goal :
Students are able to understand the concept of macroeconomics and its relation to several
statistical analysis, identify the problem of economics into statistical logic, understand the
concept of state income, inflation, and related factors, understand the concept of monetary
and fiscal policy, submit general cases in the field of economics and its analysis written or
verbally, in the form of individual or group assignments.

Subject of Course :
State Revenue and Living Costs, Consumer Price Index and Inflation, State Economic
Production and Growth, Asset and Risk Management, Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Open
Economy, Aggregate Supply and Demand Theory.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, structural assignments, presentation, and discussion.

References :
1. Mankiw, N. G. (2014). Principles of macroeconomics. Cengage Learning.
2. Dwivedi, D. N. (2005). Macroeconomics: theory and policy. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

ACTUARIAL SCIENCE (MAS61332) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS62332 (Financial Mathematics)

Description :
Learn how to understand the basic concept of the calculation of actuarial values that are
used to arrange products in an insurance company, especially life insurance.

Learning Goal :
Students understand the basic concept of actuarial science, general purposes of Insurance,
basic probability theory, expected value and it application in calculating actuarial values,
understand the concept of constructing mortality table: calculating each row and symbols,
understand the definition of annuity, correlation between annuity and interest rate, cash
value and final value of an annuity, understand the concept in calculating actuarial values
(premium, compensation, and premium reserves) in various life insurance.

Subject of Course :
Literature review of Actuarial and Insurance, Overview probability theory and expected
value, and its application in actuarial, construct mortality table: its symbols, structure, and

kinds, Annuity, Life Insurance: kinds and premium calculation, Premium reserves and
adjusted premium reserves, redemption values.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, assignments.

References :
1. Sembiring, R. K. 1986. Asuransi I. Karunika, Jakarta.
2. Sembiring, R. K. 1986. Asuransi II. Karunika, Jakarta.
3. Bowers, N.L., Gerber, H.U., Hickman, J.C., Jones, D.A., and Nesbit, C.J. 1997. Actuarial
Mathematics. 2 Edition. Casualty Actuarial Society
4. Jordan Jr, C.W., 1967, Life Contingencies: The Society of Actuaries, Chicago, Illionis
5. Larson, R.E & Gaumnitz, E., 1962, Live Insurance Mathematic, John Willey & Sons, Inc
6. Promislow, S. D. 2006. Fundamental of Actuarial Mathematics. John Wiley and Sons,
New Jersey.
7. Futami, Takashi. 1993. Matematika Asuransi Jiwa: Bagian I. Incoporated Foundation,
8. Futami, Takashi. 1993. Matematika Asuransi Jiwa: Bagian II. Incoporated Foundation,

SMOOTHING METHOD (MAS61325) 2 credits

Requirements : MAS62122 (Introduction to Regression Analysis)

Description :
Smoothing, decomposition, regression and smoothing.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to choose and apply smoothing method in various
data pattern.

Subject of Course :
Variance in time series, accuracy of forecasting method, linear and double moving average,
single exponential smoothing, double exponential smoothing method: Brown, Holt, triple
exponential smoothing method: Winter, Pegel Classification, Other smoothing methods,
decomposition, Census decomposition, Smoothing regression and smoothing for time series
with trend.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, assignments.

References :
1. Makridakis, Wheelwright and Hydiman. 2008. Forecasting:Methods and Application. 3
rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Ledolter, J. dan Abraham, B. 1983. Statistical Method to Forecasting. John Wiley &
Sons, New York.

3. Berenson, ML, David ML dan Timothy CK. 2006. Basic Business Statistics. Concepts and
Application. Pearson Prentice Hall.

RISK THEORY (MAS62333) 3 credits

Requirements : MAS61332 (Actuarial Science)
MAS62115 (Mathematical Statistics II)

Description :
The concept of Insurance benefit models, risk measures, Brownian motion, Ruin Theory.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand the concept of risk in financial, and
its application in mathematics and statistics modeling in financial, understand the concept of
risk and loss: theory, calculation and symbols.

Subject of Course :
Insurance benefit models: deductibles, coinsurances, policy limits, consequences of
insurance model, aggregate loss models, models processes in insurance, the probability of
discrete loss and finite period, adjustment coefficient and Lundberg’s inequality, Risk
measures, Integrodifferential equality, maximum aggregate loss, Brownian motion risk
process, Brownian motion and loss probability, Ruin theory.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, assignments.

References :
1. Mamduh, 2006, Manajemen Risiko, AMP YKPN
2. Jorion, P. 2001. Value at Risk, McGraw-Hill, New York.
3. Rosadi, D. 2007. Pengukuruan Risiko dengan Value at Risk, Seminar Nasional & LKTI
2007, The role of statistics in investment and risk management, Yogyakarta.
4. Klugman, S.A., panjer, H.H., dan Willmot G.E. 2012. Loss Model: From Data to Decision.
4th edition. Wiley.

SIMULATION METHOD (MAS62321) 2 credits

Requirements : MAS62111 (Introduction to Probability Theory)
MAS61131 (Basic Programming)
Description :
After taking this course, students are able to perform simulation to obtained a solution of a
complex problem analytically, or from an unfeasible experiment to be carry out (too
expensive or harmful). The example of simulation in queue theory cases, probabilistic
inventory system, and statistics models.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand the concept of simulation, generate
random numbers according to the desired distribution, simulate statistics models, perform

statistics analysis on simulation outpupt, convey modeling and analysis outcomes in written
or verbally, in a form of individual or group assignments.

Subject of Course :
Definition of Monte Carlo simulation, Definition of Discrete Event simulation, Generating
random numbers, Simulation in Operation Research (queue theory, inventory), Simulation in
statistics models, Statistics analysis on simulation output, Practice simulation as a group

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Winston, W.L. 2004. Operation Research: Applications and Algorithms. 4th Ed.
Thomson Brooks/Cole. Southbank, Vic.
2. Jerry, B. (2005). Discrete event system simulation. Pearson Education India.

OPERATION RESEARCH (MAS62322) 2-1 credits

Requirements : MAS61321 (Linear Programming)
MAS62111 (Introduction to Probability Theory)

Description :
Modeling limited resource allocation to obtained an optimal solution. The modeling are
network model, inventory model, goal programming, dynamic programming, and queue

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to solve problem regarding simple network
optimization, convey modeling output and its analysis in written or verbally, in a form of
individual or group assignments.

Subject of Course :
Network: Shortest Path Problem, Maximum Flow Problem, CPM and PERT, Minimum
Spanning Tree Problem, Dynamic Programming, Goal Programming, Inventory Model,
Deterministic Inventory Problem, Probabilistic Inventory Problem, Queue System, Markov
Chain, Practice simulation, as group assignment.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, and laboratory session.

References :
1. Winston, W.L. 2004. Operation Research: Applications and Algorithms. 4th Ed.
Thomson Brooks/Cole. Southbank, Vic.

Requirements : MAS62115 (Mathematical Statistics II)
MAS62122 (Introduction to Regression Analysis)

Description :
Learning the basic concept and practical application of reliability techniques, so that
students can plan, apply, and evaluate reliability system and determine the guarantee cost
and period.

Learning Goal :
Students understand the definition: hazard function, mean time to failure, mean time
between failure, life time distribution in reliability, determine and interpret reliability in both
parametric or non-parametric approach, implement and evaluate reliability system and
interpret the output, convey reliability output in both trough manual process or using
statistics software, in written or verbally, in the form of individual or group assignments,
apply guarantee analysis manually or using software, convey the modeling and analysis
output in written or verbally, in the form of individual or group assignments.

Subject of Course :
The definition of: hazard function, density function, mean time to failure, mean time
between failure, life time distribution (Exponential, Weibull, Rayleigh, Normal, and Log-
Normal) in reliability, Non-Parametric Reliability, Parametric Reliability, Un-complex and
Complex Reliability System and their evaluation, Guarantee analysis in reliability.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion.

References :
1. Crowder, M.I., Kimber, A.C., Smith, R.L., dan Swetting, T.J., 1991, Statistical Analysis of
Reliability Data. Chapman and Hall, London.
2. Elsayed, A. 1996. Reliability Engineering, Addison Wesley, Longman, Inc.
3. Mc Cormick, Reliability and Risk Analysis, Academic Press, New York, 1981.
4. Sinha, S.K., dan Kale, B.K., Life Testing and Reliability Estimation, Wiley, Eastern, 1980.
5. Lewis, E., Introduction to Reliability Engineering, Wiley, 1987.
6. Barlow, R.E., dan Proschan, F., Mathematical Theory of Reliability, Wiley, New York,


Requirements : MAS62332 (Statistical Quality Control)

Description :
Learning how to understand the basic concept on calculating capability of a production
process, learning the concept and kinds of sampling acceptance in determining quality raw
materials, and harmonize statistical quality control and the real condition (company).

Learning Goal :
Students are able to understand the general concept and measure the capability of a
production process related to quality control, understand the concept of raw material
acceptance sampling statistically and select the right acceptance sampling based on the
problem, harmonize the concept of statistical quality control both in implementing control
chart or acceptance sampling in lectures and the field condition by conducting a study visit
to a company.

Subject of Course :
General concept, types, and how to measure the capability of production process in
univariate and multivariate cases, General concept, types, and determine the right
acceptance sampling of raw material to control products quality, Feedback study visit
towards company.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Grant, E.L., 1988. Statistical Quality Control, Prentice Hall, New York.
2. Gupta, R.C. 1981. Statistics Quality Control, Romesh Chander Khana Pub., New Delhi.
3. Montgomery, D.C., 2009. Introduction To Statistical Quality Control. Edisi 4. John Wiley
and Sons Inc, New York.


Requirements : > 80 credits

Description :
Learning how to design a questionnaire. The questionnaire must fulfill content and construct
validity and reliability. Questionnaire trial, then perform the analysis of questionnaire
validity and reliability. Score data from measurement output was transform into scale data
and interpreted.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand variable measurement activities,
especially latent variable and more specifically latent variable in psychological attributes,
understand the good measurement tools (valid and reliable), formulate the conceptual and
operational definition of the variables and design research instrument lattice, understand
various attitude scale models, design a questionnaire, understand various validity and
reliability analysis of a questionnaire, evaluate questionnaire, analyze the validity and
reliability of questionnaire, transform score data into scale data and interpret it.

Subject of Course :
Explanation of latent variable and its types, measurement design: measurement tools
(research instrument) and measurement process, measurement tools: questionnaire and

scale, research instrument lattice, scale model, designing questionnaire, validity and
reliability, transforming score data into scale data.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Azwar, S. 2014. Penyusunan Skala Psikologi. Yogjakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
2. Suryabrata, S. 1998. Pengembangan Alat Ukur Psikologis. Jakarta: Direktorat Jendral
Pendidikan Tinggi Deparetemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
3. Azwar, S. 1988. Seri Psikologi Sikap Manusia Teori dan Pengukurannya. Yogjakarta:
4. Azwar, S. 2013. Dasar-dasar Psikometri. Yogjakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
5. Dunn-Rankin, P. 1983. Scaling Methods. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

SOCIAL STATISTICS (MAS61327) 2 credits

Requirements : MAS61122 (Non-Parametric Statistics)
MAS62221 (Categorical Data Analysis)

Description :
Course with the scope of social problems, the use of statistics for social problems, and
educating students to have social research skills.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to formulate social problems and examine them,
implement statistics skill for social research, the ability to become consultant in social

Subject of Course :
Basic concept of social research, types, design, and process of social research, Definition and
variable construction, research instrument, Survey and FGD, Validity and Reliability,
Proposal and Questionnaire, Data collecting, Data analysis in social research, sampling,
correlation and linear regression, Logistic and Poisson regression, Path analysis, Factor
analysis, Principal Component Analysis.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Healey, J.F. (2012). Statistics: A Tool for Social Research, 9th Edition. Wardsworth
CENGAGE Learning, Belmont, USA.
2. Levin, Jack and Fox, James A. 2007. Elementary Statistics in Social Research: The
Essential, Second Edition. Pearson Education Inc., New York, USA.

FORECASTING METHOD (MAS62323) 2-1 credits
Requirements : MAS61322 (Time Series Analysis)

Description :
Intervention analysis, transfer function model analysis, spectrum.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to implement forecasting method using time and
frequency approach.

Subject of Course :
Review harmonic analysis, Spectrum analysis, Review ARIMA(p,d,q) model, univariate and
multivariate transfer function model, Seasonal ARIMAX, Intervention analysis and outlier,
Vector Autoregressive and Moving Average (VARMA), Cointegration and Error Correction
model, Vector Error Correction model (VECM).

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, quizzes, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Cryer, J.D. dan Sik Chan, K. 2008. Time Series Analysis with Application in R. Springer.
2. Enders, W. 2004 . Applied Econometric Time Series. John wiley & Sons. ICN. Canada.
3. Harris, R dan Robert S.2003. Applied Time Series Modelling and Forecasting. John Wiley
& Sons, England.
4. Wei, W.S., 2006. Time Series.Analysis. Univariate and Multivariate Method. Second
Edition Pearson Addison-Wesley. Pub. Company, New York


Requirements : MAS62332 (Statistical Quality Control)

Description :
The application of statistical method in industry.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to understand the quality control process and
company products using statistics approach, understand the concept of the relationship
between control chart, acceptance sampling, and experimental design in industry and
interpret the results.

Subject of Course :
The relationship between control chart, acceptance sampling and experimental design in
controlling quality, Statistical method in designing experiment in industry, Feedback on the
study of experimental design theory in industry which is carried out independently and in

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, and discussion.

References :
1. Joglekar, Anand M. 2010. Industrial Statistics: Practical Methods and Guidance for
Improved Performance. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
2. Montgomery, Douglas C. 2001. Design and Analysis of Experiments. John Wiley & Sons,
New York.
3. Montgomery, Douglas C. 2009. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. John Wiley &
Sons, New Jersey.


Requirements : MAS61323 (Econometrics)
MAS61322 (Time Series Analysis)

Description :
This course aims to learn modeling and testing the theory of economics empirically on more
complex relationship between variables, including: involving more than one equation,
accommodate dynamic properties in time series models, or accommodate the
autocorrelation between location in spatial models.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course, students are able to form empirical model from economic theory in
a form of equation system for endogenous and exogenous variables, forming dynamic
regression model and analyze the causal relationship between economic variables which
involve time lag, forecasting economic indicators based on time series models, forming
causal relationship between economic variables based on time series data, understand
spatial econometrics models for causal modeling between variables which involve spatial
autocorrelation, convey the analysis output in written or verbally, in the form of individual
or group assignments.

Subject of Course :
Dynamic econometrics model, simultaneous equation model, time series econometrics
models: forecasting, stationarity, trend, unit root, spurious regression, cointegration, EM,
time series econometrics models: ARIMA Box Jenkins, VAR, ARCH & GARCH, Spatial
Econometrics Models.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion, tutorial class, and presentation.

References :
1. Gujarati, D.N. Porter, C. 2009. Basic Econometrics. 5th Ed. McGraw Hill Irwin. Boston
2. Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. Introductory econometrics: A modern approach. Nelson
Education, 2015.

Requirements : MAS61322 (Time Series Analysis)

Description :
Heteroscedasticity Model, Threshold Autoregressive (TAR)

Learning Goal :
After taking his course, students are able to apply non-linear time series analysis and master
the concept of its calculation and application.

Subject of Course :
Review ARIMA(p,d,q) model, testing non-linearity, Heteroscedasticity model: ARCH, GARCH,
GARCH M, EGARCH, IGARCH, GAR, Threshold Autoregressive (TAR), STAR, bilinear, Multiple
Threshold Autoregressive (MTAR), Mixture Autoregressive (MAR).
Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion.

References :
1. Cryer, J.D. dan SikChan, K. 2008. Time Series Analysis with Application in R. Springer.
2. Enders, W. 2004 . Applied Econometric Time Series. John wiley & Sons. ICN. Canada.
3. Fan J. dan Yao, Q.2005. Non-linear Time Series. Nonparametric and Parametric
Methods. Springer. New York.
4. Wei, W.S., 2006. Time Series.Analysis. Univariate and Multivariate Method. Second
Edition. Pearson Addison-Wesley. Pub. Company, New York.


Requirements : ≥ 100 credits

Description :
Learn a simple definition of development economics, management, and accounting.
Explores examples of current research problems in economics. Explore and explain various
types of variables in economics research and model them. Understand and apply data
analysis methods that are often applied to current economics research.

Learning Goal :
After taking this course students are able to understand general economic concepts and
newest research problems in economics, understand the concepts of development
economics and newest research problems in development economics, understand
management concepts and newest research issues in management, understand the concept
of accounting and newest research problems in accounting, able to understand the types of
variables in economic research, be able to understand various methods of analyzing newest
data in economics, applying newest various data analysis methods in the economic field.

Subject of Course :
Explanation of the concept of economics and research approaches in economics, Several
newest statistical methods that are often used in Economics (Development Economics,
Management, and Accounting), Overview of Development Economics, Overview of
Management, Overview of Accounting, Research Variables in Economics, Management, and
Accounting, Statistical Modeling in Development Economics, Management, and Accounting,
Rules of data analysis in Economics.

Learning Strategy :
Lectures, assignments, discussion.
References :
1. Putong Iskandar, (2003), Pengantar Ekonomi Mikro dan Makro, Ghalia Indonesia.
2. Astuti, S., Solimun dan Darmanto. 2018. Analisis Multivariat: Teori dan Aplikasinya
dengan SAS. Malang: UB Press.
3. Solimun. 2002. Multivariate Analysis: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Malang:
Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang.
4. Solimun. 2010. Analisis Multivariat Pemodelan Struktural: Metode Partial Least Square-
PLS. Malang: CV Citra Malang
5. Solimun, Fernandes, A.A.R, dan Nurjannah. 2017. Metode Statistika Multivariat-
Pemodelan Struktural (SEM) Pendekatan WarpPLS. Malang: UB Press.


Requirements : -

Description :
Learn about the concepts and models of management information systems. In addition,
learns about the urgency, usefulness, and influence of information systems from various
perspectives: technology, business, economics, education, and government. Also explained
about success and failed management information system and efforts to control information
system to improve the quality of decision making and its influence on ethics and social.

Learning Goal :
 The students are able to master basic scientific concepts and statistical analysis methods
applied on computing, social science, humanities, economics, industry and life science.
 The students are able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking
independently when applied to science and technology that contain humanities values,
based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics with excellent and measurable
 The students are able to take appropriate decisions to solve the problems expertly,
based on the information and data analysis.
 The students are able to apply and internalize the spirit of independence, struggle,
entrepreneurship, based on values, norms, and academic ethics of Pancasila in all
aspects of life.

Subject of Course :
The concepts of information and system; The concepts of information system; The concept
of organization and management; Models in information systems; The concept of a
transaction / operational system; Expert system concept; Decision support system concept;
Knowledge system concept; Implementation of transaction systems with MS Access, E-
commerce, social media / social networking

References :
1. Sukoharsono, Eko Ganis. 2008. Sistem Informasi Manajemen. Malang: Surya Pena
2. McLeod, R. dan G. P. Schell. 2009. Management Information Systems. New Delhi:

SCIENCES (MAS62212) 2 credits

Requirements : -

Description :
This course aims to provide students with an integrated scientific insight into Mathematics
and Natural Sciences.

Learning Goal :
 The students are able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking
independently when applied to science and technology that contain humanities values,
based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics with excellent and measurable
 The students are able to take appropriate decisions to solve the problems expertly,
based on the information and data analysis.
 The students are able to improve and develop a job networks, then supervise and
evaluate the team’s performance they lead.
 The students are able to apply and internalize the spirit of independence, struggle,
entrepreneurship, based on values, norms, and academic ethics of Pancasila in all
aspects of life.

Subject of Course :
The characteristics of science, the definition of science from various perspectives and
analysis of scientific characteristics associated with Statistics. A variety of science topics are
based on the characteristics of science, the interaction of science and technology and how
science works in relation to Statistics science. Material and energy, energy sources, living
things and their environment, the universe and the solar system and earthly events
associated with Statistics. The scientific method, the application of scientific methods to
solve science problems in everyday life, covers the fields of Mathematics, Statistics, Physics,
Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Engineering and Economics and emphasizes Statistics in

References :
1. Hewitt, P. G., Lyons, S., Suchocki, J. A., Yeh, J. 2007. Conceptual Integrated Science. San
Francisco: Pearson Educations, Inc.
2. University of California. 2012. Understanding science: How science really work?.
Accessed from on August 10, 2012.
3. Erickson, B. H. dan Nosanchuck, T. A. 2002. Understanding Data. Ed. Ke-2. Berkshire:
Open University Press.


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