Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1
What is Psychology ?
Is Psychology Science ?
Unit 1-1
Introducing Psychology
The History of Psychology
Nature or Nurture ?
Philosophical and physiological view on mind
1. The concept of tabula rasa, or “blank slate” (the idea that human beings
come into the world knowing nothing, and thereafter acquire all of their
knowledge through experience), is most closely associated with
(A) Wilhelm Wundt
(B) Charles Darwin
(C) John Locke
(D) Sigmund Freud C
(E) Abraham Maslow
2. The concept of dualism refers to the division of all things in the world into
(A) thought and action
(B) body and spirit
(C) structural and functional
(D) theoretical and practical B
(E) dependent and independent
Psychological Science Is Born
Wave One:Structuralism vs. Functionalism
They seek to measure “atoms of the mind”—the fastest and simplest mental processes.
E.g. The sensation of red is understood as an element of conscious.
Methods: Introspection—The process of looking inward in an attempt to directly
observe one’s own psychological processes.
Functionalism(William James )
• function of the mind
• influenced by evolutionary theorists.
解构 vs. 建构
Ideas: the whole experience is often more than just the sum of parts of the experience.
Gestalt psychologists emphasized our tendency to integrate pieces of information into
meaningful wholes.
Gestalt ideas are becoming the basis for a therapeutic technique called Gestalt therapy.
Wave Three——Freudian psychology/Psychoanalysis
评价:While many therapists still use some of Freud’s basic ideas in helping clients, Freud
has been criticized for being unscientific and creating unverifiable theories.
Wave Four—Behaviorism
Ideas: Psychology should be an objective science that studies only observable behavior.
• Ivan Pavlov (Classical Conditioning Experiment)
• B. F. Skinner (Operant Conditioning Experiment)
• John B. Watson (Little Albert Experiment) Skinner
The Field of Psychology Today
Seven contemporary perspectives
• Abraham Maslow: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Carl Rogers: Client-Centered Therapy
Key word: growth potential, ideal self, freewill, self-actualization, needs, individual choice
• Humanistic theories are not easily tested by the scientific method.
• Today, humanism exists as a form of psychotherapy aimed at self-improvement.
2. Psychoanalytic /Psychodynamic Perspective 精神分析/取向动力
Ideas: the interaction of the forces of the conscious and unconscious mind shapes behavior.
Ideas: Human behavior might be caused by effects of our brain, genes, hormones, and
Representatives: Darwin
Ideas: How the natural selection of traits has promoted the survival of genes. Some
traits might be advantageous for survival, and these traits would be passed down from
the parents to the next generation.
How likely would you be to forgive either a sexual infidelity or an emotional one?
5. Behavioral Perspective 行为心理学
Ideas: They examine human thought and behavior in terms of how we interpret, process,
and remember environmental events, such as memory, language use, thinking, problem
solving, and decision making……
Key word: perception, interpret, negative thought, unrealistic expectations, irrational beliefs
Ideas: Social-cultural psychologists look at how our thoughts and behaviors vary
between cultures. They emphasize the influence culture has on the way we think and act.
Cognitive neuroscience
The interdisciplinary study of the brain activity linked with cognition (including perception,
thinking, memory, and language).
Biopsychosocial Approach
This modern perspective acknowledges that human thinking and behavior results from
combinations of biological, psychological, and social factors.
How they shed light on anger:
Behavioral Perspective
Biological Perspective:
Cognitive Perspective
Evolutionary Perspective
Humanist Perspective
Psychoanalytic Perspective
Social-Cultural Perspective
01 they shed light on anger:
10. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory has been criticized for being
(A) appropriate for female patients, but not male patients.
(B) only applicable to research settings, not therapy settings.
(C) based on large groups, not individual cases.
(D) unscientific and unverifiable. D
(E) too closely tied to behavioristic thought.
11. Which of the following psychologists might have described himself as a humanist?
(A) B. F. Skinner
(B) William James
(C) Abraham Maslow
(D) John Watson
(E) Ivan Pavlov
Subfields in Psychology
Basic research
basic research pure science
that aims to increase the scientific knowledge base.
developmental psychology
a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span.
educational psychology
the study of how psychological processes affect and can enhance teaching and learning.
personality psychology
the study of an individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.
social psychology
the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another
Applied research
industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology 工业组织心理学
the application of psychological concepts and methods to optimizing human behavior in workplaces.
leadership/job satisfaction/employee motivation……
positive psychology
The scientific study of human flourishing, with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths.
Positive psychology uses scientific methods to explore the building of a “good life” that engages our
skills and a “meaningful life” that points beyond ourselves.
community psychology 社区心理学
a branch of psychology that studies how people interact with their social environments and how
social institutions affect individuals and groups.
E.g. Preventive mental health
Applied research
counseling psychology
a branch of psychology that assists people with problems in living (often related to
school, work, or marriage) and in achieving greater well-being.
• science
✓ 关注有特殊身份的人物,比如“fist”