13 ZionismApartheid Periodical

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In their own
understanding the true nature of zionism
f I was an Arab
leader, I would never make of their respective times,
terms with Israel. That is natu-

ince the period of Western world domination, Britain and the United
ral: we have taken their coun- hegemony and colonialism, Zionism has been a States, the catastrophe
try. Sure, God promised it to thorn in the side of the lovers of justice, peace would not be where it is
us, but what does that matter
and oppressed peoples around the world. Zionist-con- today. Prior to the for-
to them? Our God is not
trolled Western media gives us a picture of "Israel" that mation of the state,
theirs, we come from Israel,
it's true, but two thousand makes it seem democratic, just and fair. It portrays any Britain assisted the
years ago, and what is that to forms of resistance as terrorist and evil. Our picture of Zionists in exporting
them? There has been anti- the situation has been tainted, diluted and censored by 610,000 Jews from vari-
Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, the very people who have been committing this blatant ous parts of the world to
Auschwitz, but was that their injustice and oppression for the last 53 years. It is Palestine to make way
fault? They only see one almost as if we have been getting told the story of for the eventual incep-
thing: we came here and stole World War II and its effects from the perspective of the tion of the illegitimate Zionist entity we know today as
their country. Why should they
racist and criminal Nazis. The reality of the situation is "Israel." From the illegal Balfour Declaration that
accept that?"
that Zionists have been oppressing, torturing, killing sought to establish a "national homeland for the Jews
-David Ben-Gurion,
and ethnically-cleansing Christians, Muslims, blacks, in Palestine" to the mass immigration projects of 1947,
former "Israeli" Prime Minister, quoted in The whites and any other color or ethnicity you can think Jews from all over the world were being sent in flocks
Jewish Paradox by Nathan Goldman, former
president of the World Jewish Congress. of, yet the world community has stood silent. to live in a place where they had no territorial affilia-
Ever since its inception over a century ago, Zionist tion with whatsoever. After the War of 1948 that saw
ideology and practice has sought to ethnically-cleanse the Zionists take over nearly three-fourths of Palestine
and "purify" Palestine from its original inhabitants. It and uproot over 750,000 native Palestinians from their
has always been the policy of the Zionists to find a homes, the handling of the Zionists was transferred
"One million Arabs are not state for Jews. Over 4 million Jews have been illegally from Britain to the U.S. No country has received more
worth a Jewish fingernail." moved to Palestine (with the assistance of Britain and foreign aid (gifts, not loans) than the Zionist entity
the United States), where they are given full arms and since 1967, the year of their complete takeover. Over
-Rabbi Ya'acov Perin in his eulogy at the
funeral of mass murderer Dr. Baruch encouragement to use force to uproot the Palestinians 25 percent of all American aid currently goes to the
New York Times, Feb. 24, 1994. from their native homeland. What we have witnessed Apartheid regime and since its illegal inception, "Israel"
as a result has been a Nakbah (Catastrophe) that has has received $85 billion in American aid. Since when
seen thousands of Palestinians killed and nearly 5 mil- did oppressors and usurpers of land deserve foreign aid?
lion left without homes, jobs, schools or places of reli- As the Zionists continue to colonize, torture and
gious worship, be they Muslim or Christian. ethnically-cleanse in the name of the "peace process"
"I have learned that the state People often wonder why the world community is and the Americans continue to fund them, we as peo-
of Israel cannot be ruled in so indifferent to the situation today in Palestine if the ple of conscious who stand for justice and the right of
our generation without deceit
"Israeli" atrocities are as bad as the Palestinians and self-determination of all people, feel it to be our basic
and adventurism."
their sympathizers make them seem. Since the incep- duty to expose Zionism, its evils and its effects. We
sharett, Israels first Foreign tion of the illegitimate state of "Israel," 70 U.N. propose for the rightful inhabitants of Palestine to be
and later a Prime Minister. Resolutions have been founded condemning the state allowed to return to their land, live with dignity, under
7 of Israel, by Simha Flapan, 1987.
of "Israel" for its unparalleled abuse of human rights, fundamental human rights and have the right to sover-
illegal usurpation of land and legalization of torture. eignty, self-determination and independence. The very
No country on earth has been the subject of more principles that Americans value so highly for them-
harsh U.N. resolutions than the state of "Israel." Of the selves continue to be denied to Palestinians with the
475 original Palestinian villages present before usurpa- unflinching support and funding of the United States.
"There is no such thing as a tion, 417 (87%) have been demolished and exploded, Zionist-controlled world media has been purposefully
Palestinian people... It is not many of them with people herded up and thrown distorting and misconstruing world events too long.
as if we came and threw them
inside before the explosions. The "Israeli"-apartheid They continue to flaunt guilt-rendering phrases like
out and took their country.
regime continues to build colonies, expand and occupy "Never again," but has it really been put into practice?
They didn't exist."
the holy city of al-Quds (Jerusalem), a land of great To find an honest answer, ask a Palestinian, Iraqi,
religious importance to Jews, Christians and Muslims Bosnian, Kosovar, East Timorese, or Cambodian to
i her statement to
'he Sunday Times alike. find that the answer is a resounding NO!
If it were not for the assistance of the world powers

page 2 ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid

proof of their relentless terror
a part of u.s.
history they don't
espite refusals to comment on the issue by the teach you in school
"D: (
Israeli government, the Israelis clearly have a size-
able nuclear arsenal. There are two interesting
loopholes in Israel's oft-repeated pledge never to be the first
to introduce nuclear weapons into the region: the U.S.
'introduced' weapons in the region in the 1950s when
nuclear bombs were stored in Dharan, Saudi Arabia and at
sea in the Mediterranean Sixth Fleet. Also, it is believed that
Israel might not keep her nuclear weapons fully assembled — keeping them a 'screw away from comple- Torpedo hole as seen from
tion." drydock in Malta
photos from http^/www.halcyon.com/jim/ussliberty/Iiberty.htm
"...the highly capable and well-equipped Israeli force would more than suffice in the nuclear weapons
delivery role, particularly with U.S.-supplied aircraft such as the F-4E and F-16. However, Israel has also
During the Six-Day War
produced ballistic missiles, against which its potential enemies have no defense. The Jericho I missile
between "Israel" and the Arab
suffices for its immediate adversary, Syria, and the Jericho II brings the entire Middle East under Israel's
States, the American intelli-
range, particularly Iran. The Shavit space launch booster could also be adapted to a long-range nuclear gence ship USS Liberty was
delivery role, and given the decision, Israel would be able to develop an intercontinental ballistic mis- attacked for 75 minutes in inter-
sile." national waters by "Israeli" air-
(http-.llwww. cdi. org/issues/nukef&fldatabase/nukestab. html) craft and motor torpedo boats.
Thirty-four men died and
Identified "Israeli" Weapons Facilities: 171 were wounded. Survivors
cite numerous falsehoods in
the "Israeli" account. "Israel"
8 strategic weapons plants
claims the attacking jets circled
2 airbases the ship three times looking for
2 missile factories

1. Dimona: Nuclear fuel depot. Once

described as a "textile factory." Produces 40 kg
' a flag and that no flag was
flown, contrary to reports by
sailors on the ship who state
otherwise. As Tom Clancy
writes in his book The Sum of
of weapons grade plutonium every year for the past 10-20 years. The entire facility is protected by U.S.
anti-aircraft defenses. All Fears; "The key to it, Qati
2. Rafael: Missile development site. Rafael is the "Israeli" ministry of defenses high-tech weapons and knew, was whether or not the
Americans would put real pres-
research development organization. A 1987 Pentagon report describes warheads and March 7 re-entry
sure on the Zionists. They'd
vehicles for "Israel's" ballistic missiles as being developed at Rafael. Advanced rocket motors and anti-
never done so. They'd allowed
ballistic missiles are under development here as well. the Israelis to attack an
3. Nes Zionyaa: A chemical/biological warfare facility. American warship and kill
4. The Bor: "Israel's" strategic underground command post located beneath defense ministry complex in American sailors - and forgiven
Tel Aviv. them before the bleeding had
5. Soreq: Wesapons research. Soreq is the equivalent of the U.S. national weapons lab and is considered stopped, before the last victim
by the Pentagon to be among the most sophisticated operations in the world. had died. When American mili-
6. Tirosh: Nuclear storage clearly visible from space. tary forces had to fight for every
dollar of funds from their own
Congress, the same spineless
2 main airbases 2 main missile facilities 2 main missile facilities
body of political whores fell
1. Be'er ykov 1. Tel Nof Air Base 1. Be'er ykov over itself giving arms to the
2. Hirbat Zekharyah 2. Palmikhim Air Base 2. Hirbat Zekharyah Jews." The attack on the USS
Liberty remains the only major
Satellite photos have been taken of many of these facilities. The most specific and detailed information maritime incident in all U.S. his-
about "Israel's" nuclear weapons program was made public by a former mid-level technician named tory that has not been publicly
Mordechai Vanunu. Vanunu worked at the Machon 2 facility of the Dimona plant. He worked there investigated by Congress.
Source: Assault on the Liberty (Random House
for 9 years until his involvement in pro-Palestinian politics led to his dismissal in 1986. Vanunu has 1980; Ballantine 1986).
claimed that "Israel" possessed fusion boosted weapons, and has developed hydrogen bomb technology.
ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid
the plight of the A PEOPLE WITHOUT A LAND
refugees... the Palestinian refugee crisi

UN Resolution 194 (III) of CC Because we took the land, this

December 11,1948:
gives us the image of being bad,
) to return to their of being aggressive. The Jews
homes and live at peace with
their neighbors should be permit- always considered that the land
ted to do so at the earliest practi- belonged to them, but in fact it
cable date, and that compensa-
tion should be paid for the prop- belonged to the Arabs. I would
erty of those choosing not to go further: I would say the origi-
return and for loss of or damage
to property which, under princi- nal source of the conflict lies
ples of international law or in the with Israel, with the Jews - and
equity, should be made good by
the Governments or authorities you can quote me on that. 55
responsible." Also, the articles of
-Chief of "Israeli" Military Intelligence,
the Fourth Geneva Convention of
quoted in the Armed Forces Journal
1949 provide the legal grounds
for the return of the Palestinian
International, October 1973 Distribution of Palestinian
refugees to their lands and Population Worldwide

T he United Nations Relief Works Agency's

(UNRWA) latest figures show that there
were some 3,573,382 Palestinian refugees
registered with the agency in 1998. While the
number reflects those Palestinians registered with
Nothing demonstrates more UNRWA, these figures by no means include all West Bank 1,869,818
sharply the uncanny power of Gaza Strip 1,020,813
the refugees, since many failed to register with the
modern propaganda to con-
UN agency. UNRWA's definition of "Palestine WBGS residents living abroad 325,258
trol minds, sway emotions
and brutalize people than the refugees" and their descendants "shall mean any Areas Occupied since 1948 953,497
Zionist propaganda on the person whose normal place of residence was Total Inside Palestine: 4,169,386
Arab refugees during the past Palestine during the period June 1, 1946 to May
decade. It literally succeeded 15, 1948 and who lost both his home and means
in turning black into white, a of livelihood as a result of the 1948 conflict." The
blatant lie into a truth, a grave
war did not end on May 15, 1948, however. It
social injustice into an act of continued and more people were displaced after Jordan 2,328,308
justice glorified by thousands. Lebanon 430,183
the conclusion of an armistice agreement in 1949.
It has turned clever people Syria 465,662
with more than average intel- In a study conducted by the United States
Census Bureau, the number of Palestinians in the Egypt 48,784
ligence into starry-eyed fools,
sixteen Middle Eastern and North African coun- Saudi Arabia 274,762
believing everything they are
tries was estimated to be 6,450,000. Today, the Kuwait and Gulf area 143,274
told, and has converted kindly
and gentle men and women majority of Palestinians are living outside histori- Libya and Iraq 74,284
with a strong sense of mercy cal Palestine, and most, if not all, are unable to Other Arab countries 5,544
into fanatics, insensible to the return to their homeland. The refugees are a sub- The Americas 203,588
suffering of any people section of this larger Palestinian population, Other countries 259,248
except their own. In no other Total Outside Palestine: 4,233,637
whose members have been living a life of exile
way can this writer explain
many paradoxes which the throughout the world. TOTAL Palestinian
Arab refugee problem has The Zionists say that "Israel" is too small to Population Worldwide 8,403,023
created in Jewish life." take back the refugees that were expelled in 1948.
If "Israel" is too small, then how does the land
accommodate the 800,000 Russian and Eastern Sources: PCBS, Population Census, 1997 and Palestine
European Jews who have been streaming into 1948 - 50 years after Al-Nakba, Palestinian Return
the book, Be>
Redemption, I Centre, London, 1998
"Israel" since the collapse of the Soviet Union?

page 4 ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid

against zionist aggression house of Arafat
HIZBULLAH an oppressor to the
fighting oppression in lebanon Palestinian people

Overview: Although their primary goal has always been resistance to "Israeli" "The prize that Arafat got for his
expansion into southern Lebanon, Hizbullah operates a wide array of social wel- cooperation in the Paris
Economical Summit of 1994 was
fare programs. They construct hospitals, institutions for higher learning, research all the profits of the oil taxes. Big
institutes, orphanages and centers for the physically disabled. They give financial money, Big corruption. But before
assistance to young couples to construct businesses, and train people for trades in we blame the Palestinians for
handicraft, agriculture, etc. Their humanitarian assistance is available to the entire going along with that, we should
remember that Arafat and his cor-
local population, regardless of religious denomination, or even religion. rupt administration could not have
stayed in power, if not for the
Current Situation: Hizbullah scored an important victory on May 25, 2000, when Israeli army that has never left
after 22 years of occupation, they forced "Israel" to withdraw from Southern the territories."
Lebanon. A strong, stable force in an unstable region, the Hizbullah have, in -Prof. Tanya Reinhart
many instances, successfully resisted "Israeli" aggression and illegal expansion into Yediot Aharonot, April 7, 1997

southern Lebanon. The Hizbullah mainly attacks "Israeli" army posts, while the
Zionist army responds by indiscriminately shelling defenseless Lebanese cities "Within the Palestinian Authority
and villages - including heavily-populated Beirut - killing innocent civilians. This occurred during the Qana (PA) [under Arafat's control] there
massacre in April 1996, in which 1,000 helpless civilians were attacked in a United Nations refugee facility. is an office entitled General
Hizbullahs political ideology is pan-Islamic and therefore anti-nationalist, anti-Imperialist, anti-American and Control (GCO). In May it issued a
report that included a startling
fervently anti-Zionist. Hizbullahs leaders see the formation of an Islamic Republic of Lebanon as merely a prel- claim: because of corruption,
ude to the liberation of Jerusalem - as well as the rest of th Holy Land - and the establishment of a universal $326 million, roughly one fourth
Islamic political system without reference to current political borders within the Islamic world. of the PAs budget, disappeared
in 1996."

fighting oppression in Palestine -Roni Ben Efrat

Corruption Under Arafat: the Legislators
Overview: Hamas is the Islamic Resistance Movement, specifically
a Palestinian movement uprising against "Israeli" occupation and
in support of the liberation of Palestine. It is composed of admin- "Israel has transferred slightly
istrative, charitable, political and military elements. Most of over NIS 1.5 billion [about $350
Hamas funds and efforts are directed toward assisting the popu- million] in tax refunds to
lace. Sarah Roy, a visiting scholar at Harvard University, notes, Palestinian Chair Yasser Arafat's
personal bank account at a Tel
"Hamas runs the best social network in the Gaza Strip... struc- Aviv branch of Bank Leumi, since
tured and well organized, Hamas is trusted by the poor (Gaza's the signing of the economic
overwhelming majority) to deliver on its promises." Senior offi- agreements with the Palestinian
cials at the U.N. Relief Works Agency acknowledge that Hamas Authority in April 1994.
is the only faction they trust to distribute UNRWA food dona- -Ronen Bergman
tions to the people. Its funds are used in helping the poor, build- Ha'aretz Correspondent

ing mosques and schools and other charitable work. The group
helps create economic programs establishing self-sufficiency for "The Palestinian Authority's
the people. Its leaders have a deserved reputation for honesty in 'deplorable' human rights record
Shaykh Ahmad Yasin is one has been extensively document-
financial affairs. They tend to live modestly, often in poverty. In
ed. Without extenuating PA culpa-
the Gaza Strip, for example, their homes are not situated in the wealthiest neighborhoods, as are the homes of bility, it bears recalling that Israel
so many notables of Fatah - a Palestininan movement founded by Yasser Arafat. Owing to that, they are more recruited Arafat precisely in order
in touch with the ordinary people. to facilitate repression. Thus
Rabin boasted that the PA would
quell Palestinian resistance."
Current Situation: Hamas issued long-term goals in April 1994, saying it is NOT opposed to the principle of
peace as long as: 1) "Israel" completely withdraws from the occupied territories; 2) setders are disarmed and -Norman Finkelstein
settlements dismanded; 3) international forces are placed on the green line established in the occupied territo- Securing the Occupation, Nc
28, 1998
ries during the 1948 and 1967 wars. Hamas has been careful to avoid an inter-Palestinian conflict. It has for-
bidden the use of violence as a solution to factional differences.

ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid page 5

Zionist massacres
human rights violations
April 9-10, 1948: The massacre "Israel's policy of destruction of Palestinian homes, cou-
that became the symbol of Zionist pled with tight restrictions and discriminatory practices "The Supreme Court [of Israel] ruled in November
aggression for the Palestinians as
against Palestinians applying for building permits has 1997 that administrative detention could be used to
well as Zionist treachery. For two
days Zionist terrorists killed men, resulted in losses of homes for over 16,700 Palestinians hold Lebanese nationals as "bargaining chips" — in
women and children. They raped (including 7,300 children) since 1987." effect, hostages — even though the detainees were not
women and stole their jewelry. -United Nations, Special Committee Report into Investigations of themselves a threat to state security. The longest-held
Around 250 people were murdered Israeli Human Rights Practices Against Palestinians and other Arabs
in cold blood. Of them 25 pregnant administrative detainee, Ahmad Qatamesh, was
in Occupied Territories. released on April 15, after being held almost six years
women were bayoneted in the
abdomen while still alive. 52 chil- without charge."
dren were maimed in front of their "Since 1967, Israel has confiscated an estimated 60% -Human Rights Watch, World Report 1999.
mothers. of the West Bank, 33% of the Gaza Strip and 33% of
the Palestinian land are in Jerusalem for public, semi- "Israel's methods of extracting information from
NASER AL-DIN MASSACRE public and private use in order to create Israeli military detainees includes abuses such as position abuse, hood-
| zones, settlements, industrial areas, elaborate 'by-pass' ing, prolonged sleep deprivation, exposure to immense-
roads, and quarries, as well as to hold 'State land' for ly loud music, violent shaking, threats, and chilling by
entered this village dressed as
Arab fighters. The people of the vil- exclusive Israeli use." cold air which are in breach of the Convention against
lage went out to greet the new- -Submitted by Giorgio Giocamelli, pursuant to the Commission on
comers. The terrorists met them Human Rights, United Nations.
with a barrage of gun fire. All the
houses of the village were then
"According to interior ministry officials, 1,641
razed to the ground.
Palestinians and their families lost their right to reside
in Jerusalem between 1996, when the policy began,
BEIT DARAS MAS and August 1998. 500 other cases were under review.
men and chil-
e, they were met Individuals who lost residency rights also lost health
by the surrounding Zionist army insurance and social benefits, and risked being barred
who massacred them despite the from re-entering Jerusalem."
fact that they were women and -Human Rights Watch, World Report 1999.
children fleeing the fighting.
"In 1999, 4 Palestinian children were killed and 102
DAHMASH MOSQUE were injured, 82 by Israeli soldiers, 19 by settlers and 1
MASSACRE by both. 47 of these children were injured by rubber- Torture."
Commando Battalion, led by coated steel bullets, 3 by live ammunition, 44 by beat- -United Nations, Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices
>he Dayan, occupied Lydda, ings, 5 by being run over by vehicles, and 3 by tear-gas affecting Human Rights of Palestinian People and other Arabs of
Zionists told Arabs through loud- inhalation." Occupied Territories.
speakers that if they went inside a -United Nations, Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices
certain mosque (Muslim place of affecting Human Rights of Palestinian People and other Arabs of "The Committee on the Elimination of Racial
worship), they would be safe. In
Occupied Territories. Discrimination reviewed Israels periodic report on
retaliation for a hand grenade
attack after the surrender that March 4 and 5, and found the convention to be 'far
killed several Israeli soldiers, 80- "...around 70 percent of children in the Gaza Strip from fully implemented in Israel and the Occupied
100 Palestinians were massacred have been exposed to 4 or 5 traumatic events such as Palestinian Territory.'"
in the mosque.
tear-gas inhalation, night raids on the home, humilia- -Human Rights Watch, World Report 1999.
tion and/or beating of parents in front of them by
Israeli forces and imprisonment." "The Committee against Torture reviewed Israel's peri-
October 29,1948: The following is -Submitted by Giorgio Giacomelli, Special Rapporteur pursuant to odic report on May 14 and 18, and reiterated its posi-
the testimony of a soldier who par-
ticipated in the occupation of the Commission on Human Rights, United Nations. tion that Israeli interrogation practices violated Articles
village of Dawayma: 1, 2, and 16 of the convention, which define torture
".. .furthermore, during the past ten years 46,000 kids and cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment or treat-
"They killed between 80 to 100 under the age of 18 have become disabled due to the ment and the state's obligation to prevent it."
Arab men women and children. To
use of live ammunition and metal coated rubber bul- -Human Rights Watch, World Report 1999.
kill children they fractured their
heads with sticks. There was not lets by the Israeli army. An additional 34,000 adults
one home left without corpses." over the age of 18 have also become disabled by the
Israeli army."
pages -Islamic Association of Palestine, 1998 ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid

ZIONIST TORTURE Zionist massacres

December 13,1947:

(near Petah Tekva, the first Zionist
settlement to be established) met

rhaps most notable in "Israeli" practice is the at the local coffee house when
[istitutionalization of torture as a normal part they saw a British army patrol
»f the interrogation process in dealing with enter the village. They felt a sense
Palestinians. This was well established in a London of security especially since Jewish
Times investigation back in 1977, but it has been terrorists had murdered 12
maintained and eventually enlarged in response to Palestinians the previous day. The
four cars stopped in front of the
the Intifadah, and given open, official legal status. A
coffee house and out stepped men
report of Justice Moshe Landau in October 1987 during or after "interrogation." In one case in 1992, dressed in khaki uniforms and
concluded that "moderate physical pressure" is legit- a young man named Al-Akawi, brought to court steel helmets. It soon became
imate when interrogating Palestinians, which led after "moderate physical pressure," looked so badly apparent, however, that they had
one Israeli Knesset member to ask: At what voltage beaten and unwell that the judge took the "unusual not come to protect the villagers,
does an electric current applied to one's testicles stop step" of giving the Shin Bet only eight more days for but were Zionists disguised as
being "moderate physical pressure?" This gross per- interrogation. But by 5 p.m. the next day the British troopers.
They sprayed a barrage of bullets
version of human and civil rights became Israeli law authorities summoned Al-Akawi s father to come
into the crowd that had gathered
and legitimized torture, without any reaction what- and remove his son's body. inside the coffee house killing
ever from the West. many of the patrons. Some of the
- Edward S. Herman
It is now standard practice to handcuff, blind- "Israeli Apartheid And Terrorism"
invaders placed bombs next to
fold, insult and beat, and often further torture www. Ibbs. org/zmag/articles/may94herman. html Arab homes while others tossed
Palestinian prisoners, including small children, grenades at civilians. For a while it
seemed as if the villagers would be
many of whom are psychologically shattered by
annihilated, but a real British patrol
their experience in the hands of security police (Shin happened to pass by, ending the
Bet, also called Shabak) interrogators. An April well organized, Zionist raid.
1992 report by the Israeli human rights group
B'Tselem estimated that 5,000 Palestinians had been AL-SHEIKH VILLAGE
tortured in the prior year, or some 420 per month. MASSACRE
Every few months there is a small back page article January 1,1948:
about another Palestinian prisoner who died in jail
ists armed with
hand grenades and machine guns
crossed into al-Shaikh village.
They attacked the houses on the
edges of the village with hand-
grenades and machine-guns,
killing around 40 of the Palestinian

HH I! j | inhabitants of the village, mostly

women and children.

^^^ January 1,1948:
lysician, Dr.
Baruch Goldstein, stormed in on a
group of worshippers in the
Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron and
opened fire on them. In doing this
"In k by act, he wished to materialize the
||||,E | Human mization, dream of the typical Zionist move-
llli't' (bul aeli ment of annihilating the Arab exis-
forces is misleading that the tence in Palestine. Goldstein, who
rubber-coated metallic bullets are deadly was killed during this massacre,
despite their name." was later hailed as a hero for his
-Israel Wire, 1997
ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid
Prior fo th
w e have settled
l a n d , a l l t h e Ai"abs
be able to d o a b o u t it
1947 UN
>n (JCA)
will be to scurry around likt jtlore Herzl.
. n g u i i u i i Journalist a n d writer,
drugged cockroaclies
Partition in a bottle."
or J u d e n s t a a t , a d v o c a t i n g e s t a b l i s h m e n t
itale in Pa r elsewhere 190] - Pressured b y E u r o p e a n powers. O t t o m a r
g o v e r n m e n t a l l o w s l o r e l g n Zionists to b u y l a n d I r
Northern Palestine
(i w a v e ot Zionist m a s s
- Chief o f Staff of the ; to Palestine begins.
Israeli Defence Forces 1912 - E u r o p e a n p o w e r s r e n e w pressure
on O t t o m a n g o v e r n m e n t to taclUtate
Zionist l a n d a c q u i s i t i o n In Palestine
' c r e l a r y o{ State BaUour
ipport lor a " J e w i s h n a t i o n a l
e" m the BaUour D e c l a r a t i o n , 1923 - Polish Zionist l e a d e r V l a d l m l i
J a b o t l n s k y c a l l s for forcible
c o l o n i z a t i o n of Palestine a n d T r a n s j o r d a r

1947 Total J e w i s h population In Pcj

••'• • " • I t Palesiinl
le land 1948 - UN Partition P l a n - 56% of lane
Six D a y d e s i g n e d tor a c c o m m o d a t i o n ot J e w i s h stat<
w h i l e 46% g i v e n to the n a t i v e Palestinians

War P a l e s t i n i a n s protest p r o p o s e d d e a l

1948 W a r - "Israel" usurps 75% of the l a n d .

W'l, a y War - ' I s r a e l " o c c u p i e s 56 - S e c o n d A r a b - l s r a e l l W a r - "Israel" a t t a c k ;

East J e r u s a l e m a n d West Bank, both Egypt after n a t i o n a l i z a t i o n of Suez C a n a l C o
until t h e n a d m i n i s t e r e d b y J o r d a n , a n d later retreat;
a s w e l l a s G a z a Strip a n d S l n a l p e n i n s u l a ,
a n d Syria's G o l a n Heights.
- "Israeli" F o r c e s atlaclc t h e U.S.S. Liberty
fgyp^ in a three hour raid, k i l l i n g 34 U.S. n a v a l c r e w m a n ,
1973 1 - o u r l h A r a b "Israeli" War; often k n o w r
w o u n d i n g 171 others a n d s i n k i n g life boats.
a s O c t o b e r War. Egypt r e o c c u p i e s part of S l n a l .
S y r i a a t t a c k s G o l a n Heights. T h e w a r l e a d s tc
d i s e n g a g e m e n t a g r e e m e n t s with Syrlc
1 97H "Israeli" O c c u p a t i o n a n d Egypt In 197
;i L e b a n o n
• of 1979 - E g y p t i a n P r e s l d e n
H| Palestine i ,. . jrcBS l a u n c h "Operation P e a c e Anwar Sadat a n d 'Israeli
lor G a l i l e e " I n v a s i o n of L e b a n o n . Prime Minister M e n a c h e n
P a l e s t i n i a n g u e r i l l a o r o u p s forced to B e g i n s i g n US-sponsorec
C a m p David p e a c e accord;

1987 - Start of Intifadah, o:

"uprising" a g a i n s t I s r a e l i o c c u p a t l o r
In G a z a Strip, West B a n k a n c
East J e r u s a l e n
1993 - " I s r a e l i ' Prime Mini
" W e have t o kill all : a n d PLO l e a d e r Yasser
.1,,, P.. 1 . . . , , 1 , ^ . . Arafat s i g n Oslo A c c o r d s
in W a s h i n g t o n
p r o v i d i n g for five-year
transition towards t a l k s '6 - R a b i n a s s a s s i n a t e d In T e
o n final p e a c e settlement. Aviv b y J e w i s h Extremist
Y l g a l Ami:

1998 - Wye River A a r e e m e n t s i g n e d

b e t w e e n N e t a n y a l i u a n d Arafat. 1999 - C o n t i n u e d d i s p o s s e s s i o n
displacement a n d dlasporc
ot the P a l e s t i n i a n people

x-lsiaeli president
S h a r o n is e l e c t e d Prime Minlste:
iy o f Z i o n i s m . " 1985. p.34 of "Israel" i n F e b r u a r y . Th«
2000 - Ariel S h a r o n visits the Muslim Holy Site, t h e I n t i f a d a h intenslflei
H a r a m al-Sharlf, p r o v o k i n g t h e a l - A q s a I n t i f a d a h .

l O N I S M : The Foraotten ADartheid Z I O N I S M : T h e Foraotten Aoartheid

No other country has had more
U.H. resolutions against it than
"Israel." here is only a partial to the world
list. Native Americans and Palestinians:
the comparisons are apparent
Expressed strongest censure of Israel for
the first time because of its raid on Qibya. "Native to their lands, Colonized by another people, Told
Resolution 106 (March 29,1955) there was a way to live peacefully together, Then violently
Condemned Israel for Gaza raid. removed from their own land, Then forced onto small
Resolution 127 (January 22,1958): reservations of land, Then slowly had even that land
Recommended Israel to suspend its no- taken away by home demolitions and new settler
man's zone in Jerusalem.
colonies, only to end up treated by the colonizers as
Resolution 228 (November 25,1966): obstacles to peace and not as people."
Censured Israel for its attack on Samu in
- Zoughbi Zoughbi,
Resolution 248 (March 24,1968):
Condemned Israel for its massive attack on The Visit (To Indian Reservations), AMEU December, 1999.
Karameh in Jordan.

Resolution 251 (May 2,1968):

Deeply deplored Israel's military parar1 "In 1981 Leo Gleser, "co-owner" of International
loniool^m onH H^l^rec| JnvaHd Israel o av^o
Security and Defense Systems (ISDS) - a leading Israeli "security" firm identified repeatedly as an Israeli
entity - began building Battalion 316, a unit of Honduran military intelligence which disappeared, tor-
Resolution 256 (August 16,1968):
Condemned Israeli raids on Jordan as 'fla-
tured, then killed its victims."
grant violation'. - Israeli Foreign Affairs April, 1989.

solution 259 (September 27,1968):

lored Israel's refusal to accept UN mis- SOUTH AFRICA
"1986-91. Israel trained members of Inkatha hit squads aimed at African National Congress, a disillu-
Resolution 280 (May 19, 1970): sioned former leader of Zulu organization has revealed."
Condemned Israeli attacks against Lebanon. - Israeli Foreign Affairs, February 20, 1992.
Resolution 347 (April 24, 1974):
Condemned Israeli attacks on Lebanon. GUATEMALA
Resolution 425 (March 19, 1978): "1970-87. Violence by security forces organized by CIA, trained in torture by advisors from Argentina
oll/3d on Israel to withdraw its forces uncon- and Chile and supported by weapon/computer experts from Israel."
- Marshall, J., Scott P.D., and Hunter, J., The Iran-Contra Connection, 1987.
m 467 (April 24, 1980):
ed Israel's military intervention in
"Israel has also been involved with the Mozambican "contras." the South African-backed MNR
ution 497 (December 17,1981):
3d Israel's annexation of Syria's Golan (Mozambique National Resistance or "Rename"), which has brought great economic and social distress
its is 'null and void' and demanded that to Mozambique."
rescind its decision forthwith.
- Jane Hunter, Israeli Foreign Policy, 1987.
'ution 498 (December 18,1981):
. on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon.
ution 573 (October 4,1985): "It was no surprise. Noriega had undergone military and intelligence training
3mned Israel vigorously for bombing
ia in attack on PLO Headquarters.
in Israel, jumped five times with Israeli paratroopers, and - like Uganda's
deposed dictator Idi Amin - proudly wore his Israeli paratrooper wings on
lution 636 (July 6,1989):
his uniform for many years afterward. Although critics say America "bought
y regretted the Israeli deportation of
^tinians. and paid for" Noriega, he was also an Israeli creation and a great admirer of
the ruthless Israeli way, as was Amin, the most brutal despot in 20th century
Resolution 799 (December 19,1992):
Deplored Israel's mass deportation of some African history."
400 Palestinians and called for their immedi- - Richard H. Curtiss, What You Won't Read About Michael Harari, Washington Report
February 1, 1990. Panamas Manuel

page 10 ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid

The massacre
Ariel Sharon at Qibya
portrait of a zionist war criminal r 14-15,1953
:t of an
s carried out
by units from the regular army and in
which a variety of weapon types
On Feb. 6, 2001, Ariel Sharon was elected Prime lined up against were used. On the evening of
October 14th, an "Israeli" military
Minister of "Israel." CNN calls Sharon "a barrel- walls, tied by their
force estimated at about 600 soldiers
framed veteran general who has built a reputation hands and feet, and moved toward the village. Upon
for flattening obstacles and reshaping 'Israel's' land- then mowed down arrival, it surrounded it and cordoned
gangland-style with it off from all of the other Arab vil-
scape." As the rest of the brain-washed world con-
lages. The attack began with con-
tinues to buy into the propaganda spewed by the fusillades of machine- centrated, indiscriminate artillery fire
mass media, we must look into history to deter- gun fire." on the homes in the village. This
mine who Ariel Sharon is. Sharon is a war crimi- continued until the main force
reached the outskirts of the village.
nal, not only according to those who have been Meanwhile, other forces headed for
affected by his wrath, but by his very own govern- * Souad Srour Al-Mere'eh is one of the survivors nearby Arab towns such as Shuqba,
ment. of the massacre. She was only 14 years old when Badrus and Na'lin in order to distract
them and prevent any aid from
her family was terrorized in the Shatila camps.
reaching the people in Qibya. They
* Spring 1982. "Israel" invades Lebanon. After a "They ("Israelis") know he is a butcher and they also planted mines on various roads
two month offensive, which kills more than 17,000 still want him as their leader," she said. As a young so as to isolate the village complete-
girl, she was witness as three militiamen raided her ly. As units of the "Israeli" army were
people, mostly civilians, the PLO, under U.N. pro-
attacking the village residents, units
tection, withdraws from Beirut, leaving their home, lined her up with her 12-member family of military engineers were placing
unarmed families behind. against the wall and machine-gunned them, leaving explosives around some of the hous-
them bleeding and dying. Her three brothers and es in the village and blowing them up
with everyone in them. This attack
* Sept. 16, 1982. Start of a brutal, 3-day massacre two sisters were killed on the spot. Her wounded continued until 4:00 A.M., October
which claimed the lives of over 2,000 people in the father also died but not before he saw the militia- 15,1953, at which time the "Israeli"
Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. The men returning to rape his daughter. Souad recalls, forces withdrew to the bases from
which they had begun.
62-hour rampage included the murder of infants, "I was already wounded and bleeding when they
children, women (including pregnant women) and raped me. They did it in front of my injured father, This terrorist attack resulted in the
the elderly, some of whom were disembowled then shot him dead. They also shot me in the left destruction of 56 homes, the village
arm and hit me with a rifle butt on my head before mosque, the village school and the
before or after they were killed.
water tank. Moreover, 67 citizens
they left." lost their lives, both men and
* Sept. 16, 1982. Sharon announces 2,000 "ter- women, with many others wounded.
rorists" remain in the Sabra and Chatila camps. * Mariam Saleh, another survivor, recalls how she
Ariel Sharon, the commander of the
These mythical "terrorists" prompt a small advance saw militiamen throwing Palestinian boys in a huge "101" unit which undertook the terror-
by "Israeli" tanks - contrary to an agreement with crater they had dug with a bulldozer on the out- ist aggression, stated that his lead-
Washington - towards the Palestinian camps. A skirts of the camps and the bulldozer dumping ers' orders had been clear with
regard to how the residents of the vil-
French U.N. officer who tries to photograph the sand on them. "They buried them alive," she said.
lage were to be dealt with. He says,
advance is shot dead by an "unknown" sniper. 'The orders were utterly clear: Qibya
Sharon repeats his claim that "terrorists" remained * Sharon was forced to resign his ministerial post was to be an example to everyone."
in the camps. in 1983 after an "Israel" inquiry found him "indi-
The government of "Israel" claimed
rectly responsible" for the massacres of Palestinian that the massacre was carried out by
* As the Christians prepared to bury their assassi- refugees in the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon "civilian Jewish settlers." But records
nated President-elect Bashir Gemayal, Sharon by Lebanese Christians. showed that it was sanctioned by
acting Prime Minister Moshe
orders the "Israeli" army into west Beirut to Sharrett, and was planned by
"restore order." "Israelis" then ask the Christian This is the legacy of Ariel Sharon; the legacy of a Defense Minister Pin Has Lavon, the
Phalange - armed and uniformed by "Israel" and Zionist war criminal. And, it is Ariel Sharon who is Chief of General Staff Mordacai
Maklet, and Chief of Operations,
allied to "Israel" since 1976 - to enter the "Israeli"- the current leader of the state of "Israel."
General Moshe Dayan. On October
surrounded camps to "liquidate" the "terrorists." 26th, General Van Bennike testified
before the UN Security Council. He
* Witness to the scene of the Sabra and Shatila Sources: gave irrefutable evidence that the
attack on Qibya was undertaken by
massacres, New York Times columnist Thomas Robert Fisk, The Independent, February 6, 2001 regular army units of "Israel" and not
Friedman writes, "Mostly I saw groups of young Islamic Association for Palestine by irregulars as claimed by official
men in their twenties and thirties who had been www. arabia. com "Israeli" sources.

ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid

a history of intifadeh's in occupied palestine
The Qana Massacre

ought shel-
The Intifadahs of 1987 and al-Aqsa, 2000-2001
ter at a United Nations complex
in Qana from "Israel's" -In December 1987, An "Israeli" Army truck killed four
"Operation Grapes of Wrath," Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
an attempt to destroy Hizballah
bases in southern Lebanon. -The next day, the Gaza Strip Palestinians confronted the sol-
diers with rocks in response to, or in honor of, their four dead
The "Israeli" army fired 13
brothers. The "Israelis" killed one Palestinian, mortally
155mm howitzer shells at the
UN compound, killing 102 men, wounded another, and wounded 15.
women, children, and babies,
and injuring hundreds more. -Unrest spread to the West Bank. Palestinians began a sus-
tained uprising. After 10 days, "Israeli" soldiers had killed 17
Despite an "Israeli" reconnais- Palestinians.
sance aircraft flying near the
U.N. compound and sophisti- -By the end of the month the United Nations Security , a raiestmian ooy, was snot ar
cated weaponry, Shimon Peres, Council approved a resolution that "strongly deplored"
killed by the Zionist occupation soldiers on
among others, claimed it was November 9,2000 - only a few days after
"Israel's" brutal handling of the Palestinian protests.
an accident. "Israel" claimed this photo was taken. A rock in the hand of a
they were aiming for Hizbullah Palestinian is considered to be a weapon of
soldiers in the area. -"Israel" incarcerated nearly a thousand Palestinian protesters. mass destruction, while the Zionists are
armed with nuclear weapons and they are
-"It is unlikely that the shelling -"Israel's" brutality was criticized by the United States and Drily considered to be "defending their inter-
of the United Nations com- England. In response to the worldwide outrage at their treat- ests against hostile elements." Look at this
pound was the result of gross ment of the uprising Palestinians, "Israel" announced that it picture and judge for yourself whether or
technical and/or procedural would seal off the Occupied Territories. Journalists were not not this is a fair fight.
to be allowed in without a military escort.
-Maj. Gen. Frank van Kappen in the U.N. report
on the Qana attack. -The U.S. State Department's human rights report criticized "Israel" for using gunfire against Palestinian
\mnesty International's dele-
ation which included high- -By 1989, 85 Israelis and about 900 Palestinians had been killed in the Intifadah.
inking military experts, con- (from Arabs and Israel by Ron David.J
uded, "...on the basis of all
ie information available,
Amnesty International believes
iat the IDF intentionally -In October 2000, "Israeli" leader Ariel Sharon, surrounded by more than a thousand armed soldiers, visit-
ttacked the compound." This ed al-Haram al-Sharif(The Noble Sanctuary) in Jerusalem, known to Jews as Temple Mount.
fas based on the precision of
sraeli" targets acquisition sys- -His visit was a provocation and declaration that "Israel" claims complete and sole control over the region
5m, timing of the attack, and and that Palestinians have no right to al-Haram al-Sharif.
equence and dispersion pat-
3rn of the shells fired. "Israel" -This sparked massive protests by Palestinians, because Sharon was responsible for the murder of more
laimed the Resistance fired
than 800 Palestinians at Sabra and Shatila in the "Israeli" invasion of Lebanon in 1982.
lortar shells at its troops close
D the UN camp, so it respond-
sd to mortars. -United Nations Resolution 1322 by the General Assembly condemned "Israel's" excessive use offeree. It
also called for the prevention of illegal acts of violence by "Israeli" settlers.

-By May 2001, more than 450 Palestinians, many of them children, have been killed in the uprising, while
about 80 Israelis were killed in the same period.

(from cnn.com, msnbc.com, iviews.com)

page 12 ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid

Total U.S. Aid To
THE PRICE WE PAY, "Israel, "1948-1997
u.s. foreign aid to "israel"

When it comes to U.S. aid to "Israel," American No Money for Jewish Settlements! Grants: $23 billion
taxpayers are kept in the dark by politicians of both
parties and by the media. You will never hear your U.S. aid to "Israel" is given in a lump sum amount Jewish Refugee Resettlement
Grant: $868,900,0000
local politician or your local media outlet speak in with no oversight or accountability. U.S. aid is used
the open about the level and breadth of U.S. aid to to support "Israel's" expansion of West Bank settle- Food for peace program
"Israel." It is U.S. taxpayers money that is funding ments, and the blatant disregard of Palestinian Loans: $588,500,000
Grants: $94,100,000
the "Israeli" military occupation, making it possible human rights.
for "Israel" to expand settlements and imprison and Export-Import Bank Loan
torture innocent civilians. This aid is voted on by Yossi Sarid, a member of the "Israeli" Knesset states: $1,219,000,000
Congress every year and is supported by both par- "In theory, the Israeli government was obliged not
American Schools & Hospitals
ties without much opposition or debate. It is time to channel American aid into construction in the $110,000,000
that we stopped supporting an apartheid system in occupied territories. In practice however, even if the
Occupied Palestine. building funds did not come from the same pocket, Other Unspecified Loans
they were from the same pair of pants. Through a
simple circular movement, dollars flowed to securi- Other Grants
ty, education, and welfare, while shekels freed from $104,500,000
these budgets into the construction of at least 200
Total ESF and Related Loans
settlements." $3,342,000,000

• According to the December 1997 issue 0/The Total ESF and Related Grants
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, the total I
aid to "Israel"for fiscal year ending September 30, Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
Martyred before our eyes 1997 was $6.72 billion dollars. FMS Loans: $11,213,000,000
The world watched as 12-year old Muhammad al- FMS Grants: $29.065,000,000
Durra, protected by his father, was gunned down •U.S. aid to "Israel" is about $18 million per day, Arrow Missile Programs
and killed by "Israeli" gunmen. This incident,
which is about $750,000 per hour. $631,200,000
which was sponsored by U.S. taxpayers, was
caught in its entirety on videotape. This incident Draw down Authority from
took place during the Al-Aqsa Intifadah which • In 1997, U.S. aid to "Israel" was 7 times more than Western Europe
began in September 2000. the aid given to all Black Africa, 6 times as much as $775,000,000
the U.S. spent on famine relief for the entire world.
US Military Stores in "Israel"
No Money for Israel Occupation! • For years, "Israel" has paid its entire debt service on
loans from the United States with funds granted from Total FMS and Related Loans
On December 9, 1997, the "Israeli" human rights the U.S. Treasury. Since 1985, all U.S. aid to "Israel"
organization B'Tselem issued a report that detailed has been in the form of grants, meaning that not a Total FMS and Related Grants
how many Palestinians were killed over a decade. penny of it must be repaid. When "Israel" pays interest $30,871,000,000
B'Tselem's report states that "during the past and principle on loans given before 1985, it does so
US-Guaranteed Housing Loans
decade, some 1,346 Palestinians were killed by with U.S. tax dollars. This curious process began in $8,000,000,000
Israeli security force personnel, including 276 chil- 1984 when Democratic Senator Alan Cranston of
dren, and 162 Palestinians killed by undercover California sponsored what became known as the Totals
Loan Guarantees: $8 billion
forces." Furthermore, the report shows that another Cranston Amendment. It stipulates that economic aid Total U.S. Loans to "Israel"
"133 Palestinians were killed by Israeli civilians" i.e. to "Israel" each year will be at least equal to its annual $22.555 billion
settlers. Children and adults alike are subject to repayments (principle and interest) of its debt to the Total U.S. Grants to "Israel"
$55.171 billion
arrest, imprisonment without trial and state-sanc- United States. In the wry words of then-Secretary of
Total U.S. Aid To Zionist State (FY
tioned torture. Currently, some 7,000 Palestinians State James A. Baker III in testimony before the Senate 1945 Through FY 1997)
are held in "Israeli" prisons. Passes are required for in 1992, the Cranston Amendment provided that "we $85 billion
can always pay ourselves back with the money that we Interest Costs Borne by U.S.
travel from one region to another and special iden-
tity cards are required in order to cross into "Israel" appropriate for 'Israel' to do so." The effect of this $50 billion
to work. Who funds all this discrimination? Yes, it amendment is to guarantee that "Israel" will always Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers
is you and I, and every other taxpayer in America. receive enough U.S. aid to cover its debt obligations. $135 billion
Cost for U.S. per "Israeli": $23.240

ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid

In their own
ot set up concen-
the chilling
ing facts
ps and shall not yet
do so, but we do have the
mentality which makes such
some facts about Zionist racism
an action possible...When the towards non-Jews
Nation - Volk in the Nazi lan-
latant discrimination against non-Jews can

guage - and its state power
became supreme values there also be found in other laws dealing with the
were no restrictions on the I acquisition of property, government sup-
acts of man. We have such a port for young couples, educational curricula, and
mentality here. We are already government expenditure for schools, to cite just a few
behaving in the Occupied examples. The routine means for enforcing discrimina-
Territories, in the West Bank,
tion is the ID card, which everyone is obliged to carry
Gaza and Lebanon in the
same way as the Nazis did in at all times. ID cards list 'nationality,' which can be
their Occupied Territories in Jewish, Arab, Druze, Circassian, Samaritan, Kara ite,
Czechoslovakia and the West. or foreign. When a person presents his ID card to a
We have not yet set up con- policeman, a security official, or to a clerk at a govern-
centration camps as they did ment office whose services he requires, they can know
in the East but how terrible is which 'sector' he belongs to and treat him accordingly;
the situation that we have to or, refer him to those who are responsible for dealing
mention this fact as the thing with his 'sector.'"
to differentiate us from the Excerpts from an article by Uzi Oman, published in the daily
Nazis." Ha'aretz, May 17, 1991.

-Yeshayahu Leibowitz
a Professor of Philosophy, Chemistry and
Bible Studies at the Hebrew University and an
Orthodox religious scholar (quoted by Tony
Greenstein in Return)
"The ownership of land in Israel is under the juris- Israel Shahak states, 'the non-Jewish citizens of Israel
Yitzak Shamir, former "Israeli" diction of the Israel Land Authority, which applies - and of course all the non-Jews of the rest of the
Prime Minister, referring to as a 'fundamental criterion of land use, religion and world too - simply cannot live; they cannot rent a
Black African nations who nationality. As noted by Professor Uzi Oman, house or an apartment, or open a business, unless
voted in support of the 1975 'Those registered as 'Jews' have full rights in regard they surreptitiously sublet it from a Jew.' Shahak
UN resolution which
to most of the land, cities, and settlements; those goes on to say: 'One can imagine what a storm
denounced Zionism as a form
of racism: who are not registered as 'Jews' are barred from would be raised if such official policy of discrimina-
owning real estate in most sectors of the country' tion was practiced against Jews.'"
"It is unacceptable that nations ("An Amazing Resemblance to South Africa," Lies of Our Times, May 1991.
made up of people who have Haaretz, Feb. 10, 1991). These restrictions apply to
just come down from trees over 90 percent of Israeli land, within which, as
should take themselves for
world leaders...How can such
primitive beings have an opin-
ion of their own?"
"Approximately 92 percent of the surface of the forced to live in ghettos; Jewish families receive
-from the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot, State of Israel within the Green Line is for all pur- higher child allocations than their non-Jewish
November 14, 1975
poses closed to Palestinians who are second-class neighbors, Palestinian schools suffer underfunding
"I don't understand your opti- citizens in Israel. They may neither legally live on and understaffing (as compared to Jewish schools);
mism. Why should the Arabs such land, nor rent or cultivate it. A direct effect of Palestinian children are forced to learn their own
make peace? If I was an Arab these policies is that native non-Jewish citizens of history and literature as interpreted by Zionists;
leader I would never make Israel are in practice denied residence and member- Israelis who struggle for equal rights and for the
terms with Israel. That is natu- ship rights in the collective settlements, kibbutzim. end of racial discrimination, are regularly and in
ral. We have taken their coun- many ways harassed by the authorities.
Non-Jews are discriminated against in many other
ways: The Government starves local authorities of Memorandum on Institutionalized Racial Discrimination by and
Palestinian villages and townships of funds; in in the State of Israel by Elias Davidson, July 1993.
first Prime Minister of "Israel"
Quoted by Nahum Goldman in The Je
some communities Palestinians are unwelcome or
Paradox, Weiden and Nicolson, 1978,

page 14 ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid

what can you do to help bring justice to palestine?
Hongs to the Arabs in the

ou have seen the pictures, read the facts, 5 that England belongs to
reflected upon the stories.You have seen the English or France to the French.
how an entire population of people has It is wrong and inhuman to impose
been displaced from their land. A population who the Jews on the Arabs. What is going
has been forced to leave their homes. People who on in Palestine today cannot be justi-
have lived in Palestine for centuries are now fied by any moral code of conduct.
The mandates have no sanction but
forced to live in refugee camps, and they cannot
that of the last war. Surely it would
so much as travel to get food without having their
be a crime against humanity to
ID checked. reduce the proud Arabs so that
The supposed "aggressors" and "violent insti- Palestine can be restored to the
gators" are in actuality young Palestinian boys Jews partly or wholly as their national
armed with nothing more than rocks, facing
"Israeli" tanks and high-powered machine guns.
the pain and suffering of the Palestinian people.
Now that you know, you must ask yourself
On the back of this magazine is an extensive list
what you are going to do about it. How can you
of books relating to the topic. We encourage you
use the freedom you have to help those who do "In my opinion, it would be more rea-
to read them. We hope you have read this maga-
not know the meaning of the word? sonable to reach an agreement with
zine with an open mind, and are now willing to
What follows are some suggestions as to how the Arabs based on sharing life
assist in the struggle to help the oppressed people
we can use our time and money to help alleviate peacefully together, rather than to
of the world. create a Jewish State with borders,
an army and a project of temporal
Some steps you can take today. Remember, every day counts. power, no matter how modest it is. I
fear the internal damage that
1. As Muslims, we believe all power and strength comes from God, from Allah. We encourage everyone to sin- Judaism will sustain due to the devel-
cerely pray daily for the people of Palestine, and for all oppressed people of the world. Muslims and non- opment, in our ranks, of a narrow
Muslims alike can pray and should do so regularly. nationalism. We are not anymore the
2. Educate yourself and those around you about the truth about Zionism, the reality of the suffering of the Jews of the Maccabees period. To
Palestinian people. Education is the key. Talk to your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and classmates. become again a nation in the political
3. Monitor local media stories relating to the situation in Occupied Palestine. Respond to positive stories with let- sense of the world will be equivalent
ters of support; respond to negative/false stories by writing letters to the editor pinpointing what was incorrect to turning away from the spiritualiza-
in the article and explaining the truth. tion of our community that we owe to
4. Write letters/op-ed pieces in your local newspapers, school papers, community magazines, etc. the generosity of our prophets."
5. Work with local groups that are striving to help the Palestinian people. Contact them to see how you can help.
-Albert Einstein, 1938, condemning the Balfou
Among the organizations are: Islamic Association for Palestine, American Arab Declaration (SOURCE: Rabbi Moshe Menuhi
Anti-Discrimination Committee, Council on American-Islamic Relations, International Action Center, and a
host of others.
6. Organize events for your campus and/or local communities. Organize programs and teach-ins. Be creative!
Try to think of different ways to bring attention to the situation. "...the Zionist argument to justify
7. Support and organize local photo exhibits that show the plight of the Palestinian people. Pictures can tell the Israel's present occupation of Arab
story very clearly and very convincingly. Palestine has no intelligent or legal
8. Build coalitions with other community and faith groups who will work with you to support the Palestinian basis in history."
9. Wear a green ribbon constantly. When people-ask you what its about, explain to them why you are supporting -EI-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) "Zionist Logic,"
originally printed in The Egyptian Gazette - September
the Palestinian people. You will be surprised how open-minded people can be. 17, 1964.
10. Give money. The people of Palestine are in dire need of our financial support. With war comes injury and
devastation. Among the many organizations that carry out relief work in Palestine are the Holy Land
Foundation, Islamic Relief Worldwide, and others. "714,000 Palestinians were forced to
11. Organize protests and demonstrations in your local area. Protests often bring people of conscious together. leave their homes in 1948, these
When organizing, however, make sure to inform local media. A protest without sufficient media coverage has included 50,000 Christians."
not really accomplished as much as it should.
-Dr. Bernard Sabella, Assistant Professor of Social
Studies, University of Bethlehem.
*email [email protected] for additional resources.

ZIONISM: The Forgotten Apartheid page 15

Zron-ism n. : An organized mvemen of world Jewry
that arose in Europe in the late 19th century with the
.'aim of reconstituting a Jewish state in Palestine.
Modern Zionism is concerned with the development
and uppo i i of the state of " I r u I."
American Heritage Dictionary, Third Edition

Zionism emerged in response to rising anti-Semitism as a politically secular movement declaring an incom-
patibility between Jews and other nations, and that anti-Semitism was unavoidable; it went further to catego-
rizing Jews as a nation/race, therefore making Jews as people of their nation, "Israel," instead of their respec-
tive countries. From this, the need for a homeland arose. Most Jews and others were deceived by X i o m ;m ;
stated overt purpose: to make a homeland for the persecuted Jews. Very few realized that this entailed making
another people homeless since Palestine was inhabited. Therefore, to perpetuate the deception, it was neces-
sary for the Zionists to make up myths, such as the land was empty and that the Palestinians "didn't exist," or
that there were people there, but they left willfully in 1948 at the suggestion of Arab leaders. Another popular
excuse was that the Palestinians existed but were backwards people with a stagnant culture and ionism*
brought to them progress and prosperity (similar to the arguments made by all colonialists). To hide its colo-
nialist nature, the Zionlsis employed "sugar-coating" euphemisms, the most famous of which was that the
Jews were returning home, blurring the difference between Judaism the religion, and Zionism the political
movement. They defined Jews as a nation, ultimately leading to the Great Displacement of the Palestinian

This special edition magazine is meant to give the reader a brief understanding of Zionism and its effects. There are a
great number of books on the subject as well. We encourage our readers to refer to these, as well as other books.

One Nation Under Israel by Andrew Hurley * Zionism and the State of Israel: A Moral Inquiry by Michael Prior * Jewish History,
JewishReligion: The weight of three thousand years by Israel Shahak * The Palestinian catastrophe: The 1948 expulsion of a people from their
homeland by Michael Palumbo * The Passionate attachment: America's involvement with Israel 1947 to the present by George W. Bell and
Douglad B. Bell * Arabs and Israel for beginners by Ron David * The fateful triangle : the United States, Israel and the Palestinians by Noam
Chomsky * Necessary illusions by Noam Chomsky * They dare to speak out: people and institutions confront Israel's lobby by Paul Findley *
Deliberate deceptions: facing the facts about the U.S.-Israeli relationship by Paul Findley * The politics of dispossession : the struggle for
Palestinian self-determination, 1969-1994 by Edward W. Said * The question of Palestine by Edward W. Said * Taking sides, America's secret rela-
tions with a militant Israel by Stephen Green * Living by the sword: America and Israel in the Middle East, 1968-87 by Stephen Green * Israel, an
apartheid state by Uri Davis * Dangerous liaison: the inside story of the U.S.-Israeli covert relationship by Andrew Cockburn * Israel and the
American national interest: a critical examination by Cheryl Rubenberg * The Lobby : Jewish political power and American foreign policy by Edward
Tivnan * The case of Israel : a study of political Zionism by R. Garaudy

AI-Talib, the Muslim Newsmagazine at UCLA and AlKalima, a newsmagazine produced by Muslim Students at UC Irvine.
Please refer all correspondence to:
AI-Talib/Alkalima Special Edition 7118 Kerckhoff Hall / 308 Westwood Plaza / Los Angeles, CA 90024 / [email protected]
The views expressed in this magazine in no way reflect the views of AI-Talib Newsmagazine, Alkalima Newsmagazine, The University of California, Irvine, the University of
California, Los Angeles, or the UCLA Student Media Communications Board. This magazine was published independent of the two magazines and its respective copyright holders.
Photo credits: Middle East Photo and Islamic Association for Palestine.
Second Edition

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