BCS Syllabus Analysis

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About the instructor

Mahir Dyan Amin

B.A (Hons.), M.A, English, DU
Assistant Commissioner & Executive Magistrate (40th BCS )
Former Assistant Director, Prime Minister’s Office



01 02
English Lit. Syllabus & Periods & Sub-periods
Question Pattern of English Literature

03 04 05
Major figures Old & middle english chaucer
Literary Figures A Brief Glimpse into The First Master of
from English and Two Literary Periods English Literature
around the World

Analysis 101
Analyzing Syllabus & Question Pattern


Syllabus (Total Mark : 15)

❑ Names of writers of literary pieces

from Elizabethan period to the 21st

❑ Quotations from drama/poetry

of different ages

Types of Questions
About literary figures
Who was both a poet and a painter? (43rd)
Who is not an Irish writer? (43rd)
William Shakespeare was born in ___? (40th)

Periods they belong:

The most famous romantic poet is __? (43rd)
Who is not a Victorian poet? (38th)

Works and Titles:

Which play is the swan song of Shakespeare? (41st)
Who wrote an epic poem? (38th)
Who is the known as “the poet of nature”?


Types of Questions
About Literary Works
No Second Troy is a--- ? (43rd)
Which one is a Tragicomedy? (36th)

The Character ‘Alfred Doolittle’ is from Shaw’s play titled- (41st)
Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, Hamlet was prince of –(41st)

Plots & Settings:

Where is the setting of the play ‘Hamlet’? (43rd)

Types of Questions
For God’s sake hold your tongue, and let me love.”
QUOtation This line is written by – (38th)

“Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide,k wide sea ……”
is from which poem? (38th)

- ‘Climax’ of a plot is what happens - at the height (35th)

Literary terms- A funny poem of five lines called? —– Limerick.(37th)
- Euphemism means—offensive expression. (38th)

- “The golden age of English literature? (38th)

periodization - The Jecobean Period refers to —1603-1625 (38th )


Different Periods of
02 english literature


There are 08 major periods & many sub-periods

in the history of English literature.

- The Anglo-Saxon or Old English Period (450–1066)

- The Anglo-Norman or Middle English period (1066–1500)
- The Renaissance Period (1500–1660)
- The Neoclassical Period (1660–1798)
- The Romantic Period (1798–1832)
- The Victorian Period (1832–1901)
- The Modern Period (1901-1939)
- The Postmodern/Contemporary Period (1945–Today)

Periods in detail
Old English Period
450–1066 No Sub-Periods
(Anglo-Saxon Period)

Middle English Period 1066 - 1500

Anglo Norman age of chaucer Barren age

1066-1340 1340-1400 1400 - 1500


The renaissance (1500 – 1660)

PreparatIon Jacobean Commonwealth
1500 – 1558 1603-1625 1649-1660: The
The Preparation The Jacobean Commonwealth
for Renaissance Period Period

1558 – 1603 1625-1649:

The Elizabethan The Caroline
Period Period

elIzabethan CAROLINE

The 1660-1700:
Restoration Period
Period 1700-1745:
Augustan Period
1660 - 1798
Age of Sensibility


Romantic Period
1832 – 1901;
1798 – 1832; No Sub-Period
No Sub-Period

The 1901 -1914:

Edwardian Period
1901 - 1939
Period 1914 -1939:
Gregorian Period

Post-Modern 1939 - Ongoing


Major literary figures 03

Which authors/poets/playwrights are most important?

✔ William Shakespeare ✔ John Keats

✔ George Bernard Shaw ✔ P B Shelley
✔ Earnest Hemingway

✔ Ben Jonson ✔ John Milton

✔ Jonathan Swift
✔ D.H. Lawrence

✔ Christopher Marlowe ✔ Alexander Pope

✔ William Wordsworth ✔ T.S. Eliot
✔ S T Coleridge ✔ W.B. Yeats
✔ Thomas Gray ✔ Robert Browning
✔ William Blake ✔ Charles Dickens
✔ Alfred Lord Tennyson


Be careful

British american
irish Anglo - indian

Poet? Novelist?
What type?
Essayist? Playwright?

British Writers
Charles Dickens, D. H. Lawrence, Doris
Lessing, Emily Bronte

Playwright Harold Pinter

Robert Herrick, William Wordsworth,

William Blake etc.

Philosopher/ Bertrand Russell, Charles Lamb, Francis

Essayist Bacon, William Hazlitt

Short story writer Somerset Maugham


Irish Writers Famous Writers from

Different Countries

Oscar Wilde, Oliver Goldsmith,

Novelist James Joyce, Jonathan Swift,
Laurence Sterne, Robert Louis Stevenson

Poet W.B. Yeats, Seamus Heaney

Philosopher/ Essayist Edmund Burke (Irish-born British Politician)

Playwright Samuel Beckett, G.B. Shaw

American Writers Famous Writers from

Different Countries

Pearl S. Buck, Earnest Hemingway,

William Faulkner, Toni Morrison,
Saul Bellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne,
Mark Twain

Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, Walt Whitman, Allen

Poet Ginsberg, Emerson, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily
Dickinson, Langston Hughes, Ezra Pound

Playwright Sir Arthur Miller

Short story writer O’ Henry, Edgar Allan Poe


Famous Writers from

• Henrik Ibsen > Norwegian Different Countries
• Franz Kafka > German/Austrian
• Bertolt Brecht > German
• Antoine de Saint-Exupery > French
• Baudelaire> French
• Albert Camus > Algerian French
• Marcel Proust > French
• Jean Molière > French
• Jules Verne > French
• Nirod C. Chowdhury Anglo-Indian
• Miguel de Cervantes Spanish
• Pablo Neruda Spanish
• Jhumpa Lahiri Anglo-Indian
• Mulk Raj Anand Anglo-Indian

Old and middle english



Old English Period

(Anglo-Saxon Period)

Old English Period

Angles, Saxon & Jutes (German tribe)

Famous Authors :
First known poet of English Literature

Works: Hymn of Caedmon


Old English Period

Cynewulf (poet) • The First English Epic/Heroic Poem,
Work: Juliana (poem) • The Earliest and Best Work of
English Literature. (আদি দিির্শি)
King Alfred the Great
Founder of English Prose
Work: Anglo-Saxon Chronicles

Venerable Bede
Father of English Learning.
First Historian of English Language.
Work: Ecclesiastical History of the English People

Middle English Period



Middle English period

➢ The Anglo Norman Period

➢ The Age of Chaucer
➢ The Dark/Barren Period

Middle English period

Famous Authors
1) Geoffrey Chaucer
• Poet, Diplomat, Bureaucrat.
• The Father of English Language
• The Father of English Literature
• The Father of English Poetry
• The First Friend of English Language


The Canterbury Tales

▪ Collection of 24 Stories,
▪ 17000 Lines,
▪ 32 Characters.

▪ A group of Pilgrims travels from London

to Canterbury and they tell story.
Setting: Tabard Inn

i) The Nun’s Priest’s Tale (poem)

ii) The Legend of Good Women (poem)
iii) The Romance of the Rose
iv) The Book of Duchess
v) Troilus and Criseyde (epic poem)
VI) The House of Fame


Famous Writers from

Different Countries

Middle English period

Famous Authors
2) John Wycliff
• Morning Star of Reformation
• First Prose Writer in English
• First Bible Translator in English

John Wycliff
• Morning Star of Reformation
• First Prose Writer in English
• First Bible Translator in English

Sir Thomas Malory

Works : Le Morte d’Arthur ( Collection of Prose)
*** Morte d’Arthur (Poem) – Tennyson


GKbR‡i Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i BwZnvm

650 - 1066 The Old English or Anglo- Saxon Period

1066 - 1340 Middle English or Anglo – Norman Period

1345 - 1400 The Age of Chaucer

1500 - 1660 The Renaissance

➢ Elizabethan Age (1558 – 1603)

➢ Jacobean Age (1603 – 1625)

➢ Caroline Age (1625 – 1649)

➢ Commonwealth Age (1649 – 1660)

1660 – 1798 The Neoclassical Period

➢ The Restoration Age (1660 – 1700)

➢ The Augustun Period (1700 – 1745)

➢ The Age of Sensibility (1745 – 1798)

1798 – 1832 The Romantic Period

1832 – 1901 The Victorian Period

➢ The Pre-Raphaelites (1848 – 1860)

➢ The Age of Decadence (1880 – 1901)

1901 - 1939 The Modern Period

1939 - The Postmodern Period

Bs‡iwRi cËb

Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨ ej‡Z Avgiv AvR hv eywS, †gvUv`v‡M Zv ïiæ n‡q‡Q PZz`©k kZ‡K wRI‡d« Pmv‡ii mgq †_‡K| wKš‘ GKwU
fvlv Avi Zvi mvwnZ¨ †Zv nVvr K‡i ïiæ nqwb| Bs‡iwR fvlv Avi Zvi mvwn‡Z¨i Drm mÜv‡b Avgv‡`i ZvB †h‡Z n‡e
Av‡iv †cQ‡b|

Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i Avw`ce©‡K ejv nq A¨vs‡jv-m¨v·b hyM| Bsj¨vÛ-¯‹Uj¨vÛ-I‡qj‡mi Avw` Awaevmx‡`i ejv nq weªUb|
AvbygvwbK 43 wLª÷vã †_‡K †ivgvb m¤ªvUiv weª‡Ub‡K wb‡R‡`i Avq‡Ë wb‡q Avmv ïiæ K‡i| †ivgK‡`i kvmbvaxb _vKv
Ae¯’vq weL¨vZ †ivgvb mf¨Zvq `xwÿZ nq weªUbiv| †ivgK kvmK‡`i mg_©‡b GKB m‡½ P‡j wLª÷ ag© cÖPv‡ii KvRI| 411
wLª÷v‡ã †ivg ivR¨ GK †NviZi `yw`©‡b co‡j †ivg m¤ªvUiv GB `~i‡`k weª‡Ub AiwÿZ †i‡L P‡j hvq wbR †`‡k|

GKB mg‡q DËi Rvg©vwb, nj¨vÛ Ges †WbgvK© DcK~j †_‡K A¨vsMjm, m¨v·b Ges RyUm RvwZi Rj`my¨iv G‡Ki ci GK
nvgjv Pvjv‡Z _v‡K GB Øx‡c| ax‡i ax‡i wb‡R‡`i KivqË K‡i GB Øx‡ci GKwU eo Ask| †KvbVvmv n‡q c‡o †ivgK
mf¨Zv I wLª÷a‡g© `xwÿZ weªUbiv| a‡g©i w`K †_‡K A¨vsMjmiv wQj c¨vMvb ev cÖK…wZc~Rvwi| Aek¨ cieZ©x GKk eQ‡ii
g‡a¨ ZvivI wLª÷a‡g©i Abymvix n‡q c‡o|

A¨vsMjm, m¨v·b Ges RyUm‡`i ci d«v‡Ýi DËi DcK‚j †_‡K G‡jv big¨vbiv| Giv G‡Ki ci GK hy‡× nvwi‡q w`‡jv
A¨vsMjm‡`i| `my¨ I c¨vMvb A¨vsMjm‡`i g‡a¨ Zviv wb‡q G‡jv cwðg BD‡ivcxq mf¨Zv Avi AwfRvZZš¿| Zv‡`i Aax‡b
`ievwi fvlv n‡jv divwm| Aek¨ RbM‡Yi gy‡L ZLbI A¨vsMjm Avi m¨v·b‡`i fvlvB i‡q †M‡Q| cieZ©x‡Z Kv‡ji
cwiµgvq bvbv cwieZ©‡bi ga¨ w`‡q GB fvlvB iƒc †bq Bs‡iwR fvlvq| Bs‡iwRi weKv‡ki hy‡M wewfbœ A‡j G‡KK ai‡bi
Dcfvlv M‡o DV‡jI cieZ©x‡Z B÷ wgWjUb (jÛb, K¨vgweªR , A·‡dvW©) A‡j cÖPwjZ Dcfvlv‡KB Bs‡iwRi gvbfvlv ev
÷¨vÛvW© wn‡m‡e aiv nq|
1. A¨vs‡jv-m¨v·b hy‡Mi mvwnZ¨ (wLª÷vã 650 - 1066)

A¨vs‡jv-m¨v·b hy‡Mi Lye Kg wb`k©bB Lyu‡R cvIqv †M‡Q| GB hy‡Mi wb`k©b¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q exiMuv_v, LÐKweZv,
†kvKMuv_v Ges fw³g~jK Kve¨| G hy‡Mi me‡P‡q kw³kvjx wb`k©b †eIDjd (Beowulf)| ‡Wwbk ivRv †n«v_Mv‡ii iv‡R¨
†MÖb‡Wj bv‡gi GK `vb‡ei nvbv Ges cieZ©x‡Z †eIDjd bv‡gi GK ex‡ii mvnv‡h¨ †MÖb‡Wj I Zvi gv‡qi g„Zz¨B 3200
PiYwewkó GB gnvKv‡e¨i g~j Kvwnbx|

g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e A¨vs‡jv-m¨v·b hyM wQj †Mv‡Î †Mv‡Î, RvwZ‡Z RvwZ‡Z hy‡×i hyM| cÖwZwU hy‡×B gi‡Z n‡Zv cÖPzi †hv×v,
bvix, wkï Avi †MvÎcwZ‡K| ZvB g„Zz¨ I welv` GB hy‡Mi mvwn‡Z¨i Ab¨Zg ˆewkó¨| The Seafarer, The Wanderer,
The Lament of the Deor BZ¨vw` KweZvq bvg-bv-Rvbv PviYKweiv GBme exi ivRv‡`i KiæY cwiYwZi K_v ¯§iY
K‡i wejvc K‡i‡Qb| GQvov GB hyM †_‡KB ïiæ nq ivRv Avj‡d«W I Zvi bvBU‡`i wb‡q exiMuv_v iPbvi cÖeYZv| GLbKvi
g‡Zv AšÍ¨wg‡ji KweZv †jLv n‡Zv bv GB hy‡M| KweZvi Q›` wQ‡jv alliteration wbf©i| mgy`ª I cÖvK…wZK †h †Kv‡bv wKQzi
cÖwZ Mfxi AbyivM, fvev‡eM GB hy‡Mi mvwn‡Z¨i ˆewkó¨|

GQvov †m mg‡q wLª÷ag© cÖPviKivI iPbv K‡i‡Qb mg„× mvwnZ¨| ag©welqK KweZvi †jLK‡`i g‡a¨ Caedmon,
Cynewulf, Bede D‡jøL‡hvM¨| Bede g~j GKRb HwZnvwmK wQ‡jb|


➢ Earliest English poet whose name is known.

➢ Live the life of monk (mbœ¨vmx)

➢ Composed vernacular (†`kx fvlv) verses, mostly in praise of Christ

Major Works:

➢ Caedmon’s Hymns


Anglo-Saxon poet, famous for his religious compositions (ag©xq iPbv)

Major Works:

➢ The Fates of the Apostles,

➢ Juliana,

➢ Elene,
➢ Christ II

➢ The Dream of the Rod

Bede (672-673 AD- 735 AD):

➢ Referred to as Saint Bede or the Venerable Bede

➢ Monk and historian

➢ Known as The Father of English History

Major Works:

➢ Ecclesiastical History of the English People

➢ On Genesis
2. A¨vs‡jv-bg©vb ev wgWj Bswjk hy‡Mi mvwnZ¨ (wLª÷vã 1066 - 1340)

ejv hvq, GB hy‡MB divwm fvlv I A¨vsMj- m¨v·b‡`i e‡q wb‡q Avmv fvlvi wgkÖ‡b Bs‡iwR GKwU k³ wfwËi Ici G‡m
`uvovq| Aek¨ ZL‡bv `iev‡ii fvlv n‡q IVvi †mŠfvM¨ n‡q I‡Vwb Zvi| A¨vs‡jv-m¨v·b hy‡Mi g‡Zv GB hy‡MI †kŠh©-ex‡h©i
RqRqKvi jÿ¨ Kiv hvq| Z‡e GKBm‡½ mvwn‡Z¨ †Rviv‡jv iƒc cvq wLª÷ a‡g©i cÖfveI|

A¨vs‡jv- bg©vb hy‡Mi †Mvovi w`‡Ki mvwnZ¨ n‡”Q The Owl and the Nightingale bv‡g 2 nvRvi Pi‡Yi GK Kve¨|
†QvU eo ag©KvwnbxI A¨vs‡jv-bg©vb hyM‡K mg„× K‡i‡Q| ¯^‡cœ †`Lv wewfbœ Kvwnbxi eY©bv wb‡qI mvwnZ¨ iPbv n‡q‡Q GB
hy‡M| PviwU LÐvsk wb‡q MwVZ bvg bv Rvbv GK Kwei †jLv cvj© KweZvwU GB hy‡Mi Ab¨Zg ˆewkó¨| KweZvq Kb¨vnviv GK
†kvKvZ© wcZvi ¯^cœ eY©bv Kiv n‡q‡Q| GQvov Sir Gawain and the Green Knight bv‡gi ex‡ivwPZ KweZvI GB KweB
iPbv K‡iwQ‡jb e‡j aiv nq| m¨vi MvIqvBb wQ‡jb †jŠwKK DcvL¨v‡bi ivRv Av_©v‡ii ivRmfvi GKRb bvBU|

Q‡›` †jLv †ivgvw›UK Muv_v GB hy‡Mi Ab¨Zg ˆewkó¨| Tristram- Iseult Ges Arthur- Merlin, GB `yB †cÖwgK RywU‡K
wb‡q M‡o D‡V‡Q AmsL¨ Muv_v| ïay A¨vs‡jv bg©vb‡`iB bq, cieZ©x‡Z Bs‡iR Kwe‡`iI ‡cÖiYv RywM‡q‡Q GB †jŠwKK

3. Pmv‡ii hyM (Avby: 1345 -1400)

Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨ Lye Kg mvwnwZ¨KB wbR hy‡Mi Rxebaviv‡K G‡ZvUv wePÿYZvi m‡½ Zz‡j ai‡Z †c‡i‡Qb, †hgbUv †c‡i‡Qb
Pmvi| AvbygvwbK 1340 mv‡j jÛ‡b Zvi Rb¥| †ckvq wQ‡jb Avgjv, K‚UbxwZK, `vk©wbK, †R¨vwZwe©`| †hhy‡M AvwfRv‡Z¨i
cÖZxK wn‡m‡e divwm fvlv ¯^xK…Z, ZLb jÛ‡bi AvÂwjK Bs‡iwR‡Z mvwnZ¨ iPbvi mvnm †`Lvb wZwb| AvaywbK Bs‡iwR
mvwn‡Z¨i RbK ejv nq Zv‡K| †Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv mgv‡jvPK Av‡iv we‡klvwqZfv‡e AvaywbK Bs‡iwR Kv‡e¨i RbKI e‡j
_v‡Kb| †Kv‡bv we‡Øl ev Kzms¯‹vi Zvi Kv‡e¨ †`Lv hvq bv|

wbR †`‡ki Rxebaviv †Zv e‡UB, e„nËi BD‡iv‡ci m‡½ Zvi †hvMv‡hvM wQj| GLv‡b g‡b ivLv fv‡jv, BUvwj‡Z ZLb PjwQj
†iu‡bmv ev cybR©vMi‡Yi Kvj| aviYv Kiv nq, †mmgq BZvwji cÖavb mvwnwZ¨K †cÎvK©, `v‡šÍ Ges †ev°v‡Pvi m‡½ cwiPq wQj
Pmv‡iii| divwm Ges BZvwj GB `yB †`‡ki mvwnwZK¨‡`i Øviv e¨vcKfv‡e cÖfvweZ wQ‡jY Pmvi| Zvi iPbvq cïcvwL‡K
gvby‡li f‚wgKv cvjb Ki‡Z †`Lv hvq| GK mivBLvbvq AvkÖq †bqv Zx_©hvÎx‡`i Kvwnbx wb‡q iwPZ The Canterbury
Tales- DcvL¨vb gvjvq cÖ_g †gŠwjK Pmvi‡K cvIqv hvq, we‡`kx †Kv‡bv cÖfve †hLv‡b Abycw¯’Z|

cÂ`k kZvãxi Bsj¨v‡Ûi Ab¨Zg ˆewkó¨ n‡jv Ballad, Morality Plays Ges Miracle Plays| e¨vjvW n‡jv `xN©
eY©bvg~jK KweZv hvvi cÖavb DcRxe¨ wQj wewfbœ hy×weMÖn Ges †cÖgKvwnbx| Ab¨w`‡K evB‡e‡ji wewfbœ Kvwnbx‡K wewfbœ
Drm‡e bvU‡K iƒc w`‡q ˆZwi n‡Zv Miracle Plays| GQvov gvbyl‡K cvc I c~‡Y¨i g‡a¨ ؛؇K wb‡q Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡Zv
Moral Plays| gvbyl wKfv‡e kqZv‡bi Øviv cÖjyä nq, †mUvB wQj Gi DcRxe¨|

1400 mv‡ji ci †_‡K AvbygvwbK 1485 mvj ch©šÍ †Kv‡bv weL¨vZ mvwn‡Z¨i wb`k©b †g‡jwb| ZvB GB hyM‡K HwZnvwmKiv
Barren Age ev k~Y¨ hyM e‡j _v‡Kb|
Geoffrey Chaucer (1343 – 1400)

➢ Author, Philosopher, and Astronomer

➢ Known as the father of English literature

➢ The greatest English poet of the middle Ages

➢ The first poet to be buried (mgvwnZ Kiv) in Poets' Corner of Westminster Abbey

➢ Used the Middle English vernacular

Major Works:

➢ The Canterbury Tales (1389, a collection of 24 stories)

➢ The Book of the Duchess

➢ The House of Fame

➢ The Legend of Good Women

➢ Troilus and Criseyde

Sir Thomas Malory Writer, Le Morte d'Arthur (1485)

(1405 – 1471) Compiled of tales of Arthurian The Holy Grail


William Langland Writer of dream vision Piers Plowman

(1332- 1386)

The Pearl Poet Anonymous poet, Sir Gawain and the Green
known for some famous Patience
dream vision poems Cleanness
John Gower Middle English Poet The Tale of Seven Deadly
Confessio Amantis
John Wycliffe Philosopher, Theologian, On the Truth of Holy
Biblical translator Scripture
Translated Bible in the

William Tyndale Translator of Bible in the

(1494 – 1536)
Executed for the reformation

William Caxton Writer, Diplomat, Merchant ➢ The Game and Playe

of the Chesse
(1422 – 1491) The English person to work as
a Printer, first English retailer ➢ Dialogues in French
of books and English

➢ Dictes and Sayings of

the Philosophers

Roger Bacon Philosopher and Writer ➢ Opus Majus

(1214 – 1292) ➢ The Mirror of


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