Data Warehousing & Dimensional Modeling Concepts !!
Data Warehousing & Dimensional Modeling Concepts !!
Data Warehousing & Dimensional Modeling Concepts !!
Data is nothing but raw and unprocessed facts and statistics stored or free-flowing over a network. Data
becomes information when it is processed, turning it into something meaningful. Collecting and storing data for analysis is a
human activity and we have been doing it for thousands of years. In order to effectively work with huge amounts of data in an
organized and efficient manner, databases were invented.
organized in a way that data can be easily accessed, managed, and updated.
In database management, there are two main types of databases: operational databases and analytical databases.
Operational databases are primarily used in online transactional processing (OLTP) scenarios, where there is a need to
collect, modify, and maintain data daily. This type of database stores dynamic data that changes constantly, reflecting up-to-
the-minute information.
On the other hand, analytical databases are used in online analytical processing (OLAP) scenarios to store and track
historical and time-dependent data. They are valuable for tracking trends, analyzing statistical data over time, and making
business projections. Analytical databases store static data that is rarely modified, reflecting a point-in-time snapshot.
Although analytical databases often use data from operational databases as their main source, they serve specific data
processing needs and require different design methodologies.
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Backup and Regular backups are required to Lost data can be reloaded from the
recovery ensure business continuity OLTP database as needed
Data warehouses are typically used to store historical data and are optimized for fast query and analysis performance. They
often contain data from multiple sources and may include both structured and unstructured data. Data in a data warehouse is
imported from operational systems and external sources, rather than being created within the warehouse itself. Importantly,
data is copied into the warehouse, not moved, so it remains in the source systems as well.
Data warehouses follow a set of rules proposed by Bill Inmon in 1990. These rules are:
1. Integrated: They combine data from different source systems into a unified environment.
2. Subject-oriented: Data is reorganized by subjects, making it easier to analyze specific topics or areas of interest.
3. Time-variant: They store historical data, not just current data, allowing for trend analysis and tracking changes over time.
4. Non-volatile: Data warehouses remain stable between refreshes, with new and updated data loaded periodically in
batches. This ensures that the data does not change during analysis, allowing for consistent strategic planning and
As data is imported into the data warehouse, it is often restructured and reorganized to make it more useful for analysis. This
process helps to optimize the data for querying and reporting, making it easier for users to extract valuable insights from the
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Why do we need a Data Warehouse?
Primary reasons for investing time, resources, and money into building a data warehouse:
1. Data-driven decision-making: Data warehouses enable organizations to make decisions based on data, rather than solely
relying on experience, intuition, or hunches.
2. One-stop shopping: A data warehouse consolidates data from various transactional and operational applications into a
single location, making it easier to access and analyze the data.
Data warehouses provide a comprehensive view of an organization's past, present, and potential future/forecast data. They
also offer insights into unknown patterns or trends through advanced analytics and Business Intelligence (BI). In conclusion,
Business Intelligence and data warehousing are closely related disciplines that provide immense value to organizations by
facilitating data-driven decision-making and offering a centralized data repository for analysis.
Data lakes can contain all data and data types; Data warehouses can provide insights
Task it empowers users to access data prior to the into pre-defined questions for pre-
process of transforming and cleansing. defined data types.
Typically, the schema is defined after data is Typically schema is defined before data
Position of stored. This offers high agility and ease of data is stored. Requires work at the start of
Schema capture but requires work at the end of the the process, but offers performance,
process security, and integration.
Data Data Lakes use the ELT (Extract Load Data warehouse uses a traditional ETL
processing Transform) process. (Extract Transform Load) process.
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An analogy to understand this relationship is to think of data sources as suppliers, the data warehouse as a wholesaler that
collects data from various suppliers, and data marts as data retailers. Data marts store specific subsets of data tailored for
different user groups or business functions. Users typically access data from these data marts for their data-driven decision-
making processes.
1. Staging layer: This is the segment within the data warehouse where data is initially loaded before it is transformed and
fully integrated for reporting and analytical purposes. There are two types of staging layers: persistent and non-
2. Data marts: These are smaller-scale or more narrowly focused data warehouses.
3. Cube: A specialized type of database that can be part of the data warehousing environment.
4. Centralized data warehouse: This approach uses a single database to store data for business intelligence and analytics.
5. Component-based data warehousing: This approach consists of multiple components, such as data warehouses and
data marts, that operate together to create an overall data warehousing environment.
The user access layer is where users interact with the data warehouse or data mart. This layer deals with design, engineering,
and dimensional modelling, such as star schema, snowflake schema, fact tables, and dimension tables.
There are two types of staging layers in a data warehouse: non-persistent staging layers and persistent staging layers. Both
serve as landing zones for incoming data, which is then transformed, integrated, and loaded into the user access layer.
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In a non-persistent staging layer, the data is temporary. After being loaded into the user access layer, the staging layer is
emptied. This requires less storage space but makes it more difficult to rebuild the user layer or perform data quality
assurance without accessing the original source systems.
In contrast, a persistent staging layer retains data even after it has been loaded into the user access layer. This enables easy
rebuilding of the user layer and data quality assurance without accessing the source systems. However, it requires more
storage space and can lead to ungoverned access by power users.
The difference between a data warehouse and an independent data mart lies in the number of data sources and business
requirements. Data warehouses typically have many sources (~10-50), while independent data marts have much fewer data
sources. If a business requirement dictates the creation of well-defined business units due to the huge size of a data
warehouse, data marts can be added to the architecture to create units specific to business requirements such as purchase-
specific data mart, inventory-specific data mart, etc. Other than that, the properties of a data warehouse and an independent
data mart are quite similar.
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Cubes in Data Warehouse environment
Unlike relational database management systems (RDBMS),
cubes are specialized databases with an inherent awareness
of the dimensionality of their data contents. Cubes offer
some advantages, such as fast query response times and
suitability for modest data volumes (around 100 GB or less).
A centralized approach, such as an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) or a Data Lake, offers a single, unified environment for
data storage and analysis. This enables one-stop shopping for all data needs but requires a high degree of cross-
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organizational cooperation and strong data governance. It also carries the risk of ripple effects when changes are made to
the environment.
A component-based approach, on the other hand, divides the data environment into multiple components such as data
warehouses and data marts. This offers benefits like isolation from changes in other parts of the environment and the ability
to mix and match technology. However, it can lead to inconsistent data across components and difficulties in cross-
The choice of data warehouse environment ultimately depends on the specific needs and realities of each organization, and
the decision-making process required.
The primary objective of a data warehouse is to enable data-driven decisions, which can involve past, present, future, and
unknown aspects through different types of business intelligence and analytics. Dimensional modelling is particularly suited
for basic reporting and online analytical processing (OLAP). However, if the data warehouse is primarily supporting predictive
or exploratory analytics, different data models may be required. In such cases, only some aspects of the data may be
structured dimensionally, while others will be built into forms suitable for those types of analytics.
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The Basic Principles of Dimensionality
Dimensionality in data warehousing refers to the organization of data in a structured way that facilitates efficient querying
and analysis. The two main components of dimensionality are facts/measurements and dimensional context, which are
essential for understanding the data and making data-driven decisions.
Improved query performance: By organizing data in a structured manner, queries can be executed more efficiently,
enabling faster data retrieval and analysis.
Simplified data analysis: Dimensional models make it easier for analysts to understand the relationships between data
elements and perform complex analyses.
Enhanced data visualization: Organized data enables better visualization of patterns, trends, and relationships, which in
turn helps in making informed decisions.
These are the quantifiable aspects of the data, such as sales amounts, user counts, or product quantities. They represent the
actual values or metrics that are being analyzed. It is important to differentiate between a data warehousing fact and a logical
fact, as the former is a numeric value while the latter is a statement that can be evaluated as true or false.
Fact tables store facts in a relational database used for a data warehouse. They are distinct from facts themselves, and there
are specific rules for determining which facts can be stored in the same fact table. Fact tables can be of different types and
can be connected with dimension tables to link measurements and context in the data warehouse.
Dimensional context:
This is the descriptive information that provides context to the measurements, helping to understand how the data is
organized and what it represents. Dimensions often include categories, hierarchies, or time periods, which enable data
analysts to slice and dice the data in various ways. Common dimensions include geography (e.g., country, region, city), time
(e.g., year, quarter, month), and product categories (e.g., electronics, clothing, food).
In a relational database, dimensions are stored in dimension tables. However, the terms "dimension" and "dimension table"
are sometimes used interchangeably, although they are technically different.
This interchangeability of terms is due to the differences between star and snowflake schemas. In a star schema, all
information about multiple levels of a hierarchy (e.g., product, product family, and product category) is stored in a single-
dimension table, which is often called the product dimension table. In a snowflake schema, each level of the hierarchy is
stored in a separate table, resulting in three dimensions and three dimension tables.
Star schema and snowflake schema are two popular approaches to dimensional modelling. Both involve organizing data into
fact tables (which store measurements) and dimension tables (which store contextual information).
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and business intelligence.
One level away from the fact table thus One or more levels away from the fact table thus requiring
requiring straightforward relationships complex relationships
Both star and snowflake schemas have the same number of dimensions, but their table representations differ. The choice
between star and snowflake schema depends on factors such as the complexity of the database relationships, storage
requirements, and the number of joins needed for data analysis.
1. Primary Keys: A primary key is a unique identifier for each row in a database table. It can be a single column or a
combination of columns that guarantee the uniqueness of each record. Primary keys are essential for maintaining data
integrity, preventing duplicate entries, and providing a unique reference point for other tables.
2. Foreign Keys: A foreign key is a column or set of columns that reference the primary key of another table. The purpose of
foreign keys is to maintain the relationships between tables and ensure referential integrity. This means that a foreign key
value must always match an existing primary key value in the related table or be NULL. Foreign keys help with data
consistency, reduce redundancy, and make it easier to enforce constraints and retrieve related information.
For example, in a table storing employee details, the employee's social security number could serve as a natural key.
Similarly, a customer's email address could be a natural key in a customers table (assuming each customer has a unique
email address)
2. Surrogate Keys: Surrogate keys are system-generated, unique identifiers that have no business meaning. They are used
as primary keys in data warehousing to ensure data integrity and simplify the relationships between tables. Surrogate
keys are usually auto-incremented numbers. Surrogate keys are preferred over natural keys for several reasons, including
the ability to handle changes in the source data, improved performance, and the support for slowly changing dimensions.
For example, consider a table storing customer details. Even though each customer might have a unique email address,
we might choose to use a surrogate key, such as CustomerID, to uniquely identify customers. So, a customer might be
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assigned an ID like 1, 2, 3, and so on, with no relation to the actual data about the customer.
Meaning: Natural keys have a business meaning, while surrogate keys do not.
Change: Natural keys can change (for example, a person might change their email address), while surrogate keys are
static and do not change once assigned.
Simplicity: Natural keys can be complex if they're composed of multiple attributes, while surrogate keys are simple
(usually just a number).
Performance: Surrogate keys can improve query performance because they're usually indexed and simpler to manage.
Data Anonymity: Surrogate keys provide a level of abstraction and data protection, particularly useful when sharing data
without exposing sensitive information.
When designing a data warehouse, it is crucial to make the right choices regarding key usage. As a general guideline, use
surrogate keys as primary and foreign keys for better data integrity and handling of data changes. Keep natural keys in
dimension tables as secondary keys to maintain traceability and ease troubleshooting. Finally, discard or do not use natural
keys in fact tables, as they can lead to redundancy and complexity in managing the data warehouse.
Non-additive facts, on the other hand, cannot be added together to produce a valid result. Examples include grade point
averages (GPA), ratios, or percentages. To handle non-additive facts, it's best to store the underlying components in fact
tables rather than the ratio or average itself. You can store the non-additive fact at an individual row level for easy access but
should prevent users from adding them up. Instead, you can calculate aggregate averages or ratios from the totals of the
underlying components.
Semi-additive facts fall somewhere between additive and non-additive facts, as they can sometimes be added together while
at other times they cannot. Semi-additive facts are often used in periodic snapshot fact tables, which will be covered in more
detail in future discussions.
NULLs in Facts
A NULL represents a missing or unknown value; Note that a Null does not represent a zero, a character string of one or more
blank spaces, or a “zero-length” character string.
The major drawback of Nulls is their adverse effect on mathematical operations. Any operation involving a Null evaluates to
Null. This is logically reasonable—if a number is unknown, then the result of the operation is necessarily unknown
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SELECT 8 % NULL; -- Result: NULL
-- Assume a table 'sales' with a column 'revenue' containing the following values:
--(10, NULL, 15)
SELECT SUM(revenue) FROM sales; -- Result: 25 (ignores NULL values)
SELECT AVG(revenue) FROM sales; -- Result: 12.5 (ignores NULL values)
To handle NULL values in mathematical operations in MySQL, you can use functions like COALESCE or IFNULL to replace
NULL values with a default value. Here's an example:
NULLs also should be avoided in the foreign key column of fact tables. Instead of using NULLs, we can assign default values
to columns in the fact table. we can choose a value that represents the absence of data or a not applicable scenario.
However, even though this approach can simplify querying and analysis but it may introduce ambiguity if the default value
can be mistaken for actual data.
1. Transaction Fact Table: This type of fact table records facts or measurements from transactions occurring in source
systems. It manages these transactions at an appropriate level of detail in the data warehouse.
2. Periodic Snapshot Fact Table: This table tracks specific measurements at regular intervals. It focuses on periodic
readings rather than lower-level transactions.
3. Accumulating Snapshot Fact Table: Similar to the periodic snapshot fact table, this table shows a snapshot at a point in
time. However, it is specifically used to track the progress of a well-defined business process through various stages.
4. Factless Fact Table: This type of fact table has two main uses. Firstly, it records the occurrence of a transaction even if
there are no measurements to record. Secondly, it is used to officially document coverage or eligibility relationships, even
if nothing occurred as part of that particular relationship.
In a transactional fact table, each row is associated with one or more dimension tables. These dimension tables help provide
context and additional information about the transaction. Facts within the transactional fact table are usually numeric and
additive, such as sales amount, quantity sold, or total revenue.
Consider a retail store that wants to track sales transactions. In this example, the transactional fact table could be called
'sales_fact'. For each sale transaction, the following information might be stored:
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Sales amount (Fact)
Here is a simplified version of what the 'sales_fact' table might look like:
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 50
2 1 2 2 2 2 1 25
3 1 1 3 1 1 3 75
In this example, the transactional fact table contains three fact columns (quantity, sales_amount, and discount) and five
foreign key columns that connect to the respective dimension tables (date_key, store_key, product_key, customer_key, and
Remember to use surrogate keys (not natural keys) as primary and foreign keys to maintain relationships between tables.
These surrogate keys serve as foreign keys that point to primary keys in the respective dimension tables, which provide the
context needed for decision-making based on the data.
Consider a bank that wants to track its customers' account balances on a monthly basis. In this example, the periodic
snapshot fact table could be called 'monthly_account_balance_fact'. For each customer, the following information might be
Here is a simplified version of what the 'monthly_account_balance_fact' table might look like:
1 1 1 1 1000
2 1 2 1 2500
3 1 1 2 5000
4 2 1 1 1200
5 2 2 1 2300
6 2 1 2 5100
In this example, the periodic snapshot fact table contains one fact column (account_balance) and three foreign key columns
that connect to the respective dimension tables (date_key, customer_key, and account_type_key). Each row represents the
state of a customer's account balance at the end of a specific month.
Using a periodic snapshot fact table, the bank can analyze its customers' account balances in various ways, such as:
Periodic snapshot fact tables are particularly useful for tracking and analyzing data that changes over time and may not be
easily captured in a transactional fact table. A complication with periodic snapshot fact tables is the presence of semi-
additive facts.
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Periodic Snapshots and Semi-Additive Facts
A semi-additive fact is a type of measure that can be aggregated along some (but not all) dimensions. Typically, semi-additive
facts are used in periodic snapshot fact tables.
The classic example of a semi-additive fact is a bank account balance. If you have daily snapshots of account balances, you
can't add the balances across the time dimension because it wouldn't make sense - adding Monday's balance to Tuesday's
balance doesn't give you any meaningful information. However, you could add up these balances across the account
dimension (if you were to aggregate for a household with multiple accounts, for instance) or across a geographical dimension
(if you wanted to see total balances for a particular branch or region).
Here's an example:
2023-05-01 1 100
2023-05-01 2 200
2023-05-02 1 150
2023-05-02 2 250
2023-05-03 1 120
2023-05-03 2 240
If we were to add the balances across the time dimension (for example, to try to get a total balance for account 1 for the
period from May 1 to May 3), we would get $370, which doesn't represent any meaningful quantity in this context. This is why
the balance is a semi-additive fact - it can be added across some dimensions (like the AccountID), but not across others (like
the Date).
In contrast, fully additive facts, like a bank deposit or withdrawal amount, can be summed along any dimension. Non-additive
facts, like an interest rate, cannot be meaningfully summed along any dimension.
When dealing with semi-additive facts, it's important to ensure that your analysis is using the appropriate aggregation
methods for each dimension. Depending on the specific requirements of your analysis, you might need to use the maximum,
minimum, first, last, or average value of the semi-additive fact for a given period, rather than the sum.
These typically include multiple date columns representing different milestones in the life cycle of the event and one or more
dimension keys providing context for the snapshot, such as product, customer, or project information. The fact columns
represent the measures associated with each stage or milestone.
Consider a company that wants to track its sales orders from order placement to delivery. In this example, the accumulating
snapshot fact table could be called 'sales_order_fact'. For each sales order, the following information might be stored:
Here is a simplified version of what the 'sales_order_fact' table might look like:
1 1 1 1 2 4 100 10
2 2 1 1 3 5 200 15
3 1 2 2 4 6 150 12
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In this example, the accumulating snapshot fact table contains two fact columns (order_amount and shipping_cost) and five
foreign key columns that connect to the respective dimension tables (customer_key, product_key, order_date_key,
shipping_date_key, and delivery_date_key). Each row represents the life cycle of a sales order, from order placement to
Using an accumulating snapshot fact table, the company can analyze its sales order data in various ways, such as:
In the accumulating snapshot fact table, there are multiple relationships with the same dimension table, such as the date
dimension. This is because the table needs to track various dates related to the business process, like the order date,
shipping date, delivery date, and so on. Similarly, multiple relationships with the employee dimension may also be required to
account for different employees responsible for different phases of the process.
Grain 1 row = 1 transaction 1 row =1 defined period (plus other dimensions) 1 row = lifetime of process/event
Date Dimension 1 Transaction date Snapshot date (end of period) Multiple snapshot dates
Size Largest (most detailed grain) Middle (less detailed grain) Lowest (highest aggregation)
Factless fact tables are used in data warehousing to capture many-to-many relationships among dimensions. They are called
"factless" because they have no measures or facts associated with transactions. Essentially, they contain only dimensional
keys. It's the structure and use of the table, not the presence of numeric measures, that makes a table a fact table.
1. Event Tracking: In this case, the factless fact table records an event. For example, consider a table that records student
attendance. The table might contain a student key, a date key, and a course key. There are no measures or facts in this
table, only the keys of the students who attended classes on certain dates. The absence of facts is not a problem; simply
capturing the occurrence of the event provides valuable information.
2. Coverage or Bridge Table: This kind of factless fact table is used to model conditions or coverage data. For example, in a
health insurance data warehouse, a factless fact table could be used to track eligibility. The table might contain keys for
patient, policy, and date, and it would show which patients are covered by which policies on which dates.
1 101 2023-5-1
2 101 2023-5-1
1 102 2023-5-2
3 103 2023-5-2
This table does not contain any measures or facts. However, it provides valuable information about which student attended
which course on which date. We can count the rows to know the number of attendances, join this with other tables to get
more details, or even use this for many other analyses. The presence of a row in the factless fact table signifies that an event
Dimension Tables
Dimension tables in a data warehouse contain the descriptive attributes of the data, and they are used in conjunction with fact
tables to provide a more complete view of the data. These tables are typically designed to have a denormalized structure for
simplicity of data retrieval and efficiency in handling user queries, which is often essential in a business intelligence context.
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1. Descriptive Attributes: These are the core of a dimension table. These attributes provide context and descriptive
characteristics of the dimensions. For example, in a "Customer" dimension table, attributes might include customer name,
address, phone number, email, etc.
2. Dimension Keys: These are unique identifiers for each record in the dimension table. These keys are used to link the fact
table to the corresponding dimension table. They can be either natural keys (e.g., a customer's email address) or surrogate
keys (e.g., a system-generated customer ID).
3. Hierarchies: These are often present within dimensions, providing a way to aggregate data at different levels. For example,
a "Time" dimension might have a hierarchy like Year > Quarter > Month > Day.
CustomerName Gender DateOfBirth City State Country
In this Customer dimension table, CustomerID is the surrogate key which uniquely identifies each customer. Other fields like
CustomerName , Gender , DateOfBirth , City , State , and Country provide descriptive attributes for the customers.
The "Sales" fact table in this data warehouse might then have a foreign key that links to the CustomerID in the dimension
table. This allows users to analyze sales data not just in terms of raw numbers, but also in terms of the customers.
In summary, dimension tables provide the "who, what, where, when, why, and how" context that surrounds the numerical
metrics stored in the fact tables of a data warehouse. They are essential for enabling users to perform meaningful analysis of
the data.
This is useful because it allows us to avoid repeating this information in our fact tables, and it also makes it easier to perform
time-based analyses and aggregations.
In this table, DateKey is a surrogate key, FullDate is the actual date, DayOfWeek , DayOfMonth , Month , Year , Quarter , and IsWeekend
This Date dimension table would be linked to fact tables in the data warehouse using the DateKey field. This allows for easy
filtering, grouping, and other date-based analysis of the data in the fact tables. For example, you might want to compare sales
data by quarter or analyze trends on weekdays versus weekends. The Date dimension table makes these types of analyses
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day_month INT NOT NULL,
day_of_year INT NOT NULL,
week_of_year INT NOT NULL,
iso_week CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
month_num INT NOT NULL,
month_name VARCHAR(9) NOT NULL,
month_name_short CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
quarter INT NOT NULL,
first_day_of_month DATE NOT NULL,
last_day_of_month DATE NOT NULL,
yyyymm CHAR(7) NOT NULL,
weekend_indr CHAR(10) NOT NULL
NULLs in Dimensions
The presence of NULLs in dimension tables can have several effects, some of which are:
1. Loss of Information: When a dimension attribute is NULL, it means that some information is missing. Depending on the
attribute, this could result in significant losses of information. For example, if a Customer dimension has NULL values for
the 'City' attribute, this could impact any analysis related to the geographical locations of customers.
2. Complicates Query Writing: NULL values can make query writing more complex. SQL treats NULLs in a special way. For
instance, NULL is not equal to any value, not even to another NULL. Therefore, in order to properly handle NULLs, you
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often need to use special SQL constructs like IS NULL or IS NOT NULL, or functions like COALESCE().
3. Effects Join Operations: If Foreign Keys with NULL values are used in a JOIN condition, it may lead to fewer results than
expected. This is because a NULL does not equal anything, including another NULL. As a result, rows with NULL in the
joining column of either table will not be matched.
In this approach, all levels of the hierarchy are stored in a single table, with each row containing all the hierarchy levels for a
particular leaf-level member.
For instance, consider a simple Product dimension with a hierarchy that goes Category -> Subcategory -> Product. In a single
table hierarchy, you might have a table that looks like this:
This approach is simple and easy to query, but it can result in a lot of redundant data, especially for large hierarchies. This is
normally the preferred approach when creating star-schemas
In this approach, each level of the hierarchy is stored in a separate table, with each table having a foreign key that links to the
level above it.
Using the same Product dimension example, in a multiple-table hierarchy, you might have three separate tables that look like
3 2 Soda 3 2 Broccoli
4 2 Juice 4 3 Cola
5 4 AppleJuice
This approach is more normalized and reduces data redundancy, but it can make querying more complex since it requires
joining multiple tables.
Conformed Dimensions
A conformed dimension is a dimension that is shared by multiple fact tables/stars. Essentially, a conformed dimension is a
dimension that has the same meaning to every fact table to which it is joined.
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Characteristics of Conformed Dimensions:
1. Consistent definition and understanding: A conformed dimension has the same meaning and content when being
referred to from different fact tables.
2. Common keys: Conformed dimensions can have the same keys available in each fact table. This enables joining the fact
tables on these conformed dimensions, enabling cross-filtering.
3. Same level of granularity: Conformed dimensions are at the same level of granularity or detail across the fact tables.
Degenerate Dimension
A type of dimension that is derived from the fact table and does not have its own dimension table, because all the interesting
attributes about them are contained in the fact table itself.
Typically, degenerate dimensions are identifiers or numbers that are used for operational or control purposes. For example,
an order number, invoice number, or transaction id in a sales fact table. While these identifiers do not have any descriptive
attributes of their own (which is why they don't need a separate dimension table), they are extremely useful for tracking and
summarizing information.
Let's consider a retail company's sales fact table. It records data about each sales transaction, including the transaction id,
product id, date id, store id, quantity sold, and sales amount.
Here, the TransactionID is a degenerate dimension. It doesn't have a separate dimension table because there aren't any
additional attributes about the transaction that we need to store. However, the TransactionID is important for tracking
individual sales transactions and can be used for summarizing data, such as calculating the total sales for each transaction.
Junk Dimension
A junk dimension is a single table composed of a combination of unrelated attributes (flags, indicators, statuses, etc.) to avoid
having a large number of foreign keys in the fact table. By grouping these low-cardinality attributes (attributes with very few
unique values) into one dimension, we can simplify our model and improve query performance.
For example, let's say we have a retail sales fact table, and we're tracking several binary attributes for each sale:
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3. Was the purchase made online (Yes/No)?
Instead of adding four separate foreign key columns to our fact table (each corresponding to a dimension table with two rows:
"Yes" and "No"), we can combine these attributes into a single junk dimension.
4 Yes Yes No No
And so on, until all 16 (2^4) possible combinations of these four attributes are represented.
Then, in our fact table, we just include a single foreign key to the Junk Dimension:
1002 2 102 1 1 50
By using this junk dimension, we're able to keep our fact table simpler, and our queries can become faster and more efficient.
For example, let's take a date dimension. A single date dimension can be used for "Order Date", "Shipping Date", "Delivery
Date", etc., in a sales fact table. Each of these dates could reference the same date dimension table but would represent
different business concepts.
1 2023-01-01 1 1 2023
2 2023-01-02 2 1 2023
3 2023-01-03 3 1 2023
1 1 1 2 3 2 100
2 2 2 3 4 1 50
3 1 3 4 5 3 150
4 2 4 5 6 2 100
5 1 5 6 7 1 50
In the above example, the DateKey is role-playing as OrderDateKey, ShippingDateKey, and DeliveryDateKey in the Sales fact
table. Each of these roles represents a different business concept, but they all use the same Date dimension table for their
values. This is an efficient way to reuse the same dimension in different contexts, avoiding redundancy and making the data
model more manageable.
For analysis in SQL, we can create additional views for each role
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Designing Fact and Dimension Tables
Creating a fact table in a data warehouse involves a series of steps. The exact process might vary slightly depending on the
specifics of your project and the tools you're using, but the following steps provide a general outline.
1. Identify the Business Process: The first step is to identify the business process that you want to analyze. This could be
sales transactions, inventory levels, or customer service calls, for example. The business process will guide the design of
the fact table.
2. Identify the Granularity: Granularity refers to the level of detail or depth of a fact information. Granularity is the lowest
level of information that is stored in a table. For example, if you are building a fact table to analyze sales, the granularity
could be at the transaction level (each row represents a sale) or at the item level (each row represents an item within a
3. Identify the Facts: Facts are typically numeric values that you wish to analyze. In a sales business process, examples of
facts could be Sales Amount, Quantity Sold, Profit, etc. A fact table would typically store these facts along with keys to
related dimension tables. The facts are usually the result of some business process event and are what you will be
4. Identify the Dimensions: Dimensions are descriptive attributes related to the facts. They provide the context for the facts
and are often what you group by when analyzing the facts. Typical dimensions include time, location, product, and
customer. Each dimension would typically have its own table, which would include a primary key and additional attributes
related to the dimension
5. Design the Fact Table: The fact table is usually designed next, with a column for each fact identified in Step 3 and a
foreign key for each dimension identified in Step 4. The primary key of a fact table is usually a composite key composed
of all its foreign keys.
6. Create Dimension Tables: Each dimension table should include a primary key that uniquely identifies each row and other
descriptive attributes of the dimension. It should also contain other attributes that provide descriptive characteristics
related to the dimension.
7. Create Relationships: Establish relationships between the fact table and the dimension tables. This is usually done by
creating foreign keys in the fact table that correspond to the primary keys in the dimension tables.
8. Load the Data: Once the fact table and dimension tables have been created, the next step is to load the data. This
typically involves extracting data from source systems, transforming it into the format of the fact and dimension tables (a
process known as ETL), and then loading it into the data warehouse.
9. Test and Validate: After the data has been loaded, test and validate the fact table to ensure that it accurately represents
the business process and supports the desired analysis. This might involve running sample queries, checking for data
quality issues, and verifying that the relationships between the fact table and the dimension tables are working correctly.
Let's walk through an example scenario for creating a fact table in a retail business setting:
Untitled 20
Product_Name Product_Category Product_Price
7. Create Relationships:
The relationships between the fact table and dimension tables would be established using the foreign keys in the fact table.
For example, the Product_ID in the fact table would link to the Product_ID in the Product dimension table.
Remember, this is a simplified example, and real-world scenarios can be more complex, but it should give you a general idea
of how the process works.
For a star schema dimension table, the primary key is typically a single column, even if the table has multiple hierarchical
levels. In a snowflake schema, the non-terminal dimension tables have both primary keys and foreign keys. The terminal
dimension table in a snowflake schema has only a primary key, as there is no higher level to reference.
For a transaction-grained fact table, the primary key is a combination of all foreign keys related to the dimension tables. Each
foreign key explicitly points to a specific table and column within that table. The SQL syntax for periodic snapshot fact tables
is almost identical to that of transaction-grained fact tables.
Regardless of the type of fact table being created, the SQL model follows the same structure: identify keys, combine
necessary keys as the primary key, and have a foreign key clause for each key pointing back to the respective dimension
tables. The only complication arises when there are multiple relationships with the same dimension, as in accumulating
snapshot fact tables or some types of factless fact tables. In such cases, multiple foreign key clauses for each date reference
the same date dimension and its key.
Slowly changing dimensions (SCD) are tables in a dimensional model that handle changes to dimension values over time and
not on a set schedule. SCDs present a challenge because they can alter historical data and, in the process, affect the
outcome of current analyses.
Over time, it is possible that certain product name changes or maybe a customer changes phone number. This will lead to the
case where we will have to change the dimension table to reflect these changes. There are various strategies to tackle the
different cases. There are three main types of SCDs: Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3.
Type 1 (Overwrite)
A Type 1 SCD always reflects the latest values, and when changes in source data are detected, the dimension table data is
overwritten. No history is kept.
E.g. When a customer's email address or phone number changes, the dimension table updates the customer row with the
new values.
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Type 2 (Add a new Row):
A Type 2 SCD supports the versioning of dimension members. It includes columns that define the date range validity of the
version (for example, StartDate and EndDate ) and possibly a flag column (for example, IsCurrent ) to easily filter by current
dimension members.
Current versions may define an empty end date (or 12/31/9999), which indicates that the row is the current version. The table
must also define a surrogate key because the business key (in this instance, RepSourceID) won't be unique.
Instead of putting NULL for the End date, its better to put a future date
/*Logic to implement Type 1 and Type 2 updates can be complex, and there are various techniq
ues you can use. For example, you could use a combination of UPDATE and INSERT statements as
shown in the following code example:*/
Untitled 22
FROM dbo.StageCustomers AS stg
JOIN dbo.DimCustomer AS dim
ON stg.CustomerNo = dim.CustomerAltKey
AND stg.StreetAddress <> dim.StreetAddress;
/*As an alternative to using multiple INSERT and UPDATE statement, you can use a single MERG
E statement to perform an "upsert" operation to insert new records and update existing ones,
as shown in the following example, which loads new product records and applies type 1 update
s to existing products*/
/*Another way to load a combination of new and updated data into a dimension table is to use
a CREATE TABLE AS (CTAS) statement to create a new table that contains the existing rows fro
m the dimension table and the new and updated records from the staging table. After creating
the new table, you can delete or rename the current dimension table, and rename the new tabl
e to replace it.*/
Untitled 23
FROM dbo.DimProduct AS dim
FROM dbo.StageProduct AS stg
WHERE stg.ProductId = dim.ProductBusinessKey
Here instead of having multiple rows to signify changes, we have multiple columns. We do have an effective/modified date
column to show when the change took place.
Type 6:
A Type 6 SCD combines Type 1, 2, and 3. In Type 6 design we also store the current value in all versions of that entity so you
can easily report the current value or the historical value.
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2. Transform: The data is transformed into a consistent and uniform format. This may involve cleaning, validating, and
converting data types, as well as aggregating, filtering, and sorting data to make it suitable for the target data warehouse
or data mart.
3. Load: The transformed data is loaded into the user access layer (such as a data warehouse or data mart) where it
becomes available for business intelligence (BI) and analytics.
ETL requires significant upfront work, including business analysis, data modelling, and data structure design, to ensure that
the data is ready for analytical use when it is loaded into the user access layer.
2. Load: Instead of transforming the data immediately, it is loaded into a big data environment, such as Hadoop Distributed
File System (HDFS) or cloud-based storage like Amazon S3, in its raw form. This is usually done for both structured and
unstructured data.
3. Transform: When the data is needed for analytical purposes, it is transformed using the computing power of the big data
environment. This approach allows for more flexible and scalable data processing, as transformations can be performed
on demand.
ELT defers the data modelling and analysis until the data is required for analytical use, following a schema-on-read approach.
This allows for more agile data handling and reduces the need for upfront data modelling and analysis.
In summary, ETL is more suitable for traditional data warehousing with predefined data structures and strict data quality
requirements, while ELT is more appropriate for big data environments, data lakes, or data warehouse-data lake hybrids,
where data can be stored in its raw form and transformed later when needed.
Only transformed data is stored in the Both raw and transformed data are often
Data Storage target system, which can be more stored, which can require more storage
efficient in terms of storage. space.
Initial ETL:
This is a one-time process, typically performed right before the data warehouse goes live. The goal is to gather all the
relevant data needed for business intelligence (BI) and analytics, transform it, and load it into the user access layer of the data
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Relevance is key: Only data that is essential or likely to be needed for BI and analytics should be included instead of
importing all data from the source systems.
Historical data may also be imported to provide a basis for trend analysis and other historical reporting.
Initial ETL might be repeated in cases of data corruption or re-platforming, but this is not common.
Incremental/Delta ETL:
This process is used to keep the data warehouse up-to-date after the initial ETL is completed. It is done regularly to refresh
and update the data warehouse with new, modified, or deleted data.
Adds new data, modifies existing data, and handles deleted data without purging it.
Makes the data warehouse non-volatile and static between ETL runs.
1. Append pattern: New information is added to the existing data warehouse content.
2. In-place update: Existing rows are updated with changes, rather than appending new data.
3. Complete replacement: A portion of the data warehouse is entirely overwritten, even if only a small part of the data has
4. Rolling append: A fixed duration of history is maintained, with new updates appending data and removing the oldest
equivalent data.
Modern incremental ETL primarily uses the append and in-place update patterns, which align well with dimensional data
Uniformity ensures that data from different systems is transformed to allow for apples-to-apples comparisons. Restructuring
involves organizing raw data from the staging layer into well-engineered data structures.
1. Data value unification: This involves unifying data values from different systems to present a consistent format to users.
E.g. Daily sales data from two different regions being transformed to use a uniform abbreviation format in the data
2. Data type and size unification: This involves unifying data types and sizes from different systems into a single
representation in the data warehouse. E.g. Salesperson names from different regions have different character lengths,
which need to be standardized in the data warehouse.
3. Data deduplication: This involves identifying and removing duplicate data to ensure accuracy in analytics and reporting.
E.g. A particular salesperson’s sales data is duplicated across different systems. The data warehouse should store only
one copy of the information to avoid double counting.
4. Dropping columns (vertical slicing): This involves removing unnecessary columns from the data warehouse. E.g. Region
data from a particular source system may be redundant as it has already been captured by another source. Thus,
unnecessary columns need to be removed to maintain data quality in the warehouse.
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5. Row filtering based on values (horizontal slicing): This model filters out rows based on certain values in specific fields.
E.g. Data warehouse is being built to analyze only particular sales values thus any rows not satisfying the value data need
to be dropped.
6. Correcting known errors: This model involves fixing errors in the source data during the ETL process. E.g. names of
salespersons have an unnecessary prefix that needs to be removed.
Some of the more advanced transformations may include joining, splitting (by length/position or by delimiter), aggregating
(sum, count, average), deriving new values etc
Different ETL feeds might update the data warehouse at different frequencies, such as daily, hourly, or weekly, depending on
the data volatility and criticality. Furthermore, incremental ETL patterns, like append, complete replacement, and in-place
updates, can also vary across feeds.
The frequency and patterns are not solely determined by the ETL feed but can also depend on the table level within the
source systems. Each source system can have a set of tables with different frequencies and ETL patterns. Thus it's important
to implement a mix-and-match approach to cater to the specific needs of each table and source system.
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ETL Tools
Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) tools are used in the process of extracting data from different source systems, transforming it
into a standard format, and loading it into a destination system, typically a data warehouse or data lake. There are a variety of
ETL tools available, which cater to different environments and needs. Some of these tools are:
Informatica PowerCenter: This is a widely used ETL tool that supports all the steps of the ETL process and is known
for its high performance, intuitive interface, and wide support for different data sources and targets.
IBM InfoSphere DataStage: It is a part of IBM's Information Platforms Solutions suite and also its InfoSphere Platform.
It uses a graphical notation to construct data integration solutions.
Oracle Data Integrator (ODI): Oracle's ETL tool provides a fully unified solution for building, deploying, and managing
real-time data-centric architectures in an SOA, BI, and data warehouse environment.
SAP Business Objects Data Services (BODS): This ETL tool by SAP provides comprehensive data integration, data
quality, and data processing.
Apache NiFi: Apache NiFi supports powerful and scalable directed graphs of data routing, transformation, and system
mediation logic.
Talend Open Studio: It's a robust open-source ETL tool that supports a wide array of source and target systems.
Talend also offers a commercial version with additional features.
Pentaho Data Integration: Also known as Kettle, this tool offers data integration and transformation, including ETL
AWS Glue: This is a fully managed ETL service provided by Amazon that makes it easy to prepare and load data for
Google Cloud Dataflow: This is a cloud-based data processing service for both batch and real-time data streaming
Azure Data Factory: This is a cloud-based data integration service provided by Microsoft that orchestrates and
automates the movement and transformation of data.
4. Python-based ETL Tools: For those who prefer to write their own ETL scripts, there are Python libraries such as Pandas
and PySpark that can be used to create custom ETL processes.
The choice of an ETL tool depends on various factors: such as the nature of the source and target systems, the complexity of
the ETL process, the required performance, the available budget, and the skills of the available staff.
1. Data Source and Target Compatibility: The ETL tool should be compatible with your data sources (databases, APIs, file
formats, etc.) and target systems (data warehouse, data lake, etc.).
2. Performance: The efficiency and speed of the ETL tool are important, especially if you need to process large volumes of
3. Scalability: The ETL tool should be able to scale and handle increasing data volumes as your business grows.
4. Ease of Use: A tool with a user-friendly interface can lower the learning curve and increase productivity. Some ETL tools
provide a graphical interface to design ETL flows, which can be easier to use than writing code.
5. Data Transformation Capabilities: The ETL tool should support the types of data transformations you need, such as
filtering, aggregation, joining, splitting, data type conversion, etc.
6. Data Quality Features: Some ETL tools provide built-in features to ensure data quality, such as data profiling, data
validation, and error handling capabilities.
7. Scheduling and Automation: The ETL tool should provide capabilities to schedule ETL jobs and automate workflows.
8. Real-time Processing: If you need real-time or near real-time data integration, choose an ETL tool that supports
streaming data and real-time processing.
9. Security: The ETL tool should provide strong security features, including data encryption, user authentication, access
controls, and audit logs.
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10. Cost: The cost of ETL tools can vary widely, from free open-source tools to expensive commercial solutions. Consider
your budget and the total cost of ownership, including license costs, hardware costs, support costs, and training costs.
Adding some search functionality or indexes can drastically improve your chances of finding your item quicker. Indexes store
the value from the given column in a searchable structure, which allows the query to read fewer data to find the information.
However, they have an overhead, and having too many indexes slows down the insert and update operations on your DWH.
Bitmap indexes, B-tree indexes, and columnstore indexes are some of the types that can be used in a data warehouse.
1. Bitmap Indexing
Bitmap indexing is a special kind of database indexing that uses bitmaps or bit arrays. It is particularly effective for
queries on large tables that return a small percentage of rows, and it's very useful for low-cardinality fields, i.e., fields that
have a small number of distinct values.
For example, let's consider a table Customer in a database, where we have a column Gender with two distinct values: Male
and Female.
Customer Table:
| ID | Name | Gender |
| 1 | Alex | Male |
| 2 | Sam | Female |
| 3 | John | Male |
| 4 | Anna | Female |
| 5 | Mike | Male |
A bitmap index on the Gender column would look something like this:
Bitmap Index:
| Gender | Bitmap |
| Male | 10101 |
| Female | 01010 |
In this bitmap representation, each bit position corresponds to a row in the table. A 1 indicates that the row has that value
for the indexed column, and a 0 indicates that it does not.
For example, the bitmap for Male is 10101 . This means that rows 1, 3, and 5 in the table have the Gender value Male .
Similarly, the bitmap for Female is 01010 , which corresponds to rows 2 and 4.
The advantage of a bitmap index is that it can be very space-efficient for low-cardinality data, and it allows for very fast
Boolean operations (AND, OR, NOT) between different bitmaps. For instance, if you want to find all customers who are
Male, the database engine can quickly find this information from the bitmap index without scanning the whole table.
However, it performs poorly when it comes to high-cardinality data, where the number of distinct values is high, and the
bitmaps become sparse and take up more space.
2. B-tree Indexing
B-tree indexing is a commonly used indexing method in databases. B-tree stands for "balanced tree", and it's a sorted
data structure that maintains sorted data and allows for efficient insertion, deletion, and search operations.
B-tree indexes are beneficial when dealing with large amounts of data, as they keep data sorted and allow searches,
sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time. They are particularly useful for databases stored on disk,
as they minimize disk I/O operations.
Untitled 29
Employee Table:
| ID | Name |
| 1 | Alex |
| 2 | Bob |
| 3 | Carol |
| 4 | Dave |
| 5 | Ed |
We might create a B-tree index on the ID column. The B-tree index structure might look something like this:
/ \
[2] [5]
/ \ / \
[1] [3] [4] [5]
In this tree, each node represents a page or block of the index, and each page contains one or more keys and pointers.
The keys act as separation values which divide its subtrees.
For instance, in the root node of the tree above, the key 3 separates two subtrees. The left subtree contains values less
than 3 , and the right subtree contains values greater than 3 .
3. In the right child node, we find 5 . Since 4 is less than 5 , we follow the left pointer.
4. We reach the leaf node with the key 4 , where we can find the pointer to the actual data record in the table.
This efficient structure of the B-tree index allows the database to quickly find data without scanning the whole table. It's
important to note that in actual databases, B-trees can have many more child nodes per parent, and the tree can be much
deeper, allowing for efficient indexing of large amounts of data.
3. Columnstore Indexing
Columnstore indexing is a technology used to enhance the processing speed of database queries and is especially
efficient for large data warehouse queries. The key difference between a columnstore index and traditional row-based
indexes (like B-tree) is that data is stored column-wise rather than row-wise. This columnar storage allows for high
compression rates and significantly improves query performance.
Columnstore indexes work best on fact tables in the data warehouse schema that are loaded through a single ETL
process and used for read-only queries. Let's consider an example:
Imagine we have a Sales table with millions of rows and the following structure:
Sales Table:
| SaleID | Item | Quantity | Price |
| 1 | Apple | 10 | 2.00 |
| 2 | Pear | 15 | 2.50 |
| 3 | Grape | 20 | 3.00 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... |
If we create a columnstore index on this table, the data would be stored something like this:
Untitled 30
Quantity Column: | 10 | 15 | 20 | ...
Price Column: | 2.00 | 2.50 | 3.00 | ...
Each column is stored separately, which enables high compression rates because the redundancy within a column is
typically higher than within a row. This structure also improves the performance of queries that only need a few columns
from the table because only the columns needed for the query are fetched from storage.
For example, if we wanted to calculate the total revenue from all sales, we would need only the Quantity and Price
columns. A database with a columnstore index could perform this operation much faster than traditional row-based
storage because it only needs to read two columns instead of the entire table.
It's also worth mentioning that columnstore indexes allow for batch processing, which is another aspect that enhances
their performance compared to traditional B-tree indexes.
In many large-scale solutions, data is divided into partitions that can be managed and accessed separately. Partitioning can
improve scalability, reduce contention, and optimize performance. It can also provide a mechanism for dividing data by usage
pattern. There are three typical strategies for partitioning data:
In this strategy, each partition is a separate data store, but all partitions have the same schema. Each partition is known as
a shard and holds a specific subset of the data, such as all the orders for a specific set of customers.
2. Vertical partitioning
In this strategy, each partition holds a subset of the fields for items in the data store. The fields are divided according to
their pattern of use. For example, frequently accessed fields might be placed in one vertical partition and less frequently
accessed fields in another.
3. Functional partitioning
In this strategy, data is aggregated according to how it is used by each bounded context in the system. For example, an e-
commerce system might store invoice data in one partition and product inventory data in another.
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Materialized Views:
Materialized views are a type of view in databases but with a twist. While a standard view is a virtual table that dynamically
retrieves data from the underlying tables, a materialized view stores the result of the query physically, similar to a table.
Because of this, they can significantly speed up query execution times as the database does not need to compute the result
set every time the view is queried - it simply accesses the pre-computed results.
Let's consider an example where a materialized view can be beneficial. Suppose we have two tables, Orders and Customers , in
a retail database.
| OrderID | CustomerID | Total |
| 1 | 101 | 50.00 |
| 2 | 102 | 75.00 |
| 3 | 103 | 25.00 |
| ... | ... | ... |
| CustomerID | Name |
| 101 | Alice |
| 102 | Bob |
| 103 | Carol |
| ... | ... |
Now, suppose we frequently need to calculate the total amount spent by each customer. We could create a view that
aggregates this data:
Each time we query this view, the database would need to perform the join and aggregation operation, which can be costly on
large tables.
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However, if we were to create a materialized view:
The database would store the result of the query in a table-like structure. When we query the TotalSpent view, the database
would simply return the pre-computed results, which can be significantly faster.
However, there is a tradeoff. The data in a materialized view can become stale when the underlying data changes. Depending
on the database system, you may need to manually refresh the materialized view, or it might be possible to set it to refresh
automatically at certain intervals or in response to certain events.
Compression reduces the amount of storage space needed and can also improve query performance, as less data needs to
be read from the disk. Many modern DBMSs offer data compression features.
Parallel Processing
Many data warehouse systems support parallel processing, which can greatly improve the performance of large queries. This
involves dividing a task into smaller subtasks that are executed concurrently.
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