IO Psych Drills 22 July 2023
IO Psych Drills 22 July 2023
IO Psych Drills 22 July 2023
a) Manufacturing a) Bureaucracy
b) Talent management b) Neoclassical
c) Compensation c) Contingency
d) Marketing d) Systems
8. This subordinate-supervisor ratio 13. Roles and jobs ate not the same. A
characterizes a flat organization person in one job might play several roles.
a) 1:2 a) Both statements are true
b) 1:15 b) Only the first statement is true
c) 1:3 c) Only the second statement is true
d) 1:7 d) Both statements are false
17. The concept of ______ in an open making authority within a context of less
system perspective states that there is no managerial oversight.
one correct way to structure and operate an a) Autonomy
organization b) Empowerment
a) Equifinality c) Enrichment
b) Entropy d) Upsizing
c) Homeostasis
d) Input energy
22. Which of the following is not a
characteristic of an empowered individual?
a) get “energized” about a given activity
18. The basic idea is that the attitudes and b) more likely to challenge and question
beliefs of supervisors about their c) believes that he or she can affect or influence
subordinates determine the organization’s organizational outcomes
management approach, which in turn d) none of the above
affects how subordinates behave
a) Modern Organizational
b) Bureaucracy 23. A method of improving business
c) Theory X/Y processes using statistical information to
d) Neoclassical
achieve greater customer satisfaction
a) Six Sigma
b) Standard Practice
19. According to McGregor, the hard c) Five S
approach entails d) Systematic Change
a) Use of coercion and threats
b) close supervision
D - Define
c) results in employee resistance
M - Measure
d) all of the above
A – Analyze
I - Improve
20. The supervisory approach adopted by C – Control
the Theory Y manager is likely to be quite
different from his or her Theory X
24. A type of organizational change which
counterpart. Rather than relying on
involves incremental modifications to the
directive approaches, the Theory Y manager
organization, and as a consequence, does
stresses employee autonomy and
not suddenly alter the individual’s
understanding of, or relationship to, the
a) Both statements are true
b) Only the first statement is true
a) Additive (adding things/policies, tasks, etc.)
c) Only the second statement is true
b) Evolutionary (Gradual Modifications)
d) Both statements are false
c) Revolutionary (Sudden Changes)
d) Imposed
37. This refers to the division of labor as 42. A wider span of control is applicable
well as the patterns of coordination, when
communication, workflow, and formal a) Coaching is much needed
power that direct organizational activities. b) Employees perform routine jobs
a) Organizational structure c) There is evident interdependence of work
b) Organizational activities d) All of the above
c) Organizational planning
d) Organizational design
43. If Company A has a wider span of
control than Company B, then Company A
38. The four main elements of must have __________ than does Company
organizational structure include: B.
a) Division of labor, coordination, chain of a) Fewer layers of management
command, physical setting b) Flatter organizational structure
b) Span of control, centralization, c) Larger number of direct reports
formalization, departmentalization d) All of the above
c) External environment, organizational size,
technology, strategy
d) Knowledge, skills, abilities, other
44. Which of the following is not a
problem regarding taller hierarchies?
a) higher overhead costs
39. All organizational structures include b) lower-quality and less timely information
two fundamental requirements, namely c) undermines employee empowerment
a) Leadership & Communication d) none of the above
Ms. Diana Jane D. Badua-Oquendo
RGO Lecturer
46. Cutting out too much middle 51. This type of departmentalization
management may lead to the following usually depends on the owner’s direct
outcomes, except supervision to coordinate work activities
a) Restrict managerial career development a) Functional
b) Increase number of direct reports b) Simple
c) Decrease workload and stress c) Team-based
d) Fewer promotion opportunities d) Divisional
47. Larger organizations typically disperse 52. All of the following are limitations of a
decision authority and power throughout functional structure, except
the organization. Different degrees of a) Unless people are transferred from one
decentralization can occur simultaneously function to the next, they might not develop a
in different parts of an organization. broader understanding of the business
a) Both statements are true b) produces higher dysfunctional conflict and
b) Only the first statement is true poorer coordination in serving clients or
c) Only the second statement is true developing products
d) Both statements are false c) it is very difficult to operate as the company
grows and becomes more complex
d) None of the above
48. Which of the following statements is
not true about formalization?
a) It applies the principles of participative 53. Which of the following is not a type of
mgmt. divisional structure?
b) It is related to standardization of activities a) Geographical
c) It reduces organizational flexibility b) Product
d) All of the above c) Client
d) Branch
c) Formalization
d) Informal communication
55. An architectural firm caters clients
around Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. If this
company were to utilize a divisional 60. In research settings, there is high
structure of departmentalization, which one variety and low analyzability. This means
will fit them best? that an organic structure if more applicable.
a) Geographical a) Both statements are true
b) Product b) Only the first statement is true
c) Client c) Only the second statement is true
d) Branch d) Both statements are false
56. Which of the following is false 61. This term refers to the way an
regarding team-based structures? organization makes decisions and actions to
a) this type of structure is usually organic achieve its goals
b) it is typically highly decentralized a) Organizational Design
c) there is high need for formalization b) Organizational Strategy
d) there is a wide span of control c) Organizational Planning
d) Strategic Planning
66. This role reports on ideas, 70. A process that consists of formal
developments, and resources outside of the activities intended to improve the
team and creates external contacts that development and functioning of a work
may be useful to the team in their actions. team.
a) Completer-finisher a) Team Stabilization
b) Monitor-evaluator b) Team training
c) Resource-investigator c) Team Building
d) Team facilitator d) Team Design
67. According to the Team Effectiveness 71. The degree of attraction people feel
Model, the main components of an toward the team and their motivation to
effective team involves remain as a member of the team.
a) Environment, design, processes a) Team identity
b) Cooperating, coordinating, communicating b) Team competence
c) Size, composition, roles c) Team commitment
d) None of the above d) Team cohesion
68. This would occur in a team setting 72. Studies show that when employees
where each member works alone but become too cohesive, this results to a
shares raw materials or machinery to a) Higher-level production
perform her or his otherwise independent b) Lower-level production
tasks. c) Lover-level job satisfaction
a) Pooled interdependence d) High-level job satisfaction
b) Sequential interdependence
c) Reciprocal interdependence
73. Diverse groups may find it faster to
d) Team interdependence
communicate, set standards, and grow as a
cohesive unit. Nondiverse groups may take
longer to reach peak performance.
a) Both statements are true
b) Only the first statement is true
c) Only the second statement is true
d) Both statements are false
but have a dissimilar person adding tension 78. This occurs when people focus their
and a different vantage point. This is called discussion on an issue while maintaining
a ____ group respect for people having other points of
a) Diverse group view.
b) Slightly heterogenous group a) Functional debate
c) Mixed-up group b) Constructive conflict
d) Cross-cultural group c) Brainstorming
d) Free-speak
c) Doing an enjoyable task first to gain activities, which may be in the form of
momentum to do a task you dislike workshops and more
d) Rewarding self from time to time to stay a) Human resource managers
reinforced b) Human resource development manager
c) Organizational psychologist
d) All of the above
91. The advantages of computer-based
training according to Blanchard and Thacker
include the following, except 96. Often, they assist other managers
a) Reduced learning time throughout the company with employment-
b) Increased privacy of learning related concerns and help resolve any
c) Reduced cost of training disputes that arise between staff members
d) None of the above a) Human resource managers
b) Human resource development manager
c) Organizational psychologist
92. The most basic computer-based
d) All of the above
training that provides for self-paced
a) Programmed instruction 97. Organizational change refers to specific
b) Virtual reality training implementations, usually in response to a
c) Offsite learning problem or situation. Organizational
d) Intelligent tutoring systems development, on the other hand, takes a
longer and more holistic approach to
93. A sophisticated type of computer- change.
based training that uses artificial a) Both statements are true
intelligence to customize learning to the b) Only the first statement is true
c) Only the second statement is true
d) Both statements are false
a) Programmed instruction
b) Virtual reality training
c) Offsite learning 98. Most OD programs are oriented toward
d) Intelligent tutoring systems long-term organizational improvement
rather than focused on solving immediate
94. Which of the following is least likely problems. The role of most OD practitioners
related to Human Resource Management is not to solve the organization’s problems
(HRM)? but to help improve the organization’s
a) Compensation and benefits ability to solve its own problems.
b) Diversity and inclusion a) Both statements are true
c) Training and organizational learning b) Only the first statement is true
d) Labor relations c) Only the second statement is true
d) Both statements are false