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Advances in Management of Heart Failure

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Eee eer Pee EAID Advances in management of heart failure Paul Heidenreich," Alexander Sandhu?” checktorvndates] (ABSTRACT “Diparimentormedane, —— Heart failure is increasing in prevalence in many countries with aging populations. ‘stanford University School of Fortunately, remarkable scientific advances have been made in the past few years Medicine, Pao al, A 94306, us that have led to new treatments and improved prognosis for patients with heart yA Pao ate Heath Cte System, Pao, CA USA failure. This review examines these changes with a focus on the diagnosis and Comespondence to: medical management of heart failure. The changes include the increase to four Pligerretch hoiden@stanford eds foundational drug classes (pillars of therapy) now recommended for patients ctotisasenzo2sesx07705 | with heart failure and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, use of sodium- Inpeidedovorgf20.11367 tmvosyorreos glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors for those with a higher ejection fraction, and sereserpianaton-sateorme | the importance of rapid initiation of life prolonging therapies once a diagnosis of ‘rt Reviews ate commision Micheswismece: — | heart failure has been made, Device management and other non-drug management (oacademics and apecalats ‘ne US and intemationly have also evolved with the publication of new clinical trials. The review emphasizes Fortnsressonthey zewntten | eyidence published since the recent heart failure guidelines of the European Society presoninnty by thos. of Cardiology and American College of Cardiology /American Heart Association/ Heart Failure Society of America in 2021 and 2022. Additional studies are needed to determine how best to implement these new interventions in clinical practice. Introduction Heart failure is a common and growing health and economic burden for many of the world's communities. This growth 1s pronounced in societies with aging populations. Advances in heart failure care have been dramatic over recent years, including new drugs, devices, and diagnostic care stratogies. Clinical guidelines published within the past few years have included many of these changes, but even these recent guidelines are already out of date in their recommendations for treatment and diagnosis. In light of this rapidly changing scientific evidence base, we provide an up-to-date review of the most important aspects of heart failure care, Sources and selection criteria We searched PubMed and the Cochrane Database of Systematic reviews for articles published between January 2015 and 7 july 2023 to identify new randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and large cohort studies of treatments and diagnostic strategies for heart failure. We also identified epidemiologic studies published from 2020 to 2023, We included older studies to provide context. ‘We focused on studies not included in the recent European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association/ Heart Failure Society of America (ACC/AHA/HFSA) guidelines from 2021 and 2022."* We prioritized RCTS over observational data when reviewing interventions. We did not consider case reports or case series in our review. hob 814/2024385.0077025 | doi: 10 136/bmi 2023.077025 Epidemiology ‘The Global Burden of Disease Study estimated that 57 million people were ling with heart fallure in 2019." although this number has been increasing jn countries with aging populations, the age standardized rate has fallen from 7.7 per 1000 in 2010 to 7.1 per 1000 in 2019.* The change over lume in the age adjusted provalence from 2009 10 2019 (an average 0.3% decline por year during this Period) nas not been linear, with rates initially falling Dut then increasing by 0.6% per year between 2016 and 2019.°* The reason for this change in prevalence 4s unclear and requires further investigation. An Increase in hospital admissions for heat failure has been noted for young adults (age 18-45) in the US, with rates increasing from 1.8 per 10000 in 2013 10 2.5 per 10000in 2018.7 Large differences in prevalence are noted across slobal regions for both men and women (ig 1)."* The region with the highest prevalence of heart faire includes the high income countries of North America, and the lowest prevalence was in central Asta. An estimated 39% of the US population will have heart failure by 2030:"The largest declines in age adjusted rates were noted in high income countries of North ‘America and Australasia regions. Survival Survival following a diagnosis of heart failure is poor and is highly influenced by age. In the UK, survival approaches 80% at five years for people aged 45-64 but is closer to 20% at five years for those aged 285." Fortunately, survival rates have Bussdoo fq pereroid WSeN6 Aq ¥ZOZ WY S| UO /wHo9 fuiq'way"dY WOY PepEOJUWOG *FZOZ IMdY 1 UO SZOLLO-EZOZ-HMIAIE +, 11 Se PUSHING 1) “PING Heat ture prevalence oer 1000) 1990 Women Po 4980 prvi Reee eee TAD Namttghine — Centra urope ssinsnaticn wisps — Skitnam — cammbeen — Treptstn te WS Sohn cena Aaa Pactignine contain am — ctirape ae SN wamttgnne oo ease Oceans Weawcpe Europe ‘a Pachighine Cental Latin am — Andes tat am Fig 1 Country specific, age adlusted prevalence of hear fallure from 1990 t0 2019 In men (tp) and women (bottom). Estimates are trom the Global Burden of Disease Study"* Improved since 2000, particularly among younger patients.” ‘Although overall survival isan important outcome, it reflects the combined effects of all the patient's conditions. The incremental impact of heart failure on survival is difficult to discern, as most patients with heart failure have multiple comorbidities. Years of life lost due to heart failure can be estimated by examining survival relative to actuarial estimates of life expectancy. Data from the UK have shown that heart fallure is associated with a 2.4-fold greater loss oftimealive than observed in the ageandsexmatched. general population over 10 years." Length of life lost with heart failure varies from five months (women) to one year (men) for people with no comorbidities and from three years (women) to 4.5 years (men) for ‘those with three or more comorbidities." ‘The impact of covid-19 on the incidence of heatt failure is uncertain but may be substantial. Studies from the US Veterans Affairs healthcare system hhave suggested that covid-19 is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events including death, myocardial infarction, and stroke." Prevention, screening, and identification of heat failure Heart failure can be largely prevented or delayed. ‘with optimal contol of risk factors." Uncontrolled hypertension remains the most common risk factor for incident hear failure.""™* Optimal blood pressure control is associated with a 4096 reduction in heart dos 101136/hmy 2023-0770251 42008285 00770051 holon 1 $e paysyend wsiy sr {yBussdoo Aq paperoid ISEN6 Ka 4Z0Z Wy GI UO /wH0> fuiq’sy"dNY Woy PepEOJUNOG *FzOZ IMdy O} UO SzOLLO-€zOZ MIMIC Eee eer Pee EAID failure events,” and multiple therapies for comorbid conditions reduce the risk of progression to heart failure including sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, which reduce the risk of incident heart failure in patients with diabetes mellitus."*'* ‘Among patients with chronic kidney disease, both SGLT2 inhibitors. and finerenone (in those with diabetes) reduce the risk of incident heart failure." Several clinical risk models can identify patients at high risk for progression 0 heart failure.” Concentrations of natriuretic peptide (B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) of N-terminal proBNP (NT- roBNP)) are also elevated among patients at high risk of incident heart failure or asymptomatic systolic dysfunction.“"*” In the STOP-HF (St Vincent's Screening to Prevent Heart Failure) study, patients with a cardiovascular risk factor were screened using BNP. Patients with elevated concentrations had echocardiography and collaborative cardiology and primaty cate management. This led toa reduction in subsequent left ventricular systolic dysfunction and emergency hospital admissions for cardiovascular reasons.” Similar results were confirmed in a trial among patients with diabetes mellitus.” Since these trials, aditional treatment options are now available to prevent incident heart failure among people at high risk"? Expanding natriuretic peptide screening could lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment, substantially reducing the morbidity of heart failure, Given that heart failure isa progressive condition with high early morbidity, prompt recognition is, critical. In the UK, more than 8096 of first diagnoses, of heart failure are made in the hospital, and more Sepa 409% require additional evidence of increased filling pressures (at rest or wit exercise) to establish a diagnosis of near failure. Diagnosis of HFDEF ‘The diagnosis of HFDEF is particularly challenging, as determining increased filling pressure can be dificult. Most definitions of HFPEF exclude patients with heart failure symptoms due to valve disease, arhythmia, pericardial constraint, or high cardiac output. Although invasive testing with cardiac catheterization is the gold standard for determining elevated left ventricular filling pressures, the diagnosis can be made non-invasively. Unfortunately, no single non-invasive test result has both a high sensitivity and a high specificity (fig 2) ‘Accordingly, clinical scores have been created using the results from multiple tests to diagnose HEDEE. These include H2FPEF (Heavy, 2 of more Hypertensive drugs, atrial Fibrillation, Pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary artery systolic pressure>35 ‘mim Hig), Elderage>60, elevated Filling pressures, E/e? 29)” and HFA-PEFF (Heart Failure Association—Pre- test assessment; Echocardiography and natriuretic peptide score; Functional testing; Final etiology)” A recent evaluation found that these two scores have similar prognostic value, although 28% of patients had discordant findings (HFEF diagnosed by only one ofthe algorithms). ethaps as important as making the diagnosis of hear failure is determining whether the patient will, benefit from therapy for HEDEF. Thus, clinicians can use the entollment criteria from clinica trials. showing benefit to make a diagnosis of HFDEF. The {wo clinical trials of SGLT2 inhibitors that showed benefit for patients with HEpEF used the following enrollment criteria: New York Heart Association 1 $e paysyend wsiy sr yBuusdoo Aq paperoid WSeN6 Ka 4Z0z Idy | UO jwHO> fig’ y/"dY Woy PepEOUNOR “FZOZ IMdY 0} UO 300 pg/mL if sinus rhythm (>600 or >900 g/m iftral brillation), and evidence of structural heart disease (left atrial enlargement, left ventricular hypertrophy), in the Dapaglilozin Evaluation to Improve the Lives of Patients with Presarved Ejection Fraction Heart Failure (DELIVER) trial, or a recent hospital admission for heart failure.” Determining the cause of heart failure Determining the underlying cause of heart fare symptoms Is an important second stop after making a diagnosis, as some conditions have specific treatments.’ > Additional testing beyond echocardiography is often needed, and although routine screening with cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging is not clearly beneficial, selected use of CME offen provides useful information. The patterns oflate gadolinium enhancement and certain TH and T2 techniques may suggest a diagnosis of rnoncompaction, myocarditis, or Chagas discase, as well as infiltrative cardiomyopathies including amyloidosis. iron overload, sarcoidosis, and Fabry discase.* * Patients with ‘dilated cardiomyopathy and those with significant hypertrophy on echocardiography may be most likely to benefit from cor, Four medication pilars of HFEF therapy For patients with heart failure and a reduced left ventricular election fraction to <40% (HFEF), fout classes of drugs are now known toimprove survival? These are renin-angiotensin system inhibitors including angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) orangiotensin receptor/neprilysin inhibitors (ARNT); 8 blockers; mineralocorucoid recoptor antagonists (O4RAS}; and SGLT2 inhibitors (table 1; fig 3). Using the relative risk reduction from the clinical trials, it hhas been estimated thatthe combination of the four pillars of HFYEF therapy will lead to a 7396 relative risk reduction in mortality and a number needed to tweat of four to prevent a death compared with no treatment? ARNI The combination of an ARB and a neprilysin inhibitor is now recommended as one of the pillars of HFYEF therapy. The PARADIGM-HF (Prospective ‘Comparison of ARN Inhibitors with ACE Inhibitors to Determine Impact on Global Mortality and Morbidity Jn HF) tial randomized 8442 patients with HFYER 1t found a 20%6 reduction in cardiovascular death or admission to hospital for hear failure with sacubiteil and valsartan compared with enalapril (hazard ratio 0.80, 95% confidence interval 0.73 100.87): Sacubinilvalsartan was also associated with significant reduction in symptoms, a8 measured by the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Clinical Summary Score (hazard ratio 1.64, 0.63 t0 2.65). A second CT was conducted in patients admitted to hospital With heart failure (PIONEER-HES8: Comparison of SacubitrlValsartan vs Enalapril on Effect of N-terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide [NT- pro8NP) in Patients Stabilized From an Acute HF Episode).* This tral in 881 patients showed a reduction in NF-proBNP concentrations (ratio of change 0.71, 9596 confidence interval 0.63 to 0.81) for patients starting sacubitrilwalsartan during hospital admission compared with those treated with enalapril. Safety was also demonstrated, with no significant differences in worsening renal function, hyperkalemia, and symptomatic hypotension. The 2022 US Heatt Failure Guideline now recommends ARNT as the fist line agent with ACE inhibitor or ARB alone for patents unable to take ARN.” Use of ARNI along with an ACE inhibitors contraindicated. ‘No benefit with ARNI was observed for patients with advanced heart failure defined as NYHA class IV symptoms or patients taking chronic inotropic therapy.” The LIFE (LC2696 in Advanced HF) study randomized 335 patients with advanced hear failure and found that after 24 weeks of treatment, changes Jn NEpCOBNP were not cleariy different’ between Patient treated with sacubitnil/valsartan and those treated with valsartan alone (ratio of change 0:95, 0.8410 1.08), SGLT2 inhibitors This new class of drugs (Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors) was originally designed to improve glycemic regulation in diabetes but was found to also improve cardiac outcomes, including the prevention of heart failure. Subsequent trials in patients with reduced LVEF have consistently shown a significant reduction in hospital admissions due to heart failure, with soveral also showing a reduction in cardiovascular mortalty."* Accordingly, this class (for example, dapagiffozin and empagiiiozin) is now one of the four pillars of HFEF therapy. Sotaglilozin is @ combined SGLT1 and SGLT2 Inhibitor, and whether it should be placed inthe same Tablet [Life prolonging medications Tor hear falure with reduced left ventricular election fracton™ ‘Tresiment Background therapy for treatment nd contol g04ps Relative rskreducton(dath)* __NNTo prevent 1 death at 3 yeast [ACEVARB No other ie protonging mediation 7 26 Blocker ACH 090%) Er 3 MBA ACE 69059; ocers 10% EA 6 [ARN ACE (100% ctv convo) lochars (90D, MARE 503 16 a 'SGLI2,___ ACE/ARS/ANRI GOB blockers (90%); MEAS 670%) 7 22 1G tg rm gta er Har aga aR A TAS PS aA TAS ‘tf est ang 2000" ot 101136 2023-77025 BAF 2028385.6077025 helms 1 $e paysyend wsiy sr yBuusdoo Aq paperoid WSeN6 Ka 4Z0z Idy | UO jwHO> fig’ y/"dY Woy PepEOUNOR “FZOZ IMdY 0} UO IWAVinBlack > endisesoride — patient rive wax + oo —| “| ea danced HE paris 13882150 ms Paaania terion] a lc CU th. ee wa | E inttavenousinotropes Severemital _, Miva valve | nenvtcoss tiv or persistently regurgtaton TEER eure elevatednativete peptides E:End organ dysfunction. cue Beri sara — [> | 85 >| cenasttason —] | 0:Deftrittor socks HE: Hospital admissions »1 Edema despite escalating dretics systole BP 90, rign heart rote : Prognostic mecizston progressive intolerance of ‘Sountivation Fig 3 | Schemat pressure; CRT=cardiacresynchronization therapy branch block: MRA=mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; NYH cotransporter 2 inhibitor; TEERetranscatheter edge-to-edge repalr ection fraction; HF=heart allure; ICO=Implantable cardiac defibrillator; LBBB=let bundle lew York Heart Association; PA=pulmonary artery; SGLIZI=sodlum glucose linked class as purer SGLT? inhibitors is unclear. ina study in 1222 pationts with diabotes and recent hospital admission for heart failure, initiation of sotaglflozin before or shortly after discharge reduced death from cardiovascular causes and hospital admissions and "urgent visits for heart failure compared with placebo (hazard ratio 0.67, 0.52 1 0.84). A second study randomized 10584 patients with diabetes. and renal dysfunction, 20% of whom had hear failure, to sotaglilozin or placebo. The combined encipoint of cardiovascular death, hospital admission for heart failure, and urgent visits for heart fallure was reduced by sotagliflzin, with similar effects for patients with and without heart fatlure (hazard ratio 0.74, 0.63 to 0.88)" The 2021 ESC guideline has grouped sotagliflozin with the SGLT2 inhibitors in its recommendations for patients with heart failure and diabetes.” The drug was only recently approved in the US and thus was not eligible for inclusion in the ACC/AHA/HFSA 2022 guideline * Importance of rapid initiation of therapy ‘The importance of rapid initiation of life prolonging hhcart failure medication is now recognized owing to results from the Safety, Tolerability and Etficacy of Rapid Optimization, Helped by NT-proBNP Testing, of Heart Failure Therapies (STRONG-HF) ‘twial.”* This multicenter study with 1078 patients from 87 hospitals in. 14 countries examined rapid up- titration of guideline directed medication after an hob 814/2024385.0077025 | doi: 10 136/bmi 2023.077025 admission for acute heart failure. The intervention, group had their medications up-titrated to 100% of recommended doses within two weeks of discharge. ‘The primary endpoint of 180 day readmission to hospital due to heart failure or all cause death was reduced by an absolute percentage of 8.1% (95% confidence interval 2.9% to 13.296) with, rapid titration, We note that the STRONG-HF trial was conducted before SGLT2 inhibitors became standard. of car for HFEF therapy. Further evidence of the benefit of rapid initiation comes from the Dapaglifozin and Prevention of ‘Adverse Outcomes in Heart Failure (DAPA-HF) tral.” ‘Among 4744 patients in this trial, the time to clinical Dene was surprisingly fast with a significant reduction in cardiovascular death or worsening heart failure observed by 28 days after randomization to dapagliflozin compared with placebo (hazard ratio 0.51, 95% confidence interval 0.28 to 0.94). Similary, in 1222 patients treated with sotaghfiozin, compared with placebo,” the time toasustained and significant reduction in the primary endpoint was 27 days (hazard ratio 9.62, 0.39 t0 0.99). However, the time to benefit was twice as long for patients with, hear failure and preserved ejection fracion.”* ‘Although the goal isto initiate all four drug classes ina timely manner, the optimal order and timing of initiation remains controversial. Investigators have modeled the potential benefit of different strategies based on how quickly benefits were observed in 1 $e paysyend wsiy sr 1yBuusdoo Aq pareroid WSeN6 Ka ¥Z0Z Idy | UO jwHO> fig Ny" Woy PepEOLUNOR “FZOZ IMdY 0} UO 40%6.? Continued HFVBF treatments are recommended for patients whose LVEF improves, although whether ose escalation or additional medications are beneficial once sympioms have resolved and LVEF has improved remains uncertain. In rare cases, withdrawal of therapy will succeed without relapse of heart failure. These patients with truly recovered LVEF include those whose cardiomyopathy is the result ofa toxin, tachycardia, or other insult that has deen eliminated. Unfortunately, being certain of the cause of cardiomyopathy is often dificult, and any attempt at withdrawal should be gradual with elose follow-up and should be done only in selected cases Jn which heart fallure has a specific and reversible “Treatment of HFmrEF and HFpEF Asnoted above, an LVEF of 41-4936 is mildly reduced. (HFMEEF) whereas patients with an LVEF 250% are considered to have preserved ejection fraction, (HEPEF). These labels apply only to patients who hhave not previously had an LVEF <40% (these are referred to as heart failure with Improved ejection, fraction). SGLT2 inhibitors are recommended as the first line medication for patients with mildly reduced. or preserved LVEF on the basis of the two tials that enrolled many patients with an LVEF >409%.”” Of the other treatments for HFEF, ARNI, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and MRAs are second line therapies as the evidence for benefit is much ‘weaker than for patients with HFYEF. Accordingly, MRAS and ACE inhibitors/ARBS/ARNI have a class 2B recommendation for HEmtEF and HEDEF in guidelines for patients with mildly reduced or preserved LVEF? Of note, 6 blockers are not recommended for patients with HEpEF (2B recommendation for HmrEF)? Lack of benefit for HFpEF was noted in 2 meta-analysis of randomized trials of f blockers, ‘which reported a non-significant trend toward increased cardiovascular and. all cause mortality in patients with preserved LVEF and sinus rhythm. (hazard ratio 1.70, 0.78 to 4.10). LVEF and benefit of medical therapy LVEF can be difficult to quantify with echocardiography, but it has been routinely used t0 dotermine eligibility for clinical trials in heart failure. Given the growing evidence for treatment benefit in patients with higher LVEF levels, some authors have questioned the continued use of the LVEF to classify patients with heart failure. Multiple drug therapies hhave been tested across the ejection fraction spectrum: f blockers, ACE inhibitors/ARBs, ARNI, MBAS, and SGLT2 inhibitors, Traditionally, trials ot 101136 2023-77025 BAF 2028385.6077025 helms 1 $e paysyend wsiy sr 2 cy uychny Woy pepeoNog "pzOz INdy 01 UO szoLLO-ezOz-WHEVE 1y6i1sdoo fq parperoid WSen5 Aq 4Z0Z Hcy SL UO have stratified patients on the bass of LVEF =40%6 or 24096. However, most therapies have shown abeneft at higher thresholds than the traditional cutoff of reduced LVEF at 40%. For P blockers, a reduction in cardiovascular mortality was abserved with LVEF <50y4** For MRA therapy, alargertteatmentbenefitis ‘more likely for patients with LVEF 41-49% than with LVEF 25074" The teatment benefit of sacubiti/ valsartan was observed with LVEF <6096," For SGLT2 Inhibitor therapy, the relauve treatment effect was similar across the LVEF spectrum." Overall, these results suggest that the LVEF threshold for systolic dysfunction used in treatment ils may benefit from reclassification but that LVEF will remain important for determining optimal management. ‘The association of LVEF with the benefit of early initiation and titration was evaluated in a sub-study of the STRONG-HF trial This study showed the consistency of the rapid implementation of guideline based! medical therapy across the entire spectrum of LVEF after an admission for heart failure. Other drug treatments, Several additional medications can be used 10 improve outcomes among patients with HEE This section discusses soveral of these therapies: hydralazine isosorbidedinitrate therapy, ivabradine, vericiguat, intravenous iron, and glucagon-like peptide-1" receptor agonists. We discuss their evidence and contemporary role. ‘SQLT2 inhibitors 1 DELIVER ta conrmed benef of SGLT2 inhibitors for patents wth HF and HFSEF 1 Sotaaiozin approved for HF teatmentin US ARN for HFDEF 1 Pooled PARAGLIDE-HF ang PARAGON tle snow tat ‘ARNT reduces worsening HF everts and CV death in patents with HF =7/HFSEF Intravenous iron for HFEF 1 Meta-analyses of intravenous ton find reduction in hospital admissions for HF and improved HROOL, Diuretic therapy 1 Acunetve resis wih acetalozarie Improved fig Ny" Woy PepEOLUNOR “FZOZ IMdY 0} UO 40%,” the STRONG-HF tral showing benefit of rapid initiation and titration of medications for those with HEYER,"” and a trial showing that pulmonary pressure ‘monitoring using the CardioMEMS device improved outcome.” Future guidelines will likely incorporate hob 814/2024385.0077025 | doi: 10 136/bmi 2023.077025 the trial results into revised recommendations. Figure 4 shows. summary of new evidence published since the 2022 ACC/AHA/HFSA and 2021 ESC hear failure guidelines." An update to the 2021 ESC guideline was recently published,” and this incorporates new clinical trials of SGLT2 inhibitors, finerenone, and. Intravenous iron therapy. Emerging treatments Continued progress in treatment remains critical given the residual morbidity for patients with heart failure, Omecamtiv mecarbil is a cardiac myosin activator that improves cardiac contractility. In the GALACTIC-HF (Global Approach to Lowering Adverse Cardiac Outcomes through improving Contractility in Heart Failure) trial, 8258 pationts with HFEF who received omecamtiv mecarbil showed an {8% relative reduction (0.92, 0.86 to 0.99) in the risk of cardiovascular death or heart failure event (hospital admission or urgent vist) The benefit was driven by the difference in heart failure events. Multiple secondary analyses have illustrated larger therapeutic benefit among patients with more severe hear failure based on LVEF, systolic blood pressure, NYHA class, ornatriureticpeptides."”?"”* Omecamtiv rmecarbil is not avaiable as it was denied approval by the US Food and Drug Administration and is still pursuing approval in Europe. Several trials will help to clarify the role of existing hear failure therapies. The VICTOR trial is evaluating the efficacy of vericiguat among patients with heart failure who have not had a recent worsening heart 1 $e paysyend wsiy sr 1yBuusdoo Aq pareroid WSeN6 Ka ¥Z0Z Idy | UO jwHO> fig Ny" Woy PepEOLUNOR “FZOZ IMdY 0} UO

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