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Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science. Vol. LXIV, No.

2, 2021
ISSN 2285-5750; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769; ISSN Online 2393-2260; ISSN-L 2285-5750



Aurelia NICA, Mihai-Stefan PETREA, Alina MOGODAN, Ira-Adeline SIMIONOV,


“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 47 Domnească Street, Galați, Romania

Corresponding author emails: [email protected]; [email protected]


The present research aims to evaluate the impact of both dietary vitamin E and dietary sage supplementation on growth
performance of koi carp fingerlings, reared in a partial recirculating aquaculture system. Koi carp specimens with an
average individual biomass of 5.1 ± 0.4 g were equally distributed, as follows: V1 - diet supplemented with 1% vitamin
E (V1), respectively, V2 - diet supplemented with 1% sage. A 5% BW (Body weight) daily feeding ratio was applied.
During the 49 days trial, individual biomass measurements were performed at initial, after 8, 15, 25 and 37 days, as
well as at the final stage of the experiment. The specific growth rate indicates a superior fish production at V2
(3.30%BW/day), compared to V1 (2.75%BW/day). Also, better FCR values are recorded at V2 (1.28), compared to V1
(1.62). The Protein efficiency ratio (PER) results indicate a better ability of V2 koi carp specimens to utilize proteins
(1.39), compared to V1 specimens (1.10). Thus, dietary supplementation with 1% sage has a superior effect on growth
performance of koi carp fingerlings, compared to 1% vitamin E dietary supplementation.

Key words: koi carp, sage, vitamin E, dietary supplementation, growth performance.

INTRODUCTION The vitamin E plays a significant role in the

health and growth of fish by improving their
Plants and their extracts are known to possess immune responses as well as their resistance to
many bioactive components such as tannin, stress and disease (Naderi et al., 2017).
alkaloids, and essential oils which have both According to other authors (Cristea et al.,
antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. These 2012), various types of feed additives enhance
bioactive components exert their beneficial the digestibility and/or utilization efficiency of
effects by manipulating the intestinal nutrients, including exogenous enzymes,
microflora and improving digestibility (Asheg stimulators of enzyme secretion, compounds
et al., 2014). Plant-derivatives, or the so-called that aid in the digestive process by improving
“phytogenics” and plant extracts “phytobiotics” absorption, mobilization and transport of
which are mainly obtained from aromatic nutrients, feeding stimulants that reduce
plants and their essential oils, have been greatly feed/nutrient waste, prebiotics, probiotics, and
utilized to enhance the growth performance of botanical extracts that modulate gut microflora.
fish (Abdel-Latif et al., 2020). The aim of the present study is to evaluate the
Certainly, the use of immunostimulants as impact of both dietary vitamin E and dietary
functional additives is acknowledged to sage supplementation on growth performance
improve the non-specific defence mechanism in dynamics of koi carp fingerlings, reared in a
fish, so giving resistance to infections (Cristea partial recirculating aquaculture system.
et al., 2012). Among the natural phytobiotic
products with the potential of growth- MATERIALS AND METHODS
promoting activity is sage (Salvia officinalis).
The sage is one of the largest genera of the Experimental design
family Lamiaceae. It is widely distributed in Two experimental diets were used: V1 - diet
the temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions supplemented with 1% vitamin E (V1),
all over the world (Sharifi-Rad et al., 2018). respectively V2 - diet supplemented with 1%

sage. The feed proximate analysis revealed a Relative growth rate: RGR = ((Bf- Bi)/t)/Bi
value of 56% protein and 15% lipids. [g/g/day], with Bf - final fish biomass; Bi – initial
The introduction of vitamin E and sage into fish biomass, t - duration of the experiment (2);
fish feed was made by applying the following Specific growth rate: SGR = 100 x (ln Bf - ln
described protocol: Bi)/t [% fish biomass/day], with Bf - final fish
• a mixture of phytobiotic/vitamin E and gelatin biomass, Bi – initial fish biomass, t - duration
(2% concentration) was made of the experiment (3);
• the mixture was sprayed uniform over the feed Feed conversion ratio: FCR = F/IBG [kg feed
surface, while assuring a continuous shaking, intake/kg fish biomass gain], with F - feed
• the final mixture is dried at 25°C, for 2 hours intake, FBG – individual biomass gain (4);
and administrated to fish biomass as described Protein efficiency ratio: PER = BG/(F*CP/100)
in the feed administration protocol. [kg/kg], with FBG - individual biomass gain, F
The experiment was conducted at the MoRAS - feed intake, CP - crude protein (5).
Research Center - Food Science and Variation coefficient: CVw/L = (Dev. St./Avg
Engineering Faculty, "Dunarea de Jos" w/L) x 100 [%], with Dev. St. - standard
University of Galati, during a period of 49 deviation, Avgw/L - fish body weight/length
days. After acclimation, fish were stocked in a
partial recirculating system with consists in a Data analysis
series of rectangular rearing units and water For statistical analysis was used the IBM SPSS
conditioning unit (aeration unit, mechanical Statistics 20 for Windows and statistical
and biological filtration). In order to maintain differences between treatments were tested
the water quality parameters within an optimal using T test (α = 0.05) after a normality test
range for koi carp growth, a daily exchange rate (Kolmogorov-Smirnov). Comparisons between
of 30% was applied. Fish were divided into 2 variants were assessed using post-hoc Duncan
treatments (with replicates) and fed with the test for multiple comparisons (ANOVA).
experimental diets, by applying a 5% BW daily
feeding rate. Feed was administrated manually, RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
4 times per day, at 9:00, 11:00, 13:00 and 15 h,
during a 7 weeks experimental period. Water quality
The water parameters were within the optimal
Biological material and water quality range for koi carp growth, as mentioned by
The koi carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fingerlings Boyd and Tucker (2012), at both experimental
(5.1 ± 0.4 g), obtained through artificial variants, as follows: temperature ranged
reproduction in the spring of 2020 year were between 19-23.5°C, the DO ranged between
acclimated to experimental rearing conditions 5.2-7.5 mg/L at V1, respectively 4.7-7.4 mg/L
for 2 weeks, during which fish were fed with at V2, and pH ranged between 6.9-8.1 upH at
commercial diet (56% crude protein). V1, respectively 6.7 - 7.9 upH at V2.
The water dissolved oxygen (DO) concentra- The pH and DO variation for V1 and V2,
tion, pH and temperature (°C) were measured respectively, are presented in Figure 1 and
daily, by using a HQ40d Portable Multi- Figure 2. Not significant differences (p>0.05)
Parameter. were recorded between both experimental
variants in terms of DO, pH and temperature.
Growth performance and feed utilization However, the vitamin E diet experimental
parameters variant (V1) had registered better values related
A number of four intermediary biometric and to technological water quality, compared to
biomass measurements were made in order to sage diet experimental variant (V2).
upgrade the quantity of daily administrated It is observed that the dissolved oxygen
feed. The analysed technological indicators concentration and pH had a decrease in the last
were as follows (Petrea et al., 2019): part of the experiment period, which indicates
Individual biomass gain: IBG = (Bf)-(Bi)/ fish the limitations of the production system in
number [g/fish], with Bf – final fish biomass; terms of maintaining water quality in terms of
Bi – initial fish biomass (1); increasing the amount of food administered.

The effects of experimental diets on the growth
performance indices and feed utilization
parameters are presented in Table 1.
There were no significant differences between
the fish specimens in terms of initial body
weight (IBW), at the start of the feeding trial
(p>0.05). The growth performance indicators
(Table 1) reveled no mortalities during V2 and
10% in varianta V1, therefore confirming the
good results registered in terms of water
quality. The average specific growth rate
Figure 1. The dynamics of pH and DO for V1 indicates a superior fish production at V2
(3.30% BW/day), compared to V1 (2.75%
BW/day) experimental variant (Table 1).
However, from the perspective of feeding
strategy efficiency, the average food
conversion ratio (FCR) indicates better values
for V2 experimental variant (1.28 g feed/g
biomass gain), compared to V1 (1.62 g feed/g
biomass gain) (Table 1). The average protein
efficiency ratio (PER) registered higher values
at V2 experimental variant (1.39), compared to
V1 (1.10), revealing the ability of fish organism
Figure 2. The dynamics of pH and DO at V2
to utilize proteins, which positively affects
experimental variant growth rate (Table 1).

Table 1. Growth performance indicators for each of the experimental variants

Nr. crt. Indicator Period V1 (vit. E) V2 (Sage)

Initial - INT.1 8 8
INT.1-INT.2 7 7
INT.2 - INT.3 10 10
1. Experimental period (days)
INT.3 - INT.4 12 12
INT.4 - Final 12 12
Initial - Final 49 49
2. Survival (%) Initial - Final 90 100
INITIAL 5.1 5.2
INT.1 6.7 6.9
Individual average biomass INT.2 8.2 8.8
3. (g/fish) INT.3 10.7 12.3
INT.4 14.3 17.6
FINAL 19.6 26.1
INITIAL 7.0 7.2
INT.1 7.6 8.1
Individual average length INT.2 8.3 8.9
4. (cm/fish) INT.3 9.4 10.3
INT.4 10.1 11.1
FINAL 11.6 13.6
Initial - INT.1 1.6 1.7
INT.1-INT.2 1.6 1.9
INT.2 - INT.3 2.4 3.5
5. Individual biomass gain (g/ex)
INT.3 - INT.4 3.6 5.3
INT.4 - Final 5.3 8.4
Initial - Final 14.5 20.9
Initial - INT.1 0.039 0.042
INT.1-INT.2 0.034 0.04
INT.2 - INT.3 0.030 0.039
6. Relative growth rate - RGR (g/g/day)
INT.3 - INT.4 0.029 0.036
INT.4 - Final 0.031 0.04
Initial - Final 0.015 0.016

Nr. crt. Indicator Period V1 (vit. E) V2 (Sage)
Initial - INT.1 3.36 3.63
INT.1-INT.2 3.03 3.52
Specific growth rate INT.2 - INT.3 2.59 3.31
7. (%BW/day) INT.3 - INT.4 2.45 3.01
INT.4 - Final 2.62 3.26
Initial - Final 2.75 3.30
Initial - INT.1 1.29 1.19
INT.1-INT.2 1.48 1.25
Feed conversion ratio - FCR INT.2 - INT.3 1.69 1.28
8. (g feed / g biomass gain) INT.3 - INT.4 1.75 1.38
INT.4 - Final 1.62 1.26
Initial - Final 1.62 1.28
Initial - INT.1 1.38 1.50
INT.1-INT.2 1.20 1.43
Protein efficiency ratio - PER INT.2 - INT.3 1.06 1.40
9. (g/g) INT.3 - INT.4 1.02 1.30
INT.4 - Final 1.10 1.42
Initial - Final 1.10 1.39
10. Feed protein (%) Initial - Final 56 56
11. Daily feeding ratio (% BW) Initial - Final 5 5
12. Weight variation coefficient - CVw (%) FINAL 6.52 7.25
13. Length variation coefficient - CVL (%) FINAL 2.89 3.42

By analyzing the variation coefficients, it can degree after the first 15 experimental days,
be stated that both experimental variants had compared to V2 experimental variant, which
registered a high homogeneity degree in the continued to register high homogeneity until
first part of the experimental period (Figures 3 the last part of the experimental period (first 37
and 4). days) (Figures 2 and 3).
The condition status of biological material was
evaluated by using the allometric condition
factor F (F = W/Lb, where b = allometric
exponent, experimentally determined).
The allometric exponent “b” has its values
under three units at both variants, during the
entire experimental stage (Figures 2 and 3), fact
which reveals a faster growth in length rather
than weight.
Also, the K condition factor registered lower
average values at the end of the trial at V1 (K =
0.236), compared to V2 (K = 0.315).
Figure 3. Total Length-Weight relation for V1
biomass, during the experimental period
Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in the
usage of dietary phytobiotics as natural growth
promotors and immunostimulants in practical
fish diets to improve growth, health status,
immune responses, and protection against
bacterial diseases (Abdel-Latif et al., 2020).
Furthermore, phytoadditives appear to be
reasonable alternative solutions to substitute
synthetic antimicrobials used in aquaculture
without any undesired effects upon recent
related studies (Daood, 2011).
The present study confirms the beneficial
Figure 4. Total Length-Weight relation for V2 effects of sage use, as observed by Salomon et
biomass, during the experimental period al. (2020) who evaluated the growth response
in juvenile gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
However, the V1 experimental variant revealed fed with a functional diet containing a
a significant decrease on the homogeneity medicinal plant leaf extract from sage (Salvia
officinalis) and lemon verbena (Lippa ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
citriodona) and subliniated the beneficial
effects of the dietary administration. The work of Simionov Ira-Adeline was
According to other authors (Cristea et al., supported by the project
2012), sustainable aquaculture depends on "ANTREPRENORDOC", Contract no.
perfectly balance between health and growth 36355/23.05.2019, financed by The Human
condition of fish. Thus, according to other Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020
study (Abd-El-Rhman, 2009), certain (POCU), Romania.
phytobiotics as propolis-ethanolic-extract were This work was supported by a grant of the
found to promotes the growth of intensive Romanian National Authority for Scientific
aquaculture fish species, as Nile tilapia. Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI –
Therefore, the used of phytobiotics and UEFISCDI, project PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2019-
vitamins promotes growth and therefore, 0697, within PNCDI III.
maximize productivity and income, especially The authors are grateful for the technical
in intensive and semi-intensive production fish support offered by ReForm - MoRAS through
farms. However, a proper period for the the Grant POSCCE ID 1815, cod SMIS 48745
administration must be identified and suitable (
phytobiotics should be selected since, some
authors (Kono et al., 2000) reported REFERENCES
experienced a reduction growth performance
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