PMP75 Hart Manual

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16 Products Solutions Services

valid from Software version:

Operating Instructions
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71,
Process pressure measurement
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Order code: XXXXX-XXXXXX

Ext. ord. cd.: XXX.XXXX.XX

Serial number

2. Endress+Hauser
Operations App



Make sure the document is stored in a safe place such that it is always available when
working on or with the device.
To avoid danger to individuals or the facility, read the "Basic safety instructions" section
carefully, as well as all other safety instructions in the document that are specific to
working procedures.
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify technical data without prior notice. Your
Endress+Hauser Sales Center will supply you with current information and updates to these

2 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Table of contents
1 Document information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7.3 Selecting language and measuring mode . . . . . . 47
7.4 Position adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1.1 Document function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7.5 Pressure measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1.2 Symbols used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7.6 Level measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
1.3 Registered trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Terms and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.5 Turn down calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
8.1 Cleaning instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2 Basic safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8.2 Exterior cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.1 Requirements concerning the staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Designated use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.3 Workplace safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9.1 Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.4 Operational safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9.2 Response of outputs to errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.5 Hazardous area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9.3 Confirming messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.6 Product safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9.4 Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.7 Functional Safety SIL3 (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9.5 Repair of Ex-certified devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
9.6 Spare Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3 Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 9.7 Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
9.8 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.1 Product identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 9.9 Software history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.2 Device designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Scope of delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4 Certificates and approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 10 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.1 Incoming acceptance, transport, storage . . . . . . 13
4.2 Installation conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.3 General installation instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.4 Installation instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.5 Post-installation check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.1 Connecting the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.2 Connecting the measuring unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.3 Potential matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.4 Overvoltage protection (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.5 Post-connection check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

6 Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.1 On-site display (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.2 Operating elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.3 On-site operation –
on-site display not connected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.4 On-site operation –
on-site display connected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
6.5 HistoROM®/M-DAT (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.6 Operation via SFX100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.7 Endress+Hauser operating program . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.8 Locking/unlocking operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.9 Factory setting (reset) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

7 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.1 Configuring messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.2 Function check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Endress+Hauser 3
Document information Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

1 Document information

1.1 Document function

These Operating Instructions contain all the information that is required in various phases
of the life cycle of the device: from product identification, incoming acceptance and storage,
to mounting, connection, operation and commissioning through to troubleshooting,
maintenance and disposal.

1.2 Symbols used

1.2.1 Safety symbols

Symbol Meaning

DANGER This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation will result in
A0011189-DE seriousor fatal injury.

WARNING This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in
A0011190-DE seriousor fatal injury.

CAUTION This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in
minoror medium injury.

NOTICE This symbol contains information on procedures and other facts which do not result in
A0011192-DE personalinjury.

1.2.2 Electrical symbols

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning

Direct current Alternating current

Direct current and alternating current Ground connection

) A grounded terminal which, as far as

the operator is concerned, is grounded
via a grounding system.

Protective ground connection Equipotential connection

A terminal which must be connected A connection that has to be connected
to ground prior to establishing any to the plant grounding system: This
other connections. may be a potential equalization line or
a star grounding system depending on
national or company codes of practice.

1.2.3 Tool symbols

Symbol Meaning

Allen key


Hexagon wrench


4 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Document information

1.2.4 Symbols for certain types of information

Symbol Meaning

Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are permitted.

Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are forbidden.

Indicates additional information.

Reference to documentation


Reference to page


Reference to graphic


Series of steps
1. , 2. , 3. …

Result of a sequence of actions


Visual inspection


1.2.5 Symbols in graphics

Symbol Meaning

1, 2, 3, 4, ... Item numbers

Series of steps
1. , 2. , 3. …

A, B, C, D, ... Views

1.2.6 Symbols at the device

Symbol Meaning

Safety instructions
Observe the safety instructions contained in the associated Operating Instructions.

1.3 Registered trademarks

Registered trademarks of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, USA
Registered trademark of Ladish & Co., Inc., Kenosha, USA
Registered trademark of the FieldComm Group, Austin, USA.
Registered trademarks of W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., USA

Endress+Hauser 5
Document information Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

1.4 Terms and abbreviations


Position Term/Abbreviation Explanation

1 OPL The OPL (over pressure limit = sensor overload limit) for the sensors
depends on the lowest-rated element, with regard to pressure, of the
selected components, i.e. the process connection must be taken into
consideration in addition to the measuring cell. Also observe pressure-
temperature dependency. For the relevant standards and additional notes,
see technical information.
The OPL may be applied for a limited time period.
2 MWP The MWP (maximum working pressure) for the sensors depends on the
lowest-rated element, with regard to pressure, of the selected components,
i.e. the process connection has to be taken into consideration in addition to
the measuring cell. Also observe pressure-temperature dependency. For the
relevant standards and additional notes, see technical information.
The MWP may be applied for an unlimited time.
3 Maximum sensor Range between LRL and URL
measuring range This span is the maximum calibratable/adjustable measuring span.
4 Calibrated/Adjusted Range between LRV and URV
measuring span Factory setting: 0...URL
Other calibrated spans can be ordered with customised settings.
p - Pressure
- LRL Lower range limit
- URL Upper range limit
- LRV Lower range value
- URV Upper range value
- TD Turn down

6 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Document information

1.5 Turn down calculation

1=2 3


Fig. 1:
1 Calibrated/Adjusted measuring span
2 Zero-based span
3 Upper range limit

• Sensor: 10 bar (150 psi) • Calibrated/Adjusted measuring span: 0...5 bar
• Upper range limit (URL) = 10 bar (150 psi) (0...75 psi)
• Lower range value (LRV) = 0 bar
• Upper range value (URV) = 5 bar (75 psi)
Turn down (TD):
TD =

10 bar (150 psi)

TD = = 2
|5 bar (75 psi) - 0 bar (0 psi)|

In this example, the TD is thus 2:1.

This span is based on the zero point.

Endress+Hauser 7
Basic safety instructions Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

2 Basic safety instructions

2.1 Requirements concerning the staff

The personnel for installation, commissioning, diagnostics and maintenance must fulfill the
following requirements:
• Trained, qualified specialists: must have a relevant qualification for this specific function
and task
• Are authorized by the plant owner/operator
• Are familiar with federal/national regulations
• Before beginning work, the specialist staff must have read and understood the instructions
in the Operating Instructions and supplementary documentation as well as in the
certificates (depending on the application)
• Following instructions and basic conditions
The operating personnel must fulfill the following requirements:
• Being instructed and authorized according to the requirements of the task by the facility's
• Following the instructions in these Operating Instructions

2.2 Designated use

The Cerabar S is a pressure transmitter for measuring pressure and level.

2.2.1 Incorrect use

The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper or non-designated use.
Verification for borderline cases:
For special fluids and fluids for cleaning, Endress+Hauser is glad to provide assistance in
verifying the corrosion resistance of fluid-wetted materials, but does not accept any
warranty or liability.

2.3 Workplace safety

For work on and with the device:
• Wear the required personal protective equipment according to federal/national
• Switch off the supply voltage before connecting the device.

2.4 Operational safety

Risk of injury!
‣ Operate the device in proper technical condition and fail-safe condition only.
‣ The operator is responsible for interference-free operation of the device.

Conversions to the device

Unauthorized modifications to the device are not permitted and can lead to unforeseeable
‣ If, despite this, modifications are required, consult with Endress+Hauser.
To ensure continued operational safety and reliability,
‣ Carry out repairs on the device only if they are expressly permitted.
‣ Observe federal/national regulations pertaining to repair of an electrical device.
‣ Use original spare parts and accessories from Endress+Hauser only.

8 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Basic safety instructions

2.5 Hazardous area

To eliminate a danger for persons or for the facility when the device is used in the hazardous
area (e.g. explosion protection, pressure vessel safety):
• Based on the nameplate, check whether the ordered device is permitted for the intended
use in the hazardous area.
• Observe the specifications in the separate supplementary documentation that is an
integral part of these Instructions.

2.6 Product safety

This measuring device is designed in accordance with good engineering practice to meet
state-of-the- art safety requirements, has been tested, and left the factory in a condition in
which they are safe to operate. It fulfills general safety requirements and legal requirements.
It also conforms to the EC directives listed in the device-specific EC declaration of conformity.
Endress+Hauser confirms this fact by applying the CE mark.

2.7 Functional Safety SIL3 (optional)

If using devices for applications with safety integrity, the Functional Safety Manual must be
observed thoroughly.

Endress+Hauser 9
Identification Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

3 Identification

3.1 Product identification

The following options are available for identification of the measuring device:
• Nameplate specifications
• Order code with breakdown of the device features on the delivery note
• Enter serial numbers from nameplates in W@M Device Viewer
( : All information about the measuring device is
For an overview of the technical documentation provided, enter the serial number from the
nameplates in the W@M Device Viewer (

3.1.1 Manufacturer address

Endress+Hauser GmbH+Co. KG
Hauptstraße 1
79689 Maulburg, Germany
Address of the manufacturing plant: See nameplate.

3.2 Device designation

3.2.1 Nameplate
• The MWP (maximum working pressure) is specified on the nameplate. This value refers
to a reference temperature of +20 °C (68°F) and may be applied to the device for an
unlimited time. Observe temperature dependency of the MWP. The pressure values
permitted at higher temperatures can be found in the standards EN 1092-1: 2001 Tab. 18
(With regard to their stability-temperature property, the materials 1.4435 and 1.4404 are
grouped together under 13EO in EN 1092-1 Tab. 18. The chemical composition of the two
materials can be identical.), ASME B 16.5a – 1998 Tab. 2-2.2 F316, ASME B 16.5a –
1998 Tab. 2.3.8 N10276, JIS B 2220.
• The test pressure corresponds to the over pressure limit (OPL) of the device = MWP x 1.5
• The Pressure Equipment Directive (2014/68/EU) uses the abbreviation "PS".
The abbreviation "PS" corresponds to the MWP (maximum working pressure) of the
measuring device.

1) The equation does not apply for PMP71 and PMP75 with a 40 bar (600 psi) or a 100 bar (1500 psi) measuring

Aluminium and stainless steel housing (T14)

2 Order code: Ser. no.: 5
3 Ext. order code:

4 6


Fig. 2: Nameplate
1 Device name
2 Order code (for re-orders)
3 Extended order code (complete)
4 Technical data
5 Serial number (for identification)
6 Address of manufacturer

10 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Identification

Devices for use in hazardous areas are fitted with an additional nameplate.


Fig. 3: Additional nameplate

1 Approval-specific information
2 Document number for safety instructions or drawing number

Devices suitable for oxygen applications or with PVDF process connection are fitted with an
additional nameplate.


Fig. 4: Additional nameplate

1 Application limits

Hygenic stainless steel housing (T17)

3 Order code:
4 Ext. ord. cd.:
5 Ser. no.:



Fig. 5: Nameplate
1 Device name
2 Address of manufacturer
3 Order code (for re-orders)
4 Extended order code (complete)
5 Serial number (for identification)
6 Technical data
7 Approval-specific information and document number for safety instructions or drawing number

3.2.2 Identifying the sensor type

See parameter "Sensor Meas.Type" in Operating Instruction BA00274P.

Endress+Hauser 11
Identification Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

3.3 Scope of delivery

The scope of delivery comprises:
• Cerabar S pressure transmitter
• For devices with the "HistoROM/M-DAT" option:
CD-ROM with Endress+Hauser operating program
• Optional accessories
Documentation supplied:
• The Operating Instructions BA00271P and BA00274P are available via the Internet.
See: Download.
• Brief Operating Instructions KA01019P
• Leporello KA00218P
• Final inspection report
• Also Safety Instructions with ATEX, IECEx and NEPSI devices
• Optional: factory calibration form, test certificates

3.4 Certificates and approvals

CE mark, declaration of conformity

The device is designed to meet state-of-the-art safety requirements, has been tested and left
the factory in a condition in which it is safe to operate. The device complies with the
applicable standards and regulations as listed in the EC declaration of conformity and thus
complies with the statutory requirements of the EC Directives. Endress+Hauser confirms the
successful testing of the device by affixing to it the CE mark.

12 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Installation

4 Installation

4.1 Incoming acceptance, transport, storage

4.1.1 Incoming acceptance

• Check the packaging and the contents for damage.
• Check the shipment, make sure nothing is missing and that the scope of supply matches
your order.

4.1.2 Transport
Incorrect transportation
Housing, diaphragm and capillaries may become damaged, and there is a risk of injury!
‣ Transport the measuring device to the measuring point in its original packaging or by the
process connection (with secure transport protection for the diaphragm).
‣ Follow the safety instructions and transport conditions for devices weighing more than
18 kg (39.6 lbs).
‣ Do not use capillaries as a carrying aid for the diaphragm seals.

4.1.3 Storage
The device must be stored in a dry, clean area and protected against damage from impact
(EN 837-2).
Storage temperature range:
• –40 °C to +90°C (–40 °F to +194°F)
• On-site display: –40 °C to +85°C (–40 °F to +185°F)
• Separate housing: –40 °C to +60°C (–40 °F to +140°F)

4.2 Installation conditions

4.2.1 Dimensions
For dimensions, please refer to "Mechanical construction" section in TI00383P.

Endress+Hauser 13
Installation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

4.3 General installation instructions

• Devices with a G 1 1/2 thread:
When screwing the device into the tank, the flat seal has to be positioned on the sealing
of the process connection. To avoid additional strain on the process isolating diaphragm,
the thread should never be sealed with hemp or similar materials.
• Devices with NPT threads:
– Wrap Teflon tape around the thread to seal it.
– Tighten the device at the hexagonal bolt only. Do not turn at the housing.
– Do not overtighten the thread when screwing. Max. torque: 20 to 30 Nm (14.75 to
22.13 lbf ft)
• For the following process connections a tightening torque of max. 40 Nm (29.50 lbf ft)
is required:
– Thread ISO228 G1/2 (Order option "1A" or "1B")
– Thread DIN13 M20 x 1.5 (Order option "1N" or "1P")

4.3.1 Mounting sensor modules with PVDF thread

Risk of damage to process connection!
Risk of injury!
‣ Sensor modules with PVDF thread must be installed with the mounting bracket provided!
Material fatigue from pressure and temperature!
Risk of injury if parts burst! The thread can become loose if exposed to high pressure and
‣ The integrity of the thread must be checked regularly and the thread may need to be re-
tightened with the maximum tightening torque of 7 Nm (5.16 lbf ft). Teflon tape is
recommended for sealing the ½" NPT thread.

4.4 Installation instructions

• Due to the orientation of the Cerabar S, there may be a shift in the measured value, i.e.
when the container is empty, the measured value does not display zero. You may correct
this zero point shift either directly on the device using the -key or by remote operation.
 ä 34, "Function of the operating elements – on-site display not connected" or
 ä 48, "Position adjustment".
• For PMP75, please refer to  ä 17, "Installation instructions for devices with diaphragm
seals – PMP75".
• To ensure optimal readability of the on-site display, it is possible to rotate the housing up
to 380°.  ä 24, "Rotating the housing".
• Endress+Hauser offers a mounting bracket for installing on pipes or walls.
 ä 21, "Wall and pipe mounting (optional)".

4.4.1 Installation instructions for devices without diaphragm seals –

PMP71, PMC71
Damage to the device!
If a heated Cerabar S is cooled during the cleaning process (e.g. by cold water), a vacuum
develops for a short time, whereby moisture can penetrate the sensor through the pressure
compensation (1).

14 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Installation

‣ If this is the case, mount the Cerabar S with the pressure compensation (1) pointing


• Keep the pressure compensation and GORE-TEX® filter (1) free from contaminations and
• Cerabar S without diaphragm seal are mounted as per the norms for a manometer
(DIN EN 837-2). We recommend the use of shut-off devices and siphons. The orientation
depends on the measuring application.
• Do not clean or touch process isolating diaphragm seals with hard or pointed objects.
• The device must be installed as follows in order to comply with the cleanability
requirements of the ASME-BPE (Part SD Cleanability):




Pressure measurement in gases


Fig. 6: Measuring arrangement for pressure measurement in gases

1 Cerabar S
2 Shut-off device

Mount Cerabar S with shut-off device above the tapping point so that any condensate can
flow into the process.

Endress+Hauser 15
Installation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Pressure measurement in steams

➁ ➃


Fig. 7: Measuring arrangement for pressure measurement in steams

1 Cerabar S
2 Shut-off device
3 U-shaped siphon
4 Circular siphon

• Use siphons for pressure measurement in steam. The siphon reduces the temperature to
almost ambient temperature. Preferably mount the Cerabar S with the siphon below the
tapping point.
– defined water column only causes minimal/negligible measured errors
– only minimal/negligible thermal effects on the device
Mounting above the tapping point is also possible. Pay attention to the maximum
permitted ambient temperature of the transmitter!
• Fill the siphon with liquid before commissioning.

Pressure measurement in liquids


Fig. 8: Measuring arrangement for pressure measurement in liquids

1 Cerabar S
2 Shut-off device

Mount Cerabar S with shut-off device below or at the same level as the tapping point.

16 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Installation

Level measurement


Fig. 9: Measuring arrangement for level

• Mount Cerabar S below the lowest measuring point.

• Do not mount the device at the following positions:
In the fill flow, in the tank outlet or at a point in the container which could be affected by
pressure pulses from an agitator.
• Do not mount the device in the suction area of a pump.
• The calibration and functional test can be carried out more easily if you mount the device
after a shut-off device.

4.4.2 Installation instructions for devices with diaphragm seals –

• Cerabar S devices with diaphragm seals are screwed in, flanged or clamped, depending on
the type of diaphragm seal.
• Please note that the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid columns in the capillaries can cause
zero point shift. The zero point shift can be corrected.
• Do not clean or touch the process isolating diaphragm of the diaphragm seal with hard or
pointed objects.
• Do not remove process isolating diaphragm protection until shortly before installation.
Improper handling!
Damage to the device!
‣ A diaphragm seal and the pressure transmitter together form a closed, oil-filled
calibrated system. The fill fluid hole is sealed and may not be opened.
‣ When using a mounting bracket, sufficient strain relief must be ensured for the
capillaries in order to prevent the capillary bending down (bending radius 100
(3.94 in)).
‣ Please observe the application limits of the diaphragm seal filling oil as detailed in the
Technical Information for Cerabar S TI00383P, "Planning instructions for diaphragm seal
systems" section.
In order to obtain more precise measurement results and to avoid a defect in the device,
mount the capillaries as follows:
‣ Vibration-free (in order to avoid additional pressure fluctuations)
‣ Not in the vicinity of heating or cooling lines
‣ Insulate if the ambient temperature is below or above the reference temperature
‣ With a bending radius of  100 mm (3.94 in).
‣ Do not use the capillaries as a carrying aid for the diaphragm seals!

Endress+Hauser 17
Installation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Vacuum application
For applications under vacuum, Endress+Hauser recommends mounting the pressure
transmitter below the diaphragm seal. This prevents vacuum loading of the diaphragm seal
caused by the presence of fill fluid in the capillary.
When the pressure transmitter is mounted above the diaphragm seal, the maximum height
difference H1 in accordance with the illustrations below must not be exceeded.



Fig. 10: Installation above the lower diaphragm seal

The maximum height difference depends on the density of the filling oil and the smallest
ever pressure that is permitted to occur at the diaphragm seal (empty vessel), see illustration

A 6.0


50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 [mbarabs]

Fig. 11: Diagram of maximum installation height above the lower diaphragm seal for vacuum applications depending on the
pressure at the diaphragm seal
A Height difference H1
B Pressure at diaphragm seal
1 Low temperature oil
2 Vegetable oil
3 Silicone oil
4 High-temperature oil
5 Inert oil

18 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Installation

Mounting with temperature isolator

Endress+Hauser recommends the use of temperature isolators in the event of constant
extreme medium temperatures which lead to the maximum permissible electronics
temperature of +85 °C (+185°F) being exceeded. Depending on the filling oil used,
diaphragm seal systems with temperature isolators can be used for maximum temperatures
of up to +400 °C (+752 °F). For the temperature application limits, see technical
Information, "Diaphragm seal filling oils" section. To minimize the influence of rising heat,
Endress+Hauser recommends the device be mounted horizontally or with the housing
pointing downwards. The additional installation height also brings about a maximum zero
point shift of 21 mbar (0.315 psi) due to the hydrostatic column in the temperature isolator.
You can correct this zero point shift at the device.

1 1 1

Tp Ta Tp Ta Tp Ta

2 2

[°F] [°C]
+752 +400
+662 +350
+572 +300
+482 +250
+392 +200
+302 +150
+212 +100
+122 +50
+32 0
-58 -50
-148 -100 [°C]
-60 -40 -20 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 Ta
-76 -40 -4 +32 +68 +104 +140 +176 +212

Fig. 12:
1 Transmitter
2 Insulation material

Position Insulation Ambient temperature (Ta) at transmitter Maximum process temperature (Tp)

A No insulation 60 °C (140 °F) 400 °C (752 °F) 1)

85 °C (185 °F) 200 °C (392 °F)

B 30 mm (1.18 in) Insulation 80 °C (176 °F) 400 °C (752 °F) )

85 °C (185 °F) 300 °C (572 °F)

C Maximum insulation 67 °C (153 °F) 400 °C (752 °F) )

85 °C (185 °F) 200 °C (392 °F)

1) Process temperature: max. 400 °C (752 °F), depending on the diaphragm seal filling oil used

Endress+Hauser 19
Installation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

4.4.3 Seal for flange mounting

Corrupted measurement results.
The seal is not allowed to press against the process isolating diaphragm as this could affect
the measurement result.
‣ Ensure that the seal is not touching the process isolating diaphragm.

1 2


Fig. 13:
1 Process isolating diaphragm
2 Seal

4.4.4 Installation with heat insulation – PMC71 high temperature

version and PMP75
The devices must only be insulated up to a certain height. The maximum permitted
insulation height is labelled on the devices and applies to an insulation material with a
specific heat conductivity and to the maximum permitted ambient and process temperature
(see following table). The data were determined under the most critical application
"quiescent air".

TA Insulation


Fig. 14: Maximum insulation height, here e.g. PMC71 with flange


Ambient temperature (TA)  70°C (158°F) 70°C (158°F)

Process temperature (TP) 150°C (302°F) 400°C (752°F) 1))

Heat conductivity
 0,04 W/(m x K)
Insulation material

1) Depending on the diaphragm seal filling oil used (see Technical Information TI00383P Cerabar S)

20 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Installation

4.4.5 Wall and pipe mounting (optional)

Endress+Hauser offers a mounting bracket for installation on pipes or walls (for pipe
diameters from 1 ¼" to 2").

ø42...60 (1.65...2.36)

70 (2.76)

52 (2.05)
86 (3.39)

ø6 (0.24)
122 (4.8) 140 (5.51)
158 (6.22) 175 (6.89)


Engineering unit mm (in)

Please note the following when mounting:

• Devices with capillary tubes: mount capillaries with a bending radius 100 mm (3.94 in).
• When mounting on a pipe, tighten the nuts on the bracket uniformly with a torque of at
least 5 Nm (3.69 lbs ft).

Endress+Hauser 21
Installation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

4.4.6 Assembling and mounting the "separate housing" version


1 r ³ 120 (4.72)

mm (in)

Fig. 15: "Separate housing" version

1 In the "separate housing" version, the sensor is supplied with process connection and cable fitted.
2 Cable with connection jack
3 Pressure compensation
4 Plug
5 Locking screw
6 Housing fitted with housing adapter, included
7 Mounting bracket suitable for wall and pipe mounting, included

Assembly and mounting

1. Connect plug (item 4) into the corresponding connection jack of the cable (item 2).
2. Plug the cable into the housing adapter (item 6).
3. Tighten the locking screw (item 5).
4. Mount the housing on a wall or pipe using the mounting bracket (item 7). When
mounting on a pipe, tighten the nuts on the bracket uniformly with a torque of at least
5 Nm (3.69 lbf ft).
Mount the cable with a bending radius (r)  120 mm (4.72 in).

22 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Installation

4.4.7 PMP71, version prepared for diaphragm seal mount

1 2 3


5 (0.2)
ø2.5 (0.1)
ø7.95 (0.31)


Fig. 16: Version U1: prepared for diaphragm seal mount

1 Setscrew
2 Bearing
3 Hole for fill fluid
4 Anti-twist protection
A1 See the "Welding recommendation" table below

Engineering unit mm (in)

With variant "U1", the anti-twist protection (4) of the housing is not mounted at the factory
and is included. The anti-twist protection (4) must be mounted after the diaphragm seal has
been fitted.

Welding recommendation
Endress+Hauser recommends welding on the diaphragm seal as follows for the "XSJ -
Prepared for diaphragm seal mount" version in feature 110 "Process connections" in the order
code up to, and including, 40 bar (600 psi) sensors: the total welding depth of the fillet weld
is 1 mm (0.04 in) with an outer diameter of 16 mm (0.63 in). Welding is performed
according to the WIG method.

Consecutive seam Sketch/welding groove shape, Base material matching Welding method Welding Inert gas,
no. dimension as per DIN 8551 DIN EN ISO 24063 position additives

A1 Adapter made of AISI 316L 141 PB Inert gas

for sensors s1 a0.8 (1.4435) to be welded to Ar/H 95/5
 40 bar (600 psi) diaphragm seal made of
AISI 316L (1.4435 or 1.4404) Additive:
ER 316L Si

Information on filling
The diaphragm seal must be filled as soon as it has been welded on.
• After welded into the process connection, the sensor assembly must be properly filled with
a filling oil and sealed gas-tight with a sealing ball and lock screw.
Once the diaphragm seal has been filled, at the zero point the device display should not
exceed 10% of the full scale value of the cell measuring range. The internal pressure of the
diaphragm seal must be corrected accordingly.
• Adjustment / calibration:
– The device is operational once it has been fully assembled.
– Perform a reset. The device must then be calibrated to the process measuring range as
described in the Operating Instructions.

Endress+Hauser 23
Installation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

4.4.8 Rotating the housing

The housing can be rotated up to 380° by loosening the Allen screw.

T14 T15 T17

2 3

1. T14 and T15 housing: Loosen setscrew with a 2 mm (0.08 in) Allen key.
T17 housing: Loosen setscrew with a 3 mm (0.12 in) Allen key.
2. Rotate housing (max. up to 380 °).
3. Retighten setscrew with 1 Nm (0,74 lbf ft.

4.4.9 Closing the housing cover

Devices with EPDM cover seal - transmitter leakiness!
Mineral-based, animal-based or vegetable-based lubricants cause the EPDM cover seal to
swell and the transmitter to become leaky.
‣ The thread is coated at the factory and therefore does not require any lubrication.
The housing cover can no longer be closed.
Damaged thread!
‣ When closing the housing cover, please ensure that the thread of the cover and housing
are free from dirt, e.g. sand.If you feel any resistance when closing the cover, check the
thread on both again to ensure that they are free from dirt.

Close cover on a hygenic stainless steel housing (T17)


Fig. 17: Close cover

The covers for the terminal and electronics compartment are hooked into the casing and
closed with a screw. These screws should be finger-tightened (2 Nm (1.48 lbf ft)) to the stop
to ensure that the covers sit tightly.

24 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Installation

4.5 Post-installation check

After installing the device, carry out the following checks:
• Are all screws firmly tightened?
• Are the housing covers screwed down tight?

Endress+Hauser 25
Wiring Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

5 Wiring

5.1 Connecting the device

Risk of electric shock!
If the operating voltage is > 35 VDC: Dangerous contact voltage at terminals.
‣ In a wet environment, do not open the cover if voltage is present.
Limitation of electrical safety due to incorrect connection!
• Risk of electric shock and/or explosion in hazardous areas! In a wet environment, do not
open the cover if voltage is present.
• When using the measuring device in hazardous areas, installation must comply with the
corresponding national standards and regulations and the Safety Instructions or
Installation or Control Drawings.
• Devices with integrated overvoltage protection must be earthed.
• Protective circuits against reverse polarity, HF influences and overvoltage peaks are
• The supply voltage must match the supply voltage on the nameplate ( ä 10,
• Switch off the supply voltage before connecting the device.
• Remove housing cover of the terminal compartment.
• Guide cable through the gland. Preferably use twisted, screened two-wire cable.
• Connect device in accordance with the following diagram.
• Screw down housing cover.
• Switch on supply voltage.

➀ ➅ 10.5 V DC
➆ 11.5 V DC

4…20 mA


➁ 4... 20mA Test

➂ ➄

4... 20mA Test


Fig. 18: Electrical connection 4 to 20 mA HART. Observe also  ä 28, "Supply voltage".
1 Housing
2 Jumper for 4 to 20 mA test signal.
 ä 28, "Taking 4 to 20 mA test signal" part.
3 Internal earth terminal
4 External earth terminal
5 4 to 20 mA test signal between plus and test terminal
6 Minimum supply voltage = 10.5 V DC, jumper is inserted in accordance with the illustration.
7 Minimum supply voltage = 11.5 V DC, jumper is inserted in "Test" position.
8 Devices with integrated overvoltage protection are labelled OVP (overvoltage protection) here.

26 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Wiring

5.1.1 Connecting devices with Harting plug Han7D

A B – +

+ – 8 6
2 5
3 4

+ –

Fig. 19:
A Electrical connection for devices with Harting plug Han7D
B View of the plug connector at the device

5.1.2 Connecting devices with an M12 connector

PIN assignment for M12 connector PIN Meaning

1 Signal +
2 Not assigned
4 3
3 Signal –

1 4 Earth


5.1.3 Connecting the cable version

rd +
bk –

4...20 mA


Fig. 20: rd = red, bk = black, gnye = green-yellow

Endress+Hauser 27
Wiring Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

5.2 Connecting the measuring unit

5.2.1 Supply voltage

Supply voltage might be connected!
Risk of electric shock and/or explosion!
‣ When using the measuring device in hazardous areas, installation must comply with the
corresponding national standards and regulations and the Safety Instructions or
Installation or Control Drawings.
‣ All explosion protection data are given in separate documentation which is available
upon request. The Ex documentation is supplied as standard with all devices approved for
use in explosion hazardous areas.

Electronic version Jumper for 4 to 20 mA test signal Jumper for 4 to 20 mA test signal
in "Test" position (Delivery status) in "Non-Test" position

4 to 20 mA HART, for non- 11.5 to 45 V DC 10.5 to 45 V DC

hazardous areas

Taking 4 to 20 mA test signal

A 4 to 20 mA signal may be measured via the positive and test terminal without interrupting
the measurement. The minimum supply voltage of the device can be reduced by simply
changing the position of the jumper. As a result, operation is also possible with lower voltage
sources. To keep the measured error below 0.1 %, the current measuring device should
display an internal resistance of < 0.7 . Observe the position of the jumper in accordance
with the following table.

Jumper position for test signal Description

– Taking 4 to 20 mA test signal via plus and test terminal:

Test possible. (Thus, the output current can be measured without
interruption via the diode.)
– Delivery status
– Minimum supply voltage: 11.5 V DC

– Taking 4 to 20 mA test signal via plus and test terminal:

Test not possible.
– Minimum supply voltage: 10.5 V DC

5.2.2 Terminals
• Supply voltage and internal ground terminal: 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 (20 to 14 AWG)
• External ground terminal: 0.5 to 4 mm2 (20 to 12 AWG)

5.2.3 Cable specification

• Endress+Hauser recommends using twisted, screened two-wire cables.
• Cable external diameter: 5 to 9 mm (0.2 to 0.35 in)

28 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Wiring

5.2.4 Load

U – 10.5 V U – 11.5 V
➀ RLmax RLmax ≤
23 mA ➁ RLmax RLmax ≤
23 mA
[Ω] [Ω]
Test 1500 Test
1282 1239

847 804
➃ ➃
➂ 369

10.5 20 30 40 45 U 11.5 20 30 40 45 U
[V] [V]

RLmax U – 11 V RLmax U – 12 V
RLmax ≤ RLmax ≤
[Ω] 23 mA [Ω] 23 mA
1478 1434
1260 1217

826 782

➄ ➄

11 20 30 40 45 U 12 20 30 40 45 U
[V] [V]

Fig. 21: Load diagram, observe the position of the jumper and the explosion protection.
( ä 28, "Taking 4 to 20 mA test signal" part.)
1 Jumper for the 4 to 20 mA test signal inserted in "Non-Test" position
2 Jumper for the 4 to 20 mA test signal inserted in "Test" position
3 Supply voltage 10.5 (11.5) to 30 V DC for 1/2 G, 1 GD, 1/2 GD, FM IS , CSA IS, IECEx ia, NEPSI Ex ia
4 Supply voltage10.5 (11.5) to 45 V DC for devices for non-hazardous areas, 1/2 D, 1/3 D, 2 G Ex d, 3 G Ex nA,
5 Supply voltage 11 (12) to 45 V DC for PMC71, Ex d[ia], NEPSI Ex d[ia]
RLmax Maximum load resistance
U Supply voltage

When operating via a handheld terminal or via PC with an operating program, a minimum
communication resistance of 250 must exist within the loop.

5.2.5 Screening/potential matching

• You achieve optimum screening against disturbances if the screening is connected on both
sides (in the cabinet and on the device). If you have to reckon with potential equalisation
currents in the plant, only earth screening on one side, preferably at the transmitter.
• When using in hazardous areas, you must observe the applicable regulations.
Separate Ex documentation with additional technical data and instructions is included
with all Ex systems as standard.

5.2.6 Connecting Field Xpert SFX100

Compact, flexible and robust industry handheld terminal for remote parametrization and
measured value inspection via the HART current output (4-20mA).
For details refer to Operating Instructions BA00060S/04/EN.

Endress+Hauser 29
Wiring Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

5.2.7 Connecting Commubox FXA195

The Commubox FXA195 connects intrinsically safe transmitters with the HART protocol to
a computer's USB port. This allows remote operation of the transmitter using
Endress+Hauser's FieldCare operating program. Power is supplied to the Commubox
through the USB port. The Commubox is also suitable for connection to intrinsically safe
circuits. See Technical Information TI00404F for further information.

5.2.8 Connecting Commubox FXA291/ToF Adapter FXA291 for

operation via FieldCare

Connecting Commubox FXA291

The Commubox FXA291 connects Endress+Hauser field instruments with CDI interface (=
Endress+Hauser Common Data Interface) to the USB interface of a personal computer or a
notebook. For details refer to TI00405C/07/en.

For the following Endress+Hauser instruments you need the "ToF Adapter FXA291" as an
additional accessory:
• Cerabar S PMC71, PMP7x
• Deltabar S PMD7x, FMD7x
• Deltapilot S FMB70

Connecting ToF Adapter FXA291

The ToF Adapter FXA291 connects the Commubox FXA291 via the USB interface of a
personal computer or a notebook to the following Endress+Hauser instruments:
• Cerabar S PMC71, PMP7x
• Deltabar S PMD7x, FMD7x
• Deltapilot S FMB70
For details refer to KA0271F/00/a2.

5.3 Potential matching

Ex applications: Connect all devices to the local potential matching.
Observe the applicable regulations.

5.4 Overvoltage protection (optional)

Device could be destroyed!
Devices with integrated overvoltage protection must be earthed.
Devices showing version "M" in feature 100 "Additional options 1" or feature 110 "Additional
options 2" in the order code are equipped with overvoltage protection (see also Technical
Information TI00383P "Ordering information".
• Overvoltage protection:
– Nominal functioning DC voltage: 600 V
– Nominal discharge current: 10 kA
• Surge current check î = 20 kA as per DIN EN 60079-14: 8/20 s satisfied
• Arrester AC current check I = 10 A satisfied

30 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Wiring

5.5 Post-connection check

Perform the following checks after completing electrical installation of the device:
• Does the supply voltage match the specifications on the nameplate?
• Is the device properly connected ( ä 26)?
• Are all screws firmly tightened?
• Are the housing covers screwed down tight?
As soon as voltage is applied to the device, the green LED on the electronic insert lights up
for a few seconds or the connected on-site display lights up.

Endress+Hauser 31
Operation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

6 Operation
Feature 20 "Output; operation" in the order code provides you with information on the
operating options available to you.

6.1 On-site display (optional)

A 4-line liquid crystal display (LCD) is used for display and operation.
The on-site display shows measured values, dialog texts, fault messages and notice
The display of the device can be turned in 90° steps. Depending on the installation position
of the device, this makes it easy to operate the device and read the measured values.
• 8-digit measured value display including sign and decimal point, bargraph for current
• Simple and complete menu guidance thanks to separation of the parameters into several
levels and groups
• Each parameter is given a 3-digit ID number for easy navigation
• Option for configuring the display according to individual requirements and desires, such
as language, alternating display, contrast setting, display of other measured values such
as sensor temperature
• Comprehensive diagnostic functions (fault and warning message, peak-hold indicators,
• Rapid and safe commissioning with the Quick Setup menus

Measured value display Parameter

Function name Value number

Header line
Main line
– + E Symbol
Editing modes

Operating keys

Value that
can be edited

Current measured value


32 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Operation

The following table illustrates the symbols that can appear on the on-site display. Four
symbols can occur at one time.

Symbol Meaning

Alarm symbol
– Symbol flashing: warning, device continues measuring.
– Symbol permanently lit: error, device does not continue measuring.
Note: The alarm symbol may overlie the tendency symbol.

Lock symbol
The operation of the device is locked. Unlock device,  ä 44.

Communication symbol
Data transfer via communication.
Note: The alarm symbol may overlie the communication symbol.

Tendency symbol (increasing)

The measured value is increasing.

Tendency symbol (decreasing)

The measured value is decreasing.

Tendency symbol (constant)

The measured value has remained constant over the past few minutes.

6.2 Operating elements

6.2.1 Position of operating elements

With regard to aluminium or stainless steel housings (T14), the operating keys are located
either outside the device under the protection cap or inside on the electronic insert. In
hygenic stainless steel housings (T17), the operating keys are always located inside on the
electronic insert.

t ➅

➀ ➁

1 2

P01-PMx7xxxx-19-xx-xx-xx-009 P01-xxxxxxxx-19-xx-xx-xx-104

Fig. 22: Operating keys, external Fig. 23: Operating keys, internal
1 Operating keys on the exterior of the device under the 1 Operating keys
protective flap 2 Slot for optional display
3 Slot for optional HistoROM®/M-DAT
4 DIP-switch for locking/unlocking measured-value-
relevant parameters
5 DIP-switch for damping on/off
6 Green LED to indicate value being accepted

Endress+Hauser 33
Operation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

6.2.2 Function of the operating elements –

on-site display not connected
Press and hold the key or the key combination for at least 3 seconds to execute the
corresponding function. Press the key combination for at least 6 seconds for a reset.

Operating key(s) Meaning

Adopt lower range value. A reference pressure is present at the device.

See also  ä 35, "Pressure measuring mode" or  ä 36, "Level measuring mode".

Adopt upper range value. A reference pressure is present at the device.

See also  ä 35, "Pressure measuring mode" or  ä 36, "Level measuring mode".

Position adjustment

Reset all parameters. The reset via operating keys corresponds to the software reset
and and code 7864.

Copy the configuration data from the optional HistoROM®/M-DAT module to the
and device.

Copy the configuration data from the device to the optional HistoROM®/M-DAT
and module.

– DIP-switch 1: for locking/unlocking measured-value-relevant parameters

τ on Factory setting: off (unlocked)
– DIP-switch 2: damping on/off,
Factory setting: on (damping on)
1 2 off

6.2.3 Function of the operating elements –

on-site display connected

Operating key(s) Meaning

O – Navigate upwards in the picklist

– Edit the numerical values and characters within a function

S – Navigate downwards in the picklist

– Edit the numerical values and characters within a function

F – Confirm entry
– Jump to the next item

Contrast setting of on-site display: darker

O and F
Contrast setting of on-site display: brighter
S and F
ESC functions:
– Exit edit mode without saving the changed value.
– You are in a menu within a function group. The first time you press the keys
simultaneously, you go back a parameter within the function group. Each time you
press the keys simultaneously after that, you go up a level in the menu.
O and S – You are in a menu at a selection level. Each time you press the keys
simultaneously, you go up a level in the menu.
The terms function group, level and selection level are explained in  ä 38,
"General structure of the operating menu".

34 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Operation

6.3 On-site operation –

on-site display not connected
To operate the device with a HistoROM®/M-DAT module see  ä 41, "HistoROM®/M-DAT

6.3.1 Pressure measuring mode

If no on-site display is connected, the following functions are possible by means of the three
keys on the electronic insert or on the exterior of the device:
• Position adjustment (zero point correction)
• Setting lower range value and upper range value
• Device reset,  ä 34, "Function of the operating elements – on-site display not
• The operation must be unlocked.  ä 44, "Locking/unlocking operation".
• The device is configured for the Pressure measuring mode as standard. You can switch
measuring modes by means of the MEASURING MODE parameter.  ä 47, "Selecting
language and measuring mode".
• The pressure applied must be within the nominal pressure limits of the sensor. See
information on the nameplate.
Changing the measuring mode can affect the adjustment data!
This situation can result in product overflow.
‣ Check calibration data when the measuring mode is changed.

Carry out position adjustment.1) Setting lower range value. Setting upper range value.

Pressure is present at device. Desired pressure for lower range Desired pressure for upper range
value is present at device. value is present at device.

  

Press -key for 3 s. Press -key for 3 s. Press -key for 3 s.

  

Does the LED on the electronic Does the LED on the electronic Does the LED on the electronic
insert light up briefly? insert light up briefly? insert light up briefly?

Yes No Yes No Yes No

     

Applied Applied Applied Applied Applied Applied

pressure for pressure for pressure for pressure for pressure for pressure for
position position lower range lower range upper range upper range
adjustment has adjustment has value has been value has not value has been value has not
been accepted. not been accepted. been accepted. accepted. been accepted.
accepted. Observe the Observe the
Observe the input limits. input limits.
input limits.

1) Observe "Warning",  ä 47, "Commissioning".

Endress+Hauser 35
Operation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

6.3.2 Level measuring mode

If no on-site display is connected, the following functions are possible by means of the three
keys on the electronic insert or on the exterior of the device:
• Position adjustment (zero point correction)
• Assign the lower and upper pressure value to the lower and upper level value
• Device reset,  ä 34, "Function of the operating elements – on-site display not
• The "-" and - keys only have a function in the following cases:
– LEVEL SELECTION "Level Standard", LEVEL MODE "Linear",
The keys have no function in other settings.
• The device is configured for the Pressure measuring mode as standard. You can switch
measuring modes by means of the MEASURING MODE parameter.  ä 47, "Selecting
language and measuring mode".
The following parameters are set to the following values in the factory:
– LEVEL SELECTION: Level Easy Pressure
– FULL CALIB.: 100.0.
– SET LRV: 0.0 (corresponds to 4 mA value)
– SET URV: 100.0 (corresponds to 20 mA value)
These parameters can only be modified by means of the on-site display or remote
operation such as the FieldCare.
• The operation must be unlocked.  ä 44, "Locking/unlocking operation".
• The pressure applied must be within the nominal pressure limits of the sensor. See
information on the nameplate.
• See also  ä 50, "Level measurement". For parameter description see Operating
Instructions BA00274P.
SET LRV and SET URV are parameter names used for on-site display or remote operation
such as FieldCare, for instance.
Changing the measuring mode can affect the adjustment data!
This situation can result in product overflow.
‣ Check calibration data when the measuring mode is changed.

36 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Operation

Carry out position adjustment.1) Setting lower pressure value. Setting upper pressure value.

Pressure is present at device. Desired pressure for lower Desired pressure for upper
pressure value (EMPTY pressure value (FULL PRESSURE1)
PRESSURE2)) is present at device. is present at device.

  

Press -key for 3 s. Press -key for 3 s. Press -key for 3 s.

  
Does the LED on the electronic Does the LED on the electronic Does the LED on the electronic
insert light up briefly? insert light up briefly? insert light up briefly?

Yes No Yes No Yes No

     

Applied Applied The pressure The pressure The pressure The pressure
pressure for pressure for present was present was not present was present was not
position position saved as the saved as the saved as the saved as the
adjustment has adjustment has lower pressure lower pressure upper pressure upper pressure
been accepted. not been value (EMPTY value. Observe value (FULL value. Observe
accepted. PRESSURE2) the input limits. PRESSURE2) the input limits.
Observe the and assigned to and assigned to
input limits. the lower level the upper level
value (EMPTY value (FULL

1) Observe "Warning",  ä 47, "Commissioning".

2) Parameter name used for the on-site display or remote operation such as the FieldCare.

Endress+Hauser 37
Operation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

6.4 On-site operation –

on-site display connected
If the on-site display is connected, the three operating keys are used to navigate through the
operating menu and parameter input,  ä 34, "Function of the operating elements – on-
site display connected".

6.4.1 General structure of the operating menu

The menu is split into four levels. The three upper levels are used to navigate while you use
the bottom level to enter numerical values, select options and save settings.
The entire operating menu is shown in the operating instructions BA00274P "Cerabar S/
Deltabar S/Deltapilot S, Description of Instrument Functions".
The structure of the OPERATING MENU depends on the measuring mode selected, e.g. if the
"Pressure" measuring mode is selected, only the functions necessary for this mode are

6.4.2 Selecting an option

Example: select "English" as the language of the menu.

On-site display Operation

German is selected as the language. A  in front of the

menu text indicates the active option.


Select English with  or .


1. Confirm your choice with . A  in front of the

menu text indicates the active option. (English is
now selected as the menu language.)
2. Jump to the next item with .


38 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Operation

6.4.3 Editing a value

Example: adjusting DAMPING VALUE function from 2.0 s to 30.0 s.
 ä 34, "Function of the operating elements – on-site display connected".

On-site display Operation

The on-site display shows the parameter to be

changed. The value highlighted in black can be
changed. The "s" unit is fixed and cannot be changed.


1. Press  or  to get to the editing mode.

2. The first digit is highlighted in black.


1. Use  to change "2" to "3".

2. Confirm "3" with . The cursor jumps to the next
position (highlighted in black).


The decimal point is highlighted in black, i.e. you can

now edit it.


1. Keep pressing  or  until "0" is displayed.

2. Confirm "0" with .
The cursor jumps to the next position.  is
displayed and is highlighted in black. See next

Use  to save the new value and exit the editing mode.
See next graphic.


The new value for the damping is now 30.0 s.

– Jump to the next parameter with .
– You can get back to the editing mode with  or


Endress+Hauser 39
Operation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

6.4.4 Taking pressure applied at device as value

Example: configuring upper range value – assign 20 mA to the pressure value 400 mbar
(6 psi).

On-site display Operation

The bottom line on the on-site display displays the

pressure present, here 400 mbar (6 psi).


Use  or  to switch to the "Confirm" option. The

active selection is highlighted in black.


Use  to assign the value (400 mbar (6 psi)) to the

GET URV parameter. The device confirms the
calibration and jumps back to the parameter, here GET
URV (see next graphic).


Switch to the next parameter with .


40 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Operation

6.5 HistoROM®/M-DAT (optional)

Device could be destroyed!
Detach HistoROM®/M-DAT from the electronic insert or attach it to the insert in a
deenergised state only.
HistoROM®/M-DAT is a memory module, which is attached to the electronic insert and
fulfils the following functions:
• Back-up copy of configuration data
• Copying configuration data of a transmitter into another transmitter
• Cyclic recording of pressure and sensor-temperature measured values
• Recording diverse events, such as alarms, configuration changes, counters for measuring
range undershooting and exceeding for pressure and temperature, exceeding and
undershooting the user limits for pressure and temperature, etc.
• The HistoROM®/M-DAT module may be retrofitted at any time (Order No.: 52027785).
• The HistoROM data and the data in the device are analysed once a HistoROM®/M-DAT is
attached to the electronic insert and power is reestablished to the device. During the
analysis, the messages "W702, HistoROM data not consistent" and "W706, Configuration
in HistoROM and device not identical" can occur. For measures,  ä 55, "Messages."

Endress+Hauser 41
Operation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

6.5.1 Copying configuration data



1 2



HW-Version: 1
SW-Version: 2


Abb. 24: Electronic insert with optional HistoROM®/M-DAT memory module

1 Optional HistoROM®/M-DAT
2 To copy configuration data from the HistoROM®/M-DAT module to a device or from a device to a HistoROM®/M-DAT, the
operation must be unlocked DIP-switch 1, Position "off" ,parameter INSERT PIN NO. = 100).
Observe  ä 44, "Locking/unlocking operation".

On-site operation – on-site display not connected

Copying configuration data from a device to a HistoROM®/M-DAT module:
The operation must be unlocked.
1. Disconnect device from supply voltage.
2. Attach the HistoROM®/M-DAT module to the electronic insert.
3. Reestablish supply voltage to the device.
4. Press  and "-"-keys (for at least 3 seconds) until the LED on the electronic insert lights
5. Wait approx. 20 seconds. Configuration data are loaded from the device to the
HistoROM®/M-DAT. The device is not restarted.
6. Before removing the HistoROM®/M-DAT again from the electronic insert, disconnect
the device from supply voltage.
Copying configuration data from a HistoROM®/M-DAT to a device:
The operation must be unlocked.
1. Disconnect device from supply voltage.
2. Attach the HistoROM®/M-DAT module to the electronic insert. Configuration data from
another device are stored in the HistoROM®/M-DAT.
3. Reestablish supply voltage to the device.
4. Press  und -keys (for at least 3 seconds) until the LED on the electronic insert lights
5. Wait approx. 20 seconds. All parameters except DEVICE SERIAL No, DEVICE DESIGN.,
group are loaded into the device by HistoROM®/M-DAT. The device is restarted.
6. Before removing the HistoROM®/M-DAT again from the electronic insert, disconnect
the device from supply voltage.

42 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Operation

On-site operation via on-site display (optional) or remote operation

Copying configuration data from a device to a HistoROM®/M-DAT:
The operation must be unlocked.
1. Disconnect device from supply voltage.
2. Attach the HistoROM®/M-DAT module to the electronic insert.
3. Reestablish supply voltage to the device.
4. Using the HistoROM CONTROL parameter select the option "Device HistoROM" as the
data transfer direction (Menu path: GROUPSELECTION OPERATING MENU 
The DOWNLOAD SELECT. parameter setting has no influence on an upload from the
device into HistoROM.
5. Wait approx. 20 seconds. Configuration data are loaded from the device to the
HistoROM®/M-DAT. The device is not restarted.
6. Before removing the HistoROM®/M-DAT again from the electronic insert, disconnect
the device from supply voltage.
Copying configuration data from a HistoROM®/M-DAT to a device:
The operation must be unlocked.
1. Disconnect device from supply voltage.
2. Attach the HistoROM®/M-DAT module to the electronic insert. Configuration data from
another device are stored in the HistoROM®/M-DAT.
3. Reestablish supply voltage to the device.
4. Use the DOWNLOAD SELECT parameter to select which parameters are to be
overwritten (Menu path: (GROUPS SELECTION )OPERATING MENU 

The following parameters are overwritten according to the selection:

– Configuration copy (factory setting):
– Device replacement:
all parameters except DEVICE SERIAL No., DEVICE DESIGN and the parameters in the
– Electronics replace:
all parameters except the parameters in the CURR. TRIM (SERVICE/SYSTEM 2) and
Factory setting: Configuration copy
5. Using the HistoROM CONTROL parameter select the option "HistoROM Device" as the
data transfer direction.
6. Wait approx. 20 seconds. Configuration data are loaded from the device to the
HistoROM®/M-DAT. The device is restarted.
7. Before removing the HistoROM®/M-DAT again from the electronic insert, disconnect
the device from supply voltage.

Endress+Hauser 43
Operation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

6.6 Operation via SFX100

Compact, flexible and robust industry handheld terminal for remote parametrization and
measured value inspection via the HART current output (4-20mA).
For details refer to Operating Instructions BA00060S/04/EN.

6.7 Endress+Hauser operating program

The operating program FieldCare is an Endress+Hauser Plant Asset Management Tool
based on FDT technology. You can use FieldCare to configure all your Endress+Hauser
devices, as well as devices from other manufacturers that support the FDT standard.
Hardware and software requirements you can find on the  select your
country  Search: FieldCare  FieldCare  Technical Data.
FieldCare supports the following functions:
• Configuration of transmitters in online operation
• Loading and saving device data (upload/download)
• Tank linearization
• HistoROM®/M-DAT analysis
• Documentation of the measuring point
Connection options:
• HART via Fieldgate FXA520
• HART via Commubox FXA195 and USB interface of a computer
• Commubox FXA291 with ToF Adapter FXA291 via service interface
• See also  ä 30, "Connecting Commubox FXA195".
• In the "Level Standard" measuring mode, the configuration data that were loaded with FDT
upload cannot be written again (FDT download). These data are only used to document the
measuring point.
• Further information on the FieldCare can be found on the Internet:  Download  Text Search: FieldCare.

6.8 Locking/unlocking operation

Once you have entered all the parameters, you can lock your entries against unauthorised
and undesired access.
You have the following possibilities for locking/unlocking the operation:
• Via a DIP-switch on the electronic insert, locally on the display.
• Via the on-site display (optional)
• Via digital communication.
The -symbol on the on-site display indicates that operation is locked. Parameters which
refer to how the display appears, e.g. LANGUAGE and DISPLAY CONTRAST can still be

If operation is locked by means of the DIP-switch, you can only unlock operation again by
means of the DIP-switch. If operation is locked by means of the on-site display or remote
operation e.g. FieldCare, you can only unlock operation again by means of the on-site display
or remote operation.

44 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Operation

The table provides an overview of the locking functions:

Locking via View/read Modify/write via1) Unlocking via

On-site Remote DIP-switch On-site Remote
display operation display operation

DIP-switch Yes No No Yes No No

On-site display Yes No No No Yes Yes

Remote operation Yes No No No Yes Yes

1) Parameters which refer to how the display appears, e.g. LANGUAGE and DISPLAY CONTRAST can still be

6.8.1 Locking/unlocking operation locally via DIP-switch

Damping [t]

Damping [t]

➁ ➂
on on
1 2

1 2 1 2
off off


HW-Version: 1
SW-Version: 2

– + E


Fig. 25: DIP-switch position "Hardware locking" on the electronic insert

1 If necessary, remove on-site display (optional)
2 DIP-switch is at "on": operation is locked.
3 DIP-switch is at "off": operation is unlocked (operation possible)

6.8.2 Locking/unlocking operation via on-site display or remote



Locking operation 1. Select INSERT PIN NO. parameter,

2. To lock operation, enter a number for this parameter between 0 to 9999 that is

Unlocking operation 1. Select INSERT PIN NO. parameter.

2. To unlock operation, enter "100" for the parameter.

6.9 Factory setting (reset)

By entering a certain code, you can completely, or partially, reset the entries for the
parameters to the factory settings. (For factory settings refer to the Operating Instructions
BA00274P "Cerabar S/Deltabar S/Deltapilot S, Description of device functions".) Enter the
code by means of the ENTER RESET CODE parameter (Menu path: (GROUP SELECTION )
There are various reset codes for the device. The following table illustrates which parameters
are reset by the particular reset codes. Operation must be unlocked to reset parameters
( ä 44, "Locking/unlocking operation").

Endress+Hauser 45
Operation Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Any customer-specific configuration carried out by the factory is not affected by a reset
(customer-specific configuration remains). If, after a reset, you wish the parameters to be
reset to the factory settings, please contact Endress+Hauser Service.

Reset code Description and effect

1846 Display reset

– This reset resets all parameters which have to do with how the display appears
(DISPLAY group).
– Any simulation which may be running is ended.
– The device is restarted.
62 PowerUp reset (warm start)
– This reset resets all the parameters in the RAM. Data are read back anew from the
EEPROM (processor is initialised again).
– Any simulation which may be running is ended.
– The device is restarted.

2710 Measuring mode level reset

– Depending on the settings for the LEVEL MODE, LIN MEASURAND,
LINdMEASURAND or COMB. MEASURAND parameters, the parameters needed
for this measuring task will be reset.
– Any simulation which may be running is ended.
– The device is restarted.
Example LEVEL MODE = linear and LIN. MEASURAND = Height
• FULL CALIB. = Sensor end value converted to mH2O, e.g. 4.079 mH2O for a
400 mbar (6 psi) sensor

333 User reset

– Affects the following parameters:
– Function group BASIC SETUP, except for the customer-specific units
– Function group EXTENDED SETUP
– Group OUTPUT
– Any simulation which may be running is ended.
– The device is restarted.

7864 Total reset

– Affects the following parameters:
– Function group BASIC SETUP
– Function group EXTENDED SETUP
– Function group LINEARISATION (an existing linearisation table is erased)
– Group OUTPUT
– Function group PEAK HOLD INDICATOR
– Function group HART DATA
– All configurable messages ("Error" type) are set to factory setting.
 ä 55, "Messages" and  ä 63, "Response of outputs to errors".
– Function group USER LIMITS
– Function group SYSTEM 2
– Any simulation which may be running is ended.
– The device is restarted.

8888 HistoROM reset

The measured value memory and event memory are cleared. During the reset, the
HistoROM must be attached to the electronic insert.

46 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Commissioning

7 Commissioning
The device is configured for the Pressure measuring mode as standard. The measuring range
and the unit in which the measured value is transmitted correspond to the specifications on
the nameplate.

Exceeding the maximum allowable working pressure!
Risk of injury due to bursting of parts! Warning messages are generated if pressure is too
‣ If a pressure greater than the maximum permitted pressure is present at the device, the
messages "E115 Sensor overpressure" and "E727 Sensor pressure error - overrange" are
output in succession! Use the device only within the sensor range limits
Shortfall of the allowable working pressure!
Output of messages if pressure is too low.
‣ If a pressure smaller than the minimum permitted pressure is present at the device, the
messages "E120 Sensor low pressure" and "E727 Sensor pressure error - overrange" are
output in succession! Use the device only within the sensor range limits

7.1 Configuring messages

• Messages E727, E115 and E120 are "Error"-type messages and can be configured as a
"Warning" or an "Alarm". These messages are configured as "Warning" messages at the
factory. This setting prevents the current output from assuming the set alarm current
value for applications (e.g. cascade measurement) where the user is consciously aware of
the fact that the sensor range can be exceeded
• We recommend setting messages E727, E115 and E120 to "Alarm" in the following
– The sensor range does not have to be exceeded for the measuring application.
– Position adjustment has to be carried out that has to correct a large measured error as a
result of the orientation of the device (e.g. devices with a diaphragm seal).

7.2 Function check

Carry out a post-installation and a post-connection check as per the checklist before
commissioning the device.
• "Post-installation check" checklist,  ä 25.
• "Post-connection check" checklist,  ä 30.

7.3 Selecting language and measuring mode

7.3.1 On-site operation

The LANGUAGE and MEASURING MODE parameters are located on the top menu level.
The following measuring modes are available:
• Pressure
• Level

7.3.2 Digital communication

The following measuring modes are available:
• Pressure
• Level

Endress+Hauser 47
Commissioning Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

The LANGUAGE parameter is arranged in the DISPLAY group (OPERATING MENU 

• Use the LANGUAGE parameter to select the menu language for the on-site display.
• Select the menu language for FieldCare by means of the "Language Button" in the
configuration window. Select the menu language for the FieldCare frame via the "Extra"
menu "Options" "Display" "Language".

7.4 Position adjustment

Due to the orientation of the device, there may be a shift in the measured value, i.e. when
the container is empty, the measured value parameter does not display zero. There are three
options to choose from when performing position adjustment. (Menu path: (GROUP

Parameter name Description

POS. ZERO ADJUST (685) Position adjustment – the pressure difference between zero (set point) and the
Entry measured pressure need not be known.
– MEASURED VALUE = 2.2 mbar (0.032 psi)
– Correct the MEASURED VALUE via the POS. ZERO ADJUST parameter with the
"Confirm" option. This means that you are assigning the value 0.0 to the pressure
– MEASURED VALUE (after pos. zero adjust) = 0.0 mbar
– The current value is also corrected.
The CALIB. OFFSET parameter displays the resulting pressure difference (offset) by
which the MEASURED VALUE was corrected.
Factory setting:

POS. INPUT VALUE (563) Position adjustment – the pressure difference between zero (set point) and the
Entry measured pressure need not be known. To correct the pressure difference, you
need a reference measurement value (e. g. from a reference device).
– MEASURED VALUE = 0.5 mbar (0.0073 psi)
– For the POS. INPUT VALUE parameter, specify the desired set point for the
MEASURED VALUE, e.g. 2.0 mbar (0.029 psi).
– MEASURED VALUE (after entry for POS. INPUT VALUE) = 2.0 mbar (0.029 psi)
– The CALIB. OFFSET parameter displays the resulting pressure difference (offset)
by which the MEASURED VALUE was corrected.
here: CALIB. OFFSET = 0.5 mbar (0.0073 psi) – 2.0 mbar (0.029 psi) = – 1.5
mbar (0.022 psi))
– The current value is also corrected.
Factory setting:

CALIB. OFFSET (319) Position adjustment – the pressure difference between zero (set point) and the
Entry measured pressure is known.
– MEASURED VALUE = 2.2 mbar (0.032 psi)
– Via the CALIB. OFFSET parameter, enter the value by which the MEASURED
VALUE should be corrected. To correct the MEASURED VALUE to 0.0 mbar, you
must enter the value 2.2 here.
– MEASURED VALUE (after entry for calib. offset) = 0.0 mbar
– The current value is also corrected.
Factory setting:

48 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Commissioning

7.5 Pressure measurement

7.5.1 Information on pressure measurement

• There is a Quick Setup menu for each of the measuring modes Pressure and Level which
guides you through the most important basic functions. With the setting in the
MEASURING MODE parameter, you specify which Quick Setup menu should be displayed.
 ä 47, "Selecting language and measuring mode".
• For a detailed description of the parameters see the Operating Instructions BA00274P
"Cerabar S/Deltabar S/Deltapilot S, Description of device functions"
– Table 7, BASIC SETUP
• For pressure measurement, select the "Pressure" option by means of the MEASURING
MODE parameter. The operating menu is structured appropriately.
Changing the measuring mode can affect the adjustment data!
This situation can result in product overflow.
‣ Check calibration data when the measuring mode is changed.

7.5.2 Quick Setup menu for Pressure measuring mode

On-site operation Digital communication

Measured value display See BA00274P.
On-site display: Switch from the measured value display to GROUP SELECTION with .


Select "Pressure" option.

Select QUICK SETUP menu.


Due to orientation of the device, there may be a shift in the measured value. You correct the MEASURED VALUE via
the POS. ZERO ADJUST parameter with the "Confirm" option, i. e. you assign the value 0.0 to the pressure present.


Due to orientation of the device, there may be a shift in the measured value. For the POS. INPUT VALUE parameter,
specify the desired set point for the MEASURED VALUE.

Set the measuring range (enter 4 mA value).
Specify a pressure value for the lower current value (4 mA value). A reference pressure does not have to be present
at the device.

Set the measuring range (enter 20 mA value).
Specify a pressure value for the upper current value (20 mA value). A reference pressure does not have to be present
at the device.

Enter damping time (time constant ). The damping affects the speed at which all subsequent elements, such as the
on-site display, measured value and current output react to a change in the pressure.

For on-site operation, see also

 ä 34, "Function of the operating elements – on-site display connected" and
 ä 38, "On-site operation – on-site display connected".

Endress+Hauser 49
Commissioning Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

7.6 Level measurement

7.6.1 Information on level measurement

• The Pressure and Level operating modes each have a quick setup menu which guides you
through the most important basic functions.  ä 52, "Quick Setup menu for Level
measuring mode".
• Furthermore, the three level modes "Level Easy Pressure", "Level Easy Height" and "Level
Standard" are available to you for level measurement. You can select from the "Linear",
"Pressure linearized" and "Height linearized" level types for the "Level Standard" level mode.
The table in the "Overview of level measurement" section below provides an overview of the
various measuring tasks.
– In the "Level Easy Pressure" and "Level Easy Height" level modes, the values entered are
not tested as extensively as in the "Level Standard" level mode. The values entered for
FULL HEIGHT and SET LRV/SET URV must have a minimum interval of 1 % for the "Level
Easy Pressure" and "Level Easy Height" level modes. The value will be rejected with a
warning message if the values are too close together. Further limit values are not
checked; i.e. the values entered must be appropriate for the sensor and the measuring
task so that the measuring device can measure correctly.
– The "Level Easy Pressure" and "Level Easy Height" level modes encompass fewer
parameters than the "Level Standard" mode and are used for quick and easy
configuration of a level application.
– Customer-specific units of fill level, volume and mass or a linearization table may only
be entered in the "Level Standard" level mode.
– Where the device is intended for use as a subsystem in a safety function (SIL), a "Device
configuration with enhanced parameter security" (SAFETY CONFIRM.) is only possible
for the "Level" operating mode in the "Level Easy Pressure" level mode. All parameters
previously entered are checked after a password is entered. Once the "Level Easy Height"
or "Level Standard" has been selected, the configuration will first have to be reset to the
ex-works setting using the RESET parameter (menu path: (GROUP SELECTION )
OPERATING MENU  OPERATION) using the reset code "7864".
For further information see the Cerabar S (SD00190P) Functional Safety Manual.
• See the Operating Instructions BA00274P "Cerabar S/Deltabar S/Deltapilot S, Description
of device functions".
Changing the measuring mode can affect the adjustment data!
This situation can result in product overflow.
‣ Check calibration data when the measuring mode is changed.

50 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Commissioning

7.6.2 Overview of level measurement

Measuring task LEVEL Measured Description Comment Measured value

SELECTION/ variable options display

The measured variable is LEVEL SELECTION: Via OUTPUT UNIT – Calibration with – Incorrect entries are The measured value
in direct proportion to Level Easy Pressure parameter: %, level, reference pressure – wet possible display and the LEVEL
the measured pressure. volume or mass calibration, see Operating – SIL mode possible BEFORE LIN parameter
Calibration is performed units. Instructions BA00274P. – Customised units are show the measured
by entering two – Calibration without not possible value.
pressure-level value reference pressure – dry
pairs. calibration, see Operating
Instructions BA00274P.

The measured variable is LEVEL SELECTION: Via OUTPUT UNIT – Calibration with – Incorrect entries are The measured value
in direct proportion to Level Easy Height parameter: %, level, reference pressure – wet possible display and the LEVEL
the measured pressure. volume or mass calibration, see Operating – SIL mode not possible BEFORE LIN parameter
Calibration is performed units. Instructions BA00274P. – Customised units are show the measured
by entering the density – Calibration without not possible value.
and two height-level reference pressure – dry
value pairs. calibration, see Operating
Instructions BA00274P.
The measured variable is LEVEL SELECTION: Via LIN. – Calibration with – Incorrect entries are The measured value
in direct proportion to Level standard/ MEASURAND reference pressure – wet rejected by the device display and the LEVEL
the measured pressure. LEVEL MODE: parameter: calibration, see Operating – SIL mode not possible BEFORE LIN parameter
Linear – % (level) Instructions BA00274P. – Customised level, show the measured
– Level – Calibration without volume and mass value.
– Volume reference pressure – dry units are possible
– Mass calibration, see Operating
Instructions BA00274P.

The measured variable is LEVEL SELECTION: Via LINd – Calibration with – Incorrect entries are The measured value
not in direct proportion Level standard/ MEASURAND reference pressure: rejected by the device display and the
to the measured LEVEL MODE: parameter: semiautomatic entry of – SIL mode not possible TANK CONTENT
pressure as, for example, Pressure linearized – Pressure + % linearisation table, see – Customised level, parameter show the
with containers with a – Pressure + Operating Instructions volume and mass measured value.
conical outlet. A volume BA00274P. units are possible
linearisation table must – Pressure + mass – Calibration without
be entered for the reference pressure:
calibration. manual entry of
linearisation table, see
Operating Instructions

– Two measured LEVEL SELECTION: Via COMB. – Calibration with – Incorrect entries are The measured value
variables are required Level standard/ MEASURAND reference pressure: wet rejected by the device display and the
or LEVEL MODE: parameter: calibration and – SIL mode not possible TANK CONTENT
– The container shape is Height linearized – Height + volume semiautomatic entry of – Customised level, parameter show the
given by value pairs, – Height + mass linearisation table, see volume and mass 2nd measured value
such as height and – Height + % Operating Instructions units are possible (volume, mass or %).
volume. – %-Height + BA00274P.
The 1st measured volume – Calibration without The LEVEL BEFORE LIN
– %-Height + mass reference pressure: dry parameter displays the
variable %-height or
– %-Height + % calibration and manual 1st measured value (%-
height must be in direct
proportion to the entry of linearisation height or height).
table, see Operating
measured pressure. The
Instructions BA00274P.
2nd measured variable
volume, mass or % must
not be in direct
proportion to the
measured pressure. A
linearisation table must
be entered for the 2nd
measured variable. The
2nd measured variable is
assigned to the 1st
measured variable by
means of this table.

Endress+Hauser 51
Commissioning Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

7.6.3 Quick Setup menu for Level measuring mode

• Some parameters are only displayed if other parameters are appropriately configured. For
example, the EMPTY CALIB. parameter is only displayed in the following cases:
– LEVEL SELECTION "Level Easy Pressure" and CALIBRATION MODE "Wet"
– LEVEL SELECTION "Level Standard", LEVEL MODE "Linear" and
You can find the LEVEL MODE parameter in the BASIC SETTINGS function group (menu
• The following parameters are set to the following values in the factory:
– LEVEL SELETION: Level Easy Pressure
– FULL CALIB.: 100.0
– SET LRV (BASIC SETTINGS group): 0.0 (corresponds to 4 mA value)
– SET URV (BASIC SETTINGS group): 100.0 (corresponds to 20 mA value).
• The quick setup is suitable for simple and quick commissioning. If you wish to make more
complex settings, e.g. change the unit from "%" to "m", you will have to calibrate using the
BASIC SETTINGS group. See Operating Instructions BA00274P.
Changing the measuring mode can affect the adjustment data!
This situation can result in product overflow.
‣ Check calibration data when the measuring mode is changed.

On-site operation Digital communication

Measured value display See BA00274P.
On-site display: Switch from the measured value display to GROUP


Select "Level" option.

Select level mode. For an overview see  ä 51.

Select QUICK SETUP menu.


Due to orientation of the device, there may be a shift in the measured value.
You correct the MEASURED VALUE via the POS. ZERO ADJUST parameter
with the "Confirm" option, i. e. you assign the value 0.0 to the pressure


Due to orientation of the device, there may be a shift in the measured value.
For the POS. INPUT VALUE parameter, specify the desired set point for the

EMPTY CALIB. 1) (produce appropriate level)

Enter level for the lower calibration point.
For this parameter, enter a level value which is assigned to the pressure
present at the device.

FULL CALIB. 1 (produce appropriate level)

Enter level for the upper calibration point.
For this parameter, enter a level value which is assigned to the pressure
present at the device.

Enter damping time (time constant ). The damping affects the speed at
which all subsequent elements, such as the on-site display, measured value
and current output react to a change in the pressure.

52 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Commissioning

1) – LEVEL SELECTION "Level Easy Pressure" and CALIBRATION MODE "Wet"


For on-site operation, see also

 ä 34, "Function of the operating elements – on-site display connected" and
 ä 38, "On-site operation – on-site display connected".

Endress+Hauser 53
Maintenance Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

8 Maintenance
Keep the pressure compensation and GORE-TEX® filter (1) free from contaminations and


8.1 Cleaning instructions

Endress+Hauser offer flushing rings as accessories to clean process isolating diaphragms
without taking the transmitters out of the process.
For further information please contact your local Endress+Hauser Sales Center.

8.1.1 PMP75
We recommend you perform CIP (cleaning in place (hot water)) before SIP (sterilization in
place (steam)) for pipe diaphragm seals.
A frequent use of sterilization in place (SIP) will increase the stress on the process isolating
diaphragm. Under unfavorable circumstances in the long term view we cannot exclude that
a frequent temperature change could lead to a material fatigue of the process isolating
diaphragm and possibly to a leakage.

8.2 Exterior cleaning

Please note the following points when cleaning the device:
• The cleaning agents used should not attack the surface and the seals.
• Mechanical damage to the process isolating diaphragm, e.g. due to pointed objects, must
be avoided.
• Observe degree of protection. See therefor nameplate if necessary ( ä 10).

54 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Troubleshooting

9 Troubleshooting

9.1 Messages
The following table lists all the possible messages that can occur.
The device differentiates between the error types "Alarm", "Warning" and "Error". You may
specify whether the instrument should react as if for an "Alarm" or "Warning" for "Error"
See "Error type/NA 64" column and Section 9.2 "Response of outputs to errors".
In addition, the "Error type/NA 64" column classifies the messages in accordance with
NAMUR Recommendation NA 64:
• Break down: indicated with "B"
• Maintenance need: indicated with "C" (check request)
• Function check: indicated with "I" (in service)
Error message display on the on-site display:
• The measured value display shows the message with the highest priority. See "Priority"
• The ALARM STATUS parameter shows all the messages present in descending order of
priority. You can scroll through all the messages present with the  key or  key.
Message display via the digital communication:
The ALARM STATUS parameter shows the message with the highest priority.
See "Priority" column.

• If the device detects a defect in the on-site display during initialization, special error
messages are generated. For the error messages  ä 63, "On-site display error messages".
• For support and further information, please contact Endress+Hauser Service.
• See also Section "Repair", "Repair of Ex-certified devices" and "Spare Parts".

Code Error type/ Corresponds Message/description Cause Measure Prio

NA 64 NE 107 rity

101 (A101) Alarm Failure (F) B>Sensor electronic – Electromagnetic effects are – Wait a few minutes. 17
B EEPROM error greater than specifications in – Restart the device. Perform
the technical data. ( ä 68) reset (Code 62).
This message normally only – Block off electromagnetic
appears briefly. effects or eliminate source of

– Sensor defect. – Replace sensor.

102 Warning Maintenance C>Checksum error in – Main electronics defect. Correct – Replace main electronics. 53
(W102) C request (M) EEPROM: peakhold measurement can continue as
segment long as you do not need the
peak hold indicator function.

106 Warning Funktion C>Downloading - please – Downloading. – Wait for download to complete. 52
(W106) C check (C) wait

110 (A110) Alarm Failure (F) B>Checksum error in – The supply voltage is – Reestablish supply voltage. 6
B EEPROM: configuration disconnected when writing. Perform reset (Code 7864) if
segment necessary. Carry out calibration

– Electromagnetic effects are – Block off electromagnetic

greater than specifications in effects or eliminate sources of
the technical data. ( ä 68) disturbance.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

113 (A113) Alarm Failure (F) B>ROM failure in – Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics. 1
B transmitter electronic

Endress+Hauser 55
Troubleshooting Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Code Error type/ Corresponds Message/description Cause Measure Prio

NA 64 NE 107 rity

115 (E115) Error Out of B>Sensor overpressure – Overpressure present. – Reduce pressure until message 29
B specification disappears.
factory (S)
– Sensor defect. – Replace sensor.
Warning C

116 Warning Maintenance C>Download error, repeat – The file is defect. – Use another file. 36
(W116) C request (M) download
– During the download, the data – Check cable connection PC –
are not correctly transmitted to transmitter.
the processor, e.g. because of – Block off electromagnetic
open cable connections, spikes effects or eliminate sources of
(ripple) on the supply voltage disturbance.
or electromagnetic effects. – Perform reset (Code 7864) and
carry out calibration again.
– Repeat download.

120 (E120) Error Out of B>Sensor low pressure – Pressure too low. – Increase pressure until message 30
B specification disappears.
factory (S)
– Sensor defect. – Replace sensor.
Warning C
121 (A121) Alarm Failure (F) B>Checksum error in – Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics. 5
B factory segment of

122 (A122) Alarm Failure (F) B>Sensor not connected – Cable connection sensor –main – Check cable connection and 13
B electronics disconnected. repair if necessary.

– Electromagnetic effects are – Block off electromagnetic

greater than specifications in effects or eliminate source of
the technical data. ( ä 68) disturbance.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

– Sensor defect. – Replace sensor.

130 (A130) Alarm Failure (F) B>EEPROM is defect. – Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics. 10

131 (A131) Alarm Failure (F) B>Checksum error in – Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics. 9
B EEPROM: min/max
132 (A132) Alarm Failure (F) B>Checksum error in – Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics. 7
B totalizer EEPROM

133 (A133) Alarm Failure (F) B>Checksum error in – An error occurred when – Perform reset (Code 7864) and 8
B History EEPROM writing. carry out calibration again.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace electronics.

602 Warning Funktion C>Linearisation curve not – The linearisation table is not – Add to linearisation table or 57
(W602) C check (C) monoton monotonic increasing or perform linearisation again.

56 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Troubleshooting

Code Error type/ Corresponds Message/description Cause Measure Prio

NA 64 NE 107 rity

604 Warning Funktion C>Linearisation table not – The linearisation table consists – Add to linearisation table. If 58
(W604) C check (C) valid. Less than 2 points or of less than 2 points. necessary, perform
points too close linearisation again.

– At least 2 points in the – Correct linearisation table and

linearisation table are too close accept again.
A minimum gap of 0.5 % of the
distance between two points
must be maintained.
Spans for the "Pressure
linearized" option: HYDR. PRESS
Spans for the "Height linearized"

613 Warning Funktion I>Simulation is active – Simulation is switched on, i.e. – Switch off simulation. 60
(W613) I check (C) the device is not measuring at

620 (E620) Error Out of C>Current output out of The current is outside the – Check pressure applied, 49
C specification range permitted range 3.8 to 20.5 mA. reconfigure measuring range if
Factory (S) necessary (See also Operating
– The pressure applied is outside
setting: Instructions BA00274P, or
the set measuring range (but
Warning C within the sensor range). these Operating Instructions)
– Perform reset (Code 7864) and
carry out calibration again.

– Loose connection at sensor – Wait a short period of time and

cable tighten the connection, or avoid
loose connection.

700 Warning Maintenance C>Last configuration not – An error occurred when writing – Perform reset (Code 7864) and 54
(W700) C request (M) stored or reading configuration data carry out calibration again.
or the power supply was
– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

701 Warning Funktion C>Measuring chain config. – The calibration carried out – Carry out calibration again. 50
(W701) C check (C) exceeds sensor range would result in the sensor
nominal operating range being
undershot or overshot.

702 Warning Maintenance C>HistoROM data not – Data were not written correctly – Repeat upload. 55
(W702) C request (M) consistent. to the HistoROM, e.g. if the – Perform reset (Code 7864) and
HistoROM was detached during carry out calibration again.
the writing process.
– HistoROM does not have any – Copy suitable data to the
data. HistoROM. (See also  ä 42,
"Copying configuration data".)
703 (A703) Alarm Failure (F) B>Measurement error – Fault in the main electronics. – Briefly disconnect device from 22
B the power supply.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

704 (A704) Alarm Funktion B>Measurement error – Fault in the main electronics. – Briefly disconnect device from 12
B check (C) the power supply.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

705 (A705) Alarm Failure (F) B>Measurement error – Fault in the main electronics. – Briefly disconnect device from 21
B the power supply.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

Endress+Hauser 57
Troubleshooting Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Code Error type/ Corresponds Message/description Cause Measure Prio

NA 64 NE 107 rity

706 Warning Maintenance C>Configuration in – Configuration (parameters) in – Copy data from the device to 59
(W706) C request (M) HistoROM and device not the HistoROM and in the device the HistoROM. (See also
identical is not identical.  ä 42, "Copying
configuration data".)
– Copy data from the HistoROM
to the device. (See also
 ä 42, "Copying
configuration data".)
The message remains if the
HistoROM and the device have
different software versions.
The message goes out if you
copy the data from the device
to the HistoROM.
– Device reset codes such as
7864 do not have any effect on
the HistoROM. That means that
if you do a reset, the
configurations in the HistoROM
and in the device may not be
the same.

707 (A707) Alarm Funktion B>X-VAL. of lin. table out – At least one X-VALUE in the – Carry out calibration again. 38
B check (C) of edit limits. linearisation table is either (See also Operating
below the value for HYDR. Instructions BA00274P, or
PRESS MIN. or MIN. LEVEL or these Operating Instructions)
above the value for HYDR.

710 Warning Funktion B>Set span too small. Not – Values for calibration (e.g. – Adjust calibration to suit 51
(W710) C check (C) allowed. lower range value and upper sensor.
range value) are too close (See also Operating
together. Instructions BA00274P,
parameter description
Operating Instructions)

– The sensor was replaced and – Adjust calibration to suit

the customer-specific sensor.
configuration does not suit the – Replace sensor with a suitable
sensor. sensor.

– Unsuitable download carried – Check configuration and

out. perform download again.

711 (A711) Alarm Funktion B>LRV or URV out of edit – Lower range value and/or – Reconfigure lower range value 37
B check (C) limits upper range value undershoot and/or upper range value to
or overshoot the sensor range suit the sensor. Pay attention to
limits. position factor.

– The sensor was replaced and – Reconfigure lower range value

the customer-specific and/or upper range value to
configuration does not suit the suit the sensor. Pay attention to
sensor. position factor.
– Replace sensor with a suitable

– Unsuitable download carried – Check configuration and

out. perform download again.

713 (A713) Alarm Funktion B>100% POINT level out of – The sensor was replaced. – Carry out calibration again. 39
B check (C) edit limits

58 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Troubleshooting

Code Error type/ Corresponds Message/description Cause Measure Prio

NA 64 NE 107 rity

715 (E715) Error Out of C>Sensor over temperature – The temperature measured in – Reduce process temperature/ 32
C specification the sensor is greater than the ambient temperature.
Factory (S) upper nominal temperature of
setting: the sensor. (See also Operating
Warning C Instructions BA00274P,
parameter description Tmax
SENSOR or these Operating

– Unsuitable download carried – Check configuration and

out. perform download again.
716 (E716) Error Failure (F) B>Process isolating – Sensor defect. – Replace Sensor. 24
B diaphragm broken – Reduce pressure.
Alarm B

717 (E717) Error Out of C>Transmitter over – The temperature measured in – Reduce ambient temperature. 34
C specification temperature the electronics is greater than
Factory (S) the upper nominal temperature
setting: of the electronics (+88 °C (+190
Warning C °F)).

– Unsuitable download carried – Check configuration and

out. perform download again.

718 (E718) Error Out of C>Transmitter under – The temperature measured in – Increase ambient temperature. 35
C specification temperature the electronics is smaller than Insulate device if necessary.
Factory (S) the lower nominal temperature
setting: of the electronics (–43 °C (-45
Warning C °F)).

– Unsuitable download carried – Check configuration and

out. perform download again.
719 (A719) Alarm Funktion B>Y-VAL of lin. table out of – At least on Y-VALUE in the – Carry out calibration again. 40
B check (C) edit limits linearisation table is below the (See also Operating
MIN. TANK CONTANT or above Instructions BA00274P, or
the MAX. TANK CONTENT. these Operating Instructions)

720 (E720) Error Out of C>Sensor under – The temperature measured in – Increase process temperature/ 33
C specification temperature the sensor is smaller than the ambient temperature.
Factory (S) lower nominal temperature of
setting: the sensor. (See also Operating
Warning C Instructions BA00274P,
parameter description Tmin
SENSOR or Operating

– Unsuitable download carried – Check configuration and

out. perform download again.

– Loose connection at sensor – Wait a short period of time and

cable tighten the connection, or avoid
loose connection.

721 (A721) Alarm Funktion B>ZERO POSITION level out – LEVEL MIN or LEVEL MAX has – Perform reset (Code 2710) and 41
B check (C) of edit limits been changed. carry out calibration again.

722 (A722) Alarm Funktion B>EMPTY CALIB. or FULL – LEVEL MIN or LEVEL MAX has – Perform reset (Code 2710) and 42
B check (C) CALIB. out of edit limits been changed. carry out calibration again.

723 (A723) Alarm Funktion B>MAX. FLOW out of edit – FLOW-MEAS. TYPE has been – Carry out calibration again. 43
B check (C) limits changed.

Endress+Hauser 59
Troubleshooting Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Code Error type/ Corresponds Message/description Cause Measure Prio

NA 64 NE 107 rity

725 (A725) Alarm Failure (F) B>Sensor connection error, – Electromagnetic effects are – Block off electromagnetic 25
B cycle disturbance greater than specifications in effects or eliminate source of
the technical data. (See disturbance.
Section 10.)
– Setscrew loose. – Retighten setscrew with 1 Nm
(0,74 lbf ft) (see Chap. 4.4.8).

– Sensor or main electronics – Replace sensor or main

defect. electronics.

726 (E726) Error Out of C>Sensor temperature error – Electromagnetic effects are – Block off electromagnetic 31
C specification - overrange greater than specifications in effects or eliminate source of
Factory (S) the technical data. ( ä 68) disturbance.
– Process temperature is outside – Check temperature present,
Alarm C
permitted range. reduce or increase if necessary.
– Sensor defect. – If the process temperature is
within the permitted range,
replace sensor.

727 (E727) Error Out of C>Sensor pressure error - – Electromagnetic effects are – Block off electromagnetic 28
C specification overrange greater than specifications in effects or eliminate source of
Factory (S) the technical data. ( ä 68) disturbance.
– Pressure is outside permitted – Check pressure present, reduce
Warning C
range. or increase if necessary.

– Sensor defect. – If the pressure is within the

permitted range, replace

728 (A728) Alarm Failure (F) B>RAM error – Fault in the main electronics. – Briefly disconnect device from 2
B the power supply.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

729 (A729) Alarm Failure (F) B>RAM error – Fault in the main electronics. – Briefly disconnect device from 3
B the power supply.
– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

730 (E730) Error Out of C>LRV user limits exceeded – Pressure measured value has – Check system/pressure 46
C specification undershot the value specified measured value.
Factory (S) for the Pmin ALARM WINDOW – Change value for Pmin ALARM
setting: parameter. WINDOW if necessary. (See
Warning C also Operating Instructions
BA00274P, parameter
description Pmin ALARM
WINDOW or these Operating

– Loose connection at sensor – Wait a short period of time and

cable tighten the connection, or avoid
loose connection.

60 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Troubleshooting

Code Error type/ Corresponds Message/description Cause Measure Prio

NA 64 NE 107 rity

731 (E731) Error Out of C>URV user limits exceeded – Pressure measured value has – Check system/pressure 45
C specification overshot the value specified for measured value.
Factory (S) the Pmax ALARM WINDOW – Change value for Pmax ALARM
setting: parameter. WINDOW if necessary. (See
Warning C also Operating Instructions
BA00274P, parameter
description Pmax ALARM
WINDOW or these Operating

Out of – Loose connection at sensor – Wait a short period of time and

specification cable tighten the connection, or avoid
(S) loose connection.

732 (E732) Error C>LRV Temp. User limits – Temperature measured value – Check system/temperature 48
C exceeded has undershot the value measured value.
Factory specified for the Tmin ALARM – Change value for Tmin ALARM
setting: WINDOW parameter. WINDOW if necessary. (See
Warning C also Operating Instructions
BA00274P, parameter
description Tmin ALARM
WINDOW or these Operating

733 (E733) Error Out of C>URV Temp. User limits – Temperature measured value – Check system/temperature 47
C specification exceeded has overshot the value specified measured value.
Factory (S) for the Tmax ALARM – Change value for Tmax ALARM
setting: WINDOW parameter. WINDOW if necessary. (See
Warning C also Operating Instructions
BA00274P, parameter
description Tmax ALARM
WINDOW or these Operating

736 (A736) Alarm Failure (F) B>RAM error – Fault in the main electronics. – Briefly disconnect device from 4
B the power supply.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

737 (A737) Alarm Failure (F) B>Measurement error – Fault in the main electronics. – Briefly disconnect device from 20
B the power supply.
– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

738 (A738) Alarm Failure (F) B>Measurement error – Fault in the main electronics. – Briefly disconnect device from 19
B the power supply.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

739 (A739) Alarm Failure (F) B>Measurement error – Fault in the main electronics. – Briefly disconnect device from 23
B the power supply.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

Endress+Hauser 61
Troubleshooting Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Code Error type/ Corresponds Message/description Cause Measure Prio

NA 64 NE 107 rity

740 (E740) Error Maintenance C>Calculation overflow, bad – Level measuring mode: the – Check configuration and carry 27
C request (M) configuration, hardware measured pressure has out calibration again if
Factory defect undershot the value for HYDR. necessary.
setting: PRESS. MIN. or overshot the – Select a device with a suitable
Warning C value for HYDR. PRESS MAX. measuring range.

– Level measuring mode: The – Check configuration and carry

measured level did not reach out calibration again if
the LEVEL MIN value or necessary.
exceeded the LEVEL MAX (See also Operating
value. Instructions BA00274P,
parameter description LEVEL
MIN. these Operating
– Flow measuring mode: the – Check configuration and carry
measured pressure has out calibration again if
undershot the value for MAX. necessary.
PRESS FLOW. – Select a device with a suitable
measuring range.

741 (A741) Alarm Funktion B>TANK HEIGHT out of – LEVEL MIN or LEVEL MAX has – Perform reset (Code 2710) and 44
B check (C) edit limits been changed. carry out calibration again.

742 (A742) Alarm Failure (F) B>Sensor connection error – Electromagnetic effects are – Wait a few minutes. 18
B (upload) greater than specifications in – Perform reset (Code 7864) and
the technical data. ( ä 68) carry out calibration again.
This message normally only
appears briefly.
– Cable connection sensor –main – Check cable connection and
electronics disconnected. repair if necessary.

– Sensor defect. – Replace sensor.

743 (E743) Alarm Failure (F) B>Electronic PCB error – This message normally only – Wait a few minutes. 14
B during initialisation appears briefly. – Restart the device. Perform
reset (Code 62).

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

744 (A744) Alarm Failure (F) B>Main electronic PCB – Electromagnetic effects are – Restart the device. Perform 11
B error greater than specifications in reset (Code 62).
the technical data. ( ä 68) – Block off electromagnetic
effects or eliminate source of

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

745 Warning Maintenance C>Sensor data unknown – Sensor does not suit the device – Replace sensor with a suitable 56
(W745) C request (M) (electronic sensor nameplate). sensor.
Device continues measuring.

746 Warning Funktion C>Sensor connection error - – Electromagnetic effects are – Wait a few minutes. 26
(W746) C check (C) initialising greater than specifications in – Restart the device. Perform
the technical data. ( ä 68) reset (Code 7864).
This message normally only – Block off electromagnetic
appears briefly. effects or eliminate source of

– Overpressure or low pressure – Reduce or increase pressure.

747 (A747) Alarm Failure (F) B>Sensor software not – Sensor does not suit the device – Replace sensor with a suitable 16
B compatible to electronics (electronic sensor nameplate). sensor.

748 (A748) Alarm Failure (F) B>Memory failure in signal – Electromagnetic effects are – Block off electromagnetic 15
B processor greater than specifications in effects or eliminate source of
the technical data. ( ä 68) disturbance.

– Main electronics defect. – Replace main electronics.

62 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Troubleshooting

9.1.1 On-site display error messages

If the device detects a defect in the on-site display during initialization, the following error
messages can be displayed:

Message Measure

Initialization, VU Electr. Defect A110 Exchange on-site display.

Initialization, VU Electr. Defect A114

Initialization, VU Electr. Defect A281

Initialization, VU Checksum Err. A110

Initialization, VU Checksum Err. A112

Initialization, VU Checksum Err. A171

9.2 Response of outputs to errors

The device differentiates between the error types Alarm, Warning and Error.
See the following table and  ä 55, "Messages".

Output A (Alarm) W (Warning) E (Error: Alarm/Warning)

Current output Assumes the value specified via the Device continues measuring. For this error, you can enter whether the
OUTPUT FAIL MODE1), ALT. CURR. device should react as in the event of an
OUTPUT1 and SET MAX. ALARM1 alarm or as in the event of a warning.
parameter. See also the following See corresponding "Alarm" or "Warning"
section "Configuring current output for column. (See also Operating Instructions
an alarm". BA00274P, parameter description
Operating Instructions)

Bargraph The bargraph adopts the value defined The bargraph adopts the value which See this table, "Alarm" or "Warning"
(on-site display) by the OUTPUT FAIL MODE 1 corresponds to the current value. column, depending on selection.

On-site display – The measured value and message are – The measured value and message are – The measured value and message are
displayed alternately displayed alternately displayed alternately
– Measured value display: -symbol is – Measured value display: -symbol – Measured value display: see
permanently displayed. flashes. corresponding "Alarm" or "Warning"

Message display Message display: Message display:

– 3-digit number such as A122 and – 3-digit number such as W613 and – 3-digit number such as E731 and
description description description
Remote operation In the case of an alarm, the In the case of a warning, the ALARM In the case of an error, the
(digital ALARM STATUS2) parameter displays a STATUS2 parameter displays a 3-digit ALARM STATUS2 parameter displays a
communication) 3-digit number such as 122 for "Sensor number such as 613 for "Simulation is 3-digit number such as 731 for "URV
not connected". active". user limits exceeded".



Endress+Hauser 63
Troubleshooting Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

9.2.1 Configuring current output for an alarm

You can configure the current output for the event of an alarm by means of the OUTPUT
FAIL MODE, ALT. CURR. OUTPUT and SET MAX. ALARM parameters. These parameters are
displayed in the OUTPUT group (menu path: (GROUP SELECTION ) OPERATING MENU 
In the event of an alarm, the current and the bargraph assume the value entered with the

➀ 21...23 mA

➂ 3.6 mA

Fig. 26: Current output in the event of an alarm

1 Max. alarm (110%): can be set between 21 to 23 mA via the SET MAX. ALARM parameter
2 Hold meas. value: last measured value is kept
3 Min. alarm (–10%): 3.6 mA

Factory setting:
• OUTPUT FAIL MODE: Max. Alarm (110%)
Use the ALT. CURR. OUTPUT parameter to set the current output value for the error
messages E 120 "Sensor low pressure" and E 115 "Sensor overpressure". You have the
following options:
‣ Normal/NE43: the current output assumes the value set via the OUTPUT FAIL MODE
and SET MAX. ALARM parameters.
‣ Special
– Lower sensor limit undershot (E 120 "Sensor low pressure"): 3.6 mA
– Upper sensor limit overshot (E 115 "Sensor overpressure") overshot: current output
assumes the value set via the SET MAX ALARM parameter.
Attention : when using the case "special", the behavior is limited to an over/underpressure
in a range LRL -10% up to LRL -30% and URL +10% up to URL +30%.
Factory setting:

64 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Troubleshooting

9.3 Confirming messages

Depending on the settings for the ALARM DISPL. TIME and ACK. ALARM MODE
parameters, the following measures should be taken to clear a message:

Settings 1) Measures

– ALARM DISPL. TIME = 0 s – Rectify cause of the message ( ä 55).


– ALARM DISPL. TIME > 0 s – Rectify cause of the message ( ä 55).

– ACK. ALARM MODE = off – Wait for the alarm display time to elapse.

– ALARM DISPL. TIME = 0 s – Rectify cause of the message ( ä 55).

– ACK. ALARM MODE = on – Confirm message using ACK. ALARM parameter.
– ALARM DISPL. TIME > 0 s – Rectify cause of the message ( ä 55).
– ACK. ALARM MODE = on – Confirm message using ACK. ALARM parameter.
– Wait for the alarm display time to elapse. If a message appears and the
alarm display time elapses before the message has been acknowledged,
the message will be cleared once it has been acknowledged.


If the on-site display displays a message, you can suppress it with the -key.
If there are several messages, the on-site display shows the message which has the highest
priority ( ä 55). Once you have suppressed this message using the -key, the message
with the next highest priority is displayed. You can use the -key to suppress each message,
one after the other.
The ALARM STATUS parameter continues to display all the messages present.

Endress+Hauser 65
Troubleshooting Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

9.4 Repair
The Endress+Hauser repairs concept provides for measuring devices to have a modular
design and also the customer may carry out repairs ( ä 66, "Spare Parts").
• For certified devices, please consult Chapter "Repair of Ex-certified devices".
• For more information on service and spare parts contact the Endress+Hauser Service.

9.5 Repair of Ex-certified devices

Limitation of electrical safety due to incorrect connection!
Risk of explosion!
When repairing Ex-certified devices, please note the following:
• Only specialist personnel or Endress+Hauser may undertake repairs of certified devices.
• Relevant standards, national hazardous area regulations and Safety Instructions and
Certificates must be observed.
• Only genuine Endress+Hauser spare parts may be used.
• When ordering spare parts, please check the device designation on the nameplate.
Identical parts may only be used as replacements.
• Electronic inserts or sensors already in use in a standard instrument may not be used as
spare parts for a certified device.
• Carry out repairs according to the instructions. After repairs, the device must fulfil the
requirements of the specified individual tests.
• A certified device may only be converted into another certified variant by Endress+Hauser.
• All repairs and modifications must be documented.

9.6 Spare Parts

• Some replaceable measuring device components are identified by means of a spare part
nameplate. This contains information about the spare part.
• All the spare parts for the measuring device along with the order code are listed In the
W@M Device Viewer ( and can be ordered. If available,
users can also download the associated Installation Instructions.

Measuring device serial number:

• Located on the device and spare part nameplate.
• Can be read out via the "DEVICE SERIAL No" parameter in the "TRANSMITTER DATA"

9.7 Return
The measuring device must be returned if repairs or a factory calibration are required, or if
the wrong measuring device has been ordered or delivered. According to legal regulations,
Endress+Hauser, as a ISO-certified company, is required to follow certain procedures when
handling returned products that are in contact with process fluids.
To ensure swift, safe and professional device returns, please read the return procedures and
conditions on the Endress+Hauser website at

9.8 Disposal
When disposing, separate and recycle the device components based on the materials.

66 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART Troubleshooting

9.9 Software history

Date Software version Changes software Documentation

Operating Instructions Description of Instrument


11.2003 01.00.zz Original software. BA271P/00/EN/10.03 —

Compatible with:
– ToF Tool Field Tool Package, version 1.04.00 or
– Commuwin II version 2.08.-1, Update G or higher
– HART Communicator 375 with Device Rev.: 10, DD
Rev.: 1

06.2004 02.00.zz – Number of parameters in the Quick Setup menus BA271P/00/EN/05.04 BA274P/00/EN/05.04
has been reduced. 52022795 52021469
– On-site operation: LANGUAGE and MEASURING
MODE parameters have been moved to the top
– New SAFETY CONFIRM. group implemented for
See also SD00190P Safety Manual Cerabar S.
AREA UNIT and TANK SECTION parameters have
been replaced with the TANK VOLUME and TANK
HEIGHT parameters.
– Function of the UNIT FLOW parameter has been
split across four parameters.
– Function of the SIMULATED VALUE parameter has
been split across six parameters.
– SENSOR TRIM and CURRENT TRIM groups have
been removed.
– Sensor adapt reset, code 1209 and sensor
calibration reset, code 2509 have been removed.
– Quick Setup menus are available via ToF Tool.
Compatible with:
– ToF Tool Field Tool Package version 2.00.00 or
– Commuwin II version 2.08.-1, Update > G
– HART Communicator 375/475 with Device Rev.:
20, DD Rev.: 1

06.2005 02.01.zz – Operating keys also integrated on the optional on- BA271P/00/EN/06.05 BA274P/00/EN/05.04
site display. 71000115 52021469
– Chinese and Japanese are available as the menu
BA271P/00/EN/11.05 BA274P/00/EN/05.04
language on request.
71009589 52021469
Compatible with:
– ToF Tool Field Tool Package version 3.00.00 or
– FieldCare version 2.01.00, DTM Library version
DTM: Deltabar S/MD7x/V02.00 V*
– HART Communicator 375/475 with Device Rev.:
DD Rev.: 1*
* Menu languages Chinese and Japanese not

Endress+Hauser 67
Technical data Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Date Software version Changes software Documentation

Operating Instructions Description of Instrument


06.2006 02.10.zz – New "Level Easy Pressure" and "Level Easy Height" BA271P/00/EN/07.06 BA274P/00/EN/07.06
level modes implemented. New LEVEL SELECTION 71027246 71027249
parameter implemented.
– OPERATION group with DOWNLOAD SELECT BA271P/00/EN/08.06 BA274P/00/EN/07.06
71027246 71027249
parameter extended.
– SAFETY CONFIRM group extended for the "Level" BA271P/00/EN/10.07 BA274P/00/EN/07.07
operating mode in the "Level Easy Pressure" level 71043296 71061022
See also SD00190P Safety Manual Cerabar S. BA271P/00/EN/12.07 BA274P/00/EN/07.07
– Factory setting for the "Error" messages redefined. 71043296 71061022
– Chinese and Japanese included as menu languages
BA271P/00/EN/05.08 BA274P/00/EN/05.08
by default. 71071770 71071855
Compatible with:
BA271P/00/EN/08.08 BA274P/00/EN/05.08
– ToF Tool Field Tool Package version 4.0
– FieldCare version 2.02.00 71077544 71071855
– HART Communicator 375/475 with Device Rev.: BA271P/00/EN/06.09 BA274P/00/EN/06.09
21, DD Rev.: 1 71095434 71095452

BA271P/00/EN/05.10 BA274P/00/EN/05.10
71111792 71118244

BA00271P/00/EN/13.11 BA00274P/00/EN/13.11
71139779 71139795

BA00271P/00/EN/14.12 BA00274P/00/EN/13.11
71161896 71139795

01.2013 02.11.zz "Russian" is included as a menu language by default. BA00271P/00/EN/15.13 BA00274P/00/EN/14.13

The menu language "Nederlands" is no longer 71204567 71204628
BA00271P/00/EN/16.14 BA00274P/00/EN/15.14
71254295 71254474

06.2014 02.20.zz HART7 protocole revision has been implemented. BA00271P/00/EN/17.14 BA00274P/00/EN/16.14
71260306 71260321

BA00271P/00/EN/18.14 BA00274P/00/EN/17.14
71270361 71270402
10.2017 02.30.zz Improvement of safety confirmation and menues in BA00271P/00/EN/19.16 BA00274P/00/EN/18.16
FieldCare and HART handheld terminal. 71335659 71336359

10 Technical data
For technical data, please refer to TI00383P.

68 Endress+Hauser
Cerabar S PMC71, PMP71, PMP75 with 4 to 20 mA HART

Numerics Operating keys, function, without on-site display . . . . . 34
4...20 mA test signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Operating keys, position. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Operating menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
A Operational safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Alarm messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Overvoltage protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Cable specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Pipe mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Commubox FXA195 anschließen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Position adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Connecting Commubox FXA291 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Potential matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29–30
Connecting ToF Adapter FXA291 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Pressure measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Pressure measurement, Quick Setup menu . . . . . . . . . . . 49
D Product safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Designated use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Diaphragm seals, installation instructions . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Q
Diaphragm seals, vacuum application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Quick Setup menu level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Quick Setup menu pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Error messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Repair of Ex-certified devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
F Returning devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Factory setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Rotating the housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
FieldCare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
H Scope of delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Hazardous area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Heat insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Separate housing, assemble and mount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
HistoROM/M-DAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Service Interface FXA291. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Sicherheitshinweise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
I SIL3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Incoming acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Software history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Installation instructions for devices with diaphragm seals Spare Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
17 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Installation instructions for devices without diaphragm Supply voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
seals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
L Temperature isolator, installation instructions. . . . . . . . 19
Language, selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Trouble-shooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Level measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50–51
Level measurement, Quick Setup menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 U
Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Unlocking operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Locking operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
M Wall mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Measuring arrangement for level measurement. . . . . . 17 Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Measuring arrangement for pressure measurement . 15– Welding recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
16 Workplace safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Measuring mode, selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

On-site display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Operating elements, function, with on-site display . . . 34
Operating elements, position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Endress+Hauser 69

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