Straight Pipe Circular Cross Section and Nonuniform Roughness Walls IDELCHIK Feb 2018

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Straight Pipe
Circular Cross-Section and Nonuniform Roughness Walls

Model description:

This model of component calculates the major head loss (pressure drop) of a horizontal
straight pipe of circular and constant cross-section.
In addition, the flow is assumed fully developed and stabilized.

The head loss is due to the friction of the fluid on the inner walls of the piping and is
calculated with the Darcy formula. The roughness of the inner walls of the pipe is
supposed nonuniform (commercial pipe).

Darcy friction factor is determined:

 for laminar flow regime by the law of Hagen-Poiseuille (independent of the value
of relative roughness),
 for turbulent flow regime by the implicit Colebrook-White equation (dependent of
the value of relative roughness),
 for critical flow regime by interpolation between friction factors of laminar and
turbulent flow.

Model formulation:

Hydraulic diameter (m):

Dh  D0

Cross-section area (m²):

F0   

Mean velocity (m/s):

w0 

Mass flow rate (kg/s):

G Q

Fluid volume in the pipe (m³):

V  F0  l

Fluid mass in the pipe (kg):

M V  

Reynolds number:
w 0  Dh
Re 

Relative roughness:


Darcy friction factor:

 laminar flow regime (Re  Re0):
Hagen-Poiseuille law
Re ([1] diagram 2.1)

 turbulent flow regime – transition region and complete turbulence region (Re  Re2):
Colebrook-White equation
 2
  2.51  
2  log  

  Re  3 .7 
([1] diagram 2.4)

Reynolds number at which pipe cease to be hydraulically smooth:

Re' lim 
 ([1] §2.23)

Reynolds number corresponding to the beginning of complete turbulence:

Re" lim 
 ([1] diagram 2.4)

Transition region

Complete turbulence region

 critical flow regime (Re0  Re  Re2):
  f (Re, )
([1] diagram 2.3)

Reynolds number of start of critical zone:

 0.0065 
Re 0  754 exp  
   ([1] §2.21)

Reynolds number at end of critical zone:

 1
Re 2  2090 
 ([1] §2.22)

 all flow regimes:

Pressure loss coefficient (based on the mean pipe velocity):
 
([1] equation 2-2)

Total pressure loss (Pa):

  w0
P   
2 ([1] equation 2-2)

Total head loss of fluid (m):

H   

Hydraulic power loss (W):

Wh  P  Q

Symbols, Definitions, SI Units:

Dh Hydraulic diameter (m)
D0 Internal diameter (m)
F0 Cross-sectional area (m²)
Q Volume flow rate (m³/s)
G Mass flow rate (kg/s)
w0 Mean velocity (m/s)
l Pipe length (m)
V Fluid volume in the pipe (m³)
M Fluid mass in the pipe (kg)
Re Reynolds number ()
Re0 Reynolds number of start of critical zone ()
Re2 Reynolds number at end of critical zone ()
Re’lim Limiting Reynolds number for hydraulically smooth law ()
Re’’lim Limiting Reynolds number for quadratic law ()
 Absolute roughness of walls (m)
 Relative roughness of walls ()
 Darcy friction factor ()
 Pressure loss coefficient (based on the mean pipe velocity) ()
P Total pressure loss (Pa)
H Total head loss of fluid (m)
Wh Hydraulic power loss (W)

 Fluid density (kg/m³)

 Fluid kinematic viscosity (m²/s)
g Gravitational acceleration (m/s²)

Validity range:
 any flow regime: laminar, critical and turbulent (Re  108)
   0.05
 stabilized flow

Example of input data and results:

[1] Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance, 3rd Edition, I.E. Idelchik (2008)

HydrauCalc Edition: February 2018

© François Corre 2017-2018

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