Comhealth (Done)
Comhealth (Done)
Comhealth (Done)
Levels of Prevention
Primary Prevention
Focuses on health promotion and disease
Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle (Proper Diet &
Secondary Prevention
Focuses on early detection of disease and
prompt treatment for individual experiencing
health problems
Breast-Self Examination
Diagnostic Test (AFB test)
Cancer Signs & Symptoms (CAUTION US)
Tertiary Prevention
Rehabilitation (prevent further disability)
Restore client’s optimum level of functioning
COMMUNITY Constructing a Plan of Action
Choosing from among the possible courses of
Selecting the appropriate types of nursing
1. Assessment intervention
This provides: Identifying appropriate and available resources
An estimate of the degree to which a family, Developing an Operational Plan
group or community is achieving the level of
health possible for them Establish priorities, phase, and coordinate
Identifies specific deficiencies or guidance needed activities
Estimates the possible effects of nursing Development of evaluation parameters is done
interventions in the planning stage
Health Deficit 3. Implementation
A gap between actual and achievable health Involves various nursing interventions which
status have been determined by the goals/objectives
Failure in health maintenance that have been previously set
Already developed the disease or disability, Carrying out of nursing procedures
developmental lag. Documentation is done at this phase
Health Threat
Condition that promote disease or injury and
4. Evaluation
prevent people from realizing their health Three Classic Frameworks
potential Structural elements
Foreseeable Crisis Process elements
Anticipated periods of unusual demand on the Outcome elements
individual/family in terms of resources and
Wellness Potential
This refers to states of wellness and the
likelihood for health maintenance or improvement
to occur depending on the desire of the family
2. Planning
Goal Setting
Initial step
Declaration of purpose/ intent that gives essential
direction to action
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE Involves upon actions to determine their
effectiveness in order to make decisions
Planning regarding future action
Includes assisting the organization in Documenting the progress by comparing
establishing a vision for the future achievements against a performance standard
Deciding what must be done and what the
organization wants to achieve
Helps to determine how a manager implements
planning to achieve the stated goals
Major concerns
Analysis of the systems
Analysis of functions
Assigning job responsibilities
Includes conveying to the workers what has
occurred in the planning and organizing phases
Linking people on the health care team together
to function in such a way that objectives are
Process that measures and corrects the activities
of the people and establishes standards so that
objectives are met
Establishing standards
Measuring performance criteria
Correcting deviations from normal
NURSING Identify a designated referral laboratory when
6. Referral System
CLINIC VISIT Refer the patient if he needs further
Standard Procedures management following the two-way referral
1. Registration/Admission
Accompany the patient when an emergency
Greet the client and establish rapport referral is needed
Prepare family record (New Client)
Retrieve record (Old Client) 7. Prescription/Dispensing
Elicit and record the client’s chief complaint
Give proper instruction on drug intake
and clinical history
Perform physical exam on the client 8 . Health Education
2. Waiting time Conduct one-on-one counseling with the
Give Priority numbers to clients Reinforce health education and counseling
Implement “first come, first served” policy messages
except for emergency cases Give appointments for the next visit
Manage program-based cases 1. Preparatory Phase
Manage according to Protocols Introduce self to client
Refer all non-program based cases to the Make sure the client is relaxed and has rested
for 5 minutes
physician Client should not have smoked or ingested
Provide first-aid treatment to emergency cases caffeine within 30 minutes before BP
4. Clinical Evaluation Explain the procedure
Assist to seated or supine position
Validate clinical history and physical exam
Nurse arrives at the evidence-based diagnosis 2. Applying the BP cuff and stethoscope
and provides rational treatment based on DOH Bare client’s arm
programs Apply cuff around the upper arm 2-3 cm
Inform the client on the nature of the illness, above the brachial artery
appropriate treatment and prevention and control Apply cuff snugly with no creases
Keep the manometer at eye level
measures Keep arm level with his/her heart by placing
5. Laboratory and other Diagnostic it on a table or a chair arm or by supporting
it with examiner’s hand.
If the client is in recumbent position, rest arm at
his/her side
Palpate brachial pulse correctly just below
or slightly medial to the antecubital area
3. Obtaining the BP Reading by using
Palpatory Method
While the branchial or radial pulse is located and
palpated, close pressure bulb and inflate cuff
until pulse disappears
Note point at which pulse disappears (palpated
systolic BP)
Deflate cuff fully
Wait for 1-2 minutes before inflating cuff again
4. Obtaining the BP by Auscultation
Place earpieces of stethoscope in ears and head
(diaphragm) of stethoscope over the branchial
Use the bell side of the stethoscope; however,
for obese persons, use diaphragm
Watching the manometer, inflate the cuff rapidly
by pumping the bulb until it reaches 30mmHg
above the palpated SBP
Deflate the cuff slowly at a rate 2 to 3 mmHg
per beat
While the cuff is deflating, listen for pulse
1st Clear tapping sound (Korotkoff Phase
I: Systolic BP)
Disappearance of sound (Korotkoff Phase
V: Diastolic BP
5 . Recording of BP and other Guidelines
For every visit, take the mean of 2 reading,
obtained at last 2 minutes apart
If first visit, repeat procedure with other arm.
Subsequent BP readings should be performed
on the arm, with a higher BP reading
VISIT P olicy of a Specific agency
necessary nursing care and health related
activities bility to recognize own needs
N eeds of the (most important)
VITAL Crude Birth Rate
STATISTICS A measure of one characteristic of the natural
growth or increase of population
Refers to the systematic study of vital events such Crude Death Rate
as births, illnesses, marriages, divorces, separation
and deaths A measure of one mortality from all causes
Morbidity (Disease) and Mortality (Death) which may result in a decrease of population
Indicate the state of health of a community Maternal Mortality Rate
and the success of failure og health work Measures the risk of dying from causes related
to pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
Uses of Vital Statistics Index of the obstetrical care needed and
Indices of the health and illness status of a received by women in a community
community Fetal Death Rate
Serves as bases for planning, implementing,
monitoring and evaluating CHN programs and Measures pregnancy wastage
services Death of the product of conception occurs prior
to its complete expulsion, irrespective of
Sources of Data duration of pregnancy
Population census
Neonatal Death Rate
Registration of Vital Data
Health survey Measures the risk of dying 1st month
Studies and researches
Attack Rate
Comparison between Rates and Rations More accurate measure of the risk of exposure
Rate Case Fatality Ratio
Shown the relationship between vital event and
those persons exposed to the occurrence of said Index of a killing power of a disease and is
event within a given area and during a specified influenced by incomplete reporting and poor
unit of time morbidity data
Ratio Incidence Rate
is used to describe the relationship between two Measures the frequency of occurrence of the
numerical quantities or measure of events without phenomenon during a given period of time
taking particular considerations to the time or place
New cases
Infant Mortality Rate Prevalence Rate
Good index of the general health condition of a Measures the proportion of population which
community exhibits a particular disease at a particular time
New and old cases
To provide summary of data on health services
To provide data that can be used for program
monitoring and evaluation purposes
To provide a standardized, facility level
database which can be accessed for more in-
depth studies
To ensure that the data are useful and accurate
To minimize the recording and reporting burden
at the service delivery level
Family Treatment Record
Fundamental building block of FHSIS
Target Client List
Second building block of FHSIS
Reporting Forms
Only mechanism through which data are
routinely transmitted from one facility to
Prepared and submitted either monthly or
Output Reports
Objective in designing the output formats: Make
the reports useful for monitoring or management
1. Antenatal Registration
1st Visit As early in pregnancy as possible
2nd Visit During 2nd trimester
3rd Visit During 3rd trimester
Every 2 weeks After 8th month of pregnancy until delivery
3. Micronutrient Supplementation
Vitamin A 10,000 IU Twice a week starting on the 4th month of pregnancy
Daily (Starting 5th month of pregnancy up 2 months
Iron/Folic acid 60mg/400ug tablet postpartum)
4. Treatment of Diseases and Other Conditions Schedule when to return for consultation for
5. Clean and Safe Delivery post-partum visits
6. Health Teachings: 1st Visit – 1st week postpartum preferably 3-5 days
Birth registration 2nd Visit – 6 weeks postpartum
Importance of breastfeeding 7. Support to Breastfeeding
Newborn screening between 48 hours up 2 8. Family Planning Counseling
weeks after birth Proper spacing of birth (3 to 5 years interval)
FAMILY Advantages
PLANNING Permanent method of contraception
Does not interfere with sex
Overall Goal: To provide universal access to Results in increased sexual enjoyment
family planning information and services No effect on breastfeeding
wherever and whenever these are needed No known long term side effects or health risks
AIMS TO REDUCE Disadvantages
Infant deaths Infection or bleeding
Neonatal deaths Increase risk for ectopic pregnancy
Under-five deaths Requires physical examination
Maternal deaths Reversal surgery is difficult
OBJECTIVES Do not protect against sexually transmitted
Addresses the need to help couples and
individuals achieved their desired family size
within context of responsible parenthood
Also known as Vasectomy
Ensure that quality FP services are available in Permanent method wherein the vas deferens
DOH retained hospitals, LGU managed health is tied and cut or blocked through a small
facilities, NGOs and private sector opening in the scrotal skin
Very effective in 3 months after the procedure
Permanent, safe, simple and easy to perform
Can be performed in a clinic
Person will not lose his sexual ability and
Disadvantages May decrease sensation, making sex less
May be uncomfortable due to slight pain and enjoyable
swelling 2-3 days after the procedure
Reversibility is difficult and expensive 5. INJECTABLES
Bleeding may result in hematoma formation Contain synthetic hormone, progestin that
suppresses ovulation, thickens cervical mucus
3. PILL and changes uterine lining.
Contains hormones – estrogen and progesterone Advantages
Advantages Reversible
No need for daily intake
Safe as proven through extensive studies Does not interfere with sexual intercourse
Convenient and easy to use Has no estrogen-related side effects
Reduces gynecologic symptoms such as painful
menses and endometriosis
Does not interfere with sexual intercourse
Temporary introductory postpartum method of
Disadvantages postponing pregnancy based on physiological
infertility experienced by Breastfeeding women
Often not used correctly and consistently,
lowering its effectiveness Advantages
Has side effects such as nausea, dizziness or LAM is universally available to all postpartum
breast tenderness breastfeeding women
Can suppress lactation No other FP commodities are required
It contributes to improve maternal and child
4. MALE CONDOM health and nutrition
Thin sheath of latex rubber made to fit on a
man’s erect penis to prevent the passage of Disadvantages
sperm cells and sexually transmitted disease Short term FP method which is effective only
into the vagina for a maximum of 6 months
Advantages The effectiveness of LAM may decrease if a
mother and child are separated for extended
Safe and has no hormonal effect periods
Protects against microorganisms during Full or nearly full BF may be difficult to
intercourse maintain up to 6 months
Encourages male participation in family planning
Abstaining from sexual intercourse during
May cause allergy for people who are sensitive fertile days prevents pregnancy
to latex or lubricant
Advantages No health related side effects associated
Can be used by any woman of reproductive Incurs very little or no cost
age as long as she is not suffering from an Immediately reversible
unusual disease or condition that results in Promote male partner involvement in FP
extraordinary vaginal discharge
Disadvantages Needs cooperation of the husband
Cannot be used by woman with medical Can become unreliable for women who have
conditions that would make pregnancy conditions that cause abnormal cervical
dangerous secretions
Identifies the fertile and infertile period of a
woman’s cycle by daily taking and recording of
the rise in body temperature during and after
Before ovulation:
Temperature decreases 0.5 °F
During ovulation: 11. STANDARD DAYS METHOD
Temperature increases 1.0°F Couples use color coded cycle beads to mark
the fertile and infertile days of the menstrual
Identifies the fertile and infertile days of the
menstrual cycle as determined through a Advantages
combination of observations made on the cervical No health related side effects associated with
mucus, basal body temperature recording and its use
other signs of ovulation Increases self-awareness and knowledge of
human reproduction
10. TWO DAY METHOD Can be used either to avoid or achieve
Simple fertility awareness based method of FP pregnancy
that involves: Enhances self-discipline, mutual respect
Can be integrated in health and family planning
Cervical secretions as an indicator of fertility services
Women checking the presence of secretions
everyday Disadvantages
Advantages Cannot be used by women who usually have
Can be used by women with any cycle length menstrual cycle between 26 and 32 days long
Causes abortion
Will render couples sterile
Will result to loss of sexual desire
CHILD Outcome
HEALTH PROGRAMS To improve exclusive and extended breastfeeding
and complementary feeding
Goal Key Messages on Infant and
To reduce morbidity and mortality rates (for children
0-9yrs) Young Child Feeding
Programs IInitiate breastfeeding within 1hour after birth
Infant and Young Child Feeding Exclusive for the first 6 months of life
Newborn Screening Complemented at 6 months with appropriate
Expanded Program on Immunization food
Management of Childhood illnesses
Micronutrient Supplementation Extend Breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond
Dental health Exclusive breastfeeding
Early Child Development means giving a baby only breast milk, and no
Child Health Injuries other liquids or solids, not even water.
LAWS 4. Expanded Breastfeeding
Act of 2010
YOUNG CHILD FEEDING Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months.
1. Milk Code
EO 51
Products covered by Milk Code consist of breast
milk substitutes, including infant formula; other milk
products, food and beverages, including bottle-fed
complementary foods.
(PD 996) Diarrhea
RA 10152 (2011)
An act providing for mandatory basic immunization
services for infants and children.
Low Grade Fever
Mild Respiratory Infections
BCG At birth 1
PENTAVALENT 6 weeks 3 4 weeks
OPV 6 weeks 3 4 weeks
HEPA B At birth 1 6 weeks from 1st dose
MEASLES 9 months 1
MMR 12 months 1
IPV 14 weeks 1
NUTRITION Objectives
To increase the proportion of orally fit children
PROGRAM under 6 years old 80% by 2010
To control oral health risk among the young
Goal people
improve quality of life of Filipinos through better To improve the oral health conditions of
nutrition, improved health, and increased pregnant women by 20% and older persons by
productivity 10% every year until
Vitamin A Promotive
Iron Service Health education
Oral examination
Programs and Projects Treatment Oral hygiene
Pit & Fissure Sealant
Micronutrient Supplementation Program
Food Fortification Fluoride Utilization Program
Essential maternal and Child Health Service
Package Curative Permanent Filling Gum
Nutrition Information, Communication, and Treatment
Education Atraumatic Restorative
Home, School and Community Food Production Temporary Filling
Food Assistance
Livelihood Assistance
Treatment Post Extraction
Drainage of Localized Oral
Reduce the prevalence rate of dental caries and
periodontal diseases from 92% in 1998 to 85% and
from 78% in 1998 to 60% by 2010 among general
Better Quality Life among Filipinos
Main Objectives
Reducing Maternal Mortality Rate
Reducing Child Mortality
Halting and Reversing spread of HIV/AIDS
Increasing access to reproductive health
information and services
Family Planning
Maternal and Child Health Nutrition Prevention
and Management of Reproductive Tract Infection
Adolescent Reproductive Health
Prevention and Management of Abortion and its
Prevention and Management of Breast and
Reproductive Tract Cancers and other
Gynecological Conditions
Education and Counselling on Sexuality and
Sexual Health
Men’s Reproductive Health and Involvement
Violence against Women and Children
Prevention and Management of Infertility and
Sexual Dysfunction
HEALTH AND SANITATION Outreach must not be more than 250 meters
from the farthest user
Environmental Health Yield or discharge is generally from 40 to 140
It is a branch of public health that deals with the liters per minute
study of preventing illness by managing the Generally adaptable for rural areas where the
environment and changing people’s behavior to houses are thinly scattered
reduce exposure to biological and non-biological LEVEL II (Communal Faucet System or
agents of disease or injury Stand –posts)
Health and Sanitation Laws System composed of a source of reservoir, a
piped distribution network and communal
PD 856 – Sanitation Code of the Philippines faucets
RA 6969 – toxic Substances and hazardous and Located not more than 25 meters from the
Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 farthest house
Designed to deliver 40-80 liters of water per
RA 8749 – Clean Air Act of 1999 capital per day
RA 9003 – Ecological Solid Waste Management Average households: 100
Act of 2000 One faucet per 4 to 6 households
Suitable for rural areas where houses are
RA 9275 – Clean Water Act 2004 clustered densely to justify a simple-piped
SANITATION LEVEL III (Waterworks System or
Individual House Connections)
Study of all factors in man’s physical environment, NAWASA, Maynilad
which may exercise a deleterious effect on his
health well - being and survival 2. Unapproved type of water facility
The Development of Health through the Open drug wells
Environment and Occupation Health Office Unimproved springs
(EOHO) has set some policies on the following Wells that need priming
1. Approved Types of Water Supply Facilities 3.Access to sage and potable drinking water
LEVEL 1 (Point Source) 4. Water quality and monitoring surveillance
Protect well or developed spring with an outlet Disinfection of water supply sources is
but without a distribution system required on the following:
Serves around 15 to 25 households
Newly constructed water supply facilities
Water supply facility that has been
Always buy pasteurized mild and fruit juices
Wash vegetables well if to be eaten raw such
Food Establishments shall be appraised as lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes & carrots
as to the following sanitary conditions: Wash hands kitchen utensils before and after
Inspection/approval of all food source, containers, preparing foods
transport vehicles Sweep kitchen floors to remove food droppings
Compliance to sanitary permit requirements for all
food establishment
Provision of updated Health certificate for food Right Cooking
handlers, cooks and cook helpers Cook food thoroughly (temperature on all parts
of the food should reach 70 degrees
DOH’s Administrative Order no.1 centigrade
2006 requires all laboratories to use Formalin Eat cooked food immediately
Ether Concentration Technique (FECT) instead of
the direct fecal smear in the analysis of stools of Wash hands thoroughly before and after eating
food handlers.
Right Storage
Food Establishment shall be rated as follows:
All cooked food should be left at room
CLASS A – Excellent temperature for not more than two hours
CLASS B – Very Satisfactory Use tightly sealed containers for storing food
CLASS C – Satisfactory Store food under hot conditions (at least or
above 60°C) or in cold conditions (below or
Four Rights in Food Safety equal to 10°C) if you can plan to store it for
Right Source more than 4 to 5 hours
Always buy fresh meat, fish fruits & vegetables Do not overburden the refrigerator by filing it
with too large quantities of warm food
Look at the expiry dates of processed food
Food should be reheated to at least 70
Avoid buying canned goods with dents, bulges, degrees centigrade
deformation, broken seals and improper seams
Rule in Food Safety: “When in doubt, throw it
Boil water for at least 2 minutes (running out!”
Right Preparation
Avoid contact between raw food and cooked
food @RNurseGuides
SENTRONG SIGLA (SS) Scope and structure of the SS
CERTIFICATION Quality Standards (Level I)
Primary function:
Goal Provide basic public health services
Quality Health Care, Services, and Facilities Facility and System Standards
Ensure that the health facility is appropriately
Level and Scope of Certification equipped with sufficient manpower, adequate
1. Basic SS Cerfitication logistics and organized procedures to
efficiently and effectively promote core public
Minimum input, process and output standards for health programs
integrated public health services for 4 core
programs, facility system, regulatory functions and
basic curative services Integrated Public Health Function Standards
BY DOH Clean the leaves thoroughly and chop
Measure two cups of water and boil on a low
fire for 15 minutes
General guidelines for the use
Use the table on the amount of leaves to be
of medicinal plants used
Be sure that the right king of plant is used LEAVES
according to the intended purpose
Use the plant part suggested
Use according to the dosage and direction Adult 6 tbsp. 4 tbsp.
recommended 7- 12 y/o 3 tbsp. 2 tbsp.
Use only one kind of medicinal plant at a time 2 – 6 y/o 1 1⁄2 tbsp. 1 tbsp.
Stop the use of the plant if there is any
untoward reaction or if side effects occur DOSAGE:
If there are no signs of improvement after two Divide the solution into three parts. Drink one part
or three administration of the drug, consult a each in the morning, noon and night For fever,
physician drink each part every four hours
In boiling the plants, use enamel were or clay
pots, not aluminum ware. Clean the pots very
well before and after boiling the plant YERBA BUENA
Use only the prescribed part of the plant ( Mentha cordifolia Opiz ex Fresen )
Avoid the use of insecticides For pains of the body
LAGUNDI ( Vitex negundo )
For cough and asthma
Cleanse thoroughly and chop the leaves, then
boil in two glasses of water for 15 minutes.
Do not cover the pot; allow to cool and strain
For adults, six tbsp. of fresh leaves or four tbsp. TSAANG GUBAT
of dried leaves should be used ( Ehretia microphylla Lam )
For patients 7-12 years old, use half the adult For stomachache
Divide the boiled solution into three parts and
drink on part each in the morning, afternoon
and evening, squeeze the fresh leaves and
place on the painful part
( Blumea balsamifera )
For swelling. Diuresis, Anti-urolithiasis
Cleanse thoroughly and chop leaves and boil
in two glasses of water for 15 minutes
Do not cover the pot; keep cooking and strain
For adults, six tbsp. of fresh leaves or four
tbsp. of dried leaves should be used
For patients 7-12 years old, use half the adult
Divide in two parts and drink one part every
PREPARATIONS: four hours
Cleanse thoroughly and chop leaves, boil in
two glasses of water for 15 minutes NIYUG-NIYUGAN
Do not cover the pot; keep boiling and strain ( Quisqualis indica )
For adults, use six tbsp. fresh leaves or four For ascaris
tbsp. dried leaves
Divide the boiled solution into three parts and
drink one part each in the morning, afternoon
and evening, Squeeze the fresh leaves and
place on the painful part.
Use newly-opened, mature and dried nuts
AKAPULKO ( Cassia alata )
Infected skin, skin irritation and scabies
Eat the seeds two hours after supper
Adult 8-10 seeds
7-12 y/o 6-7 seeds
6-8 y/o 5-6 seeds
4-5 y/o 4-5 seeds PREPARATION:
Squeeze enough leaves
For cleansing or wounds, mouth infections and Apply the juice of the leaves on affected parts
swollen gums twice a day
( Peperomia pellucida )
Lower uric skin; for arthritis or gout
Clean thoroughly and chop leaves
Boil two glasses of leaves in four glasses of PREPARATIONS:
water on a low fire
Salad: Clean leaves thoroughly, Eat three times
ADMINISTRATION: a day with meals
Clean wounds with the solution two times a Decoction: Clean leaves thoroughly and boil 1
day. To use as a mouthwash, use a lukewarm 1⁄2 glasses of leaves in two glasses of water
solution for 15 minutes. Divide into three parts and take
three times a day.
BAWANG ( Allium sativum ) PREPARATION:
Clean the leaves thoroughly and chop. Measure
To lower cholesterol level two cups of leaves in two glasses of water,
Boil for 15 minutes on low fire. Drink 1⁄2 glass
three times a day before eating
Saute or boil; may be infused (five minutes); be
mixed with vinegar
Eat two clove of garlic with meals three times a
( Momordica charantia )
For diabetes mellitus (mild-insulin dependent)
HEALTH EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS It should concentrate on process and people
AND RESPONSE PROGRAM rather than documentation
Main objective:
Goal Decrease mortality, morbidity and prevent
Promoting health emergency preparedness among
the general public and strengthening the health HAZARDS
sector capability and response to emergencies
disaster. Any phenomenon, which has the potential to
cause disruption or damage to humans and their
Legal Mandate environment
Presidential Decree No 1566 (1978) General Principles:
First priority: protection of the people who
Strengthening the Philippine Disaster Control are at risk
Capability and Establishing the National Program on
Community Disaster Preparedness Second priority: protection of critical
resources and systems on which communities
Republic Act No 7160 (Local Gov’t Code depend
of 1991) Disaster management must be an integral
Transfer of responsibilities from the national to the function of national development plans and
local government units (LGUs) objectives
Disaster management relies upon an
Disaster and Health Emergency Management understanding of hazard risks
DISASTER Capabilities must be developed prior to the
impact of a hazard
It a serious disruption of the functioning of a
society, causing widespread human, material or Disaster Management must be based upon
environmental losses which exceed the ability of interdisciplinary collaboration
the affected society to cope, using only its own
resources. Major Risks to be Considered
Classification of Disaster according to 1. Natural risks
its cause E.g. flood, earthquake, cyclones
1. Natural Disaster 2. Technological risks
2. Human generated/Man-made
Chemical, radiological, other events caused by
EMERGENCY the failure of the socio-technical systems
Requires an immediate response 3 . Epidemics
It is the responsibility of all 4. Societal risks
It should be woven into the community and Caused by social exclusion, extreme poverty
administrative levels and group violence.
NATIONAL VOLUNTARY Requirements before donating
BLOOD SERVICES PROGRAM Weigh more than 45 kg (100 lbs) for 250 ml of
donated blood; 50kg (110 lbs) for 450 ml of
RA 7719 – Blood Services Act 1994 donated blood
Objectives Be in good health
To promote and encourage voluntary blood Be aged 16-65 years (for ages 16 & 17, parental
donation by the citizenry and to instill public consent is need)
consciousness of the principle that blood donation Systolic BP =90-160 mm Hg
is a humanitarian act. Diastolic =60-100 mm Hg
To provide adequate, safe, affordable and Hemoglobin at least 12.5g/dL
equitable distribution of supply of blood and blood
products Contraindications
To mobilize all sectors of the community to Diabetes
participate in mechanisms for voluntary and non- Cancer
profit collection of blood
Vision Cardiovascular disease
Severe psychiatric disorder
Envision a network of modernized national and Epilepsy/convulsions
regional blood centers operating on a fully Severe bronchitis
voluntary, non- remunerated blood donation AIDS/ Syphilis and other STI (past & present)
system Malaria
Kidney and Liver disease
Mission Prolonged bleeding
Ensure adequate, safe and accessible blood supply Use of prohibited drugs
Promoting voluntary blood donation
Blood extracted for Donation
Whole blood and red cell concentrates
Establishing new blood service facilities
Shelf-life to 5 weeks
Organizing association of blood donors and
training medical practitioners on national blood Plasma
use Can be stored frozen for 12 months
Considerations after blood donation:
Leave the adhesive dressing on your arm for
at least 3 hours but not more than twelve (12)
Bruising or discoloration may occur and will
disappear in a few days
Avoid carrying heavy objects with your donating
Do not smoke for the next 2 hours
Avoid alcohol intake for the next 12 hours
Eat regular meals and increase fluid intake following
your donation
BOTIKA Submission of a barangay socio-economic
profile and health profile including a master list
NG BARANGAY of indigents, if available
Commitment form a licensed pharmacist to
Goal supervise Botika ng Barangay operations
To promote equity in health by ensuring the Identification and selection of at least 2
availability and accessibility of affordable safe and accredited Barangay Health Workers or
effective quality essential drugs to all, with priority Community Volunteer Health workers trained as
for marginalized, underserved, critical and hard to botika ng barangay Aides
reach areas. Availability of a botika ng barangay space
To rationalize the distribution of common drugs
and medicines among intended beneficiaries
To serve as mechanism for the DOH to
establish partnership with Local Government
Units (LGUs)
To optimize involvement of the Barangay Health
Workers addressing the health need of the
Progressive Cycle of Action Reflection Action
Begins with small, local and concrete issues
identified by the people and the evaluation and
reflection of and on the action taken by them
Definition Consciousness Raising
The strategy used by the health Resource
Development Program (HRDP) III in implementing Emphasis on learning that emerges from
primary health care delivery in depressed and concrete action and which enriches succeeding
undeserved communities for them to become action
It is collective, participatory, transformative, COPAR is participatory and mass-based
liberate, sustained & systematic process of Primarily towards and biased in favor of the
building people’s organizations by mobilizing poor, the powerless and the oppressed
and enhancing the capabilities and resources of
the people for the resolution of their issues and COPAR is group-oriented not leader-oriented
concerns towards effecting change in their
existing oppressive and exploitative conditions Leaders are identified, emerge and are tested
(National Rural CO conference, 1994) through action
Rather than appointed or selected by some
Importance external force or entity
4. Ground Working
Also termed as Agitation
This entails going around and motivating
people on a one-to-one basis to do
something about community issues.
5. Community Meeting
Ratification of what has been already decided
The meeting gives a sense of collective power
and confidence
6. Role play
This is means of acting out the meeting or the
activity that will take place between the people
and the group targeted by the mobilization
7. Social Mobilization
This refers to the activities undertaken by the
community through the people’s organization
to solve problems confronting the community
8. Evaluation
The process of discovering by the people the
way something has been accomplished, what
has been left out and what remains to be
Active process where the expected beneficiaries of research are the main actors in the entire research
It is combination of education, research and action
Purpose is the empowerment of the people
Recommendations for the community are based Community formulates recommendations and an
on researcher’s findings and analysis action plan based on research outcome