Dedy-Permadi-Comparison Study Between American Studies of Japanese Politics and Japanese Studies of American Politics-Kemenkominfo-Johnny-Plate
Dedy-Permadi-Comparison Study Between American Studies of Japanese Politics and Japanese Studies of American Politics-Kemenkominfo-Johnny-Plate
Dedy-Permadi-Comparison Study Between American Studies of Japanese Politics and Japanese Studies of American Politics-Kemenkominfo-Johnny-Plate
Dedy Permadi
In Indonesia, the study on Japan and the study on the United States of
America are generally categorized into two sections, the study in the
socio-cultural field and the study in the political field only. Generally,
universities teach subjects on Japan and the United States of America
104 Comparison Study between American Studies of Japanese Politics
and Japanese Studies of American Politics: An Indonesian Perspective
The interesting part in the development of the study on Japan and the
United States in Indonesia is that the substance between the two that are
strongly related. In the study on Japan, the American politics is a highly
important topic and vice versa.
The comparison of Japanese and the American study from the perspective
of the curriculum that has been previously discussed is certainly not
powerful enough to prove that there is a strong relationship between the
two studies. Therefore, the comparison between the two should also be
seen from the substance of the subjects being taught in the classroom.
There are at least three main substances in the Japanese and the American
studies in Indonesia which show interconnection between the two.
First (Period I). Japan and the United States of America have a unique
relationship, especially historically. It should be remembered that the
United States of America is the country that forces Japan to open itself
towards the outside world. On 31 March 1854, the arrival of Commodore
Matthew Perry and the “Black Ship” of the United States’ Navy has
forced Japan to open itself to the Western World through Kanagawa
Agreement (Arnold, 2007). Furthermore, these two countries were also
involved as main actors in the World War II. In 1937, the Japanese
invasion to Manchuria has led the Second Sino-Japan War (1937 – 1945)
which has caused an oil embargo towards Japan by the United States of
America on 7 December 1941(Worth, 1995); Japan attacked the United
States’ Naval base in Pearl Harbor, and stated a war against the United
States of America, the United Kingdom, and Netherland. The attack on
Pearl Harbor has led the United States of America into World War II.
After a long military campaign in the Pacific, Japan has lost the territories
it had during the beginning of the war. The United States performed
strategic bombing towards Tokyo, Osaka, and other major cities. After the
United States of America dropped atomic bombs in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, Japan finally surrendered unconditionally to the Allied Forces
on 15 August 1945 (the Victory Day against Japan) (World of Education,
Second (Period II), Japanese study on the American politics and the
American study on Japanese politics is also interesting since in its
development these two countries have a very close relationship, even a
joint defense agreement pact. In 1947, Japan enforced a new Japanese
Constitution. Based on this Constitution, Japan was set as a country
which embraces pacifism and the practice of liberal democracy (Coleman,
2007). The United States’ occupation towards Japan officially ended in
1952 with the signing of the San Francisco Agreement. However, the
United States’ troops remained in their important bases in Japan,
especially in Okinawa. The United Nations also officially accepted Japan
as its member in 1956. This fact showed that the two countries also
possess political intimacy.
Third (Period III), in the contemporary era, Japan and the United States
are the world’s largest economic powers. After the Second World War,
Japan experienced rapid economic growth with the average growth of its
Gross Domestic Product reaching 10% per year for four decades. As an
economically developed country, Japan has the second largest Gross
Domestic Product after the United States, and is included in the top three
for its purchasing parity (IMF, 2009). In foreign trade, Japan ranks
number 4 as the world’s largest exporter and number 6 as the world’s
largest importer. As a developed country, the citizens of Japan have a high
living standard (the 8th highest in the Human Development Index) and its
live expectancy rate is the highest in the world according to the United
Nations’ estimation (United Nations, 2006). In technology, Japan is
highly developed in telecommunications, machinery, and robotics.
Japan’s economic power that is growing stronger has made it one of the
main focuses of discussion in American studies in Indonesia. It is
undeniable that the United States of America is getting more concerned
about this development. In reality, Japan is one of the United States’
heaviest competitors in production, distribution, and even consumption
sectors. The flood of Japanese products in the United States is one of the
strong indicators of this economic competition. Therefore, it is not a
surprise that studies on Japanese politics these days is the main concern
of those studying the United States.
107 Comparison Study between American Studies of Japanese Politics
and Japanese Studies of American Politics: An Indonesian Perspective
The United States’ concern is not only applicable in the economic sector.
American studies on Japan also focus on the analysis of the development
of Japanese politics. This is because the development of Japanese politics
is possible to have a huge impact towards the United States. For example
in verse 9 of the amendment and the issue on the United States’ military
base in Japan. These two issues are important for the United States
considering the survival of the United States’ control towards Japan is
determined by those issues.
Of all the points mentioned, it can be known that in reality Japan and the
United States of America posses a close historical, political, and
economical relationship. The three aspects that have been previously
mentioned are the focuses of American and Japanese studies in Indonesia.
Therefore, seen through Indonesian perspective, Japanese political study
in America and American political study are dominated by discussion on
the two countries’ dynamic relationship pattern from time to time.
The next question which has to answer is why the Japanese Studies more
interested both in United States and in Indonesia? There are so many
reasons to answer this question. But, the most important thing is the
diplomacy of Japan. This paper also has an argument that Japan uses
diplomacy effectively by all of resources of diplomacy in this Country, in
International Relations Studies, called multi-track diplomacy.
Track Four: Private Citizen. The fourth track points out the role of grass
root society in creating the world peace. The role of Japan citizen here
can be exchange programs, private voluntary organizations, advocacy,
professional groups, etc. Track Five: Research, Training, and Education.
The fifth track is through the research, education, and training program to
transfer the issues related with issues of conflict and peace. The
asassumption of this track is that through education, research, and
training, it is hoped that people can be more aware and do real actions to
get involved in international phenomenon.
Track Six: Activism. This track means the advocacy to change views and
policies through political actions. The political actions are meant to give
input so that the political process can result in precise policies. Track
Seven: Religion. The seventh track is through the religious teaching. It is
hoped that the religious values will make people’s morality grow to
maintain the peace. Confucianism and Maoism are very important in the
progress of Japanese culture. It is also very interesting for the foreigner.
While some segments of the youth in Indonesia are also very fond of the
Japanese lifestyle. This is shown by so much public interest to Japanese
cultures such as Japanese movies, Japanese comics, Japanese-style
clothing, Japanese, and so on.
Combined Greek traditions and Indian culture, art and religious affect
Japan since the 6th century AD, with the introduction of Mahayana sect
of Buddhism. Since the 16th century, prominent European influence,
followed by the United States influence that dominated Japan after World
War II.
Japan helped develop the original culture and unique, in the arts (ikebana,
origami, ukiyo-e), crafts (sculpture, pottery, gift (bunraku puppets,
traditional dance, kabuki, noh, rakugo), and traditions (Japanese game,
Onsen, sento, tea ceremony, Japanese garden), and Japanese food.
Now, Japan is one of the exporters of the biggest pop culture. Anime,
manga, fashion, film, literature, video games, and Japanese music
received rave reviews all over the world, especially in Asian countries.
Japanese youths find creative trends and styles. In fact, those trends affect
the whole world. Youth market is very bright with a test to the user items
of new electronic, in which style and function is determined by Japanese
users, before being considered for release to the world.
Japanese people usually like to eat their traditional foods. Most of the TV
show in the evening is devoted to the discovery and earnings quality
traditional food. Japanese Food print name around the world with sushi,
which is usually made from various kinds of raw fish combined with rice
and wasabi. Sushi has a lot of fans around the world. Japanese food relies
on the transitional seasons, with cold noodles and served sashimi in the
summer, while hot ramen in the winter.
Above facts can be a good reason why the people of Indonesia have a
positive perception of Japan. This phenomenon in international relations
glasses can be described as soft power.
Before having deeper understanding about soft power, the basic concept
of “power” and the position of soft power among the other types of power
need to be known first. Usually power is related with the ability to impose
self-desire over other’s desire. In politics and military fields, this concept
is recognized as the power to coerce or hard power. In the other pole,
there is what is called as soft power, or the power to persuade, that
usually occur in the worlds of ideas, values, education, culture, religion,
music, and literature.
114 Comparison Study between American Studies of Japanese Politics
and Japanese Studies of American Politics: An Indonesian Perspective
“Soft” is the all power of culture, literature, teaching, and belief offered
as life values that can be enjoyed by other nations. “Hard” is the physical
power of military, police, attorney and court, and authority that is
legalized as the tools for law enforcement. “Smart” is the power of
economic, finance, trade, and natural resources potentials (Institute for
Multi-Track Diplomacy, 2004).
From the definition above, the development of Soft Power concept can be
found in the book Soft Power: the Means to Success in World Politics
written by Josep S. Nye follows: Most people conceive hard power
as military and economic. This power is often used to press other parties.
Yet, sometimes a party cannot rely on this power to achieve its goal. This
method is what often called as second face of power. A country can
achieve its goal in international sphere because there are other countries
that follow this country. The important thing in this case is to prepare an
agenda and the efforts to raise the sympathy or interest of other countries,
not only by military force or economic sanction. The method to make
other parties follow the desire of a party without pressing them is called
as soft power.
The important point in soft power is the ability to form other parties’
perception, for example how a political leader is able to raise sympathy
from her/his members without considering tribes, religions, etc. However,
soft power is different from influence because the concept of influence
may be related with hard power. It is because a country can improve its
influence toward other countries by using military or economic force. The
concept of soft power is more than merely persuasive or argumentative
ability. In a more simple expression, soft power can be called as attractive
115 Comparison Study between American Studies of Japanese Politics
and Japanese Studies of American Politics: An Indonesian Perspective
However, the concepts of hard power and soft power can be considered as
related each other because in both concept, there is the ability to influence
other parties’ actions to achieve certain goals. The difference lies on the
level of power used. Hard power uses command power, such as pressure,
sanction, and threat while soft power uses co-optive like values, cultures,
and policies.
In the realm of international politics, soft power is very close to the term
“world opinion”, which a country should create by raising attention and
sympathy from other countries. This concept had ever been applied by
world leaders such as Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt, and Kennedy. The
example of the creating of soft power in international politics is through
the sending of reconcilement army or through financial aid. Besides, it
also can be done through the institution formation like when U.K. applied
the gold standard or when U.S. initiated the formation of IMF, WTO, and
The source of soft power itself can be categorized into three forms, which
are culture, political values, and foreign policy. Culture contributes
specific characteristics in a group of society. It can be divided into two,
which are high culture such as literature, art, and education that are
addressed to certain people and popular culture that focuses on mass. The
example of soft power usage can be seen from U.S.’ actions, so that it can
be the most successful country to spread its culture throughout the world,
e.g. McD and Hollywood artists’ culture.
The dynamics of the relationship between Japan and the United States of
America highly influences the substances of Japanese and American
studies in Indonesia
118 Comparison Study between American Studies of Japanese Politics
and Japanese Studies of American Politics: An Indonesian Perspective
Coleman, Joseph, 2007, '52 coup plot bid to rearm Japan: CIA, The
Japan Times,
Diamond, Louise and John McDonald, 1996, Multi-Track
Diplomacy: A System Approach to Peace, West Hartford:
Kumarian Press.
IMF, 2009, World Economic Outlook Database, country comparisons,
Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, 2004, Principles of Multi-Track
Diplomacy, accessed on September 23, 2009.
Nye Jr, Joseph S., 2004, Soft Power, New York: Public Affairs.
United Nations, 2006, United Nations World Population Prospects:
2006 revision – Table A.17 for 2005-2010,
World of Education, 2004, Japanese Instrument of Surrender,