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The process of bubble-particle attachment has been modeled by simulating the trajectory of a small
particle as it approaches a bubble. The particle trajectory has been determined using a dynamic force
balance between the force pressing the particle against the bubble and the force resisting the viscous film
thinning. From the simulated trajectories, the closest approach distance between the particle and the
bubble has been determined. The model assumes that bubble-particle adhesion occurs when the approach
distance becomes smaller than the critical thickness at which the disjoining liquid film ruptures spon-
taneously. The model predictions have been verified experimentally using different sizes of bubbles and
particles. © 1992AcademicPress,Inc.
should be noted, however, that neither the ex- communications, however, models combining
perimental technique for determining ri nor hydrodynamic forces and surface forces will
the models for predicting Pa account for the be described.
likelihood that T i is also a function of the force
with which a particle strikes a bubble. MODEL DEVELOPMENT
Another method of predicting Pa has re-
cently been suggested, in which bubble-par- Bubble-particle interaction has been mod-
ticle adhesion is considered to occur when the eled in the present work by considering the
kinetic energy of the particle (Ek) is larger than case of an isolated bubble rising through a sus-
the energy barrier (E) (16). This criterion for pension of particles under quiescent condi-
bubble-particle adhesion may be expressed in tions. As the bubble rises, a flow pattern that
the form can be represented by an infinite series of
Pa = e x p ( - E / E k ) . [3] streamlines develops. The mathematical de-
scription of the streamline flow pattern is
E is determined by the surface forces involved known as the stream function. Due to their
in the bubble-particle interaction, which may small mass, fine particles (e.g., <50 gm in di-
be viewed as a heterocoagulation process. ameter for particles of 2.5 specific gravity) will
The potential energy (V) of the bubble- follow the streamlines. In such cases, gravi-
particle interaction varies as a function of the tational and inertial forces can be neglected,
distance (H) separating the two. Vmay consist and the particle trajectory can be determined
of three major components, from an appropriate stream function. For
V= VE+ VD+ V., [41 flows characterized by very small (Stokes flow)
or very large (potential flow) Reynolds num-
in which VE, Vo, and VH represent the elec- bers, the stream functions can be derived di-
trostatic, dispersion, and hydrophobic inter- rectly from the Navier-Stokes equations.
action energies, respectively. E is equal to the However, bubbles commonly used in mineral
V maximum, and the distance at which it oc- flotation systems have Reynolds numbers less
curs is referred to as the critical rupture thick- than 400, for which analytical solutions do not
ness (He). Thus, the criterion for bubble-par- exist.
ticle adhesion that Ek >~E is equivalent to the In the present work, an empirical stream
condition that H ~<He. If the closest approach function has been developed by analyzing
distance is known from the particle trajectory, streamline flow patterns reported in the liter-
it can be used for determining whether adhe- ature for rigid spherical obstructions placed in
sion will occur. The method of determining quiescent flow. For the geometry defined in
Hc has been described (17-19). For very hy- Fig. 1, the stream function (~) applicable for
drophobic particles, He is typically in the range the intermediate Reynolds numbers has been
100-150 nm and decreases with decreasing derived as (8)
hydrophobicity of the solid ( 19-23 ).
2 2 [1
In the present work, a model for predicting = UbRbSin 0]~ X 2 - - 3_ Y + 1
P has been developed. In this model, the tra- 4X
jectory of a particle has been simulated by
considering only the hydrodynamic forces +--~
~ - - Z + ~ - + X - 1 , [51
l )]
acting on the particle. The surface forces,
which may also affect the particle trajectory in which Ub is the bubble rise velocity, Rb the
in close proximity to the bubble, have not been bubble radius, X = R / R b , Re the Reynolds
considered. It has been assumed that attach- number of the bubble, and R and 0 are the
ment occurs when a particle approaches a cylindrical coordinates of the streamline. It can
bubble within a distance of Hc. In ensuing be shown that Eq. [ 5 ] is reduced to the ana-
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 154, No. l, November 1992
and P = Rb + Rp + Hc [15]
Rnew = Rold + UrAt/13, [14]
where Rp and Rb are the radii of the particle
where At is the time step used in the numerical and bubble, respectively. Equation [15 ] shows
simulation. The values of/3 have been deter- that P is determined by both physical param-
mined using Goren and O'Neill's analysis for eters (bubble size and particle size) and surface
the sphere-sphere interaction (Fig. 2). Far chemistry (H~). Although Ho is usually very
ahead of the bubble,/3 ~ 1 and the particle small compared to Ru and Rp, P is sensitive
trajectory is the same as fluid streamline. As to changes in He. The reason is that a small
the particle approaches to within approxi- change in He requires a large change in Ro in
mately twice the particle radius, fl begins to order for the particle still to be collected by
increase due to the resistance to the viscous the bubble. For example, if He decreases from
film thinning. When the particle approaches 100 to 10 nm, R0 should decrease by 14,200
the bubble within approximately 0.1% of the nm for Rb = 500 #m and Rp = 1 #m.
particle radius,/3 becomes as large as 100. The The values of P obtained using Eq. [15] are
net result of increasing/3 with decreasing H is plotted in Fig. 3 as a function of He for a bub-
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 154, No. 1, N o v e m b e r 1992
•~ 0.1
o t~ 0.01
1 10 100 iO00
carried out in which the probability of collec- (~0.2% solids) by means of a small syringe.
tion (P) was determined at different bubble Ultrasonic agitation coupled with gentle stir-
and particle sizes. The Buller seam coal from ring was employed to provide a completely
New Zealand, containing only 0.13% ash by dispersed suspension, which was examined
weight, was used as a model hydrophobic ma- under a microscope to ensure that only single
terial in this study. Samples of different size particles were present. As the bubble was al-
fractions were prepared by dry-grinding in an lowed to rise through the observation tube,
agate mortar and pestle, followed by screening the downward flow of suspension was adjusted
or by centrifugal sedimentation, depending on by the two-way stopcock to counterbalance the
the size of particles desired. To minimize ox- upward velocity of the bubble. In this manner,
idation, the samples were stored under a ni- the bubble was "trapped" for a desired period
trogen atmosphere in airtight containers at of time. By closing the stopcock, the bubble
ambient temperature. was then allowed to rise along the column
Figure 6 shows the apparatus used for de- height and to enter the inverted tube filled with
termining the probability of collection. It was clear water. The number of particles attached
similar in design to the one used by King et to the bubble was determined visually with a
aL (33) for the measurement of bubble load- microscope viewer. Particles entrained in the
ing, but the technique of measurement was wake of the bubble were allowed to settle and
identical to that employed by Anfruns and return to the column prior to particle counting.
Kitchener (34, 35). In each measurement, a The diameter of the bubble was measured by
single bubble was injected into a dilute slurry means of a graduated eyepiece in the micro-
The probability of collection (P) was de-
termined by dividing the number of particles
U microscope viewer collected (Arc) by the total number of particles
~caotured bubble in the path of the bubble, i.e.,
spillway IJ I J i n v e r t e d tube filled 4No
~1 with clear water P = ~rD~tUbN' [17]
t ~constant head tank
in which Db is the diameter of the bubble, t
the residence time of the bubble in the tube,
Ub the velocity of the particle suspension
moving past the bubble, and N the number of
particles per unit volume of suspension. The
)bservatlon tube. value of Ub, which is equal to the bubble rise
velocity, was determined experimentally by
measuring the time required for a bubble to
microsyringe rise a given distance in the column. A good
/ correlation was obtained between the mea-
sured bubble diameter and that calculated
from the bubble rise velocity. The value of N
was determined on the basis of the mean di-
ameter of each narrowly sized sample.
variable speed pump RESULTS A N D DISCUSSION
FIG. 6. Schematic representation of the apparatus used
for the measurement of the probability of particle collection The bubble-particle interaction model de-
by a single air bubble. veloped in the present work can predict the
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 154,No. 1, November1992
At the same time, the radial velocity of the mined from the particle trajectory. Forces
streamline (Ur) decreases as the particle ap- arising from both the streamline flow and the
proaches the bubble equator. According to Eq. resistance to viscous film thinning have been
[12], both of these factors contribute to a de- considered in simulating the particle trajec-
crease in the radial velocity of the particle (Urn) tory.
toward the bubble surface. The results given 3. The hydrodynamic model developed in
in Figs. 3 and 5 also show that P becomes more the present work can predict the probability
sensitive to changes in Hc as the particle size of collection as functions of particle size, bub-
is reduced. An implication of this finding is ble size, and the critical rupture thickness of
that changes in particle hydrophobicity have the disjoining film. The model predictions
a more profound impact on the flotation of suggest that the problems associated with re-
finer particles. covering fine particles during flotation can be
In effect, the bubble-particle interaction minimized either by using smaller air bubbles
model developed in the present work considers or by increasing the critical film rupture thick-
both the probability of collision (Pc) and the ness. The latter can be achieved by increasing
probability of adhesion (Pa) simultaneously. the particle hydrophobicity.
Pc varies according to the hydrodynamic con- 4. The model predictions have been verified
ditions of the system, while Pa depends on the experimentally over a range of bubble and
various surface forces involved in the bubble- particle sizes. A highly hydrophobic coal sam-
particle interaction. He has been used as a pa- ple has been used for the determination of the
rameter representing the net result of the sur- probability of collection. The model validation
face forces interacting with each other. In is based on the assumption that the coal
general, Hc increases with increasing particle sample has the critical rupture thickness of
hydrophobicity, but it also depends on the 150 nm.
electrostatic and dispersion forces operating
during bubble-particle interaction ( 16, 19). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The effects of the various surface forces in de- The authors expressappreciation for financial support
termining Hc and the energy barrier (E), from the U.S. Department of Energy (No. DE-FG22-
which determines the kinetics of bubble-par- 83PC60806 and No. DE-AC22-86PC91221), and for the
ticle attachment, will be discussed in a forth- fruitful discussions with ProfessorsG. T. Adel and M. D.
coming publication. It is noted here that the Pritzker.
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