Power Shell Commands Help

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Name ---ac asnp clc cli clp clv compare cpi cpp cvpa dbp diff ebp epal

epcsv fc fl foreach % ft fw gal gbp gc gci gcm gdr gcs

Category Synopsis -------- -------Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Add-Content Add-PSSnapin Clear-Content Clear-Item Clear-ItemProperty Clear-Variable Compare-Object Copy-Item Copy-ItemProperty Convert-Path Disable-PSBreakpoint Compare-Object Enable-PSBreakpoint Export-Alias Export-Csv Format-Custom Format-List ForEach-Object ForEach-Object Format-Table Format-Wide Get-Alias Get-PSBreakpoint Get-Content Get-ChildItem Get-Command Get-PSDrive Get-PSCallStack

ghy gi gl gm gmo gp gps group gsv gsnp gu gv gwmi iex ihy ii ipmo iwmi ipal ipcsv measure mi mp nal ndr ni nv nmo oh ogv

Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias

Get-History Get-Item Get-Location Get-Member Get-Module Get-ItemProperty Get-Process Group-Object Get-Service Get-PSSnapin Get-Unique Get-Variable Get-WmiObject Invoke-Expression Invoke-History Invoke-Item Import-Module Invoke-WmiMethod Import-Alias Import-Csv Measure-Object Move-Item Move-ItemProperty New-Alias New-PSDrive New-Item New-Variable New-Module Out-Host Out-GridView

ise rbp rdr ri rni rnp rp rmo rsnp rv rwmi rvpa sal sasv sbp sc select si sl swmi sleep sort sp saps start spps spsv sv tee where

Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias

powershell_ise.exe Remove-PSBreakpoint Remove-PSDrive Remove-Item Rename-Item Rename-ItemProperty Remove-ItemProperty Remove-Module Remove-PSSnapin Remove-Variable Remove-WmiObject Resolve-Path Set-Alias Start-Service Set-PSBreakpoint Set-Content Select-Object Set-Item Set-Location Set-WmiInstance Start-Sleep Sort-Object Set-ItemProperty Start-Process Start-Process Stop-Process Stop-Service Set-Variable Tee-Object Where-Object

? write cat cd clear cp h history kill lp ls man mount md mv popd ps pushd pwd r rm rmdir echo cls chdir copy del dir erase move

Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias

Where-Object Write-Output Get-Content Set-Location Clear-Host Copy-Item Get-History Get-History Stop-Process Out-Printer Get-ChildItem help New-PSDrive mkdir Move-Item Pop-Location Get-Process Push-Location Get-Location Invoke-History Remove-Item Remove-Item Write-Output Clear-Host Set-Location Copy-Item Remove-Item Get-ChildItem Remove-Item Move-Item

rd ren set type icm clhy gjb rcjb rjb sajb spjb wjb nsn gsn rsn ipsn epsn etsn exsn

Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias Alias

Remove-Item Rename-Item Set-Variable Get-Content Invoke-Command Clear-History Get-Job Receive-Job Remove-Job Start-Job Stop-Job Wait-Job New-PSSession Get-PSSession Remove-PSSession Import-PSSession Export-PSSession Enter-PSSession Exit-PSSession Gets events from event logs and even Gets performance counter data from l Imports performance counter log file The Export-Counter cmdlet takes Perf Disables Credential Security Service Enables Credential Security Service Gets the Credential Security Service Configures the local computer for re Tests whether the WinRM service is r Invokes an action on the object that Connects to the WinRM service on a r

Get-WinEvent Cmdlet t tracing log files on local and rem... Get-Counter Cmdlet ocal and remote computers. Import-Counter Cmdlet s (.blg, .csv, .tsv) and creates the... Export-Counter Cmdlet ormanceCounterSampleSet objects and ... Disable-WSManCredSSP Cmdlet Provider (CredSSP) authentication o... Enable-WSManCredSSP Cmdlet Provider (CredSSP) authentication on... Get-WSManCredSSP Cmdlet Provider-related configuration for ... Set-WSManQuickConfig Cmdlet mote management. Test-WSMan Cmdlet unning on a local or remote computer. Invoke-WSManAction Cmdlet is specified by the Resource URI an... Connect-WSMan Cmdlet

emote computer. Disconnect-WSMan Cmdlet M service on a remote computer. Get-WSManInstance Cmdlet a resource instance specified by a R... Set-WSManInstance Cmdlet that is related to a resource. Remove-WSManInstance Cmdlet ce. New-WSManInstance Cmdlet nt resource. New-WSManSessionOption Cmdlet on hash table to use as input parame... Get-Command Cmdlet and other elements of Windows Power... Get-Help Cmdlet owerShell commands and concepts. Get-History Cmdlet during the current session. Invoke-History Cmdlet ry. Add-History Cmdlet ry. Clear-History Cmdlet tory. Register-PSSessionConfiguration Cmdlet configuration. Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration Cmdlet tions from the computer. Get-PSSessionConfiguration Cmdlet ations on the computer. Set-PSSessionConfiguration Cmdlet ed session configuration. Enable-PSSessionConfiguration Cmdlet n the local computer. Disable-PSSessionConfiguration Cmdlet rations on the local computer. Enable-PSRemoting Cmdlet emote commands. Invoke-Command Cmdlet mputers. New-PSSession Cmdlet local or remote computer. Get-PSSession Cmdlet (PSSessions) in the current session. Remove-PSSession Cmdlet l sessions (PSSessions). Start-Job Cmdlet nd job. Get-Job Cmdlet obs that are running in the current ... Receive-Job Cmdlet rShell background jobs in the curren... Stop-Job Cmdlet d job. Wait-Job Cmdlet one or all of the Windows PowerShell... Remove-Job Cmdlet und job. Enter-PSSession Cmdlet

Disconnects the client from the WinR Displays management information for Modifies the management information Deletes a management resource instan Creates a new instance of a manageme Creates a WS-Management session opti Gets basic information about cmdlets Displays information about Windows P Gets a list of the commands entered Runs commands from the session histo Appends entries to the session histo Deletes entries from the command his Creates and registers a new session Deletes registered session configura Gets the registered session configur Changes the properties of a register Enables the session configurations o Denies access to the session configu Configures the computer to receive r Runs commands on local and remote co Creates a persistent connection to a Gets the Windows PowerShell sessions Closes one or more Windows PowerShel Starts a Windows PowerShell backgrou Gets Windows PowerShell background j Gets the results of the Windows Powe Stops a Windows PowerShell backgroun Suppresses the command prompt until Deletes a Windows PowerShell backgro Starts an interactive session with a

remote computer. Exit-PSSession Cmdlet emote computer. New-PSSessionOption Cmdlet nced options for a PSSession. ForEach-Object Cmdlet f a set of input objects. Where-Object Cmdlet objects will be passed along a comm... Set-PSDebug Cmdlet nd off, sets the trace level, and to... Set-StrictMode Cmdlet s in expressions, scripts, and scrip... New-Module Cmdlet ists only in memory. Import-Module Cmdlet Export-ModuleMember Cmdlet e exported. Get-Module Cmdlet rted or that can be imported into th... Remove-Module Cmdlet sion. New-ModuleManifest Cmdlet Test-ModuleManifest Cmdlet accurately describes the contents o... Add-PSSnapin Cmdlet snap-ins to the current session. Remove-PSSnapin Cmdlet from the current session. Get-PSSnapin Cmdlet on the computer. Export-Console Cmdlet current session to a console file. Format-List Cmdlet erties in which each property appear... Format-Custom Cmdlet output. Format-Table Cmdlet Format-Wide Cmdlet displays only one property of each ... Out-Null Cmdlet to the console. Out-Default Cmdlet atter and to the default output cmdlet. Out-Host Cmdlet Out-File Out-Printer Out-String s of strings. Out-GridView in a separate window. Get-FormatData ent session. Export-FormatData Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet

Ends an interactive session with a r Creates an object that contains adva Performs an operation against each o Creates a filter that controls which Turns script debugging features on a Establishes and enforces coding rule Creates a new dynamic module that ex Adds modules to the current session. Specifies the module members that ar Gets the modules that have been impo Removes modules from the current ses Creates a new module manifest. Verifies that a module manifest file Adds one or more Windows PowerShell Removes Windows PowerShell snap-ins Gets the Windows PowerShell snap-ins Exports the names of snap-ins in the Formats the output as a list of prop Uses a customized view to format the Formats the output as a table. Formats objects as a wide table that Deletes output instead of sending it Sends the output to the default form Sends output to the command line. Sends output to a file. Sends output to a printer. Sends objects to the host as a serie Sends output to an interactive table Gets the formatting data in the curr Saves formatting data from the curre

nt session in a formatting file. Register-ObjectEvent Cmdlet nerated by a Microsoft .NET Framewor... Register-EngineEvent Cmdlet ted by the Windows PowerShell engine... Wait-Event Cmdlet ised before continuing to run. Get-Event Cmdlet Remove-Event Get-EventSubscriber rrent session. Unregister-Event New-Event Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet

Subscribes to the events that are ge Subscribes to events that are genera Waits until a particular event is ra Gets the events in the event queue. Deletes events from the event queue. Gets the event subscribers in the cu Cancels an event subscription. Creates a new event. Adds a user-defined custom member to Adds a Microsoft .NET Framework type Compares two sets of objects. Converts Microsoft .NET Framework ob Converts a string containing one or Converts Microsoft .NET Framework ob Converts object properties in a comm Converts Microsoft .NET Framework ob Converts object properties in commaExports information about currently Runs commands or expressions on the Gets the aliases for the current ses Gets the current culture set in the Gets the current date and time. Gets an object that represents the c Gets the properties and methods of o Gets a random number, or selects obj Gets the current user interface (UI) Returns the unique items from a sort Imports commands from another sessio Imports commands from another sessio Imports an alias list from a file.

Add-Member Cmdlet an instance of a Windows PowerShell... Add-Type Cmdlet (a class) to a Windows PowerShell s... Compare-Object Cmdlet ConvertTo-Html Cmdlet jects into HTML that can be displaye... ConvertFrom-StringData Cmdlet more key/value pairs to a hash table. Export-CSV Cmdlet jects into a series of comma-separat... Import-CSV Cmdlet a-separated value (CSV) file into CS... ConvertTo-CSV Cmdlet jects into a series of comma-separat... ConvertFrom-CSV Cmdlet separated value (CSV) format into CS... Export-Alias Cmdlet defined aliases to a file. Invoke-Expression Cmdlet local computer. Get-Alias Cmdlet sion. Get-Culture Cmdlet operating system. Get-Date Cmdlet Get-Host Cmdlet urrent host program. And, displays W... Get-Member Cmdlet bjects. Get-Random Cmdlet ects randomly from a collection. Get-UICulture Cmdlet culture settings in the operating s... Get-Unique Cmdlet ed list. Export-PSSession Cmdlet n and saves them in a Windows PowerS... Import-PSSession Cmdlet n into the current session. Import-Alias Cmdlet

Import-LocalizedData Cmdlet scripts and functions based on the U... Select-String Cmdlet Measure-Object Cmdlet objects, and the characters, words,... New-Alias Cmdlet New-TimeSpan Cmdlet

Imports language-specific data into Finds text in strings and files. Calculates the numeric properties of Creates a new alias. Creates a TimeSpan object. Reads a line of input from the conso Creates or changes an alias (alterna Changes the system time on the compu Suspends the activity in a script or Saves command output in a file or va Measures the time it takes to run sc Adds items to and removes items from Updates the current extended type co Updates the formatting data in the c Writes customized output to a host. Displays a progress bar within a Win Creates an instance of a Microsoft . Selects specified properties of an o Groups objects that contain the same Sorts objects by property values. Gets the variables in the current co Creates a new variable. Sets the value of a variable. Create Deletes a variable and its value. Deletes the value of a variable. Creates an XML-based representation Imports a CLIXML file and creates co Creates an XML-based representation Finds text in an XML string or docum Writes a debug message to the consol

Read-Host Cmdlet le. Set-Alias Cmdlet te name) for a cmdlet or other comma... Set-Date Cmdlet ter to a time that you specify. Start-Sleep Cmdlet session for the specified period of... Tee-Object Cmdlet riable, and displays it in the console. Measure-Command Cmdlet ript blocks and cmdlets. Update-List Cmdlet a property value that contains a co... Update-TypeData Cmdlet nfiguration by reloading the *.types... Update-FormatData Cmdlet urrent session. Write-Host Cmdlet Write-Progress Cmdlet dows PowerShell command window. New-Object Cmdlet NET Framework or COM object. Select-Object Cmdlet bject or set of objects. It can also... Group-Object Cmdlet value for specified properties. Sort-Object Cmdlet Get-Variable nsole. New-Variable Cmdlet Cmdlet

Set-Variable Cmdlet s the variable if one with the reque... Remove-Variable Cmdlet Clear-Variable Cmdlet

Export-Clixml Cmdlet of an object or objects and stores i... Import-Clixml Cmdlet rresponding objects within Windows P... ConvertTo-XML Cmdlet of an object. Select-XML Cmdlet ent. Write-Debug Cmdlet

e. Write-Verbose tream. Write-Warning

Cmdlet Cmdlet

Writes text to the verbose message s Writes a warning message. Writes an object to the error stream Sends the specified objects to the n Sets a breakpoint on a line, command Gets the breakpoints that are set in Deletes breakpoints from the current Enables the breakpoints in the curre Disables the breakpoints in the curr Displays the current call stack. Sends an e-mail message. Gets the Windows PowerShell componen Configures, starts, and stops a trac Configures and starts a trace of the Creates a record of all or part of a Stops a transcript. Adds content to the specified items, Deletes the contents of an item, suc Deletes the value of a property but Combines a path and a child path int Converts a path from a Windows Power Copies a property and value from a s Gets the events in an event log, or Deletes all entries from specified e Writes an event to an event log. Sets the event log properties that l Displays the event logs of the local Creates a new event log and a new ev Deletes an event log or unregisters Gets the items and child items in on

Write-Error Cmdlet . Write-Output Cmdlet ext command in the pipeline. If the ... Set-PSBreakpoint Cmdlet , or variable. Get-PSBreakpoint Cmdlet the current session. Remove-PSBreakpoint Cmdlet console. Enable-PSBreakpoint Cmdlet nt console. Disable-PSBreakpoint Cmdlet ent console. Get-PSCallStack Cmdlet Send-MailMessage Cmdlet

Get-TraceSource Cmdlet ts that are instrumented for tracing. Set-TraceSource Cmdlet e of Windows PowerShell components. Trace-Command Cmdlet specified expression or command. Start-Transcript Cmdlet Windows PowerShell session in a tex... Stop-Transcript Cmdlet Add-Content Cmdlet such as adding words to a file. Clear-Content Cmdlet h as deleting the text from a file, ... Clear-ItemProperty Cmdlet does not delete the property. Join-Path Cmdlet o a single path. The provider suppli... Convert-Path Cmdlet Shell path to a Windows PowerShell p... Copy-ItemProperty Cmdlet pecified location to another location. Get-EventLog Cmdlet a list of the event logs, on the loc... Clear-EventLog Cmdlet vent logs on the local or remote com... Write-EventLog Cmdlet Limit-EventLog Cmdlet imit the size of the event log and t... Show-EventLog Cmdlet or a remote computer in Event Viewer. New-EventLog Cmdlet ent source on a local or remote comp... Remove-EventLog Cmdlet an event source. Get-ChildItem Cmdlet

e or more specified locations. Get-Content Cmdlet specified location. Get-ItemProperty Cmdlet tem. Get-WmiObject Cmdlet Instrumentation (WMI) classes or in... Invoke-WmiMethod Cmdlet tion (WMI) methods. Move-ItemProperty Cmdlet o another. Get-Location Cmdlet orking location. Set-Location Cmdlet a specified location. Push-Location Cmdlet of a list of locations (a "stack"). Pop-Location Cmdlet location most recently pushed onto t... New-PSDrive Cmdlet n the current session. Remove-PSDrive Cmdlet rom its location. Get-PSDrive Cmdlet n the current session. Get-Item Cmdlet ion. New-Item Cmdlet Set-Item value specified in the command. Remove-Item Cmdlet Cmdlet

Gets the content of the item at the Gets the properties of a specified i Gets instances of Windows Management Calls Windows Management Instrumenta Moves a property from one location t Gets information about the current w Sets the current working location to Adds the current location to the top Changes the current location to the Creates a Windows PowerShell drive i Removes a Windows PowerShell drive f Gets the Windows PowerShell drives i Gets the item at the specified locat Creates a new item. Changes the value of an item to the Deletes the specified items. Moves an item from one location to a Renames an item in a Windows PowerSh Copies an item from one location to Deletes the contents of an item, but Performs the default action on the s Gets information about the specified Creates a new property for an item a Returns the specified part of a path Determines whether all elements of a Gets the processes that are running Stops one or more running processes. Waits for the processes to be stoppe Debugs one or more processes running Starts one or more processes on the

Move-Item Cmdlet nother. Rename-Item Cmdlet ell provider namespace. Copy-Item Cmdlet another within a namespace. Clear-Item Cmdlet does not delete the item. Invoke-Item Cmdlet pecified item. Get-PSProvider Cmdlet Windows PowerShell provider. New-ItemProperty Cmdlet nd sets its value. For example, you ... Split-Path Cmdlet . Test-Path Cmdlet path exist. Get-Process Cmdlet on the local computer or a remote co... Stop-Process Cmdlet Wait-Process d before accepting more input. Debug-Process on the local computer. Start-Process Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet

local computer. Remove-ItemProperty rom an item. Remove-WmiObject indows Management Instrumentation Rename-ItemProperty

Cmdlet Cmdlet (W... Cmdlet

Deletes the property and its value f Deletes an instance of an existing W Renames a property of an item. Subscribes to a Windows Management I Resolves the wildcard characters in Gets the services on a local or remo Stops one or more running services. Starts one or more stopped services. Suspends (pauses) one or more runnin Resumes one or more suspended (pause Stops and then starts one or more se Starts, stops, and suspends a servic Creates a new Windows service. Writes or replaces the content in an Creates or changes the value of a pr Creates or updates an instance of an Gets the current (active) transactio Starts a transaction. Commits the active transaction. Rolls back the active transaction. Adds the script block to the active Creates a Web service proxy object t Gets the hotfixes that have been app Sends ICMP echo request packets ("pi Enables the System Restore feature o Disables the System Restore feature Creates a system restore point on th Gets the restore points on the local Restarts ("reboots") the operating s Stops (shuts down) local and remote

Register-WmiEvent Cmdlet nstrumentation (WMI) event. Resolve-Path Cmdlet a path, and displays the path contents. Get-Service Cmdlet te computer. Stop-Service Cmdlet Start-Service Suspend-Service g services. Resume-Service d) services. Restart-Service rvices. Set-Service e, and changes its properties. New-Service Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet Cmdlet

Set-Content Cmdlet item with new content. Set-ItemProperty Cmdlet operty of an item. Set-WmiInstance Cmdlet existing Windows Management Instrum... Get-Transaction Cmdlet n. Start-Transaction Cmdlet Complete-Transaction Undo-Transaction Cmdlet Cmdlet

Use-Transaction Cmdlet transaction. New-WebServiceProxy Cmdlet hat lets you use and manage the Web ... Get-HotFix Cmdlet lied to the local and remote computers. Test-Connection Cmdlet ngs") to one or more computers. Enable-ComputerRestore Cmdlet n the specified file system drive. Disable-ComputerRestore Cmdlet on the specified file system drive. Checkpoint-Computer Cmdlet e local computer. Get-ComputerRestorePoint Cmdlet computer. Restart-Computer Cmdlet ystem on local and remote computers. Stop-Computer Cmdlet

computers. Restore-Computer Cmdlet computer. Add-Computer Cmdlet r workgroup. Remove-Computer Cmdlet kgroup or domain. Test-ComputerSecureChannel Cmdlet between the local computer and its ... Reset-ComputerMachinePassword Cmdlet for the computer. Get-Acl Cmdlet esource, such as a file or registry ... Set-Acl Cmdlet specified resource, such as a file ... Get-PfxCertificate Cmdlet ate files on the computer. Get-Credential Cmdlet user name and password. Get-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet current session. Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet Windows PowerShell execution policy. Get-AuthenticodeSignature Cmdlet ode signature in a file. Set-AuthenticodeSignature Cmdlet Windows PowerShell script or other f... ConvertFrom-SecureString Cmdlet rypted standard string. ConvertTo-SecureString Cmdlet to secure strings. It can also conve... Add-BitsFile Cmdlet g Background Intelligent Transfer Se... Complete-BitsTransfer Cmdlet ransfer Service (BITS) transfer job. Get-BitsTransfer Cmdlet ect for an existing Background Intel... Remove-BitsTransfer Cmdlet nsfer Service (BITS) transfer job. Resume-BitsTransfer Cmdlet nsfer Service (BITS) transfer job. Set-BitsTransfer Cmdlet ng Background Intelligent Transfer S... Start-BitsTransfer Cmdlet Transfer Service (BITS) transfer job. Suspend-BitsTransfer Cmdlet ansfer Service (BITS) transfer job. Get-TroubleshootingPack Cmdlet ting pack and can generate an answer... Invoke-TroubleshootingPack Cmdlet nteractive or unattended mode to fix... WSMan Provider Management (WS-Management) configura... Alias Provider Shell aliases and the values that th... Environment Provider onment variables. FileSystem Provider ries. Function Provider

Starts a system restore on the local Add the local computer to a domain o Remove the local computer from a wor Tests and repairs the secure channel Resets the machine account password Gets the security descriptor for a r Changes the security descriptor of a Gets information about .pfx certific Gets a credential object based on a Gets the execution policies for the Changes the user preference for the Gets information about the Authentic Adds an Authenticode signature to a Converts a secure string into an enc Converts encrypted standard strings Adds one or more files to an existin Completes a Background Intelligent T Retrieves the associated BitsJob obj Cancels a Background Intelligent Tra Resumes a Background Intelligent Tra Modifies the properties of an existi Creates a new Background Intelligent Suspends a Background Intelligent Tr Gets information about a troubleshoo Executes a troubleshooting pack in i Provides access to Web Services for Provides access to the Windows Power Provides access to the Windows envir Provides access to files and directo Provides access to the functions def

ined in Windows PowerShell. Registry Provider ry keys and values from Windows Powe... Variable Provider Shell variables and to their values. Certificate Provider stores and certificates from within... about_BITS_Cmdlets HelpFile t the Background Intelligent Transfer about_aliases HelpFile for cmdlets and commands in Windows about_Arithmetic_Operators HelpFile arithmetic in Windows PowerShell. about_arrays HelpFile or storing data elements. about_Assignment_Operators HelpFile sign values to variables. about_Automatic_Variables HelpFile information for Windows PowerShell. about_Break HelpFile immediately exit Foreach, For, While, about_command_precedence HelpFile ermines which command to run. about_Command_Syntax HelpFile ows PowerShell syntax in Help. about_Comment_Based_Help HelpFile Help topics for functions and scripts. about_CommonParameters HelpFile used with any cmdlet. about_Comparison_Operators HelpFile values in Windows PowerShell. about_Continue HelpFile immediately returns the program flow about_Core_Commands HelpFile for use with Windows PowerShell about_data_sections HelpFile e text strings and other read-only about_debuggers HelpFile ugger. about_do HelpFile mes, subject to a While or Until about_environment_variables HelpFile ronment variables in Windows about_escape_characters HelpFile indows PowerShell and explains about_eventlogs HelpFile event log that is about_execution_policies HelpFile cution policies and explains about_For HelpFile use to run statements based on a about_Foreach HelpFile use to traverse all the items in a about_format.ps1xml HelpFile owerShell define the default display about_functions HelpFile tions in Windows PowerShell. about_functions_advanced HelpFile ct similar to cmdlets. about_functions_advanced_methods HelpFile

Provides access to the system regist Provides access to the Windows Power Provides access to X.509 certificate Provides background information abou Describes how to use alternate names Describes the operators that perform Describes a compact data structure f Describes how to use operators to as Describes variables that store state Describes a statement you can use to Describes how Windows PowerShell det Describes the notation used for Wind Describes how to write comment-based Describes the parameters that can be Describes the operators that compare Describes how the Continue statement Lists the cmdlets that are designed Explains Data sections, which isolat Describes the Windows PowerShell deb Runs a statement list one or more ti Describes how to access Windows envi Introduces the escape character in W Windows PowerShell creates a Windows Describes the Windows PowerShell exe Describes a language command you can Describes a language command you can The Format.ps1xml files in Windows P Describes how to create and use func Introduces advanced functions that a Describes how functions that specify

the CmdletBinding attribute can use about_functions_advanced_param... HelpFile ic parameters to functions that declare about_functions_cmdletbindinga... HelpFile a function that acts similar to a about_hash_tables HelpFile rt hash tables in Windows PowerShell. about_History HelpFile mmands in the command history. about_If HelpFile use to run statement lists based about_jobs HelpFile ws PowerShell background jobs run a about_job_details HelpFile bs on local and remote computers. about_join HelpFile in) combines multiple strings into a about_Language_Keywords HelpFile s PowerShell scripting language. about_Line_Editing HelpFile e Windows PowerShell command prompt. about_locations HelpFile he working location in Windows about_logical_operators HelpFile statements in Windows PowerShell. about_methods HelpFile orm actions on objects in Windows about_modules HelpFile use Windows PowerShell modules. about_objects HelpFile objects in Windows PowerShell. about_operators HelpFile ported by Windows PowerShell. about_parameters HelpFile rameters in Windows PowerShell. about_Parsing HelpFile ses commands. about_Path_Syntax HelpFile name formats in Windows PowerShell. about_pipelines HelpFile the Windows PowerShell about_preference_variables HelpFile r of Windows PowerShell about_profiles HelpFile ndows PowerShell profile. about_prompts HelpFile monstrates how to create a custom about_properties HelpFile es in Windows PowerShell. about_providers HelpFile viders provide access to data and about_pssessions HelpFile s (PSSessions) and explains how to about_pssession_details HelpFile Windows PowerShell sessions and the about_PSSnapins HelpFile s and shows how to use and manage them. about_Quoting_Rules HelpFile double quotation marks about_Redirection HelpFile

Explains how to add static and dynam Describes an attribute that declares Describes how to create, use, and so Describes how to retrieve and run co Describes a language command you can Provides information about how Windo Provides details about background jo Describes how the join operator (-jo Describes the keywords in the Window Describes how to edit commands at th Describes how to access items from t Describes the operators that connect Describes how to use methods to perf Explains how to install, import, and Provides essential information about Describes the operators that are sup Describes how to work with cmdlet pa Describes how Windows PowerShell par Describes the full and relative path Combining commands into pipelines in Variables that customize the behavio Describes how to create and use a Wi Describes the Prompt function and de Describes how to use object properti Describes how Windows PowerShell pro Describes Windows PowerShell session Provides detailed information about Describes Windows PowerShell snap-in Describes rules for using single and Describes how to redirect output fro

m Windows PowerShell to text files. about_Ref HelpFile ference variable type. about_regular_expressions HelpFile dows PowerShell. about_remote HelpFile in Windows PowerShell. about_remote_FAQ HelpFile running remote commands about_remote_jobs HelpFile on remote computers. about_remote_output HelpFile t the output of remote commands. about_remote_requirements HelpFile d configuration requirements for about_remote_troubleshooting HelpFile operations in Windows PowerShell. about_requires HelpFile quiring the specified snap-ins and about_Reserved_Words HelpFile be used as identifiers because they about_Return HelpFile e a function, script, or script block. about_scopes HelpFile dows PowerShell and shows how to set about_scripts HelpFile ts in Windows PowerShell. about_script_blocks HelpFile xplains how to use script blocks in about_script_internationalization HelpFile ation features of Windows PowerShell... about_Session_Configurations HelpFile ich determine the users who can about_Signing HelpFile they comply with the Windows about_Special_Characters HelpFile t you can use to control how about_split HelpFile or to split one or more strings into about_Switch HelpFile le multiple If statements. about_Throw HelpFile enerates a terminating error. about_transactions HelpFile perations in Windows PowerShell. about_trap HelpFile erminating error. about_try_catch_finally HelpFile and Finally blocks to handle about_types.ps1xml HelpFile let you extend the Microsoft .NET about_type_operators HelpFile th Microsoft .NET Framework types. about_Variables HelpFile that can be used in Windows about_While HelpFile you can use to run a command block about_wildcards HelpFile ters in Windows PowerShell. about_Windows_PowerShell_2.0 HelpFile

Describes how to create and use a re Describes regular expressions in Win Describes how to run remote commands Contains questions and answers about Describes how to run background jobs Describes how to interpret and forma Describes the system requirements an Describes how to troubleshoot remote Prevents a script from running by re Lists the reserved words that cannot Exits the current scope, which can b Explains the concept of scope in Win Describes how to write and run scrip Defines what a script block is and e Describes the script internationaliz Describes session configurations, wh Explains to how sign scripts so that Describes the special characters tha Explains how to use the split operat Explains how to use a switch to hand Describes the Throw keyword, which g Describes how to manage transacted o Describes a keyword that handles a t Describes how to use the Try, Catch, Explains how the Types.ps1xml files Describes the operators that work wi Describes how variables store values Describes a language statement that Describes how to use wildcard charac Describes the new features that are

included in Windows PowerShell 2.0. about_Windows_PowerShell_ISE HelpFile quirements of Windows PowerShell about_WMI_Cmdlets HelpFile t Windows Management Instrumentation about_WS-Management_Cmdlets HelpFile for Management (WS-Management) as default HelpFile ll cmdlets and concepts.

Describes the features and system re Provides background information abou Provides an overview of Web Services Displays help about Windows PowerShe

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